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BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 555, 2024 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38773470


BACKGROUND: The Progress Test is an individual assessment applied to all students at the same time and on a regular basis. The test was structured in the medical undergraduate education of a conglomerate of schools to structure a programmatic assessment integrated into teaching. This paper presents the results of four serial applications of the progress test and the feedback method to students. METHODS: This assessment comprises 120 items offered online by means of a personal password. Items are authored by faculty, peer-reviewed, and approved by a committee of experts. The items are classified by five major areas, by topics used by the National Board of Medical Examiners and by medical specialties related to a national Unified Health System. The correction uses the Item Response Theory with analysis by the "Rasch" model that considers the difficulty of the item. RESULTS: Student participation increased along the four editions of the tests, considering the number of enrollments. The median performances increased in the comparisons among the sequential years in all tests, except for test1 - the first test offered to schools. Between subsequent years of education, 2nd-1st; 4th-3rd and 5th-4th there was an increase in median scores from progress tests 2 through 4. The final year of undergraduate showed a limited increase compared to the 5th year. There is a consistent increase in the median, although with fluctuations between the observed intervals. CONCLUSION: The progress test promoted the establishment of regular feedback among students, teachers and coordinators and paved the road to engagement much needed to construct an institutional programmatic assessment.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Avaliação Educacional , Humanos , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Estudantes de Medicina
BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 365, 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38570772


BACKGROUND: Introducing students to the "planetary health lenses" perspective is crucial. Comprehensive strategies for teaching this perspective are lacking, especially in the domains of "interconnection within nature (IWN)" and "systems thinking/complexity." There is also a scarcity of studies assessing medical students' opinions on planetary health and evaluating teaching strategies. OBJECTIVE: To understand Brazilian medical students' perceptions and knowledge of planetary health (PH) and evaluate the application of the educational material "Patient and Clinic through the Lens of Planetary Health," which addresses "IWN" and "complexity" through the sociological lens of Actor-Network Theory, in an integrative course at a medical school in Brazil. METHODS: A mixed-methods, quasi-experimental design involving two medical student classes during 2022/2023. Participants completed a questionnaire on sociodemographic data; pre- and post-intervention closed-ended questions about perceptions related to PH, and an open-ended questionnaire on experience and learning. Each student group presented a portfolio under the planetary health lenses regarding a real patient, developing a network diagram that described the social network involving both human and non-human actors with which this person is interconnected. The cohorts participated in "IWN" activities: a contemplative trail or reflection on belonging to the planet. RESULTS: Ninety-six students and 9 professors participated. The majority of students (66.7%) reported significant or extremely significant learning from the sessions. There was an increase in perception of the need for physicians to incorporate PH into their clinical practice (p = 0.002; r = 0.46) and an intensification of the sense of interconnection with the environment (p = 0.003; r = 0.46). There was a gain in knowledge about how many diseases were related to PH (p < 0.02 for all 13 listed diseases). The majority (83%) found the sessions relevant or highly relevant and commented on their impact, both professionally and personally. CONCLUSIONS: Teaching PH in a medical school allowed students to learn from the patient's perspective, considering psychosocial and environmental determinants, about the intrinsic interdependence between population's health and PH. This strategy made a significant contribution by proposing pioneering didactics and offering valuable insights into the challenges and nuances of teaching PH.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Educação Médica , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Planetas , Educação em Saúde , Atitude , Análise de Sistemas , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/métodos , Currículo
Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558546


Fundamento: el proyecto de vida profesional constituye una formación psicológica compleja que debe ser desarrollada y evaluada durante las acciones que se realizan en los procesos sustantivos universitarios: formación, investigación y extensión universitaria. Objetivo: validar la efectividad del procedimiento para la formación del proyecto de vida profesional en estudiantes de Medicina. Métodos: se realizó una investigación cuantitativa de tipo preexperimental en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mariana Grajales Coello, desde enero de 2021 hasta diciembre del 2022. Se utilizaron como métodos teóricos el analítico sintético, inductivo-deductivo y la modelación. Los métodos empíricos aplicados fueron el cuestionario a expertos, la observación y el instrumento "Exploración del proyecto de vida profesional". La investigación se llevó a efecto en tres etapas para la presentación, la valoración y la evaluación del procedimiento. Resultados: se aportó un procedimiento para la formación del proyecto de vida profesional en estudiantes de la carrera Medicina a implementarse durante los procesos sustantivos universitarios. El criterio de expertos permitió evaluar el procedimiento como bastante adecuado. El preexperimento mostró su efectividad para alcanzar el objetivo. Conclusiones: existen insuficiencias en el tratamiento del proyecto de vida profesional durante la formación inicial. La validación del procedimiento fue aceptada por los expertos porque contribuye a la calidad del proceso pedagógico en la carrera Medicina.

Foundation: the professional life project constitutes a complex psychological training that must be developed and evaluated during the actions carried out in the substantive university processes: training, research and university extension. Objective: validate the formation procedure effectiveness for the professional life project in medical students. Methods: a pre-experimental quantitative research was carried out at the Holguín Medical Sciences University, Mariana Grajales Coello Medical Sciences Faculty, from January 2021 to December 2022. Synthetic analytical, inductive-deductive and analytical methods were used as theoretical methodsand modeling. The empirical methods applied were the expert questionnaire, observation and the Exploration of the professional life project instrument. The research was carried out in three stages for the presentation, assessment and evaluation of the procedure. Results: a procedure was provided for the professional life project formation in Medicine students to be implemented during the substantive university processes. Expert judgment allowed the procedure to be evaluated as quite adequate. The pre-experiment showed its effectiveness in achieving the objective. Conclusions: there are insufficiencies in the treatment of the professional life project during initial training. The validation of the procedure was accepted by the experts because it contributes to the pedagogical process quality in the Medicine career.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(2): e040, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559436


