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Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2016. 82 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-916177


Os enxertos de origem autógena são osteogênicos e possuem como vantagens a produção de tecido ósseo originário do próprio organismo. A sua limitação é a grande morbidade cirúrgica. O biovidro é uma cerâmica bioativa com disponibilidade ilimitada que leva a uma cirurgia com menor morbidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o biovidro teste durante o reparo ósseo e compará-lo com outros substitutos ósseos, em defeitos cirúrgicos experimentais em tíbia de ratos. O biovidro teste (CEELBIO, Belo Horizonte, Brasil), previamente caracterizado foi comparado com o Biogran® (Biomet 3i Inovattions Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, USA), através de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia de dispersão em energia (EDS) e fluorescência de Rx. Após as análises estruturais, deu-se início ao estudo in vivo. Foram utilizados 120 ratos (rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) machos, com aproximadamente 7 a 8 semanas. Os defeitos ósseos foram realizados na tíbia direita dos animais e preenchidos de acordo com a seguinte divisão: Grupo I- controle negativo, sem preenchimento; Grupo II- foi preenchido por Biogran®; Grupo III- preenchido por biovidro teste; Grupo IVcontrole positivo, com preenchimento com osso autógeno. Nos períodos de 7, 14, 21, 28, 49 e 70 dias pós-operatório, os animais foram eutanasiados e os processos de mineralização óssea e reparo foram analisados através de histomorfometria (% de osso neoformado no sítio do defeito). Níveis de BMP-2 foram mensurados através de ensaio de ELISA. Análise estatística foi realizada utilizando programa SPSS (versão 20.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Os resultados da análise histológica demonstraram que, no controle negativo, houve neoformação óssea até os 14 dias (20,40%, p<0,001) e depois houve reabsorção em até 21 dias (6,60%, p<0,001). No grupo de Biogran®, houve uma neoformação óssea junto aos grãos em 7 dias (34,20%, p= 0,019) e que se manteve enquanto o material estava presente nos defeitos em 70 dias (15,67%, p= 0,048). O biovidro teste foi reabsorvido totalmente até 21 dias e os picos de osso neoformado foram observados em 7 (21,00%, p= 0,019) e 49 dias (15,60%, p= 0,036). Nesse grupo, células semelhantes a macrófagos, dispostas em lençol, foram visualizadas junto a tecido ósseo neoformado. Quanto ao controle positivo, o osso autógeno foi totalmente reabsorvido em até 14 dias e o pico de formação óssea se deu nesse 9 mesmo momento, em 14 dias, (40,80%, p<0,001), mostrando-se, nos tempos subsequentes, similar ao controle negativo. Células gigantes multinucleadas foram encontradas em áreas de remodelação óssea, junto ao Biogran® e ao biovidro teste. Os níveis de BMP-2 no grupo controle negativo se mostraram maiores nos tempos de 7 (418,80pg/mL, p= 0,871) e 28 dias (346,36 pg/mL, p= 0,035). No grupo Biogran® o pico de BMP-2 se deu em 7 dias (471,95 pg/mL, p= 0,871). O biovidro teste teve seu pico de liberação de BMP-2 em 7 dias também (471,39 pg/mL, p= 0,871). Já o controle positivo apresentou nível de BMP-2 em maior quantidade nos tempos de 7 (346,55 pg/mL, p= 0,871) e 21 dias (407,57 pg/mL, p= 0,300). O biovidro é um material degradável, e com características biológicas de osteoindução e osteocondução

The autogenous origin grafts are osteogenic and have the advantage of producing bone tissue originated from the body itself. Its limitation is the great surgical morbidity. The bioglass is a bioactive ceramic with unlimited availability that leads to a surgery with less morbidity. This study aimed to evaluate the bioglass test during bone repair and to compare it with other bone substitutes in experimental surgical defects in the tibia of rats. The bioglass test (CEELBIO, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), has been characterized and compared to the Biogran® (Biomet 3i Inovattions Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, USA) by spectroscopy in the infrared, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), EDS spectroscopy and Rx fluorescence. The study in vivo has been started after the structural analysis. 120 rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar rats), with approximately 7 to 8 weeks, were used. The bone defects were performed in the right tibia of animals and filled according to the following breakdown: Group I- negative control without filling; Group II- filled by Biogran®; Group III- filled with bioglass test; IV- positive control group, with filling of autogenous bone. At 7, 14, 21, 28, 49 and 70 postoperative days, the animals were euthanized and bone mineralization processes and repair were analyzed by histomorphometry (% of newly formed bone in the defect site). BMP-2 levels were measured by ELISA assay. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 20.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). The results of the histological analysis showed that in the negative control there was no bone growth up to 14 days (20.40%, p <0.001) and after reabsorption, within 21 days (6.60%, p <0.001). In Biogran® group, there was new bone formation along the grain in 7 days (34.20%, p = 0.019) and that was maintained as the material was present in shortcomings in 70 days (15.67%, p = 0.048) . The test bioglass was completely reabsorbed within 21 days; new bone formation and peaks were observed in 7 (21.00%, p = 0.019) and 49 days (15.60%, p = 0.036). In this group, macrophage-like cells arranged in sheets, were viewed with the newly formed bone. On the positive control, autologous bone was completely reabsorbed within 14 days, and the peak bone formation occurred at the same moment, within 14 days (40.80%, p <0.001), showing, in subsequent occasions, similar to control negative. Multinucleated giant cells were found in areas of bone remodeling, with the Biogran® and test bioglass. BMP-2 levels in the negative control group were higher in 7 (418,80pg / ml, p = 11 0.871) and 28 days (346.36 pg / ml, p = 0.035). In Biogran® group peak BMP-2 occurred within 7 days (471.95 pg / ml, p = 0.871). The test bioglass had its peak BMP-2 release in 7 days as well (471.39 pg / ml, p = 0.871). The positive control showed BMP-2 level in greater quantities in 7 (346.55 pg / ml, p = 0.871) and 21 days (407.57 pg / ml, p = 0.300). The test bioglass is a biodegradable material, with biological characteristics of osteoinduction and osteoconduction

