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Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 444-452, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927988


In order to evaluate the composition and distribution characteristics of inorganic elements in Laminaria japonica, this study employed inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) to detect the inorganic elements and used high performance liquid chromatography tandem ICP-MS(HPLC-ICP-MS) to determine the content of different arsenic species in L. japonica from diffe-rent origins. Micro X-ray fluorescence(Micro-XRF) was used to determine micro-area distribution of inorganic elements in L. japonica. The results showed that the average content of Mn, Fe, Sr, and Al was high, and that of As and Cr exceeded the limits of the national food safety standard. According to the results of HPLC-ICP-MS, arsenobetaine(AsB) was the main species of As contained in L. japonica. The more toxic inorganic arsenic accounts for a small proportion, whereas its content was 1-4 times of the limit in the national food safety standard. The results of Micro-XRF showed that As, Pb, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Ni were mainly distributed on the surface of L. japonica. Among them, As and Pb had a clear tendency to diffuse from the surface to the inside. The results of the study can provide a basis for the processing as well as the medicinal and edible safety evaluation of L. japonica.

Arsenic/analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Laminaria , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Spectrum Analysis , Trace Elements/analysis
Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 147-154, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928580


OBJECTIVES@#To study the association of the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy with congenital heart defects (CHD) in offspring, and to establish a model for predicting the probability of CHD based on the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy.@*METHODS@#Based on the prospective birth cohort study in Gansu Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital in 2010-2012, a nested case-control study was conducted for the follow-up observation of 14 359 pregnant women. Among the pregnant women, 97 pregnant women whose offspring were diagnosed with CHD during follow-up were enrolled as the CHD group, and 194 pregnant women whose offspring had no CHD were selected as the control group. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to measure the levels of heavy metals and trace elements in maternal blood samples and fetal umbilical cord blood samples. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between heavy metal and trace elements and CHD in offspring. A nomogram model for predicting the probability of CHD in offspring was established based on the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the CHD group had significantly higher levels of aluminum (Al), natrium (Na), calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr), stannum (Sn), stibium (Sb), barium (Ba), and thorium (Th) in maternal blood samples (P<0.05), as well as significantly higher levels of Al, zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), kalium (K), Ca, Ti, chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), arsenic (As), Se, Sr, argentum (Ag), cadmium (Cd), Sn, and plumbum (Pb) in umbilical cord blood (P<0.05). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the increase in the Sb level in maternal blood was associated with the increase in the risk of CHD in offspring [adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=4.81, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.65-14.07, P=0.004], while in umbilical cord blood, the high levels of Al (aOR=4.22, 95%CI: 1.35-13.16, P=0.013), Mg (aOR=8.00, 95%CI: 1.52-42.08, P=0.014), and Pb (aOR=3.82, 95%CI: 0.96-15.23, P=0.049) were significantly associated with the risk of CHD in offspring. The levels of Al, Th, and Sb in maternal blood and levels of Al, Mg, and Pb in umbilical cord blood were included in the predictive model for CHD in offspring based on the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy, and the calibration curve of the nomogram predictive model was close to the ideal curve.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Increases in the levels of Al, Th, Sb, Mg, and Pb during pregnancy may indicate the increase in the risk of CHD in offspring, and the nomogram predictive model based on these indices can be used to predict the probability of CHD in offspring.

Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Case-Control Studies , Cohort Studies , Heart Defects, Congenital/etiology , Metals, Heavy , Prospective Studies , Trace Elements/analysis
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 3694-3704, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888023


The effects of Chloriti Lapis on metal elements in plasma and lung tissue of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( AECOPD) rats were studied. The rat AECOPD model with phlegm heat syndrome was established by smoking combined with Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. After the rats were treated by Chloriti Lapis,the contents of metal elements in plasma and lung tissue were determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy( ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry( ICP-MS). The changes in the contents of metal elements were analyzed by SPSS 18. 0. Further,the correlations of differential metal elements( including Cu/Zn ratio) with differential metabolites in plasma,lung tissue and urine of AECOPD rats treated with Chloriti Lapis were analyzed. The results showed that Chloriti Lapis significantly up-regulated the contents of Fe,Al,Mn,Cu,Zn,Sn( P<0. 05),V,Co( P< 0. 01) and Cu/Zn ratio( P< 0. 05),and significantly down-regulated the contents of Ti( P< 0. 05)and Pb( P<0. 05) in the model rat plasma. It significantly increased the content of Be( P<0. 05) and decreased the contents of Mg,Ti and Al( P<0. 01) in model rat lung tissue. The element profiles of normal group,model group and Chloriti Lapis group can be well separated. Chloriti Lapis group and other groups were clustered into two categories. The taurine in plasma and phytosphingosine in lung tissue had the strongest correlations with differential metal elements. The Fe,Al,Mg,Be,Ti,V,Mn,Cu,Zn,Sn,and Co in Chloriti Lapis may directly or indirectly participate in the intervention of AECOPD rats. This group of metal elements may be the material basis of Chloriti Lapis acting on AECOPD rats,and reduce the Cu/Zn value in vivo. It was further confirmed that Chloriti Lapis could interfere with the metabolic pathways of taurine and hypotaurine in plasma and urine as well as the sphingolipid metabolism pathway in lung tissue of AECOPD rats. In addition,this study confirmed that long-term smoking can cause high-concentration Cd accumulation in the lung and damage the lung tissue.