RESUMO Introdução: No ano de 2019, com o surgimento pandemia pelo coronavírus, o mundo teve que se adaptar e utilizar medidas de distanciamento social visando ao controle da disseminação do vírus. Um dos setores que sofreram maior impacto com essas medidas foi a educação que precisou se adaptar ao ensino remoto emergencial. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a percepção dos alunos de um curso de Medicina sobre o próprio aprendizado durante o período da pandemia pela Covid-19. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa. O referencial teórico foi o interacionismo simbólico. O estudo foi realizado em uma instituição de ensino superior privada do Distrito Federal. Participaram do estudo 14 alunos do terceiro ano da graduação em Medicina de turmas que tiveram a oportunidade de cursar períodos da graduação por meio do ensino remoto emergencial. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista gravada, na modalidade grupo focal, e analisados por meio da análise temática indutiva. Respeitaram-se todos os conceitos éticos da Resolução nº 466/2012 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resultado: A análise dos discursos resultou em três categorias temáticas que exploram a percepção dos estudantes sobre o aprendizado. A primeira categoria, "Vivendo como se fosse em um balão de ensaio", aborda as mudanças vivenciadas pelos alunos no ingresso na faculdade, com sentimentos de medo, insegurança e falta de motivação devido ao estresse da pandemia. A segunda categoria, "Sentindo-se isolados e desolados", observou a percepção do adoecimento mental e a falta de apoio dos colegas, dos professores e da instituição, influenciando no desempenho e aprendizado dos alunos. A terceira categoria, "Lidando com erros e acertos", identificou a percepção dos resultados do aprendizado durante e após a pandemia, destacando o impacto no déficit de conhecimento e a necessidade de adaptação no retorno ao ensino presencial. Conclusão: O ensino remoto emergencial trouxe drásticas mudanças no ensino médico. Entender essas mudanças e compreender a percepção dos alunos sobre o aprendizado nesse período nos permite reconhecer os desafios enfrentados, entender a necessidade de suporte emocional adequado e pensar em estratégias de aprendizado eficazes para superar essas e outras adversidades.

ABSTRACT Introduction: In 2019, with the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, the world had to adapt to using social distancing measures to control the spread of the virus. Social isolation measures were imposed and one of the sectors that suffered the greatest impact from these measures was the education sector, having to adapt to emergency remote education (ERE). Objectives: To understand the perception of students attending a medical course in relation to their own learning during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: This is a descriptive and exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The theoretical framework was Symbolic Interactionism. The study was carried out in a private higher education institution in the Federal District. The study included 14 students attending the third semester of medical undergraduate school from classes that had the opportunity to attend undergraduate periods through ERE. Data were collected through recorded interviews, in the Focus Group modality, and analyzed using Inductive Thematic Analysis. All ethical concepts of Resolution n. 466/2012 from the Health National Council were respected. Results and Discussion: The analysis of the discourses resulted in three thematic categories that explore the students' perception of learning. The first category, "Living as if in a test balloon", addresses the changes experienced by students when entering college, with feelings of fear, insecurity and lack of motivation due to the stress of the pandemic. The second category, "Feeling isolated and desolate", observed the perception of mental illness and the lack of support from classmates, teachers and the institution, influencing the students' performance and learning. The third category, "Dealing with mistakes and successes", identified the perception of learning outcomes during and after the pandemic, highlighting the impact on the knowledge deficit and the need to adapt when returning to face-to-face teaching. Final considerations: the Emergency Remote Education brought drastic changes in medical teaching. Understanding these changes and understanding the students' perception of learning in this period allows us to recognize the challenges faced, understand the need for adequate emotional support and think of effective learning strategies to overcome these and other adversities.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e065, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565246


RESUMO Introdução: Em julho de 2021, o Brasil tinha 373 cursos de Medicina autorizados pelo MEC, dos quais 229 de instituições privadas, com um valor médio de mensalidade de R$ 8.242,70. O grande volume de recursos envolvidos em mensalidades, bolsas e fomentos (Prouni, Fies etc.) justifica o esforço envolvido neste trabalho. Objetivo: A revisão visou identificar as metodologias de análise de custo de formação de médicos, classificando-as segundo categorias de nível de ensino e abrangência do custo. Método: A metodologia escolhida foi a revisão de escopo, dado que a produção na área de foco é irregular e com lacunas metodológicas. Resultado: As buscas em português e inglês resultaram na seleção de 24 textos, que foram agrupados em nove grupos, elaboradas a partir do foco de seus conteúdos combinados com os interesses da pesquisa. Conclusão: A inexistência de consenso metodológico e a busca por otimizar recursos e avaliar a eficácia do ensino reforçam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de metodologias de apuração de custos da graduação em Medicina.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Brazil had 373 medical courses authorized by the Ministry of Education in July 2021, with 229 being in private institutions and an average monthly tuition rate of R$8,242.70. The vast number of resources involved in tuition, scholarships, and grants (PROUNI, FIES, and so forth) justifies the effort required for this activity. Objective: The review sought to find approaches for analyzing the cost of training doctors, categorizing them according to the level of education and cost scope. Method: Given the irregularity and methodological inadequacies around interest, the chosen methodology was a scoping review. Result: The literature search in Portuguese and English yielded 24 articles, which were divided into nine categories depending on their content focus and the study interests. Conclusion: The lack of methodological agreement, as well as the pressure to optimize resources and evaluate educational efficacy, highlight the need for the development of methods to determine the costs of undergraduate medical education.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e063, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565256


