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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 82(6): 881-890, dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422083


Resumen Introducción: Los edulcorantes no calóricos (ENC) se utilizan para sustituir azúcares en alimentos y bebidas. Para que este reemplazo sea beneficioso para la salud, la ingesta de cada ENC no de bería superar su ingesta diaria admisible (IDA). El objetivo principal de este estudio es determinar el consumo de aspartamo, acesulfame-K, sucralosa y sacarina en la población argentina de 15 a 65 años y evaluar este consumo en relación con la IDA. Otros objetivos son estratificar el consumo en función de distintas variables sociodemográficas y determinar las principales fuentes de ENC consumidas por la población argentina. Métodos: La muestra fue de 1266 individuos (población urbana 15-65 años), estratificada por región, edad, sexo y nivel socioeconómico. Los datos de ingesta fueron recolectados con dos recordatorios de 24 horas. Resultados: En Argentina, el consumo promedio de sacarina, aspartamo, acesulfame-K y sucralosa está muy por debajo de su respectiva IDA: 8.4%, 3.2%, 2% y 0.3% de la IDA respectivamente. Los consumos máximos reportados tampoco superan la IDA. Hay una mayor proporción de mujeres consumidoras de ENC. La proporción de consumidores de ENC aumenta con la edad. Las regiones noreste y sur presentan el menor porcentaje de consumidores de ENC. Las bebidas constituyen la principal fuente de ENC, seguidas por los edulcorantes de mesa. La contri bución de los alimentos al consumo de ENC es despreciable. Discusión: En Argentina existe un buen margen de seguridad para la reformulación de productos azucarados tendiente a disminuir el exceso de calorías y el consumo de azúcares añadidos.

Abstract Introduction: Non-caloric sweeteners (NCS) are used to replace added sugars in foods and bev erages. For this replacement to be a health benefit, the intake of each NCS should not exceed its Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). The main objective of this study is to determine the consumption of aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose, and saccharin in the argentine population aged 15 to 65 years and to evaluate this consumption in relation to the ADI. Other objectives are to stratify the consumption based on different sociodemographic vari ables and to determine the main sources of NCS consumed by the argentine population. Methods: The sample consisted of 1266 individuals (urban population aged 15-65), stratified by region, age, sex, and socioeconomic level. Intake data was collected with two 24-hour recalls. Results: In Argentina, the average consumption of saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame-K and sucralose is well below their respective ADI: 8.4%, 3.2%, 2% and 0.3% of the ADI, respectively. The maximum reported consumptions do not exceed the ADI either. There is a higher proportion of women who consume NCS. The proportion of NCS consumers increases with age. The Northeast and South regions have the lowest percentage of NCS consumers. Beverages constitute the main source of NCS, followed by tabletop sweeteners. The contribution of food to NCS consumption is negligible. Discussion: In Argentina there is a good safety margin for the reformulation of sugary products aimed at reduc ing the excess calories and added sugars consumed by the population.

Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 514-521, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880984


OBJECTIVE@#This study was undertaken to investigate the antihyperglycemic potential of miracle fruit (MF) as well as its hepatic safety as compared to aspartame in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.@*METHODS@#MF extracts were prepared and screened for their phytochemical composition using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Total phenolic, flavonoid and tannin contents and antioxidant potential were also determined. Additionally, MF was evaluated for its sensory attributes. For in vivo work, MF ethanol extract at high (MFH: 500 mg/kg body weight [BW]) and low (MFL: 250 mg/kg BW) doses as well as aspartame were injected intraperitoneally into alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Blood glucose levels were determined following acute and subchronic treatment. At the end of the study, animals were sacrificed, serum was collected for biochemical analysis and liver tissues were obtained for histopathological examination.@*RESULTS@#MF ethanol extract contained more flavonoids and tannins, and had higher 1,1-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging activity (79.61%) compared to MF aqueous extract (P < 0.05). HPLC analysis of MF ethanol extract also revealed the presence of 10 antioxidants with quercetin comprising the major polyphenol. Additionally, sensory analysis of MF showed that its intake is effective in masking undesirable sourness. Subchronic administration of MFH proved amelioration of hyperglycemia in mice as compared to aspartame. Moreover, aspartame treatment significantly elevated (P < 0.05) the level of alanine aminotransferase and had destructive effects on the liver histopathology; however, hepatic architecture was restored by low and high doses of MF.@*CONCLUSION@#MF is an effective antihyperglycemic with hepatoprotective properties that can be used as a healthier alternative sweetening agent in place of aspartame for sour beverages.