Animals , Rats , Lung , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Minerals , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Spectrum Analysis , Trace Elements/analysis
Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 445-450, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879874


OBJECTIVE@#To study the association of serum levels of trace elements with core symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).@*METHODS@#From September 2018 to September 2019, an investigation was performed for 1 020 children with ASD and 1 038 healthy children matched for age and sex in the outpatient service of grade A tertiary hospitals and special education institutions in 13 cities of China. Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) were used to assess the core symptoms of the children with ASD. The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to measure serum levels of trace elements magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc.@*RESULTS@#The children with ASD had significantly lower serum levels of magnesium, copper, and zinc than the healthy children (@*CONCLUSIONS@#The serum levels of magnesium and zinc may be associated with core symptoms in children with ASD, which requires further studies. The nutritional status of trace elements should be monitored for children with ASD in clinical practice.

Child , Humans , Autism Spectrum Disorder , China , Copper/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Zinc
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;43: e53052, 2021. map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461007


Crustaceans are known for their trace element bioaccumulation abilities. Muscle tissues of lagoon crab, marine crab, pink shrimp and mantis shrimp marketed for consumption in Nigeria were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Cr levels using standard methods. Muscle levels in mg kg-1 of Mn (0.03±0.00 in lagoon crab), Fe (0.072±0.01 in mantis shrimp), Cu (0.344±0.01 in lagoon crab) and Zn (0.073±0.00 in mantis shrimp) were significantly different (p Cu > Zn > Fe > Mn > Cr. Lagoon crab showed the highest total hazard index among the organisms with 44.80 %, while the least was observed in mantis shrimp with 13.30 %. It is concluded that, as far as human health is concerned, the mean elemental levels in the muscle tissues of the organisms examined pose no danger (THQ < 1).

Animals , Food Supply , Bioaccumulation , Crustacea , Trace Elements/analysis
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 92(2): e649, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126742


Objetivo: Comparar las concentraciones de los oligoelementos cobre y zinc en la leche materna, de vaca y de cabra. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se recogieron muestras de leche materna de madres lactantes sanas (91 mujeres) que asistieron a un centro materno infantil en la ciudad de Maracaibo-Venezuela. Previo consentimiento informado se seleccionaron madres que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Las concentraciones de los oligoelementos en estudio, se determinaron mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica con llama. Resultados: En el análisis de la muestra de leche humana se hallaron concentraciones de cobre de 0,290 ± 0,04 mg/L y concentraciones de zinc de 1,580 ± 0,35 mg/L. Estos valores son considerados aceptables según la ingesta diaria de referencia para estos oligoelementos y fueron más elevada en muestras en leche de cabra según la literatura, mientras que las concentraciones de zinc en ambas leches (cabra y vaca), registradas por otros especialistas, fueron más elevadas que en la leche humana del presente estudio. Conclusiones: Las concentraciones de cobre y zinc halladas en la leche materna en este trabajo son las ingestas recomendadas para el desarrollo y madurez del sistema nervioso central del neonato(AU)

Objective: To compare the concentrations of trace elements like copper and zinc present in breast, cow's and goat's milk. Methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study. Samples of breast milk were collected from healthy lactating mothers (91 women) who attended a maternal and children health center in Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Mothers were selected prior informed consent who met the inclusion criteria. The concentrations of the studied trace elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame. Results: In the analysis of the human milk´s sample, there were found concentrations of Cu (0.290 ± 0.04 mg/L) and concentrations of Zn (1.580 ± 0.35 mg/L). These levels are considered acceptable according to the permitted intake of trace elements and according to the literature, those are higher in goat milk´s samples, while concentrations of Zn in both milks (goat and cow), registered by other specialists were higher than in the human milk´s of the present study. Conclusions: The concentrations of copper and zinc found in breast milk are the recommended daily intake for the development and maturity of the central nervous system of the newborns(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Trace Elements/analysis , Dietary Minerals/administration & dosage , Milk, Human/chemistry , Goats , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Breast-Milk Substitutes
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 352-360, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008344


