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ABSTRACT Objective: This research article addresses the understanding of the resignification of the concept of love from the transformations generated by the pandemic and the confinement by Covid-19 in Medellín (Colombia) between 2020 and2023, making a brief account of the heuristic memory used for the design, collection and analysis of research information, specifying methodological elements on which the process was based and the ways by which it was possible to come up with new findings; Subsequently, some semantic networks generated in the atlas.ti software are presented with their respective analyzesfrom which a session ofresults and conclusions is projected. Materials and methods: Regarding the investigative structure, four moments were developed. In the first one, the ontoepistemological foundation was developed, for which printed and digital scientific bibliographic sources were used, analyzing more than 250 articles in English and Spanish. The second moment was the development and application of semi-structured interviews to key informants. The third moment was the realization of the panel of experts with the adaptation of the Delphi methodology. The fourth, and last moment, was the analysis of the information collected for the consolidation of the products and results of the research through analysis matrices and the atlas.ti software for qualitative data processing. The research was developed in the city of Medellín from January 2021 to May 2023. The key informants were selected through the intentional sampling model, which responded to the criteria that guided the investigative process. Thus, the main inclusion criteria, for the general population, were being of legal age and having been part of an emotional or family relationship during the period of confinement by Covid-19 in the city of Medellín. The key informants were chosen among consultants of the psychology service, in total, 30 interviews were carried out with the general population. On the other hand, four professionals in psychology were selected whose professional work was related to the attention to the previously described population before, during and after the period of confinement. Finally, four experts were selected to carry out the panel, trained in clinical psychology, social work, sociology and sexology. Results: The data collected was processed through the Atlas.ti software, in which 38files corresponding to the transcripts of interviews with the population, interviews with professionals and panel of experts were collected. Likewise, in the processing of information, six main categories were identified in which 32 emerging codes were grouped, supported by 918 citations of the analyzed instruments. As a result of this research, it has been shown that pandemic postmodernity generated changes regarding the meaning of the concept of love, while exacerbating the characteristic elements of postmodernity, such as the relativization of ties. Added to this is a reality that had a direct impact on such ties, such as the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which not only affected people's health, but also caused profound transformations in the social fabric, from in particular, in relational dynamics, as it fostered the permanent use of digital and virtual networks given the mandatory nature of social distancing. In this same logic, the research sought a deep reflection on those new scenarios that were arranged by confinement in the context of postmodernity, particularly analyzing the way in which couples and families began to live new relational experiences in affective matters. . In this way, it is understood that love is a dynamic concept that changes according to the social and contextual particularities that, in this case, generated the pandemic. Among the most significant findings of this research, it is found that, in effect, great and profound transformations have been perceived around the meaning of the concept of love, given that the pandemic and confinement were activators of affective conflicts that had not been processed. in other scenarios. The interviewees state that love has been evolving and that a generational gap is beginning to become evident in the way other generations understood and lived love. In this way, family and couple love have taken on new meanings, which go hand in hand with new structural relational models in emotional and affective contacts. In accordance with the above, a large majority of key informants refer that the rise of the media and, particularly, of social networks, have generated profound effects on the concept of love from the perspective of the couple and the family, basing such changes in the amount of time invested in the use of devices and in the relational logics that are established through the different social networks, in which the possibility of meeting hundreds of people is established, having hundreds of close contacts, but, most of the time, without the possibility of generating deep ties. Conclusions: It is concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the use of digital platforms and, consequently, new relational scenarios were consolidated that continue to feed relativism and the link fragility of postmodernity. When carrying out the analysis of the information obtained during the field work, it is possible to recognize some common discourses among the people who participated in the investigation. In this logic, one could speak of interpretations and conceptualizations that have simply begun to be part of the social construct, perhaps as a kind of imaginary in which ideas that become commonplace are simply accepted, which are influenced, or in some cases cases even defined by the massive consumption of content on social networks. Addressing the theme of love was, as anticipated in the onto-epistemological foundation of the research, dealing with a topic in which all people have something to contribute and about which there is always something to say. Added to this approach is the issue of the pandemic, another reality about which all human beings of the present time have something to say, as it is a recent event that affected the lives of all people. Both realities, love and the pandemic, run the risk of falling into subjectivity, taking into account that they end up being personal experiences that may be far from constructions based on an epistemological reflection and of which it can be said that emotions, sensations andfeelings prevail feelings when trying to talk about them.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Las audiencias locales que se sitúan fuera de las capitales y de las grandes urbes deben conformarse con la información y contenidos televisivos nacionales, perdiendo la conexión con sus territorios debido al marcado centralismo de los medios capitalinos. Este artículo caracteriza las tensiones de las audiencias locales del norte de Chile en relación con su televisión local, también denominada de proximidad. Materiales y métodos: La metodología es cualitativa, realizándose grupos focales con las audiencias de seis comunas de la región de Coquimbo que tuviesen televisoras locales operativas y que declarasen ver periódicamente medios locales. Resultados: Entre los hallazgos se destaca el interés y el requerimiento de la ciudadanía por las noticias locales en un claro sentido de proximidad y cercanía con su territorio, detectando además otras demandas sociales, políticas, culturales y educativas de las audiencias que podrían ser canalizadas por las televisoras locales. Se evidencia un distanciamiento y crítica hacia contenidos sensacionalistas de la televisión nacional, siendo el centralismo informativo una de las razones para la poca empatía hacia estos medios de comunicación. A juicio de los participantes, las tensiones entre lo local y lo capitalino no solo se aprecian a nivel país, sino también entre capitales regionales, provincias y comunas, siguiendo la división político-administrativa de Chile. Conclusiones: Se concluye que existe una marcada preferencia por el contenido de proximidad, lo que se explica en parte por el alejamiento y crítica que se declara hacia los medios de cobertura nacional. Se plantean como tensiones la falta de espacios de comunicación y promoción del diálogo social que les permita a las audiencias ser escuchadas por sus actores políticos locales y regionales, desaprovechando el interés de la televidencia local por contenidos de proximidad que les permitan crecer, desarrollarse y lograr una mayor participación ciudadana en el ecosistema medial chileno.
