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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 87(2): 90-96, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388724


OBJETIVO: Describir las tasas de recién nacidos vivos (RNV) y embarazo de la terapia de reproducción médicamente asistida de baja complejidad del Centro de Reproducción Humana de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. MÉTODO: Estudio retrospectivo de todos los ciclos de estimulación ovárica controlada con inseminación intrauterina (IIU) completados, entre los años 2011 y 2019. Se evaluaron las características clínicas basales y los resultados en IIU homólogas y heterólogas según el ciclo inseminado, la causa de infertilidad, el rango etario y el índice de masa corporal (IMC). El desenlace principal fue la tasa de RNV por ciclo inseminado. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 1415 ciclos en 700 parejas. La tasa acumulativa de RNV fue del 19,6%, un 18,3% en IIU homóloga y un 39,0% en IIU heteróloga. La tasa de RNV fue del 10,0% al primer ciclo, del 5,8% al segundo ciclo y del 3,7% al tercer o más ciclos. Al separar por IIU heteróloga, esta aumenta al 24,4% al primer ciclo y al 14,6% al segundo ciclo. La tasa de RNV es significativamente mejor en pacientes menores de 35 años (23,7%) y con IMC < 29 (20,8%). CONCLUSIONES: El tratamiento de baja complejidad en pacientes infértiles es una opción terapéutica vigente con una aceptable tasa de RNV por ciclo inseminado. Los resultados están influenciados por la edad y por el IMC.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the rates of live newborns (LNB) and pregnancy of the low complexity therapy of the Centre for Human Reproduction of Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. METHOD: Retrospective study of all cycles of controlled ovarian stimulation with intrauterine insemination (IUI) completed between 2011-2019. The baseline clinical characteristics and results in homologous and heterologous IUI were evaluated according to inseminated cycle, cause of infertility, age range and body mass index (BMI). The main outcome was rate of LNB per inseminated cycle. RESULTS: 1415 cycles were studied in 700 couples. The cumulative rate of LNB was 19.6%, 18.3% in homologous IUI and 39.0% in heterologous IUI. The LNB rate was 10.0% at the first cycle, 5.8% at the second cycle, 3.7% at the third or more cycles. When separating by heterologous IUI, it increases to 24.4% in the first cycle and 14.6% in the second cycle. The LNB rate is significantly better in patients under 35 years of age (23.7%) and with a BMI less than 29 (20.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of low complexity in selected infertile patients is a current therapeutic option with an acceptable rate of LNB per inseminated cycle. The results are influenced by age and BMI.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Tasa de Natalidad , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas , Infertilidad/terapia , Inducción de la Ovulación , Inseminación Artificial , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Edad , Índice de Embarazo , Nacimiento Vivo
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 196-206, mar.-abr. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518272


Las pacientes infértiles tienen un riesgo aumentado de resultados obstétricos y perinatales adversos que dependen de los factores de infertilidad subyacentes previos y de factores inherentes a los tratamientos recibidos para lograr el embarazo. La edad materna, las patologías previas ginecológicas, hormonales, endocrinológicas, metabólicas y anatomo funcionales son reconocidas como factores de riesgo para resultados adversos obstétricos y perinatales. Los tratamientos como la hiperestimulación ovárica y los tratamientos de reproducción asistida condicionan riesgos adicionales, especialmente por el aumento de embarazos múltiples que se generan con estas terapias. El aumento de la edad materna de pacientes tratadas por infertilidad y la necesidad creciente de tratamientos de reproducción asistida determinan probablemente, un mayor riesgo futuro de complicaciones obstétricas y perinatales. Muchos de estos factores de riesgo pueden ser modificados y manejados antes de iniciar los tratamientos con la finalidad de mejorar el pronóstico para la madre y el recién nacido. La consideración de estos factores de riesgo y sus consecuencias en el embarazo son parte esencial del consejo reproductivo que debiera recibir toda paciente que se somete a tratamientos por infertilidad.El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar la relación existente entre las pacientes que consultan por infertilidad, los tratamientos usados y los potenciales riesgos obstétricos y perinatales cuando se produce el embarazo.

Infertile patients have an increased risk of adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes that depend on underlying infertility factors and on those treatments recieved to become pregnant. Maternal age, hormonal, endocrinologial, metabolic and anatomic/functional gynecological diseases are widely recognized risk factors for adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Infertility treatments like controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and assisted reproductive technologies add aditional risks, specially related to multiple pregnancies that are associated to. The higher maternal age of patients seeking for infertility treatment and the increasing need of assisted reproductive technologies probably determines a higher and increasing risk of obstetric and perinatal adverse outcomes. In many cases risk factors can be adequately modified and controlled before treatments are initiated thus improving maternal and neonatal prognosis. This risk factors and their consequences in pregnancy have to be strongly considered in reproductive counselling that should recieve every patient treated for infertility.The aim of this article is to show the relation between infertile patients seeking for treatment and their potential risks of obstetric and perinatal adverse outcomes when they get pregnant.

