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Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210117, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1386802


Abstract Objective: To explore the clinical pattern, host factors, and presentation of Streptococcus mutans related to caries incidence among children and adults visiting Universitas Airlangga dental clinic. Material and Methods: This was an observational study with a cross-sectional approach with 50 patients in each group of carious children (6-12 years) and adults (18-35 years). Dental decay samples were taken by sterile excavator, put in a BHI's transport medium, and directly incubated overnight at 37 ºC. The next day, they were sub-cultured microbiologically in Tryptone Yeast Cystine Sucrose Bacitracin (TYCSB) selective medium. Bacterial species and serogroups were examined by PCR. All patient's data were collected from medical records and direct observation. Results: Caries were mostly media type in both children and adults. Oral hygiene (OHIS) in children was higher than in adults but not significantly different according to their DMFT. The highest scores for decay, missed and filled teeth were 16, 8 and 7, with an average of 6.82, 1.22 and 0.63, considered quite high. Conclusion: The prevalence of S. mutans was higher in children's caries than in adults, but among the adult patients the co-incidence of S. mutans and S. sobrinus was associated with higher DMFT. The mutans serotypes e, f, and d were more prevalent among children than adults.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Streptococcus mutans/inmunología , Índice de Higiene Oral , Salud Bucal/educación , Streptococcus sobrinus/inmunología , Caries Dental/prevención & control , Higiene Bucal/métodos , Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado , Índice CPO , Estudios Transversales/métodos
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 24(3): 225-233, jul.-sept. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255450


Objetivo. Evaluar indicadores de salud oral en niños y adolescentes con parálisis cerebral en Lima-Perú. Métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de una muestra de 171 pacientes de dos centros de referencia nacional especializados, periodo 2012- 2013, que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Para los índices de higiene oral (IHO) de Greene & Vermillion, índice de dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados (CPOD) y análisis de maloclusión dentaria (MD) se evaluaron 126 niños (6,0-11,9 años) y 45 adolescentes (12,0-19,0 años). Resultados. El IHO fue de 2,55 (malo) en el 91,8%, IHO regular en el 8,2% y ninguno mostró IHO bueno, observándose el mismo comportamiento en ambos grupos etarios. La prevalencia de caries fue 100% y CPOD de 4,55 ±1,56; los niños registraron CPOD de 4,52 ±1,537 y los adolescentes CPOD de 4,64 ±1,626. El 74,3% mostró MD, los niños evidenciaron MD en el 69,8% y los adolescentes mostraron 86,7%. En los niños, se observó relación molar (RM) Clase I derecha en el 42,1% e izquierda en el 44,4%; los adolescentes evidenciaron RM Clase III derecha en el 42,2% e izquierda en el 37,8%. Para los niños, el overbite (OB) no fue registrable en el 33,3% y normal en el 29,4%; en adolescentes, se registró OB normal en el 40%. Se observó con mayor frecuencia línea media dentaria desviada hacia el lado izquierdo. Conclusiones. En la mayoría de niños y adolescentes con parálisis cerebral de centros especializados se encontró alto índice de caries CPOD, mala higiene oral y presencia de maloclusiones.

Objective. To evaluate oral health indicators in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy in Lima-Peru. Methods. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of a sample of 171 patients from two specialized national referral centers for the 2012- 2013 period who met the inclusion criteria. For the Greene & Vermillion oral hygiene index (OHI), decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) and the dental malocclusion (DM) analysis, 126 children (6.0-11.9 years-old) and 45 adolescents (12.0-19.0 years- old) were evaluated. Results. The OHI was 2.55 (poor hygiene) in the 91.8%, regular OHI in the 8.2% and no one showed a good IHO, observing the same behavior in both age groups. The prevalence of caries was 100% and the DMFT was 4.55 ± 1.56; the children registered a DMFT of 4.52 ± 1.537 and the adolescents 4.64 ± 1.626. The DM was present in 74.3%; the children showed a 69,8% of DM and the adolescents showed 86.7%. In children, a right class I molar relationship (MR) was observed in 42.1% and a left MR in 44.4%; the adolescents showed right Class III in 42.2% and left in 37.8%. In children, the overbite (OB) was not registered in the 33.3% of the cases and it was normal in the 29.4%; the adolescents registered a normal OB in 40%. It was more frequently observed a deviation of the dental midline to the left. Conclusions. In most children and adolescents with cerebral palsy from specialized centers, a high index of DMFT caries, poor oral hygiene and the presence of malocclusions were found.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 159-165, mar. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385722


