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Motriz (Online) ; 29: e10230008521, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422156


Abstract Aim: The purpose of this pilot study was to analyze the feasibility of the intervention and measures of a six-week land- and aquatic-based plyometric training on spike and block reaches in young volleyball athletes. Methods: Twelve female players were divided into a land group (LG) (n = 6, 12.4 ± 0.3 years, 1.61 ± 0.04 m, 57.0 ± 9.3 kg) and a water group (WG) (n = 6, 12.5 ± 0.5 years, 1.57 ± 0.06 m, 48.9 ± 8.5 kg). The spike and block (without step, with slide step, and with crossover step) reach and countermovement jump height were evaluated before and after a 6-week plyometric training protocol. Duration (total and of each session), adhesion and adherence, and safeness of the intervention; completion of assessments, within-trial reliability, and variability of the outcome measures and preliminary results were the variables of interest. To analyze the effect of the training on jump performance, the Wilcoxon test was used (p < 0.05), and effect sizes (r) were calculated. Results: All participants concluded the intervention and the assessments as planned. No dropouts or adverse events were registered during the study. The within-trial reliability for all assessment tests was considered excellent (ICC ≥ 0.9). Preliminary results indicate that LG improved the reach of the spike and block with the slide step; and that WG improved the spike, block with the slide step to the left, and block without movement reaches (p < 0.05; large effect size). Conclusion: An intervention of six weeks of plyometric training on land and in water is feasible, and preliminary results indicate that both training protocols may benefit the performance of spike and block in young volleyball athletes.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 33: e3334, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385998


ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to find out the effect of varied plyometric training (land plyometric training, aqua plyometric training and weighted vest aqua-plyometric training) on anaerobic power of school athletes. A total of forty eight (n= 48) district level school athletes were randomly selected. All the subjects were divided into four equal groups: i) land plyometric training group (n=12), ii) aqua plyometric training group (n=12), iii) aqua-plyometric training with weighted vest group (n=12) and iv) control group (n=12). The varied plyometric training was intervened for fourteen weeks in the respective training groups. In the present study, anaerobic power was considered as the dependent variable, and it was measured by Margaria-Kalamen power test. To draw statistical inferences on anaerobic power among the groups in pre and post intervention conditions, ANCOVA was used, followed by Tukey's LSD post-hoc test. The significance of the means was tested at the 0.05 level. Different plyometric training groups improved significantly with respect to the control group in anaerobic power. Therefore, various plyometric training was found as an effective means for developing anaerobic power. A significant difference was also observed between the aqua-plyometric training with weighted vest group and land plyometric training group in anaerobic power. However, rest of the experimental groups didn't differ significantly. Aqua-plyometric training with weighted vest is a more effective training method than land plyometric training for improving the anaerobic power of the school athletes.

RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi descobrir o efeito do treinamento pliométrico variado (treinamento pliométrico terrestre, treinamento aquapliométrico e treinamento aquapliométrico com colete ponderado) na potência anaeróbica de atletas escolares. Um total de quarenta e oito (n= 48) atletas escolares de nível distrital foram selecionados aleatoriamente. Todos os sujeitos foram divididos em quatro grupos iguais: i) grupo treinamento pliométrico terrestre (n=12), ii) grupo treinamento aquapliométrico (n=12), iii) grupo treinamento aquapliométrico com colete ponderado (n=12) e iv) grupo controle (n=12). O treino pliométrico variado foi intervencionado durante quatorze semanas nos respectivos grupos de treino. No presente estudo, a potência anaeróbia foi considerada como variável dependente e foi mensurada pelo teste de potência de Margaria-Kalamen. Para fazer inferências estatísticas sobre a potência anaeróbica entre os grupos nas condições pré e pós-intervenção, foi utilizada a ANCOVA, seguida do teste post-hoc de Tukey LSD. A significância das médias foi testada no nível 0,05. Diferentes grupos de treinamento pliométrico melhoraram significativamente em relação ao grupo controle na potência anaeróbica. Portanto, vários treinamentos pliométricos foram encontrados como um meio eficaz para o desenvolvimento da potência anaeróbica. Uma diferença significativa também foi observada entre o grupo de treinamento aquapliométrico com colete ponderado e o grupo de treinamento pliométrico terrestre na potência anaeróbica. No entanto, o resto dos grupos experimentais não diferiram significativamente. O treinamento aquapliométrico com colete ponderado é um método de treinamento mais eficaz do que o treinamento pliométrico terrestre para melhorar a potência anaeróbica dos atletas escolares.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adolescente , Atletas/educación , Ejercicio Pliométrico/métodos , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico/métodos , Ejercicio Físico , Tutoría/métodos , Deportes Acuáticos/educación , Entrenamiento Aeróbico/métodos
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 14(4): e8026, out-dez. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354507


