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Afr. j. biomed. res ; 18(3): 197-200, 2016. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1256780


A total of one hundred and Forty-five (145) subjects comprising of 50 homozygous Hemoglobin A subjects (HbAA); 50 heterozygous hemoglobin AS (HbAS) subjects and 45 homozygous hemoglobin S (HbSS) subjects were recruited for this study with a view to ascertain variations in the Hemorheological values possibly associated with the inherited hemoglobin genotype. Some Hemorheological determinants such as whole blood viscosity (WBV) and plasma viscosity (PV) and Plasma Fibrinogen Concentration (PFC) were measured with standard methods. We recorded a relatively unchanged whole blood viscosities in subjects with various hemoglobin genotypes (AA; AS and SS; P0.05; respectively). Also; there were no significant differences in PV values of HbAA and HbAS while there were significant increases in PV and PFC of HbSS compared with others (P0.05; respectively). However; relative erythrocyte viscosity (REV) of HbSS became significantly reduced when repeated with saline after replacing plasma with saline (P0.05; respectively); to ascertain the erythrocytic cellular viscosity. We conclude that increased plasma viscosity coupled with that of PFC in HBSS could be due to plasmatic components and that cellular rheologic properties of the erythrocytes may be dependent on its content of hemoglobin while whole blood viscosities are stable in native blood irrespective of haemoglobin genotypes

Blood Viscosity/genetics , Erythrocytes , Hemoglobins , Hemorheology , Nigeria
Afr. j. lab. med. (Online) ; 4(1): 1-7, 2015. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1257305


Background: Currently; no data are available on the prevalence of red blood cell (RBC) antibody formation amongst Kenyan patients with multiple transfusion needs; such as patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) or haematological malignancies (HM) and solid (SM) malignancies.Objectives: We determined the prevalence and specificities of RBC alloantibodies and autoantibodies in two patient groups with recurrent transfusion demands at Kenyatta National Hospital; Nairobi; Kenya. Method: Between February and August 2014; 300 samples from SCD; HM and SM patients were collected and screened for alloantibodies. Samples from 51 healthy blood donors were screened for irregular antibodies and phenotyped.Results: Amongst the 228 patients with viable samples (SCD; n = 137; HM; n = 48; SM; n = 43); the median transfusion frequency was two to three events per group; 38 (16.7%) were RBC immunised and 32 (14.0%) had a positive direct antiglobulin test. We identified specific alloantibodies in six patients (2.6%). Four of these six were SCD patients (2.9%) who had specific RBC alloantibodies (anti-Cw; anti-M; anti-Cob; anti-S); amongst HM patients one had anti-K and one had anti-Lea. RBC autoantibody prevalence was 3.1% (7/228). Amongst the healthy blood donors; the Ror; and R2r; ccD.Ee phenotypes accounted for 82% of the Rhesus phenotypes and all were Kell negative.Conclusion: The numbers of transfusions and the rates of RBC alloantibodies are low and the most important RBC alloantibody-inducing blood group antigens are relatively homogeneously distributed in this population. A general change in the Kenyatta National Hospital pre-transfusion test regimen is thus not necessary. The current transfusion practice should be reconsidered if transfusion frequencies increase in the future

Anemia , Erythrocytes , Hematologic Neoplasms , Inpatients , Kenya
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 28(1): 36-43, 2013.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1265670


