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Medwave ; 23(9): e2716, 31/10/2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516591


INTRODUCCIÓN: El embarazo adolescente es un proceso fisiológico, pero puede evolucionar con parto prematuro, patologías obstétricas o médicas graves, mortalidad o secuelas para madre e hijo/a. Nuestro objetivo es reportar el síndrome de disfunción orgánica múltiple progresiva secundario a pielonefritis y sepsis ocurrido durante el preparto, parto y puerperio de embarazo adolescente y sus secuelas. CASO CLÍNIO: Adolescente de 14 años, con embarazo de 27 semanas de gestación controlado desde las 8 hasta 25 semanas. Ingresó de urgencia en unidad de alto riesgo obstétrico por signos de parto prematuro, pielonefritis e injuria renal aguda. Se inició tratamiento con cefazolina intravenosa y betametasona para maduración pulmonar, nifedipino oral y sulfato de magnesio para prevención del parto prematuro y protección neuronal fetal, evolucionando con hipotensión sostenida y shock séptico. A las 13 horas después del ingreso, fue trasladada a unidad de paciente crítico donde evolucionó con falla orgánica múltiple persistente y progresiva durante 28 días, afectando sucesivamente los sistemas cardiovascular, hematológico, respiratorio y gastrointestinal. Se trató con drogas vasoactivas, antibióticos, ventilación mecánica invasiva, ultrafiltración, hemodiálisis, drenaje pleural y colecistectomía. A las 24 horas de ingreso a cuidado intensivo, ocurrió el parto prematuro vaginal. La embarazada desarrolló enfermedad renal crónica etapa KDIGO 5 ( V) y se encuentra en espera de trasplante renal. Por su parte, la recién nacida prematura viva presentó asfixia neonatal severa, displasia broncopulmonar y encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica. CONCLUSIONES: El embarazo adolescente complicado es una emergencia sanitaria. El diagnóstico y manejo oportuno de la pielonefritis, shock séptico y disfunción orgánica asociada a la sepsis pueden evitar mortalidad y secuelas permanentes materna y/o neonatal.

INTRODUCTION: Adolescent pregnancy is a physiological process, but it can evolve with premature delivery, severe obstetric or clinical pathologies, mortality, or sequelae for mother and child. We aim to report the progressive multiple organ dysfunction syndrome secondary to pyelonephritis and sepsis during prepartum, delivery, and puerperium of adolescent pregnancy and its sequelae. CASE REPORT: A 14-year-old adolescent with a pregnancy of 27 weeks of gestation controlled from 8 to 25 weeks. She was urgently admitted to the high-risk obstetric unit due to signs of preterm labor, pyelonephritis, and acute renal injury. Treatment was started with intravenous cefazolin and betamethasone for lung maturation, oral nifedipine, and magnesium sulfate to prevent preterm labor and fetal neuronal protection, evolving with sustained hypotension and septic shock. At 13 hours after admission, she was transferred to the intensive care unit, where she evolved with persistent and progressive multiple organ failure for 28 days, progressively affecting the cardiovascular, hematologic, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. She was treated with vasoactive drugs, antibiotics, invasive mechanical ventilation, ultrafiltration, hemodialysis, pleural drainage, and cholecystectomy. Twenty-four hours after admission to intensive care, preterm vaginal delivery occurred. She developed chronic kidney disease stage KDIGO 5 (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes V) and is awaiting renal transplantation. On the other hand, the preterm newborn presented severe neonatal asphyxia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. CONCLUSION: Complicated adolescent pregnancy is a health emergency. Avoiding delays in the diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis, septic shock and the progressive multiple organ dysfunction syndrome can prevent mortality and permanent sequelae, both maternal and neonatal.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Pyelonephritis , Shock, Septic/diagnosis , Shock, Septic/etiology , Shock, Septic/therapy , Obstetric Labor, Premature/drug therapy , Multiple Organ Failure/etiology
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(1): 37-52, ene.-mar. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536052


Objetivos: Generar recomendaciones informadas en la evidencia, a través de un consenso formal, orientadas al tratamiento de la infección de vías urinarias altas durante la gestación. Materiales y métodos: En el grupo desarrollador participaron expertos temáticos en microbiología, salud pública, medicina interna, infectología, obstetricia, medicina materno-fetal e infectología ginecobstétrica. También hicieron parte profesionales con entrenamiento en epidemiología clínica, búsqueda sistemática de la información, representantes de la Secretaría de Salud y la Asociación Bogotana de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Los participantes presentaron sus conflictos de interés. A partir de una pregunta clínica se realizó la graduación de los desenlaces y una búsqueda sistemática que abarcó las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, Bireme. La pesquisa se amplió a repositorios institucionales y reportes de vigilancia de resistencia antimicrobiana, sin restricción de idioma o fecha, la búsqueda se actualizó el 1 de octubre de 2022. Se utilizó la metodología GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) para valorar la calidad de la evidencia y establecer la fuerza de las recomendaciones. Finalmente, se utilizó la metodología RAND/ UCLA (Research and Development/University of California Los Angeles) para el consenso formal. Este documento fue revisado por pares académicos previo a su publicación. Resultados: El consenso formuló las siguientes recomendaciones. Recomendación 1. Se sugiere que el manejo inicial de la gestante con infección de vías urinarias (IVU) altas se realice de forma intrahospitalaria. Recomendación 2. Como primera opción, se sugiere que el tratamiento antimicrobiano empírico de la gestante con IVU altas se realice con el uso de cefalosporinas de segunda generación con el fin de mejorar la tasa de cura clínica y microbiológica. Recomendación 3. Como segunda opción, se sugiere que el tratamiento antimicrobiano empírico de la gestante con IVU altas en el segundo y tercer trimestre se realice con aminoglucósidos dado su balance riesgo-beneficio. Recomendación 4. Como tercera opción, se sugiere que el tratamiento antimicrobiano empírico de la gestante con IVU altas se realice con el uso de cefalosporinas de tercera generación, debido a que el riesgo de inducción de resistencia microbiana es alto con este grupo de antibióticos. Recomendación 5. Como primera opción, en mujeres gestantes con IVU altas y antecedente de infección por microorganismos con resistencia a cefalosporinas de tercera o cuarta generación se sugiere el uso de carbapenémicos. Recomendación 6. Como segunda opción, en gestantes con IVU altas y antecedente de infección por microorganismos con resistencia a cefalosporinas de tercera generación se sugiere el uso de aminoglucósidos o cefalosporinas de cuarta generación teniendo en cuenta el riesgo-beneficio. Recomendación 7. Como tercera opción, en gestantes con IVU altas y antecedente de infección por microorganismos con resistencia a cefalosporinas de tercera o cuarta generación se sugiere el uso de piperacilina/tazobactam. Recomendación 8. En gestantes con IVU altas se recomienda realizar urocultivo previo al inicio de tratamiento antimicrobiano empírico. Recomendación 9. En gestantes con IVU altas, cuando el urocultivo reporte resistencia al antimicrobiano iniciado de forma empírica, se sugiere modificar la terapia guiada por los resultados del antibiograma. Recomendación 10. En la gestante hospitalizada por IVU altas se sugiere realizar el cambio de terapia antimicrobiana a vía oral cuando la paciente tenga, al menos, 48 horas de modulación de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica y de los signos clínicos de infección, así como adecuada tolerancia a vía oral. Recomendación 11. En gestantes con IVU altas, sin complicaciones secundarias a la infección primaria, se recomienda que la terapia antibiótica se administre de 7 a 10 días. Conclusiones: se espera que este consenso colombiano de IVU altas reduzca la variabilidad en la práctica clínica. Se recomienda a los grupos de investigación en medicina materno fetal e infectología evaluar la implementación y efectividad de las recomendaciones emitidas.