In this paper, some quality problems of mineral medicine Calamina and calcined Calamina have been discussed after determination and analysis of the quality parameters of a large number of market samples, and the countermeasures are put forward. According to the XRD results, as well as the results of tests included in Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2015 edition), the authenticity of Calamina and calcined Calamina samples were identified. The content of zinc oxide in samples were determined by the method of determination in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Individually, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) and atomic fluorescence spectrometry(AFS) methods were used for the determination of impurity elements and harmful elements in Calamina and calcined Calamina samples. Four kinds of impurity elements of magnesium(Mg), iron(Fe), aluminum(Al), calcium(Ca) and five harmful elements such as lead(Pb), cadmium(Cd), arsenic(As), copper(Cu), mercury(Hg) were measured. The study showed that: ① Fake Calamina products on the market were overflowing; ② The mineral origin of the mainstream Calamina in the market is inconsistent with that stipulated in Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2015 edition); ③ The contents of harmful elements Pb and Cd in Calamina and calcined Calamina are generally higher, while the contents of harmful elements As and Cu in some inferior Calaminae are higher; ④ Parts of calcined Calamina were improperly or inadequately processed. In view of these quality problems, the countermeasures are put forward as follows: ① It is suggested that hydrozincite should be approved as the mineral source of Calamina, and be included by Chinese Pharmacopoeia; ② Strengthen the research on the specificity of Calamina identification methods to improve the quality control level; ③ Strengthen the research on the processing of Calamina, and formulate the limit standards for the content of Pb and Cd in Calamina; ④ Carry out research on the artificial synthesis of Calamina and calcined Calamina, in order to cope with the current shortage of Calamina resources and ensure the sustainable development of Calamina medicinal materials.

Arsenic , Cadmium , Copper , Drug Combinations , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/standards , Ferric Compounds/standards , Iron , Lead , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Mercury , Minerals , Quality Control , Trace Elements/analysis , Zinc Oxide/standards
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1329-1333, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008575


To reveal the main nutrients and functional ingredients in the flowers of Polygonatum cyrtonema and P. filipes, the content of the polysaccharides, saponins, amino acids, total phenols, mineral elements, and the DPPH free radical scavenging rates were determined. The flowers and rhizomes of P. cyrtonema were collected from Qingyang in Anhui and Qingyuan in Zhejiang, while the flowers and rhizomes of P. filipes were collected from Longyou in Zhejiang, respectively. The results showed that the polysaccharides content in flowers varied from 60.88 to 97.00 mg·g~(-1), about half of that in rhizomes. The saponins content in flowers varied from 32.55 to 40.93 mg·g~(-1), which was close to the content in rhizomes. The content of total phenols ranged from 40.79 to 50.95 mg·g~(-1), approximately 4.5 times of that in rhizomes. The total amino acids content in flowers was 111.85 to 131.03 mg·g~(-1), about 2.3 times of the content in rhizomes. The essential trace element content was abundant in flowers. The contents of heavy metal elements were all within the limits set by the standards. The DPPH free radical scavenging rate IC_(50) varied from 1.77 to 3.25 mg·mL~(-1), less than one-fifth of that in rhizomes, showing a significant superiority of antioxidant activity compared to rhizomes. The results initially revealed the fundamental of "the flowers exceed the rhizomes in effect", the common saying about the traditional Chinese medicinal herbs over the years, indicating a great developing potential of the flowers. Besides, as polysaccharides, saponins, amino acids, total phenols and other nutritive substances in flowers differ widely among species and provenances, it's important to develop variety breeding to improve the quality and yield of flowers.

Amino Acids/analysis , Antioxidants/analysis , China , Flowers/chemistry , Nutrients/analysis , Nutritive Value , Plant Extracts , Polygonatum/chemistry , Rhizome/chemistry , Trace Elements/analysis
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 6(2): 132-148, jul dic 2019. 27 cmilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095876


Los oligoelementos son importantes constituyentes nutricionales de las hierbas comestibles. Se colectaron 11 especies, nueve nativas (Amaranthus hybridus, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Crotalaria longirostrata, Dysphania ambrosioides, Lycianthes synanthera, Sechium edule, Solanum americanum, S. nigrescens, S. wendlandii) y dos introducidas (Moringa oleifera, Spinacea oleracea) en dos regiones de Guatemala. Se prepararon muestras de la hierba seca, cocida y de caldo de hierba fresca. Se cuantificaron por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica los macro (N, P, K) y oligoelementos (Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn), taninos por espectrofotometría y oxalatos por permanganimetría. El contenido de oligoelementos es diverso, para Zn, la hierba control S. oleracea contienen buena cantidad (90-140 ppm); de las nativas D. ambrosioides (130-160 ppm) y A. hybridus (70-80 ppm) tienen la mayor cantidad. Respecto a Fe las hierbas control tienen buena composición (S. oleracea, 220-280 ppm y M. oleifera, 105-135 ppm); de las nativas A. hybridus (90-240 ppm), C. aconitifolius (75-185 ppm) y L. synanthera (75-140 ppm) tienen buenas concentraciones. Se encontraron niveles elevados de oxalatos en S. oleracea (67.30 (5.51) mg/g), L. synanthera (56.30 (9.67) mg/g) y S. nigrescens (33.6 (5.48) mg/g); en las demás hierbas se encontraron niveles menores. Los niveles de taninos fueron bajos (0.1-0.8 mg/g) para todas las especies. Se demuestra que cuatro especies nativas tienen un buen contenido de oligoelementos y presentan valores menores de antinutricionales que los controles.