RESUMO Introdução: O atendimento médico de emergência é uma situação complexa, na qual o paciente necessita de cuidado seguro e de alta qualidade. Para evitar falhas, é necessário não apenas o conhecimento técnico, mas também competências não técnicas. O Crisis Resource Management (CRM) é um método de treinamento criado na aviação que tem ganhado amplo uso em diversos cenários médicos, com o intuito de diminuir erros e falhas, garantindo um atendimento mais efetivo e aprimorando as competências de CRM. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o desempenho de estudantes de Medicina em atendimento simulado de emergência antes e depois de um debriefing estruturado com conceitos de CRM. Método: Trata-se de estudo transversal, analítico e quase-experimental com abordagem quantitativa, com avaliação antes e depois de debriefing com conceitos de CRM, em um mesmo grupo de participantes. Os participantes receberam treinamento prévio sobre competências técnicas, para nivelamento. Utilizaram-se um formulário de avaliação de competências técnicas e um formulário de avaliação de competências de CRM. Os dados foram apresentados em análises descritivas e as comparações de variáveis contínuas com distribuição normal foram analisadas pelo teste t de Student. O nível de significância foi de p < 0,05. Resultados: Participaram 21 estudantes de Medicina. As competências técnicas, avaliadas em grupo, apresentaram melhora sem variação significativa. Na análise do desempenho individual relacionado às competências de CRM, a maioria dos itens teve aumento da pontuação média após a realização do treinamento sobre CRM, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Conclusão: O debriefing, como ferramenta de ensino de princípios de CRM, é capaz de aumentar o desempenho de equipes quando analisadas competências de CRM, fato que tem importante impacto na melhoria da qualidade assistencial e segurança do paciente, durante atendimento de emergência.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Emergency medical care is a complex situation in which the patient needs safe and high-quality care. To avoid errors, physicians must have both technical knowledge and nontechnical competencies. Crisis Resource Management (CRM) is a training method created in aviation that has gained wide use in several medical settings. CRM aims to reduce errors, ensure more effective care, and improve CRM competencies. Objective: This study aimed to compare the performance of medical students in simulated emergency care before and after undergoing a structured debriefing on CRM. Methods: This quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical, and quasi-experimental study evaluated participants before and after undergoing a debriefing on CRM. The participants received prior training on technical competencies for leveling. Technical and nontechnical competencies were assessed using two different forms. A descriptive analysis was performed, and continuous variables with normal distribution were compared using Student's t test. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: Twenty-one medical students were included in the study. Technical competencies were assessed as a team and showed improvement, but with no significant variation. CRM competencies were assessed individually; most items had a significantly increased mean score after CRM training, with statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The debriefing as a tool for CRM training is able to improve nontechnical competencies in teams, which has an important impact on improving the quality of care and patient safety during emergency care.

Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (En línea) ; 43(4): 191-199, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551197


Introducción: la pandemia de COVID-19 indujo un cambio en nuestro sistema de salud y de educación. Los programas formativos también tuvieron que adaptarse y exigieron un cambio rápido. Objetivos: describir una experiencia educativa de enseñanza virtual/híbrida en investigación clínica, entre docentes del Servicio de Clínica de un hospital universitario y estudiantes de Medicina de una institución privada, que participaron del Programa ESIN (EStudiantes en INvestigación). Metodología: los contenidos y las estrategias educativas incluyeron las clases teóricas audiograbadas o videograbadas (asincrónicas y autoadministradas), el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, los talleres prácticos (encuentros sincrónicos virtuales y grupales), mediante la adopción de modelos de aprendizaje como el aula invertida, y la tutoría individual entre docente-estudiante. Los datos se recopilaron mediante la observación en contextos académicos, y basándonos en elementos de encuestas anónimas de satisfacción, previo consentimiento informado de los participantes. Resultados: participaron 14 estudiantes, 6 durante el año 2021 y 8 durante 2022. Todas mujeres y estudiantes de medicina (50% de cuarto año, 35% de sexto año y 15% de quinto año). Las técnicas implementadas favorecieron la participación y promovieron el aprendizaje activo, basado en proyectos. Mencionaron aspectos positivos como el enfoque académico práctico, la disponibilidad del equipo docente para atender cualquier duda, el tiempo y el entusiasmo por enseñar y fomentar la participación. Los videos teóricos resultaron útiles como herramientas de repaso, y los encuentros grupales fueron especialmente valorados, si bien los encuentros individuales fueron destacados como ayuda y apoyo previo a los congresos científicos. En general, manifestaron que fue una experiencia enriquecedora que demostró que se puede lograr lo que se creía imposible. Todas participaron activamente de al menos un congreso científico, y el 50% resultó coautora de una publicación académica. Conclusión: los estudiantes asumieron compromisos y responsabilidades, e incorporaron competencias y habilidades en la implementación y en la difusión de los proyectos. Esta experiencia educativa facilitó que el tiempo de clase pudiera optimizarse para intercambio, discusión y dudas. Los recursos producidos, las actividades desarrolladas y los contenidos abordados quedan disponibles a nivel institución. (AU)

Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a change in our health and education system. Training programs also had to adapt and required rapid change. Objectives: to describe an educational experience of virtual/hybrid teaching in clinical research between teachers of the Clinical Service of a university hospital and medical students of a private institution who participated in the ESIN Program (Students in Research). Methodology: the contents and educational strategies included audio or videotaped lectures (asynchronous and self-administered), project-based learning, practical workshops (virtual and group synchronous meetings) by adopting learning models such as the inverted classroom, and individual tutoring between teacher and student. We gathered the data through observation in academic contexts and based on elements of anonymous satisfaction surveys, with prior informed consent of participants. Results: fourteen students participated, six in 2021 and eight in 2022. All were women and medical students (50% fourth year, 35% sixth year, and 15% fifth year). The techniques implemented favored participation and promoted active, project-based learning. They mentioned positive aspects such as the practical academic approach, the availability of the teaching team for any doubts, the time and enthusiasm for teaching, and encouraging participation. The theory videos were a valuable review tool, and team meetings received high praise even if the one-on-one meetings received much attention as help and support before the scientific congresses. In general, they stated that it was an enriching experience that showed that you can achieve what you thought impossible. All of them actively participated in at least one scientific congress, and 50% were co-authors of an academic publication. Conclusion: the students assumed commitments and responsibilities and incorporated competencies and skills in project implementation and dissemination. This educational experience helped to optimize class time for exchange, discussion, and doubts. The resources produced, the activities developed, and the contents addressed are now available at the institutional level. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pesquisa/educação , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Educação a Distância/métodos , Educação Médica/métodos , Aprendizagem , Satisfação Pessoal , Autoimagem , Protocolos Clínicos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Feedback Formativo , COVID-19
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538277


