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Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 23(4): 543-554, 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049798


Objetivo: Avaliar a autoeficácia em amamentar entre mães adolescentes atendidas em hospital amigo da criança em Belém. Material e Métodos: Estudo analítico descritivo, com delineamento transversal, de cunho quantitativo. Participaram adolescentes entre 13 a 19 anos de idade, que responderam um questionário socioeconômico e de antecedentes obstétricos e, aos quatro meses de pós-parto, a Breastfeeding Self-Effi-cacy Scale short-form. Foram incluídos: neonatos com idade gestacional acima de 36 semanas e peso ao nascer >2.500g; nascimentos sem intercorrências e que no momento da alta hospitalar, estivessem sendo amamentados exclusivamente ao peito. Resultados: Os resultados evidenciaram elevada autoefi-cácia em amamentar 81,66% e mostraram que as adolescentes se sentem confiantes no ato de amamentar. Conclusão: As adolescentes possuem alta eficácia na amamentação, pro-vando que mesmo possuindo baixa faixa etária, estão cientes da importância do aleitamento materno para seus bebês. Ao fazer uso dessa escala, tem-se a oportunidade de conhecer os motivos que contribuíram para o desmame precoce. (AU)

Objective: Evaluate the self - efficiency of breastfeeding among adolescent mothers, treated at a child - friendly hospital in the city of Belém. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross - sectional, quantitative study. Participants were adolescents between 13 and 19 years of age, that answered a socioeco-nomic questionnaire, had obstetric history and responded to the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale short-form at four months postpartum. Neonates with gestational age above 36 weeks and birth weight> 2,500 g, uninterrupted births and patients that, at the time of hospital discharge, were exclusively breastfed, were included. Results: The results showed a high self-efficiency in breastfeeding 81.66% and showed that the adolescents feel confident in the act of breastfeeding. Conclusion: This leads us to the conclusion that adolescents have high efficiency in breastfeeding, proving that even when they are of low age, they are aware of the importance of breastfeeding for their babies. By using this scale, there is the opportunity to know the reasons that contribute to early weaning. (AU)

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Breast Feeding , Self Efficacy , Postpartum Period , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies
Bogotá; s.n; 2018. 176 p. graf, tab.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1366353


Objetivo: Determinar el valor predictivo de la Evaluación cognitiva, la Severidad de los síntomas, el Control personal y la Autoeficacia sobre la toma de decisiones en la experiencia de los síntomas de Síndrome Coronario Agudo. Diseño: La presente investigación es de tipo correlacional predictivo de corte transversal, cuyo propósito fue conocer los efectos entre las variables independientes Evaluación Cognitiva, Severidad de los síntomas, Control personal, Auto eficiencia y dependiente Toma de decisiones, a partir de las proposiciones teóricas del Modelo Conceptual del Manejo de los síntomas, mediante la obtención de datos en la experiencia de los síntomas de Síndrome Coronario Agudo en tres instituciones de la ciudad de Bogotá. Análisis: Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la población estudiada empleando herramientas y técnicas de la estadística descriptiva. Para el análisis bivariado se definieron las variables dependientes e independientes. Las pruebas de hipótesis que se utilizaron fueron determinadas por la naturaleza y el nivel de medición de la variable dependiente, la distribución normal o no y el número de categorías que tomaron. Por lo tanto, para las variables dependientes cuantitativas las pruebas utilizadas fueron la U de Mann Whitney o la prueba de Kruskal Wallis (ANOVA), dependiendo si siguieron una distribución normal. Posteriormente con el fin de abordar las hipótesis de esta investigación en las cuales se predice la Evaluación cognitiva, la Severidad de los síntomas, el Control Personal y la Autoeficacia sobre la toma de decisiones, se realizó un Modelo Lineal Generalizado, considerando que este modelo permite unificar tanto los modelos como las variables de respuesta numérica y categórica, lo cual lleva a considerar datos dicotómicos, ordinales, categóricos o de elecciones discretas, es decir, de modelos de probabilidad de un evento. Por último se desarrolló un Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para realizar una comprobación del modelo conceptual, que permitió establecer las relaciones causales, es decir, se examinó el efecto de una variable explicativa sobre la explicada, y en qué medida la variación observada fue debida a los cambios producidos en las variables explicativas. Resultados: Se logró la validación de los instrumentos RSQ, CISS-21, CSE, CAS-R en versión español, al instrumento IES se le realizó un aporte a la medición por medio del análisis factorial confirmatorio. Se plantearon tres modelos predictivos por medio del software R y se realizó una comprobación del modelo conceptual para el manejo de los síntomas por medio del planteamiento de ecuaciones estructurales con el software IMOS. Finalmente se plantearon dos rutas de atención en salud, desde la prevención cardiovascular y una ruta de la experiencia del síntoma específica de mujeres con síndrome coronario agudo a partir de lo reportado en los modelos predictivos.

