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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217202


The effect of brine on bacteria isolated from leafy vegetables was evaluated. Fresh waterleaf (Talinum triangulare), Pumpkin leaves (Telfairia occidentalis) and Bitter leaves (Vernonia amygdalina) including cooking salt were bought from vendors in Mile 3 market, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Brine concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% were prepared by dissolving appropriate grams of salt in distilled water. Nine millilitres of the respective concentrations were transferred into clean test tubes, labelled, stoppered with foil and autoclaved at 121? for 15 minutes at 15psi. Sterile distilled water served as a control. The test isolates were standardized based on 0.5McFarland and 1mL each was introduced into different brine concentrations. The standard plate count was used to monitor brine effects on isolates and this was done hourly for six hours. Inoculated plates were incubated at 37? for 24 hours. After incubation, enumerated colonies were used to deduce isolate mortality. The total heterotrophic bacterial (THB) load of bitter, Pumpkin and water leaves were 3.49±0.4×106, 3.25±0.4×106 and 1.99±0.2×106 CFU/g, respectively. The staphylococcal counts for bitter, Pumpkin and water leaves were 1.65±0.3×104, 3.13±0.5×104 and 1.55±0.4×104 CFU/g, respectively. Total coliform counts for bitter, Pumpkin and water leaves were 1.52±0.8×105, 2.85±0.1×105 and 1.75±0.6×105 CFU/g, respectively. Staphylococcal counts of pumpkin leaves were significantly (P?0.05) higher than those obtained for bitter leaf and water leaf. There was no significant difference(P>0.05) in the THB and Coliform counts of all samples. E. coli was predominant in Pumpkin and water leaves while Staphylococcus sp was predominant in bitter leaves. The LC50 values for E. coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus sp were; 5.39, 3.88, 1.62, and -0.41mg/ml, respectively. The LC50 showed that the brine was very lethal on Bacillus sp and Staphylococcus sp. High brine concentration is recommended to achieve reduced bacterial load.

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 79: 1-9, 31 mar. 2020. tab, ilus


Ciliated protozoa are an ubiquitous group of eukaryotes that have been poorly reported on leafy greens. The present study aimed to verify the occurrence and diversity of ciliated protozoa in the leaves and roots of three of the most commonly consumed leafy greens in Brazil ­ lettuce, rocket and coriander. The vegetable samples were washed by manual agitation (3 minutes) in two different media (mineral water and Page ́s Amoeba Saline solution). After washing, the contents were incubated in Petri dishes and aliquots were removed for microscopic identification and in vivo observation. A total of 21 ciliated protozoa species were found, most of which were bacterivorous. Leafy greens have commonly been associated with foodborne outbreaks and ciliated protozoa, which although they are not a Public Health concern, can act as "Trojan Horses" harboring bacteria, viruses and other protozoa cysts and oocysts and can suggest a new route towards microbiological quality related to the food chain. This is the first report of ciliated protozoa on leafy greens consumed in Brazil. (AU)

Os protozoários ciliados constituem um grupo onipresente de eucariotos pouco relatados em vegetais folhosos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência e a diversidade de protozoários ciliados nas folhas e raízes de três dos vegetais folhosos mais consumidos no Brasil - alface, rúcula e coentro. As amostras de vegetais foram lavadas por agitação manual (3 minutos) em dois meios diferentes (água mineral e Solução Salina para Ameba). Após a lavagem, o conteúdo foi incubado em placas de Petri e alíquotas foram retiradas para identificação microscópica e observação in vivo dos organismos. Um total de 21 espécies de protozoários ciliados foi encontrado, a maioria das quais era bacterívora. Tais hortaliças têm sido comumente associadas a surtos transmitidos por alimentos e os protozoários ciliados que, embora não sejam um problema de saúde pública, podem atuar como "Cavalos de Tróia" ao abrigar bactérias, vírus além de cistos e oocistos de protozoários o que pode sugerir uma nova rota para a avaliação da qualidade microbiológica relacionada à cadeia alimentar. Este é o primeiro relato de protozoários ciliados em folhas verdes consumidas no Brasil. (AU)