Introduction: The Journal Club is an environment for exchanging information within the medical context concerning updated literature and evidence-based medicine. Considering the importance of constantly updating the acquired knowledge and scenarios of social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Journal Club event was held virtually, aiming to expand the understanding of the scientific methodology among medical students by understanding the differences among each type of evidence pyramid study by reading and discussing scientific articles. Methodology: An analytical, prospective, and cross-sectional study was conducted in October 2021. The Journal Club event took place in nine classes where each type of evidence pyramid study was addressed. The sample included 20 medical students. A questionnaire was used at the beginning and end of the event to assess the participants' knowledge from the classes taught and was divided into two parts: participant identification data and 19 questions regarding the types of studies present on the pyramid of evidence. Results: It was found that after the pre- and post-event analysis of the questionnaire among the 19 questions, correct answers increased in 17, among which 3 obtained a statistically significant value: questions 1 (p = 0.031), 15 (p = 0.039), and 18 (p = 0.016). Discussion: An increase in the number of correct answers was noted between pre- and post-classes, which may indicate an improved understanding of the subject among students. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that the students had little involvement in scientific research (only 25% had ever been involved in a project). Conclu-sion: Based on the analysis of the participants' performance in the pre- and post-event questionnaires, it can be concluded that the medical students were able to expand their knowledge of scientific methodology (AU).

Introdução: O Journal Club é um ambiente para troca de informações dentro do contexto médico, diante de uma literatura atualizada e medicina baseada em evidências. Tendo em vista a importância da atualização constante de conhecimentos adquiridos e o cenário de isolamento social imposto pela pandemia da COVID-19, o evento Journal Club foi realizado virtualmente, com o objetivo de ampliar o entendimento sobre metodologia científica entre estudantes de medicina por meio da compreensão das diferenças de cada tipo de estudo da pirâmide de evidências a partir da leitura e discussão de artigos científicos. Metodologia: Estudo analítico, prospectivo e transversal realizado em outubro de 2021. O evento Journal Club ocorreu em nove aulas onde foram abordados cada tipo de estudo da pirâmide de evidência. A amostra foi composta por 20 estudantes de medicina. Um questionário foi aplicado no início e ao final do evento para avaliar o conhecimento dos participantes a partir das aulas ministradas, e foi dividido em duas partes, a primeira com dados de identificação do participante e a segunda com 19 questões sobre os tipos de estudos presentes na pirâmide de evidência. Resultados: Observou-se que, após a análise do questionário pré e pós-evento, dentre as 19 questões realizadas, houve um aumento de acertos em 17 entre as quais 3 obtiveram um valor estatístico significativo: questões 1 (p= 0,031), 15 (p=0,039) e 18 (p= 0,016). Discussão: Notou-se aumento dos acertos de questões entre o pré e pós-aulas, podendo indicar uma melhora no entendimento por parte dos acadêmicos acerca do assunto. Além disso, o estudo mostrou uma baixa atuação dos acadêmicos em pesquisas científicas (apenas 25% já se envolveram em algum projeto). Conclusão: A partir da análise do desempenho dos participantes nos questionários pré e pós-evento é possível afirmar que os estudantes de medicina conseguiram ampliar seu conhecimento sobre metodologia científica (AU).

Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Disseminação de Informação , Educação de Graduação em Medicina
BMC Med Educ ; 23(1): 876, 2023 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37974172


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the self-perception of competencies in obstetric emergencies among recently graduated physicians from universities in Lima, Peru; and to identify its associated factors. METHODS: An analytical study was conducted, with the study population comprising newly graduated doctors who attended the "VI SERUMS National Convention" in 2017. We used Poisson regressions to assess the factors associated with the self-perception of competencies in obstetric emergencies, calculating prevalence ratios (PR) and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). RESULTS: We analyzed a population of 463 newly graduated physicians (mean age: 25.9 years), of which 33.3% reported feeling competent in obstetric emergencies. In the adjusted analyses, we found that having a previous health career (PR: 1.77, 95% CI: 1.12-2.81), having completed the internship in EsSalud hospitals (PR: 1.48, 95% CI: 1.31-1.68), and completing a university externship (PR: 1.62, 95% CI: 1.34-1.96) were associated with a higher prevalence of self-perceived competence in obstetric emergencies. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that certain academic factors, such as completing an externship and internship in specific hospital settings, may enhance the competencies or competence self-perception of recently graduated physicians in obstetric emergencies. Further studies are needed to confirm these results and identify other factors that may impact physicians' competencies in this field.

Emergências , Médicos , Feminino , Gravidez , Humanos , Adulto , Peru/epidemiologia , Autoimagem , Estudos Transversais , Competência Clínica
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(5): 649-658, mayo 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560214


INTRODUCCIÓN: La diversidad cultural en Chile y las inequidades en el acceso y calidad de la atención requiere del desarrollo de competencias culturales en los profesionales de la salud debido a las inequidades en el acceso y calidad de la atención. A nivel internacional, se ha integrado la competencia cultural en los planes de estudio de las carreras de salud, pero en Chile está en sus etapas iniciales. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó una metodología mixta que incluyó: revisión documental (búsquedas y análisis en bases de datos y documentos oficiales), entrevistas a informantes clave y consenso de expertos. Las entrevistas se transcribieron textuales y se realizó un análisis temático utilizando el software ATLAS.ti. RESULTADOS: La revisión documental identificó dominios, objetivos e instrumentos utilizados para medir la competencia cultural en odontología. Las entrevistas revelaron cuatro categorías principales: concepciones de salud, facilitadores y barreras, y características de los profesionales de la salud. Se elaboró un listado de contenidos y resultados de aprendizaje, evaluados y consensuados por expertos. Conclusiones: La inclusión de la competencia cultural en los planes de estudio de odontología es esencial para una atención de salud más inclusiva y culturalmente segura. Se recomienda su integración longitudinal en diversos cursos, empleando metodologías efectivas de enseñanza y evaluación. Los resultados de este estudio ofrecen una guía para identificar los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes necesarios para formar a los profesionales de salud que finalmente deben entregar una apropiada atención de salud con pertinencia intercultural.

