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African journal of emergency medicine (Print) ; 14(3): 179-185, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1567924


Introduction Coma is a medical emergency, and optimal management, especially in a resource-poor setting, depends on knowledge of its aetiology and predictors of outcome. This study aimed to provide hospital-based data on the prevalence, etiology, and outcome of non traumatic coma (NTC) in adults at a tertiary level in Cameroon. Methods A three year retrospective cohort study of medical records of patients aged 18 years and above, who presented in coma of non-traumatic origin at a Cameroon emergency department (ED) was conducted. Data related to sociodemographic, clinical findings, investigations, etiology of the coma, and outcomes were collected. Results A total of 408 patients were recruited, 214 (52.5 %) were males. The mean age was 55.9 ± 16.6 years. NTC accounted for 2.2 % of all consultations at the ED during the period of study. Stroke (29.6 %), infections (19.8 %), and metabolic disorders (12.6 %) were the most frequent cause of NTC. Etiology was unknown in 23.3 % of our participants. The in-hospital mortality was 66.4 %. Duration of hospitalization ≤ 3 days, GCS 〈 6, serum creatinine level 〉 13 mg/L, and administration of adrenergic drugs were predictors of mortality. Overall survival rate was 44.3 % after 5 days of admission. Conclusion Non-traumatic coma had various aetiologies. Stroke accounted for almost one third of cases. About three out of five patients died in hospital. Deep coma, high serum creatinine level, short hospital stay and administration of adrenergic medications were independent predictors of mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Wounds and Injuries , Coma
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(1): 12-15, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1427383


Objectifs : Identifier les facteurs de mauvais pronostic des pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique(PAVM) afin d'améliorer leur prise en charge.Patients et methode : Etude prospective, descriptive et analytique portant sur les patients admis en réanimation du CHU d'Angré du 1er novembre 2019 au 31 juillet 2021 et ayant présenté une PAVM.Resultats : Nous avons colligé 43 patients sur 625 admissions soit 6,88%. L'âge moyen était de 49,06 ans. Le sex ratio était de 0,38. Le principal motif d'admission était le coma avec 88,37%. L'HTA et le diabète étaient les principaux antécédents .Les PAVM précoces représentaient 53,49%. Le Klebsiella pneumoniae était le principal germe. Les patients intubés à l'admission représentaient 79,07%. La durée moyenne de ventilation était de 26,95 jours et la durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 30,8140 jours. Une antibiothérapie probabiliste a été réalisée chez 75,76% des patients. La mortalité était de 76,74%. Les facteurs de mortalité étaient une durée de ventilation mécanique supérieure à 15 jours et l'âge supérieur à 50 ans.Conclusion :La mortalité secondaire au PAVM demeure élevée. L'identification des deux facteurs pronostiques devrait améliorer la prise en charge ultérieure de tous nouveaux cas

Objectives: To identify the factors of poor prognosis of ventilator-associated lung disease (VAP) in order to improve their management. Patients and method: Prospective, descriptive and analytical study of patients admitted to intensive care at the Angré University Hospital from November 1, 2019 to July 31, 2021 and having presented VAP.Results: We collected 43 patients out of 625 admissions, i.e. 6.88%. The average age was 49.06 years. The sex ratio was 0.38. The main reason for admission was coma with 88.37%. Hypertension and diabetes were the main antecedents. Early VAP accounted for 53.49%. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the main germ. Patients intubated on admission accounted for 79.07%. The average duration of ventilation was 26.95 days and the average duration of hospitalization was 30.8140 days. Probabilistic antibiotic therapy was performed in 75.76% of patients. Mortality was 76.74%. The mortality factors were duration of mechanical ventilation greater than 15 days and age greater than 50 years.Conclusion:Secondary mortality from VAP remains high. The identification of the two prognostic factors should improve the subsequent management of all new cases.