O objetivo do estudo foi explorar as opiniões das voluntárias de um protocolo de treinamento pliométrico associado a exercícios resistidos (TPER) e virtual (TV) para prevenção de lesões. Essa abordagem foi escolhida, pois as percepções dos pacientes em geral podem ser negligenciadas. A coleta de dados ocorreu com dois grupos focais (GFs), e para isso formalizou-se o convite a sete participantes de cada um deles que já houvessem finalizado o treinamento. Realizou-se um encontro, com duração média de 60 minutos para cada grupo de intervenção, e um moderador treinado o conduziu; as sessões foram gravadas em áudio e transcritas posteriormente para análise. As participantes relataram em ambos os treinos o aumento do condicionamento físico, resistência e força muscular. Concluiu-se que no TPER foi mais destacada a melhora do equilíbrio e estabilidade de membros inferiores, já no TV isso ocorreu em relação à concentração e à disposição para a rotina diária.

The aim of the study was to explore the opinions of the volunteers about the plyometric training protocol associated with resistance (PTRE) and virtual (VT) exercises for injury prevention. This approach was chosen considering that patients' perceptions in general could be neglected. Data collection took place with two Focus Groups (FGs) and to this end, an invitation was made to seven participants from both groups who had already completed the training. A meeting was held, with an average duration of 60 minutes for each intervention group, and a trained moderator conducted it; the sessions were recorded on audio and later transcribed for analysis. The participants reported the increase of physical conditioning, endurance and muscle strength in both training sessions. It was concluded that in PTRE, the issue of improved balance and stability of lower limbs was highlighted, while in VT the improvement of concentration and disposition for the daily routine.

Pensar mov ; 16(1): e27752, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091613


Resumen Alfaro-Jiménez, D.; Salicetti-Fonseca, A. y Jiménez-Díaz, J. (2018). Efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico en la fuerza explosiva de deportes colectivos: Un metaanálisis. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 16(1), 1-35. El entrenamiento pliométrico (EPLI) es una herramienta utilizada para mejorar las acciones explosivas en muchos deportes; no obstante, este tipo de entrenamiento no genera el mismo efecto en todos los deportes. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico sobre la fuerza explosiva (FE) en los deportes colectivos. En el análisis final, se incluyeron 31 estudios que generaron 50 Tamaños de Efecto (TE). Bajo un modelo de efectos aleatorios, se encontró que el EPLI es efectivo para mejorar la FE (TE=0.98; p=0.00; CI95%=0.77 a 1.20; n=50; Q=174.51; I²=71.95) en deportes de conjunto. Los resultados orientan que para mejorar la FE en este tipo de deportes se debe utilizar el entrenamiento pliométrico sin combinarlo con otro tipo de ejercicios durante al menos diez semanas. Además, este tipo de entrenamiento produce mejorías en la altura de salto, tanto en el periodo preparatorio como en el competitivo, independientemente del tipo de protocolo que se utilice. Se propone realizar estudios confirmatorios con los resultados de este metaanálisis en los que se incluyan otros deportes y se estudie más el tema en mujeres, así como la combinación del EPLI con otro tipo de ejercicios o entrenamientos.