Humanos , Femenino , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/efectos adversos , Infertilidad/terapia , Síndrome del Ovario Poliquístico , Complicaciones del Embarazo/etiología , Embarazo Múltiple , Resultado del Embarazo , Enfermedades Fetales , Enfermedades del Recién Nacido
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 189-195, mar.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518265


En el año 2018 se conmemoraron 40 años desde el primer resultado exitoso producto de una fertilización in vitro (FIV), el nacimiento de Louise Brown en Inglaterra. Se estima que a la fecha han nacido más de 8 millones de seres humanos gracias a las tecnologías de reproducción asistida (TRA), técnicas que están en constante avance y desarrollo. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser cada vez más relevantes como tratamiento de la infertilidad, su acceso todavía es muy limitado y poco equitativo, alcanzando menos del 15% de la población a nivel global. En esta revisión analizamos los aspectos epidemiológicos de la infertilidad y exponemos el contraste entre la necesidad teórica de TRA y los ciclos realizados a nivel mundial, reflejando el bajo acceso a los tratamientos. Se enfatiza la realidad latinoamericana y con especial detalle la chilena, explorando tanto su dimensión histórica como actual, perfilando los desafíos que como país deberemos enfrentar en los próximos años.

The 40-year anniversary of the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) newborn, Louise Brown in England, was celebrated in 2018. To date, over 8 million children have been born with assisted reproductive technologies (ART), a group of techniques in continuous development. Despite the increasing relevance of such technologies as treatments for infertility, the access to ART has been limited to less than 15% of the world population.In this review, we analyze the epidemiological aspects of infertility and present the contrast between the theoretical demand and the actual number of ART cycles performed worldwide, reflecting the low access to infertility treatments. We put emphasis on the Latin American historic and current context, then provide more details on the Chilean reality, and finally outline the challenges Chile will face in the future regarding access to ART.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/estadística & datos numéricos , Infertilidad/terapia , Infertilidad/epidemiología , Fertilización In Vitro , Chile , Equidad en Salud , Factores Sociodemográficos , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , América Latina
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 173-179, mar.-abr. 2021. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518248


La mejor comprensión de la fisiología reproductiva y la disponibilidad de más y mejores recursos diagnóstico/terapéuticos permiten individualizar la estimulación ovárica y hacerla más efectiva (mejores resultados), eficiente (en menos tiempo y con dosis más bajas), segura (con menos y más leves complicaciones), cómoda (menos molestias y autonomía) y accesible (para más personas, a menores costos). Con tecnología de ADN recombinante se dispone ahora de todas las gonadotrofinas e incluso algunas con formas moleculares modificadas para aumentar la duración de acción y disminuir el número de inyecciones. El esquema más utilizado es el de FSH recombinante junto con antagonistas de GnRH. Hay indicaciones específicas para agregar LH o coadyuvantes como hGH o andrógenos transdérmicos. La estimulación ovárica, además de infertilidad, se usa para la preservación de la fertilidad. Cada vez se implementan más estrategias como acumulación de óvulos, esquemas no convencionales (random start, DuoStim y otros) junto a vitrificación ovular, estudio genético preimplantatorio, transferencias embrionarias diferidas y la investigación continúa. Se pronostican mejoras en un futuro próximo, entre otras antagonistas por vía oral y estudio genético de pacientes para diagnosticar mutaciones o polimorfismos de gonadotrofinas y sus receptores. Aunque ya es factible individualizar la estimulación y volverla más efectiva, segura y amigable, así como ofrecer otras opciones a pacientes de mal pronóstico.

