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Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022215, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507426


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate severe acute respiratory syndrome surveillance in a pediatric unit. Methods: Descriptive study of reported severe acute respiratory syndrome cases with the detection of respiratory viruses in the nasopharyngeal sample of patients hospitalized between 2013 and 2019, in a reference hospital in the Federal District, Brazil. Results: A total of 269 children had one or more viruses detected, resulting in 280 viruses, of which 152 (54%) were respiratory syncytial virus. The detection of respiratory syncytial virus was higher during the autumn-winter period. Children´s median age was 6.9 months, 156 (58%) were male, 104 (39%) had comorbidity, 197 (73%) required mechanical ventilation, 241 (90%) received antibiotics, and 146 (54%) oseltamivir. There were 19 (7%) deaths. The median time from symptom onset to sample collection was 5 days and the median time from sample collection to final results was 6 days. Conclusions: The system needs to reduce the time to deliver results so that inappropriate use of antibiotics and antivirals can be avoided. Moreover, the burden of viral pneumonia was relevant and the system must be flexible enough to include emerging viruses in order to be useful in responding to public health emergencies caused by respiratory viruses.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a vigilância da síndrome respiratória aguda grave em uma unidade pediátrica. Métodos: Estudo descritivo dos casos de síndrome respiratória aguda grave, notificados e com a detecção de vírus respiratório em amostra de nasofaringe de pacientes internados entre 2013 e 2019, em um hospital de referência do Distrito Federal. Resultados: Um total de 269 crianças tiveram algum vírus detectado, resultando em 280 vírus, sendo 152 (54%) vírus sincicial respiratório. A detecção do vírus sincicial respiratório foi maior durante o período de outono-inverno. A mediana da idade das crianças foi de 6,9 meses, 156 (58%) eram do sexo masculino, 104 (39%) tinham comorbidade, 197 (73%) necessitaram de ventilação mecânica, 241 (90%) receberam antibióticos e 146 (54%) oseltamivir. Ocorreram 19 (7%) óbitos. A mediana do tempo desde o início dos sintomas até a coleta da amostra foi de 5 dias, e do tempo da coleta até o resultado foi de 6 dias. Conclusões: O sistema necessita reduzir o tempo do resultado final para que seja possível evitar o uso inadequado de antibióticos e antivirais. Ademais, o impacto das pneumonias virais foi relevante e o sistema deve ser flexível suficiente para incluir vírus emergentes, para ser útil na resposta às emergências de saúde pública causada por vírus respiratórios.

Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 50(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534962


Introducción: La bronquiolitis constituye una de las principales causas de Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas Bajas en Pediatría, y es responsable de una proporción significativa de hospitalizaciones en lactantes, fundamentalmente, en menores de 1 año. Su diagnóstico es clínico, caracterizado por síntomas y signos de amplio grado de gravedad. Objetivo: Describir las características clínico-etiológicas de casos de bronquiolitis en menores de 1 año, internados en un hospital de niños de la ciudad de Santa Fe, durante un periodo de un año. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal. Se analizaron datos demográficos, clínicos y de laboratorio de fichas médicas de vigilancia epidemiológica. Las técnicas diagnósticas usadas según el agente viral fueron RT-PCR en tiempo real, PCR-punto final e Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta. Resultados: Sobre un total de 108 casos, 90,7% tuvo de 1 a 6 meses de edad. La mediana de internación fue de 5 días, y el nacimiento prematuro fue la condición médica previa más frecuente. Un 78,7% (85) tuvo diagnóstico viral positivo, siendo Rinovirus (hRV) y Virus Sincicial Respiratorio (VSR) los agentes más prevalentes, tanto en infección única como en coinfección. El tiempo de oxigenoterapia fue mayor en los pacientes más graves (p<0,001). El 32,4% (35) recibió alguna medicación que fue, en mayor frecuencia, antibiótico. Se encontró asociación positiva y significativa entre la edad menor de 3 meses y una hospitalización mayor a 5 días (OR=2,5; IC: 1,1-5,8; p=0,02); y entre un diagnóstico VSR positivo y un cuadro grave (OR: 7,7; IC: 1,95-39,6; p<0,001). Conclusión: Las características y condiciones médicas consideradas por la literatura como factores de riesgo para el padecimiento y la gravedad de una IRAB, fueron halladas con mayor frecuencia en la población de estudio. El hRV y el VRS fueron los agentes de mayor rescate viral, encontrándose una asociación positiva entre la infección por VSR y la gravedad del cuadro.