Abstract Alfaro-Jiménez, D.; Salicetti-Fonseca, A. & Jiménez-Díaz, J. (2018). Effect of plyometric training on explosive strength in team sports: A meta-analysis. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 16(1), 1-35. Plyometric training (EPLI) is used to improve explosive actions in many sports; however, this training does not generate the same effect in all sports. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of plyometric training on explosive strength (FE) in team sports. In the final analysis, 31 studies were included generating 50 Effect Sizes (ES). Under a random effects model, the EPLI was found to be effective in improving FE (ES=0.98, p=0.00, CI95%=0.77 to 1.20, n=50, Q=174.51, I²=71.95) in team sports. Results indicate that, in order to improve FE in this type of sports, plyometric training should be used without combining it with other types of exercises for at least ten weeks. In addition, this training improves jump height in both the preparatory as well as the competitive periods, regardless of the type of protocol used. The results of this meta-analysis should be used in confirmatory studies including other sports. In addition, this topic should be further studied in women, as well as the combination between EPLI with other types of excercises and trainings.

Resumo Alfaro-Jiménez, D.; Salicetti-Fonseca, A. & Jiménez-Díaz, J. (2018). Efeito do treinamento pliométrico na força explosiva de esportes coletivos: Uma meta-análise. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 16(1), 1-35. O treinamento pliométrico (EPLI) é uma ferramenta utilizada para melhorar as ações explosivas em muitos esportes; não obstante, este tipo de treinamento não gera o mesmo efeito em todos os esportes. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito do treinamento pliométrico sobre a força explosiva (FE) nos esportes coletivos. Na análise final, foram incluídos 31 estudos que geraram 50 Tamanhos de Efeito (TE). Sob um modelo de efeitos aleatórios, encontrou-se que o EPLI é efetivo para melhorar a FE (TE=0.98; p=0.00; CI95%=0.77 a 1.20; n=50; Q=174.51; I²=71.95) em esportes coletivos. Os resultados orientam que, para melhorar a FE neste tipo de esportes, é preciso utilizar o treinamento pliométrico sem combiná-lo com outro tipo de exercício durante ao menos dez semanas. Além disso, este tipo de treinamento produz melhorias na altura de salto, tanto no período preparatório quanto no competitivo, independentemente do tipo de protocolo utilizado. Propõe-se realizar estudos confirmatórios com os resultados desta meta-análise nos estudos em que são incluídos outros esportes e mais o tema em mulheres, assim como a combinação do EPLI com outro tipo de exercício ou treinamento.

Humanos , Resistencia Física , Ejercicio Físico , Ejercicio Pliométrico , Deportes de Equipo , Entrenamiento de Fuerza
Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 534-539, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-617245


As an effective physical training method to improve the explosive power of athletes, plyometric training(exercise) has made great contributions to the physical training of Chinese Olympic Teams.However,the way this method is used for astronaut onboard training and the maintenance of human body strength is not yet clear enough.There is no training program or system of astronaut onboard training currently available that uses this training method in China.Based on the analysis of related researches at home and abroad, this paper comprehensively and systematically expounds the principles of plyometric training and research related to athletic performance.The view that this method is used for astronaut onboard training is also proposed innovatively in this paper.The aim of this study is to expand the field of physical training for astronauts and provide reference for the training of weightlessness protection in the field of aerospace in China.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-378327


This study aimed to assess the effect of short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) before a jump off a platform (pre-set) on drop jump (DJ); the purpose was to investigate the relationship between this activity and performance, and the different effects of SICI on agonist and antagonist muscles during pre-set for jump athletes. Jump athletes (Jumper group, n=13) and Other athletes (Other group, n=9) performed DJ from drop heights of 0.30, 0.45, and 0.60 m). DJ performance was evaluated with DJ-index which was calculated from contact time and jump height. SICI was calculated from motor evoked potentials (MEP) recorded using paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation for the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles in 7 jump athletes. Significantly higher DJ performance was observed for the Jumper group at all drop heights, and the Jumper group exhibited greater performance for the highest drop height than the Other groups. Significant decreases in SICI for MG were observed for the Jumper groups, and this decrease in inhibition was more prominent for the highest drop height during pre-set. Furthermore, the correlation between SICI for MG and DJ-index was stronger for increased drop heights, and a significantly positive correlation between these variables was observed at a height of 0.60 m. However, the SICI during the pre-set for TA exhibited no significant change under any of the conditions. The results of the present study suggest the importance of selective disinhibition of brain areas associated with the agonistic muscles during pre-set for higher DJ performance.