Trace elements are important nutritional constituents from edible herbs. Eleven species were collected in two regions of Guatemala, nine native (Amaranthus hybridus, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Crotalaria longirostrata, Dysphania ambrosioides, Lycianthes synanthera, Sechium edule, Solanum americanum, S. nigrescens, S. wendlandii) and two introduced (Moringa oleifera, Spinacea oleracea). Dry, cooked and broth samples were prepared. By atomic absorption spectrometry, macro (N, P, K) and trace elements (Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn) were quantified, tannins by spectrophotometry, and oxalates by permanganometry. Trace elements content is diverse, for Zn, control herb S. oleracea contained high quantity (90-140 ppm); from the natives D. ambrosioides (130-160 ppm) and A. hybridus (70-80 ppm) contained high amounts. For Fe, control herbs had high composition (S. oleracea, 220-280 ppm, M. oleifera, 105-135 ppm); from the natives A. hybridus (90-240 ppm), C. aconitifolius (75-185 ppm) and L. synanthera (75-140 ppm) had the highest amounts. High levels of oxalates were demonstrated in S. oleracea (67.30 (5.48) mg/g), L. synanthera (56.30 (9.67) mg/g), and S. nigrescens (33.6 (5.48) mg/g); from the others levels.

Trace Elements/analysis , Vegetables/classification , Tannins/analysis , Trace Elements/administration & dosage , Amaranthus/chemistry , Jatropha/chemistry , Malnutrition/prevention & control
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1227-1235, jul.-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1038598


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito metafilático de minerais traços e vitaminas A e E injetáveis, em parâmetros do estresse oxidativo e na função de neutrófilos em fêmeas da raça Holandesa no período de transição. Sessenta animais foram divididos em dois grupos: animais que receberam minerais traços e vitaminas A e E injetáveis (GMTV) (n= 30) e grupo controle (GC) (n= 30). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos nos parâmetros avaliados, porém observou-se diferença significativa entre tratamento e dia para os valores da SOD, com maior atividade dessa enzima em fêmeas GMTV, nas semanas próximas ao parto. Observou-se diferença de dia e para interação tratamento e dia para o TBARS, em que fêmeas GMTV mostraram menores valores de TBARS em todos os momentos, exceto sete dias após o parto. Houve efeito significativo de dia para leucócitos, interação tratamento e dia para neutrófilos e interação tratamento e dia para fagocitose de neutrófilos, em que as fêmeas GMTV apresentaram valores menores de leucócitos e neutrófilos próximo ao parto, além de maior fagocitose de neutrófilos. Pode-se observar que houve melhora no sistema oxidativo e imune de fêmeas GMTV, resposta que provavelmente está relacionada com a administração dos minerais traços e vitaminas A e E.(AU)

This study evaluates the metaphylactic of the subcutaneous administration of a trace minerals and vitamins A and E, on the oxidative stress and neutrophil function in Holsteins cows under the transition period. Sixty females were divided in two groups: group with trace minerals and vitamins (GMTV) (n= 30) and group control (GC) (n= 30). There was no significant difference between those groups; however, we find significant difference between treatment and day for Superoxide dismutase (SOD) values with higher activity of this enzyme in females GMTV on the weeks next to the parturition. Still, there was difference on day and, for interactions between treatment and day for TBARS, were females GMTV showed lower values of TBARS in all moments, except on day seven after the parturition. For leucocytes, there is a significant effect by day, interaction on treatment and day on neutrophils, and interaction treatment and day for neutrophil phagocytosis, were females GMTV showed lower values of leucocytes and neutrophils next to the parturition, and an increase of neutrophils phagocytosis. In summary, cows from the GMTV group had an improvement on the immune and oxidative systems, probably correlated with the administration of this supplement.(AU)

Animals , Female , Cattle , Trace Elements/analysis , Vitamin A/administration & dosage , Vitamin E/administration & dosage , Oxidative Stress , Neutrophils , Injections, Subcutaneous/veterinary
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 33(288/289): 1811-1815, abr.-maio 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482410


O mercúrio é um dos principais contaminantes ambientais, sendo a ação antrópica, tanto industrial quanto de garimpo de ouro no Norte do país, responsável por uma parcela expressiva desta contaminação. Extremamente tóxico, o mercúrio pode acometer o sistema nervoso central e levar a óbito. O consumo de peixes contaminados é umas das principais fontes de exposição humana. Foram analisadas 15 amostras de tecido muscular de tucunarés, capturados no reservatório de Balbina (Presidente Figueiredo), no analisador direto de mercúrio (DMA - 80®). Todas apresentaram contaminação mercurial acima do permitido pela legislação (1mg/Kg de mercúrio total). Os valores mínimo e máximo encontrados foram, respectivamente, 1,08mg/Kg e 6,79mg/Kg. Não foi constatada correlação entre peso e comprimento dos peixes com a concentração de mercúrio total dos mesmos.