Due to an increased understanding of reproductive physiology and to the availability of more and better diagnostic/therapeutic agents, ovarian stimulation through individualization, has become more effective (improved results), efficient (shorter span and lower doses), safe (less and milder complications), comfortable (less discomfort and dependance) and affordable (for more people at lower cost). All gonadotrophins are now available by recombinant DNA technology, including some modified compounds for specific purposes such as longer action and fewer injections. The most popular ovarian regime uses recombinant FSH and GnRH antagonist. There are precise indications for adding LH or adjuncts like hGH or transdermal androgens. Besides infertility, ovarian stimulation is also indicated for fertility preservation. Strategies like oocyte accumulation, non-conventional stimulation protocols (random start, DuoStim and others), oocyte vitrification, preimplantation genetic testing, freeze-all, deferred embryo transfer for particular cases are becoming popular, and the research still goes on. Future advances like oral GnRH antagonists, and the study of mutations and polymorphisms for gonadotropins and its receptors are foreseen. Today through individualization, ovarian stimulation is safe, effective and friendly, also we can offer good options to bad prognosis patients

Humanos , Femenino , Inducción de la Ovulación/tendencias , Infertilidad/terapia , Preservación de la Fertilidad
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 161-165, mar.-abr. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518229


En Chile, la obesidad y el sobrepeso han presentado un constante incremento, en las últimas décadas. Cifras del Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL) dan cuenta de un aumento de prevalencia, desde un 61% en 2003, hasta una preocupante estimación de 74% de la población adulta, en 2019 según la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO por sus siglas en inglés) estimó que 4 millones de adultos chilenos padecían de obesidad en 2019, situando a Chile como el país latinoamericano con el más alto índice de la condición. El porcentaje de la población adulta, en edad reproductiva, que presenta obesidad, se estima en 9 -18% para hombres y 12 -28% para mujeres. El exceso de grasa corporal tiene serias consecuencias adversas, para el potencial fértil y la capacidad reproductiva de las parejas, comprometiendo fecundidad y determinando infertilidad, trastornos de la ovulación, función sexual y peores resultados en técnicas de reproducción asistida y pronóstico obstétrico

In Chile, excess weight and obesity have shown a steady increase over the last decades. Data from the ministry of health (MINSAL) show a rise in prevalence from 61% in 2003 to an alarming 74% of the adult population by 2019 according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCDE). The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 4 million adult Chileans suffered obesity in 2019, placing Chile as the country in Latin America with the highest incidence of the condition. The percentage of reproductive age adults that suffer obesity is estimated in 9-18% for men and 12-28% for women. The excess body fat has serious detrimental effects on fertility potential and the reproductive capacity of couples compromising fecundity and causing anovulatory infertility and sexual dysfunction as well as poorer results in assisted reproductive technologies and obstetric outcome

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Infertilidad/epidemiología , Obesidad/epidemiología , Infertilidad/etiología , Infertilidad/terapia , Obesidad/complicaciones , Obesidad/terapia
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 32(1): e154, 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289389


La evidencia clínica que ha permitido relacionar la diabetes mellitus con la infertilidad se basa en la importancia del metabolismo de la glucosa durante el proceso de espermatogénesis, debido a que en los episodios tanto de hipoglucemia como de hiperglucemia pueden ocurrir cambios epigenéticos en algunas proteínas involucradas en la espermatogénesis. En la presente comunicación se describen los aspectos teóricos de los efectos de la diabetes sobre el líquido seminal con énfasis en la espermatogénesis(AU)

The clinical evidence that has made it possible to link diabetes mellitus with infertility is based on the importance of glucose metabolism during the spermatogenesis process, because in episodes of both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, epigenetic changes can occur in some proteins involved in spermatogenesis. This communication describes the theoretical aspects of the effects of diabetes on seminal fluid with emphasis on spermatogenesis(AU)

Humanos , Espermatogénesis , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiología , Hiperglucemia/etiología , Hipoglucemia/etiología , Infertilidad/terapia
Artemisa; I Jornada Científica de Farmacología y Salud. Fármaco Salud Artemisa 2021; 2021. [1-19] p.
No convencional en Español | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1284600


Introducción: La infertilidad es una enfermedad que afecta a la pareja, en donde ésta se ve imposibilitada para concebir un hijo naturalmente o de llevar un embarazo a término después de un año de relaciones sexuales constantes, sin método anticonceptivo. Objetivo: Describir el uso de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional para el tratamiento de la infertilidad Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sobre el tema en las diferentes bases de datos nacionales y extranjeras disponibles en Internet (PubMed, Medlin, y ClinicalKey) así como mediante el buscador Google Académico, en español e inglés, y con el auxilio de descriptores como palabras clave. Desarrollo: La infertilidad través de la Medicina Natural Tradicional se basa en estudiar a fondo el terreno bioenergética particular de cada paciente y crear una pauta personalizada. Existen diferentes modalidades de la Medicina Natural Tradicional que ayudan a tratar la infertilidad. Conclusiones: Se concluyó que existen diferentes métodos o modalidades con gran eficacia y seguridad en la Medicina Natural Tradicional la: acupuntura, homeopatía, yoga, fitoterapia, apiterapia, estos van a actuar tonificando y calmando la mente, tonificar al máximo el endometrio y el útero, nutrir la sangre, hacer circular el Ying; su utilización constituye prioridad en el trabajo del médico general.