INTRODUCTION: Cultural diversity in Chile and inequities in access and quality of care require the development of cultural competencies in health professionals. Internationally, cultural competence has been integrated into the curricula of health professional programs; however, in Chile it is still in its early stages. METHODS: A mixed methodology included documentary review (searches and analysis in databases and official documents), key informant interviews and expert consensus. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and thematic analysis was carried out using ATLAS.ti software. RESULTS: The documentary review identified domains, objectives and instruments used to measure cultural competence in dentistry. The interviews revealed four main categories: conceptions of health, facilitators and barriers, and characteristics of health professionals. Experts developed, evaluated and agreed upon content and learning outcomes. Conclusion: Including cultural competence in dental curricula is essential for more inclusive and culturally safe health care. Its longitudinal integration into various courses, employing effective teaching and assessment methodologies, is recommended. The results of this study provide a guide to identifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to train health professionals who ultimately deliver appropriate health care with cultural pertinence.

Humanos , Currículo , Educação em Odontologia/tendências , Competência Cultural/educação , Chile , Competência Clínica/normas , Pesquisa Qualitativa
BMC Med Educ ; 23(1): 221, 2023 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37024904


BACKGROUND: Scopophobia can be described in the medical field as the fear of being watched or stared at. Despite the relevance of scopophobia in remote learning scenarios, which have always existed and have been largely expanded during the pandemic in medical education, studies on this topic are exceedingly rare worldwide. Hence, to fill up this gap, a cross-sectional study of medical students was developed to assess the association of scopophobia with the prevalence of online learning fatigue. METHODS: A cross-sectional, quantitative, analytical study was carried out in Medical Schools of Brazil. To assess the risk of scopophobia, questions were developed, based on the literature on the topic. The Zoom Exhaustion & Fatigue Scale (ZEF) was used, and the questions have currently been validated for Brazilian Portuguese. Logistic regression models were also used to assess the relationship of scopophobia risk and ZEF scores. RESULTS: A total of 283 students from Brazil participated in the study. The median age was 23 years, and 64% of the participants were female. In total, 14.5% were considered to be at high risk for scopophobia. It was found that after adjusting for sex, income and number of residents in the household, scopophobia and the total zoom fatigue score remained associated. For the total score, each additional point on the scale increased the chance of scopophobia by 3%, and for the overall domain, 19% (p-values < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this study shows a relevant prevalence of students with scopophobia, which requires a differentiated approach on the part of teachers. The causes of scopophobia are often specific and have a psychological origin that goes beyond the usual pedagogical management. Therefore, motivation strategies are necessary in a general, as well as an individualized manner, aiming to favor the improvement of the online teaching and learning process.

COVID-19 , Educação a Distância , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Masculino , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Brasil/epidemiologia
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(3): 296-305, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530271


BACKGROUND: Food and nutrition were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing levels of food insecurity. University students were a risk group for food insecurity due to the closure of educational establishments where they received their main meals. AIM: To assess food insecurity among Chilean public university students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study had a non-probabilistic before-and-after design. Undergraduate students from all colleges at the university were invited to answer an online survey about food insecurity, devised based on FAO Food Insecurity Experience Scale. Results: Nine hundred and one students answered the survey. The prevalence of moderate/severe food insecurity increased from 9.5% to 14.3% before and during the pandemic, respectively. Forty two percent (n = 196) of student households became food insecure during the sanitary crisis. Students commented on the positive and negative aspects of the pandemic in their eating behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: Undergraduate students are vulnerable to food insecurity. Mitigation actions should be carried out when educational establishments are closed.

ANTECEDENTES: La alimentación y la nutrición se están viendo afectadas por la pandemia por COVID-19, aumentando los niveles de inseguridad alimentaria. Un grupo susceptible a la inseguridad alimentaria son los estudiantes universitarios debido al cierre de los establecimientos educativos donde ellos pueden recibir sus alimentos principales. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la inseguridad alimentaria de los estudiantes de una universidad pública de Chile, antes y durante la pandemia por COVID-19. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: El estudio tuvo un diseño de antes y después, no probabilístico. Se invitó a participar a estudiantes universitarios de todas las facultades de la universidad a contestar un cuestionario en línea, desarrollado basado en la escala de experiencia de inseguridad alimentaria de la FAO. RESULTADOS: Novecientos y un estudiantes respondieron la encuesta. En estos estudiantes, la prevalencia de inseguridad alimentaria moderada/grave aumentó de 9,5% a 14,3% antes y durante la pandemia, respectivamente. El 42,3% (n = 196) de los hogares estudiantiles pasó a tener inseguridad alimentaria durante la crisis sanitaria. Los estudiantes comentaron aspectos positivos y negativos de la pandemia en sus conductas alimentarias. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados reflejan que estos estudiantes son vulnerables para inseguridad y amerita acciones de mitigación cuando los establecimientos educativos están cerrados.

Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estudantes , Universidades , Chile/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Insegurança Alimentar
Eur J Dent Educ ; 27(4): 859-868, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36458893


INTRODUCTION: Clinical reasoning is a core competence in health professions that impacts the ability to solve patients' health problems. Due to its relevance, it is necessary to identify difficulties arising from different sources that affect clinical reasoning development in students. The aim of this study was to explore a comprehensive approach to identify challenges for clinical reasoning development in undergraduate dental students and their potential solutions. METHODS: Mixed methods were used in four stages: (1) students and clinical teachers focus groups to identify challenges to clinical reasoning development; (2) literature review to explore potential solutions for these challenges; (3) Delphi technique for teacher consensus on pertinence and feasibility of solutions (1-5 scale); and (4) teachers' self-perception of their ability to implement the solutions. RESULTS: Three categories and seven subcategories of challenges were identified: (I) educational context factors influencing the clinical reasoning process; (II) teacher's role in clinical reasoning development; and (III) student factors influencing the clinical reasoning process. From 134 publications identified, 53 were selected for review, resulting in 10 potential solutions. Through two Delphi rounds, teachers rated the potential solutions very highly in terms of relevance (4.50-4.85) and feasibility (3.50-4.29). Finally, a prioritisation ranking of these solutions was generated using their scores for relevance, feasibility, and teachers' self-perception of their ability to implement them. CONCLUSIONS: The present comprehensive approach identified challenges for clinical reasoning development in dental students and their potential solutions, perceived as relevant and feasible by teachers, requiring further research and follow-up actions to address them.

Educação em Odontologia , Estudantes de Odontologia , Humanos , Competência Clínica , Raciocínio Clínico , Grupos Focais , Técnica Delphi
J Surg Res ; 283: 102-109, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36399801


INTRODUCTION: Gender-based discrimination (GBD) creates a hostile environment during medical school, affecting students' personal life and academic performance. Little is known about how GBD affects the over 204,000 medical students in Brazil. This study aims to explore the patterns of GBD experienced by medical students in Brazil. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study using an anonymous, Portuguese survey disseminated in June 2021 among Brazilian medical students. The survey was composed of 24 questions to collect data on GBD during medical school, formal methods for reporting GBD, and possible solutions for GBD. RESULTS: Of 953 responses, 748 (78%) were cisgender women, 194 (20%) were cisgender men, and 11 (1%) were from gender minorities. 65% (616/942) of respondents reported experiencing GBD during medical school. Women students experienced GBD more than men (77% versus 22%; P < 0.001). On comparing GBD perpetrator roles, both women (82%, 470/574) and men (64%, 27/42) reported the highest rate of GBD by faculty members. The occurrence of GBD by location differed between women and men. Only 12% (115/953) of respondents reported knowing their institution had a reporting mechanism for GBD. CONCLUSIONS: Most respondents experienced GBD during medical school. Cisgender women experienced GBD more than cisgender men. Perpetrators and location of GBD differed for men and women. Finally, an alarming majority of students did not know how to formally report GBD in their schools. It is imperative to adopt broad policy changes to diminish the rate of GBD and its a consequential burden on medical students.

Assédio Sexual , Estudantes de Medicina , Masculino , Humanos , Feminino , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Sexismo , Inquéritos e Questionários , Faculdades de Medicina
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220478, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514390


This qualitative research aimed to understand the experiences of a fourth-year medical class during two clinical simulation scenarios of type 2 diabetes management in Primary Care. Ten simulated students were interviewed. The results describe the symbolic conception of diabetes and its treatment as anguish, damage, condemnation and an unpleasant sentence that affects the appropriation and performance of the medical role by students. Considering Medical Psychology, we suggest that such subjective factors should be addressed in teaching-learning in addition to commonly cognitive aspects mentioned in the medical education literature in order for students to develop the work profile to cope with diabetes in Primary Care. Clinical simulation facilitates the subjective approach through its group support component to promote reflection, insights and self-awareness.(AU)

Esta pesquisa qualitativa objetivou compreender as experiências de estudantes de um quarto ano médico durante dois cenários de simulação clínica do manejo do diabetes tipo 2 na Atenção Primária. Dez estudantes simulados foram entrevistados. Os resultados descrevem a concepção simbólica do diabetes e seu tratamento como angústia, dano, condenação e uma sentença desagradável que afeta a apropriação e o desempenho do papel médico pelos estudantes. Considerando a Psicologia Médica, sugerimos que os fatores subjetivos apontados devem ser abordados no ensino-aprendizado além de aspectos cognitivos mais comuns na literatura de educação médica para que os estudantes desenvolvam o perfil de trabalho ao enfrentamento do diabetes na Atenção Primária. A simulação clínica permite esta abordagem subjetiva por seu componente de suporte grupal promovendo reflexão, insights e autoconsciência.(AU)

Esta encuesta cualitativa tuvo el objetivo de comprender las experiencias de estudiantes del cuarto año de medicina durante dos escenarios de simulación clínica del manejo de la diabetes tipo 2 en la Atención Primaria. Fueron entrevistados 10 estudiantes simulados. Los resultados describen la concepción simbólica de la diabetes y su tratamiento, tales como angustia, daño, condenación y una sentencia desagradable que afecta la apropiación y el desempeño del papel médico por parte de los estudiantes. Considerando la Psicología Médica, sugerimos que los factores subjetivos señalados deben abordarse en la enseñanza-aprendizaje, más allá de aspectos cognitivos más comunes en la literatura de educación médica para que los estudiantes desarrollen el perfil de trabajo para el enfrentamiento de la diabetes en la Atención Primaria. La simulación clínica permite este abordaje subjetivo por su componente de soporte grupal promoviendo reflexión, insights y autoconciencia.(AU)

Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514091


Fundamento: la existencia de insatisfacciones en la relación médico-paciente constituye una preocupación por la dirección del Estado y del sector de salud cubanos. Objetivo: valorar el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas de los educandos, según la percepción docente sobre el cumplimiento de las funciones de la comunicación para una adecuada relación médico-paciente. Métodos: se realizó una investigación cualitativa en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Cuba, entre mayo-junio 2021. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción e histórico-lógico; y empíricos: análisis documental y encuesta de opinión estructurada a los docentes sobre la base de las funciones comunicativas. Los resultados se expresaron en porcientos según los indicadores para la valoración, y se ilustraron en figuras. Resultados: la malla curricular de la carrera de Medicina ofrece posibilidades de desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas como basamento para una adecuada relación médico-paciente, constituyen fortalezas las asignaturas y disciplinas propias de la formación en pregrado y la educación en el trabajo. La función informativa de la comunicación resultó ser la más favorecida en los criterios expresados por lo docentes; obtuvieron más bajos porcientos la reguladora y la afectiva. Conclusiones: la percepción docente mostró insuficiencias en la relación médico-paciente en todas las funciones, por lo que se precisa elaborar estrategias para el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas, imprescindibles en la formación médica humanitaria que caracteriza la asistencia médica cubana.

Background: the existence of dissatisfies in the doctor-patient relationship constitutes a concern for the direction of the State and the Cuban health branch. Objective: to assess the development of students' communication skills, according to the teacher's perception of compliance with communication functions for an adequate doctor-patient relationship. Methods: a qualitative research was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine of Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, Cuba, from May to June 2021. Theoretical methods were applied: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; and empirical ones: documentary analysis and structured opinion survey of teachers based on communicative functions. The results were expressed in percentages according to the indicators for the assessment and were illustrated in figures. Results: the curriculum of the Medicine career offers possibilities for the development of communication skills as a basis for an adequate doctor-patient relationship, the subjects and disciplines of undergraduate training and the in-service training are strengths. The informative function of communication turned out to be the most favored in the criteria expressed by the teachers; the regulatory and affective obtained lower percentages. Conclusions: the teacher's perception showed insufficiencies in the doctor-patient relationship in all functions, which is why it is necessary to develop strategies for the development of communication skills, essential in humanitarian medical training that characterizes Cuban medical assistance.

Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Educação Médica , Idioma
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514085


Fundamento: la autorregulación del aprendizaje es un parámetro importante para tomar decisiones docente-metodológicas, promotoras de la autogestión del conocimiento. Objetivo: analizar la apreciación sobre su autorregulación del aprendizaje, por estudiantes de primer año de Medicina del curso 2021-2022, en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Salvador Allende". Métodos: se realizó una investigación exploratoria, descriptiva, transversal y no experimental, con un enfoque mixto. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inductivo-deductivo y enfoque sistémico; empíricos: el instrumento de medición utilizado consistió en un cuestionario conformado a partir de una adaptación de la Escala de Autorregulación del Aprendizaje, con las dimensiones: actitud hacia el estudio, enfoque estratégico en el aprendizaje y regulación metacognitiva; y matemático-estadísticos para el procesamiento de los datos. Resultados: se determinó que la autorregulación del aprendizaje fue insatisfactoria, al presentarse deficiencias en dos de sus dimensiones: Enfoque estratégico en el aprendizaje y Regulación metacognitiva. La dimensión Actitud ante el estudio obtuvo una valoración satisfactoria; se apreció que el ítem correspondiente a la dedicación al trabajo con las tareas orientadas, tuvo una débil relación directa con el interés personal, las calificaciones obtenidas y el reconocimiento personal. De todos los ítems considerados en la encuesta, solamente hubo una relación débil e indirecta del sexo (p ˂ 0,01) con la solicitud de ayuda y el aprovechamiento de las explicaciones de los compañeros. Conclusiones: la percepción de la autorregulación del aprendizaje por la población objeto de estudio mostró dificultades en rasgos significativos de dicha conducta, lo que limita la disposición para el aprendizaje autónomo.

Background: self-regulation of learning is an important parameter for making teaching-methodological decisions, promoting self-management of knowledge. Objective: to analyze the appreciation of their self-regulation of learning, by first-year Medicine students of the 2021-2022 academic year, at the "Salvador Allende" Faculty of Medical Sciences. Methods: an exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional and non-experimental investigation was carried out, with a mixed approach. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and systemic approach; Empirical ones: the measurement instrument used consisted of a questionnaire made from an adaptation of the Self-regulation of Learning Scale, with the dimensions: attitude towards study, strategic approach to learning and metacognitive regulation; and mathematical-statisticalfor data processing. Results: it was determined that the self-regulation of learning was unsatisfactory, as there were deficiencies in two of its dimensions: strategic focus on learning and metacognitive regulation. The Attitude dimension towards the study obtained a satisfactory assessment, it was observed that the item corresponding to dedication to work with oriented tasks, had a weak direct relationship with personal interest, qualifications obtained and personal recognition. Of all the items considered in the survey, there was only a weak and indirect relationship between sex (p ˂ 0.01) with the request for help and taking advantage of the explanations of the classmates. Conclusions: the perception of self-regulation of learning by the study population showed difficulties in meaningful features of such behavior, which limits the willingness for autonomous learning.

Inclusão Escolar , Educação Médica , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Aprendizagem
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440042


La formación de profesionales demanda que el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje tenga una visión integradora para alcanzar los objetivos generales con los niveles de profundidad y dominio requeridos. A partir de ello, es que se introduce una novedosa forma de abordar la interdisciplinariedad, aplicando estrategias curriculares. La aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la formación de los médicos generales no ha sido sistemática ni de forma coordinada por el colectivo de profesores de inglés en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Es objetivo de los autores describir una tesis de maestría que contiene: metodología y acciones para implementarla desde la disciplina y asignaturas de inglés, un curso de posgrado para profesores de este idioma y ofertas de bibliografías actualizadas impresas y digitales como materiales de consulta para el estudio independiente, cuyos contenidos se aplican de forma satisfactoria para solucionar las carencias mencionadas.