Les valeurs de reference de l'hemogramme ne sont pas etablies a la naissance au Mali. Cette etude determine les valeurs de reference erythrocytaires et leucocytaires du nouveau-ne a Bamako. Le sang du cordon ombilical a ete preleve apres clampage sans delai et etudie pour les parametres erythrocytaires et leucocytaires chez 481 nouveau-nes a terme avec un poids de naissance 2500g; un score d'Abgar ? 7 a 5ou 10 minutes; sans mutant de l'hemoglobine et dont les mamans etaient consentantes; a Bamako; Mali. Outre les valeurs medianes et moyennes; les percentiles 2;5 et 97;5 ont ete calcules. Les valeurs considerees comme normes de reference locales apres un clampage sans delai du cordon ombilical (moyenne _///} 1SD et extremes) sont : GR = 4;00 _///} 0;46.1012/L (3;13 - 4;89); Hb = 14;12 _///} 1;49 g/dL (11;20 - 17;00); Ht = 40;27 _///} 4;71 (31;62 - 50;18); VGM = 101 _///} 5 fl (91 - 112); TCMH = 35;37 _///} 2;16 pg/cellule (30;70 - 39;59); CCMH = 35;06 _///} 0;93 g/dL (33;40 - 36;90); IDR = 17;79 _///} 7;33 (15;50 - 20;39); Reticulocytes (109/L) = 133;081 _///} 29;95 (66;62 - 200;86); GB (109/L) = 13;24 _///} 7;23 (7;20 - 23;70); PNN (109/L) = 7;16 _///} 4;70 (3;07 - 14;22); PE (109/L) = 0;28 _///} 0;26 (0 - 0;98); PB (109/L) = 0;05 _///} 0;09 (0 - 0;31); Lymphocytes (109/L) = 4;49 _///} 2;45 (1;96 - 9;42); Monocytes (109/L) = 1;06 _///} 0;73 (0;21 - 2;54); myelocytes = 1;43 _///} 1;51; erythroblastes = 4;52 _///} 7;83. A noter un taux des polynucleaires neutrophiles plus bas chez le garcon que chez la fille. Ces valeurs different de celles rapportees pour d'autres populations. La prise en compte de ces resultats dans l'interpretation de l'hemogramme du nouveau-ne au Mali; devrait eviter des erreurs de diagnostic et des explorations par exces chez une population a faibles revenues

Erythrocytes , Infant, Newborn , Leukocytes , Reference Values
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1259210


BACKGROUND: Umbilical cord blood analysis may give a clue to the state of health of both pregnant mothers and their neonates. However, there is paucity of literature on some of these indices from our area.OBJECTIVES:This present study determined the red blood indices of maternal and umbilical cord blood in Owerri, Nigeria.METHODS:Pregnant mothers aged 18 - 42 years who booked and received antenatal care until vaginal delivery at the antenatal clinics of two tertiary health care centres in Owerri, Nigeria were divided into five age groups I - V. Maternal blood samples were obtained immediately after delivery of the baby. The umbilical blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord of the baby at the end of the second stage of labour. The haemoglobin (Hb) concentration and packed cell volume (PCV) were determined using standard procedures. The mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) was calculated mathematically.RESULTS:The result of the cord blood haemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume were significantly higher than the maternal values (14.22 ± 1.25 g/dl versus 11.20 ± 0.92g/d and 42.6 9± 3.80% versus 33.67 ± 2.71% respectively; (P < 0.0001).However, there was no significant differences between cord blood and maternal mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (33.24 ±0.23% versus 33.29 ± 0.45 % ;P = 0.310). Furthermore, a positive linear Pearson's correlation was observed between the mean Hb and PCV of cord blood and maternal blood (r=1.11 and r=1.15 respectively <0.0001).CONCLUSION:This result provides a baseline data for further studies on establishing a reference value for maternal and umbilical cord packed cell volume and haemoglobin concentration in our locality

Blood , Blood Cells , Cues , Erythrocytes , Hematocrit , Nigeria , Umbilical Cord
Pan Afr. med. j ; 5(8): 1-7, 2010. tab
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268686


Introduction: L'érythrocytose après transplantation rénale (ETR) survient chez 5 à 20 % des transplantés rénaux. Le but de notre travail est de déterminer la prévalence de l'érythrocytose chez les transplantés rénaux et de connaître les facteurs de risque d'apparition de cette érythrocytose et son impact sur la fonction rénale. Méthodes: Notre étude est rétrospective portant sur 74 transplantés rénaux. Nous avons distingué 2 groupes de patients selon la présence ou non de l'érythrocytose, celle-ci étant définie par un taux d'hématocrite supérieur à 51% selon les recommandations de Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Résultats: L'érythrocytose est retrouvée chez 11 patients, soit une prévalence estimée à 14,8%. On note une nette prédominance masculine (63,6% vs 36,4%). L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 40 ± 11 ans pour le Groupe1 vs 36 ± 13 ans pour le Groupe 2. La durée de transplantation rénale était de 42 ± 33 mois pour le groupe1 vs 36±26 mois pour le groupe2. Le délai d'apparition de l'érythrocytose par rapport à la transplantation rénale est de 9±7 mois. Aucun facteur de risque n'a été retrouvé dans notre série. Quatre patients ont nécessité des saignées et 9 ont été traités par un inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion. La rémission a été notée chez tous les patients. On n'a pas noté de complication thrombo-embolique. Conclusion: L'érythrocytose après transplantation rénale reste une complication, le plus souvent, bénigne. Le traitement est basé sur les saignées mais surtout les inhibiteurs de l'enzyme de conversion