Rev. MED ; 26(1): 7-13, ene.-jun. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990397


Resumen El consumo de bebidas negras carbonatadas se asocia con obesidad debido a su alta concentración de azúcar. En efecto, la prevalencia de obesidad, sobre todo en niños, va en aumento, por lo que son pertinentes los estudios de factores de riesgo y los programas de prevención. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio piloto fue identificar, en un modelo animal, si el consumo de bebidas negras carbonatadas, normales y de dieta o light, afecta el peso y el comportamiento ansioso. Se seleccionaron 15 ratas Wistar macho, divididas en 3 grupos: un primer grupo de control, que bebía agua exclusivamente; un segundo grupo con suministro de agua y bebida negra carbonatada normal; un tercero con agua y bebida negra carbonatada light. Cada dos días se midió el consumo de bebida y alimento y cada semana se pesaron todos los sujetos. Pasadas cuatro semanas, se evaluaron comportamientos relacionados con ansiedad, utilizando el Laberinto en Cruz Elevado. Se encontraron diferencias significativas estadísticamente en el incremento del peso corporal de las ratas que consumieron bebidas negras normales y light, comparadas con el grupo que solo consumió agua. También se observó mayor consumo de las bebidas carbonatadas, si bien el consumo de alimento se mantuvo en proporciones muy similares para todos los grupos. Con respecto al tiempo de permanencia en los brazos cerrados, fue mayor en las ratas que consumieron bebida light comparadas con el grupo de control y, finalmente, ese mismo grupo mostró menor número de inmersiones de la cabeza en el laberinto. En conclusión, este estudio preliminar permite sugerir que el consumo de bebidas negras carbonatadas, normales y light, se asocia con un incremento del peso corporal de los animales y con mayor ansiedad.

Summary The consumption of carbonated black beverages is associated with obesity due to their high concentration of sugar. In effect, the prevalence of obesity, especially in children, is increasing; therefore, studies of risk factors and prevention programs are relevant. In this sense, the objective of this pilot study was to identify, in an animal model, whether the consumption of normal and diet or light black carbonated beverages affects weight and anxious behaviors. Fifteen male Wistar rats were selected and divided into 3 groups: a first control group, which drank water exclusively; a second group which drank both water and a normal black carbonated beverage; a third group which drank both water and a light black carbonated beverage. Every two days their food and beverage consumption was measured, and every week all the subjects were weighed. After four weeks, behaviors related to anxiety were evaluated using the Elevated Plus Maze. Statistically significant differences were found, including the increase in body weight of the rats that consumed normal and light black beverages compared with the group that only consumed water. There was also a higher consumption of carbonated beverages, although the consumption of food remained very similar for all groups. Regarding the time spent in the closed arms, it was greater for the rats that consumed light drinks compared with the control group; and finally, that same group showed a lower number of head dips (dipping) in the maze. In conclusion, this preliminary study suggests that the consumption of normal and light black carbonated beverages is associated with an increase in the body weight of animals and an increase in anxiety.

Resumo O consumo de bebidas negras gaseificadas se associa com obesidade devido a sua alta concentração de açúcar. Em efeito, a prevalência de obesidade, sobre tudo em crianças, vai em aumento, o que torna pertinentes os estudos de fatores de risco e os programas de prevenção. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo piloto foi identificar, em um modelo animal, se o consumo de bebidas negras gaseificadas, normais e de dieta ou light, afeta o peso e o comportamento ansioso. Se selecionaram 15 ratos Wistar macho, divididos em 3 grupos: um primeiro grupo de controle, que bebia água exclusivamente; um segundo grupo com fornecimento de água e bebida negra gaseificada normal; um terceiro com água e bebida negra gaseificada light. A cada dois dias mediu-se o consumo de bebida e alimento e a cada semana se pesaram todos os sujeitos. Após quatro semanas, foram avaliados os comportamentos relacionados com ansiedade, utilizando o Labirinto em Cruz Elevado. Encontraram-se diferenças significativas estatisticamente no aumento do peso corporal dos ratos que consumiram bebidas negras normais e light, comparadas com o grupo que consumiu somente água. Também se observou um maior consumo das bebidas gaseificadas, embora o consumo de alimento tenha se mantido em proporções muito similares para todos os grupos. Com respeito ao tempo de permanência nos braços cerrados, foi superior nos ratos que consumiram bebida light comparadas com o grupo de controle e, finalmente, esse mesmo grupo mostrou um número inferior de imersões da cabeça não labirinto. Em conclusão, este estudo preliminar permite sugerir que o consumo de bebidas negras gaseificadas, normais e light, está associado com um aumento do peso corporal dos animais e com um maior nível de ansiedade.

