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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881032


The depressant-like effects of albiflorin (AF) were studied on stressed chronic restraint stress (CRS) rats. Experimental rats were subjected to immobilization stress for a daily 6 h-restraining in a plastic restrainer for continuous 21 d and were treated with 30 or 15 mg·kg

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164002


In India, many forms of alternative medicines are available for those who cannot be helped by conventional medicine. Ayurvedha and Herbal medicine are two important forms of alternative medicine that is widely available in India. This work was mainly concerned with the identification of the therapeutic properties of Indian medicinal plant extracts. Everyone knows that medicinal plants have disease curing properties and this is due to the compounds presents in the extracts used for the treatment. So we identified the compounds of different medicinal plants like Celastrus paniculatus, Withania somnifera, Convolvulus pluricaulis, Rauvoifia Serpentina etc which are used as medicine for Stress in Ayurvedha from previous literature. After identification using chemsketch software these compounds were designed and screened for antistress property. The proteins responsible for stress in Homo sapiens were collected using Protein databank (PDB). Active sites were identified and used for docking with the compounds. Then the compounds were docked to the Calcium channel in order find better inhibitor. Among 33 compounds 10 compounds showed best docking results for each protein. ADMET studies were performed using Molinspiration and OSIRIS server.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-420488


Objective To investigate the acute toxicity and anti-stress effects of Naoxinshu capsule (NC) in mice.Methods In acute toxicity experiment,mice were oral administered to determine the maximum tolerance dose of NC.In anti-stress experiments,mice were divided into 5 groups at random,namely NC high,medium and low dose groups (2.4,1.2 and 0.6 g/kg,respectively),Gypenosides group(0.75 g/kg) and control group (n=10).After seven days of oral administration,rope climbing time,loaded swimming time,anti-hypoxia time,and survival rate under high or low temperature tests were carried out,respectively.Results The maximum tolerance dose of NC was 72 g/kg.NC high,medium and low dose groups significantly prolonged the rope climbing time [is (9.5 ± 3.1) min,(6.0± 1.6) min,(4.1 ± 1.2) min],loaded swimming time [is (28.2± 6.8) min,(25.7± 10.3)min,(22.9± 8.0)min] and anti-hypoxia time (around 17 min),compared to the control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01).NC high dose group significantly improved the survival rate of mice (i.e.30%) under high or low temperature (P<0.05).Conclusion NC shows good anti-stress effects,and no detectable acute toxicity in mice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-424788


Objective To explore the correlation of the anti-stress ability of nuclear power plant operators with their heart rate,blood pressure and mental health.Methods A total of 136 male nuclear power plant operators received the continuous performance test (CPT) and mental health test (MHT),while 37 male senior students were used as the control group.Heart rate and blood pressure were recorded before and after the test.The nuclear power plant operators were divided to high score group and low score group by CPT scores.The correlation of the anti-stress ability and blood pressure,heart rate and their mental health was analyzedd.Results The scores of CPT and MHT test with the operators were significantly higher than those of the control group(t =- 1.25,6.25,P < 0.05).After the test,the heart rate,systolic pressure and diastolic pressure of the operators were all significantly lower than those of the control group ( t =- 2.07,3.28,2.74,P < 0.05 ).The CPT score of the high score group was lower in the heart rate,systolic pressure and diastolic pressure than the low score group(t=-3.15, -2.78, -2.54,P <0.05),while the scores of CPT and MHT were better(t =0.63,6.90,P < 0.05).CPT scores were negatively correlated with the increasing range of the heart rate,systolic pressure and diastolic pressure( r =- 0.69,- 0.94,and - 0.62,P < 0.05 ),and positively correlated with the MHT scores ( r =0.54,P < 0.05 ).Conclusions To a certain extent,CPT and MHT test can reflect the anti-stress ability and be used as one of the bases to select nuclear power plant operators and to assess their competence.

Salud ment ; 34(4): 309-314, Jul.-Aug. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632846


