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Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 56(3): 393-412, mai.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387588


Abstract Why do political actors promote public transparency? Studies show that adherence to transparency can be both politically strategic, i.e., to tie the hands of the successor, and a result of observing the adoption of the policy made by other municipalities, i.e., to minimize the cost of information. We test both the political and the informational motivations to explain the adoption of transparency laws with a subnational analysis of the diffusion of LAI in Brazilian municipalities (2011-2019). Results show that both the informational and the political strategy motivations affect the probability of adopting the LAI. Socioeconomic factors are also important explanatory factors. However, an analysis of heterogeneous effects shows that the learning mechanism is relevant for reducing the impact of socioeconomic factors. This means that learning from neighboring municipalities minimizes the cost of information and the reliance on structural factors to promote transparency at the local level.

Resumen ¿Por qué los actores políticos promueven la transparencia pública? Los estudios muestran que la adhesión a la transparencia puede ser tanto políticamente estratégica, es decir, para atar las manos del sucesor, como resultado de la observación de la adopción de la política hecha por otros municipios, esto es, para minimizar el costo de la información. Probamos las motivaciones políticas e informativas para explicar la adopción de leyes de transparencia con un análisis subnacional de la difusión de la LAI en los municipios brasileños (2011-2019). Los resultados muestran que tanto las motivaciones de aprendizaje como las de estrategia política afectan la probabilidad de adopción de la LAI. Los factores socioeconómicos también son factores explicativos importantes. Sin embargo, un análisis de los efectos heterogéneos muestra que el mecanismo de aprendizaje es relevante para reducir el impacto de los factores socioeconómicos. Esto significa que aprender de los vecinos minimiza el costo de la información y la dependencia de factores estructurales para promover la transparencia a nivel local.

Resumo Por que os atores políticos promovem a transparência pública? Estudos mostram que a adesão à transparência pode ser tanto politicamente estratégica, ou seja, para atar as mãos do sucessor, quanto resultado da observação da adoção da política feita por outros municípios, isto é, para minimizar o custo da informação. Testamos as motivações políticas e informacionais para explicar a adoção de leis de transparência com uma análise subnacional da difusão da LAI nos municípios brasileiros (2011-2019). Os resultados mostram que tanto o aprendizado quanto as motivações da estratégia política afetam a probabilidade de adoção da LAI. Fatores socioeconômicos também são importantes fatores explicativos. No entanto, uma análise dos efeitos heterogêneos mostra que o mecanismo de aprendizagem é relevante para reduzir o impacto dos fatores socioeconômicos. Isso significa que aprender com os vizinhos minimiza o custo da informação e a dependência de fatores estruturais para promover a transparência em nível local.

Brasil , Cidades , Acesso à Informação , Políticas
Adv Physiol Educ ; 46(2): 228-232, 2022 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35025616


Using real-world situations to engage students in learning specific content is advocated by educational research as an effective strategy. However, motivating students to establish personal and emotional connections with the curricular content is challenging. We presented a didactic strategy named "the presidential election of the human body," created to use the presidential election context to engage students in studying cell function and structure using role-playing and appropriation of scientific concepts. Four groups of students (n = 124) of the science and mathematics teacher training program chose a cell of the human body to impersonate, they studied the biology of their cell, and they ran in a presidential election campaign. They created slogans, videos, and materials for their campaign, and on the day of the election the group of students voted for the best slogan. The didactic strategy was capable of stimulating the appropriation of the characteristics of the cells they represented. The majority (75%) of the elected candidates represented cells that are linked to the nervous system. Musicality and humor were the most frequent styles that appeared in the slogans. Students strongly agreed that they enjoyed the activity and considered it valuable for contextualizing the learning of anatomy and physiology. Thus, the activity is a didactic resource to stimulate the students to embrace the content they are learning in the contextualized momentum of a presidential election.