Rats , Rats , Anxiety , Aspartame , Body Weight
Med. interna Méx ; 33(1): 61-83, ene.-feb. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-894235


Resumen Los edulcorantes no calóricos representan una buena alternativa para sustituir los sabores dulces sin la respuesta fisiológica que genera el consumo de azúcares. Por sí solos no son herramientas para el control de peso. Su consumo debe ir acompañado de una dieta correcta y un estilo de vida saludable que incluya actividad física. Su utilidad radica en proporcionar el agradable sabor dulce sin el aporte energético. La inocuidad de cada uno de los compuestos aprobados está comprobada y se reevalúa constantemente para tomar en cuenta los resultados de nuevos estudios. Debido a que no existe un edulcorante perfecto, la variedad ayuda a que se desarrollen productos cada vez más agradables para el consumidor. Este trabajo es fruto de una revisión exhaustiva de la bibliografía y de las discusiones de un panel de expertos de diversas especialidades: toxicología, ginecoobstetricia, pediatría, endocrinología, nutrición, medicina interna, salud pública y medicina preventiva, en el que se analizó extensamente la bibliografía se revisó una variedad de trabajos científicos que responden a las interrogantes que habitualmente se hacen los profesionales de la salud acerca de seguridad en diferentes grupos etáreos y con afecciones específicas, ingestión diaria admisible, etc.

Abstract Non-caloric sweeteners are a good alternative to replace the sweet flavors without the physiological response generated by the consumption of sugars. Alone they are not tools for weight control. Its intake must be accompanied by a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity. Its usefulness lies in providing a pleasant sweet taste without the energy intake. The safety of each of the compounds is tested and approved and constantly reassessed to take into account the results of new studies. Since there is no perfect sweetener, variety helps that more and more pleasing to the consumer products are developed. This work is the result of a comprehensive review of the literature and discussions of a panel of experts from various specialties: toxicology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, endocrinology, nutrition, internal medicine, public health and preventive medicine, where literature was widely analyzed reviewing a variety of scientific papers that address the questions that usually are made by health professionals on safety in different age groups and with specific diseases, acceptable daily intake, etc.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(6): 1516-1522, nov.-dez. 2016. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-827921


Nos últimos anos, tem-se observado um aumento no consumo de alimentos diet e light por adolescentes ou por aqueles que estão à procura de uma alimentação com baixo teor calórico, surgindo, assim, diversos edulcorantes, como o aspartame. Porém, seu consumo ainda gera polêmica, devido a muitos dados contraditórios e inconclusivos. Diante disso, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação de aspartame sobre ingestão alimentar, parâmetros físicos, bioquímicos e histopatológicos em 18 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, com cinco semanas de vida (ratos jovens), tratados durante 21 dias. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo controle (GC) - tratados com água destilada por gavagem, e o grupo aspartame (GA) - tratados diariamente com 2mL/100g/dia de aspartame. Todos os animais receberam ração comercial (Essence(r)) e água ad libitum. O controle da ingestão alimentar foi registrado semanalmente. Foram aferidos os parâmetros físicos por meio da análise do peso corporal, da circunferência toráxica, da circunferência abdominal, do comprimento vértice-cóccix, da gordura abdominal total e do cálculo do índice de massa corporal; os parâmetros bioquímicos foram analisados por meio da glicemia, da lipoproteína de alta densidade e dos triglicerídeos; além de tais análises, foi realizado o estudo histopatológico do fígado. Durante todo o experimento, os ratos tratados com aspartame apresentaram um aumento significativo no peso corpóreo e na ingestão alimentar quando comparados ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença nas demais análises tanto físicas, quanto bioquímicas e histopatológicas comparando-se o GA com o GC (P<0,05). Com base nos resultados obtidos, é possível inferir uma maior chance de desenvolvimento da obesidade, oriunda do consumo regular desse tipo de adoçante, já que ele comprovou ser capaz de estimular o consumo de alimentos e, consequentemente, o ganho de peso corpóreo.(AU)