Objective: To determine the predictive value of the Cognitive Assessment, the Severity of the symptoms, the Personal Control and the Self-efficacy on the decision making in the experience of the symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome. Design: The present investigation was of a cross-sectional predictive correlation type, whose purpose was to know the effects between independent variables (Cognitive Evaluation, Severity of the symptoms, Personal control, Self efficiency) and dependent (Decision making), from the Theoretical propositions of the Conceptual Model of the Management of the symptoms, by obtaining data in the experience of the symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome in men and women in three institutions of the city of Bogotá. Analysis: A descriptive analysis of the studied population was carried out, for which tools and techniques of descriptive statistics will be used. For the bivariate analysis, the dependent and independent variables were defined. The hypothesis tests that were used were determined by the nature and level of measurement of the dependent variable, the normal distribution or not and the number of categories that they took. Therefore, for the quantitative dependent variables, the tests used were the Mann Whitney U test or the Kruskal Wallis test (ANOVA), depending on whether they followed a normal distribution. Subsequently, in order to address the hypotheses of this research in which Cognitive Assessment, Severity of symptoms, Personal Control and Self-efficacy on decision making are predicted, a Generalized Linear Model was carried out, considering that this model allows unify both the models and the numerical and categorical response variables, which leads to consider dichotomous, ordinal, categorical or discrete election data, that is, probability models of an event. Finally, a Model of structural equations was developed to make a verification of the conceptual model, which allowed to establish the causal relationships, that is, I examined the effect of an explanatory variable on the explained one, and to what extent the observed variation of this one is due to the changes produced in that one. Results: Validation of the RSQ, CISS-21, CSE, CAS-R instruments was achieved and the IES instrument made a contribution to the measurement by means of factor analysis and reliability. Three predictive models were proposed by means of software R and a verification of the conceptual model for symptom management was carried out by means of the structural equations approach with the IMOS software. Finally two health care routes were proposed, from the cardiovascular prevention and a route of the experience of the symptom of women with acute coronary syndrome.

Humans , Male , Female , Cognition , Decision Making , Acute Coronary Syndrome , Self Efficacy , Symptom Flare Up
Educ. med. super ; 31(3): 70-79, jul.-set. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-953087


Introducción: las expectativas de autoeficacia son un predictor importante del éxito académico en todos los niveles formativos, incluyendo las carreras de la salud. El diagnóstico temprano de los niveles de autoeficacia de los alumnos y una oportuna intervención puede ser una estrategia útil para favorecer los procesos formativos. Esto hace necesario contar con instrumentos psicométricamente adecuados que permitan su evaluación en los estudiantes. Objetivo: evaluar la estructura factorial y la consistencia interna de la Escala de Autoeficacia Percibida Específica de Situaciones Académicas de Palenzuela en estudiantes de Fonoaudiología de Chile. Métodos: esta escala se aplicó a 282 estudiantes elegidos por muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas.Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y se evaluó la confiabilidad con alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: presentaban entre 19 y 33 años de edad y 84,59 % eran mujeres. Se identificó una estructura unifactorial. Su consistencia interna fue adecuada según un alfa de Cronbach de 0,87. Conclusiones: existe evidencia psicométrica de la validez de constructo de la escala como medida unifactorial de autoeficacia académica en estudiantes de Fonoaudiología de Chile; además, muestra una adecuada confiabilidad(AU)

Introduction: Self-efficacy expectations are an important predictor for academic success at all levels of education, including the health-related majors. Early diagnosis of students' self-efficacy levels and timely intervention can be a useful strategy to favor the training processes. This makes it necessary to have psychometrically adequate instruments that allow students to evaluate themselves. Objective: To evaluate the factorial structure and internal consistency of the Scale of Specific Perceived Self-efficacy of Academic Situations of Palenzuela in Phonoaudiology students in Chile. Methods: This scale was applied to 282 students chosen by non-probabilistic sampling by rates. They were at ages between 19 and 33 years and 84.59% were women. An exploratory factorial analysis was performed and reliability was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha. Results: A unifactorial structure was identified. Its internal consistency was adequate according to Cronbach alpha of 0.87. Conclusions: There is psychometric evidence on the validity of the scale construction as a unifactorial measure of academic self-efficacy in Phonoaudiology students in Chile. In addition, it shows an adequate reliability(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students , Chile , Self Efficacy , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/education
Rev. lasallista investig ; 14(1)jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536485