The forced swim test (FST) is commonly employed to test the potency of drugs to reduce immobility as an indicator of anti-despair. Certainly, antidepressant drugs reduce the total time of immobility and enlarge the latency to the first immobility period. FST is preceded by the open field test (OFT) to discard any influence of changes in general motor activity that could interfere with immobility in the FST. Albeit progesterone and its a-reduced metabolite allopregnanolone produce antidepressant-like effects in the FST, the timing of actions is unknown. We hypothesized that the latency and duration of effects produced by progesterone and allopregnanolone may be characterized by repeated FST sessions; we therefore devised a serial-FST experimental design to evaluate the timing effects of these steroids on immobility, locomotion in the open field test, and grooming in the later as an indicator of response to stress. We included fifty-one ovariectomized adult Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g at the beginning of the experiments. They were ovariectomized by abdominal approach under anesthesia. Rats were housed six per cage, at room temperature (25 ± 1°C) under a 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle (lights ON at 7:00 a.m.) with ad libitum access to purified water and food. All of the experimental procedures followed National Institutes of Health Guidelines. The local Ethics Committee (Biomedical Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) approved the experimental protocol. A first group received vehicle (2-hidroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin dissolved in injectable sterilized water to obtain a 35% solution, control group n=17), the second group progesterone (1.0 mg/kg, n=17), and the third group allopregnanolone (1.0 mg/kg, n=17). All single injections were applied by intraperitoneal route at a volume of 0.8 ml/kg. The effects of treatments were evaluated in the serial-FST at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h after injection, in a rectangular pool (height, 60 cm; length, 30 cm; width, 50 cm), with 24 cm deep water (25 ± 1°C). We evaluated the total time of immobility, during 5 min, considered as the principal indicator of an anti-despair effect. Before each session of serial-FST, locomotion was evaluated in the OFT during 5 minutes. The apparatus consisted on an acrylic box (height, 20 cm; length, 44 cm; width, 33 cm), with twelve squares delineated on the floor (11x11 cm). In the same OFT sessions, grooming was evaluated as an indicator of response to stress. Statistical analysis consisted in two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Student-Newman-Keuls as post hoc test. Total time in immobility was the highest and remained at similar levels only in the control group throughout the seven sessions of the serial-FST. In the allopregnanolone group a reduction in immobility was observed beginning 0.5 h after injection and lasted approximately 1.5 h. Similarly, progesterone reduced immobility beginning 1.0 h after injection, and the reduction lasted for approximately 5.0 h. In all groups, locomotion in the OFT was reduced after the first serial-FST session and remained at similar low levels during the serial-FST. In the control group, grooming was reduced after the first serial-FST session and lasted 24 h, but grooming did not change in the progesterone-or allopregnanolone-treated rats. From a serial-FST design, we conclude that progesterone and allopregnanolone exert short time-dependent reductions in immobility and anti-stress-like effects no longer than 24 hrs, and seemingly a reduction in the response to stress, which may have some clinical applications.