ABSTRACT Objective: Media centralism and the lack of attention to the preferences and demands of local audiences is an obvious reality that must be faced by those who live outside large cities and capitals, understanding that there are audiences that demand local content, but that must settle for aprogrammingproduced from and for the capital, even more so when it comes to the Chilean television system. This article characterizes the tensions of local audiences in northern Chile in relation to their local television, also called proximity. Materials and methods: The study carried out a qualitative methodology, since it seeks to understand human behavior in a given territory and historical moment. The data collection was carried out using the technique of focus groups in order to explain and deepen the situations of people as local audiences and their feelings and thoughts on various problems. The focus groups discussed their local television and their link with national television considering the informational centralism and political centralism within the Coquimbo Region. The sample corresponds to the audience of cities belonging to urban and rural communes of the Coquimbo Region, in Chile, where there are local television media and that have declared their intention to migrate to digital television. The cities that are part of the study are: Andacollo, La Serena, Los Vilos, Illapel and Salamanca. For recruitment, the snowball method was used, with a total of 52 participants. All the participants were over 18 years of age with a residence of more than 10years in the city. There was gender balance. Six focus groups were held in neighborhood offices in each city. The sessions were recorded and later transcribed, being systematized using the Atlas.tisoftware, version 9. Resulted: The results are described through three categories of analysis, regarding the opinions of the audiences: 1) Local information 2) National television: positive and negative aspects and 3) Information centralism and media demands. 1 ) Local information as a center of interest: Audiences place local news among their preferences. In each focus group, the informative genre of these media was highly valued and required. It represents a fundamental demand when evaluating local television positively. 2) Link with national television coverage: Along with the preference for local news, there is also an unfavorable opinion towards national news and towards the journalistic routines of the capital television stations whose coverage privileges the events that occurred in the Metropolitan Region in the information guidelines, often falling into sensationalism, especially when it comes to police court facts. 3) Information centralism and media demands: in the opinion of the participants, the tensions between the local and the capital are not only appreciated at the country level, but also between regional capitals, provinces and communes, following the political-administrative division of Chile. Conclusions: Regarding the characteristics of local television consumption, a first conclusion was the confirmation of the interest and consumption of local audiences in content that addresses issues related to their environment, an issue that is in line with previous studies on communication and local television. Similar to national television consumption, local news represented the preferred content. If there is a fire or a traffic accident in the city, audiences want to see it on their local television and, hopefully, live or as instantly as possible. This is informative content that does not compete in any case with national television, as it deals with local news events. Unless something out of the ordinary happens, whose connotation is national and in this case -the fewest times- the city, province or region makes news and appears nationally. A very important link was detected between local audiences with their own territories. The link was verified through two factors: a) the expectations of seeing local content not only on themes about their cities, but also from geographically broader places, such as communes, provinces or the Coquimbo Region itself; b) a large part of the social demands that underlie the opinions of the audiences surroundfeelings of belonging, desire for decentralization and local development. The need for representation of local audiences is verified, that is, seeing their territories on the screen, feeling reflected on national TV through their cultural, territorial, geographical, touristic, or other particularities is the cause that is associated Local (non-capital) audiences arepart of a marginalized sector from a political and economic point of view. In this sense, there is a glimpse of a disconnection between the political/public world that promotes actions that should benefit the community, but that fail to reach potential users in a good way. In the same line of discussion, social demands for access to public information that benefits them and brings them closer to local political actors are detected. Know and understand the territorial public policies that result in a better quality of life. These social/political demands are intermingled with the media needs that could be channeled into more spaces to debate, talk and express their opinions to participate in the local public debate.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar desde una perspectiva etnográfica los procesos étnicos-identitarios y la organización etnopolítica de la población indígena en la localidad de Carhué, provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Para ello fueron atendidas diversas cuestiones, como las estrategias, los reclamos y las formas de resistencia llevadas a cabo por las familias que la componen. En este análisis resulta central atender a la emergencia étnica de la década de 1990 en espacios urbanos y las legislaciones que tienen como principales destinatarios a los pueblos originarios del país. Materiales y métodos: El trabajo con las familias mapuches de Carhué comenzó en 2018 a partir de una demanda específica para colaborar en la tramitación de su personería jurídica y las pautas de trabajo fueron definidas en conjunto. De esta manera, la metodología parte y se sustenta en el trabajo colaborativo. La perspectiva etnográfica se nutrió de entrevistas formales y dirigidas, charlas informales y observación participante, lo cual se trianguló con la búsqueda de fuentes en diversos archivos y la lectura bibliográfica de antecedentes teóricos en el tema. Resultados: En este trabajo hemos mostrado la necesaria movilización y elaboración de estrategias de las comunidades indígenas para hacer cumplir sus derechos como pueblos preexistentes ante la ausencia de respuestas de los diversos niveles del Estado y la falta de implementación de las leyes y normativas concernientes a los pueblos indígenas. Conclusiones: Pudimos observar que, a pesar de la falta de respuesta en relación con los reclamos indígenas, la organización etnopolítica de la comunidad de Carhué sigue creciendo en pos de visibilizar su presencia en el ámbito local, reclamar por el cumplimiento de derechos y por el acceso a la tierra para disponer de espacios propios para su reproducción y fortalecimiento.