Plantas , Brasil , Contaminación de Alimentos , Cilióforos , Biodiversidad , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos , Abastecimiento de Alimentos
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 79: e1792, 31 mar. 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489623


Ciliated protozoa are an ubiquitous group of eukaryotes that have been poorly reported on leafy greens. The present study aimed to verify the occurrence and diversity of ciliated protozoa in the leaves and roots of three of the most commonly consumed leafy greens in Brazil – lettuce, rocket and coriander. The vegetable samples were washed by manual agitation (3 minutes) in two different media (mineral water and Page ́s Amoeba Saline solution). After washing, the contents were incubated in Petri dishes and aliquots were removed for microscopic identification and in vivo observation. A total of 21 ciliated protozoa species were found, most of which were bacterivorous. Leafy greens have commonly been associated with foodborne outbreaks and ciliated protozoa, which although they are not a Public Health concern, can act as “Trojan Horses” harboring bacteria, viruses and other protozoa cysts and oocysts and can suggest a new route towards microbiological quality related to the food chain. This is the first report of ciliated protozoa on leafy greens consumed in Brazil.

Os protozoários ciliados constituem um grupo onipresente de eucariotos pouco relatados em vegetais folhosos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência e a diversidade de protozoários ciliados nas folhas e raízes de três dos vegetais folhosos mais consumidos no Brasil - alface, rúcula e coentro. As amostras de vegetais foram lavadas por agitação manual (3 minutos) em dois meios diferentes (água mineral e Solução Salina para Ameba). Após a lavagem, o conteúdo foi incubado em placas de Petri e alíquotas foram retiradas para identificação microscópica e observação in vivo dos organismos. Um total de 21 espécies de protozoários ciliados foi encontrado, a maioria das quais era bacterívora. Tais hortaliças têm sido comumente associadas a surtos transmitidos por alimentos e os protozoários ciliados que, embora não sejam um problema de saúde pública, podem atuar como “Cavalos de Tróia” ao abrigar bactérias, vírus além de cistos e oocistos de protozoários o que pode sugerir uma nova rota para a avaliação da qualidade microbiológica relacionada à cadeia alimentar. Este é o primeiro relato de protozoários ciliados em folhas verdes consumidas no Brasil.

Lactuca/microbiología , Brassicaceae/microbiología , Cilióforos , Coriandrum/microbiología , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/etiología , Brasil , Contaminación de Alimentos , Infecciones por Protozoos , Inocuidad de los Alimentos , Verduras/microbiología
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-188072


Aim: It consisted to identify the different species of traditional leafy vegetables consumed, to follow the technical process of production and to specifically evaluate the risk of microbial contamination of Amaranth from urban production in Daloa. Study Design: This study focuses on the consumption of traditional leafy vegetables. Place and Duration of Study: University of Jean Lorougnon Guédé of Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UFR Agroforestry, BP 150 Daloa, between November 2018 and April 2019. Methodology: On the study site, three planks of amaranth leave constituted a study block (sample). A total of 18 samples were analyzed. Then, mature Amaranth, ready for sale and then consumed, were subjected to microbiological characterization according to the standards. Results: There are seven main species of leafy vegetables consumed by Daloa populations and Amaranth is one of the most widely consumed leaves. The monitoring of production of these vegetables revealed that many of the actors were adults (> 30 years old), dominated by the female gender (63 %) and illiterate (70 %). The inputs were poultry manure, a mixture of dung and beef purse. In addition, the technical production routes were empirical. Microbiological analyzes of Amaranth leaf from selected areas showed a high level of bacterial contamination. Including indicator of general pollution like mesophilic aerobic germs, yeasts and molds, enterobacteria and indicator of fecal origin were isolated. It has been noticed the presence of pathogenic species such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp in all productions. Conclusion: Amaranth leaves produced in this area aren’t suitable for human consumption and could create some sanitary risk.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200684