En México las enfermedades orales se encuentran entre las de mayor demanda de atención en los servicios de salud, presentándose en las poblaciones de trabajadores migrantes mayor vulnerabilidad en cuestiones de salud. El alfabetismo funcional en salud oral es la capacidad que los individuos poseen para obtener, procesar y comprender la información de los servicios de salud básica, reflejándose en su salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el estado de higiene oral y su relación con el nivel de alfabetismo funcional (OHLA-S) en salud oral de los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes mexicanos. Estudio de corte transversal, con un tamaño de muestra de 208 sujetos elegidos por conveniencia y calculada con base a un OR esperado. Se incluyeron a sujetos de 18 años o más, con consentimiento informado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: autocuidado, OHLA-S, índice de higiene oral simplificado (IHO-S) e índice periodontal comunitario (IPC). Se aplicó estadística descriptiva y analítica. El 53,0 % de la muestra fueron hombres. La media de edad fue de 30,7±10,8 años. Los promedios de alfabetismo funcional en salud oral, del índice de higiene y del índice periodontal comunitario fueron de 7,8±6,9; 1,7±1,0; y 2,0±0,7 respectivamente. La regresión lineal múltiple del IPC muestra que edad y puntaje del OHLA-S explican el 22,0 % de la varianza y el OHLA-S influye indirectamente en el IHO-S. El promedio del índice de higiene oral de los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes fue bueno y el promedio del índice periodontal comunitario reflejó presencia de gingivitis. Así mismo, presentaron un puntaje bajo de alfabetismo funcional en salud oral; Sin embargo el alfabetismo funcional en salud oral se relacionó de forma significativa con el estado periodontal.

In Mexico, oral health disease is among the greatest health care demands in health services. These are evident in the higher vulnerability of migrant worker populations regarding major healthcare issues. Oral health literacy (OHL) is the ability of individuals to obtain, process and understand information of basic health services. The aim of the study was to ascertain the state of oral hygiene and its relation with the level of oral health literacy of Mexican migrant farm workers. A cross-sectional study was carried out, with a sample size of 208 subjects selected for convenience and calculated by the expected OR. Subjects 18 years of age or older with signed informed consent were included. The variables studied were: Oral health literacy, simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) and Community Index of Periodontal (CPI). Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed. In this evaluation, 53.0 % of the sample were men. The mean age was 30.7±10.8 years. The average oral health literacy was 7.8±6.9, the average hygiene index was 1.7±1.0 and the community periodontal index was 2.0±0.7. The multiple linear regression of the CPI shows that the age and OHLA-S scores account for 22.0 % of the variance and the OHLA-S indirectly influences the IHO-S. This study reflects the importance of performing health interventions focused not only on oral health knowledge, but also considering the age of the individual and maintaining open future lines of research on this subject in different populations.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Higiene Bucal , Salud Bucal , Migrantes , Modelos Lineales , Estudios Transversales , Agricultura , Alfabetización en Salud , Factores Sociodemográficos , Consentimiento Informado , México
Odontol. vital ; (33)dic. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386437


Resumen Introducción: La salud bucal tiene una relación dinámica con la salud general y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo del estudio realizado fue determinar el índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado en niños de 6 años de edad de la parroquia Chiquintad del cantón Cuenca, en el año 2016. Métodos: Se manejó una muestra de 51 escolares de ambos sexos, se utilizó el Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado de Greene y Vermillion aplicado en dentición decidua que consta de un índice de placa blanda y el índice de placa calcificada. Conclusiones: La media de IHO-S en la parroquia Chiquintad fue 0,458 sin presentar una diferencia significativa entre los sexos. El nivel de higiene oral fue bueno en ambos sexos (90%), no se presentó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos (valor p 0,389).

Abstract Introduction: Oral health has a dynamic relationship with the general health and quality of life of patients. Objective: of the study was to determine the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index in 6-year-old children of the Chiquintad of the Cantón Cuenca, in the year 2016. Methods: A sample of 51 schoolchildren of both sexes was used, the Hygiene Index was used Simplified oral of Greene and Vermillion applied in deciduous dentition consisting of a soft plaque index and calcified plaque index. Conclusions: The mean of IHO-S in the Chiquintad parish was 0.458 without presenting a significant difference between the sexes. The level of oral hygiene was good in both sexes (90%), there was no statistically significant difference between the two (p value 0.389).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Higiene Bucal/educación , Placa Dental/diagnóstico , Ecuador
Rev. ADM ; 77(5): 247-251, sept.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146814


Introducción: Se ha documentado que, para tener mejores resultados en el control del biofilm oral, es necesario el uso de controles químicos, antes o después del cepillado dental. Entre éstos, encontramos los enjuagues de aceites esenciales. Objetivo: Determinar la actividad del enjuague con aceites esenciales antes o después del cepillado, en el control del biofilm dental. Material y métodos: El estudio se realizó con 27 voluntarios. Los participantes fueron seleccionados y agrupados. El grupo 1 fue el control, que empleó su técnica de cepillado habitual y dos grupos experimentales que, además del cepillado con dentífrico, usaron un enjuague de aceites esenciales durante ocho días, ya sea antes (grupo 2) o después del cepillado dental (grupo 3). La cuantificación del número de superficies teñidas en los tres grupos, tanto el estado inicial como posterior al uso de los enjuagues, se hizo con el índice de O'Leary y un revelador de placa tritonal, el cual permitió la observación del biofilm de forma clínica, así como su grado de patogenicidad. Resultados y conclusión: El análisis estadístico estableció que no existe diferencia significativa entre no usar y usar el enjuague con aceites esenciales antes o después del cepillado (AU)