Objectives: To generate evidence-based recommendations through formal consensus regarding the treatment of upper urinary tract infections during gestation. Materials and methods: Experts in microbiology, public health, internal medicine, infectious diseases, obstetrics, maternal fetal medicine and obstetric and gynecological infections participated in the consensus development group. The group also included professionals with training in clinical epidemiology, systematic data search, and representatives from the Health Secretariat and the Bogota Obstetrics and Gynecology Association. The participants disclosed their conf licts of interest. Starting with a clinical question, outcomes were graded and a systematic search was conducted in the Medline via PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, and Bireme databases. The search was expanded to include institutional repositories and antimicrobial resistance surveillance systems, with no language or date restrictions. The search was updated on October 1, 2022. The GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) methodology was used to assess the quality of the evidence and determine the strength of the recommendations. Finally, the RAND/UCLA (Research and Development/University of California Los Angeles) methodology was applied for the formal consensus. This document was reviewed by academic peers before publication. Results: The following are the consensus recommendations. Recommendation 1. The initial management of pregnant women with upper urinary tract infections (UTIs) should be approached in a hospital setting. Recommendation 2. The use of second generation cephalosporins is the suggested first option for empirical antimicrobial management in pregnant women with upper UTI in order to improve the rates of clinical and microbiological cure. Recommendation 3. Because of the risk-benefit balance, the use of aminoglycosides is suggested as a second option for empirical antimicrobial treatment in pregnant women presenting with upper UTIs in the second and third trimester. Recommendation 4. The use of third-generation cephalosporins is suggested as the third option for empirical antimicrobial treatment in pregnant women with upper UTIs given that the risk of inducing microbial resistance is high with this group of antibiotics. Recommendation 5. The use of carbapenems is suggested as a first option in pregnant women with upper UTIs and a history of infections caused by microorganisms with resistance to third or fourth-generation cephalosporins. Recommendation 6. The use of aminoglycosides or fourth-generation cephalosporins is suggested as a second option in pregnant women with upper UTIs and a history of infection caused by microorganisms with resistance to third-generation cephalosporins, taking risk-benefit into account. Recommendation 7. The use of piperacillin/tazobactam is suggested as a third option in pregnant women with upper UTIs and a history of infection caused by microorganisms with resistance to third or fourth-generation cephalosporins. Recommendation 8. Getting a urine culture is recommended in pregnant women with upper UTIs before initiating empirical antimicrobial treatment. Recommendation 9. In pregnant women with upper UTIs, it is suggested to modify therapy in accordance with the results of the sensitivity test when the culture report shows resistance to the antimicrobial agent initiated empirically. Recommendation 10. In pregnant women hospitalized due to upper UTIs, it is suggested to switch to oral antimicrobial therapy after at least 48 hours of modulation of the systemic inflammatory response and the clinical signs of infection, and when tolerance to oral intake is adequate. Recommendation 11. In pregnant women with upper UTIs with no complications secondary to the primary infection, it is recommended to administer antibiotic therapy for a period of 7 to 10 days. Conclusions: It is expected that with this Colombian upper UTI consensus variability in clinical practice will be reduced. It is recommended that groups doing research in maternal fetal medicine assess the implementation and effectiveness of these recommendations.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Treatment Outcome , Pyelonephritis
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 1360-1375, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402290


A ocorrência das infecções do trato urinário (ITU) causadas por leveduras do gênero Candida estão aumentando consideravelmente nas últimas décadas, sendo a Candida albicans a mais comumente diagnosticada como causadora deste tipo de infecções. Contudo, outras espécies, como exemplo da Candida tropicalis, estão emergindo como preocupantes causadores da doença. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho é revisar os aspectos relacionados com as ITU causadas por leveduras do gênero Candida. Foi realizada uma pesquisa na base de dados PubMed, buscando artigos sobre a epidemiologia, patogenia e tratamento das ITU causadas por leveduras do gênero Candida. As espécies de Candida são os fungos patogênicos oportunistas mais relevantes causadores de infecções nosocomiais e podem causar infecção no trato urinário, tanto inferior (ureteres, bexiga e uretra) quanto superior (rins), principalmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Existem alguns fatores predisponentes, como gênero feminino, idade avançada, diabetes mellitus, hospitalização prolongada, imunossupressão, gravidez, hipertensão, neutropenia, cálculos renais, infecções nosocomiais, terapia antibiótica e procedimentos, como a cateterização, que atuam como facilitadores das ITU por Candida spp. A doença pode ocorrer de forma assintomática, porém, pode evoluir para casos mais graves com comprometimento sistêmico em situações de candidemia que pode causar a morte do paciente, principalmente se tratando de indivíduos imunocomprometidos. Sendo assim, devido ao risco existente, a doença não pode ser negligenciada e um diagnóstico preciso e um tratamento adequado devem ser estabelecidos.

