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Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 81: e36985, mar.1, 2022. tab, graf


Os suplementos à base de vitamina C são amplamente consumidos pela população, evidenciando a importância da fiscalização desses produtos. Em julho de 2018, a ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) publicou as novas regulamentações sobre suplementos alimentares, estabelecendo-se o prazo de 60 meses para as empresas se adequarem a essas normas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os teores de vitamina C, comparar os valores analisados com os declarados na informação nutricional e avaliar os dizeres de rotulagem em produtos à base dessa vitamina. Os teores de vitamina C foram determinados por titulação potencio métrica e as análises de rotulagem foram realizadas com base nas legislações da ANVISA em doze amostras de suplementos colhidos pelas Vigilâncias Sanitárias do Estado de São Paulo. Os teores de vitamina C avaliados estavam de acordo com os declarados na informação nutricional do rótulo, com exceção de uma amostra que apresentou teor abaixo do valor declarado. Em relação aos dizeres de rotulagem, sete amostras (58%) apresentaram um ou mais itens em desacordo com a legislação, mostrando a necessidade de monitoramento constante desse tipo de produto. O trabalho representa um estudo preliminar de avaliação dos suplementos no período de adequação às novas regulamentações (AU).

Vitamin C-based supplements are widely consumed by the population, highlighting the importance of monitoring these products. In July 2018, the ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) published new regulations for dietary supplements,setting a 60 months deadline for companies to comply with these standards.The objective of the present work was to evaluate the contents of vitamin C, and compare the analyzed/real values with those reported on the nutrition facts label, and to evaluate the labeling of vitamin supplements. Vitamin C contents were determined by potentiometric titration, and labeling analysis were performed based on ANVISA legislation in twelve samples of supplements collected by the Sanitary Surveillance of the State of São Paulo.The contents of vitamin C were in accordance with those declared in the nutritional information on the label, with the exception of one sample that presented content below the declared value. Regarding the labeling analysis, seven samples (58%) presented one or more items in disagreement with the legislation, showing the need for constant monitoring of this type of product.The work represents a preliminary study to evaluate the supplements in the adequacy period of new regulations (AU).

Etiquetado de Productos , Ácido Ascórbico , Vitaminas , Volumetría , Suplementos Dietéticos , Legislación como Asunto
Vaccimonitor (La Habana, Print) ; 30(2)mayo.-ago. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1252324


La trazabilidad es la capacidad para rastrear la historia, aplicación o ubicación de un objeto bajo consideración. En el ámbito farmacéutico, el rastreo y seguimiento de los medicamentos, incluyendo las vacunas y otros medicamentos biológicos, a lo largo de la cadena de suministro constituye un requisito obligatorio establecido por las autoridades sanitarias a nivel internacional, que se exige en mayor o menor magnitud en las reglamentaciones vigentes. En este artículo se analiza el sistema de codificación y clasificación en el sector de la salud y su estado actual en la cadena de suministro de medicamentos de Cuba. Se presenta un procedimiento para la implementación de las tecnologías de auto-identificación e intercambio electrónico de datos, mediante el uso de GS1 en el sistema de codificación y clasificación empleado en el sector de salud, que permita la trazabilidad en toda la cadena de suministro en Cuba(AU)

Traceability is the capability to track the history, application or location of an object under consideration. In the pharmaceutical field, the tracking and monitoring of medicines, including vaccines and other biological medicines, along the supply chain constitutes a mandatory requirement established by the sanitary authorities at an international level, which is demanded to a greater or lesser extent in the regulations in force. This research was carried out involving different links in the drug supply chain in Cuba, ranging from drug suppliers, drug distribution company, to healthcare centers and pharmacies. An analysis is carried out on the current coding and classification system, detecting the ineffectiveness of the identification of the drugs as the main deficiency. A procedure is proposed for the implementation of the auto-identification and electronic data interchange technologies using GS1 in the coding and classification system used in the health sector that allows traceability throughout the supply chain in Cuba(AU)

Humanos , Productos Biológicos , Etiquetado de Medicamentos/métodos , Política Nacional de Medicamentos , Codificación Clínica/métodos , Vacunas , Cuba
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 55: 1-11, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1352158


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: To identify and evaluate, based on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) and the legislation of the Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT - National Agency for Terrestrial Transport), the hazards arising from chemical waste generated in research laboratories in the health area. METHODS: Chemical residues generated in two medical research laboratories of the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo were inventoried, from November 2017 to April 2019, and classified according to the GHS (hazard statements) and the ANTT transport legislation (risk classes), to determine the dangers coming from the respective substances and mixtures. RESULTS: In total, we identified 40 substances or mixtures with classification by the GHS indicating 36 hazard statements, 27 of which related to human health. According to the legislation established by ANTT, we found 16 cases of hazard associated with flammability, 15 cases related to toxicity and 12 cases related to corrosivity. CONCLUSIONS: Chemical residues generated in the laboratories studied are diversified in terms of their hazard characteristics, implying the possibility of exposure to severe risks to workers, students and the environment. The correct identification of these residues is a primary factor for reducing exposure to risks.