Introducción. La deserción estudiantil a nivel universitario sigue siendo un problema vigente que desencadena pérdidas financieras además de tipo social y familiar, cuando no se alcanzan las metas de la formación académica que garantice trabajadores competentes para el mundo laboral actual. Objetivo. Analizar la permanencia y deserción versus la autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios en el marco de la calidad educativa. Materiales y métodos. La población estuvo constituida por los estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla en Colombia. Se tomó, del registro para el período 20151, una muestra de 322 estudiantes, de los cuales 195 estaban activos y 127 en deserción. El trabajo fue descriptivo y transaccional de diseño no experimental. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG), apoyada por el sistema de información institucional del Departamento de Admisiones y Registro. Resultados. Se demostró que no existe una correlación significativa entre autoeficacia y permanencia, así como tampoco entre la autoeficacia y la deserción. Sin embargo, un hallazgo significativo fue demostrar que la media de autoeficacia en desertores resultó mayor que la de los estudiantes que permanecieron en la institución. Conclusiones. Se obtuvo que no se presenta una correlación significativa entre las variables autoeficacia, deserción y permanencia.

Introduction. The student dropout at university level continues being a current problem that unleashes financial loss besides social and familiar ones, when academic formation goals are not achieved, which assures skillful workers for the current labor world. Objective. To analyze the permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students in the quality educative framework. Materials and methods. Population was composed by university students in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. The registry of 2015-1 term, a sample of 322 students, from which 195 were active and 127 on dropout was taken. The work was descriptive and transactional of non-experimental design. Data collection instrument was the General Self-sufficiency scale (GSS), supported by the institutional information system of the Admissions and Registration Department. Results. It was proved that there is not a significant correlation between self-efficiency and permanence, as neither between self-sufficiency or dropout; however, a significant finding was to prove that the average of dropout's self-sufficient students resulted greater than the one of students staying in the institution. Conclusions. It was obtained that there is not a significant correlation among self-efficiency, dropout, and permanence variables.

Introdução. A deserção estudantil a nível universitário segue sendo um problema vigente que desencadeia perdas financeiras ademais de tipo social e familiar, quando não se alcançam as metas da formação acadêmica que garante trabalhadores competentes para o mundo laboral atual. Objetivo. Analisar a permanência e deserção versus a auto eficácia de estudantes universitários no marco da qualidade educativa. Materiais e métodos. A população foi constituída pelos estudantes de uma universidade da cidade de Barranquilla na Colômbia. Se tomou, do registro para o período 2015-1, uma amostra de 322 estudantes, dos quais 195 estavam ativos e 127 em deserção. O trabalho foi descritivo e transacional de desenho não experimental. O instrumento de recolhimento dos dados foi a Escala de Auto eficácia General (EAG), apoiada pelo sistema de informação institucional do Departamento de Admissões e Registro. Resultados. Se demostrou que não existe uma correlação significativa entre auto eficácia e permanência, assim como tampouco entre a auto eficácia e a deserção. Embora, um descobrimento significativo foi demostrar que a média de auto eficácia em desertores resultou maior que a dos estudantes que permaneceram na instituição. Conclusões. Se obteve que não se apresenta una correlação significativa entre as variáveis auto eficácia, deserção e permanência.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 1370-1372, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-510849


Objective To analyze the effect of self efficiency,social support and coping style on the psychological resilience.Methods A total of 386 patients with cerebral infarction in a grade 3A hospital of Tangshan City were served as the subjects.The resilience scale,self efficiency scale,social support scale and medical coping questionnaire were taken as the survey tools.The Pearson correlation analysis,multiple linear regression model and structure equation model(SEM) were applied.Results The resilience score was (59.72 ±12.17) points,the resilience was positively correlated with the self efficiency,social support,facing coping style and avoidance coping style(P<0.01),and negatively correlated with the surrender coping style(P<0.01).The total efficiency coefficients of self efficiency sensation,subjective support,facing coping style and surrender coping style for affecting the resilience were 0.720,0.264,0.121 and-0.092 respectively.Conclusion Self efficiency,social support and coping style have significant influences on the psychological resilience.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613219