ABSTRACT Objective: This paper seeks to contribute, from the perspective of Social Anthropology, to the analysis of the ethnopolitical organization and identity revaluation of indigenous communities in Argentina. For this purpose, we will focus on the organization process of the families of the Mapuche Kalfulafken community in the urban region of Carhué, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), which has gained momentum in the last decades. In short, the aim is to analyze how indigenous claims in Carhué are constituted around territory, ethnic identity and living conditions by considering resistance strategies and access to resources over time and in relation to the different levels of the State -municipality, province and nation-. Central to this analysis is the indigenous emergence of recent times, which began in the 1990s and is characterized by a growing ethnic awareness and emergence. Additionally, reanalyzing the legislations that principally address the original pueblos of the country and the legal and regulatory advances that, in many cases, are due to the continued mobilization and organization of indigenous groups have been very important in the processes of identity reconstruction. Materials and methods: The approach from which we start this research corresponds to the perspective of Social Anthropology. The fieldwork with the Mapuche families of Carhué began in 2018 from a specific demand to the research/outreach group to collaborate in their request for recognition before the provincial State (through the processing of their legal status). The steps to be followed in the research and the work guidelines were defined together with the community, so that the methodology is based on collaborative work. A bibliographic survey of theoretical antecedents was carried out. The research question focused on the forms of organization of the Mapuche families and their relationship with the processes of ethnic-identity reconfiguration in Carhué, framed in the context of the indigenous emergence and resurgence of ethnic and territorial demands in the area. Returning to the field on several occasions, deepening the topics and reworking the methodological strategies allowed us to construct the objectives and better orient the research. The methodology was ethnographic and a diverse group of actors were interviewed: the members of the indigenous organization, inhabitants of Carhué, governmental and non-governmental officials, and others. Open and in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, individual, and group interviews were carried out. The aim was to reconstruct life histories and trajectories in order to try to understand social phenomena from the perspective of the actors. Thus, participant observation was an importantpart of the fieldwork. The perspective was nurtured and triangulated with the search for primary and secondary sources and complementary cases through the work in the local archive at the request of Kalfulafken, given the importance of making an approach with some historical depth to reconstruct the facts of persecution and violence against indigenous peoples in Argentina. Results: The work is framed within the resurgence of the demands and processes of identity reconstruction that have been gaining strength in the country since the 1990s. The large presence of the indigenous population in urban spaces is highlighted in the face of the historically constructed ideas of denial, discrimination and exclusion that have their roots in the colonial period and continued with the formation of the National State. We focus on the history of ethnopolitical organization and the forms of resistance ofthefamilies of Carhué, which has gained momentum in the last decades and seeks to assert their presence in the urban environment. From which, the members appeal to distance themselvesfrom and question the discourses promoted by state institutions that sought to dominate and make the indigenous population in the region invisible. In this way, we address the strategies and activities implemented by the Kalfulafken community that seek to question the 'official history' and demonstrate the subjugation, discrimination and invisibilization suffered and to reaffirm their current presence in Carhué. Such processes have led, on the one hand, to new links with other ethnopolitical groups, universities, national and local institutions, and on the other hand, to the generation of new spaces for participation and networks in the area in order to have greater visibility and strengthen their claims. In addition, we highlight the community's search for support and recognitionfrom local authorities in order to make their claims viable. Conclusions: From the analysis on the organizational processes of a Mapuche community in the province of Buenos Aires we can make several conclusions. On the one hand, in the absence of responses from the various levels of the State and the lack of implementation of laws and regulations concerning indigenous peoples, it is the communities that must mobilize and develop strategies to enforce their rights as pre-existing peoples. Despite the lack of response to the indigenous claims, the ethnopolitical organization of the community of Carhué continues to grow in order to make its presence visible at the local level and to claim the fulfillment of their rights and the recovery of their territories in order to have their own spaces and cultural autonomy for their reproduction. Another issue that was highlighted was the need forgreater access to funds and social projects that would allow these objectives to be carried out and that wouldprovide scholarships for the younger generations to study. That is to say that these requests that have arisen in the organization are linked, since in order to have autonomy they must have territories and funds to sustain it. In summary, the above allows us to account for the local ethnopolitical work and the impact of the productions and materials produced within the framework of university extension to accompany such processes. Likewise, the presence of indigenous movements makes it clear that the state projects of a homogeneous Argentina have not been achieved. In the case of Kalfulafken we have been able to see that in addition to the processing of their legal status, the community seeks to generate new spaces for intervention and networks in the region to achieve greater visibility and strengthen their claims.
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ABSTRACT University social responsibility is a set of actions that helps to promote the active participation of students in their university education, with ethical conduct to create a culture of social commitment based on values and academic quality. The main role of the university is to develop the functions of teaching, research and social responsibility; this allows creating a broader vision of the needs in the community, generating competent professionals and causing a positive impact (Palomino, Vázquez, Vicente, & Tomás, 2019). Objective: To identify the main authors of the subject from the systematic review of the literature, to point out the four axis that RSU has and the four university impacts. Materials and methods: This research is exploratory and documentary with a qualitative approach. The information sources used correspond to consultation pages, among which are: Google academic, and Likewise, inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to collect information and the results obtained were delimited after adding search conditions such as the year interval from 2017 to 2023. Another limitation is that they were only review articles and in any language. Results: The results obtained were 10 definitions of prominent authors which haves an impact on the fact that the University social responsibility has 8 dimensions among which are: Responsible Campus, Citizen Education, Social Knowledge Management, and Mutual Learning Communities for Development, Organizational, Educational, Cognitive and social. The four axis of the RSU are the basis of the organizations to be able to fulfill the mission that each university community pursues. Within the responsible campus, care is taken to ensure that environmental and sustainable care is met and students are taught to participate in it. , responsible citizen and professional training, deontology, which is the duty of people, this helps the university community to do things ethically and with good morals inside and outside universities, knowledge management is a of the main tasks of higher education institutions, social work, the reason for being of various organizations, thanks to which they can disseminate their knowledge and contribute to the development of community and group culture, and finally the need for The society of inclusion and communication between people occur within