Rev. educ. fis ; 24(4): 617-626, out.-dez. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-711191


O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar a influência do treinamento pliométrico nas variáveis de potência de membros inferiores e de velocidade em tenistas. Participaram do estudo 11 atletas, sendo 5 do "grupo controle" e 6 do "grupo intervenção". Ambos os grupos realizaram treinamento em quadra e treinamento de força geral em academia. Os testes realizados foram: squat jump, salto contra movimento, salto contra movimento com auxílio dos braços, drop jump, impulsão horizontal e velocidade, sendo estes aplicados pré e pós treinamento pliométrico. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk e ANOVA para medidas repetidas para diferença entre o pré e pós-teste, p<0,05. O grupo de intervenção apresentou diferenças entre o pré e pós-teste para todas as variáveis, diferentemente do grupo controle. E entre o grupo controle e o de intervenção, verificou-se que, no pré-teste, não houve diferença entre as variáveis. A utilização do treinamento pliométrico de 10 semanas induziu a adaptações importantes no desempenho dos sujeitos acompanhados.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plyometric training on the power of lower limbs and speed of tennis players. Participated 11 athletes, 5 were "control group" and 6 "experimental group". The both groups were conducted to training on court and strength training. The abilities investigated were: squat jump, counter movement jump, counter movement jump using the arms, drop jump, broad jump and speed. Shapiro-Wilk test for evaluating the normality and ANOVA two way repeted-measures for evaluating the differences between pretest and posttest, p<0.05. Results comparing pretest and posttest showed a significant improvement in all variables for experimental group, different of the control group. And between control group and experimental, verified no differences to pretest. The plyometric training by 10 weeks induced an performance improvement of the subjects.

Educ. fis. deporte ; 32(1): 1187-1196, ene.-jun. 2013. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-713767


En el presente estudio se aplicó un entrenamiento pliométrico adaptado a un grupo de niños (n=15) no deportistas (12,8±0,8 años; 1,56±0,09 M; 48,7±8.5 Kg.), durante un período de seis semanas de entrenamiento (dos veces por semana). El objetivo fue demostrar si es posible aumentar la potencia (P) de extremidades inferiores mediante el aumento del índice elástico (IE). Se midieron los saltos Squat Jump (SJ), y Countermovement Jump (CMJ) y se calculó P e IE. Los resultados del pre-entrenamiento (SJ=26,51±5,1 cm; CMJ=28,52±6,5 cm; P=1834±853,04 W; IE 8,17±3,7 %) y post-entrenamiento (SJ=28,46±6,2 cm; CMJ=32,07±6,9 cm; P=2018±871,39 W; IE=13,23±1,9 %) indican que se aumentó significativamente la variable IE (p0,05). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que este tipo de entrenamiento pliométrico puede estimular el componente elástico y neuromuscular en desmedro del componente contráctil, al obtenerse una ganancia relativa de potencia, situación preponderante en la etapa dedesarrollo de los niños.

This study aims to determine the current state of the relation between these variables, in studentsof the Rafael J. Mejia School, in Sabaneta. A stratified simple of 207 students (99 noys, 44%108 girls, 56%) was randomly selected from a total of 455 students. We applied measurementprocedures and evaluation proposed by J uregui and Ordo¤ez (1993). The results showed that aconsiderable proportion of the sample was above the 75th percentile for anthropometric tests andskinfolds; below the 25th percentile in physical abilities. This suggests that there is a tendency inthese children to obesity and physical inactivity.