Proper nutrition contributesto declines under-five mortality rates and improves the productivity of adults.Addressing nutritional problems requires adequate information on the diets of individuals and populations. African leafy vegetables (ALVs) are widely consumed and often harvested at different stages after planting with the help of different communities. Four ALVs namely Vigna unguiculata, Amaranthus hybridus, Cleome gynandraand Solanum scabrumare commonly grown vegetables in western Kenya, their potentials have not been evaluated to supply the nutrients. However, nutritional values may vary depending on the species, harvesting stage and location of production. The effects of species, harvesting stages and location of production on the nutritional valueof selected ALVs were evaluated. The trials were laid out in a randomized complete block design in three replicates in Busia, Kisumu, andLela. Leaves were sampled at different harvesting stages and analyzed for N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, andZn levels. Amaranthus hybridushad significantly (P≤0.05) higher levels ofP,Ca,Zn, Mn, andNa.TheN, P,K, Ca,Mg, Zn and Fe levelssignificantly (P≤0.05) increased then decreased with harvesting stage.The levels of nutrients significantly (P≤0.05) varied with location of production except forNa. The ALVs from Kisumu site hadsignificantly(P≤0.05) higher levels of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn, ALVs from Lela site had higher levels of Mn and Na while ALVs from Busia site had higher levels of Fe. Amaranthus hybridusis a better contributor of-ofP, Ca, Zn, Mn, andNa. The Fe, Mg and Zn levels were above the Recommended Dietary Allowance and may be used to alleviate deficiencies associated with such nutrients. Harvesting the ALVs at the stage the nutrients attain their optimum levels is recommended. There is a needfor the developmentof regional food composition tables for all ALVs in Kenya.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200653


Aims:Leafy vegetables play an important role as essential components of diet for rural populations in tropical Africa. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value of two leafy vegetable species (Corchorus olitorusand Hibiscus sabdariffa) consumed widely as sauces in Côte d’Ivoire.Methodology:The proximate composition, minerals, nutritive and anti-nutritional components of fresh leafy vegetables were determined according to standard methods for nutritional guidelines Results:The results obtained were as follows: moisture (85.75 -86.29% Fresh basis), proteins (13.13 -21.00% Dry basis), ash (7.00 -9.14% Dry basis), carbohydrates (26.03 -42.97% Dry basis) and lipids (4.35 -4.74% Dry basis). The mineral contents were Phosphorus (0.44 –0.62 g/100 g), Calcium (0.71 –1.41g/100g), Magnesium (1.31 –2.00 g/100g), and high amount of Iron (4.96 –5.41 g/100g). The result of computed antinutrient to mineral molar ratios suggest that Iron and Calcium bioavailability may not be impaired when the two leafy vegetables were consumed. These leafy vegetables were good sources of polyphenols (80.00 -103.00 mg/100g).Conclusion:The leaves of Corchorus olitorusand Hibiscus sabdariffa contain appreciable amount of nutrients and minerals which could participate in the maintenance of a good nutritional status of the people in Côte d’Ivoire

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200617


Leafy vegetables play an important role as essential components of diet for rural populations in tropical Africa. This study was undertaken to provide a more comprehensive characterization of carotenoids and phenolics in these neglected plant foods.For this,12 leafy vegetables widely consumed in Côte d’Ivoire were selected, washed and oven-dried (50°C/3 days) before High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis of carotenoids and phenolics compounds.Carotenoids contents were significantly different (p ? 0.05) with lutein (43.68 ± 4.89 –513.91 ± 5.68 ?g/g dw) and all trans-?-carotene (22.62 ± 1.54 –222.61 ± 5.63 ?g/g dw) as major constituents. The calculated retinol activity equivalent (RAE) of ?-carotene-rich leafy vegetables in this study ranged between 1.54 and 2.52 mg/100g. The values of total phenolics ranged from 179.66 ± 11.33 mg/100g dw in Corchorus olitoriusto 436.48 ± 1.73 mg/100g dw in Abelmoschus esculentus.Three (3) flavonoids: quercetin (0.79 –8.36 ?g/g dw), catechin (0.39 –5.65 ?g/g dw) and kaempferol (0.76 –29.11 ?g/g dw) were quantified in the selected leafy vegetables.Chlorogenic acid (0.94 –17.01 ?g/g dw) was the most quantified phenolic acid in the leaves. Antioxidant activity evaluation of the leaves showed that 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity ranged between 19.63 and 65% with Solanum melongenashowing the highest value (65%). For 2,2’-Azino-Bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) or ABTS scavenging activity, Myrianthus arboreusrecorded the highest value (76.66%) compared to other leaves. All these results suggest that the studied leafy vegetables are potential sources of carotenoids and phenolics and their consumption in sufficient amount may contribute to human health improvement.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-663960