Introduction: Bronchiolitis is one of the main causes of Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in pediatrics, and is responsible for a significant proportion of hospitalizations in infants, mainly in children under 1 year of age. Its diagnosis is clinical. The disease is characterized by a wide variety and degree of signs and symptoms. Objective: To describe the clinical-etiological characteristics of cases of bronchiolitis in children under 1 year of age, admitted to a children's hospital in the city of Santa Fe, over a period of one year. Materials and Methods: This was an observational and cross-sectional study. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data from epidemiological surveillance medical records were analyzed. The diagnostic techniques used, based on the viral agent, were real-time RT-PCR, end-point PCR and Indirect Immunofluorescence. Results: Out of a total of 108 cases, 90.7% were between 1 and 6 months old. The median hospital stay was 5 days, and premature birth was the most common prior medical condition. 78.7% (85) had a positive viral diagnosis, with Rhinovirus (hRV) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) being the most prevalent agents, both in single infection and coinfection. Oxygen therapy time was longer in the most seriously ill patients (p<0.001). 32.4% (35) received some medication, which was, most frequently, antibiotics. A positive and significant association was found between age less than 3 months and hospitalization longer than 5 days (OR=2.5; CI: 1.1-5.8; p=0.02); and between a positive RSV diagnosis and a severe condition (OR: 7.7; CI: 1.95-39.6; p<0.001). Conclusions: The characteristics and medical conditions considered by the literature as risk factors for the morbidity and severity of a lower respiratory tract infection were found more frequently in the study population. hRV and RSV were the most commonly-detected viral agents. We found a positive association between RSV infection and the severity of the condition.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 52(3): 125-130, 18 de diciembre de 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523416


Introducción: La bronquiolitis aguda (BA) es la causa principal de admisiones en cuartos de urgencias y salas pediátricas, especialmente en el lactante menor de 2 años. Se ha reportado que el 70 a 85% de los casos atendidos, el Virus Sincicial Respiratorio (VSR), es el más frecuente agente infeccioso responsable. Hasta el momento, no se ha podido producir una vacuna efectiva y segura que elimine de la lista de agentes peligrosos este virus que suele tener una distribución universal. El diagnóstico de la Bronquiolitis aguda es fundamentalmente clínico, sin embargo, en la última década la introducción de paneles de detección de un número de agentes causantes de infecciones respiratorias bajas ha sido de gran utilidad para confirmar la prevalencia del VSR, y para agregar a las listas otros agentes virales que pueden dar un cuadro similar. En esta lista está el adenovirus, el para influenza, el rinovirus y el metapneumovirus. En Panamá la estacionalidad del VSR iniciaba en la época de lluvias (mayo) y terminaba al final del año con la entrada del verano o temporada seca. Resultados: Durante el primer año de pandemia (2020) hubo una reducción significativa de los casos atendidos en los cuartos de urgencia pediátricos, así como en las hospitalizaciones. Ya en el 2021 nuevamente se incrementó el número de casos atendidos en los cuartos de urgencia y se incrementó el número de admisiones. Conclusión: Durante los años de pandemia hubo casos de bronquiolitis por VSR durante la temporada seca no ajustándose a la estacionalidad de los años prepandemia. (provisto por Infomedic International)