Humans , Male , Female , Respiration, Artificial , Ventilators, Mechanical , Mortality , Critical Care , Diabetes Mellitus , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Pneumonia , Prognosis , Coma , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated
Rev. Anesth.-Réanim. Med. Urg. Toxicol. ; 15(1): 32-34, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1437334


La survenue d'un coma ou de troubles de la conscience en réanimation est très fréquemment observée et leur présence est associée à un pronostic sévère. Nos objectifs étaient de décrire le profil épidémio-clinique des patients admis pour coma et trouble de la conscience ainsi que les principales étiologies de ces manifestations cliniques. Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective, descriptive, longitudinale de Juin à Novembre 2019. Le cadre de notre étude était le service de réanimation polyvalente du centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Analakininina Toamasina. Résultats : Nous avions recensé 77 patients dont 37 femmes et 40 hommes (sex ratio de 1,081). La moyenne d'âge était de 39 +/-17 ans. La majorité des patients soit 67% présentait un trouble de la conscience, le reste (31%) était comateux. La principale étiologie des troubles rencontrés était l'AVC (53%) dont 61% était hémorragiques, 17% ischémiques, et 22% non étiquetés. Plus de la moitié des patients avaient évolué vers le décès (61%). Conclusion : Pour l'amélioration du pronostic des patients, il serait nécessaire de connaitre les étiologies fréquentes afin d'adapter la prise en charge

Humans , Coma , Critical Care , Unconsciousness , Cerebral Hemorrhage
Rev. Anesth.-Réanim. Med. Urg. Toxicol. ; 15(1): 79-83, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1438523


L'éclampsie est une complication neurologique majeure de la pré-éclampsie sévère, responsable d'une lourde morbidité et mortalité maternelle. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés aux morbimortalités maternelles de l'éclampsie. Patients et Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, transversale, descriptive et analytique ; sur une période de 36 mois, allant de Janvier 2019 à Décembre 2021, réalisée à la maternité de Befelatanana. Les paramètres cliniques et obstétricales, la prise en charge, les complications et l'évolution maternelle ont été les paramètres étudiés. Résultats : Sur 21 514 accouchements, 461 cas (2,14%) d'éclampsie ont été recensé dont 288 cas inclus dans l'étude. L'âge moyen était de 23,29±6 ans ; l'âge gestationnel était > 37 semaine d'aménorrhée dans 60,10% (n= 173) des cas et la grossesse étaient mal suivies dans 49,70% (n=143) des cas. Les complications maternelles dominées par : la détresse respiratoire aigüe sur pneumopathie d'inhalation; le coma prolongé ; une hémorragie intracérébrale et l'association à d'autres complications tel que : un HELLP syndrome, un hématome rétroplacentaire et une insuffisance rénale oligo-anurique aigue. Les facteurs associés aux décès étaient : l'existence de trouble de la conscience postcritique (p=0,026 ; OR=3,2 [1,09-9,37]), l'existence de coma prolongé ≥24h (p=10-8 ; OR=34 [11,47-100,71]), l'existence d'une insuffisance rénale aigue (p=10-4 ; OR=4,42 [2,08-9,4]) et l'association à un HELLP syndrome (p=10-8 ; OR=29,16 [12,08-70,41]). Conclusion : La morbi-mortalité de l'éclampsie reste encore très élevé à Madagascar ; une éducation de la population Malagasy doit être renforcer sur le suivi médical rapproché de la grossesse

Humans , Coma , Eclampsia , Acute Kidney Injury , HELLP Syndrome , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors
REVISA (Online) ; 12(4)2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531343


Objetivo: analisar o conhecimento da Escala de Coma de Glasgow em acadêmicos de enfermagem cursando o último e penúltimo semestres do Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal Campus Águas Claras.Método: Este estudo utilizou-se abordagem quantitativa com o método descritivo, utilizando para coleta de dados um questionário com seis questões objetivas.Resultado: A pesquisa realizada com uma amostra de 20 acadêmicos de enfermagem, evidenciou que 80% demonstraram saber o que é avaliado na escala, porém constatou-se que apenas 20% entendem como utilizar de forma correta a escala de coma de Glasgow.Conclusão: a maioria dos acadêmicospossui conhecimento teórico sobre a Escala de Coma de Glasgow, entretanto possuem déficit na aplicação da escala

Objective:to analyze the knowledge of the Glasgow Coma Scale in nursing students in the last and penultimate semesters of Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal Campus Águas Claras. Method:This study used a quantitative approach with the descriptive method, using a questionnaire with six objective questions for data collection. Results:The research carried out with a sample of 20 nursing students showed that 80% demonstrated that they know what is evaluated on the scale, but it was found that only 20% understand how to correctly use the Glasgow Coma Scale. Conclusion:most students have theoretical knowledge about the Glasgow Coma Scale, but they have deficits in the application of the scale.