Animals , Cichlids , Food Contamination/analysis , Mercury Poisoning/veterinary , Mercury/analysis , Chemical Contamination , Trace Elements/analysis
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;82(2): 141-148, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989402


ABSTRACT Purpose: We aimed to compare the body mass index and vitamin and mineral status of children with and without amblyopia. Methods: Amblyopic children aged between 5 and 18 years (n=46) and age-matched control children (n=32) were evaluated in terms of anthropometric parameters, including height, weight, body mass index and demographic features. Serum vitamin B12 and folate were measured using an Advia Centaur XP (Siemens, Ireland) biochemistry analyzer. We evaluated the inorganic mineral elements from hair samples with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry using a Thermo XSeries 2 analyzer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany). Results: No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of height, weight, and body mass index or serum B12 and folate concentrations (p>0.05). Children with severe amblyopia had lower vitamin B12 and folate and higher body mass index. The levels of phosphorus (p=0.012), selenium (p=0.002), molybdenum (p<0.001), iodine (p=0.002), chromium (p=0.022), boron (p<0.001), and beryllium (p=0.005) were all significantly lower in the amblyopia group compared to the control group. All of these minerals, except phosphorus, were also significantly lower in those with severe amblyopia compared to those with milder amblyopia and controls (p<0.05). Conclusion: Amblyopic children are significantly deficient in some inorganic elements. Inorganic elements, vitamin B12, and folate may play an important role in the visual development of amblyopic children.

RESUMO Objetivo: Nosso objetivo foi comparar o índice de massa corporal e o nível de vitaminas e minerais de crianças com e sem ambliopia. Métodos: Crianças amblióticas com idades entre 5 e 18 anos (n=46) e crianças controle pareadas por idade (n=32) foram avaliadas quanto a parâmetros antropométricos, incluindo altura, peso, índice de massa corporal e características demográficas. A vitamina B12 e o folato séricos foram medidos utilizando um analisador bioquímico Advia Centaur XP (Siemens, Irlanda). Avaliamos os elementos minerais inorgânicos de amostras de cabelo com espectrometria de massa de plasma indutivamente acoplado usando um analisador Thermo XSeries 2 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Alemanha). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos em relação à altura, peso e índice de massa corporal ou concentrações séricas de B12 e folato (p>0,05). Crianças com ambliopia severa tinham menor vitamina B12 e folato e maior índice de massa corporal. Os níveis de fósforo (p=0,012), selênio (p=0,002), molibdênio (p<0,001), iodo (p=0,002), cromo (p=0,022), boro (p<0,001) e berílio (p=0,005) foram todos significativamente menores no grupo com ambliopia em comparação com o grupo controle. Todos esses minerais, exceto o fósforo, também foram significativamente menores naqueles com ambliopia em comparação com aqueles com ambliopia leve e grupo controle (p<0,05). Conclusão: As crianças amblíopes são significativamente deficientes em alguns elementos inorgânicos. Elementos inorgânicos, vitamina B12 e folato podem desempenhar um papel importante no desenvolvimento visual de crianças com ambliopia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Vitamin B 12/blood , Amblyopia/physiopathology , Amblyopia/blood , Nutritional Status/physiology , Folic Acid/blood , Hair/chemistry , Reference Values , Trace Elements/analysis , Body Mass Index , Case-Control Studies , Anthropometry , Prospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 485-494, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886916


ABSTRACT Soybean (Glycine max L.) seed contains amounts of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and mineral elements, which protein and lipid have been known as a main part for soybean's trade value. In this study, in order to investigate the effect of ferrous nano-oxide particles on nutritional compounds of soybean seed, an experiment with 5 treatments and 3 replications was conducted as a randomized complete block design. Treatments were 5 concentrations of ferrous nano-oxide particles including 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 g L-1 which were sprayed 3 times at 4 and 8 leaves stage and pod initiation. Lipid and protein contents, fatty acids profile, some of mineral elements such as Fe, Mg, Ca and P, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll content were determined. Results showed that solution containing ferrous nano-oxide particles had significant effect on nutritional compounds of soybean seed (P<0.01) compared to control. The highest content of lipid and protein (25.4 and %33.8, respectively) observed by applying 0.75 g L-1 of ferrous nano-oxide and the lowest content was also in control. Changes in the trends of fatty acids profile (palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids), some of mineral elements (Fe, Mg, Ca and P) and chlorophyll contents were similar to lipid and protein levels which by increasing in concentration of ferrous nano-oxide from 0 to 0.75 g L-1 all measured parameters also increased, but reduction in all parameters was observed in concentration from 0.75 to 1 g L-1. In conclusion, application of 0.75 to 1 g L-1 ferrous nano-oxide had the best effect on the nutrient composition of soybean seed.