The occurrence of urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by yeasts of the genus Candida has increased considerably in recent decades, with Candida albicans being the most commonly diagnosed as causing this type of infections. However, other species, such as Candida tropicalis, are emerging as worrisome causes of the disease. In this sense, the objective of the present paper is to review the aspects related to the UTI caused by yeasts of the genus Candida. A search was carried out in the PubMed database, searching for articles on the epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment of UTI caused by yeasts of the genus Candida. Candida species are the most relevant opportunistic pathogenic fungi that cause nosocomial infections and can cause both lower (ureters, bladder and urethra) and upper (kidneys) urinary tract infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. There are some predisposing factors, such as female gender, advanced age, diabetes mellitus, prolonged hospitalization, immunosuppression, pregnancy, hypertension, neutropenia, kidney stones, nosocomial infections, antibiotic therapy and procedures, such as catheterization, that act as facilitators of UTI by Candida spp. The disease can occur asymptomatically, however, it can progress to more severe cases with systemic involvement in situations of candidemia that can cause the death of the patient, especially in immunocompromised individuals. Therefore, due to the existing risk, the disease cannot be neglected and an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment must be established.

La aparición de infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) causadas por levaduras del género Candida ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimas décadas. Candida albicans es la infección por levaduras más comúnmente diagnosticada. Sin embargo, otras especies, como la Candida tropicalis, están surgiendo como causa preocupante de la enfermedad. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo es revisar los aspectos relacionados con la ITU causada por levaduras del género Candida. Se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos PubMed, buscando artículos sobre la epidemiología, la patogénesis y el tratamiento de la ITU causada por levaduras del género Candida. Las especies de Candida son los hongos patógenos oportunistas más relevantes que causan infecciones nosocomiales y pueden provocar infecciones del tracto urinario inferior (uréteres, vejiga y uretra) y superior (riñones), especialmente en pacientes inmunodeprimidos. Existen algunos factores predisponentes, como el sexo femenino, la edad avanzada, la diabetes mellitus, la hospitalización prolongada, la inmunosupresión, el embarazo, la hipertensión, la neutropenia, los cálculos renales, las infecciones nosocomiales, la terapia con antibióticos y los procedimientos como el cateterismo, que actúan como facilitadores de la ITU por Candida spp. La enfermedad puede presentarse de forma asintomática, pero puede evolucionar a casos más graves con afectación sistémica en situaciones de candidemia que pueden causar la muerte del paciente, especialmente en individuos inmunodeprimidos. Por lo tanto, debido al riesgo existente, no se puede descuidar la enfermedad y se debe establecer un diagnóstico preciso y un tratamiento adecuado.

Urinary Tract Infections/complications , Candida albicans/pathogenicity , Candida tropicalis/pathogenicity , Pyelonephritis/complications , Urinary Tract/injuries , Cross Infection/complications , Epidemiology/statistics & numerical data , Immunocompromised Host/physiology , Biofilms , Cystitis/complications , Candidemia/complications , Hospitalization
Rev. cient. Esc. Univ. Cienc. Salud ; 9(1): 42-49, ene.- jun. 2022. tab., ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BIMENA | ID: biblio-1551993


La Pielonefritis Enfisematosa (PNE) es una enfermedad renal severa muy poco frecuente, incluso catalogada como rara, con una alta tasa de mortalidad dada su rápida progresión, es usual que se presente en pacientes con diabetes mellitus (DM) y pobre control metabólico. Se trata de una infección necrotizante y el principal germen aislado es Escherichia Coli. Para el diagnóstico además de la sintomatología y signología es indispensable la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) que es el método de elección para la clasificación y manejo, el tratamiento depende del grado de severidad, desde conservador hasta quirúrgico según corresponda. Objetivo: Describir el caso clínico de PNE con respecto a antecedentes patológicos, manifestaciones clínicas, estudios de laboratorio y de imágenes para determinar el diagnóstico y manejo intrahospitalario. Reporte de caso: Paciente femenina de 38 años de edad, diabética mal controlada, con historia de dolor lumbar, fiebre y vómitos de 7 horas de evolución, con antecedente de litiasis renal izquierda no obstructiva, diagnosticada por clínica, laboratorio y a través de estudios imagenológicos, tratada medica y quirúrgicamente de manera exitosa...(AU)

Humans , Female , Pyelonephritis , Diabetes Mellitus , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods
ABCS health sci ; 47: e022204, 06 abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363533


INTRODUCTION: Kidney transplantation (KT) is the renal replacement therapy (RRT) of choice for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, not every KT is successful and some patients persist on RRT. OBJECTIVE: To model a logistic regression with pre- and post-KT risk covariates capable of predicting secondary allograft dysfunction in need of RRT or reaching stage V of CKD until the first six months post-KT. METHODS: Cohort with KT recipients from Northeastern Brazil. Medical records of KT performed between 2011-2018 were analyzed. KT-recipients with insufficient data or who abandoned follow-up were excluded. The covariables analyzed were: demographic; infectious; pre- and post-KT comorbidities; panel reactive-antibodies; number of HLA mismatches; acute rejection episodes mediated by T-cell (ACR) or antibodies (AAR) six months after KT; and laboratory tests six months after KT. RESULTS: Covariates with higher risk for the analyzed outcomes six months after KT were: elderly KT recipients (OR:1.41; CI95%:1.01-1.99), time between onset of RRT and KT (ΔT-RRT&KT)>10years (OR:3.54; CI95%:1.27-9.87), diabetes mellitus (DM) pre-KT (OR:3.35; CI95%:1.51-7.46), pyelonephritis (OR:2.45; CI95%:1.24-4.84), polyomavirus nephropathy (OR:4.99; CI95%:1.87-13.3), AAS (OR:4.82; CI95%:1.35-17.2), 24h-proteinuria ≥300mg/24h (OR:5.05; CI95%:2.00-12.7) and serum calcium (Ca) <8.5mg/dL (OR:4.72; CI95%:2.00-11.1). The multivariate model presented an accuracy of 88.1% and the mean variance inflation factor is 1.81. CONCLUSION: Elderly-recipients, ΔT-RRT&KT>10 years, pre-KT DM, and post-KT aggressions until six months (pyelonephritis, polyomavirus nephropathy, ABMR, 24h-proteinuria≥300mg/24h, and Ca<8.5mg/dL) are associated with high predictive power for secondary allograft dysfunction in need of RRT or reaching CKD stage V until the first six months post-KT.