Introduction: It has been documented that, to have better results in the control of oral biofilm, it is necessary to use chemical control, before or after tooth brushing. Among these, we find the essential oil rinses. Objective: To determine the activity of the rinse with essential oils before or after brushing, in the control of the dental biofilm. Material and methods: The study was conducted with 27 volunteers. The participants were selected and grouped. Group 1 was the control, which used its usual brushing technique and two experimental groups that, in addition to brushing with toothpaste, used a mouthwash of essential oils, for eight days, either before (group 2) or after tooth brushing (group number 3). For the quantification of the number of stained surfaces in the three groups, to record both the initial and subsequent state of the use of the rinses, it was done with the O'Leary index and a tritonal developer, which allowed the observation of the biofilm of clinical form, as well as its degree of pathogenicity. Results and conclusion: The statistical analysis established that there is no significant difference between not using and using the rinse with essential oils before or after brushing (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Aceites Volátiles , Biopelículas , Antisépticos Bucales/uso terapéutico , Cepillado Dental , Índice de Higiene Oral , Estudios Prospectivos , Análisis de Varianza , Estudios Longitudinales , Placa Dental , México
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825665


@# Children with visual impairment are reported to be at higher risk of poor oral health. They faced difficulties in basic skills including oral care. For this reason, they may develop dental caries and periodontal disease. The aim of this study was to assess the oral health status of a group of visually impaired school children in Kuala Lumpur. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on students from a Special Education School in Kuala Lumpur. Oral examination was conducted to determine caries experience and oral hygiene status. Caries was measured using DMFT index and simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) for oral hygiene status. Oral examination was based on modified World Health Organization (WHO) oral health assessment criteria for children. Chi-square test was used to determine associations between demographic variables and oral health status. Results: A total of 91 visually impaired students (41 blind, 50 low vision) within the age group of 13 to 17 years old participated in this study. The mean OHI-S score was 1.68 (SD 0.87) with majority of students had fair oral hygiene (39.6%) and 29.7% with poor and very poor oral hygiene. The mean DMFT score of total students were 0.80 (SD 1.62). Male students demonstrated significantly better oral health status than female in relation to prevalence and mean score of dental caries. Conclusion: Most of the visually impaired children in this study showed fair oral health status. Regular oral health education is recommended to improve the oral hygiene especially in the totally blind group.

Artículo en Inglés | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135478


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the oral health status of 12-year-old schoolchildren in Kosovo. Material and Methods: The study involved 1204 schoolchildren aged 12 years from urban and rural areas, from different cities of Kosovo. The questionnaire included demographic data, gender, residence, dental status, oral hygiene, and daily brushing habits. The feasibility of the questionnaire was verified replicating it on 10% of the sample. Daily brushing habits were reported to frequency: as once per day, twice a day and rarely. Caries status was recorded in permanent dentition as DMFT and Oral Hygiene Index - Simplified (OHI-S) was used to assess oral hygiene status. The analysis included occurrences and means. The differences among means were tested using the student t-test (p<0.05). Results: The highest mean and standard deviation of DMFT and OHI-S index was found among rural schoolboys 3.67 ± 1.98 and OHI-S 1.75. In total sample, 54.1% of them brush their teeth only once a day, 39.7 % brush their teeth twice a day and only 6.2 % rarely brush their teeth. Conclusion: Preventive measures are needed to improve dental health in 12 years old schoolchildren.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Higiene Bucal , Índice de Higiene Oral , Salud Bucal/educación , Odontología Preventiva , Caries Dental/prevención & control , Kosovo/epidemiología , Estudiantes , Medio Rural , Estudios Transversales/métodos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Interpretación Estadística de Datos
Odontoestomatol ; 21(34): 27-32, Jul-Dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024967


Objetivo: Determinar el Índice de Higiene Oral en escolares de 12 años, de la Parroquia Checa del Cantón Cuenca, Provincia del Azuay ­ Ecuador, 2016. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal; la técnica empleada para determinar el estado del perfil epidemiológico fue observacional. Los indicadores se lograron obtener por una encuesta estructurada. Resultados: De los 109 escolares de 12 años encuestados se observó un ligero predominio del sexo femenino (58%) sobre el sexo masculino (42%). Además, se determinó que el 47,7% presenta una buena higiene oral, el 36,7% una higiene oral excelente, el 14,7% una higiene oral regular y el 0,9% una mala higiene oral, dando como resultado que más de la mitad de los escolares presentan un IHO bueno y excelente. Conclusión: Existe un mayor número de escolares con higiene oral buena sin encontrar variación significativa en cuanto al sexo masculino con el femenino.