Objetivo:Analizar el conocimiento de la Escala de Coma de Glasgow en estudiantes de enfermería que cursan el último y penúltimo semestre del Centro Universitario Planalto del Distrito Federal Campus Águas Claras. Método:Este estudio utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo con el método descriptivo, utilizando un cuestionario con seis preguntas objetivas para la recolección de datos. Resultados:La investigación realizada con una muestra de 20 estudiantes de enfermería mostró que el 80% demostró saber lo que se evalúa en la escala, pero se encontró que solo el 20% entiende cómo utilizar correctamente la Escala de Coma de Glasgow. Conclusión:la mayoría de los estudiantes tienen conocimientos teóricos sobre la Escala de Coma de Glasgow, pero tienen déficits en la aplicación de la escala.

Glasgow Coma Scale , Students, Nursing , Coma , Knowledge
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 401-408, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447624


Abstract Background In-hospital cardiac arrest is a common situation in hospital settings. Therefore, healthcare providers should understand the reasons that could affect the results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We aimed to determine the independent predictors for poor outcomes after the return of spontaneous circulation in in-hospital cardiac arrest patients, and also look for a relationship between patient's background parameters and the status at intensive care unit. Methods We did a retrospective cohort study using cardiac arrest patients admitted to the intensive care unit after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation between 2011-2015. Patients' data were gathered from hospital database. Estimated probabilities of survival were computed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine associated risk factors for mortality. Results In total, 197 cardiac arrest patients were admitted to anesthesia intensive care unit after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a 4-years period. Of 197 patients, 170 (86.3%) died in intensive care unit. Median of survival days was 4 days. Comorbidity (p= 0.01), higher duration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (p= 0.02), lower Glasgow Coma Score (p= 0.00), abnormal lactate level (p= 0.00), and abnormal mean blood pressure (p= 0.01) were the main predictors for increased mortality in cardiac arrest patients after intensive care unit admission. Conclusion The consequent clinical status of the patients is affected by the physiological state after return of spontaneous circulation. Comorbidity, higher duration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lower arrival Glasgow Coma Score, abnormal lactate level, and abnormal mean blood pressure were the main predictors for increased mortality in patients admitted to the intensive care unit after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Humans , Coma/complications , Heart Arrest/therapy , Hospital Mortality , Intensive Care Units , Lactates
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(1): 115-119, ene. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389609


ABSTRACT Insulin antibodies (IAs) induced by exogenous insulin rarely cause hypoglycemia. However, insulin autoantibodies (IAAs) in insulin autoimmune syndrome (IAS) can cause hypoglycemia. The typical manifestations of IAS are fasting or postprandial hypoglycemia, elevated insulin level, decreased C-peptide levels, and positive IAA. We report a 45-year-old male with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) treated with insulin analogues suffering from recurrent hypoglycemic coma and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). His symptoms were caused by exogenous insulin and were similar to IAS. A possible reason was that exogenous insulin induced IA. IA titers were 61.95% (normal: 300 mU/L and < 0.02 nmol/L when hypoglycemia occurred. Based on his clinical symptoms and other examinations, he was diagnosed with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia caused by IA. His symptoms improved after changing insulin regimens from insulin lispro plus insulin detemir to recombinant human insulin (Gensulin R) and starting prednisone.

Los anticuerpos contra la insulina (AI) inducidos por la insulina exógena raramente causan hipoglucemia. No obstante, los autoanticuerpos contra la insulina (AIA) en el síndrome autoinmune de insulina (SAI) pueden causar hipoglucemia. Las manifestaciones típicas del SAI son la hipoglucemia en ayunas o posprandial, niveles elevados de insulina, la disminución del nivel de péptido C y AIA positivos. Presentamos un paciente hombre de 45 años con diabetes mellitus de tipo 1 (DMT1) tratado con análogos de insulina, que sufría comas hipoglucémicos recurrentes y cetoacidosis diabética (CAD). Sus síntomas fueron causados por la insulina exógena y fueron similares al SAI. La posible razón fue que la insulina exógena indujo AI. El título de AI era del 61,95% (Normal: 300 mU/L y < 0,02 nmol/L cuando se producía la hipoglucemia. Basados en sus síntomas clínicos y otros exámenes, se le diagnosticó hipoglucemia hiperinsulinémica causada por la AI. Sus síntomas mejoraron después de cambiar el régimen de insulina de lispro más insulina detemir a insulina humana recombinante (Gensulin R) y de empezar a tomar prednisona.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Autoimmune Diseases/diagnosis , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/complications , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/chemically induced , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/drug therapy , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/complications , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/drug therapy , Hypoglycemia/chemically induced , C-Peptide/therapeutic use , Coma , Hypoglycemic Agents/adverse effects , Insulin/therapeutic use , Insulin Antibodies/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935806