INTRODUÇÃO: Transplante renal (TR) é a terapia renal substitutiva (TRS) de escolha para pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC). Entretanto, nem todo TR é bem-sucedido e alguns pacientes persistem em TRS. OBJETIVO: Modelar uma regressão logística com covariáveis de risco pré e pós-TR preditora da disfunção secundária do aloenxerto com necessidade de TRS ou alcance ao estágio V da DRC até os primeiros seis meses pós-TR. MÉTODOS: Coorte com receptores transplantados realizado em hospital no Nordeste brasileiro. Analisou-se registros médicos dos TR realizados entre 2011-2018. Receptores com dados insuficientes ou que abandonaram seguimento foram excluídos. Foram analisadas covariáveis: demográficas; infecciosas; comorbidades pré e pós-TR; painel de reatividade; incompatibilidades de HLA; episódios de rejeições agudas mediadas por células-T ou por anticorpos; exames laboratoriais seis meses pós-TR. RESULTADOS: Receptores idosos (OR:1,41; IC95%:1,01-1,99), tempo entre início da TRS e TR (∆T-TRS&TR)>10 anos (OR:3,54; IC95%:1,27-9,87), diabetes mellitus (DM) pré-TR (OR:3,35; IC95%:1,51-7,46), pielonefrite (OR:2,45; IC95%:1,24-4,84), nefropatia por poliomavírus (OR:4,99; IC95%:1,87-13,3), RAMA (OR:4,82; IC95%:1,35-17,2), proteinúria de 24h (Pt24h) ≥300mg/24h (OR:5,05; IC95%:2,00-12,7) e cálcio sérico (Ca)<8,5mg/dL (OR:4,72; IC95%:2,00-11,1) foram identificadas como covariáveis de maior risco para os desfechos analisados até seis meses pós-TR. O modelo multivariado apresentou acurácia de 88,1% e fator de inflação da variância médio de 1,81. CONCLUSÃO: Receptores idosos, ∆T-TRS&TR>10anos, DM pré-TR e agressões até seis meses pós-TR (pielonefrite, nefropatia por poliomavírus, RAMA, Pt24h≥300mg/24h e Ca<8,5mg/dL), apresentam alto poder preditivo para disfunção secundária do aloenxerto com necessidade de TRS ou alcance ao estágio V da DRC até os primeiros seis meses pós-TR.

Humans , Male , Female , Risk Factors , Kidney Transplantation , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Allografts , Proteinuria , Pyelonephritis , Logistic Models , Retrospective Studies , Renal Dialysis , Immunosuppression Therapy , BK Virus , Disease Progression , Hypocalcemia
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 159-163, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935595


Objective: To examine the modalities of treatment and clinical outcomes of emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN), in order to improve the survival rate of EPN patients. Methods: Totally 14 patients diagnosed as EPN between October 2011 and November 2020 at Department of Urology, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine were included in this article. Data collection including patient demographics, clinical manifestations, management and clinical outcomes were conducted by retrospective charts review, after receiving the institutional review board's approval. There were 11 females and 3 males with a median age of 59 years (range: 52 to 73 years). The lesions were located on the left side in 10 patients and right side in 4 patients. All the 14 patients suffered from fever, and present with severe sepsis or septic shock. The median time from symptom onset to admission to hospital was 3 days(range: 2 to 5 days). All cases had diabetes mellitus. Escherichia coli was the most common organism been cultured (11 cases), while Klebsiella pneumonia was the second (3 cases). CT scan showed bubbly or located gas in the renal parenchyma in 5 cases and presence of steaky or mottled gas in the renal parenchyma in 9 cases. All patients had been admitted to ICU for anti-septic shock therapy. Three patients had undergone percutaneous catheter drainage along with broad-spectrum antibiotics therapy while 3 patients had immediate nephrectomy, the other 8 cases had a combination of an initial percutaneous catheter drainage and second stage nephrectomy. Results: In this case series, 3 patients were died from EPN while the other 11 were survived. The median ICU stay time was 6 days (range: 3 to 11 days). Of the 3 patients died from EPN, 2 had undergone percutaneous catheter drainage along and 1 had received immediate nephrectomy. Among the 11 patients who were survived, only 1 had received percutaneous catheter drainage while the other 10 received nephrectomy (8 patients had staged nephrectomy). Follow-up was performed 6 months after discharge. Of the 11 surviving patients, 2 were lost to follow-up, and the remaining 9 patients had an creatine level of (118.4±29.4) μmol/L (range: 89 to 176 μmol/L). Conclusions: For patients coupled with diabetes who were initially diagnosed as acute pyelonephritis, the possibility of EPN should be considered when the disease progressed rapidly especially septic shock occurred. On the basis of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics therapy and standardized anti-septic shock treatment, a combination of an initial percutaneous catheter drainage and second stage nephrectomy could be efficacious.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Emphysema/therapy , Escherichia coli Infections , Pyelonephritis/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
San Salvador; s.n; 2022. 70 p.
Thesis in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1425831


Antecedentes: Las infecciones de vías urinarias son patologías que representan una importante causa de morbi - mortalidad. Los individuos con comorbilidades usualmente son los más afectados. Los agentes etiológicos más frecuentes son Enterobacterias. El tratamiento inicialmente es empírico, en base a la epidemiología y la sensibilidad conocida de los antibióticos. En la Pielonefritis aguda es obligatoria la comprobación de la sensibilidad a los antibióticos mediante la realización de cultivos urinarios. En la actualidad, ha aumentado la prevalencia de enfermedades urinarias causadas por bacterias multirresistentes. Objetivo: Se caracterizó clínica y epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con diagnóstico de Pielonefritis Aguda en el Hospital Militar Central, en el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2019 a Septiembre de 2022. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo y se determinó las características clínicas, los datos de laboratorio­microbiológicos, tratamientos farmacológicos y estudios de imagen renal, por medio de la revisión de expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de Pielonefritis aguda ingresados en el periodo de estudio. Resultados: La Pielonefritis aguda afecta frecuentemente a pacientes entre 30 y 65 años, del sexo femenino, con Hipertensión Arterial y Diabetes Mellitus, las manifestaciones clínicas más comunes la fiebre y el dolor lumbar, con elevación de reactantes de fase aguda leucograma y PCR, el agente principalmente reportado fue E. coli y el tratamiento frecuentemente utilizado fue la combinación de Ceftriaxona y Amikacina, los pacientes fueron hospitalizados por 10 días en su mayoría. Este estudio, enfatiza en las características del paciente con Pielonefritis Aguda para brindar un tratamiento adecuado.