RESUMO OBJETIVOS: Identificar e avaliar, com base no Sistema Globalmente Harmonizado de Classificação e Rotulagem de Produtos Químicos (GHS) e na legislação da Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT), os perigos provenientes dos resíduos químicos gerados em laboratórios de pesquisa na área de saúde. MÉTODOS: Resíduos químicos gerados em dois Laboratórios de Investigação Médica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo foram inventariados, no período de novembro de 2017 a abril de 2019, e classificados conforme o GHS (frases de perigo) e a legislação de transportes da ANTT (classes de risco), para determinação dos perigos provenientes das respectivas substâncias e misturas. RESULTADOS: No total, foram identificadas 40 substâncias ou misturas, cuja classificação pelo GHS indicou 36 frases de perigo, sendo 27 relacionadas à saúde humana. De acordo com a legislação estabelecida pela ANTT, foram encontrados 16 casos de periculosidade associada à inflamabilidade, 15 casos relacionados à toxicidade e 12 casos relativos à corrosividade. CONCLUSÕES: Resíduos químicos gerados nos laboratórios estudados são diversificados quanto a suas características de periculosidade, implicando a possibilidade de exposição a riscos severos aos trabalhadores, aos estudantes e ao ambiente. A correta identificação desses resíduos é fator primordial para diminuição da exposição aos riscos.

Humanos , Sustancias Peligrosas/toxicidad , Laboratorios , Etiquetado de Productos , Brasil , Químicos de Laboratorio
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 55: 1-10, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1352193


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE to discuss the impact four different redistribution strategies have on the quantitative and temporal trends of cancer mortality assessment in Brazil. METHODOLOGY This study used anonymized and georeferenced data provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health (BMoH). Four different approaches were used to conduct the redistribution of ill-defined deaths and garbage codes. Age-standardized mortality rates used the world population as reference. Prais-Winsten autoregression allowed the calculation of region, sex, and cancer type trends. RESULTS Death rates increased considerably in all regions after redistribution. Overall, Elisabeth B. França's and the World Health Organization methods had a milder impact on trends and rate magnitudes when compared to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2010 method. This study also observed that, when the BMoH dealt with the problem of redistributing ill-defined deaths, results were similar to those obtained by the GBD method. The redistribution methods also influenced the assessment of trends; however, differences were less pronounced. CONCLUSIONS Since developing a comparative gold standard is impossible, matching global techniques to local realities may be an alternative for methodological selection. In our study, the compatibility of the findings suggests how valid the GBD method is to the Brazilian context. However, caution is needed. Future studies should assess the impact of these methods as applied to the redistribution of deaths to type-specific neoplasms.

Humanos , Carga Global de Enfermedades , Neoplasias , Brasil/epidemiología , Salud Global , Mortalidad , Causas de Muerte
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 22(1): 35-45, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346663


Resumen Antecedentes: el etiquetado nutricional frontal es una herramienta para orientar la elección del con sumidor hacia una dieta equilibrada y sana. Objetivo: conocer el modelo de etiquetado nutricional frontal que más influye en la identificación de calorías y nutrientes críticos de productos industria lizados en adultos de Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos: estudio cuasiexperimental-transversal en el que participaron 384 adultos de ambos sexos distribuidos en cuatro grupos equitativos: sin modelo de etiquetado nutricional, Guía Diaria de Alimentación, etiquetado de advertencia octogonal y Guía Diaria de Alimentación-semáforo. A cada participante se le aplicó un cuestionario con 10 figuras de empaques con el modelo de etiquetado, según el grupo al que correspondían, y 10 preguntas, con un puntaje total de 0 al 20, según el número de respuestas positivas en la identificación de calorías y nutrientes críticos. Resultados: los mayores puntajes totales fueron para los grupos Guía Diaria de Alimentación-semáforo (12,1±3,9) y Guía Diaria de Alimentación (12,1±3,7), con diferencias significativas respecto a los otros dos grupos. También se presentaron diferencias en los puntajes de la identificación de calorías, grasas saturadas y grasa total; los valores más altos fueron para los dos grupos señalados (p<0,05). No se observaron diferencias en la identificación de azúcar y sodio. Conclusiones: los modelos Guía Diaria de Alimentación y Guía Diaria de Alimentación-semáforo son los que más influyen en la identificación de calorías y nutrientes críticos.