Corpo Humano , Fisiologia/educação , Estudantes , Ensino , Currículo , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Política
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 55(3): 736-756, maio-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288139


Resumo A intimidade entre dinheiro e voto tem sido exposta nas democracias contemporâneas por meio de sua influência nos resultados eleitorais e na produção de políticas públicas. Estudos apontam que a progressiva iniquidade entre os recursos financeiros dos candidatos nas eleições abala a democracia e promove a plutocracia, ou seja, amplia o domínio oligárquico dos processos políticos pelos cidadãos e pelos grupos mais ricos. Contribuindo para esse debate, o presente trabalho analisa a relação entre receitas de financiamento e o desempenho e o sucesso eleitoral de 317.107 candidaturas a vereador nas eleições de 2008, 2012 e 2016, em 441 municípios brasileiros com mais de 50 mil eleitores. Trata-se de um estudo inédito em sua abrangência temporal, que permite suprir uma carência de exames sobre eleições subnacionais, em especial nas disputas ao Legislativo municipal. Os dados utilizados têm origem no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, nas tabelas de candidaturas, nos resultados e na prestação de contas. Os testes e as análises de dados e informações utilizam recursos estatísticos de correlação e regressão, além de medidas centrais e razão de chances. Os resultados permitem confirmar uma forte associação entre dinheiro, voto e sucesso eleitoral, inclusive no pleito de 2016, quando estiveram proibidas as doações empresariais. A manutenção de um padrão, tanto temporal quanto geográfico, indica a existência de características estruturais de caráter plutocrático no financiamento eleitoral dos candidatos a vereador nas cidades pesquisadas e, consequentemente, sobre a produção de políticas públicas no Brasil.

Resumen La intimidad entre dinero y voto ha sido expuesta en las democracias contemporáneas a través de su influencia en los resultados electorales y en la producción de políticas públicas. Los estudios muestran que la desigualdad progresiva entre los recursos financieros de los candidatos en las elecciones debilita la democracia y promueve la plutocracia, es decir, aumenta el dominio oligárquico en los procesos políticos por parte de los ciudadanos y grupos más ricos. Contribuyendo a este debate, el presente trabajo analiza la relación entre los ingresos por financiamiento y el desempeño y el éxito electoral de 317.107 candidatos a concejal en las elecciones de 2008, 2012 y 2016 en 441 municipios brasileños con más de 50 mil votantes. Es un estudio sin precedentes en su alcance temporal que permite suplir la falta de estudios sobre elecciones subnacionales, especialmente en disputas relacionadas con el Poder Legislativo Municipal. Los datos utilizados provienen del Tribunal Superior Electoral, de los cuadros de candidaturas, resultados y rendición de cuentas. Las pruebas y análisis de datos e información utilizan recursos estadísticos de correlación y regresión, además de medidas centrales y razón de probabilidades. Los resultados confirman una fuerte asociación entre dinero, votación y éxito electoral, incluso en las elecciones de 2016, cuando se prohibieron las donaciones corporativas. El mantenimiento de un patrón tanto temporal como geográfico indica la existencia de características estructurales de carácter plutocrático en el financiamiento electoral de los candidatos a concejal en las ciudades encuestadas y, en consecuencia, en la producción de políticas públicas en Brasil.

Abstract The close relationship between money and votes has been exposed in contemporary democracies through the influence of the former in election results and in the creation of public policies. Studies have pointed out that the progressive inequity of financial resources available to the candidates running for elections unbalances democracy and promotes plutocracy, increasing the oligarchical ruling over the political processes by the wealthiest citizens and groups. This work contributes to this debate by analyzing the relationship between fundraising and electoral performance and the success of 317,107 candidates running in local legislative elections in 2008, 2012, and 2016 in 441 Brazilian municipalities with over 50,000 inhabitants. This is an unprecedented study regarding its period, filling a gap in electoral studies on sub-national elections, particularly regarding elections for the legislative branch. Data was collected from the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court, from candidate lists, results, and accounting. The tests and data analysis and information employed correlation and regression statistical resources, along with central measures and odds ratio. The results confirmed a strong association between money, vote, and electoral success, including in the 2016 election when company donations had been prohibited. The maintenance of a pattern, regarding both time and geography, indicates the existence of structural characteristics of a plutocratic character in the election funding of those running for the council in the municipalities studied and, consequently, in the creation of public policies in Brazil.