Animals , Rats , Bone Regeneration , Ceramics/analysis , Glass/analysis , Osteogenesis/genetics , Fluorescence , Microscopy, Electrochemical, Scanning/statistics & numerical data , Spectrum Analysis/statistics & numerical data
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-655394


O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da velocidade empregada durante a determinação do torque de aplicação e remoção de tampas plásticas rosqueáveis de polipropileno (PP), com vedante interno, aplicadas em frascos de vidro e de poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) para produtos farmacêuticos, com diâmetros de terminação de 24 e 28 mm. Foi verificada também a influência do material de embalagem (vidro ou PET) e do diâmetro da terminação no torque de retenção estático e dinâmico (após simulação de transporte) em intervalos de tempo após 24 e 48 horas e após 7, 14 e 28 dias da aplicação dos respectivos sistemas de fechamento. Verificou-se que a velocidade não apresenta influência no torque de aplicação desde que o valor máximo seja controlado durante o processo de fechamento da tampa. No torque de remoção imediato, entretanto, a velocidade influencia significativamente nos resultados, sendo recomendado, sempre que possível, a utilização de uma velocidade constante. Foi estabelecido para o estudo a velocidade de 5 rpm para evitar a influência desse parâmetro nos resultados de torque obtidos. O material de embalagem e o diâmetro da terminação evidenciaram influência significativa nos resultados de torque de retenção estático e dinâmico, sendo observados valores superiores para os frascos de vidro comparativamente aos frascos de PET. Esse desempenho pode estar associado às diferenças nas propriedades viscoelásticas e na força de fricção ou atrito entre os materiais da tampa com vedante e a embalagem.

The objective of this study was to ascertain the influence on the measured torque of the speed employed during the tightening and removal of polypropylene (PP) screw caps, with internal liners, used on glass and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles for pharmaceutical products, with mouth diameters of 24 and 28 mm. The influence of the packaging material (glass or PET) and mouth diameter on the static and dynamic torque retention was observed (after transport simulation) at time intervals after 24 and 48 hours and after 7, 14 and 28 days of torque application to each closure system. It was found that the speed did not influence the tightening torque since the torque is controlled during the closing process. However, the speed significantly influenced the immediate removal torque and it is preferable to use a constant speed whenever possible. It was found that a speed of 5 rpm was best, to prevent this parameter affecting the torque results. The packaging material and mouth diameter exerted a significant influence on the retention torque, both in the static and dynamic tests, and higher torques were observed for glass than for PET bottles. This performance may be related to viscoelastic properties and the friction between the lined cap and the packaging material.

Drug Packaging , Plastics/analysis , Torque , Glass/analysis
Acta odontol. venez ; 50(4)2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-678995