Introducción La progesterona y su metabolito activo alopregnanolona se han estudiado ampliamente en modelos experimentales de ansiedad y depresión, y por su propiedad de ser sintetizadas en el cerebro se les considera como neuroesteroides. Entre las pruebas que permiten determinar la potencia antidepresiva de ciertos fármacos se encuentra la prueba de nado forzado, la cual se diseñó originalmente para detectar la potencia de sustancias con propiedades antidepresivas. Estas sustancias reducen el tiempo de inmovilidad y alargan la latencia al primer periodo de inmovilidad, lo cual es considerado como un efecto antidepresivo. Usualmente, la prueba de nado forzado se aplica dos veces, una sesión de preprueba que dura 15 minutos, en la cual la rata o ratón desarrolla el estado de desesperanza. La preprueba es seguida de la sesión de prueba que se realiza 24 horas después durante 5 minutos. En ella se evalúa el efecto de las sustancias con propiedades antidepresivas. Además, la prueba de nado forzado es precedida por la prueba de campo abierto con la finalidad de identificar cambios en la actividad motora general (hipoactividad o hiperactividad) que pudiera interferir con la interpretación de las variables evaluadas en la prueba de nado forzado. Algunos esteroides, como la progesterona y alopregnanolona, reducen la inmovilidad y alargan la latencia a la primera inmovilidad en la prueba de nado forzado, lo que indica su efecto tipo-antidepresivo. Sin embargo, la latencia y la duración de los efectos farmacológicos son desconocidas. La hipótesis de este trabajo fue que, si utilizábamos la prueba de nado forzado de forma repetida, podríamos identificar el tiempo de duración de los efectos de estos esteroides. Por lo tanto, diseñamos un experimento con la prueba de nado forzado seriada para evaluar el tiempo de permanencia de los efectos de progesterona y alopregnanolona en esta prueba conductual. Materiales y métodos Sujetos: En este estudio se incluyeron 51 ratas adultas ovariectomizadas de la cepa Wistar, con peso entre 200 y 250 g al inicio de los experimentos. Las ratas fueron anestesiadas y ovariectomizadas por aproximación ventral y fueron alojadas en cajas de acrílico trasparente (n=6), con una temperatura ambiente de 25 ± 1°C y con un ciclo de luz-oscuridad de 12 ×12 h (la luz se encendió a las 7:00 am). Las ratas tuvieron libre acceso al agua purificada y al alimento (Purina). Todos los procedimientos realizados en este estudio fueron de acuerdo con las normas éticas en el uso de animales de experimentación, basándonos en la Guía del National Institute of Health, y el protocolo fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética del Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Grupos y tratamientos: Las ratas del grupo control recibieron el vehículo (solución al 35% de 2-hidroxipropil-g-ciclodextrina), el segundo grupo recibió progesterona (1.0 mg/kg) y el tercero recibió alopregnanolona (1.0 mg/kg) por vía intraperitoneal, en un volumen de 0.8 ml/kg. Pruebas conductuales: El efecto de los tratamientos fue evaluado en la prueba de nado forzado a las 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 y 24 horas después de la administración. Utilizamos un estanque rectangular (base 50 × 34 cm, altura 60 cm), con agua a 25°C y una altura de 24 cm. Sólo se evaluó el tiempo total de inmovilidad, considerando que es el principal indicador de un efecto antidesesperanza. Antes de cada sesión de nado forzado se evaluó la actividad motora (cuadros deambulados) y el acicalamiento en campo abierto. Esta prueba consistió en colocar a la rata en una caja de acrílico (base 33 × 44 cm, altura 20 cm) con el piso dividido en 12 cuadros de 11 × 11 cm. Los resultados obtenidos de ambas pruebas fueron evaluados por medio de una ANOVA de dos vías y como prueba post hoc se aplicó Student-Newman-Keuls. Resultados La prueba de nado forzado aplicada de forma repetida resultó ser útil para evaluar los efectos temporales producidos por dos esteroides con potencia antidepresiva. Las ratas del grupo control mostraron los valores más altos de inmovilidad en la prueba de nado forzado, los cuales se mantuvieron así durante las sesiones de prueba. En los grupos tratados con progesterona o alopregnanolona hubo una reducción de la inmovilidad, gradual y temporal. Los animales tratados con alopregnanolona redujeron la inmovilidad a partir de las 0.5 horas después de la administración, efecto que se mantuvo por un periodo de 1.5 h. Los animales tratados con progesterona redujeron la inmovilidad a partir de 1.0 hora después de la administración, efecto que se mantuvo por un periodo de 5.0h. En campo abierto, independientemente del tratamiento, hubo una reducción del número de cuadros cruzados después de la primera sesión de nado forzado, efecto que permaneció hasta las 24h. En el acicalamiento, se observó que sólo los animales del grupo control redujeron significativamente el tiempo empleado en esta conducta, mientras que los animales inyectados con progesterona o alopregnanolona no modificaron esta variable. Es decir, mantuvieron niveles semejantes durante todas las sesiones de prueba y estuvieron por arriba de los valores encontrados en los animales control. Conclusión La progesterona y la alopregnanolona ejercen un efecto antidesesperanza de breve latencia, no mayor a 24 horas. Este hallazgo podría tener implicaciones clínicas en pacientes con depresión refractaria al tratamiento convencional.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 21(4): 754-763, jul.-ago. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-596221


In Brazil, many plants are used as tonic, fortifier, aphrodisiac, anti-stress, among other uses that are similar to the indications of an adaptogen. In general, such plants are used unspecifically, in situations of stress and fatigue, in the recovery after a previous pathological or debilitating state, or simply aiming at the maintenance of a healthy state. This article discusses the popular terms employed in the Brazilian folk medicine for the plants with this profile, their particularities and limitations. The article also discusses the possible mechanisms of action of an adaptogen and compares the main Brazilian plants used for that purpose: guarana (Paullinia cupana Kunth, family Sapindaceae), muirapuama (Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth., Olacaceae), catuaba (Anemopaegma arvense (Vell.) Stellfeld & J.F. Souza, Bignoniaceae, and Trichilia catigua A. Juss., Meliaceae), nó-decachorro (Heteropterys aphrodisiaca O. Mach, Malpighiaceae), damiana (Turnera diffusa Willd. ex Schult., Turneraceae) and pfaffia or Brazilian ginseng (Pfaffia sp, Amaranthaceae).