Terapias Complementarias , Infertilidad/terapia , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , Yin-Yang , Acupuntura
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21200758, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339312


Abstract Infertility is becoming a growing issue in almost all countries. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) are recent development in treating infertility that give hope to the infertile couples. However, the pregnancy rates achieved with the aid of ART is considerably low, as success in ART is not only based on the treatment but also on many other controllable and uncontrollable biological, social, and environmental features. High expenditures and painful process of ART cycles are the two major barriers for opting for ART. Moreover, ART treatments are not covered by any health insurance schemes. Computational prediction models could be used to improve the success rate by predicting the treatment outcome, before the start of an ART cycle. This may suggest the couples and the doctors to decide on the next course of action i.e. either to opt for ART or opt for correcting determinants or quit the ART. With the intension to improve the success rate of ART by providing decision support system to the physicians as well to the patients before entering into the treatment this research work proposes a dynamic model for ART outcome prediction using Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The proposed dynamic model is partially implemented with the help of an ensemble of heterogeneous incremental classifier and its performance is compared with state-of-art classifiers such as Naïve Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), K-star etc.,using ART dataset. Performance of the model is evaluated with various metrics such as accuracy, Precision Recall Curve (PRC), Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), F-Measure etc., However, ROC cure area is taken as the chief metric. Evaluation results shows that the model achieves the performance with the ROC area value of 94.1 %.

Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/instrumentación , Aprendizaje Automático/tendencias , Predicción , Infertilidad/terapia
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 14(2): 81-89, 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283557


La Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita (HSRC) corresponde a un grupo de defectos genéticos en la síntesis de cortisol. El 95% de ellas son debidas al déficit de 21-hidroxilasa por lo que nos referiremos solo a esta deficiencia. La hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita clásica (HSRC-C) debuta en recién nacidos o lactantes con insuficiencia suprarrenal primaria, diferentes grados de hiperandrogenismo clínico en mujeres y puede coexistir con hipotensión, hiperkalemia e hiponatremia si hay un déficit clínico de aldosterona. El objetivo de este artículo es actualizar el conocimiento y enfoques sugeridos para el manejo de la HSRC-C desde el inicio de sus controles en la etapa adulta. El diagnóstico diferencial en retrospectiva de la HSRC-C y la no clásica (HSRC-NC) a veces resulta difícil ya que esta enfermedad es un espectro fenotípico continuo. La insuficiencia suprarrenal y la dependencia a terapia corticoidal son los eventos principales para diferenciar estas dos patologías que tienen enfoques terapéuticos diferentes. El tratamiento de la HSRC-C en adultos abarca 2 objetivos primarios: la adecuada sustitución de la falla suprarrenal y el control de hiperandrogenismo mediante el uso de corticoides en sus dosis mínimas efectivas. En la mujer existen terapias complementarias para el control del hiperandrogenismo como anticonceptivos y otras que se encuentran en diferentes fases de investigación. Esto permite disminuir las dosis de corticoides en algunos casos. Es importante a la vez abordar tres objetivos secundarios: controlar el riesgo cardiometabólico propio de la enfermedad, evitar el sobre tratamiento corticoidal y manejar la infertilidad. La correcta monitorización del tratamiento en adultos tomando en cuenta los objetivos descritos permite una mejor calidad de vida en estos pacientes. Finalmente el consejo genético debe realizarse en todos los pacientes con HSRC que deseen fertilidad y en sus parejas. El estudio requiere de secuenciación del gen CYP21A2 y debe realizarse en un laboratorio de experiencia.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) are a group of genetic defects characterized by impaired cortisol synthesis. 95% of them are due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. We will discuss only this enzyme's deficiency. Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH-C) debuts in newborns or infants with primary adrenal insufficiency, some degree of clinical hyperandrogenism in newborn females, and can coexist with hypotension, hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia if there is a clinical aldosterone deficiency. The objective of this article is to update the knowledge and suggested approaches for the management of CAH-C from the beginning of its controls in the adult stage. The retrospective differential diagnosis of CAH-C and non-classical (CAH-NC) is sometimes difficult because this disease is a continuous phenotypic spectrum. Adrenal insufficiency and dependence on corticosteroid therapy are the main events to differentiate these two pathologies that have different therapeutic approaches. In adults, the treatment of CAH-C must include 2 primary objectives: adequate the replacement of adrenal failure and control of hyperandrogenism, through the use of corticosteroids in their minimum effective doses. In women there are complementary therapies for the control of hyperandrogenism, such as contraceptives and others that are in different phases of research. This makes it possible to reduce the doses of corticosteroids in some cases. It is important at the same time to address three secondary objectives: control the cardiometabolic risk of the disease secondary to corticosteroid treatment, avoid corticosteroid overtreatment and manage infertility. The correct monitoring of treatment in adults and taking in to account the objectives described, allows a better quality of life in these patients. Finally, genetic counseling must be carried out in all patients planning for children, with any type of CAH and in their partners. The study requires sequencing of the CYP21A2 gene and must be performed in a certified laboratory.