communities of mutual learning for development. The organizational impacts, within the RSU, impact people, management and sustainability. The educational impacts are related to the training of students (their ethics, their way of interpreting the world and the social role that corresponds to them) and involves all university processes (curriculum, central administration and knowledge management policies). Cognitive impacts are the dissemination of knowledge and social impacts are the relationship within and on the university campus, the treatment and participation of students; Students in the different branches offered. When reviewing and reading the different existing articles, it was observed that there is little information regarding the RSU, focusing on a chronology of the different authors from 2014 to date. Within the articles reviewed, it can be defined that RSU trains, teaches, supports, promotes, guides and organizes; involving the student community, teachers, administrative and managerial staff. The RSU transmits responsible knowledge, ethical principles and helps to train responsible citizen professionals. Conclusion: After studying the literary review, it can be mentioned that all the axis of the RSU must have the participation of the students and all the people who make up the university community in order to have a responsible university, both internally and externally, according to the different concepts that are mentioned of University Social Responsibility; In other words, it is a way to help the professional and civic training of all students, since this is part of what social responsibility seeks. It is mentioned that university students must get involved in real problems within their professional and civic training, since this helps to create links between learning and social responsibility and thus be able to promote human development, both ethically and morally, as that participation in the different projects that the same institution carries out in its activities will grow.Ramírez (2020),Quezada and Rodríguez (2019),Arauco and Apaza (2022),Évora (2017), agree that RSU is reflected in the existence of four axis for the socially responsible management of universities, so that the students are aware that everything that is done within the institution will be reflected outside of it. Complying with Social Responsibility in higher education is a transformation resource that promotes compliance with transparent practices and ethical conduct for sustainable development, generating social well-being on the university campus for the comprehensive and ideal training of its students. Currently, globalization leads to constant changes in organizations and forces them to be able to identify their challenges for the new trends that their environment requires. Therefore, globalization, competition, technology, social responsibility, knowledge and intangible assets demand serious modifications in their structures and strategies from companies.Niebles Nuñez et al. (2018)the universities have the important mission of equitably distributing knowledge and social information. That is why universities must assume the position of University Social Responsibility and analyze whether effective or null knowledge is being provided. The current era is characterized by its constant change, in social demands, in the role of traditional actors, in the situation at the regional and international level, in development approaches (Uribe et al., 2020). Addressing the issue of RSU requires articulating the various parts of the institution in an equitable and sustainable social promotion project, for the production and transmission of responsible knowledge and the training of equally responsible citizen professionals (Mosquera Tayupanta and Alba Granados, 2021; Peña y otros, 2017). There is a proposal for university social responsibility that provides a space for participation in the activities carried out and that are adapted to the new acquisition modalities for students, in addition to the fact that university social responsibility seeks not only to work on the axis of transformation within of the institution, but is also aimed at the entire society that is involved (Pedró, 2019). The university must promote the participation of its students in cultural, social, sports and environmental activities.
In our polarized societies, more companies are taking a stand on divisive sociopolitical issues. However, given the mixed findings from previous studies, it remains unclear whether Corporate Activism (CA) is more likely to hurt or help a company's performance and reputation, or shape the public's attitudes toward the sociopolitical issue involved. To better understand the impact of CA in polarized societies, it is valuable to study moderating factors, especially those linked to polarization. A meta-analysis of 72 scholarly works is conducted to examine the impact of CA on various outcomes (e.g. ads and social media engagement, cognitive and attitudinal reactions, public's intentions and actions, emotional reactions, social and ethical engagement, workplace, and employee perceptions) and the role of moderators (a sociopolitical issue's political leaning and controversy level, political orientation of the target audience, key demographics). The analysis reveals a positive, albeit small, effect size (0.085 [95% CI (0.0542, 0.1158)]) with the most impact on two outcomes: cognitive and attitudinal reactions, and emotional reactions. It further reveals that companies adopting liberal-leaning CAs elicit more favorable responses than those adopting conservative CAs and that liberals respond positively to CA, while conservatives are more neutral. However, when there is alignment between the CA's political leaning and the audience's political orientation, conservatives have a stronger positive response than liberals. Also, younger audiences view CA more positively. Finally, per national culture, while power distance and individualism positively moderate the reaction to CA, uncertainty avoidance has a negative effect.
BACKGROUND: Food waste is a global issue affecting society from environmental, nutritional, and social perspectives. In collaboration with the National Board of Preschools, fruit and vegetable waste generated during the preparation of lunch was quantified in four preschools in the Metropolitan area of Santiago in Chile. METHODS: This study was conducted in four preschools, two in the Western area of Santiago and two in the Eastern area, of which two hold environmental quality certifications. Over a five-day period, the weight of raw materials and waste from vegetables (peels) and fruit (pomace) were measured. Percentages of vegetable and fruit post-cleaning losses and waste were evaluated. RESULTS: Vegetable loss exceeded 20% in 31% of the preschools, primarily from carrots and potatoes. Fruit losses were higher, with pears accounting for the most significant waste, recorded in 75% of the study centers. No differences in vegetable loss was found between centers, while variations were observed for fruit. Preschools with environmental quality certifications wasted less onions (p = 0.016) but more pears (p = 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: There is higher fruit loss than vegetable loss, with onions and tomatoes being the least wasted. Possessing an environmental quality certification does not guarantee a significant reduction in overall losses. Handling and storage conditions may play a key role in minimizing losses. Further studies are needed to provide evidence that can guide improvements in Chile's National Board of Preschools services, aiming for a more sustainable lunch preparation processes.
Frutas , Verduras , Chile , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Instituições AcadêmicasRESUMO
Distrust in science has been linked to scepticism over vaccines and climate change. Using data from nationally representative surveys administered in eight key countries for global efforts to mitigate climate change and COVID-19 (Australia, Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Africa, the UK and US), we find that distrust in scientists was an important predictor variable for most sceptics, who were sceptical of one issue but not both, in February 2021, when most countries had experienced their first wave of the pandemic. However, the association was significantly weaker among the segment of hardcore sceptics who were both climate sceptics and antivaxxers. We demonstrate that these individuals tended to possess many of the typical sceptic characteristics such as high distrust in social institutions and rightward political orientation, which are (collectively) suggestive of an underlying sceptic mindset rather than a specific distrust of scientists. Our results suggest that different types of sceptics necessitate different strategies to dispel scepticism.
COVID-19 , Mudança Climática , Opinião Pública , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Confiança/psicologia , Atitude , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , China/epidemiologia , Austrália , Feminino , Masculino , Pandemias , Brasil , Índia/epidemiologia , Japão , África do Sul/epidemiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a major international issue, not only from a medical point of view, but also social, economic and political. Most of the available information comes from the United States, Europe, and China, where the population and the socioeconomic status are very different from Latin American countries. This study evaluates the effect of regional socioeconomic characteristics on mortality due SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases (IMRD) from Argentina, Mexico and Brazil. METHODS: Data from three national registries, SAR-COVID (Argentina), CMR-COVID (Mexico) and ReumaCoV-Brasil (Brazil), were combined. Adult IMRD patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection were recruited. National data for each province/state, including population density, number of physicians per inhabitant, income, unemployment, GINI index, Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI), stringency index, vaccination rate and most frequent viral strains per period were assessed as risk factors for mortality due to COVID-19. RESULTS: A total of 4744 patients were included, 2534 (53.4%) from SAR-COVID, 1166 (24.6%) from CMRCOVID and 1044 (22.0%) from ReumaCoV-Brasil. Mortality due to COVID-19 was 5.4%. In the multivariable analysis, higher number of physicians per 1000 inhabitants and being infected during the vaccination period of each country were associated with lower mortality. After adjustment for socioeconomic factors, there was no association with country of residence and mortality. CONCLUSION: These findings corroborate the complex interplay between socioeconomic factors, rheumatic disease activity, and regional disparities as determinants of death due to COVID-19 in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. Thus, this research provides valuable insights for guiding public health policies and clinical practice in the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 , Doenças Reumáticas , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Humanos , COVID-19/mortalidade , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Doenças Reumáticas/mortalidade , Brasil/epidemiologia , México/epidemiologia , Argentina/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , SARS-CoV-2 , Fatores de Risco , Desemprego/estatística & dados numéricos , Idoso , Sistema de Registros , Densidade DemográficaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Deficiencies in communication among healthcare professionals, recognized by medical educators and healthcare institutions, can negatively impact medical education and clinical practice. Analyzing teacher-resident communication difficulties shed light on this issue and propose practical strategies for its mitigation. OBJECTIVE: To identify common communication challenges between teacher and residents during Family Medicine residency and to analyze their impact on interactions with peers, the work team, and patients. DESIGN: Qualitative study, the critical incident technique was used to collect information of interest. PARTICIPANTS: Seventy teachers, and fifty third-year residents from the Mexican Republic described critical incidents related to their communication experiences during Family Medicine residency. RESULTS: 192 critical incidents were collected (several participants reported more than one incident), comprising 127 reports from teachers, and 65 from residents. Four themes were identified: 1) asymmetric communication, 2) assertive communication, 3) organizational communication, and 4) effective communication. The main challenges identified were abuse of power in communication, lack of communication skills, and the absence of institutional communication channels. These issues significantly impacted learning, work environment, interpersonal relationships, and medical care. CONCLUSION: This study highlights communication issues within Family Medicine residency in Mexico. The issues detected hindered learning and effective collaboration and negatively impacted the work environment, interpersonal relationships, and the quality of medical care. These findings underscore the urgent need to reorient the medical specialty curriculum towards an approach that includes communication skills.
Comunicação , Medicina de Família e Comunidade , Internato e Residência , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Medicina de Família e Comunidade/educação , Feminino , Masculino , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Adulto , MéxicoRESUMO
Parasitic infections are among the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in horses worldwide. In the Andean mountainous regions of Chile, horses are a highly valued specie, playing a key role as working animals also providing support in cattle transhumance grazing into high mountainous areas during dry season. The breeding and maintenance of horses in the mountainous region of La Araucanía in Chile is a key issue allowing to the subsistence economy of communities with a strong ethnic component represented by Mapuche-Pehuenche origin families. However, the health status of these animals is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine endoparasitic infections in horses from this area and the main factors that may influence parasitism. Thus, a cross-sectional study performed in 126 working horses from Andean region was achieved by using different coproparasitologycal analyses, resulting in a 97,6% of prevalence of endoparasitism with the strongyle eggs showing the highest prevalence of infection in analysed horses (96%) followed by Oxyuris equi (27%), Parascaris equorum (17,5%) and protozoans including ciliates (11,1%), Blastocystis spp (5,6%), Giardia spp (2,4%) and Cryptosporidium spp (1,6%) highlighting zoonotic relevance of some of these species. Concerning risk factors, the high prevalence suggests that exposure was high regardless of age or sex. The higher proportion of infected horses were grazing compared to those stabled, likewise drinking non-potable water, being these the main risks factors linked to the high prevalence of horse infections in Andean communities here studied.
Doenças dos Cavalos , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Chile/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Fezes/parasitologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/parasitologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Cavalos , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: The proportion of older transplant recipients has increased. Cognitive impairment is not rare after kidney transplant, but data on this issue in liver transplant recipients are scarse. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated all liver transplant recipients from a single center in Brazil from July 2018 to June 2020 in terms of cognitive performance to determine the prevalence of neurocognitive disorder. We compared liver transplant recipients with neurocognitive disorder with liver transplant recipients without neurocognitive disorder. We also compared those with an alcoholic cause of liver transplant with other patients. The presence of depressive symptoms was assessed. We performed correlations of clinical data with cognitive scores. RESULTS: In a sample of 100 recipients with median age of 62 years (interquartile range, 56.2-69 y), neurocognitive disorder was present in 21% of the group. Patients with cognitive impairment were older (68 y [61-72] vs 61 y [52-68]; P = .019) and had a trend to higher proportion of persistent kidney injury (33.3% vs 13.9%; P = .055) versus patients without cognitive impairment. Recipients with alcoholic cause of liver transplant exhibited worse cognitive performance in the Mini-Mental State Examination (score of 26 [23.7-28.2] vs 28 [26-29]; P = .024) and the Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive (score of 10.4 [8.6-14.2] vs 8 [6.3-10]; P = .008) than other patients. Weak negative correlations were shown in cognitive performance scores versus recipient age (Semantic Verbal Fluency test, r = -0.334 [P = .001]; Clock Drawing test, r = -0.209 [P = .037]; Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive, r = -0.323 [P = .001]). CONCLUSIONS: Neurocognitive disorder was common in liver transplant recipients, in part due to increased age. This study also suggested a role for alcoholic cause of liver transplant and persistent kidney injury in the development of cognitive impairment.