Recent years have seen an increase in consumption of diet and light foods by teenagers or those who are looking for a low-calorie diet, thus resulting in several sweeteners such as aspartame. However, their consumption still generates controversy due to many contradictory and inconclusive data. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aspartame supplementation on dietary intake, physical, biochemical, and histopathological parameters in 18 male Wistar rats, at five weeks old (young mice) treated for 21 days. The animals were randomly assigned into two groups: control group (CG) - treated with distilled water by gavage and aspartame group (GA) - treated with 2ml/100g/day of aspartame. All animals received commercial feed (Essence (r)) and water ad libitum. The control of food intake was recorded weekly. The physical parameters were measured by analyzing the body weight, chest circumference, waist circumference, vertex-coccyx length, total abdominal fat and calculating the body mass index; biochemical parameters were analyzed by glucose, high-density lipoprotein and triglycerides. Apart from such analysis the histopathological study of the liver was conducted. Throughout the experiment the rats treated with aspartame showed a significant increase in body weight and food intake compared to the control group. There was no difference in other analyzes such physical, biochemical, and histopathological comparing GA to GC (P<0.05). From the results we can infer a greater chance of developing obesity, coming from the regular consumption of this type of sweetener, as it proved able to stimulate food intake, and hence the gain of body weight.(AU)

Animals , Rats , Aspartame/analysis , Eating/drug effects , Weight Gain , Reference Standards/analysis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-180481


Metformin is widely used for type II diabetes. Sugar replacement sweeteners such as Aspartame and Stevia, are usually consumed concomitantly with other antidiabetics by patients The aim of this work is to investigate possible effects of two types of sweeteners; stevia and aspartame on the pharmacokinetic parameters of metformin in rats. A simple, validated bio-analytical HPLC method was developed to measure metformin in rat plasma. Three groups of rats, each of eight were subjected to this study. The first group was given metformin solution 20mg/kg alone, the second group was given 20 mg/kg metformin with 4mg/kg stevia and the third group was given 20 mg/kg metformin with 10 mg/kg aspartame on fasting state. Blood samples were taken on scheduled time interval up to 6 hours and analyzed for metformin concentration. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by Non-Compartmental Model and data were interpreted. The results showed that administration of these two sweeteners did not have high effect on pharmacokinetics of metformin.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178656


Sugar contribute to tooth decay and obesity but still we spoon it. Artificial sweeteners are used in one of two ways. They may be used directly in commercially processed foods or they are mixed with one or more starch based sweeteners before sale to consumers. Artificial sweeteners are so intensely sweet so small Amounts are required to imitate sugars sweet taste. In this review paper, it is going to discuss about the basic five Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Acesulfame, Saccharin, Sucralose and Neotame.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 1013-1015, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-494035


Objective:To establish an HPLC method for the determination of aspartame in Xiaoer Anfen Huang Namin granule. Methods:An Agilent Zorbax SB-C18 column(250 mm × 4. 6 mm,5 μm)was used with the mobile phase of acetonitrile-0. 05 mol·L -1 H3 PO4(20 ∶80). The flow rate was 1. 0 ml ·min -1 and the detection wavelength was 204 nm. The column temperature was 25℃ and the injection volume was 10 μl. Results:Aspartame had a good linear relationship within the range of 21. 72- 868. 67 μg · ml -1(r = 1. 000 0). The average recovery of aspartame was 99. 36% and RSD was 0. 3% (n = 6). Conclusion:The method has good stability and repeatability,and is suitable for the quality control of Xiaoer Anfen Huang Namin granule.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950798


Objective: To identify the effects of the consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners on memory retention and on the histology of the hippocampus. Methods: In this study, 20 mice were used to determine if there is an effect of consuming the maximum allowable dose of the non-nutritive sweeteners on the memory retention and on the histology of the hippocampus. The mice were distributed into four groups and the treatments were given via oral gavage: Group 1 (water), Group 2 (aspartame: 1. 000 mg/kg), Group 3 (stevia: 1. 000 mg/kg) and Group 4 (sucralose: 16. 000 mg/kg). Treatments were administered to the different experimental groups for 32 days, after which memory retention was tested using the two-day water maze protocol. After the tests, the mice were sacrificed and the brain was analyzed histologically for neurotrophic effects. Results: Based on the results of the two-day water maze protocol, there were no differences between the non-nutritive sweeteners and the control group. However, stevia showed high cellular apoptosis followed by aspartame, sucralose and control group. Conclusions: There was no significant effect on the memory of the mice. It showed histologically however, that stevia had a significant neurotropic effect compared to the other sweeteners.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164483


The safety of some food additives/E-numbers, including low calorie (intense) sweeteners (LCS), is constantly the subject of dispute and controversy. However, since LCS have been assigned an acceptable daily intake (ADI) and an E-number following extensive assessment of available safety and toxicological data, consumer safety is assured. These substances have been carefully evaluated, for example by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), leading to the conclusion that they are essentially safe when consumption is below ADI levels. Although, intake data indicate that general consumption of LCS is relatively low, many people appear to remain concerned about their safety, particularly aspartame (E951). More recently, stevia (steviol glycosides, E960) has been marketed as a “natural” alternative to aspartame. However, it is unclear whether stevia can live up to its promises. With regards to public health, the real risk within our diet is not the safety of food additives, but rather more likely to be the potential impacts of consuming too much energy and/or an unhealthy dietary pattern.