Objective: To analyze the correlation of bispectral index (BIS) with the prognosis of patients with acute severe carbon monoxide poisoning (ASCMP) and its predictive value of adverse outcomes. Methods: In March 2021, 106 ASCMP patients who were treated in Harrison International Peace Hospital Affiliated to Hebei Medical University from January 2019 to December 2020 were taken as research objects. All patients underwent 24-hour BIS monitoring after admission, and were divided into good prognosis group (n=75) and poor prognosis group (n=31) according to the prognosis of the patients' cranial nerve function after 60 d. The general conditions, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ (APACHEⅡ) score, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score at admission and 24-hour BIS mean were compared between the two groups. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlations between the 24-hour BIS mean and GCS score at admission, APACHEⅡ score and coma time. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to analyze the predictive value of 24-hour BIS mean, GCS score at admission, APACHEⅡ score and coma time on adverse outcome of ASCMP patients. Results: The coma time and APACHEⅡ score of the patients in the poor prognosis group were significantly higher than those in the good prognosis group, the GCS score at admission and 24-hour BIS mean were significantly lower than those in the good prognosis group (P<0.05) . Pearson correlation analysis showed that the 24-hour BIS mean was positively correlated with the GCS score at admission, and negatively correlated with the APACHEⅡ score, coma time (r=0.675, -0.700, -0.565, P<0.001) . The 24-hour BIS mean had the highest predictive value for adverse outcome of ASCMP patients, with a cut-off value of 74, the area under the curve was 0.883 (95%CI: 0.814-0.951, P<0.001) , and the sensitivity and specificity were 73.3% and 87.1%, respectively. Conclusion: The 24-hour BIS mean has a good correlation with the acute brain nerve injury, the severity of the disease and coma time of patients with ASCMP. And it has a high predictive value for the adverse outcome in patients with ASCMP.

Humans , APACHE , Brain Injuries , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/diagnosis , Coma , Prognosis , ROC Curve , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935812


Acute methanol poisoning harms the optic nerve and central nervous system, can cause irreversible damage, even coma or death in severe cases. This article reported four cases of methanol poisoning. 3 patients mistakenly ingested industrial alcohol containing methanol, the most serious patient suffered from coma, vision loss and other symptoms, the blood methanol concentration was 869.3 μg/ml. Another patient was poisoning caused by inhalation of methanol, with symptoms such as total blindness in the right eye and decreased visual acuity in the left eye. After active supportive treatment, 2 patients had partial recovery of visual acuity, and 2 patients had no sequelae. This article discussed the clinical features, treatment and prognosis of optic nerve damage caused by methanol poisoning, in order to raise awareness of this disease.

Humans , Coma , Follow-Up Studies , Methanol , Optic Nerve , Optic Nerve Injuries , Poisoning/therapy
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 11(3): 569-582, ago.2021. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292203