Diets containing high proportions of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of onset of chronic diseases.The role of herbal medicines in improving human health is gaining popularity over the years,which also increases the need for safety and efficiency of these products.Green leafy vegetables(GLVs)are the richest source of phenolic compounds with excellent antioxidant properties. Increased consumption of diets containing phenolic compounds may give positive and better results to human health and significantly improves the immune system.Highly selective,susceptible and versatile analytical techniques are necessary for extraction,identifica-tion, and quantification of phenolic compounds from plant extracts, which helps to utilize their important biological properties. Recent advances in the pre-treatment procedures, separation techniques and spectro-metry methods are used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds.The online coupling of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry(LC–MS)has become a useful tool in the metabolic profiling of plant samples.In this review,the separation and identification of phenolic acids and flavonoids from GLVs by LC–MS have been discussed along with the general extraction procedures and other sources of mass spectrometer used. The review is devoted to the understanding of the structural configuration, nature and accumulation pattern of phenolic acids and flavonoids in plants and to highlighting the recent developments in the chemical investigation of these compounds by chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.It concludes with the advantages of the combination of these two methods and prospects.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1037-1045, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-242207


The low lipid content is one of the major bottlenecks to realize the industrialization of the algae biodiesel. Improvement of lipid content through global regulation to get high-yield generating algae is a good strategy. Leafy Cotyledon 2 (LEC2) is an important transcription factor for seed maturation and oil accumulation in Arabidopsis. However, there are few reports regarding adoption of LEC2 for lipid accumulation until now. In this study, LEC2 from Arabidopsis was cloned into the plant expression vector pCIMBIA1300 and transformed into C. sorokiniana through particle bombardment. One recombinant was screened by PCR, RT-PCR and Western blot analyses. Compared with the wild type one, the total lipid content in the recombinant increased one fold, which did not show effect on cell growth, indicating that LEC2 can efficiently enhance the lipid accumulation in C. sorokiniana.

Hig. aliment ; 30(256/257): 132-136, maio/junho 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1701


Esta pesquisa visou avaliar a eficiência do cloro na sanitização de vegetais folhosos usados em saladas cruas. Foram utilizadas 24 amostras de folhosos diversos, sendo 12 coletadas após lavagem em água corrente e 12 após a sanitização com solução de cloro na concentração de 200 ppm por imersão durante 15 minutos. As amostras foram transferidas para o laboratório e imediatamente submetidas à análise de Coliformes totais, por meio da técnica de Tubos múltiplos, a fim de determinar o Número Mais Provável de Coliformes totais por grama de amostra (NMP/g), conforme metodologia estabelecida por AOAC. Os resultados obtidos em todas as amostras demonstraram redução da concentração de Colifomes após os folhosos serem submetidos à sanitização com cloro, havendo situações nas quais o NMP de Coliformes foi reduzido a um limite superior à detecção do método. Diante dos resultados pode-se concluir que o cloro apresenta eficiência para sanitização de folhosos.

This research has the purpose to evaluate the efficiency of chlorine in the leafy vegetables used in raw salads. There were used 24 samples of several leafy, 12 samples collected after washed in running water an 12 after sanitizing with chlorine solution at 200ppm concentration by immersion during 15 minutes. The samples were transferred for the lab and promptly submitted to coliforms analysis by the multiple tubs technique, with the purpose to find out the most probable number of total coliforms by gram of sample (NMP/g) accordingly established methodology by AOAC. The results obtained in all the samples showed a reduction in the concentration of coliforms after leafs were submitted to sanitizing in chlorine, there were situation in which the NMP of coliforms was reduced to a superior limit to the method detection. With the results its possible to concluded that chorine show sanitizing efficiency for leafs.