Política Pública , Financiamento de Capital , Democracia , Economia , Brasil
Fam Process ; 60(2): 623-638, 2021 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32638369


The present study illuminates the emotions of mixed-status families as they anticipated the 2016 Presidential election. From a 6-year longitudinal case study of four Mexican immigrant families, we present interviews from May of 2016, prior to the presidential primaries, and from November of 2016, the day before or the day of the presidential election. Using a multiple case study method (Stake, 2006, Multiple case study analysis. Guilford Press, New York; Yin, 2014, Case study research: Design and methods (5th ed.). Sage, Los Angeles, CA), our primary goal was to describe how immigrant Mexican adults and their preadolescent and adolescent children (or grandchildren) personally and collectively reacted emotionally to the events leading up to the 2016 presidential election, and how they managed and coped with their emotions. Our secondary goal was to explain how their emotional reactions changed over time and were influenced by age and immigration status. Initially, participants expressed concern and fear about the anti-immigration rhetoric by the conservative political movement, but largely felt reassured that such rhetoric would not prevail. In the days immediately preceding the election, a notable change seemed apparent among all participants, regardless of immigration status. They expressed having intense emotions ranging from fear and angst to disbelief, anger, and denial, which they attempted to manage through external (e.g., community involvement, activism, solidarity) and internal (e.g., family communication, cognitive strategies) actions. Older adolescents had a better understanding of the implications of the election for their family than younger adolescents did. We provide recommendations for family practice and policy aimed to support and advocate on behalf of immigrant families.

El presente estudio explica las emociones de las familias cuyos miembros tienen distinta situación migratoria mientras esperaban la elección presidencial de 2016. De un caso práctico longitudinal de seis años de cuatro familias de inmigrantes mexicanos, presentamos entrevistas de mayo de 2016, antes de las primarias presidenciales, y de noviembre de 2016, el día antes o el día de la elección presidencial. Utilizando un método de casos prácticos múltiples (Stake, 2006; Yin, 2014), nuestro objetivo principal fue describir cómo los adultos inmigrantes mexicanos y sus hijos preadolescentes y adolescentes (o nietos) reaccionaron personal y colectivamente a los acontecimientos previos a la elección presidencial de 2016, y cómo manejaron y afrontaron sus emociones. Nuestro objetivo secundario fue explicar cómo sus reacciones emocionales cambiaron con el tiempo y estuvieron influenciadas por la edad y la situación inmigratoria. Inicialmente, los participantes expresaron preocupación y miedo acerca de la retórica contra los inmigrantes por parte del movimiento político conservador, pero en su gran mayoría estaban convencidos de que dicha retórica no prevalecería. Los días inmediatamente anteriores a la elección, se hizo evidente un cambio notable entre todos los participantes, independientemente de la situación de inmigración. Ellos dijeron tener emociones intensas, desde miedo y angustia hasta incredulidad, ira y rechazo, que intentaron manejar mediante medidas externas (p. ej.: participación en la comunidad, activismo, solidaridad) e internas (p. ej.: comunicación familiar, estrategias cognitivas). Los adolescentes mayores tuvieron una mejor comprensión de las implicancias de la elección para su familia que los adolescentes más jóvenes. Ofrecemos recomendaciones para la práctica familiar orientadas a apoyar y a abogar por las familias inmigrantes.