Abstract Background: A front-of-package nutrition label is a tool to help guide food selection towards a balanced and healthy diet. Objective: To understand the model of front-of-package nutrition label that most influences the understanding of calories and important nutrients in processed food products in adult participants in Lima, Peru. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental cross-sectional study with 384 participant adults of both sexes. Participants were distributed into four equal groups: no nutritional labeling; daily food guide; stop sign warning labeling; and daily food guide with a traffic light symbol. Each participant was given a questionnaire with 10 pictures of food packaging with the labeling model that corresponded to their randomized group, along with 10 additional questions, for a total of 20 possible questionnaire points. Points were given for correct answers to the 20 questions on the questionnaire, such as identifying correctly the number of calories and/or critical nutrients. Results: The highest total scores were for the daily food guide-traffic light group (12.1 ± 3.9) and daily food guide group (12.1 ± 3.7), with significant differences with respect to the other two groups. There were also differences in the scores of the identification of calories, saturated fat, and total fat; the highest values were for the same two groups indicated above (p <0.05). No differences in food labels were found for the identification of sugars or sodium. Conclusions: The daily food guide and daily food guide-traffic light models most influence the identification of calories and critical nutrients.

Etiquetado de Alimentos
Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 23(3): 401-410, 2019. ilus., tab.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046690


Objetivo: O presente estudo teve por finalidade analisar os rótulos de fórmulas lácteas infantis comercializados em um município do Estado do Maranhão. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo exploratório de abordagem quantitativa. As amostras foram definidas com base na RDC nº. 222/02, incluindo três grupos de interesse: Fórmulas infantis para lactentes; Fórmulas infantis de seguimento para lactentes e crianças de primeira infância e Fórmula infantil para neces-sidades dietoterápicas específicas. Resultados: No final da coleta encontrou-se 44 produtos, onde nenhuma das fórmulas lácteas analisadas conseguiu 100% de adequação. De maneira geral, a rotulagem de alimentos embalados atendeu ao que é designado na legislação na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados, onde as informações contidas nos rótulos desses produtos estavam adequadas, no entanto, quanto a RDC nº. 222/01, 29,5% dos produtos, apresentaram irregularidades. Ocorreu grande inadequação quanto aos micronutrientes, onde a maior irregularidade foi referente ao ácido pantotênico (81,7%). Os re-sultados demonstram maior atenção das indústrias de alimentos destinados a lactentes e crianças de primeira infância, quanto aos requisitos exigidos pelas normas de rotulagem geral do que com relação às legislações específicas. Conclusão: Diante do exposto, conclui-se que os objetivos do presente estudo foram alcançados com êxito, onde todos os produtos apresentavam irregularidades frente a legislação. (AU)

Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze labels of infant formula sold in a municipality in the state of Maranhão. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional, exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Samples were defined on the basis of RDC No. 222/02, including three interest groups: infant formulas for infants; Infant follow-up formulas for infants and toddlers and Infant formula for specific dietary needs. Results: At the end of the collection, 44 products were found, where none of the analyzed milk formulas achieved 100% adequacy. In general, the labeling of packaged foods met what is designated in the legislation in most of the parameters evaluated, where the information contained in the labels of these products were adequate, however, for RDC nº 222/01, 29.5% of the products, presented irregularities. There was great inadequacy regarding micronutrients, where the greatest irregularity was related to pantothenic acid (81.7%). The results show greater attention from the food industries for infants and young children regarding the requirements of general labeling rules than specific legislation. Conclusion: In view of the above, it is concluded that the objectives of the present study were suc-cessfully achieved, where all products presented irregularities against the legislation. (AU)

Lactante , Productos Lácteos , Fórmulas Infantiles , Alimentación con Biberón , Lactante
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717629


Dietary supplements are popular worldwide and their use has been increasing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mineral contents of multi-vitamins and minerals (MVMs) in most commonly sold among dietary supplements. Ninety popular MVM supplements sold in South Korea were surveyed regarding their characteristics and ingredients including minerals listed on the labels through off-line and on-line search. Daily mineral contents of the MVM supplements were compared with Korean Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) by target populations. The average price of 90 MVM supplements was $41.3 per bottle, with a price of $0.9 per day and the average number of minerals contained per supplement was 4.7. A total 14 minerals were found in the MVM supplements including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Nine minerals (e.g. calcium, magnesium, and iron) were included in more than 30% of the MVM supplements examined. When daily mineral dose of MVMs was compared to DRIs, calcium was the lowest (34.0% of recommended intake [RI]) and chromium was the highest (218.7% of adequate intake [AI]), and zinc, copper, selenium, and chromium were also higher than their RI or AI levels. The daily mineral contents of the 90 MVM supplements were below the tolerable upper-intake level, but some minerals were higher than RI or AI with high variance among products. Therefore, there is a great need to educate the public for the adequate selection and use of MVM supplements based on the contents of MVM supplements and individual's mineral intake derived from the diet.

Calcio , Cromo , Cobre , Dieta , Suplementos Dietéticos , Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud , Corea (Geográfico) , Magnesio , Minerales , Mineros , Fósforo , Potasio , Etiquetado de Productos , Ingesta Diaria Recomendada , Selenio , Sodio , Zinc
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e101, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-961716


RESUMEN Objetivo Establecer la capacidad que tienen las etiquetas de advertencia con el tamaño mínimo exigido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud para capturar la atención en fumadores y no fumadores. Métodos En el estudio se incluyeron 30 fumadores y 30 no fumadores, quienes realizaron una prueba de detección del punto (dot-probe) en la cual observaron, de manera simultánea, imágenes de cajetillas de cigarrillo divididas en dos: la parte superior contenía la marca de los cigarrillos y la parte inferior contenía la etiqueta de advertencia. Durante la tarea, se registró la actividad cerebral a través de los potenciales relacionados a eventos del tipo potencial negativo que ocurre aproximadamente a los 200 ms en la zona posterior contralateral al estímulo (N2pc) y negatividad contralateral posterior sostenida (SPCN, por sus siglas en inglés), los cuales son indicadores de atención temprana y sostenida. Resultados En ambos grupos se encontró mayor amplitud de los potenciales N2pc y SPCN hacia la porción de la cajetilla que contiene la marca de cigarrillos. Sin embargo, el tiempo de reacción fue menor ante la etiqueta de advertencia en la tarea dot-probe. Conclusiones Los resultados sugieren que, al inicio, la atención se dirige hacia la marca de los cigarrillos y luego hacia la etiqueta de advertencia. La incapacidad de las etiquetas de advertencia para capturar la atención en las primeras fases disminuye su eficacia, sobre todo en fumadores. Se sugiere aumentar el tamaño de las etiquetas de advertencia para favorecer un incremento en la respuesta de atención.

ABSTRACT Objective To determine the ability of cigarette-pack warning labels, of the minimum size required by the World Health Organization, to capture the attention of smokers and nonsmokers. Methods In this study, 30 smokers and 30 nonsmokers completed a dot-probe task in which they simultaneously observed images of cigarette packs split in two: the top contained the cigarette brand and the bottom contained the warning label. During the task, brain activity was recorded through two event-related potentials of the negative-polarity type--the potential that occurs in the posterior-contralateral zone approximately 200 ms after a stimulus (N2pc) and the sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN) response--which are indicators of early and sustained attention. Results In both groups, a greater amplitude of N2pc and SPCN potentials was found for the part of the pack containing the cigarette brand. However, during the dot-probe task, reaction times were shorter for the warning label. Conclusions These results suggest that, initially, attention is focused on the cigarette brand, and only then on the warning label. The inability of warning labels to capture early-phase attention decreases their effectiveness, especially in smokers. We suggest that warning labels be enlarged to facilitate increased attention response.

RESUMO Objetivo Determinar a capacidade das tarjas de advertência com o tamanho mínimo exigido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) de atrair a atenção de fumantes e não fumantes. Métodos A amostra do estudo consistiu de 30 fumantes e 30 não fumantes que foram testados com uma tarefa de sondagem (dot-probe task) em que tiveram de observar simultaneamente imagens de um maço de cigarro dividido ao meio: a parte superior continha a marca do cigarro e a parte inferior continha a tarja de advertência. Durante o teste, foi registrada a atividade cerebral com a análise de potenciais evocados relacionados a eventos do tipo potencial negativo que ocorre em cerca de 200 ms na área posterior contralateral ao estímulo (N2pc) e da ocorrência de negatividade contralateral posterior sustentada (SPCN, em inglês), que são indicadores de atenção mais rápida e sustentada. Resultados Em ambos os grupos de participantes foi observada maior amplitude dos potenciais N2pc e SPCN na parte do maço que continha a marca. Porém, o tempo de reação na tarefa de sondagem foi menor diante da tarja de advertência. Conclusões Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que, ao início, a atenção é dirigida à marca do cigarro e depois à tarja de advertência. A incapacidade da tarja de advertência de atrair a atenção nas primeiras fases diminui sua eficácia, sobretudo entre os fumantes. Recomenda-se aumentar o tamanho das tarjas de advertência para estimular um incremento na resposta de atenção.

Humanos , Etiquetado de Productos , Nicotiana , Política de Salud
Saúde debate ; 41(113): 539-552, Abr.-Jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-903907


RESUMO Regulamentações sanitárias para crianças e lactentes buscam controlar estratégias mercadológicas que estimulam o consumo de certos produtos. Na investigação realizada em pontos de venda, verificou-se heterogeneidade na frequência de falhas na rotulagem de bicos, chupetas e mamadeiras em várias marcas. Deficiências nas informações sobre o controle de fabricação e os aspectos de proteção ao aleitamento natural indicam uma conduta intencional das marcas líderes para a manutenção dessa situação, que pode ser agravada pela falta de monitoramento periódico da rotulagem e promoção comercial pela vigilância sanitária, implicando risco de desmame precoce e outros problemas de saúde durante a primeira infância.

ABSTRACT Sanitary regulations for infants and nurslings seek to control marketing strategies that stimulate the consumption of certain products. In the investigation carried out at points of sale, we verified heterogeneity in the frequency of failures in the labeling of nozzles, pacifiers and nursing bottles in several brands. Deficiency in information on manufacturing control and aspects of breastfeeding protection indicates intentional conduct of the leading brands for the maintenance of such situation, which may be aggravated by the lack of periodic monitoring of the labeling and commercial promotion by health surveillance, implying risk of early weaning and other health problems during early childhood.

São Paulo med. j ; 133(2): 91-100, Mar-Apr/2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-746648


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Package leaflets are necessary for safe use of medicines. The aims of the present study were: 1) to assess the compliance between the content of the package leaflets and the specifications of the pharmaceutical regulations; and 2) to identify potential safety issues for patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative descriptive study, involving all the package leaflets of branded medicines from the three most consumed therapeutic groups in Portugal, analyzed in the Department of Pharmacoepidemiology, School of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon. METHODS: A checklist validated through an expert consensus process was used to gather the data. The content of each package leaflet in the sample was classified as compliant or non-compliant with compulsory regulatory issues (i.e. stated dosage and descriptions of adverse reactions) and optional regulatory issues (i.e. adverse reaction frequency, symptoms and procedures in cases of overdose). RESULTS: A total of 651 package leaflets were identified. Overall, the package leaflets were found to be compliant with the compulsory regulatory issues. However, the optional regulatory issues were only addressed in around half of the sample of package leaflets, which made it possible to identify some situations of potentially compromised drug safety. CONCLUSION: Ideally, the methodologies for package leaflet approval should be reviewed and optimized as a way of ensuring the inclusion of the minimum essential information for safe use of medicines. .

CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: As bulas dos medicamentos são necessárias para a sua utilização segura. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: 1) avaliar a adequação entre o conteúdo das bulas e as especificações da regulação farmacêutica e 2) identificar os aspectos que potencialmente possam comprometer a utilização segura dos medicamentos pelos doentes. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo descritivo qualitativo com a inclusão de todas as bulas dos medicamentos de marca dos três grupos terapêuticos mais consumidos em Portugal, analisados no Departamento de Farmacoepidemiologia da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa. MÉTODOS: Utilização de uma checklist para recolher os dados. A checklist foi validada por um processo de consenso entre peritos. O conteúdo de cada uma das bulas da amostra foi classificado em relação à adequação aos aspectos regulatórios obrigatórios, como a descrição das reações adversas, dose e frequência de administração, e à adequação dos aspectos regulatórios facultativos, como a frequência das reações adversas e sintomas e procedimentos em caso de sobredosagem. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 651 bulas. Em termos gerais, todas as bulas foram consideradas conformes em relação aos aspectos regulatórios obrigatórios. No entanto, os aspectos regulatórios opcionais foram descritos em apenas cerca de metade da amostra de bulas, o que permite a identificação de situações susceptíveis de comprometer a utilização segura dos medicamentos. CONCLUSÃO: Idealmente as metodologias de aprovação das bulas devem ser revistas e otimizadas de forma a assegurar um mínimo de informação essencial para a utilização segura dos medicamentos. .

Humanos , Etiquetado de Medicamentos/normas , Embalaje de Medicamentos/normas , Legislación de Medicamentos/normas , Comprensión , Información de Salud al Consumidor , Seguridad de Productos para el Consumidor/legislación & jurisprudencia , Etiquetado de Medicamentos/clasificación , Embalaje de Medicamentos/clasificación , Unión Europea/organización & administración , Portugal , Investigación Cualitativa
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 17(4,supl.3): 1134-1141, 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-776602


RESUMO O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito alelopático e o rótulo dos produtos vegetais contidos nas garrafadas comercializadas no mercado municipal de Montes Claros - MG. Adquiriram-se oito garrafadas que foram utilizadas para tratar, cada uma, 20 sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) dispostas em placas de Petri sobre papel saturado com 4mL do conteúdo de cada garrafada em 04 concentrações: 12,5; 25; 50; e 75%. O controle positivo foi realizado com solução de sulfato de zinco a 1%, além dos controles: água mineral, água da torneira, e água destilada. As placas de Petri foram lacradas com filme plástico, cobertas com saco plástico e incubadas em escuro por sete dias à temperatura média de 27,2°C e na umidade média de 54%. Após 7 dias, mediu-se o comprimento da radícula e do hipocótilo (mm) de cada uma das plântulas e quantificou-se o número de sementes que germinaram. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo software Sisvar, sendo os resultados comparados pelo Teste Scott-Knott ao nível nominal de 5%. Os resultados do teste de germinação indicaram que houve efeito significativo das garrafadas sobre a germinação das sementes de Lactuca sativa L., onde o percentual de germinação das sementes foi inversamente proporcional ao aumento da concentração das garrafadas. Portanto, observou-se que as garrafadas apresentaram potencial alelopático ao inibirem a germinação das sementes de alface.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the allelopathic effect and label of plant products put in bottles commercialized in the municipal market of Montes Claros - MG. Eight bottles were employed to treat, each one, 20 lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) placed at Petri plaques over saturated paper with 4mL of the content of each bottle in 04 concentrations of 12.5; 25; 50; 75% for each bottle, 1% of zinc sulfate solution (positive control) and 3 negative control groups (containing mineral water, tap water and distilled water). The Petri plaques were sealed with plastic film, covered with plastic bag and incubated in the dark for seven days at an average temperature of 27.2°C and average humidity of 54%. After 7 days, it was measured the length of the radicle and the hypocotyl (mm) of each one of the seedlings and the number of seeds that germinated was quantified. The data were submitted to analysis of variance by Sisvar software and the results were compared by Scot-Knott Test at a nominal level of 5%. The results of the germination test indicated that there was a significant impact of the bottles in the germination of the lactuca sativa L. seeds, where the percentage of seeds germination was inversely proportional to the concentration increase in the analyzed bottles. Therefore, it has been observed that the bottles presented allelopathic potential when they inhibited the germination of lettuce seeds.

Etiquetado de Productos/clasificación , Alelopatía , Plantas Medicinales/clasificación , Lactuca/clasificación
Salud pública Méx ; 54(3): 242-253, mayo-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-626696


OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto de las advertencias sanitarias (AS) con pictogramas en las cajetillas de tabaco en adultos fumadores. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Cohorte de fumadores con representatividad poblacional de siete ciudades mexicanas, antes (2010) y después (2011) de la implementación de AS con pictogramas (ASP). Para determinar el cambio en las variables sobre el impacto cognitivo y conductual de las advertencias, se estimaron modelos bivariados y ajustados de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada. En el segundo levantamiento (2011), se estimaron modelos para determinar los factores que se asocian con el reporte de recordar cada advertencia que había entrado al mercado, además de los factores asociados con el autorreporte del impacto de cada advertencia vigente. RESULTADOS: Se observaron incrementos importantes de 2010 a 2011 en los conocimientos sobre los riesgos de fumar, los componentes tóxicos del tabaco y el número telefónico para recibir consejos sobre dejar de fumar. La recordación e impacto de las primeras advertencias con pictogramas parecen ser amplios y equitativos a través de la población fumadora. En comparación con 2010, un mayor nivel de ex fumadores entrevistados en 2011 reportaron que las advertencias habían influido mucho en dejar de fumar (RM=2.44, 95% IC 1.27-4.72). CONCLUSIONES: Las AS con pictogramas han logrado un impacto importante en el conocimiento y conducta, información relevante para la población y en tomadores de decisiones.

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effect of the first pictorial warning labels on cigarette packs in Mexican smokers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A population-based representative cohort of smokers from seven Mexican cities was surveyed before (2010) and after (2011) the implementation of pictorial warning labels. To determine the change variables representing the cognitive and behavioral impact of pictorial warnings, bivariate and adjusted generalized estimating equations were estimated. Data from the second survey (2011) were analyzed to determine the factors associated with aided recall of specific pictorial warnings, as well as the factors associated with self-report of the impact that these warnings had. RESULTS: From 2010 to 2011, significant increases were found in smoker's knowledge about smoking risks, the toxic components of tobacco, and the quitline number for receiving cessation assistance. Recall and impact of specific pictorial warnings was generally broad and equally distributed across the smoker population. In comparison with recent ex-smokers interviewed in 2010, more recent ex-smokers in 2011 reported that pack warnings had influenced their decision to quit (RM=2.44, 95% IC 1.27-4.72). CONCLUSION: The first pictorial warning labels on cigarette packages in Mexico have had a significant impact on knowledge and behavior.

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Publicidad , Promoción de la Salud , Etiquetado de Productos , Fumar/psicología , Industria del Tabaco , Publicidad/legislación & jurisprudencia , Recolección de Datos , Escolaridad , Promoción de la Salud/legislación & jurisprudencia , México/epidemiología , Etiquetado de Productos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Etiquetado de Productos/estadística & datos numéricos , Fumar/epidemiología , Industria del Tabaco/legislación & jurisprudencia
Salud pública Méx ; 54(3): 254-263, mayo-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-626697


OBJETIVO: Mostrar el efecto de las primeras advertencias sanitarias (AS) con pictogramas en México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Encuesta transversal en una muestra representativa de 1 765 adultos fumadores de Guadalajara, México (2010). Se estimaron modelos logísticos para determinar la asociación entre el reconocimiento de las AS con pictogramas y las variables que indican el impacto de las mismas. RESULTADOS: 58% de la población indicó haber comprado una cajetilla con AS con pictogramas. Estos fumadores expuestos reportaron pensar con mayor frecuencia en los daños que causa fumar (34 contra 25% p=0.003) y pensar en dejar de fumar (23 contra 14% p=0.001). Se observó una mayor aceptación de las AS como medio para comunicar información importante al fumador (93 contra 87% p<0.001) así como mayor aceptación de que el gobierno comunica bien sobre los daños a la salud por fumar (68 contra 55% p<0.001). CONCLUSIÓN: Las AS con pictogramas han logrado aumentar el conocimiento sobre los daños que provoca el tabaco. La recomendación es seguir desarrollando y mejorando esta intervención para coadyuvar a lograr una población informada de los riesgos del tabaco.

OBJETIVE: Evaluate the impact of the first pictorial health warning labels (HWLs) on cigarette packs in Mexico. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of a representative sample of 1 765 adult smokers from Guadalajara, Mexico, 2010. Logistic regression models were estimated to determine the association between recall of having purchased a pack with a pictorial HWL and psychosocial variables indicating their impact. RESULTS: 58% reported having purchased a pack with one of the pictorial HWLs, and these were considered the exposed population. Exposed smokers reported a greater frequency of thinking about smoking-related risks (34 vs. 25% p=0.003), and thinking about quitting smoking (23 vs. 14% p=0.001). Exposure to pictorial HWLs was also associated with a greater acceptability of HWLs as a means of communicating with smokers (93 vs. 87% p<0.001), as was the perception that the government communicates well about tobacco-related health risks (68 vs. 55% p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Pictorial HWLs have made smokers think more about these risks and about quitting smoking. This policy should continue to be exploited as a cost-effective educational intervention.

Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Publicidad , Promoción de la Salud , Etiquetado de Productos , Fumar/psicología , Industria del Tabaco , Publicidad/economía , Publicidad/legislación & jurisprudencia , Análisis Costo-Beneficio , Estudios Transversales , Recolección de Datos , Escolaridad , Promoción de la Salud/economía , Promoción de la Salud/legislación & jurisprudencia , México/epidemiología , Etiquetado de Productos/economía , Etiquetado de Productos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Etiquetado de Productos/estadística & datos numéricos , Cese del Hábito de Fumar/psicología , Fumar/epidemiología , Industria del Tabaco/economía , Industria del Tabaco/legislación & jurisprudencia , Población Urbana
Indian J Public Health ; 2012 Jan-Mar; 56(1): 61-64
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139389


Pictorial warnings are effective in promoting smoking cessation as shown by research in the developed countries. This study aims to determine perceptions of Indians about the effectiveness of pictorial health warnings on tobacco packs which existed from May 31, 2009, to December 1, 2011. A cross-sectional survey was undertaken in five states of India with 1897 participants (56% males; 54% tobacco users). More tobacco users expressed that the pictorial warnings are inadequate to convey the health impact of tobacco use when compared with nonusers (71.50% vs. 62.75%; P < 0.001). More illiterates when compared with literates expressed their concern that the current pictorial warnings will not motivate them to quit (61.17% vs. 51.01%; P < 0.001). The new warnings implemented from December 1, 2011, in India are also not field-tested. Field testing and assessment of effectiveness of health warnings should be a mandatory requirement for Parties reporting on Article 11 of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 15(4): 421-428, dez. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-790497


Realizar o mapeamento dos níveis de fluoretosdas águas de poços, cisternas e de águas engarrafadascomercializadas no município de Campo Alegre de Lourdes-BA. Material e Métodos: Na zona urbana, a coleta de águasde cisternas foi domiciliar. As águas minerais foram adquiridasnos mercados. Foram coletadas amostras de águas de 11cisternas, dois poços e sete águas minerais engarrafadas.Na zona rural, foram sorteadas 18 amostras de cisternas devilas rurais. Resultados: As concentrações de fluoretos dascisternas dos bairros variaram de 0,08 a 0,48 ppmF. A maiorconcentração de fluoretos presente nas águas mineraisindustrializadas foi de 0,24 ppmF. A maioria das águasminerais não possuía em seu rótulo a concentração de fluor.As concentrações de fluoretos dos poços variam de 0,03 a0,27 ppmF. Em relação às águas da zona rural, observou-semaior concentração de fluoretos na água da vila Arroz 0,51ppmF e a menor na Barra em 0,03 ppmF. Conclusão: Aconcentração de fluoretos das águas de consumo domunicípio não proporciona risco ao consumidor, podendoser ingerida por crianças na fase de desenvolvimento dadentição. Por outro lado, as águas também não atingiram asconcentrações ideais para a prevenção da cárie dentária...