Verduras/microbiología , Contaminación de Alimentos/prevención & control , Cloro/administración & dosificación , Desinfección/métodos , Alimentos Crudos , Muestras de Alimentos , Coliformes , Método de Tubos Múltiples
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168390


The nutritional potential of five wild edible leaves of the plant e.g. Chenopodium album, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Homalomena aromatica, Zanthoxylum rhetsa and Cajanus indicus collected from Meghalaya state in India were evaluated by determining proximate and phytochemical composition. These plants are used by the local people of Meghalaya state in India as their food. The present study revealed that for different plant species, the crude fat content ranged between 0.69±0.02-2.30±0.02%. The crude protein content was determined high in the leaves of Cajanus indicus (15.77±0.03 %) and in Zanthoxylum rhetsa (13.75±0.05%) while the available carbohydrate content was the highest in the leaves of Alternanthera philoxeroides (73.67±0.30 %). The nutritive value ranged from 77.41±0.53-344.52±0.33 kcal/100g in the various wild edible plants. Among the various macronutrients estimated in the plant samples of different wild edible plants potassium was present in the highest quantity (10.42±0.10- 45.86±0.22mg /g) followed by calcium (5.93±0.15 -26.47±0.18 mg/g) and sodium (0.32±0.01-8.25±0.07 mg /g). Micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese and magnesium were also analyzed in the different plant specimens. The result indicates that the nutritional values and mineral contents of these leafy vegetables under investigation were richer than that of the commercial vegetables and could be used for nutritional purpose. The present study also gives an account of ethnobotanical importance of the wild plants under investigation.

Br Biotechnol J ; 2015 6(4): 154-164
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174697


The effect of blanching on the proximate composition, nutritive value and antioxidant properties of five leafy vegetable species (Basella alba, Colocasia esculenta, Corchorus olitorius, Solanum melongena and Talinum triangulare) used in the preparation of Ivorian diets was investigated. These leafy vegetables were subjected to steam blanching in a pressure cooker for 15, 25 and 45 min. This study highlighted losses (P < 0.05) of nutrients and anti-nutrients components at 15 min of blanching as follow: ash (6.68 – 33.80 %), proteins (0.56 - 15.71 %), vitamin C (4.75 – 73.21 %), carotenoids (18.77 - 72.76%) oxalates (2.16 – 42.62 %) and phytates (20.32 – 71.56 %). Contrary to the registered losses, the average increases of polyphenols and crude fibres contents at 15 min of blanching were 1.51 to 5.19% and 0.62 to 8.87%, respectively. Furthermore after 15 min of blanching time, the residual contents (P < 0.05) of minerals were: calcium (214.71 – 608.95 mg/100 g), magnesium (85.50 – 435 mg/100 g), potassium (1243.32 – 2940.38 mg/100 g), iron (17.07 – 45.86 mg/100 g) and zinc (17.48 – 64.03 mg/100 g). All the results above showed that blanching processing reduces nutritive value of leafy vegetables consumed in Southern Côte d’Ivoire. In order to contribute efficiently to the nutritional requirement and to the food security of Ivorian population, the domestic blanching time must be less than 15 min for preserving the beneficial nutritive properties of the studied leafy vegetables.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168190


Introduction: Parasitic diseases are the leading causes of death and disease especially in developing tropical countries like India. One of the major modes of transmission of parasites to humans is via consumption of Vegetables. They normally become a potential source by contamination, during production, collection, transport and preparation or during processing and the sources of contamination are usually faeces, faecally contaminated soil or water. Objectives: To know the presence of parasites fresh leafy vegetables from various wholesale and retail markets and road side vendors sellers in Mangalore. Materials and Methods: In a prospective study a total of 100 green leafy vegetables samples composed of green and red spinach, coriander, mint, fenugreek, drumstick leaves and casia tora were purchased from local markets and examined for the presence of parasites and results were analysed. Results: Out of 100 samples 42 were contaminated with parasites.Mint and red spinach showed the highest contamination of 60.86% and 53.84% respectively. Drumstick leaves and casia tora did not show any contamination. Green and red spinach were contaminated with giardia and trichomonas. Conclusion: Results of the present study concludes that green leafy vegetables act as a vehicle of transmission. The Mangalore cuisine being one that incorporates a high amount of the vegetables in daily meals makes the population more susceptible to parasitic infiltration.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174123


Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) is a minimally-processed green leafy vegetable traditionally used for its antianaemic properties in the form of leaf juice without a heating or inactivation step before consumption. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of surface microbiota on T. occidentalis leaves and also to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated organisms. Bacterial contaminants on 50 samples of T. occidentalis leaves were isolated and characterized using standard biochemical methods and the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated organisms was determined using the antibiotic disc diffusion assay. The results obtained show that the leaves of T. occidentalis is contaminated with organisms which included Enterobacter agglomerans (25.9%), Proteus vulgaris (24.9%), Klebsiella spp. (2.6%), and Serratia liquefaciens (2.1%). Other bacterial isolates recovered in order of frequency included: Staphylococcus spp. (33.7%), Bacillus spp. (8.3%), and Pseudomonas fluorescens (2.6%). Of the 193 bacterial isolates from the leaves of T. occidentalis samples tested for antimicrobial resistance, all (100%) were found to be resistant to ampicillin, cloxacillin, augmentin, erythromycin, and tetracycline while 96% of the isolates were resistant to cephalothin. Resistance to trimethoprim (93%) and gentamicin (83%) was also observed. Approximately, 22% of the isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin; however, only 11 (5.8%) were resistant to ofloxacin. Thus, uncooked T. occidentalis is a potential source of highly-resistant epiphytic bacteria which could be opportunistic pathogens in consumers.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-672803


Objective: To investigate the antibacterial activity and photochemicals of five green leafy vegetables against a panel of five bacteria strains. Methods: Disc diffusion method was used to determine the antibacterial activity, while kanamycin was used as a reference antibiotic. The phytochemical screening of the extracts was performed using standard methods. Results:All methanol extracts were found active against all the test bacterial strains. Overall maximum extracts shows antibacterial activity which range from 6 to 15 mm. Proteins and carbohydrates was found in all the green leaves, whereas alkaloid, steroids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins were found in most of the test samples. Conclusions:The obtain result suggests that green leafy vegetables have moderate antibacterial activity and contain various pharmacologically active compounds and thus provide the scientific basis for the traditional uses of the studied vegetables in the treatment of bacterial infections.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-233355


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the antibacterial activity and photochemicals of five green leafy vegetables against a panel of five bacteria strains.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Disc diffusion method was used to determine the antibacterial activity, while kanamycin was used as a reference antibiotic. The phytochemical screening of the extracts was performed using standard methods.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>All methanol extracts were found active against all the test bacterial strains. Overall maximum extracts shows antibacterial activity which range from 6 to 15 mm. Proteins and carbohydrates was found in all the green leaves, whereas alkaloid, steroids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins were found in most of the test samples.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>The obtain result suggests that green leafy vegetables have moderate antibacterial activity and contain various pharmacologically active compounds and thus provide the scientific basis for the traditional uses of the studied vegetables in the treatment of bacterial infections.</p>

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; set. 2013. 113 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-837008