Objective To investigate the current situation of maternal self- efficacy of breastfeeding and explore its influencing factors in Zhengzhou. Methods Using the general condition questionnaires, breast feeding self-efficacy scale, perceived social support scale and Edinburgh postnatal depression scale to assess the situation of 180 puerperas by the convenience sampling in one obstetric hospital of Zhengzhou. Results The total score of maternal breast feeding self-efficacy was(114.04 ± 21.57)points.The frequency of delivery, the way of delivery and feeding ways, the average income of family were effected with breastfeeding self-efficacy. The total score of social support was(68.87 ± 10.43) points, the total score of puerperas depression was(7.61 ± 4.25) points.The social support score had positive correlation with breastfeeding self-efficacy(r=0.423, P<0.01). Puerperas depression had negative correlation with breastfeeding self- efficacy(r=- 0.342, P<0.01). Conclusions The maternal breastfeeding level in Zhengzhou was at a lower level. The level of maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy scale was impacted by maternal social support degree, the degree of depression. Measures should be taken to enhance maternal social support degree, reduce the degree of depression, in order to improve the level of maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-665919


Objective To explore the mediating role of self-efficiency between mindfulness and job burnout in psychological counselors. Methods 201 psychological counselors were tested by the demograph-ic data Questionnaire,Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI-GS),General Self-Efficacy Scale(GSES),Mindful-ness attention and mindfulness scale(MAAS). The structural equation model was used to explore the media-ting role of self-efficacy in the relationship between mindfulness and job burnout. Results Mindfulness in psychological counselors was negatively correlated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization(r=-0.50,-0.43;P<0.01),while there was a significant positive correlation with personal accomplishment(r=0.30,P<0.01). Self-efficiency was negatively correlated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization(r=-0.30,-0.32;P<0.01),while there was a significant positive correlation with personal accomplishment(r=0.40,P<0.01). Mindfulness was positively correlated with self-efficiency(r=0.31,P<0.01). The mediating effect showed that self-efficacy played a partial mediating effect on the relationship between mindfulness and job burnout(effect value:-0.071,95%CI= -0.027--0.141),and the mediation effect accounted for 14.82%of the total effect. Conclusion Self-efficiency plays a partial mediating role between job burnout and mind-fulness in psychological counselors. Improving the level of mindfulness and self-efficiency have positive effect on job burnout of the psychological counselors.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-495899


Objective To investigate the condition of exercise, medicine compliance and the rehabilitation of patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO) in lower extremity after the surgery, and also to study the influence of self-efficiency and social support to their rehabilitation. Methods The questionnaire survey was performed in 102 patients who had surgical or interventional therapy of arteriosclerosis obliterans in the lower extremity in our hospital, investigated the general information of the patients, their knowledge of postoperative rehabilitation, medicine compliance, exercise condition, general self-efficiency and social support. Results The postoperative time for the patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans was 2 to 22months, the knowledge rate for postoperative rehabilitation was 7.8%-46.1%.The Morisky score for the patients of taking medicine for the treatment of vascular disease was 2.0,and there was only 6 patients(5.9%)with good medicine compliance. There were 22 patients(21.0%) had completed the ambulation training according to the guidelines, and there were 25 patients(24.5%) had completed the Buerger training. The self-efficiency score of the patients was 2.78 ± 0.76, and the gross score of social support was 32.38 ± 7.89. Spearman correlation analysis shows that the Morisky score for the patients of taking medicine for the treatment of vascular disease was in positive correlation with self-efficiency (r=0.289, P=0.003), but in negative correlation with social support (r=–0.286, P=0.006). Conclusions Most of the patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans have poor medicine compliance, and do not do exercise as required by the guidelines. Patients with high self-efficiency demonstrates medicine noncompliance, however the enhancement of social support will help patients improve their medicine compliance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470164