Objective: To determine the Oral Hygiene Index in schoolchildren aged 12,from the Checa parish of Canton Cuenca, Province of Azuay, Ecuador, 2016. Materials and methods: Descriptive crosssectional study; the observational technique was applied to determinethe state of the epidemiological profile. The indicators were obtained through astructured survey. Results: In the 109 schoolchildren surveyed, there was as light predominance of females (58%) over males (42%). In addition, 47.7% presented good oral hygiene, 36.7% excellent oral hygiene, 14.7% regular oralhygiene and 0.9% poor oral hygiene, therefore, over half the students presenta good or excellent OHI. Conclusion: Most schoolchildren have good oral hygiene, and there are no significant variations in terms of sex.

Objetivo: Determinar o Índice de Higiene Oral em escolares de 12 anos, da Vila Checa do cidade de Cuenca, Estado de Azuay- Equador, 2016. Materiais e métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal; A técnica utilizada para determinar o status do perfil epidemiológico foi observacional. Os indicadores foram obtidos por meio de uma pesquisa estruturada. Resultados: Dos 109 escolares de 12 anos pesquisados, observouse discreto predomínio do sexo feminino (58%) em relação ao sexo masculino (42%). Além disso, determinou-se que 47,7% apresentavam boa higiene bucal, 36,7% excelente higiene bucal, 14,7% higiene bucal regular e 0,9% má higiene bucal, resultando em mais da metade dos estudantes apresentam um bom e excelente IHO.Conclusão: Existe um número maior de escolares com boa higiene bucal sem encontrar variação significativa no sexo masculino com o feminino.

Humanos , Índice de Higiene Oral , Niño , Ecuador
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(4)oct.-dez. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508197


La detección y cuantificación de placa dental bacteriana se considera básica en la práctica de la estomatología. El índice O'Leary constituye una herramienta sencilla que mide la cantidad de placa dental bacteriana en los dientes, y resulta uno de los más efectivos en la evaluación de la higiene bucal. La connotación que tiene la higiene bucal en varias esferas de la vida quizás llevó a que este índice fuera bautizado en Cuba como índice de Love (Amor); por lo que nos proponemos esclarecer la conveniencia del empleo de la denominación internacional de este(AU)

Detection and quantification of bacterial dental plaque is considered to be crucial in dental practice. The O'Leary index is a simple tool to measure the amount of bacterial dental plaque on teeth and one of the most effective means to evaluate oral hygiene. The connotation of oral hygiene in several spheres of life is probably the reason why this index is also known in Cuba as the Love Index. We intend to shed light on the advisability of using the international term(AU)

Humanos , Adhesión Bacteriana , Índice de Higiene Oral , Placa Dental , Indicadores de Salud
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189038


some studies showed that dental diseases in athletes occupy a leading position in comparison with any others, and it will be explained by their greatest occurrence. Aim is to assess the level of dental morbidity in athletes involved in cyclic sports, and to develop methods for its effective prevention. Methods: 230 athletes in various levels of training, engaged in cyclic sports, was dental examined in different periods of the training cycle, at the age of 18-25 years, the average duration of sports experience was 5.7±1.12g. Oral hygiene index (IH), WHO oral hygiene index (OHI), papillary-marginal-alveolar index (RMA), periodontal index (PI), the intensity of damage to the hard tissues of the teeth (KPU) and computer using Microsoft Excel and BioStat-2009 were used in order to check athletes oral health. Results: against the background of overtraining and incomplete dental health, both a decrease in its level and a deterioration in the quality of life of athletes can occur. In this situation, there is a need to develop a targeted comprehensive program for the prevention of major dental diseases in athletes. The frequency of occurrence of caries among rowers in canoes and canoes averages 79.2%. maximum PMA index, reflecting the severity of gum inflammation, is also determined in rowers (18.32±5.46). An early sign of the development of catarrhal gingivitis and periodontitis is the appearance of bleeding gums, which is estimated by the SBI bleeding index. At the initial stage, it is detected even in the absence of other signs of the disease. Conclusions: Inflammatory periodontal diseases in athletes (including those in a state of overtraining) occur with less significant impairment of oral hygiene than in non-athletes.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 30(2): 181-191, Jan.-June 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092021


ABSTRACT Introduction: nearly 15% of the world's population lives with some kind of disability. Colombia has no official reports on indigenous people with disabilities. Being an indigenous person with a disability increases health vulnerabilities and the risk for oral diseases. The objective of this study was to describe the habits and oral hygiene status of people with disabilities living in the Misak (Guambiano) indigenous reserve in Silvia, Department of Cauca (Colombia), in 2016. Methods: a descriptive observational cross-sectional study was conducted. The entire population with some degree of disability in the Misak indigenous community was included, assessing their oral hygiene through Community Plaque Index (CPI) and collecting socio-demographic and oral health habits variables using descriptive analysis to correlate disability type with health habits and plaque index. Results: 46 people with some degree of disability were identified. Of these, 45.7% were women and aged 22.6 years in average. Cognitive disability was the most common, (54.3%). The study showed that 43.4% of people with disabilities brush their teeth at least once a day, with 44% needing help to do so. A bacterial plaque index of 91.8% was found. Conclusion: people with disabilities in the Misak indigenous community have a high community plaque index, which is considered a poor level, with inadequate oral hygiene habits.