J Biosci ; 2014 Dec; 39 (5): 859-866
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162001


Since aspartame (L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester, ASP) is one of the most widely used artificial sweeteners, the aim of the present study was to investigate its effects on serum glucose and lipid levels as well as its effects on oxidative/antioxidative status in erythrocytes of rats. The experiment included two groups of animals: the control group was administered with water only, while the experimental group was orally administered with ASP (40 mg/kg b.w.) daily, for a period of six weeks. When compared with the control group, the group administrated with ASP indicated higher values of serum glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. Significantly increased concentrations of superoxide anion (O2 •−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), peroxynitrite (ОNОО−) and lipid peroxides (LPO) were recorded in the erythrocytes of ASP treated group in comparison to the control group. In the course of chronic ASP administration, the following was observed: the concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH) and the activity of catalase (CAT) increased. Thus, these findings suggest that long-term consumption of ASP leads to hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, as well as to oxidative stress in erythrocytes.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 40(2): 123-128, June 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-687147


Introduction: There is wide availability of products containing sweeteners but there is no regulation on its consumption. Objective: To establish if adults and children with normal weight or obesity from three socioeconomic levels, and a group of adults and children with diabetes; do not exceed ADI levels for some sweeteners. Methods: Group 1 (477 adults, Group 2 (516 children) from socioeconomic levels: ABC1, C2 and C3, normal nutritional status and obesity, and group 3 (218) adults and children with diabetes. The daily intake of sweeteners was recorded, including: aspartame (ASP), acesulfame K (AK), cyclamate (CICL), saccharin (SAC), sucralose (SUC) and stevia (STV). Results: 85% adults and 75%% of children consumed products with sweeteners, and of these 50% were instant powdered beverages, soft drinks or diet yogurts. When comparing the consumption between groups 1 and 2, group 1 consumed a larger amount of sweeteners (p<0.05). Group 1 ABC1 ate more AK, ASP and SUC than C2 and C3 (p<0.05). Group 3 did not surpass the acceptable daily intake of AK, ASP, SUC and STE, but 5.8% of adults and 25% of diabetic children exceeded the ADI for SAC. Conclusions: The 97.5% and the 98.8% had a safe consumption of artificial sweeteners. It should be emphasized that 5.8% of adults and 25% of diabetic children exceeded the maximum ADI for SAC, finding that suggests to be continued long-term studies to elucidate whether this has implications for health.

Introducción: Existe gran disponibilidad de productos con edulcorantes pero no existe regulación sobre su consumo. Objetivo: determinar si individuos adultos y niños con estado nutricional normal u obesidad de tres niveles socioeconómicos y un grupo de adultos y niños con diabetes, no excedían la ingesta diaria admisible de los edulcorantes permitidos. Metodología: Grupo 1 (477 adultos) y grupo 2 (516 niños) de niveles socioeconómicos (NSE): ABC1, C2 y C3, estado nutricional normal y obesos, y grupo 3 (218) adultos y niños diabéticos. Se registró la ingesta diaria de edulcorantes incluyéndose: aspartame (ASP), acesulfamo K (AK), ciclamato (CICL), sacarina (SAC), sucralosa (SUC) y estevia (STV). Resultados: El 85 % adultos y 75 % de niños consumían productos con edulcorantes y de estos el 50% eran bebidas instantáneas en polvo, bebidas gaseosas o yogurts dietéticos. Al comparar la ingesta de edulcorantes entre los grupos 1 y 2, el grupo 1 tuvo una mayor ingesta (p<0.05) que el grupo 2. El grupo 1 del NSE ABC1, consumió mas AK, ASP y SUC que NSE C2 y C3 (p<0.05). En el grupo 3, el 5.8% de adultos y el 25% de niños diabéticos sobrepasaron el IDA sólo para SAC. Conclusiones: El 97.5% adultos y el 98.8% niños tuvieron ingesta dentro del nivel seguro en cada edulcorante. Se debe enfatizar que el 5,8% de adultos y 25% de niños diabéticos excedieron el IDA máximo para SAC, hallazgo que sugiere continuar con estudios a largo plazo que permitan dilucidar si esto tiene repercusión para la salud.