Objective This article aimed to investigate the treatment adherence of patients with hypertension and examine determinants of adherence.Methods A longitudinal design was adopted to test the treatment adherence and correlated factors of patients with hypertension twice from 2009 to 2012.The influencing factors of treatment adherence in patients with hypertension were analyzed.Results A total of 520 patients finished the first investigation,and 331 patients completed the second investigation.The comparison of demographic characteristics between patients who participated the second investigation or not showed no significant difference except for the education degree (x2=9.38).The incidences of symptoms and complications,systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure of hypertensive patients and the laboratory indexes such as serum creatinine (SCr),total cholesterol (TC),low density lipoprotein (LDL),high density lipoprotein (HDL),fasting blood-glucose and postprandial blood sugar in the second investigation were lower than those of the first investigation,but the difference showed no statistical significance.The scores of treatment adherence,self-efficacy,social support,quality of life were higher in the second investigation than those of the first investigation.The multiple regression analysis found that treatment adherence,social support,education degree and duration of disease course were significant predictors in the first investigation entered the equation,accounting for 26% of the total variance,among which treatment adherence explained 15% of the variance,social support 7%,education degree 3% and duration of disease course 1%.Conclusions The treatment adherence of hypertensive patients improved over one year follow-up.Healthcare providers should pay attention to adherence behavior at initial phase of disease development,and effective strategies targeted patients at risk are suggested to be necessary and should be designed according to the factors affecting adherence.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-428717


ObjectiveTo investigate the influence of time management disposition and academic self-efficacy on learning engagement among nursing baccalaureate degree students,and to establish a model of this influence. MethodsLearning engagement scale,the questionnaire of academic self-efficiency,and adolescence time management disposition scale were used to investigate a total of 467 nursing baccalaureate degree students. ResultsThe total score of learning engagement was (52.83±10.45).There were differences in learning among students in different grades and leaning motives,while the interaction of them was not difference in learning engagement.Both academic self-efficacy and time management disposition could positively influence learning engagement directly,and time management disposition could also indirectly influence learning engagement through the academic self-efficacy. ConclusionsThe educators should make efforts to improve time management ability and self-efficacy so as to strengthen the nursing baccalaureate degree students' learning engagement in colleges.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771044


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to examine the influencing factors of social support, self efficiency and depression among the hearing-impaired and physically disabled on their job stress. METHODS: The data were collected from Jan.1 to Aug. 30, 2010 from 151 disabled workers. The instruments for this study were the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS), Social Support Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale and Beck Depression Inventory-Korean Version (K-BDI). The data were analyzed using t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 18.0. RESULTS: The physically disabled show higher social support (t=0.284, p= .001) and self efficacy (t=0.165, p= .024) but lower in depression (t=0.789, p<.001) than the hearing-impaired. There are negative correlation between job stress and social support, job stress and self efficacy but a positive correlation between job stress and depression. These three factors explained 42.9% of the variance in job stress. CONCLUSION: Social support and self efficacy have positive impacts on job stress but depression has negative impact.

Humans , Depression , Disabled Persons , Self Efficacy
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194308


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to examine the influencing factors of social support, self efficiency and depression among the hearing-impaired and physically disabled on their job stress. METHODS: The data were collected from Jan.1 to Aug. 30, 2010 from 151 disabled workers. The instruments for this study were the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS), Social Support Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale and Beck Depression Inventory-Korean Version (K-BDI). The data were analyzed using t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 18.0. RESULTS: The physically disabled show higher social support (t=0.284, p= .001) and self efficacy (t=0.165, p= .024) but lower in depression (t=0.789, p<.001) than the hearing-impaired. There are negative correlation between job stress and social support, job stress and self efficacy but a positive correlation between job stress and depression. These three factors explained 42.9% of the variance in job stress. CONCLUSION: Social support and self efficacy have positive impacts on job stress but depression has negative impact.

Humans , Depression , Disabled Persons , Self Efficacy
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-43163


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify factors affecting nurses' burnout in secondary general hospitals. METHODS: Data were collected through structured questionnaires from 241 nurses working at the secondary general hospitals with below 400 beds in the P, C, and S city between April and May, 2009. Data analysis was done with independent t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple stepwise multiple regression with SPSS WIN v 17.0. RESULTS: Burnout was significantly different according to religion, age, clinical experiences, and shift work. Burnout score of the subjects was 58/100. Burnout of the subjects were positively correlated with job stress and negatively correlated with hardness, self efficiency, self esteem, spiritual wellbeing, social support, and job satisfaction. The explained variances for burnout was 51.8% and factors affecting nurses' burnout in secondary general hospitals were job stress, hardness, self efficiency, job satisfaction and shift work. CONCLUSION: These results showed the significant factors fo nurses' burnout in secondary general hospitals. These findings can be utilized to development of strategies for reducing job stress and enhancing hardness, self efficiency and job satisfaction.

