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Afr. health sci ; Afr. health sci;22(1): 88-91, March 2022.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1400435


in the ten (10) regions of Ghana. The findings showed that most girls in Public Senior High Schools in Ghana had prior knowledge about menstruation from their mothers and sisters prior to menarche. It was revealed that majority of the girls mentioned hormones as the cause of menstruation, whilst others mentioned the uterus, bladder, vagina, and other parts of the female reproductive system. A few of them had no idea what causes menstruation. The findings again revealed that most girls use sanitary pads, while some use other materials during menstruation. Less than half of the sample of girls in this study were able to change their pads twice daily or more. About half of the girls cleansed their genital parts only when bathing during menstruation using soup and water mostly. Half of the schools used public tap/standpipe as their main source of water and the rest used other sources of water. Also, most schools have toilet facilities. Some useful recommendations are proffered with the aim of improving MHM in public high schools in Ghana

Uterus , Vagina , Urinary Bladder , Fear , Hormones , Menstruation , Anxiety , Education, Primary and Secondary , Cisgender Persons , Ghana
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 14(3): 4241-4249, 2021.
Article in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1292604


Contexte et objectifs. Le devenir des pathologies du canal péritonéo-vaginal (CPV) et de la migration testiculaire chez l'enfant est peu connu. L'objectif de ce travail était de décrire les aspects cliniques et le devenir de ces pathologies. Méthodes. Etude documentaire descriptive portant sur les hernies, hydrocèles, cryptorchidies et torsions du cordon spermatique opérées chez le garçon âgé de 0 à 16 ans, au Centre hospitalier de Louga, Sénégal, de janvier 2018 à décembre 2019. Résultats. 184 dossiers des patients ont été colligés, soit 32,5 % de patients opérés au cours de la période. Leur âge moyen était de 5,4 ± 4,3 ans. Ces pathologies englobaient : hernies inguinales (n=37 dont 3 étranglements), hydrocèles (n=113), cryptorchidies (n=27), testicules oscillants (n=2) et torsions du cordon spermatique (n=5). L'abord a été inguinal dans 96,1 %. Le traitement a consisté en : ligature du CPV, abaissement testiculaire, orchidopexie, orchidectomie. Aucune récidive, atrophie ou fonte testiculaire n'a été observée en trois mois de suivi. Conclusion. La prise en charge en urgence ou non des pathologies du CPV et de la migration testiculaire chez l'enfant est fréquente dans notre pratique, sans complication à courte terme. Le défi réside dans le suivi à long terme en raison des complications tardives

Context and objectives. Little is known about the outcome of patent processus vaginalis and testicular migration pathologies in children. The objectives of this study were to analyze clinical and therapeutic features of these pathologies. Methods. This was a descriptive retrospective study involving boys aged 0 to 16 years, operated for inguinal hernias, hydroceles, cryptorchidisms and testicular torsions, at the Louga Regional Hospital Center, Senegal, from January 2018 to December 2019. Results. 184 patients were recorded, which represented 32.5 % of all patients operated in the same period. Their average age was 5.4 ± 4.3 years. The managed pathologies were: inguinal hernias (n= 37 including 3 incarcerated hernias), hydroceles (n= 113), cryptorchidisms (n= 27), retractile testicles (n=2) and testicular torsions (n= 5). Inguinal approach was performed in 96,1 % of cases. Surgical managements were: ligature of the patent processus vaginalis, relocating the testicle within the scrotum, orchidopexy and orchidectomy. No recurrence, no purulent testicular discharge or testicular atrophy was encountered. Conclusion. Processus vaginalis and testicular migration pathologies are common in our practice. At 3 months of surgical operation, no complication was observed. However, the challenge is long-term follow-up due to late complications

Humans , Vagina , Cryptorchidism , Hernia, Inguinal , Testicular Hydrocele , Senegal
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 10(2): 92-98, 2009. ilus
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1256035


Genital samples from pregnant women were examined to determine the Candida species present and how some predisposing factors would affect the frequency of isolation of species. A total of 147 women (87 volunteer asymptomatic pregnant women and 60 asymptomatic nonpregnant women) were examined. High Vaginal Swabs (HVS) were collected in pairs while demographic data (age of individual; age of pregnancy; occupation and use of contraceptive pill) on each subject were obtained alongside. Samples were cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar plates and incubated for 72 hours at 37oC. Results revealed five Candida species (C.albicans; C.glabrata; C.tropicalis; C.stellatoidea; C.parapsilosis) with 61.5; 17.9; 7.7; 5.1; 2.6frequency of isolation respectively; as against 73.7; 7.7; 1.4; 11.3; and 0.0for control. Women in the second trimester of pregnancy had the highest occurrence (68.8) while the age groups 24- 30 and 31-37 years had the highest occurrence in the control (46.2) and in the pregnant ones (51.7) respectively. Traders had 68.8; and full-time housewives; 26.7occurrence. More women who used contraceptives had Candida (58.3) as against non contraceptive users (35.3). The results support literature reports that there are high rates of colonization of the vagina of pregnant women by Candida. They also give credence to earlier reports that the factors determined here affect the frequency of isolation of Candida species from the vagina

Candida , Nigeria , Pregnant Women , Vagina
Abidjan; UFR des Sciences Medicales; 2001. 112 p.
Thesis in French | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1277076


Dans le but de caracteriser la flore genitale de la femme a Abidjan; les secretions genitales de 512 patientes consultant a l'Institut Pasteur de Cote d'ivoire pour le diagnostic etiologique d'un ecoulement vaginal ont ete analysees de Novembre 1999 a Janvier 2000. L'ecosysteme vaginal a ete caracterise a l'examen direct (coloration de Gram). Les Lactobacillus ont ete recherches a l'examen direct puis apres culture sur gelose MRS et leur capacite a produire du h2o2; peroxyde d'hydrogene a ete recherchee sur gelose MRS au tetramethyl-benzidine ou TMB. Au plan epidemiologique et clinique; les patientes analysees avaient une moyenne d'age de 28ans avec des extremes d'age de 25 a 70 ans. L'ecoulement vaginal etait un signe frequent chez les patientes analysees; il etait peu abondant. Les methodes contraceptives etaient peu utilisees; ce qui n'etait pas le cas de la douche vaginale qui etait tres pratiquee dans la population etudiee. Au plan microbiologique; la flore de type IV; c'est a dire celle depourvu de Lactobacilus etait la plus frequente chez nos patientes. 200 souches de Laclobacillus ont pu etre isoler sur la gelose MRS. Les Lactobacillus du sous genre Thermobacterium actuellement appele Lactobacillus du groupe acidophilus etait le plus frequemment rencontre. Aucune souche protectrice de h2o2 n'a ete retrouvee. La premiere etiologie des ecoulements vaginaux etait representee par la vaginose bacterienne; qui etait en rapport avec la pauvrete de la flore vaginale en Lactobacillus. En conclusion l'absence de Lactobacillus au niveau de la flore favorise le developpement des agents pathogenes; et pourrait egalement constituer un facteur favorisant a la transmission l'infection a VIH

Bodily Secretions , Lactobacillus acidophilus/diagnosis , Lactobacillus/diagnosis , Vagina , Vaginosis, Bacterial/epidemiology