Humanos , Niño , Elasticidad/fisiología , Ejercicio Pliométrico
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-55378


The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of plyometric training (PT) in changes of jump abilities and ankle joint motions on repeated-rebound-jumps exercise without buffer function of lower limb joints. Seven female collegiate runners executed 10-repeated rebound jumps training (10 RJ) on a switch mat with maximum effort. Each subject executed the training program twice a week for 5 consecutive weeks. Parameters of repeated-rebound jumps training involved jump height (m), the contact time (s), flight time (s), and rebound jumps index (=RJ-index). Three-dimensional ankle joint kinematics of each subject were captured using ten motion capture systems (250 Hz). As a result, RJ-index, jump height, and flight time were increased significantly between pre-and post-test (p<0.001). But, the contact time decreased significantly. The relationships between rebound jumps index and jump height and between rebound jumps index and the durations of contact phase were highly correlated (r=0.858, r=-0.739; p<0.001). In addition, the time (%) between start and finish phase in the dorsiflexion angle of ankle joint was reduced significantly between pre-and post-test (p<0.001). The repeated-rebound-jumps exercise was shown to have an effect on improvement in stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) performance of lower limb joints in distance runners. The RJ-index and the time between start and finish phase in the dorsiflexion angle of ankle joint was shown to be a valid evaluation index of SSC performance. Therefore, repeated-rebound-jumps exercise is a significant training protocol where ankle behavior improves and where the performance of stretch-shortening cycle is enhanced.

Animales , Femenino , Humanos , Tobillo , Articulación del Tobillo , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Articulaciones , Extremidad Inferior , Ejercicio Pliométrico
West Indian med. j ; 59(2): 182-186, Mar. 2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-672595


OBJECTIVE: Plyometric training is widely used in conditioning, power training and in prevention and rehabilitation of injuries in some sports. This study sought to investigate the effect of a three-week plyometric training programme on jump performance and agility in Jamaican national netball players. METHOD: Eighteen national netballers participated in a Plyometric training programme. Subjects were evaluated using the Vertical Jump Test, the Broad Jump Test and the Illinois Agility Test prior to the start of the programme and at week 3. DATA ANALYSIS: The data were analysed using SPSS version 12 for Windows. A One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test showed normal distribution of data and a paired samples t-test was used to determine whether the mean change in jump performance and agility was significant. RESULTS: All eighteen subjects completed the three weeks of training. Three subjects were shown to be outliers at week 3 and this resulted in data from 15 subjects being analysed. At the end of the three weeks, there were significant improvements in Vertical Jump Scores (p = 0.023), Broad Jump Scores (p = 0.002) and Agility scores (p = 0.045). CONCLUSION: Three weeks of Plyometric training can lead to significant improvements in jump performance and agility and should be integrated into the national training programme at intervals yet to be determined.

OBJETIVO: El entrenamiento pliométrico se usa ampliamente para el acondicionamiento, y entrenamiento de fuerza, así como para la prevención y rehabilitación de lesiones en algunos deportes. Este estudio buscó investigar el efecto de un programa de entrenamiento pliométrico de tres semanas sobre el rendimiento en salto alto y la agilidad de las jugadoras del Equipo Nacional de Netball de Jamaica. MÉTODO: Dieciocho jugadoras nacionales de netball participaron en un programa de entrenamiento pliométrico. Las sujetos fueron evaluadas usando la prueba de salto vertical, la prueba de salto largo y la prueba de agilidad de Illinois, antes del comienzo del programa y a la semana 3. ANÁLISIS DE DATOS: Los datos fueron analizados usando la versión 12 de SPSS para Windows. La Prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para una muestra mostró una distribución normal de los datos y una prueba t de muestras pareadas fue usada para determinar si el cambio promedio en el rendimiento del salto y la agilidad fue significativo. RESULTADOS: Las dieciocho sujetos completaron las tres semanas de entrenamiento. Tres sujetos mostraron tener valores atípicos en la semana 3, y esto trajo por resultado que se analizaran datos de 15 sujetos. Al final de las tres semanas, se produjeron mejoras significativas en las puntuaciones del salto vertical (p = 0.023), las puntuaciones del salto largo (p = 0.002) y las puntuaciones de la agilidad (p = 0.045). CONCLUSIÓN: Tres semanas de entrenamiento pliométrico pueden llevar a mejoras significativas en el rendimiento y agilidad, y deben integrarse en el programa de entrenamiento nacional a intervalos aún por determinar.

Adolescente , Adulto , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Técnicas de Ejercicio con Movimientos , Deportes , Jamaica