RESUMEN Introducción: alrededor del 15% de la población mundial vive con algún tipo de discapacidad. En Colombia no existen reportes oficiales de indígenas con discapacidad. Ser una persona indígena y con discapacidad aumenta la vulnerabilidad en el ámbito de la salud y el riesgo de padecer enfermedades bucodentales. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en describir los hábitos y el estado de higiene bucal de las personas con discapacidad que residen en la comunidad Misak (Guambiano), resguardo indígena en Silvia-Cauca, Colombia, en el año 2016. Métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Se incluyó toda la población con algún grado de discapacidad de la comunidad indígena Misak, a la cual se les evaluó el estado de higiene bucal mediante el Índice de Placa Comunitario (IPC); se recogieron variables sociales, demográficas y de hábitos en salud bucal, con análisis descriptivo, estableciendo relaciones con el tipo de discapacidad, el comportamiento de hábitos de salud y el índice de placa. Resultados: se identificaron 46 personas con algún grado de discapacidad, de las cuales 54,3% eran hombres y 45.6% mujeres, con un promedio de edad de 22,6 años. La mayor discapacidad que se presentó fue la cognitiva con 54.3%. Se puede observar que 43,4% de las personas con discapacidad realiza cepillado al menos una vez al día y 44% necesitan ayuda para hacerlo. Se obtuvo un índice de placa bacteriana de 91.8%. Conclusión: las personas con discapacidad de la comunidad indígena Misak presentan un índice de placa comunitario alto, categorizado como malo, con hábitos de higiene bucal inadecuados.

Higiene Bucal , Índice de Higiene Oral , Colombia , Grupos Raciales
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-803330


Objective@#To explore the application value of non-flapping technique in immediate implant prosthesis in aesthetic area of anterior teeth.@*Methods@#From March 2016 to September 2017, 104 patients who received immediate implant restoration of anterior teeth in the First Hospital of Jiaxing were divided into observation group (53 cases) and control group (51 cases) according to random number table method.The control group was treated with conventional flap immediate implantation, while the observation group was treated with non-flap immediate implantation.The red aesthetic index (EPS), alveolar bone resorption and patients' satisfaction were compared between the two groups.@*Results@#The PES scores of the observation group were (6.17±1.21)points, (5.94±1.03)points and (5.12±0.85)points, respectively after repair 3 months, 6 months and 12 months, which were significantly higher than those of the control group [(5.38±0.96)points, (4.79±0.76)points, (4.05±0.70)points] (t=3.679, 6.459, 6.993, all P<0.05). At 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after restoration, the alveolar bone resorption in the observation group was(0.29±0.04)mm, (0.63±0.12)mm, (1.07±0.17)mm, respectively, which was significantly lower than that in the control group [(0.36±0.07)mm, (0.95±0.24)mm, (1.28±0.26)mm] (t=6.291, 8.649, 4.893, all P<0.05). At 12 months after repair, the satisfaction rate of patients in the observation group was 98.11% (52/53), which was significantly higher than 84.31% (43/51) in the control group (χ2=4.637, P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#The application of non-flapping technique in immediate implant prostheses in aesthetic area of anterior teeth has good effect, which can obtain better aesthetic effect, reduce alveolar bone absorption and improve patients'satisfaction with prostheses.However, in clinical work, it is necessary to strengthen preoperative examination and measurement of patients, accurately grasp the direction of implants and avoid the occurrence of bone wall perforation during operation.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846911


Objective: To investigate the composition of the salivary microbiome of 50 healthy Thai children. Methods: A total 76 provinces in Thailand are grouped into 5 geographical clusters based on unique economics, foods and lifestyles. Geographical locations and the results of an oral assessment were also considered. Genomic DNA was extracted from stimulated sdiva samples. Subsequently, amplicon libraries were prepared by 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation. The amplicons were sequenced using an Illumina Miseq platform followed by bioinformatics and statistical analyses. Results: The correlation between oral hygiene status and caries history varied from r2=0.887 to r2=0.999 in the geographical groups, suggesting oral hygiene status a strong association between caries history. Twenty taxonomic groups were found in all subjects and constituted 93.6%-96.5% of the microbiome. Of these, genus Veillonella and Prevotella showed significant differences in their proportions between the geographical groups (P<0.05). Furthermore, the proportion of Veillonella parvula, as well as Rothia aeria and Rothia dentocariosa tended to increase with worse oral hygiene status, which was also related to higher dental caries history. Conclusions: The differences in the salivary microbiome as related to geographic regions suggest that environmental factors, which may include dietary habits, could influence the predominant bacteria found in the mouth of Thai children, especially the genus Veillonella and Prevotella. The ratio of Veillonella parvula, Rothia aeria and Rothia dentocariosa may be indicators of worse oral hygiene status and future caries in this population.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951272