Background: Urinary tract infections are pathologies that represent an important cause of morbimortality. Individuals with comorbidities are usually the most affected. The most frequent etiological agents are Enterobacteria. Treatment is initially empirical, based on the epidemiology and known sensitivity of antibiotics. In acute pyelonephritis, it is mandatory to verify sensitivity to antibiotics by performing urinary cultures. At present, the prevalence of urinary diseases caused by multiresistant bacteria has increased. Objective: Patients diagnosed with Acute Pyelonephritis at the Central Military Hospital were characterized clinically and epidemiologically, in the period from January 2019 to September 2022. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out and the clinical characteristics, laboratory-microbiological data, pharmacological treatments and renal imaging studies were determined, by reviewing the records of patients diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis admitted to the hospital. study period. Results: Acute Pyelonephritis frequently affects female patients between 30 and 65 years of age, with Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus, the most common clinical manifestations being fever and low back pain, with elevation of acute phase reactants, leukogram and PCR, the leucograma agent mainly reported was E coli and the treatment frequently used was the combination of Ceftriaxone and Amikacin, the majority of patients were hospitalized for 10 days. This study emphasizes the characteristics of the patient with Acute Pyelonephritis to provide adequate treatment.

Pyelonephritis , Clinical Diagnosis , Kidney
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(3): e3455, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289633


RESUMEN Introducción: La cirrosis hepática es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes en nuestro país, y la presencia de infecciones y su descompensación constituyen motivos de ingreso hospitalario en estos pacientes. Objetivo: Identificar las enfermedades asociadas al cuidado sanitario más frecuentes en pacientes cirróticos ingresados. Método: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte en 90 pacientes con diagnóstico de cirrosis hepática, ingresados en el Hospital General Provincial "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" de provincia Granma, en el período comprendido desde enero de 2017 hasta septiembre de 2020. La población estuvo conformada por la totalidad de pacientes mayores de 18 años y de ambos sexos. Los datos se recogieron de las historias clínicas hospitalarias. En el análisis estadístico se empleó el estadígrafo Chi-cuadrado obtenido a partir de tablas de contingencia, y para medir la fuerza de la misma los riesgos relativos (RR), se utilizó un nivel de significación (valor p) menor de 0,05. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes fueron del sexo masculino, descompensados con Child-Pugh (B), el alcohol como la etiología más frecuente de la cirrosis, a los que se les realizaron cuidados sanitarios como la colocación de sonda vesical, abordaje venoso central y periférico, así como intubación endotraqueal. Las principales infecciones asociadas al cuidado sanitario observadas en estos pacientes fueron la flebitis, bacteriemia, la infección del tracto urinario y la neumonía. Conclusiones: Las infecciones asociadas al cuidado sanitario según orden de frecuencia fueron la flebitis, la bacteriemia, la pielonefritis, neumonía y cistitis.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Liver cirrhosis has been confirmed as one of the most common diseases in Cuba. Infection and decompensated cirrhosis constitute the cause of hospitalization. Objective: To identify the most frequent health care-associated diseases in hospitalized cirrhotic patients. Method: A cohort study involving 90 hospitalized patients with cirrhosis was conducted at the Hospital General Provincial "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" in Granma, from January 2017 through September 2020. The total patients underwent study were over 18 years old and both sex. Data were collected from patients´ hospitalization history. Chi-square test was utilized for statistical analysis and to measure its power (the relative risk), a P-value less than 0.05 was used. Results: Most patients were male, decompensated with Child-Pugh class B. All hospitalized patients who underwent health care such as bladder catheter placement, central and peripheral venous approach, as well as endotracheal intubation, alcohol was considered the major etiological factor cause of cirrhosis. The main healthcare-associated infections observed in these patients were phlebitis, bacteremia, urinary tract infection and pneumonia. Conclusions: The healthcare-associated infections in order of frequency were phlebitis, bacteremia, pyelonephritis, pneumonia and cystitis.

RESUMO Introdução: A cirrose hepática é uma das doenças mais frequentes em nosso país, e a presença de infecções e sua descompensação constituem motivos de internação nesses pacientes. Objetivo: Identificar as doenças associadas aos cuidados de saúde mais frequentes em pacientes cirróticos hospitalizados. Método: Foi realizado um estudo de coorte em 90 pacientes com diagnóstico de cirrose hepática, internados no Hospital Geral Provincial "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" da província de Granma, no período de janeiro de 2017 a setembro de 2020. A população foi constituída por para todos os pacientes com mais de 18 anos de idade e de ambos os sexos. Os dados foram coletados em prontuários hospitalares. Na análise estatística, foi utilizada a estatística Qui-quadrado obtida em tabelas de contingência e, para medir a força dos riscos relativos (RR), foi utilizado um nível de significância (p-valor) menor que 0,05. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino, descompensados com Child-Pugh (B), sendo o álcool a etiologia mais frequente da cirrose, que realizaram cuidados de saúde como colocação de cateter vesical, abordagem venosa central e periférica, além de intubação endotraqueal. As principais infecções associadas aos cuidados de saúde observadas nestes pacientes foram flebite, bacteremia, infecção do trato urinário e pneumonia. Conclusões: As infecções associadas aos cuidados de saúde em ordem de frequência foram flebite, bacteremia, pielonefrite, pneumonia e cistite.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Infections , Liver Cirrhosis/complications , Phlebitis , Pneumonia , Pyelonephritis , Prospective Studies , Bacteremia , Cystitis , Ethanol
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(2): 232-239, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1411710


La Pielonefritis por Escherichia coli con frecuencia es de diagnóstico confuso haciéndose necesario combinar pruebas de urología con las de imagenologías, pudiendo generar complicaciones renales hasta poder convertiste en un caso hepático grave por las lesiones que se les infrinja a los riñones, es por ello que esta investigación se planteo como objetivo caracterizar los casos de Pielonefritis por E. coli en el Hospital Naval de Guayaquil. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, con una muestra de 33 pacientes. Empleando como técnica de recolección de datos sus historias clínicas, pruebas de sedimento urinario, urocultivo en medio aerobico y pruebas de imagenología. Teniendo como resultado que el sexo femenino (60,61%; n=20/33), con un 60,61% (n=20/33) evidencian diabettus milletus, con grado de inducción primaria 24,24% (n=8/33), presentando dolor lumbar (100% n=33/33), con dolor al orinar y nauseas (90,91%; n=30/33), en los exámenes de urología las colonias/ml valores>105 fue de 57,58% (n=19/33) con E. coli (100%; n=33/33) y las pruebas de imagenología arrojaron que un 60,61% (n=20) evidencia gas en el colector solo sistema, confirmando el diagnóstico pielonefritis. En conclusión, por lo solapado que tiende a ser el diagnostico del Pielonefritis por E. coli deben combinarse las pruebas de urología y las de imágenes(AU)