Emigrantes e Imigrantes , Emigração e Imigração , Adaptação Psicológica , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Emoções , Humanos , Política
Heliyon ; 6(9): e04910, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33005781


PURPOSE: The purpose was to use Twitter to conduct online surveillance of negative sentiment towards Mexicans and Hispanics during the 2016 United States presidential election, and to examine its relationship with mental well-being in this targeted group at the population level. METHODS: Tweets containing the terms Mexican(s) and Hispanic(s) were collected within a 20-week period of the 2016 United States presidential election (November 9th 2016). Sentiment analysis was used to capture percent negative tweets. A time series lag regression model was used to examine the association between percent count of negative tweets mentioning Mexicans and Hispanics and percent count of worry among Hispanic Gallup poll respondents. RESULTS: Of 2,809,641 tweets containing terms Mexican(s) and Hispanic(s), 687,291 tweets were negative. Among 8,314 Hispanic Gallup respondents, a mean of 33.5% responded to be worried on a daily basis. A significant lead time of 1 week was observed, showing that negative tweets mentioning Mexicans and Hispanics appeared to forecast daily worry among Hispanics by 1 week. CONCLUSION: Surveillance of online negative sentiment towards racially vulnerable population groups can be captured using social media. This has potential to identify early warning signals for symptoms of mental well-being among targeted groups at the population level.

Gac Med Mex ; 153(7): 800-809, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29414975


OBJECTIVE: This study explored choice factors in four specialties in Mexico. METHOD: Mixed methods design. Qualitative phase: four focus groups with first-year residents, to obtain information of how specialty choice was done. With this information a web-based cross-sectional questionnaire was applied to residents registered in the 1st year of Postgraduate Studies Division, UNAM. RESULTS: 32 residents participated in qualitative phase and for the quantitative phase, the survey was answered by 35 surgical, 28 gynecology, 61 internal medicine and 62 pediatric residents. The specialty choice decision was done during the last years of the medical career. The majority of the resident choice was a subspecialty after the general residency. The type of patient was more crucial to choose pediatrics while a good academic program was for internal medicine. Negative models and bullying were decisive to rule out surgery as well as a not well-known hospital was to rule out pediatrics. CONCLUSION: The specialty choice is done during undergraduate training, with the intention of doing a subspecialty. Demographic and personality traits were identified.

Escolha da Profissão , Cirurgia Geral/estatística & dados numéricos , Ginecologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Medicina Interna/estatística & dados numéricos , Internato e Residência , Pediatria/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Masculino , México , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Inquéritos e Questionários
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;22(supl): 1621-1636, oct.-dic. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-769733


Resumen La campaña electoral en España está regulada por la ley orgánica de régimen electoral general 5/1985, que no contempla ninguna medida específica para la cibercampaña. Este vacío legal motiva a los emisores a realizar una interpretación de la norma cuando se comunican en internet durante este periodo. Con el fin de explorar si el nuevo tempo y forma de comunicación en internet se corresponde con un nuevo espacio comunicativo, este estudio analiza los mensajes que políticos, periodistas y ciudadanos se intercambiaron en la jornada de reflexión de las últimas elecciones generales españolas (2011) y muestra cómo esta jornada, comprendida hasta la fecha como un día de reflexión silenciosa, cobra un nuevo sentido en internet.

Abstract Electoral campaigns in Spain are governed by Organic Law 5/1985 on the general election system, which does not include any specific measures on cybercampaigns. This legal vacuum has led the media to come up with their own interpretion of the regulations when engaging in Internet communications during this period. In order to explore whether the new speed and style of communicating by Internet is matched by a new communication space, this article analyzes the messages that politicians, journalists and citizens exchanged during the day of reflection in Spain’s last general election (2011), showing how what has, until now, been seen as a day of silent reflection takes on a new meaning with the Internet.

Humanos , Meios de Comunicação/legislação & jurisprudência , Internet/legislação & jurisprudência , Política , Participação da Comunidade , Democracia , Regulamentação Governamental , Espanha
Psicol. saber soc ; 3(2): 260-266, jul.-dez. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-67546


O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o debate eleitoral realizado entre sete candidatos à presidência do Brasil em 2014. A amostra composta pelos discursos disponibilizados na mídia foi submetida à análise temática de conteúdo. Destacaram-se entre os temas de análise: Programas Educacionais; Programas Sociais; Desenvolvimento Social e Econômico; Corrupção na Petrobrás; Outros Casos de Corrupção e Compromissos Assumidos. Como conclusão, os resultados enfatizam a importância da mídia na decisão do voto popular. (AU)