Seeds/drug effects , Seeds/chemistry , Glycine max/drug effects , Glycine max/chemistry , Ferrous Compounds/pharmacology , Metal Nanoparticles/chemistry , Reference Values , Seeds/physiology , Glycine max/physiology , Trace Elements/analysis , Proteins/analysis , Random Allocation , Chlorophyll/analysis , Regression Analysis , Reproducibility of Results , Fatty Acids/analysis , Fertilizers , Lipids/analysis
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 557-571, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886913


ABSTRACT Native to subtropical region of South America, yerba mate is responsive to P under some conditions, but the degree of influence of genetic and soil on the growth and composition of the leaf is unknown. The aim of study was to evaluate plant growth, nutrients and potentially toxic elements in leaves of yerba mate clones in response to P application in acid soils. In greenhouse condition, two yerba mate clone seedlings were grown (210 days) in pots, each clone in a completely randomized design in factorial scheme (with and without P; four acid soils). The elemental composition of leaves and the growth of plants were determined. Phosphorus promoted plant growth, but this was not accompanied by increased P in leaf tissue in all conditions tested. The P effect on the elemental composition varied: decrease/null (N, K, Mg, Mn, Cu, Ni, B, Mo, Al, Cd); increase/null (C/N, C, Ca, Fe, V); increase/decrease/null (Zn, Ba, Pb) and; null (Cr). The soils affect the elemental composition of the leaves, especially Mn, with accumulation greater than 1000 mg kg-1. The Ba, Pb, Al and Zn in the leaves varied among clones. Yerba mate response to P was affected by edaphic and plant factors.

Phosphorus/chemistry , Soil/chemistry , Clone Cells/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Ilex paraguariensis/growth & development , Ilex paraguariensis/chemistry , Reference Values , Seeds/growth & development , Seeds/drug effects , Time Factors , Trace Elements/analysis , Random Allocation , Plant Leaves/drug effects , Ilex paraguariensis/drug effects , Fertilizers , Plant Development/drug effects
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;76(4): 967-974, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828099


Abstract In this study we determined the concentration of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the water lower São Francisco River basin, to evaluate the influence of urbanization and industrialization on environmental changes in the water resource. All samples were analyzed using the IUPAC adapted method and processed in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The sampling stations located near the industrial areas were influenced by industrialization because they presented higher concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni and Cu. The other sampled locations showed changes with regard the trace elements probably originating in the soil, like Fe, Zn and Pb. There was a gradual increase in the concentrations of metals, in general, in the period of highest rainfall of the hydrographic network. Overall, except for Zn and Mn, the trace elements exceeded the maximum allowed value established by national legislation (CONAMA). Lower São Francisco River basin has suffered interference from urbanization and industrialization, so awareness programs should be developed so as to control and lessen future problems.

Resumo Neste trabalho foi determinada a concentração dos metais (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) na água do submédio Rio São Francisco para avaliar a influência da urbanização e da industrialização nas modificações ambientais do recurso hídrico. Todas as amostras foram analisadas usando o método IUPAC adaptado e processados em um espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica. As estações de amostragem localizadas próximas às áreas industriais sofreram influência da industrialização por apresentarem concentrações mais elevadas de Cd, Cr, Ni e Cu. Os demais locais amostrados apresentaram modificações com relação aos elementos traços de provável origem sedimentar como Fe, Zn e Pb. Houve aumento gradativo nas concentrações dos metais, de forma geral, no período de maior pluviosidade da rede hidrográfica. Em geral, com exceção do Zn e Mn, os elementos traços ultrapassaram o valor máximo permitido, estabelecido pela legislação nacional (CONAMA). O submédio Rio São Francisco tem sofrido interferência da urbanização e industrialização, por isso, é preciso que, programas de conscientização sejam estabelecidos, para controlar e amenizar problemas futuros.

Seasons , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Rivers/chemistry , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Trace Elements/analysis , Urbanization , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Industrial Development
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;76(4): 871-877, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828081


Abstract Concentrations of ten elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V and Zn) were determinate in muscle tissues of 13 fish species from Aratu Bay, Bahia, Brazil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The accuracy and precision of our results were checked by using two certified reference materials: BCR-422 cod muscle and SRM 1566b oyster tissue. The average trace element concentrations in the fish species varied in the following ranges, in μg g–1: 0.03-0.8 for Cr; 2.0-33.7 for Cu, 2.4-135.1 for Fe, 1.6-25.6 for Se; 1.6-35.1 for Sr; and 2.8-40.5 for Zn. The Diaptereus rhombeus (carapeba) specie presented the highest concentrations of Se, Cu and Fe. Chromium and Se were present at levels above the limit of tolerance allowed by the National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance (ANVISA). The results were also evaluated using the multivariate analysis techniques: principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA).

Resumo Foram determinadas as concentrações de dez elementos (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V and Zn) em tecidos de músculos de treze espécies de peixes da Baía de Aratu, Bahia, Brasil, utilizando a espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma indutivamente acoplado. A precisão e exatidão dos resultados foram analisadas utilizando dois materiais de referência certificada: BCR-422 cod muscle e o SRM 1566b oyster tissue. A concentração média dos elementos traço nas espécies de peixes variaram nas seguintes faixas, em μg g−1: Cr = 0,03-0,8; Cu = 2,0-33,7, Fe = 2,4-135,1, Se = 1,6-25,6; Sr = 1,6-35,1; Zn = 2.8-40.5. A espécie Diaptereus rhombeus (carapeba) apresentou as maiores concentrações de Se, Cu e Fe. Cromo e Se apresentaram níveis acima do limite de tolerância estabelecido pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Os resultados ainda foram avaliados usando técnicas de análises multivariadas: análise de componente principal (PCA) e análise de agrupamento hierárquico (HCA).

Animals , Trace Elements/analysis , Seafood/analysis , Fishes , Brazil , Food Contamination , Cluster Analysis , Bays , Principal Component Analysis , Metals/analysis , Muscles/chemistry
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;46(2): 161-174, abr.-jun. 2016. map, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455297


The sediment is one of the major compartments of aquatic ecosystems, it plays an important role in the transport and accumulation of metal. This study aimed to determine the concentration of metals in geochemical fractions of the Bento Gomes River sediments, Pantanal of Poconé (MT) through selective extraction and sequential in order to assess the distribution and mobility of metals. The sediments were collected in the rainy and dry seasons in eight different points, and the metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni) extracted from sediments by sequential extraction procedures (based on the proposed by BCR protocol - Community Bureau of Reference) and selective extraction (based on the 3050B protocol of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States), using certified reference materials for validation of the analytical method. All metals showed levels below the limits established by CONAMA Resolution nº 454/2012 in the dry season, except for Ni in the rainy season (greater than 18 mg kg-1). The fractionation studies indicated that the metals were found in mobilized sediment fractions, especially associated with the iron oxides. The metals more mobile and hence more bioavailable, have been manganese, zinc and nickel, particularly in the rainy season. Largest copper contents were found in the residual fraction of the sediment, indicating low mobility in the aquatic environment. The sequence of mobility of the metals studied was Mn> Zn> Ni> Cr> Cu> Fe.

O sedimento é um dos compartimentos mais importantes dos ecossistemas aquáticos, possui papel importante no transporte e acumulação de metais. Este estudo teve por objetivo determinar a concentração de metais nas frações geoquímicas de sedimentos do Rio Bento Gomes, Pantanal de Poconé (MT) por meio da extração seletiva e sequencial, a fim de avaliar a distribuição e mobilidade dos metais. Os sedimentos foram coletados nos períodos seco e chuvoso em oito pontos distintos, e os metais (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Zn e Ni) extraídos dos sedimentos por procedimentos de extração sequencial (baseada no protocolo proposto por BCR -Community Bureau of Reference) e de extração seletiva (baseada no protocolo 3050B da Environmental Protection Agency of the United States), utilizando-se materiais de referência certificados para validação do método analítico. Todos os metais apresentaram teores abaixo do limite previsto na Resolução CONAMA nº 454/2012 no período seco, com exceção do Ni no período chuvoso (maior que 18 mg kg-1). Os estudos de fracionamento indicaram que os metais foram encontrados nas frações mobilizáveis do sedimento, especialmente associados aos óxidos de ferro. Os metais mais móveis e, consequentemente, mais biodisponíveis, foram o manganês, zinco e níquel, principalmente na época chuvosa. Maiores teores de cobre foram encontrados nas frações residuais do sedimento, indicando baixa mobilidade no meio aquático. A sequência de mobilidade dos metais estudados foi Mn > Zn > Ni > Cr > Cu > Fe.

Trace Elements/analysis , Rivers , Sediments
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. Vet. Bras. (Online);34(11): 1141-1145, nov. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-736042


A number of studies has shown that antioxidants, fatty acids and trace minerals may modulate different immune cell activities, and that their deficiency may be associated with diseases and impaired immune responses. In innate immunity, natural killer (NK) cells have a central role, killing virally infected and cancerous cells, and also secreting cytokines that shape adaptive immune responses. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of enriched diets in selenium plus vitamin E and/or canola oil on complete blood count and on NK cell cytotoxicity from blood lymphocytes of Nellore bulls. Bulls that received selenium plus vitamin E had (P=0.0091) higher NK cell cytotoxicity than control bulls. This result positively correlated with serum selenium levels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that showed immunostimulatory effects of selenium plus vitamin E on NK cell cytotoxicity of Nellore bulls.(AU)

Vários estudos demonstraram que antioxidantes, ácidos graxos e minerais podem modular a atividade de diferentes células do sistema imunológico e que as suas carências podem estar associadas a doenças e a respostas imunes comprometidas. Na imunidade inata, os linfócitos natural killer (NK) têm um papel central matando células infectadas por vírus e células cancerígenas, ao mesmo tempo em que também secretam citocinas que modulam as respostas imunes adaptativas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de dietas enriquecidas em selênio e vitamina E e/ou óleo de canola no hemograma e na citotoxicidade das células NK do sangue de bovinos da raça Nelore. Os animais que receberam selênio e vitamina E tiveram (P = 0,0091) maior citotoxicidade das células NK do que os animais do grupo controle. Este resultado foi positivamente correlacionado com os níveis de selênio no sangue. Para o melhor do nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo que mostrou efeitos imunoestimulatórios do selênio e vitamina E sobre a citotoxicidade das células NK de bovinos Nelore.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Selenium/administration & dosage , Vitamin E/administration & dosage , Killer Cells, Lymphokine-Activated/drug effects , Cytotoxins/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Immunization/veterinary , Dietary Supplements/analysis , Diet/veterinary
Biol. Res ; 47: 1-14, 2014. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950719


BACKGROUND: In recent years, the desire to adopt a healthy diet has drawn attention to legume seeds and food products derived from them. Mash bean is an important legume crop used in Pakistan however a systematic mapping of the chemical composition of mash bean seeds is lacking. Therefore seeds of four mash bean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper, family Leguminoseae) cultivars (NARC-Mash-1, NARC-Mash-2, NARC-Mash-3, NARC-Mash-97) commonly consumed in Pakistan have been analyzed for their chemical composition, antioxidant potential and biological activities like inhibition of formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE) activity and tyrosinase inhibition activity. RESULTS: The investigated cultivars varied in terms of biochemical composition to various extents. Mineral composition indicated potassium and zinc in highest and lowest amounts respectively, in all cultivars. The amino acid profile in protein of these cultivars suggested cysteine is present in lowest quantity in all cultivars while fatty acid distribution pattern indicated unsaturated fatty acids as major fatty acids in all cultivars. All cultivars were found to be rich source of tocopherols and sterols. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) fingerprints of seed flour and extracts indicated major functional groups such as polysaccharides, lipids, amides, amines and amino acids. Results indicated that all investigated cultivars possessed appreciable antioxidant potential. CONCLUSIONS: All cultivars are rich source of protein and possess sufficient content of dietary fiber, a balanced amino acid profile, low saturated fatty acids and antioxidant capacity that rationalizes many traditional uses of seeds of this crop besides its nutritional importance. The collected data will be useful for academic and corporate researchers, nutritionists and clinical dieticians as well as consumers. If proper attention is paid, it may become an important export commodity and may fetch considerable foreign exchange for Pakistan.

Seeds/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/chemistry , Fabaceae/chemistry , Pakistan , Phenols/analysis , Riboflavin/analysis , Seeds/metabolism , Sterols/analysis , Tannins/analysis , Thiamine/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Flavonoids/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Free Radical Scavengers , Monophenol Monooxygenase/antagonists & inhibitors , Glycation End Products, Advanced/metabolism , Crops, Agricultural/metabolism , Reducing Agents/metabolism , Cysteine/analysis , Tocopherols/analysis , Fabaceae/metabolism , Niacin/analysis , Antioxidants/metabolism , Nutritive Value
Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine [The]. 2013; 52: 599-607
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-170289


Acrylonitrile [a chemical pollutant] has been reported to induce harmful effects in humans. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the protective effects of hesperidin, a natural bioflavonoid, against the toxicity induced by acrylonitrile [AN] in rats. This study includes determination of serum total scavenger capacity "TSC", liver enzymes [aspartate transaminase "ASAT", alanine transaminase "ALAT" and alkaline phosphatase "ALP"], total proteins, albumin, glucose, creatinine, urea and lipid profile. Moreover, liver and kidney homogenate glutathione content "GSH", catalase, superoxide dismutase "SOD", glutathione peroxidase "GPx", malondialdehyde "MDA" and some minerals were estimated. Revealed that administration of AN [orally 50mg/ kg b.wt.] induced alterations in TSC level as well as liver, kidney and lipid profiles. In addition, a decrease in GSH-content and catalase, SOD and GPx activities was observed with an increase in MDA levels in both liver and kidney. There was disturbance in certain minerals such as Cu, Zn, Fe, Se, Ca, Mg and Mn. Particularly, Hesperidin administration [orally 200 mg/kg b.wt.] ameliorates the oxidative stress induced by AN, consistent with the reported antioxidant activity of hesperidin

Animals, Laboratory , Trace Elements/analysis , Liver Function Tests , Kidney Function Tests , Oxidative Stress , Hesperidin , Protective Agents , Treatment Outcome , Rats