Humans , Aspartame , Child , Adult , Maximum Acceptable Dose , Cyclamates , Non-Nutritive Sweeteners , Recommended Dietary Allowances , Diet, Healthy , Chile
J Biosci ; 2012 Sep; 37 (4): 689-694
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-161730


This study was aimed at investigating the chronic effect of the artificial sweetener aspartame on oxidative stress in brain regions of Wistar strain albino rats. Many controversial reports are available on the use of aspartame as it releases methanol as one of its metabolite during metabolism. The present study proposed to investigate whether chronic aspartame (75 mg/kg) administration could release methanol and induce oxidative stress in the rat brain. To mimic the human methanol metabolism, methotrexate (MTX)-treated rats were included to study the aspartame effects. Wistar strain male albino rats were administered with aspartame orally and studied along with controls and MTX-treated controls. The blood methanol level was estimated, the animal was sacrificed and the free radical changes were observed in brain discrete regions by assessing the scavenging enzymes, reduced glutathione, lipid peroxidation (LPO) and protein thiol levels. It was observed that there was a significant increase in LPO levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, GPx levels and CAT activity with a significant decrease in GSH and protein thiol. Moreover, the increases in some of these enzymes were region specific. Chronic exposure of aspartame resulted in detectable methanol in blood. Methanol per se and its metabolites may be responsible for the generation of oxidative stress in brain regions.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 38(4): 444-449, dic. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627298


Introduction: Artificial sweeteners are substances that do not provide energy and are added to foods to provide a sweet taste. Sweeteners are used to replace sugar either in part or entirely. Objective: To determine the consumption of artificial sweeteners in school children 6 to 14 years of age in the Valparaiso Region of Chile and to compare consumption according to nutritional status. Methods: 281 students of both sexes underwent anthropometric assessment (weight and height) and completed a food survey on the consumption of sweeteners. Results: 100% of students consume foods or products containing artificial sweeteners, although no student consumed more than the maximum allowed. When comparing by nutritional status, obese children, compared to those with normal weight had a higher consumption of sucralose, aspartame, saccharin and acesulfame potassium (p <0.05). Conclusion: The intake of sweeteners is massive, but consumption does not exceed permitted levels in this study sample.

Introducción: Los edulcorantes artificiales son sustancias que no aportan energía y que se agregan a los alimentos para proporcionarles un sabor dulce. Se emplean para reemplazar total o parcialmente el azúcar. Objetivo: Determinar el consumo de edulcorantes artificiales en escolares de 6 a 14 años de la región de Valparaíso y comparar su consumo según su estado nutricional. Métodos: A 281 estudiantes de ambos sexos se les realizó una evaluación antropométrica (peso y talla) y una encuesta alimentaria sobre consumo de edulcorantes. Resultados: El 100% de los estudiantes consumió alimentos o productos con contenido de edulcorantes, aunque ninguno de ellos sobre la dosis máxima admitida. Al comparar por estado nutricional, los estudiantes con obesidad presentaron una mayor consumo de sucralosa, aspartamo, sacarina y acesulfamo de potasio (p<0.05). Conclusión: La ingesta de edulcorantes es masiva, pero su consumo no sobrepasa los niveles permitidos por el Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos en la muestra estudiada.

Aspartame , Saccharin , Students , Eating , Child , Nutritional Status , Non-Nutritive Sweeteners , Chile
Braz. j. oral sci ; 10(1): 7-11, jan.-mar. 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-589643


Aim: Since deaf children are unable to comprehend or cooperate with dental treatment due to lack of communication, preventive measures may be an important way to control the high prevalence of dental caries in these patients. The aim of the this study was to evaluate the effect of an intensive treatment with chlorhexidine (CHX) gel, containing either saccharin or aspartame, in deaf children highly infected with mutans streptococci (MS). Methods: Eighteen children were randomly divided into two groups, according to the sweetener used to improve the CHX gel bitter taste: saccharin or aspartame. Before CHX treatment, saliva samples were collected to establish baseline microbial data for MS. CHX gel was applied on two consecutive days, four times the first day and three times the second day. Saliva samples were then taken after 7, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days to evaluate MS oral recolonization. Results: CHX gel containing saccharin was not effective on the reduction of MS levels, while the gel containing aspartame decreased significantly MS levels after treatment (P<.05). Conclusions: Although a new CHX application may be necessary after 60 days to control caries risk and MS levels, CHX treatment should be individually controlled because of variations in the response of subjects.