Hardness , Hospitals, General , Job Satisfaction , Surveys and Questionnaires , Self Concept , Statistics as Topic
Cienc. enferm ; 15(1): 25-31, abr. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-556237


El presente artículo revisará el concepto de bienestar y el bienestar psicológico en la vejez, además, se relacionará el bienestar psicológico con variables psicológicas como son: la autoestima y autoeficacia. Finalmente se plantearán reflexiones para potenciar la investigación en enfermería en el área del bienestar psicológico del adulto mayor, el que es de vital importancia para obtener un envejecimiento exitoso, junto con la contribución que enfermería hará en este ámbito para obtener adultos mayores con grados elevados de autocuidado, funcionalidad y una alta motivación para el desarrollo de sus potencialidades personales.

The present article will review the concept of well-being and the psychological well-being in old age. In addition psychological well-being will be related to psychological variables like: self-esteem and self-efficiency. Finally reflections will be considered to promote the nursing research in the area of the psychological well-being of the elderly people, which is vitally important to obtain a successful aging, along with the contribution that the nurse will make in this scope to obtain elderly populations with elevated degrees of self care, functionality and a high motivation for the development of their personal potentialities.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged/psychology , Health of the Elderly , Personal Satisfaction , Self Concept , Self Efficacy , Geriatric Nursing , Quality of Life
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-394839


Objective To explore how the freshmen's self-efficiency influence the acute stress psychological reaction. Methods Self-efficiency, coping styles, personality were assessed by relevant questionnaires, and acute stress psychological reaction was measured by means of designing a experiment in 683 freshmen of military colleges.Results ①Freshmen with low self-efficiency had higher scores in Si,Mas,Dy,Nc(t=8.05,7.49,6.36,3.93,P<0.01)and lower scores in Do,Re,Pc(t=5.12,2.11,3.90,P<0.05 or P<0.01)than freshmen with high one.Among all factors mentioned above, Si,Dy,Pc got into regression equation. ② Freshmen with low self-efficiency had lower stress score than ones with higher self-efficiency(t=3.92,P<0.01).Freshmen's self-efficiency was positively correlated to total scale score and 3 subscale scores of the acute psychological stress reaction questionnaire(r=0.187~0.346,P<0.05,P<0.01).Conclusion Personality,coping style exerted influence on the freshmen's self-efficiency which is a mediator between stressors and acute psychological stress reaction.

Poiésis (En línea) ; 18(Dic): 1-21, 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1049697


El estudio llevado a cabo presentó como objetivo fortalecer el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, emocionales y conductuales en niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) en situación de y en calle de la ciudad de Bucaramanga, fomentando en ellos comportamientos pro-sociales en las áreas ser persona, par y ciudadano. La medición y evaluación de la intervención se realizó en dos fases; la primera de ellas correspondiente a las habilidades cognitivas, mientras que en la segunda se abordaron las habilidades emocionales y conductuales. En cada una de éstas se hacía medición en momentos pre y post de la intervención. En este estudio participaron 60 NNA clasificados de la siguiente manera: 30 NNA en situación De calle y 30 NNA en situación En Calle, pertenecientes al programa de apoyo del Proyecto Dignificándonos, y cuyas edades oscilan entre los 7 y 18 años. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos de medición cuyos ítems fueron diseñados con el tipo de medición de la Escala Likert y su posterior análisis estadístico se realiza mediante la comparación de medias, a través de la prueba t de Student en cada una de las fases, encontrándose diferencias representativas y efectos atribuibles a la intervención.

The present study had as objective to strengthen the development of cognitive, emotional and behaviours abilities in boys, girls and adolescents (NNA) in situation "of" and "in" street of the city of Bucaramanga, fomenting in them pro-social conducts in the areas to be person, couple and citizen. The mensuration and evaluation of the intervention was carried in two phases; the first of them corresponding to the cognitive abilities, while in second the emotional abilities and behaviours were approached. In each one of these phases was made mensuration in moments pre and post of the intervention. In this study participated 60 NNA in the following way: 30 NNA in street situation and 30 NNA in situation in street, belonging to the program of support of the project "Dignificandonos", and whose ages oscillate between the 7 and 18 years. Two mensuration instruments were used whose articles were designed with the type of mensuration of the likert scale and their later statistical analysis is made by means of the comparison of stockings, through the test of student in each one of the phases, being representative differences and attributable effects to the intervention.

Humans , Homeless Youth , Psychology, Social , Child Behavior/psychology , Psychology, Child