Estudos sobre a vitamina K têm evidenciado seu papel na manutenção da saúde óssea e vascular. A atuação desta vitamina em tecidos extra-hepáticos não é considerada na recomendação dietética da DRI de 2001, sendo reconhecidas necessidades maiores para função óssea em pessoas acima dos 60 anos e em indivíduos que fazem uso de medicamentos antivitamina K. Visando colaborar com pesquisas futuras, onde o conhecimento do teor de vitamina K1 é relevante, além de contribuir com dados para Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos - TBCA-USP, o presente trabalho foi conduzido para determinação do teor de filoquinona (vitamina K1) de hortaliças consumidas na cidade de São Paulo. As hortaliças analisadas foram escolhidas após a conclusão de um inquérito alimentar realizado, com adultos e idosos, num projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido junto ao Departamento de Alimentos e Nutrição Experimental da FCF/USP visando a análise da ingestão diária de vitamina K. Desta forma, foram analisadas as hortaliças mais consumidas por esses grupos, submetidas ou não ao processo de cocção. Estas amostras foram adquiridas diretamente na CEAGESP - Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo. As metodologias empregadas na determinação da filoquinona (vitamina K1) foram extração e purificação pelo método líquido-líquido utilizando solventes orgânicos e quantificação através da Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). Os resultados mostraram que as amostras de hortaliças de colorações verdes mais escuras apresentaram os maiores teores da vitamina como: salsa 491,05 µg/100g; espinafre 375,01 µg/100g, quando comparados com as amostras de colorações verdes mais claras as quais como é o caso da alface americana 113,42 µg/100g e a couve-flor 32,55 µg/100g. A maioria das hortaliças analisadas apresentaram variações entre as diferentes épocas do ano e quando comparadas com dados da literatura

Studies on vitamin K have shown its role in maintaining bone and vascular health. The role of this vitamin in extrahepatic tissues is not considered in the dietary recommendation of DRI 2001. Increased need for vitamin K intake is recognized for the bone function in people over age 60 and individuals who use anti-vitamin K drugs. Aiming at supporting future research, where knowledge of vitamin K1 is relevant, and contribute data to the Brazilian Table of Food Composition - TBCA-USP, this study was conducted to determine the level of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) of vegetables consumed in the city of São Paulo. The vegetables studied were chosen after completion of a nutrition survey carried out with adults and elderly people, a research project developed by the Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition FCF / USP aimed at analyzing the daily intake of vitamin K. Therefore, we analyzed the most consumed vegetables by these groups submitted or not to the cooking process. These samples were acquired directly at CEAGESP - General Warehouses Company of São Paulo. The methodologies employed in the determination of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) were extraction and purification method using liquid-liquid organic solvents followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the samples of darker green vegetables showed the highest levels of vitamin such as parsley (491.05 µg/100g) and spinach (375.01 µg/100g), when compared with samples of lighter coloration (e.g. 113.42 µg/100g lettuce, and 32.55 µg/100g cauliflower). Most vegetables analyzed showed variation in results when compared to the different seasons and the literature data

Anciano , Verduras/metabolismo , Vitamina K/análisis , Vitamina K 1/análisis , Análisis de los Alimentos/estadística & datos numéricos
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57603


The purpose of this study was to determine basic information on the microbiological quality of environmentally friendly vegetables used in school foodservices. Comparisons were made on the microbiological quality of eight different kinds of vegetables grown by environmentally friendly agricultural methods and ordinary agricultural methods to determine if there were significant differences. In the raw materials, aerobic plate counts were as follows: lettuce 4.58~7.43 log CFU/g, winter plowing chinese cabbage 5.61~7.36 log CFU/g, Korean leek 5.81 log CFU/g to TNTC (too numerous to Count), cabbage 5.93~6.43 log CFU/g, sesame leaves 3.15~5.23 log CFU/g, cucumber 5.00~5.79 log CFU/g, cherry tomato 2.96~5.40 log CFU/g, paprika 1.30~3.52 log CFU/g. In the comparison of the microbiological quality between environmentally friendly and ordinary agricultural vegetables, their acceptable ratio was the same (81.3%) and the mean aerobic plate counts was not significantly different. In the comparison of the microbiological quality between the leafy vegetables and the fruity vegetables, the fruity vegetables had a 100% acceptable ratio regardless of the agricultural method used to grow them, while the leafy vegetables had an acceptable ratio of 70%. In terms of the aerobic plate counts, the leafy vegetables had significantly higher counts; the leafy vegetables 5.87+/-1.18 log CFU/g, the fruity vegetables 4.12+/-1.54 log CFU/g.