Aspartame , Chlorhexidine , Deafness , Saccharin , Saliva , Streptococcus mutans
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 8(4)jul.-ago. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-555457


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do aspartame em ratas tratadas durante a prenhez e o reflexo do tratamento em seus fetos. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas 33 ratas (11 em cada grupo) da espécie Rattus norvegicus albinus Wistar, com peso médio de 200 g divididas em três grupos distintos: G1 (controle - água), G2 (aspartame - 25 mg/kg/dia) e G3 (aspartame - 50 mg/kg/dia), cujo tratamento ocorreu a partir do 8º ao 12º dia de prenhez. Realizaram-se as determinações séricas de glicose, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e colesterol HDL dos animais. Para as análises estatísticas utilizou-se a Análise de Variância, seguidas pela comparação múltipla, por meio do teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: As ratas tratadas do G3 apresentaram as maiores taxas de glicose, colesterol total e HDL. Com relação aos dados morfométricos, o G2 apresentou maior média nas medidas do cordão umbilical e do peso da placenta, com diferença estatisticamente significante apenas no peso da placenta. O G2 apresentou maior média no peso corpóreo e no peso do encéfalo, com diferença estatística, entre todos os grupos, para as duas medidas. Os fetos das ratas tratadas com aspartame (25 e 50 mg/kg/dia) apresentaram resultado estatisticamente significante de malformações em comparação com o G1. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de aspartame pela gestante deve ser restrito a menos que a quantidade diária máxima recomendada.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aspartame in rats treated during pregnancy and its consequences on their fetuses. METHOD: We studied 33 rats (11 in each group) of the species Rattus norvegicus Wistar albinos, weighing an average of 200 g that were divided into three groups: G1 (control - water), G2 (aspartame 25 mg/kg/day), and G3 (aspartame 50 mg/kg/day), whose treatment occurred from the 8th to the 12th day of pregnancy. The levels of serum glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol of the animals were determined. For statistical analysis we used Variance Analysis followed by multiple comparisons using the Tukey test (p < 0.05).RESULTS: The rats treated with G3 showed the highest rates of glucose, total cholesterol and HDL. Regarding the morphometric data, the rats treated with G2 had higher average in measurements of the umbilical cord and placental weight. There was statistically significance only in placental weight. The group of fetuses of rats treated with G2 had higher average in body and brain weights, with statistical difference between all groups for both measures. The fetuses of rats treated with aspartame (25 and 50 mg/kg/day) showed a statistically significant result of malformations compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: The use of aspartame for pregnant women should be restricted to less than the maximum recommended daily dosage

Animals , Rats , Aspartame/administration & dosage , Pregnancy, Animal , Rats, Wistar
Diagn. tratamento ; 14(1): 28-30, jan.-mar. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-552526


Aspartame é um edulcorante artificial e calórico de poder adoçante muito superior ao do açúcar.A quantidade de metanol existente no aspartame não é tóxica.Devemos estar atentos à dose diária de aspartame utilizada.Existem muitas dúvidas sobre efeitos maléficos do aspartame no sistema nervoso central.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134939


We report a case of epileptic seizures following heavy consumption of a cola and caffeine containing soft drink. The probable cause for seizures could be due to a combination of hyponatraemia, water intoxication, and high dose of caffeine and aspartame from the soft drink.

Int. j. morphol ; 25(4): 689-694, Dec. 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-626924