Esta investigación fue determinar el potencial de remineralización a nivel ultraestructural del vidrio bioactivo (VBio) en comparación al producido por el fluoruro estañoso (FSn). Se recolectaron 10 molares humanos del servicio CAMIULA. Se dividieron en 4 partes con sierra de precisión: Grupo A (Superficie no tratada control), Grupo B (Superficie desmineralizada control), Grupo C (Superficie con VBio), Grupo D (Superficie con FSn). Los grupos B, C, D fueron sometidos a desmineralizaron en una solución acuosa de metilcelulosa al 8% (1500cP, 63 kDa) cubierta con un volumen igual de 0.1 mol/1 de acido láctico, pH ajustado con KOH; por un periodo de 5 días a un pH de 4.6 a 37 ºC. Posteriormente el Grupo C fue sometido a régimen de remineralización con Biogran® (Biomet 3iTM) a una concentración de 5wT% 2 veces al día por 15 días; igualmente el Grupo D se sometió de fluoruro estañoso Gel Kam (Colgate Palmolive®) al 0,4% 2 veces al día por 15 días. Las muestras de cada grupo fueron preparadas para SEM y para el análisis de elementos mediante EDS (O, P, Ca, Sn y Si). Los datos del EDS se analizaron con ANOVA Univariante para la diferencia en el porcentaje de elementos en 2 niveles (Elementos, Tratamiento). Los datos del SEM para las variables disminución de poros (DP) y espacios (DE) en función del tratamiento con prueba del chi-cuadrado (X2) , del paquete estadístico SPSS 19. El valor de alfa fue establecido en 0.05. La diferencia en el porcentaje de elementos promedio de cada elemento y la desviación estándar (±SD) se muestran a continuación: Grupo VBio: O= -0,89 (6,19); P= -0,39 (1,26); Ca 0,99 (5,19); Si 0,07 (0,09) y Grupo FSn: O= -5,97 (8,4); P= -1,16 (1,4); Ca -5,14 (3,95); Sn 12,19 (5,66). El ANOVA, nivel Tratamiento p= 0,977, sin diferencias significativas. El nivel Elementos el valor de p= 0,000, con diferencias significativas. La variable DP con IC: 95%= 34,65 - 93,5% en ambos tratamientos, el X2 p=1 sin diferencias significativas...

To determine the potential for remineralization at an ultraestructural level of Bioactive glass (VBio) when compared to stannous fluoride (FSn). 10 human molars were collected from CAMIULA (a dentistry service of the University of Los Andes, Venezuela). The teeth were divided in four parts with a precision saw: Group (untreated surface - control), Group B (demineralized surface - control), Group C (Surface with VBio), Group D (Surface with FSn). Groups B, C and D were submitted to demineralization in a 8% metilcelulose aqueous solution (1500cP, 63 kDa) covered with an equal volume of 0.1 mol/1 of lactic acid, with an adjusted pH with KOH at 4.6 a 37 ºC for a 5-days period. Later, Group C was exposed to a remineralization regime with Biogran® (Biomet 3iTM) at a 5wT% concentration twice a day 2 for 15 days. Likely, Group D was exposed to a regime with stannous fluoride Gel Kam (Colgate Palmolive®) at 0,4% 2 twice a day for 15 days. The samples from each group were prepared for SEM and the elements analysis through EDS (O, P, Ca, Sn y Si). Data from EDS were analyses with Univariant ANOVA for the difference in the percentage of elements at two levels (Elements, Treatment). Data from SEM for the variables porosity diminish and spaces (DP and DE, respectively) in relation to treatment with Chi Squared X2 , by using the statistics package SPSS 19. Significance level was established at 0.05. Differences in the percentage of average elements of each element and standard deviation (±SD) were as follow: VBio Group: O= -0,89 (6,19); P= -0,39 (1,26); Ca 0,99 (5,19); if 0,07 (0,09) and FSn Group: O= -5,97 (8,4); P= -1,16 (1,4); Ca -5,14 (3,95); Sn 12,19 (5,66). ANOVA results showed treatment level p= 0,977, with no statistically significant differences. The Elements there were statistically significant differences (p= 0,000). The variable DP with IC: 95%= 34, 65 - 93,5% for both treatment; X2 p=1 showed no statistically significant differences....

Humans , Dental Caries/diagnosis , Dental Caries/therapy , Tin Fluorides/analysis , Tin Fluorides/therapeutic use , Glass/analysis
Braz. j. microbiol ; 40(4): 923-926, Oct.-Dec. 2009. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-528176


A simple, inexpensive and reproducible transformation method was developed for Gram-positive bacteria. It was based on agitation of bacterial protoplasts with glass beads in the presence of DNA and polyethylene glycol. By using this method, introduction of pGK12 into protoplasts of several strains of Gram-positive bacteria was achieved.

Gram-Positive Bacteria/genetics , Genetics, Microbial , Protoplasts , Transformation, Bacterial , Glass/analysis , Methods , Methods
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 2009; 52 (2): 193-216
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-135668


UV-visible and infrared absorption spectra of some selected commercial soda - lime - silicate glasses mixed with varied amounts of municipal glass cullet and doped with oxides of tin, manganese, and ceric before and after exposure to a high dose of gamma irradiation [5MR] were studied. XRF analysis showed that the municipal cullet contains high iron concentration and the results revealed that additions of [Mn + Ce + Sn] oxides produce colorless glasses even when containing high municipal cullet contents. It is generally observed that increasing the cullet content resulted in an optical spectrum consisting of three UV bands instead of two UV bands in case of low cullet content. The visible spectra reveal the resolution of two radiation induced bands at about 423 and 540 nm. Gamma irradiation also causes some of the absorption bands to be shifted in their positions. Experimental data are interpreted on the basis of current views on the spectroscopy of glasses

Sodium Hydroxide/chemistry , Glass/analysis , Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet/methods , Spectrophotometry, Infrared/methods , Gamma Rays