INTRODUÇÃO: A craniotomia torna mais fácil a compreensão e abordagem do cérebro, mas acompanha as doenças. As unidades de terapia intensiva são equipadas com fisioterapeutas profissionais treinados para lidar com esses efeitos deletérios após este programa cirúrgico, mas falta um protocolo progressivo, definido e apoiado por evidências para esses pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade do protocolo de neuro-reabilitação elaborado para pacientes pós-craniotomia durante sua internação em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) para melhorar seus resultados funcionais e reduzir seu tempo de internação (LOS). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Será um ensaio de quase viabilidade pós-teste de pré-teste de grupo único. Quinze pacientes submetidos à craniotomia serão recrutados para o estudo e serão processados com protocolo de Neuro-reabilitação por 60 minutos do primeiro dia da cirurgia até o 15º dia da cirurgia. O resultado primário será a Escala de Habilidades Funcionais Precoces (EFA) para medição de resultados funcionais como nível de consciência, habilidades sensório-motoras, habilidades cognitivo-perceptuais e habilidades oromotoras de pacientes que serão avaliadas no primeiro dia após a craniotomia. Os resultados secundários incluirão Escala de Coma de Glasgow (GCS), Escala de Recuperação de Coma - Revisada (CRS-R), Técnica de Reabilitação de Avaliação de Modalidade Sensorial (SMART), Escala de Ashworth modificada modificada (mMAS), Pontuação de Avaliação Cognitiva de Montreal (MoCA) e Conselho de Pesquisa Médica Escala (MRC). As avaliações serão feitas no primeiro e no décimo quinto dia pós-operatório. PERSPECTIVAS: Espera-se que este protocolo melhore os resultados funcionais e reduza a incidência de ocorrência de comorbidades em pacientes após craniotomia em UTI.

INTRODUCTION: Craniotomy makes insight and approach towards the brain easier but accompanies ailments. Intensive care units are equipped with trained professional physical therapists working over these deleterious after-effects of this surgical program, but a progressive, defined, and evidence-supported protocol for such patients is lacking. OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of a Neurorehabilitation protocol devised for post-craniotomy patients within their stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to improve their functional outcomes and reduce their length of stay (LOS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: It will be a single group pre-test post-test quasi feasibility trial. Fifteen patients undergoing craniotomy will be recruited for the trial and will be rendered with Neuro-rehabilitation protocol for 60 minutes from the first day of surgery up to 15 days of surgery. The primary outcome will be the Early Functional Abilities (EFA) Scale to measure functional outcomes like conscious level, sensorimotor abilities, cognitive-perceptual abilities, and oro-motor abilities of patients, which will be assessed first-day post craniotomy. Secondary outcomes will include Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R), Sensory Modality Assessment Rehabilitation Technique (SMART), Modified Ashworth Scale (mMAS), Montreal Cognitive Assessment Score (MoCA), and Medical Research Council Scale (MRC). Assessments will be taken on the first and fifteenth days post-surgery. PERSPECTIVES: It is expected that this protocol might improve functional outcomes and may reduce the occurrence of comorbidities in patients after Craniotomy in ICUs.

Craniotomy , Coma , Intensive Care Units
Iatreia ; 34(1): 78-83, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154361


RESUMEN El coma mixedematoso es la complicación más grave de un hipotiroidismo. Ocurre, por lo general, en mujeres ancianas con hipotiroidismo conocido sin un adecuado manejo y en presencia de un evento desencadenante. El diagnóstico es difícil y debe realizarse en forma oportuna para disminuir el riesgo de muerte. El coma es una de las presentaciones neurológicas de esta urgencia endocrinológica y no es necesario su presencia para el diagnóstico. En este reporte de caso se presentan varías manifestaciones inusuales en un paciente masculino con hipotiroidismo profundo que, al diagnóstico, debutó con coma mixedematoso con predictores de mal pronóstico durante la hospitalización, pero debido al abordaje temprano y el manejo integral, se dio una resolución satisfactoria a esta urgencia endocrinológica infrecuente.

SUMMARY Myxedema coma is the most serious complication of hypothyroidism. It usually occurs in the context of elderly women, with known hypothyroidism without proper management and in the presence of a triggering event. The diagnosis is challenging and must be made in a timely manner to prevent the development of adverse outcomes. Coma is one of the neurological manifestations of the entity, not being necessary for its diagnosis. This case report presents a constellation of unusual manifestations of a male patient with myxedema coma at the debut of severe hypothyroidism with predictors of poor prognosis during hospitalization, but due to the early approach and comprehensive management, this uncommon endocrinological emergency was satisfactorily resolved.