The aim of the present study was to analyze the electoral debate among seven candidates of Brazil´s presidency in 2014. A sample consisting of the speeches available in the media was submitted to thematic content analysis. Among the themes of analysis we pointed out: educational programs; social programs; social and economic development; Petrobras corruption; other instances of corruption and commitments. The results emphasize the importance of the media in voting decision. (AU)

Humanos , Psicologia Social , Discurso , Comportamento de Escolha , Política , Meios de Comunicação de Massa
Psicol. saber soc ; 3(2): 260-266, jul.-dez.2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-788812


O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o debate eleitoral realizado entre sete candidatos à presidência do Brasil em 2014. A amostra composta pelos discursos disponibilizados na mídia foi submetida à análise temática de conteúdo. Destacaram-se entre os temas de análise: Programas Educacionais; Programas Sociais; Desenvolvimento Social e Econômico; Corrupção na Petrobrás; Outros Casos de Corrupção e Compromissos Assumidos. Como conclusão, os resultados enfatizam a importância da mídia na decisão do voto popular...

The aim of the present study was to analyze the electoral debate among seven candidates of Brazil´s presidency in 2014. A sample consisting of the speeches available in the media was submitted to thematic content analysis. Among the themes of analysis we pointed out: educational programs; social programs; social and economic development; Petrobras corruption; other instances of corruption and commitments. The results emphasize the importance of the media in voting decision...

Humanos , Discurso , Comportamento de Escolha , Meios de Comunicação de Massa , Política , Psicologia Social
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708431


El trabajo procura situar las encrucijadas electivas que determinan la producción de la neurosis obsesiva. En función de delimitar "lo electivo" se lo opone a lo disruptivo en la historia del sujeto. Luego se articulan lo electivo y lo disruptivo en los caminos de formación de síntoma freudianos. Tomado como paradigma del tipo clínico en cuestión, se analiza el historial freudiano del Hombre de las Ratas procurando ubicar tales encrucijadas electivas.

The work tries to locate the elective crossroads that determinates the production of the obsessive neurosis. In order to delimitate "the elective" it is opposed to the disruptive in the history of the subject. After that, we articulate elective and the disruptive thing on the bases o f the freudian ways of symptom's building. Taken as a paradigm of the obsessive neurosis, the freudian case of the Man of the Rats is analyzed trying to locate such elective crossroads.

Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-128228


El trabajo procura situar las encrucijadas electivas que determinan la producción de la neurosis obsesiva. En función de delimitar "lo electivo" se lo opone a lo disruptivo en la historia del sujeto. Luego se articulan lo electivo y lo disruptivo en los caminos de formación de síntoma freudianos. Tomado como paradigma del tipo clínico en cuestión, se analiza el historial freudiano del Hombre de las Ratas procurando ubicar tales encrucijadas electivas.(AU)

The work tries to locate the elective crossroads that determinates the production of the obsessive neurosis. In order to delimitate "the elective" it is opposed to the disruptive in the history of the subject. After that, we articulate elective and the disruptive thing on the bases o f the freudian ways of symptoms building. Taken as a paradigm of the obsessive neurosis, the freudian case of the Man of the Rats is analyzed trying to locate such elective crossroads.(AU)

Edumecentro ; 4(3): 188-197, sep.-dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-728416


Tipo de estudio: descriptivo en estudiantes de primer año de la Facultad de Estomatología de Villa Clara en el curso 2011-2012. Objetivo: determinar los factores motivacionales que influyeron en estos estudiantes para elegir la carrera. Universo: constituido por todos los estudiantes matriculados en la sede central. Muestra: se obtuvo mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple con el 50 % de los alumnos. Métodos: teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos. Resultados: el 50.9% de los ingresados a la carrera fueron del municipio Santa Clara; de éstos, el 49% acceden por preuniversitario, el resto por concurso. Entre ellos, el 51.6% declaran haber recibido conferencias orientadoras y solamente un estudiante del propio municipio señala participación en círculo de interés, el resto de los municipios no refieren haber recibido alguna orientación. Los factores motivacionales identificados en los estudiantes fueron el reconocimiento social representado por 22 (41.5%) y la familia o amistades 21 (39.6). Conclusiones: la mayoría de los estudiantes ingresaron por vía preuniversitario, y predominaron los del municipio Santa Clara. Se identificaron como factores influyentes el reconocimiento social y la influencia afectiva, la escasez de orientación y formación vocacional, y en mayor medida, la casi nula participación en círculo de interés. Por lo que proponemos el análisis en las enseñanzas media superior y superior, de factores como los ya descritos para que se desarrollen acciones con el fin de lograr una mayor motivación en los estudiantes.