The objective of this study was the evaluation of aspartame effects on morphometric alterations of the glomerulus, proximal and distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of the rat fetal kidney during organogénesis. Fifteen pregnant rats averaging 24 g body weight, were divided into 3 groups (n=5 each) of controls, rats treated with aspartame exposed to room temperature and rats treated with aspartame heated to 40°C. Animals were given 14mg / kg aspartame by the intragastric route on the 9th, 10th, and 11th days of pregnancy. Karyometric and stereological techniques estimated morphological changes. A significant decrease of fetal body weight was observed in the group given aspartame kept at room temperature, compared to controls. Karyometry permitted the estimation of the significant nuclear variations observed in the cells of the glomerulus, proximal and distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of aspartame-treated rat fetuses. Stereolgical parameters showed statistically significantly increased cell volume and decreased numerical cell density in fetal kidneys of rats treated with aspartame heated to 40° compared to controls. These results indicate that the use of aspartame leads to alterations in all renal structures studied, suggesting this product's nephrotoxicity.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las alteraciones morfológicas del aspartame en glomérulos, túbulos contorneados distal y proximal y ductos colectores, en ríñones de ratas, durante la organogénesis. Se utilizaron ratas preñadas con un peso promedio de 24g, las que fueron separadas en 3 grupos (n=5 cada uno): un grupo control, otro grupo con ratas tratadas con aspartame y expuestas a temperatura ambiente y un grupo de ratas tratadas con aspartame y mantenidas a 40° C. A los animales se les administró 14 mg/kg de aspartame vía intragástrica en las semanas 9, 10 y 11 de preñez. Con técnicas cariométricas y estereológicas se estimaron los cambios morfológicos. Una disminución significativa del peso fetal se observó en el grupo que recibió aspartame y mantenida a temperatura ambiente, comparado con los controles. La cariometría permitió la estimación de significativas variaciones nucleares observadas en las células de los glomérulos, túbulos contorneados distal y proximal y ductos colectores, en los fetos de las ratas tratadas con aspartame. Los parámetros estereológicos mostraron un incremento estadísticamente significativo del volumen celular y una disminución en la densidad de número de las células, en ríñones fetales de ratas tratadas con aspartame y mantenidas a 40° C comparado con los controles. Estos resultados indican que el uso del aspartame lleva consigo alteraciones en todas las estructuras renales estudiadas, lo que sugiere la nefrotoxicidad del producto.

Animals , Female , Rats , Aspartame/pharmacology , Sweetening Agents/pharmacology , Kidney/drug effects , Body Weight/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Kidney/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 25(3): 549-554, Sept. 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-626901


Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener consumed by more than half the adult population in 75 countries. Their metabolites can be toxic, principally to the liver and retina, and there are few studies on the use of aspartame in gestation. Twenty pregnant rats were weighed and allocated randomly (n=5 per group) to receive 14 mg/kg aspartame or water by oral-gastric drip. Treated Tl: aspartame diluted in water at room temperature; Treated T2: aspartame diluted in water heated to 40° C; control Cl: water at room temperature; and control C2: water heated to 40° C. Placentas were weighed, umbilical cords measured and 1000 nuclei of fetal hepatocytes (250 from each group) were analyzed morphometrically utilizing the technique of kariometry, with application of the Mann-Whitney U-Test. There were reductions in mean placental and maternal-fetal weights, in umbilical-cord length, and the majority of kariometric parameters of the hepatocytes in the group treated with aspartame diluted in distilled water at room temperature. Reduction of placental and maternal-fetal weights occurred, shortening of the umbilical cord, and decrease in kariometric parameters in fetal hepatocyte nuclei after administration of aspartame diluted in distilled water at 40°C temperature. The use of aspartame during gestation can be prejudicial to the fetus.

El aspartame es un endulzante sintético consumido por más de la mitad de la población adulta, en 75 países. Sus metabolitos pueden ser tóxicos, principalmente en el hígado y retina y hay algunos estudios sobre el aspartame en el embarazo. Veinte ratas preñadas fueron pesadas y distribuidas aleatoriamente (n=5 por grupo) y recibieron 14 mg/Kg de aspartame o agua por vía oral- gástrica. Tratamiento 1: aspartame diluido en agua a temperatura ambiente; Tratamiento T2: aspartame diluido en agua tibia a 40 °C; control Cl: agua a temperatura ambiente, y control C2: agua tibia a 40° C. Las placentas fueron pesadas, el cordón umbilical medido y 1000 núcleos de hepatocitos fetales (250 de cada grupo) se analizaron morfométricamente utilizando la técnica de canometría con aplicación del Test U de Mann-Whitney U-Test. En el grupo tratado con aspartame diluido en agua a temperatura ambiente, hubo reducción en los pesos promedios de la placenta y materno-fetal, largo del cordón umbilical y en la mayoría de los parámetros cartométricos de los hepatocitos. Lo mismo ocurrió en el grupo tratado con aspartame diluido en agua a 40 °C. El uso del aspartame durante las gestación puede ser perjudicial para el feto.

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Aspartame/toxicity , Body Weight/drug effects , Liver/drug effects , Placenta/drug effects , Placenta/pathology , Sweetening Agents/toxicity , Umbilical Cord/drug effects , Umbilical Cord/pathology , Rats, Wistar , Fetal Weight/drug effects , Karyometry , Liver/pathology