Cognição , Disfunção Cognitiva , Transplante de Fígado , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Transplante de Fígado/efeitos adversos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Masculino , Feminino , Brasil/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Idoso , Prevalência , Disfunção Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Disfunção Cognitiva/epidemiologia , Disfunção Cognitiva/etiologia , Disfunção Cognitiva/psicologia , Resultado do Tratamento , Fatores Etários , Medição de Risco , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/cirurgia , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/psicologia , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/diagnósticoRESUMO
The illegal trade in totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is causing adverse social, ecological, and economic impacts. This illegal activity is accelerating the overexploitation of totoaba and pushing the critically endangered vaquita (Phocoena sinus) closer to extinction. Despite extensive efforts to recover vaquita populations, scant attention has been given to the totoaba trade as an independent issue. As a result, data on the totoaba trade are limited, which hampers robust analyses and development of effective interventions to reduce illegal harvesting. We used a previously developed framework specifically designed to examine dynamics of illegal markets and guide measures to mitigate illegal use of totoaba. This framework separates markets into 3 analytical levels: characterization of participating actors (e.g., fishers, intermediaries); examination of how actors interact within the market (e.g., organization of supply chains); and assessment of the overall market dynamics that result from these interactions (e.g., factors determining price and quantity). We reviewed existing literature (108 initial articles) and interviewed key market actors, academics, and nongovernmental organization experts (14) to obtain data for this framework. Our findings offer an overview of the totoaba illegal market operation, highlighting intervention points (e.g., customs agents) and areas where additional information is required to decrease information gaps (e.g., US local market). We describe the structure and complexity of this market, emphasizing the influential role of organized crime in shaping its dynamics (e.g., controlling prices paid to fishers and stockpiling). By providing a systematic and in-depth understanding of the market operation, we aimed to establish a benchmark for effective interventions and future research aimed at reducing uncertainties. Our results provide a crucial step toward addressing this critical issue and can help facilitate development of effective strategies to combat the illegal totoaba trade and promote biodiversity conservation more broadly.
Evaluación de las intervenciones potenciales para reducir el mercado ilegal de la totoaba Resumen El mercado ilegal de totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) causa impactos sociales, ecológicos y económicos adversos. Esta actividad ilegal acelera la sobreexplotación de la totoaba y acerca a la extinción a la vaquita marina (Phocoena sinus), especie en peligro crítico de extinción. A pesar de los grandes esfuerzos por recuperar las poblaciones de vaquita, el comercio de totoaba recibe poca atención como problema independiente. Como resultado, los datos sobre este comercio son limitados, lo que dificulta el análisis sólido y el desarrollo de intervenciones eficaces para reducir la captura ilegal. Utilizamos un marco desarrollado previamente y diseñado específicamente para examinar la dinámica de los mercados ilegales y orientar las medidas para mitigar el uso ilegal de la totoaba. Este marco separa los mercados en tres niveles analíticos: caracterización de los actores participantes (por ejemplo, pescadores, intermediarios); análisis de cómo interactúan los actores dentro del mercado (por ejemplo, organización de las cadenas de suministro); y evaluación de la dinámica general del mercado que resulta de estas interacciones (por ejemplo, factores que determinan el precio y la cantidad). Revisamos la bibliografía existente (108 artículos iniciales) y entrevistamos a actores clave del mercado, académicos y expertos de organizaciones no gubernamentales (14) para obtener datos para este marco. Nuestras conclusiones ofrecen una visión general del funcionamiento del mercado ilegal de totoaba y destacan los puntos de intervención (por ejemplo, los agentes aduanales) y las áreas en las que se requiere información adicional para reducir los vacíos informativos (por ejemplo, el mercado local estadunidense). Describimos la estructura y complejidad de este mercado, destacando el influyente papel de la delincuencia organizada en la configuración de su dinámica (por ejemplo, controlando los precios pagados a los pescadores y el almacenamiento). Al proporcionar una comprensión sistemática y en profundidad del funcionamiento del mercado, pretendemos establecer un punto de referencia para intervenciones eficaces y futuras investigaciones encaminadas a reducir las incertidumbres. Nuestros resultados suponen un paso crucial para abordar esta cuestión crítica y pueden ayudar a facilitar el desarrollo de estrategias eficaces para combatir el comercio ilegal de totoaba y promover la conservación de la biodiversidad de forma más amplia.
Comércio , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/economia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Comércio/legislação & jurisprudência , Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção/legislação & jurisprudência , Crime/prevenção & controle , Pesqueiros/legislação & jurisprudência , Pesqueiros/economiaRESUMO
Biographical features like social and economic status, ethnicity, sexuality, care roles, and gender unfairly disadvantage individuals within academia. Authorship patterns should reflect the social dimension behind the publishing process and co-authorship dynamics. To detect potential gender biases in the authorship of papers and examine the extent of women's contribution in terms of the substantial volume of scientific production in Ecology, we surveyed papers from the top-ranked journal Ecology from 1999 to 2021. We developed a Women's Contribution Index (WCI) to measure gender-based individual contributions. Considering gender, allocation in the author list, and the total number of authors, the WCI calculates the sum of each woman's contribution per paper. We compared the WCI with women's expected contributions in a non-gender-biased scenario. Overall, women account for 30% of authors of Ecology, yet their contribution to papers is higher than expected by chance (i.e., over-contribution). Additionally, by comparing the WCI with an equivalent Men's Contribution Index, we found that women consistently have higher contributions compared to men. We also observed a temporal trend of increasing women's authorship and mixed-gender papers. This suggests some progress in addressing gender bias in the field of ecology. However, we emphasize the need for a better understanding of the pattern of over-contribution, which may partially stem from the phenomenon of over-compensation. In this context, women might need to outperform men to be perceived and evaluated as equals. The WCI provides a valuable tool for quantifying individual contributions and understanding gender biases in academic publishing. Moreover, the index could be customized to suit the specific question of interest. It serves to uncover a previously non-quantified type of bias (over-contribution) that, we argue, is the response to the inequitable structure of the scientific system, leading to differences in the roles of individuals within a scientific publishing team.