Objective: To investigate the composition of the salivary microbiome of 50 healthy Thai children. Methods: A total 76 provinces in Thailand are grouped into 5 geographical clusters based on unique economics, foods and lifestyles. Geographical locations and the results of an oral assessment were also considered. Genomic DNA was extracted from stimulated sdiva samples. Subsequently, amplicon libraries were prepared by 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation. The amplicons were sequenced using an Illumina Miseq platform followed by bioinformatics and statistical analyses. Results: The correlation between oral hygiene status and caries history varied from r

Artículo en Inglés | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1056843


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the oral hygiene status of children with Down syndrome using the busy book Ayo Sikat Gigi as an educational toy. Material and Methods: We ran an experimental study involving 25 educable and trainable children with Down syndrome, comprising 17 males and 8 females aged 7-12 years, who were free from other disabilities and did not use orthodontic or prosthodontic appliances. Parents were instructed to educate their children using the busy book Ayo Sikat Gigi and also to guide their children in brushing their teeth effectively at home. We evaluated the OHI-S score over two visits, one before and the other after education using the busy book Ayo Sikat Gigi over a 7 day period. The Wilcoxon test with the p-value set at 0.05 was used Results: It was noted a statistically significant decrease in the OHI-S scores of children with Down syndrome (p<0.05), reflecting an improvement in their dental health, after education using the busy book Ayo Sikat Gigi (median scores before and after education: 2.30 and 1.84, respectively) Conclusion: The busy book Ayo Sikat Gigi is a highly effective educational toy for children with Down syndrome, and in our study, it was demonstrated to decrease their OHI-S scores after education for 7 days.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Higiene Bucal/educación , Niño , Índice de Higiene Oral , Síndrome de Down/patología , Educación en Odontología , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Indonesia
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-649695


The purpose of this study was to reveal analyze the relationship between status of participation in an oral health care program and oral health outcomes among patients in Korea, and to evaluate the results to provide evidence regarding the feasibility of widespread implementation of the program. Patients were designated as either cooperative or non-cooperative with the oral health care program and were assigned to each group accordingly. Modified dental hygiene process (M-DHP) of the oral healthcare program was modified to form the dental hygiene process. The study included 48 patients at a dental clinic in Busan, Korea. Questionnaires were used to collect information on oral health behavior (OHB), clinical examination was used to record bleeding on probing (BOP) and O'Leary index, and phase microscopy was used to identify microorganisms. Differences between groups were evaluated using repeated measures ANOVA. Our results showed that the group cooperative with the oral health care program showed greater improvement in OHB, BOP, and O'Leary index than the non-cooperative group. Second, patient satisfaction with the M-DHP was very high, particularly for content and the friendly nature of the staff. The cooperative group showed greater improvement in oral health than the non-cooperative group for all metrics. Our results suggest that this low-coste program, if implemented, would be actively accepted and utilized in dental clinics.

Humanos , Atención a la Salud , Clínicas Odontológicas , Hemorragia , Corea (Geográfico) , Microscopía , Salud Bucal , Higiene Bucal , Índice de Higiene Oral , Satisfacción del Paciente , Índice Periodontal
Odontol. vital ; jun. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506869


Introducción: La salud bucal tiene una relación dinámica con la salud general y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo del estudio realizado fue determinar el índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado en niños de 6 años de edad de la parroquia Chiquintad del cantón Cuenca, en el año 2016. Métodos: Se manejó una muestra de 51 escolares de ambos sexos, se utilizó el Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado de Greene y Vermillion aplicado en dentición decidua que consta de un índice de placa blanda y el índice de placa calcificada. Conclusiones: La media de IHO-S en la parroquia Chiquintad fue 0,458 sin presentar una diferencia significativa entre los sexos. El nivel de higiene oral fue bueno en ambos sexos (90%), no se presentó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos (valor p 0,389).

Introduction: Oral health has a dynamic relationship with the general health and quality of life of patients. Objective: of the study was to determine the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index in 6-year-old children of the Chiquintad of the Cantón Cuenca, in the year 2016. Methods: A sample of 51 schoolchildren of both sexes was used, the Hygiene Index was used Simplified oral of Greene and Vermillion applied in deciduous dentition consisting of a soft plaque index and calcified plaque index. Conclusions: The mean of IHO-S in the Chiquintad parish was 0.458 without presenting a significant difference between the sexes. The level of oral hygiene was good in both sexes (90%), there was no statistically significant difference between the two (p value 0.389).