Humans , Aged , Pericardial Effusion , Myxedema , Seizures , Coma
Texto & contexto enferm ; 30: e20210017, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1341731


ABSTRACT Objective to map the production of knowledge about the different techniques of gastrointestinal tube insertion in critically ill and/or coma patients. Method scope review carried out in December 2020 in ten data sources, following the assumptions established by the Joanna Briggs Institute (2020) and the PRISMA-ScR protocol. Results 25 studies were selected and analyzed, identifying as the main techniques for insertion of gastrointestinal tube in critically ill and/or coma patients: techniques without the aid of instrumentals, such as head flexion, lateral neck pressure, tube freezing, measurement with corrected formula of the tip of the ear-lobe tip-xiphoid process, Sellick´s maneuver, cricoid cartilage compression, SORT maneuver and gastric insufflation. In addition to techniques with the aid of instruments, such as the use of laryngoscopes and video laryngoscopes. It is noteworthy that, in order to facilitate insertion, the use of ultrasound examination, radiological, endoscopic and fluoroscopy were also identified. Conclusions the evidence analyzed reveals that there is no specific gastrointestinal tube insertion technique for universally accepted critically ill patients.

RESUMEN Objetivo mapear la producción de conocimiento sobre las diferentes técnicas de inserción de tubo gastrointestinal en pacientes críticos y/o comatosos. Método revisión de alcance realizada en diciembre de 2020 en diez fuentes de datos, siguiendo las suposiciones establecidas por el Instituto Joanna Briggs (2020) y el protocolo PRISMA-ScR. Resultados se seleccionaron y analizaron 25 estudios, identificando las principales técnicas para la inserción de una sonda gastrointestinal en pacientes críticos y/o comatosos: técnicas sin ayuda de instrumentos, como flexión de la cabeza, presión lateral del cuello, congelación de la sonda, medición con punta nasal -Fórmula corregida del lóbulo auricular-apófisis xiphoides, maniobra de Sellick, compresión del cartílago cricoides, maniobra SORT e insuflación gástrica. Además de técnicas con ayuda de instrumental, como el uso de laringoscopios y videolaringoscopios. Es de destacar que, para facilitar la inserción, también se identificó el uso de ecografías, técnicas radiológicas, endoscópicas y fluoroscópicas. Conclusiones la evidencia analizada revela que no existe una técnica universalmente aceptada para insertar una sonda gastrointestinal específica para pacientes críticamente enfermos.

RESUMO Objetivo mapear a produção de conhecimento sobre as diferentes técnicas de inserção de sonda gastrointestinal em pacientes críticos e/ou em coma. Método revisão de escopo realizada em dezembro de 2020 em dez fontes de dados, seguindo os pressupostos estabelecidos pelo Joanna Briggs Institute (2020) e do protocolo PRISMA-ScR. Resultados foram selecionados e analisados 25 estudos, identificando-se como principais técnicas para inserção de sonda gastrointestinal em pacientes críticos e/ou em coma: técnicas sem o auxílio de instrumentais, como flexão de cabeça, pressão lateral do pescoço, congelamento da sonda, medição com fórmula corrigida da ponta do nariz-lóbulo da orelha-processo xifoide, manobra de Sellick, compressão na cartilagem cricoide, manobra SORT e insuflação gástrica. Além de técnicas com o auxílio de instrumentais, como a utilização de laringoscópios e videolaringoscópios. Destaca-se que, para facilitar a inserção, identificaram-se, ainda, a utilização de exame ultrassonográfico, a técnica radiológica, endoscópica e fluoroscopia. Conclusões as evidências analisadas revelam que não há uma técnica para inserção de sonda gastrointestinal específica para pacientes críticos universalmente aceita.

Humans , Nursing , Enteral Nutrition , Coma , Critical Care , Intubation, Gastrointestinal
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886416


@#BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. Several reports have shown that coexistence of diabetes mellitus and COVID-19 is one of the risk factors for poor outcome and increased mortality. Rapid metabolic deterioration with development of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) may result due to the acute insulin secretory capacity loss, stress condition and the cytokine storm. In this review, we aim to describe the prevalence of hyperglycemic crises(DKA/HHS) in patients with COVID-19 infection as well as their clinical outcomes. METHODS. An intensive search was done using the WebMD, PubMed, Medline and Google Scholar databases for articles published between December 2019 to October 2020 that identified the number of patients who developed DKA and/or HHS among those who were admitted for COVID-19. Their clinical outcomes were likewise described. RESULTS. This review included 4 articles in which individual quality was assessed. A total of 1282 patients were admitted for COVID-19 and the prevalence of DKA was 1.32%. HHS was not reported in any of the studies. Five (29.4%) of the patients with DKA and COVID-19 died and 12 (70.6%) recovered. CONCLUSIONS. A significant number of COVID-19 patients developed DKA and it is associated with a high mortality rate. This reimposes the need for an appropriate algorithm for the optimal management of concomitant COVID 19 and hyperglycemic crises to avoid morbidity and mortality. Additionally, there is paucity of large-scale studies describing the prevalence of DKA/HHS in patients with COVID-19.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis , COVID-19 , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance , Acid-Base Imbalance , Coma
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876130


@#Myxedema coma is associated with decreased mental status and hyponatremia among patients with diagnosed or undiagnosed hypothyroidism. The diagnosis is challenging in the absence of universally accepted diagnostic criteria, but should be considered as a differential even in cases with competing established diagnoses. All patients should receive intensive care level treatment. Even with optimal treatment, mortality is very high.

Myxedema , Coma
Clin. biomed. res ; 40(4): 242-246, 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252765


Encefalopatia de Wernicke (EW) e síndrome de realimentação (SR) são duas condições frequentemente coexistentes, subdiagnosticadas e que podem implicar prognóstico reservado após sua instalação. Sua identificação precoce representa um desafio para os intensivistas, haja vista a falta de sensibilidade e especificidade das manifestações clínicas. Apresenta-se um relato de caso de uma paciente portadora de esquizofrenia paranoide, sem histórico de abuso de álcool, que desenvolveu quadro de coma irreversível após greve de fome, sendo feito diagnóstico tardio de EW associada a SR. Descreve-se a evolução clínica e neuropsiquiátrica com o intuito de enfatizar a necessidade crucial de alta suspeição diagnóstica, com reposição vitamínica imediata, vigilância de distúrbios eletrolíticos e progressão parcimoniosa do aporte nutricional. (AU)

Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) and refeeding syndrome (RFS) are two often coexisting, underdiagnosed conditions that may involve a poor prognosis after their onset. Early identification represents a challenge for intensivists, given the lack of sensitivity and specificity of clinical manifestations. We report a case of a patient with paranoid schizophrenia, without a history of alcohol abuse, who developed irreversible coma after a hunger strike, with a late diagnosis of WE associated with RFS. The clinical and neuropsychiatric outcomes are described herein in order to emphasize the crucial need for a high diagnostic suspicion, with immediate vitamin replacement, monitoring of electrolyte disorders, and gradual progression of nutritional support. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Wernicke Encephalopathy/diagnosis , Coma/etiology , Refeeding Syndrome/diagnosis , Starvation/complications , Delayed Diagnosis
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 57(4): 387-393, dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092735


Resumen Introducción: Para analizar cuál es la mejor alternativa para la recuperación del paciente comatoso tras la lesión cerebral traumática grave en su contexto agudo, entre 1-6 semanas tras el evento traumático, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática. Metodología: La búsqueda empleó las principales bases de datos (Pubmed, Embase, Ovid y Cochrane) con la finalidad de discernir qué terapias son las más propicias para una correcta mejora neurocognitiva del enfermo. Se profundizará en la estimulación sensorial, las diversas instrucciones que se han recopilado sobre su aplicación clínica, el por qué de su efectividad, cuáles son los mejores tipos de estimulación y el fenómeno de habituación. Resultados: Este campo será el de la estimulación sensorial multimodal: por un lado, el uso de la estimulación sensorial que surge de los familiares y que se muestra ciertamente efectiva; y por otro lado, la realización de sesiones en las que intervenga personal del hospital y que estimule los diferentes sentidos. A partir de ciertos estudios se deducirá y comprobará que habrá un efecto positivo significativo al combinar ambas terapias. Esta unión sinérgica terapéutica será la que se pueda protocolizar y llevar a cabo en cualquier hospital. Conclusiones: Por tanto, se presenta el tratamiento terapéutico definitivo para pacientes clínicamente estables que han sufrido una LCT grave en un contexto agudo. Se debe destacar que el principal objetivo de la propuesta es aportar indicaciones a partir de la experiencia clínica sobre cómo se tienen que hacer los diferentes tipos de estimulación para obtener un resultado favorable.