Autoria , Ecologia , Sexismo , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Publicações , Editoração/estatística & dados numéricos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Crime has been described as a public health issue in Trinidad and Tobago, a small developing nation. COVID-19 restrictions, aimed at maintaining public health safety by limiting disease spread, may have negatively impacted crime rates due to an alteration of social and economic conditions. This study evaluates the implications of these restrictions on crime dynamics and hence their impacts on overall public health. METHODS: Employing interrupted time series analysis with seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous factor (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Exogenous Variables) models, monthly data on murders, sexual offences, and motor vehicle larcenies from January 2013 to June 2023 were analysed. RESULTS: The study found a decrease in murders and motor vehicle larcenies with the onset of restrictions, followed by an inverse trend correlating with the easing of measures. Sexual offences showed no significant change in response to the restrictions. CONCLUSIONS: While COVID-19 restrictions initially influenced certain crime rates, the effect varied across crime types. Policy interventions based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic must be done to strategically reduce and prevent crime without having the negative side effects of the pandemic.
This mini review delves into the complex issue of mortality linked to malnutrition, highlighting its multifaceted nature beyond just biomedical factors, presenting it as an intricate intersectional phenomenon. Method: The mini-review methodology involved a systematic literature search across databases like PubMed and Scielo, focusing on malnutrition and infant mortality in Colombia. We used specific keywords and Boolean operators to identify relevant studies, emphasizing socio-economic, gender, and ethnic factors, while excluding non-peer-reviewed and outdated publications. Results: The relationship between gender and food/nutrition has deep historical and cultural roots. Patriarchal norms influence dietary habits based on gender roles, often placing undue responsibility on mothers for children's nutritional health, reflecting profound social intersections. Mortality due to malnutrition is most prevalent among indigenous and Afro-descendant children in rural, conflict-affected areas with limited access to healthcare. Unpaid domestic work restricts women's economic independence, intensifying challenges for single-parent households. Conclusion: A comprehensive understanding can shift institutional attitudes toward mothers, leading to more coherent policy strategies and effective interventions.
Mortalidade Infantil , Humanos , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Lactente , Mortalidade Infantil/tendências , Feminino , Desnutrição/mortalidade , Desnutrição/epidemiologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , MasculinoRESUMO
Food insecurity (FI) is a critical issue in developing countries, particularly in low-resource settings, where it can worsen women's mental health. Psychosocial factors such as low household income, limited education, multiparity, and vulnerability are linked to depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Additionally, the family environment influences parental practices, which may impact mental health. This study evaluates the association of socioeconomic factors, parental practices, FI risk, and home visit frequency with depressive symptoms in pregnant women enrolled in the Happy Child Program (Programa Criança Feliz-PCF) in the Federal District, Brazil. In this cross-sectional study, 132 pregnant women monitored by PCF from May to July 2023 were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire for socioeconomic data, the two-item Triage for Food Insecurity (TRIA) instrument for FI risk, the Scale of Parental Beliefs and Early Childhood Care Practices, and the Beck Depression Inventory-II for depressive symptoms. Most participants were multiparous (87.9%), had low income (under 200 USD/month; 80.8%), presented depressive symptoms (67.4%) and were at risk of FI (81.8%). About half demonstrated adequate parental practices (50.8%) and received four home visits per month during pregnancy (54.5%). Women who received four PCF home visits had a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms compared to those with fewer visits (PR 0.76, 95% CI 0.59-0.98). No significant association was found between FI or parental practices and depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that the PCF home-visiting program may strengthen vulnerable families, support social networks, and improve mental health during pregnancy. Additionally, the results of this study highlight the need for targeted interventions aimed at reducing food insecurity and promoting mental health during pregnancy, particularly among socially vulnerable populations. Furthermore, they reinforce the importance of expanding access to home-visiting programs as an effective strategy to improve maternal mental health and well-being, while fostering healthier prenatal environments for both mothers and their children.
Depressão , Insegurança Alimentar , Visita Domiciliar , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Depressão/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Adulto Jovem , Gestantes/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Poder Familiar/psicologiaRESUMO
A sociedade está cada vez mais exigente e em busca de excelência quando o assunto é estética facial. O sorriso tem grande impacto na harmonia da face e, atualmente, os pacientes estão mais conscientes sobre a influência da gengiva na beleza do sorriso. A exposição da gengiva em excesso, conhecida como sorriso gengival, afeta a estética, podendo interferir na autoestima e nas relações sociais dos pacientes. Existem diversos procedimentos descritos para solucionar o problema e, para o planejamento do caso e escolha do método, é preciso determinar a etiologia e levar em consideração o desejo do paciente. A injeção da proteína botulínica é uma alternativa minimamente invasiva que está sedo cada vez mais utilizada para a correção do sorriso gengival. Com isso, o objetivo do presente trabalho monográfico foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o uso da toxina botulínica na correção do sorriso gengival, analisando técnicas de injeção, identificando o efeito imediato e a longo prazo da toxina nos músculos elevadores do lábio superior, além de avaliar a relevância desse método na correção do sorriso gengival, sozinho ou em conjunto com outros procedimentos. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados PubMed e Scielo, buscando artigos dos anos de 2013 até 2022, utilizando os descritores "botulinum toxin", "botox", "gummy smile", "gingival display" e "gingival exposure". Essa revisão analisa 15 artigos que discorrem sobre o método, durabilidade e eficácia da aplicação de proteína botulínica para correção do sorriso gengival. Algumas variantes diferenciam as técnicas de aplicação, como a marca do produto e recomendações do fabricante, classificação do sorriso e extensão da exposição gengival. Com base na revisão de literatura, pôde-se concluir que, apesar de ser transitório, esse procedimento se mostrou eficaz, tanto ao ser realizado como método principal, quanto como coadjuvante no tratamento. Além de ser comprovadamente seguro, rápido, minimamente invasivo e ser o tratamento de preferência entre os pacientes, com alto índice de satisfação, são raras as complicações relacionadas a aplicação da proteína botulínica para esse fim.