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-578754


Objective To optimize extraction technology for volatile oil of Pogostemon cablin in the second traditional veterinary drugs anti-stress granule.Methods The single factor was used to investigate the concentration and amount of the ethanol before inclusion of volatile oil.The L9(34) orthogonal design was used to optimize the factors in the process of inclusion.Results The optimal of technology method was that volatile oil was dissolved with 95% EtOH by 1:20(mL/mL),the ratio of oil and ?-CD was 1:8,?-CD was prepared the concentration of 10%,ultrasound pool was at 40 ℃,2.0 h.Conclusion The optimized process is stable and adjustable quality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-567882


Objective:To investigate the anti-inflammation,immune regulation and anti-stress effect of cartialgenous collagen zymolyte.Methods:The anti-inflammatory effect was observed by carrageenan-induced foot swelling test,the immune effect was observed by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) induced by 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene and the anti-stress effect was observed by hypoxia tolerance and fatigue tolerance. Results:The cartialgenous collagen zymolyte can inhibit the carrageenan-induced foot swelling and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) induced by 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene,and improve the macrophagocyte phagocytosis function,and enhance the body,s non-specific resistance to fatigue.Conclusion:Cartialgenous collagen zymolyte appeared obvious immune regulation,anti-inflammation and anti-stress effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581604


This study investigated the pharmacological activities of Hai Ci Bao oral liquid (HCB) refined from the extracts of Stichopus variegatus Semper. The results showed that HCB can prolong significantly the life of Drosophila melanogaster , increase the SOD activity of erythrocytes in mice,possesse the anti-stress action of anti - fatigue and tolerance to high temperature etc,enhance animal growth and increase immunological organ weight,and have definite inhibiting effect on animal transplanting tumour.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581711


The proliferation of splenic lymphocytes, the humoral immune response to sheep red blood cells and the phagocytotic function of intraperitoneal macrophages of mice were all stimulated by ig the flesh of Meretrix meretrixL. (FM) 20 g/kg and 10 g/kg for 7 days. FM 20 g/kg and 10 g/kg ig for 15 days also enhanced the activity of serum T-SOD, and decreased the level of serum MDA in old mice. The anti -stress effect of FM, such as increasing the swimming time of mice in 20癈 water by ig FM 20 g/kg and 10 g/kg for 7 days, was also achieved.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-577666


Objective To observe the difference between Radix AstragaLi(RA) and Radix Fici Hirtae(RFH) in immune regulation and improvement of anaemia.Methods Fatigue resistance,brain hypoxia and normal hypoxia tolerance were observed to measure the anti-stress function.Bloodletting-induced anemia model and cyclophosphamid-induced anemia model were used to observe the effect of blood enrichment.Phagocytic function of macrophage,serum hemolysin level and delayed type hypersensitivity(DTH) reaction were also detected.Results RA and RFH could improve the fatigue resistance,normal hypoxia tolerance and brain hypoxia tolerance,and increase the red blood cell count and hemoglobin content,enhance phagocytic function of macrophage and serum hemolysin level,and increase the DTH reaction.Conclusion Both RA and RFH have an effect on improving anti-stress ability,immune function and blood enrichment,and there are no significant difference between RA and RFH.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-682344


AIM: To study the anti ageing effect of elk antlers ethanolic fluidextract. METHODS: The subacute ageing model mice induced by D galactose was established and was given elk antlers ethanolic fluidextract for 30 days. SOD and MDA activity of the blood in the mice was determined at the end of experiment. The anti stress action and the immunomodulation were measured by determining the surviving time under hypoxic condition and swimming time and by determining the immune organ index, respectively. RESULTS: Elk antlers ethanolic fluidextract could raise SOD activity and reduce MDA content of the blood in subacute ageing model mice. It could prolong the surviving time under hypoxic conditon and swimming time in mice. It could also increase spleen index and reduce thymus index in mice. CONCLUSION: Elk antlers ethanolic fluidextract has anti oxidation action. It can strengthen the ability to bear hypoxic condition and tiredness in mice.It has certain action to regulate immune function.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-553437


Objective: To evaluate the anti-aging, anti-fatigue, and anti-coldness effects of Queen Bee Larva (QBL) Methods: 1. American filth flies were divided into control group, QBL groups fed with 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% QBL and D-galactose groups, and the average and the highest life-span were recorded. 2. NIH mice were divided into control group, QBL groups fed with 1/3, 1/6 QBL, and the anti-fatigue, anti-coldness, anti-stress capacities and skin hydroxyproline were detected. Results: The average life-span of the male flies was longer in the 5%~20% QBL fed groups and in the 40% QBL with D-galactose fed group than in the others; The anti-fatigue effect was significantly higher in the mice of 1/3 QBL fed than in the others; The skin hydroxyproline was significantly higher in the male mice fed QBL than that in the control. The decrease of body temperature in cold condition was lower in the mice fed QBL than that in the control. Conclusion: QBL has distinct life-prolonging and anti-aging effects in male filth flies and delay skin-aging, and improve the anti-fatigue and anti-coldness capacity in mice.