Introduction: To analyze which is the best alternative for the recovery of the comatose patient after severe traumatic brain injury in its acute context, between 1-6 weeks after the traumatic event, a systematic bibliographic search was carried out. Methodology: The search used the main databases (Pubmed, Embase, Ovid and Cochrane) in order to discern which therapies are most conducive to a correct neurocognitive improvement of the patient. The sensory stimulation will be deepened, the various instructions that have been compiled about its clinical application, the why of its effectiveness, which are the best types of stimulation and the habituation phenomenon. Results: This field will be that of multimodal sensory stimulation: on the one hand, the use of sensory stimulation that emerges from the relatives and that is certainly effective; and on the other hand, the realization of sessions in which hospital personnel intervene and stimulate the different senses. From certain studies it will be deduced and verified that there will be a significant positive effect when combining both therapies. This synergistic therapeutic union will be the one that can be protocolized and carried out in any hospital. Conclusions: Therefore, definitive therapeutic treatment is presented for clinically stable patients who have suffered a severe TBI in an acute context. It should be noted that the main objective of the proposal is to provide indications based on clinical experience on how different types of stimulation have to be done in order to obtain a favorable result.

Humans , Patients , Coma , Guidelines as Topic , Official Instructions , Brain Injuries, Traumatic
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(12): 1621-1625, dic. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508708


Only a fraction of patients in coma secondary to a primary acute brain injury develop a vegetative state (VS). At least 20% of patients show late transitions to a minimally conscious states (MCS). They are particularly common in young adults with traumatic brain injury. The main problems faced by clinicians are the diagnostic accuracy of VS and MCS as well as the usefulness of sophisticated paraclinical investigations. Specific therapies are of limited effectiveness. This population is vulnerable to misdiagnosis and limited access to medical care and rehabilitation, thus generating ethical problems.

Humans , Brain Injuries/complications , Coma/etiology , Persistent Vegetative State/etiology , Palliative Care , Prognosis , Time Factors , Coma/diagnosis , Coma/therapy , Persistent Vegetative State/diagnosis , Persistent Vegetative State/therapy , Recovery of Function , Diagnosis, Differential
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 38(4): 263-271, 15/12/2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362489


Lowering of the level of consciousness is a very common presentation at the emergency room, often without any history that helps finding an etiology. This emergency requires quick empirical measures to reduce neuronal mortality, with additional protection against sequelae. According to the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) guidelines, there are current emergency neurological support protocols, such as the Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) created by the Neurocritical Care Society. The present paper shows how to approach unconscious patients, highlighting possible etiologies and proposed treatments.

Brain Stem/physiopathology , Coma/physiopathology , Coma/therapy , Advanced Trauma Life Support Care , Hypothalamus, Posterior/physiopathology , Coma/diagnosis , Coma/ethnology , Trauma, Nervous System , Emergency Medical Services/organization & administration , Clinical Governance
Acta méd. costarric ; 61(4): 187-189, oct.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054730


Resumen Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 69 años de edad y sin antecedentes personales o familiares de patología tiroidea alguna, que asiste con un estado convulsivo de aparición súbita, de hemicuerpo derecho y relajación esfinteriana, asociado, además, a trastornos del estado de conciencia, bradicardia, bradipnea y edema de difícil Godet en miembros inferiores. Los exámenes complementarios mostraron acidosis respiratoria, hiposecreción de T4 y elevación de la hormona estimulante de la tiroides por retroalimentación negativa. Estos resultados corroboraron el diagnóstico presuntivo de coma mixedematoso. Se emprendió el tratamiento hormonal correspondiente con levotiroxina, al cual respondió satisfactoriamente y fue egresada a los 24 días de su ingreso, pendiente de valoración por el especialista de endocrinología.

Abstract We present the case of a 69-year-old female patient with no personal or family history of any thyroid disease, who attends with a convulsive state of sudden onset, right hemibody and sphincter relaxation, also associated with disorders of the state of consciousness, bradycardia, bradypnea and edema of difficult godet in lower limbs. Complementary analyses showed respiratory acidosis, hyposecretion of T4 and elevation of the thyroid stimulating hormone by negative feedback. These results corroborated the presumptive diagnosis of myxedema coma. The corresponding hormonal treatment with levothyroxine was undertaken, to which it responded satisfactorily and was discharged 24 days after admission, pending evaluation by the endocrinology specialist for an outpatient hormone replacement therapy.

Humans , Female , Aged , Thyroid Hormones , Coma , Cuba , Hypothyroidism , Myxedema