Humanos , Pueblo Asiatico , Brassica , Capsicum , Lactuca , Solanum lycopersicum , Prunus , Sesamum , Verduras
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 45(3): 527-537, July-Sept. 2009. graf, tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-533181


This study investigated the α- and β-carotene content and provitamin A value of four leafy vegetables sold at local and street markets in Viçosa, MG, Brazil, in the spring and winter of 2002. Carotenoids were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. α-Carotene was detected in all samples sold during spring, but was only present in a few samples of smooth and curly lettuce and kale in winter. β-Carotene was found in marked quantities in all leafy vegetables analyzed. Duncan's test (α = 5 percent) showed significantly higher α-carotene content in curly lettuce and vitamin A value in large-leaved watercress in the spring. Mean β-carotene content and vitamin A value were 7544, 8751, 2584, 2792, 8193, and 5338 μg/100 g and 666, 760, 227, 238, 698, and 460 μg RAE/100 g in large-leaved and hydroponic watercress, smooth and curly lettuce, kale and spinach, respectively. All leafy vegetables analyzed represent important sources of provitamin A and supply an important part of the daily requirements of children and adults.

Investigou-se o conteúdo de α e β-caroteno e avaliou-se o valor pro-vitamínico A de quatro hortaliças folhosas comercializadas em mercados locais e feira- livre de Viçosa, MG durante a primavera e o inverno de 2002. Os carotenóides foram analisados por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). O α-caroteno foi detectado em todas as amostras analisadas na primavera, porém no inverno, somente algumas amostras de alface crespa e lisa, e couve apresentaram tal carotenóide. O β-caroteno foi encontrado, em quantidades apreciáveis, em todas as hortaliças folhosas analisadas. O teste de Duncan (α=5 por cento) detectou que o conteúdo de α-caroteno em alface crespa e o valor de vitamina A em agrião de folha larga foram estatisticamente superiores na primavera. Os teores médios de β-caroteno e de valor de vitamina A para agrião de folha larga e hidropônico, alface crespa e lisa, couve e espinafre foram: 7544; 8751; 2584; 2792; 8193; 5338 μg/100g e 666; 760; 227; 238; 698; 460 μg RAE/100g, respectivamente. Todas as hortaliças folhosas analisadas constituem importantes fontes de provitamina A e suprem grande parte das recomendações diárias de crianças e adultos.

Brasil , Carotenoides , Estaciones del Año , Verduras , Vitamina A , Brassica , Brassicaceae , Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión , Estructuras de las Plantas , Spinacia oleracea
Acta sci., Health sci ; 28(1): 93-100, jan.-jun. 2006. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-485580


Este estudo teve como objetivos investigar o teor de alfa-caroteno, beta-caroteno e calcular o valor de vitamina A em hortaliças comercializadas no mercado formal e informal de Viçosa, Estado de Minas Gerais, bem como avaliar a influência das quatro estações do ano e do local de comercialização sobre o conteúdo desses nutrientes. As hortaliças (bertalha, cebolinha, coentro, manjericão e salsa) foram analisadas utilizando-se a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Devido ao conteúdo inexpressivo de alfa-caroteno em todas as amostras, foi possível quantificar apenas o beta-caroteno. Não se verificou diferença estatisticamente significativa (alfa = 0,05) no conteúdo de beta-caroteno das hortaliças entre os diferentes estabelecimentos, nem entre as estações do ano. As hortaliças mostraram-se excelentes fontes de provitamina A, e se consumidas regularmente, contribuem de forma importante na adequação diária de vitamina A para adultos e crianças. Além disso, esses alimentos são acessíveis à população por apresentarem baixo custo e serem facilmente encontrados.

This study aimed to investigate the level of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and to calculate the value of vitamin A in vegetables sold at local markets and informal markets of Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, as well as to evaluate the seasonal and commercial effects on the content of these pigments. The vegetables (basella, green onion, cilantro, sweet basil and parsley) were analyzed through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), being alpha-carotene the only pigment present in all the analyzed samples. No significant statistical differences (beta = 0.05) were found in the contents of beta-carotene of the vegetables either among the different stores, or among the different seasons. The vegetables analyzed are great provitamin A sources and, if eaten on a regular basis, they can fit the daily requirements of vitamin A for adults and children. Besides, these foods are very accessible due to their low cost and availability in the market.

Carotenoides , Comercio , Estaciones del Año , Verduras , Vitamina A