Type of study: descriptive study in fresh more students of the Villa Clara Odontology Faculty in the academic year2011- 2012. Objective: to determine the motivational factors that influenced upon fresh more students to select the Odontology career. Universe: All the students registered in the central site. Sample: conglomerated and randomized sampling of 50% of the students of the groups. Method: a survey was applied to the students. Results: 50.9 % of the students are from Santa Clara, and 49% come from the pre- university, the rest entered through contest. 51.6% referred they had received orientation lectures in Santa Clara municipality and only one student participated in a special training and orientation group, the rest of the municipalities haven't received any orientation. The identified motivational factors that the students referred were the social recognition 22(41.5%) and the family or friendships 21(39.6) Conclusions: most of the students entered coming from the pre-university and the ones from Santa Clara municipality are predominant. It is stated the presence of motivational factors such as the social recognition and the affective influence, it is also stated the lack of orientation, vocational formation and in a greater extent the participation in special training and orientation groups.

Corrida , Orientação Vocacional , Medicina Bucal , Capacitação Profissional , Guia de Estudo , Motivação
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);17(7): 1805-1812, jul. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-645578


OBJETIVOS: o artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa de monitoramento da mídia impressa brasileira para identificar as formas de enquadramento do tema do aborto durante o período de 6 de julho a 29 de outubro de 2010, período oficial da campanha eleitoral para a Presidência da República. METODOLOGIA: a partir do monitoramento de 28 veículos impressos de circulação nacional (jornais e revistas), a pesquisa recuperou 464 textos, dos quais 434 foram considerados válidos para o estudo, entre matérias, reportagens, notas, colunas de opinião, entrevistas e cartas de leitores. RESULTADOS: embora o aborto tenha sido amplamente citado na cobertura jornalística da mídia impressa brasileira durante a campanha eleitoral para a Presidência da República em 2010, em uma média de 4 textos publicados por dia, o enquadramento adotado para o tema não foi o da perspectiva da saúde pública. Dos 434 textos analisados, apenas 1 reportagem abordou explicitamente dados epidemiológicos relacionando o aborto à saúde da mulher. Nos demais textos, o agendamento do tema foi pautado mediante enquadramentos eleitorais associando-o à disputa dos candidatos pelos votos das comunidades religiosas e do eleitorado conservador.

OBJECTIVES: this article presents the results of research to monitor the Brazilian printed media in order to identify the stance of the abortion issue during the period from July 6 to October 29, 2010, which was the period of the official presidential campaign in Brazil. METHODOLOGY: based on the monitoring of 28 printed media vehicles (newspapers and magazines) with nationwide circulation, the research selected 464 texts, of which 434 were considered valid for the study. The media studied included stories, reports, notes, opinion columns, interviews and letters from readers. RESULTS: although abortion was widely mentioned in Brazilian news coverage of the presidential campaign in 2010, with an average of four texts published per day, the stance adopted for the issue was not from the standpoint of public health. Among the 434 texts analyzed, only one report explicitly addressed epidemiological data linking abortion to women's health. In the other texts, the positioning of abortion was guided by the electoral stance that associated it with the dispute for the votes of the religious communities and conservative voters.

Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Aborto Induzido , Atitude , Governo , Meios de Comunicação de Massa , Política , Saúde Pública , Opinião Pública , Brasil
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 11: 161-179, nov. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-707909


Para precisar la relación entre la posición sexuada y el factor electivo hemos tomado algunos pilares teóricos que dan fundamento a tal factor electivo: la distinción entre juicio de atribución y juicio de existencia realizada por Freud, la lectura de los tres tiempos del Edipo distinguidos por Lacan y en la lógica del no-todo desarrollada años más tarde por éste.La lectura realizada de dos momentos de la enseñanza de Lacan y cierto desarrollo de sus lectores nos ha permitido verificar el énfasis que destaca efectivamente a la elección como factor determinante en la asunción de una posición sexuada del sujeto. La lectura minuciosa del Hombre de los Lobos permite poner a prueba esas elucubraciones y echa luz sobre las dificultades que acarrea la idea de elección sexual.

To clarify the relationship between the sexed position and the elective factor we have taken some theoretical underpinnings that give grounds for such elective factor: the distinction between attribution judgment and existence judgment by Freud, the reading of the three phases of Oedipus distinguished by Lacan and the logic of the not-all developed by him years later.The reading of the two moments of the teaching of Lacan and some development of its readers has allowed us to verify the emphasis that actually emphasizes election as a determining factor in the assumption of a sexed subject position. The careful reading of the Man of the Wolves allows us to test these speculations and sheds light on the difficulties involved the idea of sexual election.

Humanos , Relatos de Casos , Sexualidade/psicologia , Teoria Psicanalítica , Complexo de Édipo , Psicanálise
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 9(19): 179-215, dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-586290


En el presente artículo se aborda el análisis de la problemática del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud, centrándose en la problemática que se desprende de las relaciones del sistema con sus usuarios, aspecto éste que ha permanecido desatendido en los estudios y en los análisis sobre el tema. En particular se analizan los criterios y los aspectos determinantes que definen la elección de EPS (Entidades Promotoras de Salud) e IPS (Instituciones Prestadores de Servicios de Salud) por parte de los usuarios del régimen contributivo en la ciudad de Bogotá, prestando particular atención al ejercicio de la libre elección y la toma de decisiones informadas. El análisis de los resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos permite concluir que la información relevante disponible y el ejercicio de la libre elección son limitados.

This paper presents the analysis of the problems in Social Security and Health System due to the relations of the system with its users; problems that have been neglected in the studies and in the analyses on this subject. The determining criteria and aspects that define the election of Health Promotion Entities (EPS) and health providing institutions (IPS ) by the users of Bogota are analyzed whereby free election and an informed decision are pointed out. The analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results allows concluding that the available information and the exercise of the free election are limited.

No presente artigo analisa-se o Sistema de Seguridade Social em saúde concentrando-se na problemática que surge a partir das relações do sistema com os seus usuários, aspecto que tem sido negligenciado nos estudos e nas análises sobre o assunto. Em particular analisam-se os critérios e aspectos determinantes que definem a escolha da EPS (Entidades Promotoras de Saúde) e IPS (Instituições Prestadoras de Serviços de Saúde) pelos usuários do regime contributivo na cidade de Bogotá, com especial atenção ao exercício da liberdade de escolha e a tomada de decisão informada. A análise dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos permite chegar à conclusão de que as informações relevantes disponíveis e o exercício da livre escolha são limitados.

Tomada de Decisões , Sistemas de Saúde
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-641881


El trabajo intenta delimitar diferentes momentos electivos en el campo de las neurosis. Se distinguen: - La elección de la neurosis, que da lugar al estado neurótico común. - La apertura del inconciente, que da lugar al sujeto indeterminado, el sujeto analizante. - El franqueamiento del fin de análisis que da lugar a un sujeto determinado. Articulado a este recorrido, se abordan las modalidades lógicas del vel en función de situar las distintas modalidades de la elección.

The present work tries to delimit different elective moments in the field of neurosis. We distinguish: The election of the neurosis that brings on the common neurotic state. - The opening of the unconscious, that brings on the undetermined subject, the analyzed subject. - The passage to the end of the analysis that brings on a determined subject. Joined to this development, we focus on the logical modalities of vel in order to locate the different election´s modalities.

Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; Dados rev. ciênc. sociais;53(4): 821-853, 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-580304


Democracies have adopted different legislative models to regulate election finance: maximum limits to contributions, bans on donations by companies that provide public services or operate government concessions, and disclosure of private donations and public funds to cover campaign expenditures. The current study's underlying hypothesis is that there is no association between the legislation's rigor and improvement in indicators of institutional transparency. The study analyzes the extent to which different types of institutional formats like democracy, presidentialism, type of electoral slate, and size of voting districts, as well as economic development variables, can explain the failure of electoral legislation to produce transparency in election finance.

Les démocraties ont adopté différents modèles de législation afin de régler le financement des campagnes électorales: plafonnement des contributions, dons interdits d'entreprises prestataires de services ou bénéficiaires de concessions publiques, publicité de donations privées et de fonds publics en règlement de frais électoraux. L'hypothèse qui guide cet article suggère une absence de rapport entre une législation rigoureuse et une amélioration des indicateurs de transparence institutionnelle. On y examine dans quelle mesure différents types de configurations institutionnelles telles que démocratie, régime présidentiel, type de listes électorales et étendue des districts électoraux, ainsi que des variables de développement économique, peuvent rendre compte de l'échec d'une législation électorale qui cherche à garder sa transparence.

Univ. psychol ; 8(2): 385-398, mayo.-ago. 2009. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-572160


Los contrafácticos son enunciados que plantean alternativas a eventos ocurridos (Roese, 1997). El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar si se observaban vínculos funcionales entre la elaboración de enunciados contrafácticos y la conducta, al exponer a sujetos humanos a una tarea de elección con riesgo. Se diseñó una preparación experimental en la que se promovía o bloqueaba la elaboración de contrafácticos. El estudio se llevó a cabo con universitarios. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los participantes expuestos a condiciones que promovían la elaboración de enunciados contrafácticos modificaron su comportamiento de una condición experimental a otra, mientras que la mayoría de los expuestos a condiciones que interferían con la elaboración de contrafácticos no lo hicieron.

Counterfactuals are statements that raise alternatives to past events (Roese,1997). The objective of the present research was to analyze if functionalconnections between counterfactuals and behaviour were observed, whenhumans subjects were exposed to an election task with risk. An experimentalpreparation was designed in which the elaboration of counterfactuals was promoted or blocked. The study was carried out with college students. The results showed that most of the participants exposed to conditionsthat promoted the elaboration of counterfactual statements, modified their behaviour from an experimental condition to the other one, whereas themajority of individuals exposed to conditions that interfered with counterfactual elaboration did not.

Humanos , Assunção de Riscos , Universidades , Estudantes
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; Dados rev. ciênc. sociais;51(2): 459-487, 2008. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-598435


This article analyzes the impact of Free Television Advertising on proportional elections in Brazil, based on an analysis of the data for the Rio de Janeiro City Council elections in 2004. The article discusses the hypothesis raised by Schmitt, Carneiro, & Kuschnir that free TV advertising time allows political parties to organize their candidates hierarchically, establishing informal "slates". The study thus links two types of evidence, concerning: 1) the efficacy of free TV time as an instrument for political communication, whereby more TV time tends to translate into more votes for a candidate and 2) the analysis of different strategies adopted by the political parties to split the free advertising time between the candidates.

Dans cet article, on examine l'impact de l'Horaire Gratuit de Propagande Électorale (HGPE) sur les élections proportionnelles, à partir de l'analyse des données concernant les élections à Chambre Municipale de Rio de Janeiro en 2004. On y discute l'hypothèse selon laquelle, d'après Schmitt, Carneiro et Kuschnir, le HGPE permet aux partis politiques d'établir une hiérarchie entre ses candidats, en composant des listes "informelles". Pour cela, on considère, de façon articulée, deux types d'évidences concernant: 1) l'efficacité du HGPE comme instrument de communication politique, de façon qu'un temps plus long résulterait tendanciellement par l'obtention de davantage de voix par le candidat; 2) l'analyse des différentes stratégies d'attribution de temps à chaque candidat, adoptées par les partis politiques.