Pyelonephritis by Escherichia coli is often of confused diagnosis making it necessary to combine urology tests with imaging, may cause renal complications until you can become a serious liver case due to injuries to the kidneys, That is why this research was aimed at characterizing the cases of Pyelonephritis by E. coli in the Naval Hospital of Guayaquil. Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a sample of 33 patients. Using as a data collection technique their clinical histories, urine sediment tests, uroculture in an aerobic environment and imaging tests. As a result, the female sex (60,61%; n=20/33), with 60.61% (n=20/33) showed diabettus milletus, with degree of primary induction 24.24% (n=8/33), presenting lumbar pain (100% n=33/33), with pain when urinating and nausea (90.91%; n=30/33), in urology examinations the colonies/ml values>105 was 57.58% (n=19/33) with E. coli (100%; n=33/33) and imaging tests showed that 60,61% (n=20) gas in the collector only system, confirming the diagnosis pyelonephritis. In conclusion, because of the overlapping that tends to be the diagnosis of Pyelonephritis by E. coli, urology and imaging tests should be combined(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pyelonephritis/diagnosis , Pyelonephritis/etiology , Escherichia coli
Rev. cuba. med ; 60(supl.1): e2475, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408964


La pielonefritis enfisematosa es una enfermedad poco frecuente. Esta consiste en una infección necrotizante severa del parénquima renal asociada a formación de gas en el sistema colector, parénquima renal y/o tejidos perirrenales. Se presenta una paciente de 54 años de edad con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 no controlada y litiasis urinaria, atendida en el Cuerpo de Guardia del Hospital Celia Sánchez Manduley, Granma, Cuba. Presentaba náuseas y vómitos, dolor en ambos lados de la región lumbar, y fiebre. La ecografía mostró riñones hiperecogénicos e imágenes ecorefringentes en proyección de las cavidades renales. El cultivo de orina probó la presencia de escherichia coli, y se medicó de forma endovenosa. Por evolución no favorable, se realizó tomografía que evidenció patrón gaseoso en cavidades renales. Se reajustó la antibioticoterapia parenteral y la evolución fue favorable. Se dio alta de consulta, luego de 10 meses de seguimiento asintomática, con diagnóstico de pielonefritis enfisematosa(AU)

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare disease, consisting of severe necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma associated with gas formation in the collecting system, renal parenchyma and / or peri renal tissues. We report a 54-year-old patient with history of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus and urinary stones, she was treated in the emergency service at Celia Sánchez Manduley Hospital, Granma, Cuba. She had nausea and vomiting, pain on both sides of her lower back, and fever. Ultrasound showed hyper-echogenic kidneys and echo-refractive images in projection of the renal cavities. The urine culture proved the presence of Escherichia coli, and medications was administered intravenously. Due to the unfavorable evolution, a tomography was performed and it showed a gas pattern in the renal cavities. Parenteral antibiotic therapy was readjusted and the outcome was favorable. After 10 months of asymptomatic follow-up, she was discharged from the clinic with diagnosis of emphysematous pyelonephritis(AU)

Humans , Female , Pyelonephritis/epidemiology , Ultrasonography/methods , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/epidemiology , Nephrolithiasis/diagnostic imaging
In. Castillo Pino, Edgardo A. Manual de ginecología y obstetricia para pregrados y médicos generales. Montevideo, Oficina del Libro-FEFMUR, 2 ed; 2021. p.289-293.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1372570
Cambios rev. méd ; 19(2): 38-43, 2020-12-29.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179341


INTRODUCCIÓN. Las infecciones del tracto urinario por variedad de bacterias uropatógenas multiresistentes se deben al uso de tratamiento empírico o automedicación. OBJETIVO. Describir en las infecciones de tracto urinario los métodos diagnósticos, tratamiento empírico y la multirresistencia. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Población y muestra de 73 Historias Clínicas de pacientes atendidos en la Unidad de Adultos Área de Emergencias del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín en el período enero a diciembre 2018. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos, con diagnóstico clínico y por laboratorio de infección del tracto urinario superior e inferior. La información se obtuvo mediante la base de datos AS400, y se procesó en Epi-info y Excel. RESULTADOS. El 71,23% (52; 73) de mujeres tuvieron infección del tracto urinario. Escherichia coli fue frecuente en un 48,39% (15; 31), con mayor resistencia al Clotrimoxazol. El tratamiento empírico con Ciprofloxacino fue utilizado en 27,40% (20; 73). DISCUSIÓN: Se observó controversia en los tipos de estudios de imagen solicitados para el diagnóstico acorde a la clase de infección de tracto urinario así como el tratamiento empírico por factores propios de cada localidad que evitaron resistencia. CONCLUSIÓN. Escherichia coli se aisló de manera frecuente y registró mayor resistencia al Clotrimoxazol; el principal antibiótico prescrito como tratamiento empírico fue la Ciprofloxacina; el examen más solicitado fue la Urotomografía.

INTRODUCTION. Urinary tract infections due to a variety of multi-resistant uropathogenic bacteria are due to the use of empirical treatment or self-medication. OBJECTIVE. Describe diagnostic methods, empirical treatment and multidrug resistance in urinary tract infections. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Population and sample of 73 Medical Records of patients treated in the Emergency Area Adult Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialty Hospital in the period january to december 2018. Patients older than 18 years of age, of both sexes, with clinical diagnosis and due to upper and lower urinary tract infection laboratory. The information was obtained through the AS400 database, and was processed in Epi-info and Excel. RESULTS. 71,23% (52; 73) of women had urinary tract infection. Escherichia coli was frequent in 48,39% (15; 31), with greater resistance to Clotrimoxazole. Empirical treatment with Ciprofloxacin was used in 27,40% (20; 73). DISCUSSION: Controversy was observed in the types of imaging studies requested for diagnosis according to the class of urinary tract infection as well as the empirical treatment due to factors specific to each locality that prevented resistance. CONCLUSION. Escherichia coli was frequently isolated and showed greater resistance to Clotrimoxazole; the main antibiotic prescribed as empirical treatment was Ciprofloxacin; the most requested examination was the Urotomography.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Pyelonephritis , Urinary Tract , Cystitis , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , Emergencies , Escherichia coli Infections , Urinary Tract Infections , Ciprofloxacin , Drug Resistance, Multiple , Diagnosis , Microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Rev. medica electron ; 42(4): 2130-2139, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1139303


RESUMEN La pielonefritis enfisematosa se considerada una entidad clínica inusual. Constituye una infección necrotizante aguda, con formación de gas en el parénquima renal, sistema colector y/o espacio perirrenal. La población diabética es más propensa a este tipo de pielonefritis, pero se han descrito casos de pielonefritis enfisematosa recurrente en pacientes con obstrucción de la vía urinaria en ausencia de diabetes mellitus. Del 69 al 97 % de los casos, el germen implicado en la génesis de la enfermedad es la Escherichia coli, seguido por la klebsiella pneumoniae; responsable de una enfermedad con alto impacto en la morbimortalidad de los pacientes diabéticos. El conocer esta entidad clínica, permite realizar un diagnóstico precoz con el fin de establecer el tratamiento más adecuado que contribuya a una mejor sobrevida en el paciente. Los estudios tomográficos orientan en el diagnóstico, facilitan tener la opción de un tratamiento conservador y cuando lo requiera un correcto tratamiento invasivo, que debe ser individualizado según la posible causa que lo genera (AU).