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 9(2): 321-327, ago. 2015. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-764048


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la eficacia de la técnica educativa Desarrollo de Habilidades para mejorar los conocimientos de salud oral de madres y reducir el índice de higiene oral de preescolares. Materiales y Métodos: se hizo un estudio cuasi-experimental, se aplicó un cuestionario validado sobre conocimientos de salud oral a 84 madres antes y después de la aplicación de las técnicas educativas Desarrollo de Habilidades y Expositiva (grupo control). Las madres fueron asignadas al grupo experimental y control en forma aleatoria. Se evaluó la higiene oral de sus hijos preescolares al inicio, a los 30 días y a los 60 días, utilizando el índice simplificado de Greene-Vermillion. Al inicio la media del nivel de conocimientos de salud oral fue de 6,57 para el grupo experimental y de 6,55 para el grupo control. Después de la intervención la media del grupo experimental fue de 11,88 y del grupo control 8,48, siendo esta diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001). En lo que se refiere a la higiene oral, las medias del índice al inicio, 30 y 60 días fueron en el grupo experimental 2,51; 1,14 y 0,73 mientras que para el grupo control fueron 2,51; 2,02 y 1,69 respectivamente. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos a los 30 y 60 días (p<0,001). La técnica Desarrollo de Habilidades demostró ser más eficaz en el aumento del nivel de conocimientos de salud oral de madres y en la disminución del índice de higiene oral de preescolares.

The objective of this study was to determine the efficiency of the educational technique Development of Skills to improve the knowledge of oral health of mothers and reduce the index of oral hygiene in pre-school. A quasi-experimental study was conducted. A validated questionnaire on knowledge of oral health was given to 84 mothers before and after the application of the educational technologies Development of Skills and Explanatory (control group). The mothers were assigned to the experimental and the control groups in random form. Was evaluated oral hygiene of their pre-school children from the start, to 30 days and to 60 days, using the simplified of Greene-Vermillion index. Initially the average level of knowledge of oral health went from 6.57 for the experimental group and 6.55 for the group control. After the intervention the mean of the experimental group was 11.88 and for the control group 8.48, with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). As regards to oral hygiene, average index at baseline, 30 and 60 days in the experimental group were 2.51, 1.14 and 0.73 while in the control group were 2.51, 2.02 and 1.69 respectively. There were statistically significant differences between groups at 30 and 60 days (p <0.001). The technique Development of Skills demonstrated to be more effective in the increase of the level of knowledge of oral health of mothers and in the decrease of the index of oral hygiene in pre-schoolers.

Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Adulto , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Salud Bucal/educación , Madres/psicología , Índice de Higiene Oral , Grupos Control , Estudios Prospectivos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Estudios Longitudinales , Relaciones Madre-Hijo
Kiru ; 12(1): 61-65, ene.-jun. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-786671


Objetivo. Determinar el nivel de conocimientos en salud oral relacionada a la calidad de la higiene oral de la población escolar de 9-12 años de edad en la I.E. 1120 ôPedro A. Labartheõ, Lima-Perú, 2012. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 76 escolares seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico con voluntarios. La información se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas; el instrumento de recolección de datos incluyó información sobre la edad, sexo, conocimientos básicos de salud oral y el índice de higiene oral simplificado (IHO-s). Se realizó el análisis descriptivo de cada variable mediante tablas de distribución de frecuencias; para evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos en salud oral y la calidad de la higiene oral se empleó la prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados. La mayor parte de la muestra presentó un ôregularõ conocimiento en salud oral (72,4%), seguido por ôbuenoõ (22,4%). En cuanto a la calidad de la higiene oral, la mayor parte de la muestra presentó un ômalaõ (59,2%), seguido por ôregularõ (38,2%). No se encontró relación entre el nivel de conocimientos en salud oral y la calidad de la higiene oral (P: 0,360). Conclusiones. Aunque la mayor parte de la muestra presentó un ôregularõ conocimiento en salud oral, la mayoría presentó una higiene oral deficiente. Lo que demuestra que aportar información es insuficiente si es que esta no logra motivar y provocar la modificación del comportamiento, instaurando hábitos más saludables en salud oral.