The training of professionals demands that the teaching-learning process have an integrating vision to achieve the general objectives with the required levels of depth and mastery. From this, a new way of approaching interdisciplinarity is introduced, applying curricular strategies. The application of herbal and folk Medicine in the training of general practitioners has not been systematic or coordinated by the group of English teachers at the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. The authors' objective is to describe a master's thesis that contains: methodology and actions to implement it from the discipline and subjects of English, a postgraduate course for teachers of this language and offers of updated printed and electronic bibliographies as reference materials for the independent study whose contents are satisfactorily applied to solve the aforementioned deficiencies.

Educação Médica , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Educação Profissionalizante , Idioma
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(2): e072, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449617


Resumo: Introdução: Um estudo de 2010 apontou as necessidades futuras da educação médica, com conteúdos e práticas integrados, fomentada pela tecnologia educacional virtual e pela prioridade na competência, não no tempo. A anatomia, indistinta de outros fundamentos da medicina, enfrenta restrições à dissecção de cadáveres. Objetivo: Ensaio sobre o ensino da anatomia em contextos clínicos e com emprego de tecnologias. Método: Utilizaram-se a plataforma PubMed da National Library of Medicine e os descritores ((anatomy [MeSH Terms]) AND (method, teaching [MeSH Terms])) AND (surgery [MeSH Terms]). Resultado: Há indicação de 316 artigos no período 2000-2022 (junho de 2022). A principal pergunta sobre o ensino de anatomia refere-se à substituição da técnica de dissecção e, por consequência, do uso do cadáver. Estudos sugerem a manutenção do uso da dissecção, da prossecção e de maior uso de meios digitais e modelares. Conclusão: O material cadavérico deve ser garantido com maior uso da prossecção, com a dissecção sendo dirigida ou eletiva. Realidade virtual e material de prossecção devem ser assimilados como instrumentais e supervisionados por anatomistas qualificados e enriquecidos pela interpretação e aplicabilidade clínica.

Abstract: Introduction: A 2010 study pointed out the future needs of medical education, with integrated contents and practices, fostered by virtual educational technology and by prioritizing competence, not time. Anatomy, indistinguishable from other fundamentals of medicine, faces restrictions on cadaver dissection. Objective: Essay on the teaching of anatomy in clinical contexts and the use of technologies Method: The "pubmed" platform of the National Library of Medicine and descriptors ((anatomy[MeSH Terms]) AND (method, teaching[MeSH Terms])) AND (surgery[MeSH Terms]) were used. Result: There are indications of 316 articles in the period 2000-2022 (June 2022). The main question about the teaching of Anatomy is the replacement of the dissection technique and, consequently, the use of the cadaver. Studies suggest maintaining the use of dissection, prosection and greater use of digital and model means. Conclusion: Cadaveric material should be secured with greater use of prosection and dissection being directed or elective. Virtual reality and permanent material must be assimilated as instrumental and supervised by qualified anatomists and enriched by interpretation and clinical applicability.

Iatreia ; Iatreia;35(4): 458-465, dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1534605


Introducción: las experiencias investigativas durante el pregrado son diversas y tienen como objetivo la formación de competencias en ese mismo ámbito de investigación. Objetivo: recopilar la información relacionada a las experiencias investigativas basadas en cursos (EIBC) que se han implementado en el contexto de la educación médica. Métodos: se realizó una revisión de la literatura narrativa donde se indagaron las bases de datos ERIC, SciELO, Redalyc, Scopus y PubMed a través de los términos: "ciencia", "basados en cursos", "investigación", "en el aula", "experiencia(s)", "pasantía(s)", "pregrado", "licenciatura", "formación". De las 780 fuentes iniciales, se analizaron 35. La información fue descrita según las categorías de: resultados de las mediciones, fundamentos teóricos, beneficios de la experiencia, limitaciones/ desventajas. Resultados: las EIBC se consideran como experiencias positivas y atractivas para los estudiantes, pues permiten exponerlos al proceso investigativo, desarrollar habilidades y oportunidades para futuros proyectos de investigación, permitir establecer redes y trabajo en equipo, brindar la oportunidad para trabajar en equipos de investigación y laboratorios de experimentación, y comprometer a los estudiantes y docentes a difundir los hallazgos a través de publicaciones científicas. Sus fundamentos se encuentran en el aprendizaje situado, las comunidades de práctica, el aprendizaje basado en problemas y el aprendizaje constructivista. El objetivo en común es el de involucrar a los estudiantes de pregrado en la investigación científica y que logren formar sus competencias a través del mismo acto investigativo. Conclusión: las EIBC permiten mejorar el aprendizaje estudiantil, la formación de competencias investigativas, otorgan ganancias en su identidad científica, autoconfianza, y persistencia en su carrera de estudios.

Summary Background: Investigative experiences during undergraduate education are diverse and their objective is the formation of investigative competences. Objective: to compile information related to coursebased research experiences (CBRE) that have been implemented in the context of undergraduate medical education. Methods: A review of the narrative literature was carried out where the ERIC, SciELO, Redalyc, Scopus and PubMed databases were investigated through the terms: "science", "course-based", "research", "in the classroom", "experience(s)", "internship(s)", "undergraduate", "bachelor", "training". Of the 780 sources initially searched, 35 references were analyzed. The information was analyzed according to the categories of: measurement results, theoretical foundations, benefits of the experience, limitations / disadvantages. Results: The CBRE are considered positive and attractive experiences for students, as they allow the student to be exposed to the research process, developing skills and opportunities for future research projects, allows networking and teamwork to be established, provides the opportunity to work in research teams and research laboratories, experimentation, and commits students and teachers to disseminate the findings through scientific publications. Its foundations are in situated learning, communities of practice, problembased learning and constructivist learning. The common objective is to involve undergraduate students in scientific research and that they manage to form their competencies through same investigative act. Conclusion: CBRE allow improving student learning, the formation of investigative competences, and gains in their scientific identity, self-confidence, and persistence in their study career.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto