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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 29(3): 381-388, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020582


ABSTRACT The value of propolis is scientifically and commercially measured through the content of biologically active molecules as phenolic compounds and flavonoids; on the other hand, a high percentage of waxes in the propolis composition makes it a substandard beekeeping product. Colombian propolis is characterized by a high content of waxes; however, this drawback turns into an advantage when this material is used for preparing lipid nanocarriers. Accordingly, in this research work, a propolis-extracted material obtained by Randall method is characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Then, it is used for obtaining nanostructured lipid carriers by the emulsification-diffusion technique, whose recipe and operating work conditions were established by a Plackett-Burman statistical screening design. The obtained particles exhibit sizes less than 300 nm, polydispersity indices around 0.1, zeta potential values less than ±2 mV, good physical stability and they show to be safe in the in vitro irritation test. Thus, Colombian propolis arises as an attractive natural source for obtaining lipid carriers that could be used in pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries for developing innovative products.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 29(2): 115-127, abr. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058490


Las técnicas de cera perdida colado por centrifugación convencional, son técnicas vigentes para obtener cofias de Cobalto-Cromo (Co-Cr) para coronas metalcerámica. Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro, la adaptación marginal e interna de cofias unitarias de aleación Co-Cr, realizadas sobre dos líneas de terminación: chamfer y bisel, fabricadas con las técnicas de cera perdida colada por centrifugación convencional (CPCC) y por inducción (CPCI). Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó la adaptación marginal e interna de 13 cofias unitarias de aleacion Co-Cr para cada tecnica y línea de terminación, usando la técnica de replica de silicona. Las muestras fueron divididas en sentido vestíbulo-palatino y en sentido mesio-distal, observadas en un estéreomicroscopio a un aumento de 40X y se evaluó la zona cervical, axial y oclusal. Resultados: Los analisis estadisticos incluyeron la prueba t de Student y U Mann-Whitney, previamente se evaluo los supuestos de normalidad con la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk para analizar diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre los grupos (p<0.05). La discrepancia marginal fue menor a 120 µm y la discrepancia interna menor a 350µm para ambas líneas de terminación y técnica de colado. Conclusiones: Los resultados en la adaptación marginal e interna de cofias con líneas de terminación chamfer y bisel fabricadas con las técnicas de cera perdida colada por centrifugación convencional e inducción, los valores descriptivos no fueron concluyentes, ya que en la mayoría de los puntos evaluados no existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Además en las dos líneas de terminación chamfer y bisel se encontraron rangos clínicamente aceptables.

The techniques of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation are current techniques to obtain Cobalt-Chrome (Co-Cr) copings for metalceramic crowns. Objective: Evaluate in vitro, the marginal and internal adaptation in unitary Co-Cr alloy copes, made on two termination lines: chamfer and bevel, manufactured with the techniques of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation (CPCC) and by induction (CPCI), according to type of cut, area and measurement points. Materials and methods: The marginal and internal adaptation of 13 co-units of Co-Cr alloy for each technique and termination line was evaluated. The silicone replication technique was used. The samples were divided in the vestibulo-palatal direction and in the mesio-distal direction, observed in a stereomicroscope at a 40X magnification and the cervical, axial and occlusal areas were evaluated. Results: Statistical analyzes included the Student’s t-test and U Mann-Whitney, previously the assumptions of normality were evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk test to analyze statistically significant differences between the groups (p <0.05). The marginal discrepancy was less than 120 µm and the internal discrepancy less than 350µm. Conclusion: The results in the marginal and internal adaptation of copings with chamfer termination lines and bevel fabricated with the techniques of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation and induction were not conclusive to determine which technique is the best since in most of the points evaluated there was not a statistically significant difference. Also in the two lines of termination cnamfer and bevel, there were found clinical acceptable ranges.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 29(1): 39-48, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014044


Nuevas técnicas nos están permitiendo migrar de la técnica de cera perdida colado por centrifugado convencional (CPCC) a técnicas como la cera perdida colado por inducción (CPCI). Objetivos: Comparar la discrepancia marginal e interna de cofias unitarias de aleación Cobalto-Cromo (Co-Cr) sobre una línea de terminación chamfer, confeccionadas con dos técnicas: CPCC y CPCI, determinando cual técnica tuvo mejor adaptación marginal e interna. Material y Métodos: Se fabricaron13 cofias metálicas unitarias de aleación Co-Cr para cada técnica a evaluar. Se utilizó la réplica de silicona para evaluar las discrepancias marginales e internas, cada muestra fue seccionada en cruz en sentido vestíbulo-palatino y en sentido mesio-distal, luego con un estéreomicroscopio se evaluó la zona cervical, axial y oclusal. Resultados: Se evaluó los supuestos de normalidad con la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk. Los análisis estadísticos fueron la prueba t de Student y U Mann-Whitney. La CPCI obtuvo una menor discrepancia marginal e interna en comparación con la CPC pero no se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre ambas técnicas. Conclusiones: Aunque en la mayoría de los puntos de evaluación las cofias realizadas mediante la CPCI presento mejores valores de adaptación marginal e interna en comparación con la CPCC estos resultados sólo son valores descriptivos que no fueron concluyentes, ya que en la mayoría de los puntos evaluados no existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p>0,05). Observamos que la mayoría de los valores de ambas técnicas se encuentran dentro del rango clínicamente aceptable.

New techniques are allowing us to migrate from the technique of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation (CPCC) to techniques such as lost wax cast by induction (CPCI). Objectives: To compare the marginal and internal discrepancy of cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy unit copes on a chamfer termination line, made with two techniques: CPCC and CPCI, determining which technique had better marginal and internal adaptation. Material and Methods: 13 Co-Cr alloy unit copings were fabricated for each technique to be evaluated. Silicon replication was used to evaluate the marginal and internal discrepancies. Each sample was cross-sectioned in the vestibular-palatine and mesio-distal directions, then the cervical, axial and occlusal zones were evaluated with a stereomicroscope. Results: 13 unitary Co-Cr alloy metal cops were manufactured for each technique to be evaluated. The silicone replica was used to evaluate the marginal and internal discrepancies, each sample was cross-sectioned in the vestibulo-palatal direction and in the mesio-distal sense, then with a stereomicroscope, the cervical, axial and occlusal areas were evaluated. Conclusions: The assumptions of normality were evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk test. The statistical analyzes were Student s t test and U Mann-Whitney test. The CPCI obtained a lower marginal and internal discrepancy compared to the CPC, but no statistically significant differences were found (p >0.05) between both techniques. Conclusions: Although in most of the evaluation points the copings made by the CPCI presented better values of marginal and internal adaptation compared to the CPCC, these results are only descriptive values that were not conclusive, since in most of the evaluated points there was no statistically significant difference (p >0.05). We observed that most of the values of both techniques are within the clinically acceptable range.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 57(1): 126-137, Jan.-Feb. 2014. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-702579


Global warming and its origins triggered the beginning to considerable discussion in the last century. Studies of climate models presented in multidisciplinary scientific reports suggest that anthropogenic activities, particularly the emission of gases from the greenhouse effect, are greatly responsible for the current climate changes. The increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric concentration has been in discussion in the news, scientific meetings and in public policy debates in several countries. Apart from its impact on global warming, the rising atmospheric CO2 has alerted the scientific community to the need to investigate any morpho-physiological alterations in the plants, given their direct influence on photosynthesis. This article aims to discuss cellular aspects related to plant growth, their behavior of cuticular waxes and the responses of the stomatal development arising from the chemical change to the atmosphere, which are the causes of serious concern and discussion.

Acta cir. bras ; 26(4): 274-278, July-Aug. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-594346


PURPOSE: To quantify the amount of bone formation in the calvarial region of Wistar rats after craniotomy using bone wax as a haemostatic agent. METHODS: Surgery to produce bilateral, symmetric, full-thickness cranial defects (area: 18 mm²) was performed in eight animals. The right side of the cranium remained open and the edges of the left side osseous defect was covered with bone wax. Calvaria were imaged immediately after surgery and 12 weeks postoperatively by computerized tomography. The areas of the bone defects were measured in three-dimensional images using Magics 13.0 (Materialise-Belgic, software CAD). RESULTS: The average amount of bone formation on the left and right side respectively was 4.85 mm² and 8.16 mm². Statistically significant differences between the amount of bone formation on the left and right sides were seen. CONCLUSIONS: Bone wax significantly diminishes the rate of bone formation in calvarial defects in a rat model.

OBJETIVO: Quantificar a formação óssea da região da calvaria de ratos Wistar submetidos à craniotomia com a utilização de cera de osso como agente hemostático. MÉTODOS: Cirurgia para realizar um defeito ósseo craniano bilateral, simétrico (área: 18 mm²) e com espessura total foi realizado em oito animais. O lado direito do crânio permaneceu aberto e as extremidades do defeito ósseo do lado esquerdo foram recobertas com cera de osso. O crânio foi submetido à avaliação radiológica imediatamente após a cirurgia e 12 semanas após a cirurgia com a utilização de tomografia computadorizada. As áreas dos defeitos ósseos foram medidas através de imagens tridimensionais e utilizando o programa de computador Magics 13.0 (Materialise-Belgic, software CAD). RESULTADOS: A quantidade média de formação óssea no lado esquerdo e direito foi respectivamente de 4.85 mm² e 8.16 mm². Diferença estatisticamente significante foi observada entre o lado direito e esquerdo. CONCLUSÕES: A cera de osso diminuiu significativamente a formação óssea nos defeitos ósseos em modelo animal.

Animals , Male , Rats , Hemostatics/pharmacology , Osteogenesis/drug effects , Palmitates/pharmacology , Skull/surgery , Waxes/pharmacology , Wound Healing/drug effects , Cephalometry , Disease Models, Animal , Inflammation/pathology , Osteogenesis/physiology , Photomicrography , Rats, Wistar , Skull/injuries , Skull , Time Factors , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Wound Healing/physiology
Braz. j. biol ; 69(2): 353-361, May 2009. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-519178


The wax hydrocarbon fractions of native Butia and Syagrus species collected from Palms in different regions of the of Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil) and in Rocha (Uruguay) were analyzed to evaluate their potential as chemotaxonomic markers. The wax was extracted with chloroform and the resulting wax was fractionated by preparative TLC. The hydrocarbon fractions were analyzed by GC-MS. Statistical analyses were completed with the Statistica 5.0 program. The total crude wax yields averaged 0.31% w.w–1 dried leaves for Butia samples and 0.28% for Syagrus samples. The linear hydrocarbons represented on average 15% of the total waxes in the case of Butia samples and 13.7% in Syagrus samples. Hentriacontane and triacontane were the main components of all samples. The comparison of the means showed significant differences among Butia and Syagrus samples, and amongst Butia samples collected in different localities. In the case of the Syagrus collections no consistent groupings could be made. In the case of Butia samples the formation of three groupings could be observed, which were consistent with the species described for their geographical distribution. These results are discussed in the paper.

Frações de hidrocarbonetos das ceras de espécies nativas de Butia e Syagrus coletadas de palmeiras em diferentes regiões do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) e em Rocha (Uruguai) foram analisadas para avaliar o seu potencial como marcadores quiomiotaxonômicos. As ceras foram extraídas com clorofórmio e fracionadas por TLC preparativo. As frações de hidrocarbonetos foram analisadas por CG-EM. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com auxílio do programa Statistica 5.0. O rendimento total de cera das folhas secas foi de 0,31% g.g–1 para as amostras de Butia e de 0,28% para Syagrus. Os hidrocarbonetos lineares representaram em média 15 e 13% do total das ceras para Butia e Syagrus, respectivamente. Hentriacontano e triacontano foram os compostos majoritários em todas as amostras. A comparação de médias mostrou diferenças significativas entre as amostras de Butia e Syagrus e entre as amostras de Butia coletadas em diferentes localidades. As amostras de Syagrus não formaram agrupamentos relacionados com os locais de coleta. Já no caso de Butia, três agrupamentos puderam ser observados e são consistentes com a distribuição geográfica desta espécie. Estes resultados são discutidos no trabalho.

Arecaceae/chemistry , Arecaceae/classification , Hydrocarbons/analysis , Waxes/analysis , Arecaceae/ultrastructure , Biomarkers/analysis , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Interciencia ; 29(10): 579-582, oct. 2004. ilus, graf, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-630619


El género Clusia L. (Clusiaceae) comprende unas 300 especies que ocurren desde México y el sur de EEUU hasta Bolivia y el sur de Brasil. Entre ellas se incluyen árboles y arbustos, hemiepifitas, epifitas y lianas. El análisis taxonómico del género se dificulta por la pobre preservación de las flores al ser secadas. Este trabajo explora la composición de ceras epicuticulares para caracterizar especies mediante marcadores químicos. Se analizó la composición del extracto obtenido de seis especies mediante lavado de la superficie foliar con hexano. Las especies pudieron separarse en base a la proporción de alcanos, >90% del total en Clusia rosea, C. orthoneura y C. minor, a la presencia de los triterpenos a-amirina y lupeol en C. multiflora, y de friedelina y taraxerol, conjuntamente con C33 y C35 en C. grandiflora y C. schomburgkiana. Los resultados sugieren que la proporción de alcanos y triterpenoides de ceras epicuticulares tiene importancia taxonómica y puede ser utilizada para separar especies o secciones infragenéricas.

The genus Clusia L. (Clusiaceae) encompasses ca. 300 species and occurs from southern USA and Mexico, to southern Brazil and Bolivia. It includes free-standing trees and shrubs, hemiepiphytes, epiphytes, and lianas. Taxonomic analysis of this genus is difficult because of the poor preservation of floral material after drying. This work explores the composition of epicuticular waxes in order to allow characterization, at the species level, using chemical markers. The six species analyzed could be separated using the relative quantity of hexane-soluble compounds extractable from the leaf surface, which amount to >90% in Clusia rosea, C. orthoneura, and C. minor, the presence of the triterpenes a-amyrin and lupeol in C. multiflora, and of friedelin and taraxerol, together with C33 and C35, in C. grandiflora and C. schomburgkiana. The results suggest that the relative proportions of alkanes and triterpenoids in epicuticular waxes may have taxonomic significance for separating species or infrageneric sections.

O gênero Clusia L. (Clusiaceae) compreende umas 300 espécies que ocorrem desde México e o sul dos EE.UU. até Bolívia e o sul do Brasil. Entre elas se incluem árvores e arbustos, hemiepífitas, epífitas e lianas. A análise taxonômica do gênero se dificulta pela pobre preservação das flores ao ser secadas. Este trabalho explora a composição de ceras epicuticulares para caracterizar espécies mediante marcadores químicos. Se analisou a composição do extrato obtido de seis espécies mediante lavado da superfície foliar com hexano. As espécies puderam separar-se em base à proporção de alcanos, >90% do total em Clusia rosea, C. orthoneura e C. minor, à presença dos triterpenos a-amirina e lupeol em C. multiflora, e de friedelina e taraxerol, conjuntamente com C33 e C35 em C. grandiflora e C. schomburgkiana. Os resultados sugerem que a proporção de alcanos e triterpenóides de ceras epicuticulares tem importância taxonômica e pode ser utilizada para separar espécies ou seções infragenéricas.