Objective. To determine the level of knowledge on oral health related to quality of oral hygiene of a schoolchildren population of9-12 years old in the educational institution 1120 ôPedro A. Labarthe,õ Lima-Peru, 2012. Materials and methods. Observational, descriptive and cross study. The sample consisted of 76 schoolchildren selected by non-probabilistic sampling with volunteers. The information was obtained through a questionnaire of closed questions; the data collection instrument included information about age, sex, basic knowledge of oral health and the simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-s). The descriptive analysis of each variable was performed using frequency distribution tables; to evaluate the relationship between the level of knowledge on oral health and oralhygiene quality Chi-square test was used. Results. The majority of the sample had a ôregularõ oral health knowledge (72. 4%), followed by ôgoodõ (22. 4%). As for the quality of oral hygiene, most of the sample presented a ôpoorõ (59.2%), followed by ôregularõ (38.2%). No relationship between the level of knowledge of oral health and quality of oral hygiene was found (P: 0.360) Conclusions. Although most of the sample presented a ôregularõ knowledge on oral health, most showed poor oral hygiene. This shows that providing information is not enough if this fails to motivate and cause behavioral change, establishing healthier habits in oral health.

Humanos , Adolescente , Niño , Higiene Bucal , Placa Dental , Salud Bucal , Índice de Higiene Oral , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Observacionales como Asunto , Estudios Transversales
Rev. odontol. mex ; 19(1): 27-32, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-745708


Objetivo: Proponer un método de valoración para el riesgo estomatológico de caries por consumo de chocolate, con base en la determinación del CPOD y/o IHO-S, en adolescentes de 12 a 13 años de edad. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en 150 adolescentes, divididos en 15 grupos de 10 individuos cada uno, de acuerdo al CPOD e IHO-S, quienes consumieron 1 tableta de chocolate, realizándoles una medición de pH salival basal y otra a los 10 minutos postingesta. Resultados: Se determinó que en el grupo de adolescentes con CPOD muy bajo, y para todos los niveles de IHO-S, el pH basal fue 7.30 ± 0.12 y el pH postconsumo fue 7.06 ± 0.16 p < 0.001. En el grupo de adolescentes con CPOD bajo, y para todos los niveles de IHO-S, el pH basal fue 7.24 ± 0.18 y el pH postconsumo fue 6.98 ± 0.18 p < 0.001. En el grupo de adolescentes con CPOD moderado, y para todos los niveles de IHO-S, el pH basal fue 7.21 ± 0.18 y el pH postconsumo fue 6.96 ± 0.21 p < 0.001. En el grupo de adolescentes con CPOD alto, y para todos los niveles de IHO-S, el pH basal fue 7.17 ± 0.15 y el pH postconsumo fue 6.87 ± 0.18 p < 0.001. Y en el grupo de adolescentes con CPOD muy alto, y para todos los niveles de IHO-S, el pH basal fue 7.01 ± 0.34 y el pH postconsumo fue 6.71 ± 0.34 p < 0.001. Conclusiones: El nivel de pH salival a los 10 minutos después de la ingesta del chocolate, sufre un descenso significativo directamente proporcional a la condición de caries y al nivel de higiene oral, pero sin llegar a niveles críticos para la desmineralización del esmalte en ninguno de los grupos, y llegando a niveles críticos para la desmineralización de la dentina en el grupo con CPOD muy alto e IHO deficiente. Propuesta: Se propone un método pronóstico de valoración de riesgo estomatológico para caries de esmalte por consumo de chocolate con base en la valoración de CPOD, y para la caries de dentina, con base en la valoración del CPOD e IHO-S.

Aim: The aim of the present study was to propose a valuation method of stomatological caries risk due to chocolate consumption, based on DMFT and or S-OHI in 12 to 13 year old adolescents. Material and methods: A longitudinal study was conducted on 150 adolescents, which were divided into 15 groups of ten members each, according to DMFT and S-OHI; members consumed one chocolate tablet. Baseline salivary pH was measured at ingestion time as well as 10 minutes after intake. Results: It was determined that for the group of adolescents with very low DMFT, as well as for all S-OHI levels, baseline pH was 7.30 ± 0.12, and post-intake ph was 7.06 ± 16, p < 0.001. In the group of adolescents with low DMFT as well as for all S-OHI levels, baseline pH was 7.24 ± 0.18, and post-intake pH was 6.98 ± 0.18, p < 0.001. In the group of adolescents with moderate DMFT and for all levels of OHI-S, basal pH was 7.21 ± 0.18 and pH after consumption was 6.96 ± 0.21 p < 0.001. In the group of adolescents with high DMFT and for all levels of OHI-S, basal pH was 7.17 ± 0.15 and pH after consumption was 6.87 ± 0.18 p < 0.001. In the group of adolescents with very high DMFT and for all levels of OHI-S basal pH was 7.01 ± 0.34 and post consumption pH was 6.71 ± 0.34 p < 0.001. Conclusions: 10 minutes after chocolate intake, salivary pH level significantly decreased. This decrease was directly proportional to caries circumstances and oral hygiene levels. Nevertheless, in none of the groups did it reach critical levels for enamel demineralization. It did reach critical levels for dentin demineralization in the group with high DMFT and deficient OHI. Proposal: A prognosis method for assessment of stomatological risk of enamel caries caused by chocolate consumption was proposed. This method was based on DMFT assessment; for caries in dentin, the method used was based on DMFT and S-OHI assessment.