To evaluate fluoride concentration levels in watersamples from wells, cisterns, and bottled waters marketedin the municipality of Campo Alegre de Lourdes (BA).Methodology: In the urban area, samples from cisterns werecollected at home. Bottled waters were acquired in themarkets. Were collected samples from 11 cisterns, 02 wellsand 07 bottled waters. In the rural area, 18 samples fromcisterns were randomized. Results: Fluoride concentrationsin the cisterns water evaluated ranged from 0.08 to 0.48ppmF. The highest concentration of fluoride was 0.24 ppmF.Most samples of bottled waters did not disclose fluorideconcentration in their labels. Fluoride concentration in thewells ranged from 0.03 to 0.27 ppmF. Concerning to ruralarea, the highest concentration of fluoride in the water wasfound in Arroz (0.51 ppmF) and the lowest in Barra (0.03ppmF). Conclusion: The fluoride concentration present insources of drinkable water in the city provides no risk toconsumption, and may be ingested by children during dentitiondevelopment. Contrariwise, water did not reach a fluorideconcentration capable of acting in the prevention of dentalcaries...

Humanos , Control de la Calidad del Agua , Flúor/análisis , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Agua Potable , Etiquetado de Productos
Salud pública Méx ; 52(supl.2): S206-S215, 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-571813


Objective. To assess the impact of different health warning labels (HWL). Material and Methods. Data from the International Tobacco Control Survey (ITC Survey) were analyzed from adult smokers in Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico, each of which used a different HWL strategy (pictures of human suffering and diseased organs; abstract pictorial representations of risk; and text-only messages, respectively). Main outcomes were HWL salience and cognitive impact. Results. HWLs in Uruguay (which was the only country with a HWL on the front of the package) had higher salience than either Brazilian or Mexican packs. People at higher levels of educational attainment in Mexico were more likely to read the text-only HWLs whereas education was unassociated with salience in Brazil or Uruguay. Brazilian HWLs had greater cognitive impacts than HWLs in either Uruguay or Mexico. HWLs in Uruguay generated lower cognitive impacts than the text-only HWLs in Mexico. In Brazil, cognitive impacts were strongest among smokers with low educational attainment. Conclusions. This study suggests that HWLs have the most impact when they are prominent (i.e., front and back of the package) and include emotionally engaging imagery that illustrates negative bodily impacts or human suffering due to smoking.

Objetivo. Evaluar el impacto de diferentes advertencias sanitarias (AS). Material y métodos. Se analizaron datos de la Encuesta Internacional para el Control del Tabaco (ITC Survey), un estudio de fumadores adultos en Brasil, Uruguay y México, tres países con distintas AS (con imágenes de sufrimiento humano y órganos enfermos; con imágenes abstractas del riesgo; mensajes de solo texto, respectivamente). Se analizó prominencia e impacto cognitivo de las AS. Resultados. Las AS de Uruguay (que era el único país con AS en la parte frontal del paquete) tuvieron una mayor prominencia que en Brasil o México. En México, la gente que tenía un nivel de educación mayor eran mas propensos a leer mensajes de advertencia, mientras que educación no se asoció con prominencia en Brasil o Uruguay. Las AS de Brasil tuvieron un mayor impacto cognitivo y conductual que las AS de Uruguay o México. Las AS de Uruguay generaron un menor impacto cognitivo y conductual que las AS de sólo texto en México. En Brasil, los impactos cognitivos fueron los más fuertes entre fumadores con un bajo nivel educacional. Conclusiones. Este estudio sugiere que las AS tienen el mayor impacto cuando son prominentes (por ej. en el frente y la parte trasera del paquete) e incluyen imágenes emocionalmente llamativas que muestran impactos negativos en el cuerpo o sufrimiento humano debido al fumar.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Educación en Salud , Promoción de la Salud , Etiquetado de Productos , Fumar/prevención & control , Nicotiana , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , México , Uruguay
Braz. j. oral sci ; 8(4): 206-209, Oct.-Dec. 2009. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-578035


Aim: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the fluoride content of bottled water commercialized intwo cities of northeastern Brazil and to compare the fluoride values measured in the water to the ones printed on the bottle label, considering risks (dental fluorosis) and benefits (caries control) of systemic fluoride exposure. Methods: Fifty-six water samples were collected from 20 brands available in severalsupermarkets with high turnover in different regions of the municipalities of São Luís (State of Maranhão)and João Pessoa (State of Paraíba) in 2009. Fluoride concentrations were determined by triplicate analysisusing an ion-specific electrode. Results: The measured mean fluoride content varied from 0.001 to 0.270 ppmF with a mean (±SD) of 0.037 (±0.041) for the 56 samples. The majority of samples were found to contain less than 0.043 ppmF (92%). Conclusion: These results emphasize the importance of controllingthe fluoride levels in bottled water enforced by the Brazilian Sanitary Surveillance Agency. Concerning therisks and benefits, fluoride concentrations in the evaluated bottled water samples were below the suggested concentration (0.7 mg F/l), having neither preventive effect nor the potential for causing dental fluorosis.

Humanos , Aguas Minerales/análisis , Cariostáticos/análisis , Fluoruración , Fluoruros/análisis , Aguas Minerales/normas , Brasil , Seguridad de Productos para el Consumidor , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Etiquetado de Productos/normas