Erythrocytes , Kidney Transplantation , Morocco , Patients , Retrospective Studies
Afr. j. med. med. sci ; 39(2): 99-104, 2010.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1257349


Stored blood is used for transfusion in humans but peroxidative processes occur in stored blood before transfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the length of storage on plasma antioxidant levels and RBCs antioxidant enzyme activity. Blood collected from 15 donors and preserved with anticoagulant (citerate phosphate; dextrose adenine (CPDA-1) were examined. The concentration of total antioxidant status (TAS); malondialdehyde (MDA) and potassium (K+) in the plasma as well as glutathione peroxidise (GSH - Px); glutathione superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities in erythrocytes were determined on days 1;5;10;15;20;25;30;35 and 40 of storage. Day 1 of the study is the day of donation.A 24.8increase in plasma concentration of MDA and 15.8increase in the concentration K+ on day 15 were recorded (p0.05). A 27decrease in the plasma concentration of TAS was observed on day 20 compared with day 1 (p0.05). Similarly GSH-Px activity is stored RBC decreased by 17.1; on day 15 (p0.05). SOD activities reduced by 17.1on day 20; CAT activities reduced by 12.6on day 15 (in each case p0.05). In this study blood stored in CPDA-1 shows that those glutathione-dependent antioxidant enzymes systems in erythrocytes and antioxidant defence in plasma were depleting gradually depending on the day of storage. We concluded based on our finding that 10 days period can be considered a safe storage limits for transfusion in relation to oxidative stress the RBCs were subjected in the storage medium

Antioxidants , Blood Preservation , Blood Transfusion , Erythrocytes , Plasma
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264102


Les valeurs erythrocytaires et le statut martial varient en fonction des periodes de la saison chez le sportif de haut niveau. Ces variations chez les pratiquants beninois n'ont jamais ete evaluees. La presente etude a pour objectif de comparer le niveau des parametres erythrocytaires entre de jeunes footballeurs et des non sportifs; en periode de competition et a la fin d'une treve de 2 semaines. Il s'agit d'une etude prospective et analytique; realisee sur 20 jeunes footballeurs de troisieme division (FB); engages dans deux competitions differentes (scolaire et civile) et 25 jeunes non sportifs (NS). Les parametres erythrocytaires ont ete mesures en simple aveugle; suite a 14 semaines d'entrai-nement et de competition (1er prelevement); puis apres une treve de 2 semaines succedant a 7 autres semaines de competition (2eme prelevement). Apres les 14 semaines d'entrainement et de competition; les parametres etudies etaient plus eleves chez les footballeurs que chez les non sportifs (p 0;05). Apres les 2 semaines de treve; les variations entre test et retest ont ete non significatives dans le groupe FB; de meme que les differences entre les groupes FB et NS (p 0;05). Les valeurs erythro- cytaires des joueurs de football etudies different de celles des non sportifs en periode de competition; mais pas en fin de trêve

Benin , Erythrocyte Volume , Erythrocytes , Football , Physical Fitness , Sports
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267780


The study was to ascertain the effect of quality and quantity of dietary protein on body growth; organ cellular and cytoplasmic size; serum protein concentration and molecular weights; erythrocyte fragility and bone mineralisation. Diets containing 20; 17 and 15protein were fed to Sprague Dawley Albino rats weighing about 90g for 21 days. The 20protein diet was a commercial diet better in nutrient composition and quality than the diet containing 17 and 15protein formulated in our laboratory. At the end of 21 days; kidney; testes; brain; pancreas; spleen and long bones ere taken for analysis. Results showed that the diet containing 20protein supported higher body weight; liver and testes cell size (Protein/DNA and weight/DNA ratios) and cytoplasmic size (RNA/DNA ratio). The pancreas cell size; heart; brain; pancreas and spleen cytoplasmic size were not changed by dietary protein level. Plasma protein concentration and the molecular weights; percent bone cash and percent calcium in it were the same at the three levels of dietary protein. TCA soluble plasma amino acid concentration was higher at 20dietary protein. Erythrocyte fragility was higher but erythrocyte ghost protein was lower at dietary protein below 20

Blood Proteins , Bone and Bones , Dietary Proteins , Erythrocytes , Growth