Society is becoming increasingly demanding, seeking excellence in facial aesthetics. The smile greatly impacts facial harmony, and nowadays, patients are more aware of the influence of the gums on smile beauty. Excessive gum exposure, known as gummy smile, affects aesthetics and can interfere with patients' self-esteem and social relationships. There are various procedures described to address this issue, and for case planning and method selection, it is necessary to determine the etiology and take into account the patient's desires. The injection of botulinum protein is a minimally invasive alternative that is increasingly being used for gummy smile correction. Thus, the aim of this monographic work was to conduct a literature review on the use of botulinum toxin in gummy smile correction, analyzing injection techniques, identifying the immediate and long-term effects of the toxin on the upper lip elevator muscles, and evaluating the relevance of this method in gummy smile correction, either alone or in conjunction with other procedures. A literature review was conducted in the PubMed and Scielo databases, seeking articles from 2013 to 2022, using the descriptors "botulinum toxin", "botox", "gummy smile", "gingival display", and "gingival exposure". This review analyzes 15 articles that discuss the method, durability, and effectiveness of botulinum toxin application for gummy smile correction. Some variations differentiate the application techniques, such as the product brand and manufacturer's recommendations, smile classification, and extent of gum exposure. Based on the literature review, it was possible to conclude that, despite being temporary, this procedure proved to be effective, both when performed as the main method and as an adjunct in treatment. In addition to being proven safe, fast, minimally invasive, and the preferred treatment among patients, with a high satisfaction rate, complications related to botulinum toxin application for this purpose are rare.
Sorriso , Toxinas Botulínicas , Resultado do Tratamento , Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A , GengivaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus led to a series of containment and mitigation measures through lockdowns, social distancing, and the closure of educational establishments, which have had a profound impact on the mental health of the adolescent population. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the present study has been to identify the sociodemographic and mental health variables related to suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts in young people participating in outpatient intervention projects within the Chilean protection network since the onset of the pandemic and the strictest lockdowns. METHOD: The study's sample consists of 125 young people aged 14 to 18 years (M = 15.65; SD = 1.22), participating in outpatient intervention projects within the National Service for Minors (SENAME)/Better Childhood protection network. Through a self-report survey, the young participants provided responses on sociodemographic variables and suicidal behaviour (ideation, planning, and attempts). RESULTS: 29.9% of the participants reported suicidal ideation during the onset of the pandemic and the established lockdowns; 29.2% reported having devised a plan to do so, and 18.2% indicated having attempted suicide during the evaluated period. A higher occurrence of suicidal behaviour was observed in females, sexual minorities, respondents over 15 years old, and respondents presenting depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on suicidal behaviour among the adolescent population served by the protection network in Chile. The prior violation of their rights may have contributed to the issue, particularly affecting young females in late adolescence with indicators of depression, who require specialized intervention due to the high risk detected.
COVID-19 , Ideação Suicida , Tentativa de Suicídio , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Adolescente , Chile/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Tentativa de Suicídio/estatística & dados numéricos , Tentativa de Suicídio/psicologia , Saúde Mental , PandemiasRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To identify groups of transgender women and travestis (TGW) with specific patterns of gender-based discrimination (GBD) and analyze the factors associated with GBD. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with TGW recruited through respondent-driven sampling in five Brazilian cities (2019-2021). Latent class analysis was used to characterize GBD (low, medium, and high) using 14 observable variables. Descriptive analysis was performed, and associations between predictor variables and GBD were estimated by adjusted odds ratios (aOR) using ordinal logistic regression. RESULTS: Out of a total of 1,317 TGW, 906 (68.8%) answered questions about GBD. Most were under 34 years old, single, and had a Brown race/skin color. GBD was classified as "low," "medium," and "high," with estimates of 41.7, 44.5, and 13.8%, respectively. Variables positively associated with higher intensity of GBD included living in Manaus compared to São Paulo, being ≤34 years old compared to >34, being homeless compared to living in one's own house or rented apartment, not having legally changed one's name compared to those who had, and reporting physical or sexual violence compared to those who did not report. Variables negatively associated with higher intensity of GBD included having a Brown or Asian race/skin color compared to White and a monthly income ≥1 minimum wage compared to ³1. CONCLUSION: A high proportion of GBD was observed in Brazilian TGW, with this outcome associated with more vulnerable sociodemographic characteristics and a history of violence.
Análise de Classes Latentes , Pessoas Transgênero , Humanos , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoas Transgênero/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adolescente , Identidade de Gênero , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Fatores Sociodemográficos , Sexismo/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the obstetric and perinatal complications in women who became pregnant with autologous oocytes and those who received donated oocytes (DO) in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles (ICSI). METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was carried out by collecting data from medical records between 2019 and 2022. Only patients who underwent ICSI in an induced cycle using their own or freshly DO, with male infertility factor and tubal factor, were included. RESULTS: A total of 120 patients were assessed, comprising 51 cases utilizing their own oocytes (control group) and 69 cases employing DO (study group). Patients receiving DO (n=69) exhibited a significantly higher mean age compared to those utilizing their own oocytes (n=51) (41.96±2.16 vs 38.54±1.42 years, p<0.001). There was no significant association between the source of oocytes and gestational age at delivery (p=0.296), birth weight (p=0.836), admission to neonatal intensive care unit (ICU) (p=0.120), or maternal admission to adult ICU (p=0.767). Additionally, the origin of oocytes did not demonstrate any significant association with the risk of pre-eclampsia (p=0.357), gestational diabetes mellitus (p=0.187), premature rupture of membranes (p=0.996), uterine atony (p=0.996), placenta previa (p=0.393), oligohydramnios (p=0.393), or gestational hypertension (p=0.393)." CONCLUSION: An increase in obstetric and perinatal complications was not observed in pregnancies with DO compared to pregnancies with autologous oocytes in women undergoing ICSI without prior comorbidities. Further studies with larger sample sizes are required to validate our findings.