ABSTRACT Emphysematous pyelonephritis is considered an unusual clinical entity. It is an acute necrotizing infection, with gas formation in the renal parenchyma, the collector system and/or perinephric space. Diabetic population is more prone to this kind of pyelonephritis, but cases of emphysematous pyelonephritis have been described in patients with urinary tract obstruction in absence of Diabetes mellitus. On 69 to 97 % of the cases, the germ implied in the disease genesis is Escherichia coli, followed by Klebsiella pneumonia, that are responsible for a disease having a high impact on the diabetic patients´ morbidity and mortality. Knowing this clinical entity allows arriving to a precocious diagnosis with the aim of establishing the most suitable treatment contributing to a better patients´ survival. Tomographic studies guide in the diagnosis, facilitate the option of a conserving treatment, and when it is required a correct invasive treatment individualized according to the possible cause generating it (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Pyelonephritis/diagnosis , Infections/diagnosis , Pyelonephritis/complications , Pyelonephritis/epidemiology , Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Sepsis/diagnosis , Diabetes Mellitus/pathology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;40(7): 554-558, July 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135654


Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) is a highly diverse pathotype of E. coli which colonizes the intestine, and it is considered an important etiological agent associated with bacteremia and other systemic infections, among them urinary tract infection. Retrospective studies evaluating morbidity and mortality of nondomestic felids have demonstrated that urinary tract diseases are among the main causes of death for geriatric animals. Also, mesenchymal neoplasms of the uterus are common in wild felids, and they possess variable morphologic characteristics related to invasiveness and malignancy. This report describes a case of bilateral pyelonephritis due to extraintestinal uropathogenic E. coli infection in a captive jaguar (Panthera onca). The diagnosis was confirmed through pathological, bacterial and immunohistochemical findings. According to molecular analysis, this E. coli strain was classified in the phylogroup F, possessing the following virulence-associated genes: usp, cnf-1, hlyA, papC and sfa. Additionally, this E. coli was highly resistant to beta-lactams and first-generation cephalosporin. This jaguar also presented a uterine leiomyoma with distinct distribution, and severe degenerative articular disease, both of them described as frequently seen lesions in geriatric animals from the Panthera genus.(AU)

Escherichia coli extraintestinal patogênica (ExPEC) é um patotipo altamente diverso de E. coli que coloniza o intestino e é considerada um agente etiológico importante, associado com bacteremia e outras infecções sistêmicas, dentre elas infecções do trato urinário. Estudos retrospectivos avaliando morbidade e mortalidade de felídeos não domésticos demostram que doenças do trato urinário estão entre as principais causas de morte de animais geriátricos. Ainda, neoplasias mesenquimais uterinas são comuns em felídeos de cativeiro e possuem características morfológicas variáveis relacionadas a invasividade e malignidade. Neste relato é descrito um caso de pielonefrite bilateral por E. coli extraintestinal uropatogênica em uma onça-pintada de cativeiro (Panthera onca). O diagnóstico foi confirmado através dos achados patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos. A partir da análise molecular, esta cepa de E. coli foi classificada no filogrupo F, possuindo os seguintes genes associados a virulência: usp, cnf-1, hlyA, papC and sfa. Adicionalmente, a bactéria isolada foi altamente resistente a ß-lactâmicos e cefalosporinas de primeira geração. Foi observado ainda um leiomioma uterino com distribuição distinta e doença articular degenerativa severa, ambas descritas na literatura como comumente observadas em animais geriátricos do gênero Panthera.(AU)

Animals , Female , Pyelonephritis/etiology , Uterine Neoplasms/veterinary , Panthera , Escherichia coli Infections/veterinary , Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli , Leiomyoma/veterinary , Animals, Zoo
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);80(3): 229-240, jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125074


La Sociedad Argentina de Infectología y otras sociedades científicas han actualizado estas recomendaciones utilizando, además de información internacional, la de un estudio multicéntrico prospectivo sobre infecciones del tracto urinario del adulto realizado en Argentina durante 2016-2017. La bacteriuria asintomática debe ser tratada solo en embarazadas, a quienes también se las debe investigar sistemáticamente; los antibióticos de elección son nitrofurantoína, amoxicilina, amoxicilina-clavulánico, cefalexina y trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol. Ante procedimientos que impliquen lesión con sangrado del tracto urinario se recomienda solicitar urocultivo para pesquisar bacteriuria asintomática, y, si resultara positivo, administrar antimicrobianos según sensibilidad desde inmediatamente antes hasta 24 horas luego de la intervención. En mujeres, la cistitis puede ser tratada con nitrofurantoina, cefalexina, o fosfomicina y no se recomienda usar trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol o fluoroquinolonas; en pielonefritis puede emplearse ciprofloxacina, cefixima o cefalexina si el tratamiento es ambulatorio o ceftriaxona, cefazolina o amikacina si es hospitalario. En los hombres, las infecciones del tracto urinario se consideran siempre complicadas. Se recomienda tratamiento con nitrofurantoina o cefalexina por 7 días, o bien monodosis con fosfomicina. Para la pielonefritis en hombres se sugiere ciprofloxacina, ceftriaxona o cefixima si el tratamiento es ambulatorio y ceftriaxona o amikacina si es hospitalario. Se sugiere tratar las prostatitis bacterianas agudas con ceftriaxona o gentamicina. En cuanto a las prostatitis bacterianas crónicas, si bien su tratamiento de elección hasta hace poco fueron las fluoroquinolonas, la creciente resistencia y ciertas dudas sobre la seguridad de estas drogas obligan a considerar el uso de alternativas como fosfomicina.

The Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases and other scientific societies have updated these recommendations based on data on urinary tract infections in adults obtained from a prospective multicenter study conducted in Argentina during 2016-2017. Asymptomatic bacteriuria should be treated only in pregnant women, who should also be systematically investigated; the antibiotics of choice are nitrofurantoin, amoxicillin, clavulanic/amoxicillin, cephalexin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. In procedures involving injury to the urinary tract with bleeding, it is recommended to request urine culture and, in the presence of bacteriuria, antimicrobial treatment according to sensitivity should be prescribed from immediately before up to 24 hours after the intervention. In women, cystitis can be treated with nitrofurantoin, cephalexin or fosfomycin, while trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and fluoroquinolones are not recommended; pyelonephritis can be treated with ciprofloxacin, cefixime or cephalexin in ambulatory women or ceftriaxone, cefazolin or amikacin in those who are hospitalized. In men, urinary tract infections are always considered complicated; nitrofurantoin or cephalexin are recommended for 7 days, alternatively fosfomycin should be given in a single dose. In men, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone or cefixime are suggested for pyelonephritis on ambulatory treatment whereas ceftriaxone or amikacin are recommended for hospitalized patients. Acute bacterial prostatitis can be treated with ceftriaxone or gentamicin. Fluoroquinolones were the choice treatment for chronic bacterial prostatitis until recently; they are no longer recommended due to the increasing resistance and recent concerns regarding the safety of these drugs; alternative antibiotics such as fosfomycin are to be considered.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Argentina , Urinary Tract Infections/drug therapy , Consensus , Anti-Infective Agents, Urinary/therapeutic use , Prostatitis/diagnosis , Prostatitis/drug therapy , Pyelonephritis/diagnosis , Pyelonephritis/drug therapy , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Cystitis/diagnosis , Cystitis/drug therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-810966


BACKGROUND: Although the clinical importance of the immunological benefits of breastfeeding has been emphasized for decades, their direct relationship with acute pyelonephritis (APN) is still not clear. Our goal was to determine whether breastfeeding truly provides protection against APNs, while investigating the effects of other factors such as sex, age, mode of delivery, and birth weight on APN.METHODS: A total of 62 infants under 6 months of age who had both microbiologically and radiologically-confirmed APN were enrolled in the case group. Healthy infants (n = 178) who visited the hospital for scheduled vaccinations were enrolled in the control group. The following participant characteristics were compared between the case and control groups: age, sex, birth order among siblings, feeding methods, weight percentile by month, birth weight percentile by gestational age, gestational age at birth, and mode of delivery.RESULTS: Babies exclusively fed with manufactured infant formulae before 6 months of age had significantly higher risk for APN than breastfed or mixed-fed infants (odds ratio [OR], 3.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.687–7.031; P = 0.001). Firstborn babies had lower risk for APN than 2nd- or 3rd-born babies (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.210–0.919). Other factors that increased the risk for APN were low birth weight percentiles (OR, 8.33; 95% CI, 2.300–30.166) and birth via caesarean section (OR, 2.32; 95% CI, 1.097–4.887). There were more preterm births in the case group (10.9% vs. 1.7%; P = 0.002), but this did not increase the risk for APN (OR, 4.47; P = 0.063).CONCLUSION: Feeding exclusively with formula before 6 months of age was related to higher risk for APN, which demonstrates that breastfeeding has a protective effect against APN. The other risk factors for APN were birth order (≥ 2nd-born), low birth weight, and birth via caesarean section.

Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Birth Order , Birth Weight , Breast Feeding , Cesarean Section , Feeding Methods , Gestational Age , Infant Formula , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Parturition , Premature Birth , Pyelonephritis , Reproductive History , Risk Factors , Siblings , Urinary Tract Infections , Vaccination
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886669


@#INTRODUCTION: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the severe complications in dengue hemorrhagic fever, usually occurred in shock. We report an interesting case of AKI in a hemodynamically stable dengue hemorrhagic fever patient. CASE PRESENTATION: An 18-year-old male dengue fever patient referred to our institution in his day eight of illness due to three days of decreased urine output. He was hemodynamically stable with thrombocytopenia, increase in creatinine, positive for Anti dengue IgM, proteinuria, and hematuria. Ultrasound examination showed ascites. He was diagnosed with AKI stage III related to dengue hemorrhagic fever and underwent hemodialysis. A total of four series of hemodialysis and furosemide drip were performed during 12 days of admission and he was finally improved. CONCLUSION: Renal injury might occur in hemodynamically stable dengue hemorrhagic patients. It is a reversible condition; hence, appropriate treatment and close monitoring result in good outcomes

Severe Dengue , Acute Kidney Injury , Dengue , Pyelonephritis , Hemodynamics
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 39(1): 19-21, mar. 2019. ilus., graf.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022121


La policitemia primaria es producida por una mutación adquirida o heredada en las células progenitoras de los glóbulos rojos, mientras que la poliglobulia secundaria está relacionada con un aumento de la eritropoyetina sérica como respuesta a la hipoxia tisular o a la producción autónoma tumoral. Hace más de medio siglo que se conoce que la hidronefrosis puede actuar como una rara causa de eritrocitosis debido al aumento de producción de eritropoyetina por un riñón que censa una disminución de oxígeno, mecanismo también observado en la estenosis de la arteria renal y en los quistes renales. Se describe a continuación el caso de un paciente de 38 años con poliglobulia atendido en el Hospital Italiano de San Justo (Argentina), que presenta como hallazgo una hidronefrosis unilateral severa y cuya resolución quirúrgica a través de una nefrectomía revierte el cuadro hematológico de base. (AU)

Primary polycythemia is produced by an acquired or inherited mutation in progenitor cells of red blood cells, while secondary polyglobulia is related to an increase in serum erythropoietin in response to tissue hypoxia or autonomous tumor production. Since the middle of the twentieth century, the hydronephrosis is known to be a rare etiology of secondary polycythemia, with increased erythropoietin production caused by diminished oxygen sensing by the kidney, also seen in renal artery stenosis and kidney cysts. We describe a case of a 38 year old patient with polycythemia studied in the "Hospital Italiano de San Justo" (Argentina) that presented an incidental severe unilateral hydronephrosis, and nephrectomy was carried out as a final resolution of the hematological disorder. (AU)

Humans , Animals , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Polycythemia/diagnosis , Pyelonephritis/diagnosis , Urinary Tract Infections/complications , Erythropoietin/blood , Hydronephrosis/diagnosis , Nephrectomy/trends , Polycythemia/complications , Polycythemia/etiology , Pyelonephritis/blood , Renal Artery Obstruction/pathology , Low Back Pain , Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain/pathology , Erythrocytes/physiology , Kidney Diseases, Cystic/pathology , Dysuria , Fever , Hydronephrosis/surgery , Hydronephrosis/complications , Anemia , Nephrectomy/methods