Humanos , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/terapia , Esteroide 21-Hidroxilasa , Corticoesteroides/uso terapéutico , Insuficiencia Suprarrenal/etiología , Insuficiencia Suprarrenal/terapia , Hiperandrogenismo/etiología , Hiperandrogenismo/terapia , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/complicaciones , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/diagnóstico , Síndrome Metabólico/prevención & control , Flutamida/uso terapéutico , Asesoramiento Genético , Infertilidad/etiología , Infertilidad/terapia
Femina ; 49(6): 379-384, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290571


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os aspectos emocionais presentes no processo de reprodução humana assistida (RHA), por meio de uma revisão interativa da literatura. As bases de dados utilizadas foram PubMed, BVS e Periódicos Capes, com os descritores "infertility" AND "reproductive techniques" AND "emotions". Foram incluídos e analisados 24 artigos dos últimos cinco anos (2015 a 2020). Os resultados indicam que existem diversos sentimentos negativos que permeiam os casais infé rteis, especialmente quando existem falhas no tratamento. O apoio social durante o tratamento em RHA melhora a qualidade de vida do casal e diminui o sofrimento emocional. As estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos casais inférteis e as intervenções terapêuticas também foram avaliadas como positivas para o manejo do estresse, da ansiedade e da depressão. As diferenças de gênero apareceram nos estudos e reiteram a relevância das relações de gênero, indicando a necessidade de intervenções diferentes para homens e mulheres.(AU)

The aim of this work was to analyze the emotional aspects present in the assisted human reproduction (RHA) process, through an interactive literature review. The databases used were PUBMED, BVS and CAPES journals, with the descriptors "infertility" AND « reproductive techniques" AND "emotions." 24 articles from the last five years (2015 to 2020) were included and analyzed. The results indicate that there are several negative feelings that permeate infertile couples, especially when treatment failures, social support during RHA treatment improves the couple's quality of life and reduces emotional distress. The coping strategies used by infertile couples and interventions therapeutics were also evaluated as positive for the management of stress, anxiety and depression. The gender differences appeared in the studies and reiterate the relevance of gender relations, indicating the need for different interventions for men and women.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/psicología , Distrés Psicológico , Infertilidad/psicología , Infertilidad/terapia , Apoyo Social , Adaptación Psicológica , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , Resultado del Tratamiento , Insuficiencia del Tratamiento
São Paulo med. j ; 137(4): 379-383, July-Aug. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043443


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The underlying cause of seasonal infertility in humans is unclear, but is likely to be ­multifactorial. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to compare the pregnancy rates among infertile women who underwent induced ovulation and intrauterine insemination (IUI) with the season in which the fertility treatment was performed. DESIGN AND SETTING: This retrospective cohort study was conducted on 466 patients who were treated in the reproductive endocrinology and infertility outpatient clinic of a tertiary-level women's healthcare and maternity hospital. METHODS: Retrospective demographic, hormonal and ultrasonographic data were obtained from the patients' medical records. Clomiphene citrate or gonadotropin medications were used for induced ovulation. The patients were divided into four groups according to the season (spring, winter, autumn and summer) in which fertility treatment was received. Clinical pregnancy rates were calculated and compared between these four groups. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the seasonal groups in terms of age, infertility type, ovarian reserve tests, duration of infertility, medications used or length of stimulation. A total of 337 patients (72.3%) were treated with clomiphene citrate and 129 (27.7%) with gonadotropin; no significant difference between these two groups was observed. The clinical pregnancy rates for the spring, winter, autumn and summer groups were 15.6% (n = 24), 8.6% (n = 9), 11.5% (n = 13) and 7.4% (n = 7), respectively (P = 0.174). CONCLUSIONS: Although the spring group had the highest pregnancy rate, the rates of successful IUI did not differ significantly between the seasonal groups.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Inducción de la Ovulación/métodos , Inseminación Artificial , Clomifeno/administración & dosificación , Fármacos para la Fertilidad Femenina/administración & dosificación , Gonadotropinas/administración & dosificación , Infertilidad/terapia , Estaciones del Año , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios de Cohortes , Índice de Embarazo
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 61(6): 557-559, Nov.-Dec. 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-771996


SUMMARY The concern about the maintenance of the human species has existed since the earliest civilizations. Progress in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility has led to the development of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) which, along with the evolution of genetics and molecular biology studies, have contributed in a concrete way to the management of infertile couples. Classic in vitro fertilization was initially developed 35 years ago for the treatment of women with tubal blockage, however, it remains inaccessible to a significant proportion of infertile couples around the world. This can be explained by the lack of specialized clinics in some countries and by the high cost of the procedures. Efforts have been employed to increase the number of treatment cycles for assisted reproduction, as for example, the creation of low-cost programs. Even today, infertility remains a problem of global proportions, affecting millions of couples. The estimate of the incidence of infertility is uncertain, mainly because of the criteria used for its definition. This article aims to review the most important aspects, succinctly, regarding the incidence, etiology, and treatment options available to infertile couples.

RESUMO A preocupação com a procriação e a manutenção da espécie humana existe desde as civilizações mais antigas. O progresso no diagnóstico e no tratamento da infertilidade teve como consequência o desenvolvimento de técnicas de reprodução assistida (TRA) que, conjuntamente com a evolução dos estudos em genética e biologia molecular, têm contribuído de maneira real no manejo dos casais inférteis. A fertilização in vitro clássica foi inicialmente desenvolvida há mais de 35 anos para o tratamento de mulheres com obstrução tubária, no entanto, essa terapêutica permanece ainda inacessível para uma considerável parte dos casais inférteis ao redor do mundo. Isso pode ser explicado pela falta de clínicas especializadas em alguns países e pelo alto custo dos procedimentos. Esforços têm sido empregados para aumentar o número de ciclos de tratamento em reprodução assistida, como, por exemplo, a criação de programas de baixo custo. Ainda nos dias atuais, a infertilidade permanece como um problema de proporções mundiais, acometendo milhões de casais. A estimativa da incidência da infertilidade é incerta, principalmente por causa dos critérios utilizados para sua definição. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar os aspectos mais importantes, de forma sucinta, referentes a incidência, etiologia e alternativas terapêuticas disponíveis para os casais inférteis.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Reproducción , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/tendencias , Infertilidad/terapia , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Infertilidad/fisiopatología
Rev. AMRIGS ; 59(1): 55-59, jan.-mar. 2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-846824


Este artigo analisa os aspectos jurídicos e bioéticos da prática médica da doação compartilhada de óvulos no contexto da Reprodução Assistida no Brasil. Trata-se de uma prática criada pela classe médica para auxiliar na obtenção de gametas femininos e beneficiar as pacientes que buscam alcançar a gravidez com assistência profissional (AU)

This paper examines the legal and bioethical aspects of medical practice of shared egg donation in the context of Assisted Reproduction in Brazil. This is a practice created by physicians to aid in obtaining female gametes and benefit patients seeking to achieve pregnancy with professional assistance (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Donación de Oocito/legislación & jurisprudencia , Donación de Oocito/ética , Óvulo/trasplante , Fertilización In Vitro/legislación & jurisprudencia , Fertilización In Vitro/ética , Conducta Cooperativa , Discusiones Bioéticas , Contratos , Infertilidad/economía , Infertilidad/terapia
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157120


In recent times, infertility among both man and woman has become a major concern affecting about 20 per cent of the population worldwide and has been attributed in part to several aetiological factors such as changes in lifestyle, which includes sedentary life, dietary habits, sleep anomalies, environmental pollution, etc. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have come to the rescue of many such couples, but presence of metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes with insulin resistance (IR) and its secondary complications (micro- and macro-vascular complications), become confounders to the outcome of ART. Cell therapies are arising as a new hope in the management of reproductive disorders and currently, the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) harvested from the adult sources finds wide application in the management of diseases like stroke, neuropathy, nephropathy, myopathy, wounds in diabetes, etc. Given the capacity of MSCs to preferentially home to damaged tissue and modulate the cellular niche/microenvironment to augment tissue repairs and regeneration, the present review outlines the applications of MSCs in the management of infertility/reproductive disorders.

Adulto , Animales , Complicaciones de la Diabetes , Femenino , Humanos , Infertilidad/etiología , Infertilidad/fisiopatología , Infertilidad/terapia , Masculino , Trasplante de Células Madre Mesenquimatosas/métodos , Síndrome Metabólico/complicaciones , Ratas
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157112


Emergency contraception (EC) is a safe and effective method which is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Many of the unwanted pregnancies end in unsafe abortions. The search for an ideal contraceptive, which does not interfere with spontaneity or pleasure of the sexual act, yet effectively controls the fertility, is still continuing. Numerous contraceptive techniques are available, yet contraceptive coverage continues to be poor in India. Thus, even when not planning for a pregnancy, exposure to unprotected sex takes place often, necessitating the use of emergency contraception. This need may also arise due to failure of contraceptive method being used (condom rupture, diaphragm slippage, forgotten oral pills) or following sexual assault. Emergency contraception is an intervention that can prevent a large number of unwanted pregnancies resulting from failure of regular contraception or unplanned sexual activity, which in turn helps in reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity due to unsafe abortions. However, a concern has been expressed regarding repeated and indiscriminate usage of e-pill, currently the rational use of emergency contraception is being promoted as it is expected to make a significant dent in reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. In fact, since the introduction of emergency contraception, the contribution of unsafe abortion towards maternal mortality has declined from 13 to 8 per cent.

Adulto , Animales , Complicaciones de la Diabetes , Femenino , Humanos , Infertilidad/etiología , Infertilidad/fisiopatología , Infertilidad/terapia , Masculino , Trasplante de Células Madre Mesenquimatosas/métodos , Síndrome Metabólico/complicaciones , Ratas
Clinics ; 69(4): 279-293, 4/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-705781


Gonadotropin therapy plays an integral role in ovarian stimulation for infertility treatments. Efforts have been made over the last century to improve gonadotropin preparations. Undoubtedly, current gonadotropins have better quality and safety profiles as well as clinical efficacy than earlier ones. A major achievement has been introducing recombinant technology in the manufacturing processes for follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and human chorionic gonadotropin. Recombinant gonadotropins are purer than urine-derived gonadotropins, and incorporating vial filling by mass virtually eliminated batch-to-batch variations and enabled accurate dosing. Recombinant and fill-by-mass technologies have been the driving forces for launching of prefilled pen devices for more patient-friendly ovarian stimulation. The most recent developments include the fixed combination of follitropin alfa + lutropin alfa, long-acting FSH gonadotropin, and a new family of prefilled pen injector devices for administration of recombinant gonadotropins. The next step would be the production of orally bioactive molecules with selective follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone activity.

Femenino , Humanos , Gonadotropina Coriónica/uso terapéutico , Hormona Folículo Estimulante/uso terapéutico , Hormona Luteinizante/uso terapéutico , Inducción de la Ovulación/métodos , Infertilidad/terapia , Inducción de la Ovulación/tendencias
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154537


Background and Aim: Throughout a woman's life, hormonal influences affect therapeutic decision making in periodontics. A woman undergoing infertility treatment is given drugs to stimulate the ovaries, which lead to sustained higher levels of female sex hormones. The differing levels of these hormones, either in infertile women or in women undergoing therapy for infertility or in women who have conceived and delivered naturally could suggest a differing periodontal status amongst these three groups. Hence, this cross-sectional study was undertaken to assess and compare the periodontal status in the above three groups. Materials and Methods: 180 women including 60 women undergoing treatment for infertility (Group I), 60 women in whom infertility treatment had not yet been initiated (Group II) and 60 women who had conceived and delivered naturally (Group III-control group), of age range 25-35 years, were included. Clinical parameters including oral hygiene index simplified (OHI-S), gingival index, sulcus bleeding index (SBI) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) were assessed by a single examiner. Results: Despite similar OHI-S scores (P > 0.05) in all groups, women of Group I had significantly higher gingival inflammation and SBI (P < 0.05) as compared to women of Group II and Group III. Furthermore, the women in Group I and Group II had statistically higher CAL (P < 0.05) as compared with the control group. Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that altered hormonal levels in infertile women undergoing assisted reproductive therapy and infertile women not undergoing this treatment can lead to increased attachment loss, suggesting that these women may require constant periodontal monitoring.

Adulto , Femenino , Fertilización In Vitro , Humanos , Infertilidad/terapia , Índice Periodontal
IJFS-International Journal of Fertility and Sterility. 2014; 8 (1): 77-84
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-157599


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between marital violence and distress level among women with a diagnosis of infertility. In this prospective randomized study, a total of 180 patients were included in the study. Amongst these, pertubation of the uterine cavity was carried out in 79 patients prior to insemination. One patient in the pertubation group was later excluded because insemination could not be performed due to cycle cancellation. There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics between the study and control groups. When the pregnancy rates of both groups were evaluated, 14[17.8%] patients in the study group achieved pregancy. Three [3.8%] had a biochemical pregnancy, 1[1.3%] miscarried and 10[12.7%] had live births. In the control group, a total of 24[23.8%] pregnancies were achieved, amongst which one [1%] had a biochemical pregnancy, 3[3%] miscarried and 20[19.8%] resulted in live births. There was no significant difference between groups in terms of total pregnancy and live birth rates [p>0.05]. There was a 21% total pregnancy loss rate. There was no significant difference between the control and study groups in terms of pregnancy loss rates [p>0.05]. This study on a homogenous group of unexplained infertile patients determined that the addition of pertubation to a controlled ovarian hyperstimulation plus intrauterine insemination [COH+IUI] treatment protocol did not affect pregnancy rates

Humanos , Femenino , Infertilidad/terapia , Inseminación Artificial/métodos , Parto , Tasa de Natalidad , Estudios Prospectivos , Nacimiento Vivo
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 35(6): 255-261, jun. 2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-681959


OBJETIVO: Avaliar o nível de estresse de homens e mulheres que buscavam tratamento para infertilidade e identificar variáveis associadas. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 101 homens e 101 mulheres que se consultavam pela primeira vez em um Ambulatório de Reprodução Humana. Os participantes responderam à versão brasileira do Inventário de Problema de Fertilidade (IPF) com base nos quatro domínios: "relacionamentos sociais", "vida sem filhos"; "relacionamento conjugal/sexual" e "maternidade/paternidade" e também a um questionário com características socioeconômicas e reprodutivas. Realizou-se análise bivariada através dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher, considerando p<0,05. Posteriormente realizou-se análise multivariada de correspondência, na qual foram incluídas as variáveis com p<0,20. RESULTADOS: De modo geral, os participantes apresentaram alto nível de estresse em todos os domínios, exceto no domínio "vida sem filhos". A análise multivariada por correspondência apontou que as variáveis que se aproximaram do estresse alto no domínio "relacionamentos sociais" foram: ser do sexo feminino, ter o problema da infertilidade, e considerar a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal regular. No domínio "vida sem filhos" as variáveis que se aproximaram do estresse alto foram: ser do sexo feminino, ter idade entre 18 e 24 anos, e ter o problema da infertilidade. Ser do sexo masculino, considerar a adoção, pais e/ou sogros e outras pessoas saberem da dificuldade para engravidar, e considerar a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal ótimo aproximaram-se do alto nível de estresse no domínio "relacionamento conjugal/sexual". Para o domínio "maternidade/paternidade" evidenciou-se que as variáveis ser do sexo feminino, considerar a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal regular, ter idade entre 25 e 35 anos, e praticar religião evangélica ou protestante aproximaram-se do alto nível de estresse. CONCLUSÃO: Homens e mulheres que buscam tratamento para infertilidade apresentam alto nível elevado de estresse, sugerindo que o apoio psicossocial é importante e deve ser diferenciado para homens e mulheres.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the level of stress in men and women seeking treatment for infertility and to identify the associated variables. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with 101 men and 101 women consulting for the first time at the Human Reproduction Unit. Participants completed the Brazilian version of the Fertility Problem Inventory (FPI) based on four domains: "social relationships", "life without children"; "marital relationship/sexual" and "maternity/paternity" and a structured questionnaire with socioeconomic and reproductive variables. Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-square and Fisher exact tests, considering p<0.05. Afterwards the multivariate correspondence analysis was done with variables with p<0.20. RESULTS: Overall, the participants presented a high level of stress in all domains, except in the "life without children" domain. Multivariate analysis of correspondence showed that variables associated with a high level of stress in the "social relationships" domains were: to be a woman, to have the infertility problem, and to consider the quality of the marital relationship to be regular. In the "life without children" domain the variables that approached the high stress were: to be woman, age between 18 and 24 years, and to have the infertility problem. To be a man, to consider adoption, parents/in-laws and other people knowing about the difficulty to become pregnant, and to consider the quality of the marital relationship to be excellent were the variables associated with high level of stress in "marital/sexual relationship" domain. For "maternity/paternity" domain the variables associated were to be women, consider marital relationship quality regular, age between 25 and 35 years, be evangelical or protestant were the variables associated with a high level of stress. CONCLUSION:Men and women seeking treatment for infertility present a high level of stress and it can be suggested that psychosocial support is important and should be different for men and women.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Infertilidad , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud/psicología , Estrés Psicológico/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Infertilidad/terapia