Introduction: Acute bronchiolitis (AB) is the main cause of admissions to emergency rooms and pediatric wards, especially in infants under 2 years of age. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) has been reported to be the most frequent infectious agent responsible for 70 to 85% of the cases seen. So far, it has not been possible to produce an effective and safe vaccine to eliminate from the list of dangerous agents this virus that usually has a universal distribution. The diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis is fundamentally clinical, however, in the last decade the introduction of screening panels for several agents causing lower respiratory infections has been very useful to confirm the prevalence of RSV, and to add to the lists other viral agents that can give a similar picture. This list includes adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus and metapneumovirus. In Panama, the seasonality of RSV began in the rainy season (May) and ended at the end of the year with the onset of the summer or dry season. Results: During the first year of the pandemic (2020) there was a significant reduction in the number of cases seen in pediatric emergency rooms, as well as in hospitalizations. In 2021 there was again an increase in the number of cases seen in emergency rooms and an increase in the number of admissions. Conclusions: During the pandemic years, there were cases of RSV bronchiolitis during the dry season, not adjusting to the seasonality of the pre-pandemic years. (provided by Infomedic International)

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-9, 2023. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468960


The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.5–16 μg/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.

O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,5–16 μg/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios [...].

Humans , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections , Neutrophils , Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human/genetics
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469176


Abstract The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.516 g/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.

Resumo O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,516 g/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios semelhantes àqueles induzidos pelo vírus em células não tratadas, indicando danos citotóxicos e deletérios. Nossos resultados corroboram achados relatados anteriormente de que as NETs contribuem para a imunopatologia desenvolvida por pacientes infectados com hRSV.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248717, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339344


Abstract The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.5-16 μg/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.

Resumo O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,5-16 μg/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios semelhantes àqueles induzidos pelo vírus em células não tratadas, indicando danos citotóxicos e deletérios. Nossos resultados corroboram achados relatados anteriormente de que as NETs contribuem para a imunopatologia desenvolvida por pacientes infectados com hRSV.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections , Extracellular Traps , Epithelial Cells , Lung
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 41: e2021304, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422822


Abstract Objective: Due to the high cost and short term of passive immunization against the respiratory syncytial virus, the main virus causing acute viral bronchiolitis, predicting epidemic regions and epidemic months is extremely important. The objective of this study is to identify both the month when the seasonal peak begins and Brazilian regions and states with the highest incidence of monthly hospitalizations due acute viral bronchiolitis. Methods: Based on data obtained from DATASUS, monthly hospitalization rates due acute viral bronchiolitis were calculated for every 10,000 live births to children under 12 months of age in all Brazilian states and the Federal District between 2000 and 2019. Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models were estimated to forecast monthly hospitalization rates in 2020. Results: A higher incidence of hospitalizations was found for male children, especially under six months of age. As for Brazilian regions, between 2000 and 2019, the South region registered the highest incidence of hospitalizations, followed by the Southeast, Midwest, North and Northeast regions, in this order. Considering the seasonal peak, the period between March and July 2020 comprised the highest expected hospitalization rates. Conclusions: Palivizumab is suggested to be started between February/March and June/July for most Brazilian states, with the exception of Rio Grande do Sul, which, in addition to presenting the highest rates of hospitalizations for acute viral bronchiolitis per 10,000 live births, has the longest seasonal peak between May and September.

RESUMO Objetivo: Em razão do alto custo e do curto prazo da imunização passiva contra o vírus sincicial respiratório, principal vírus causador de bronquiolite viral aguda, a previsão das regiões e meses epidêmicos é extremamente importante. Objetiva-se identificar o mês de início do pico sazonal e as regiões e Estados brasileiros de maior incidência de hospitalizações mensais por bronquiolite viral aguda. Métodos: Com dados obtidos no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil, foram calculadas as taxas mensais de hospitalizações por bronquiolite viral aguda a cada 10 mil nascidos vivos de crianças com idade inferior a 12 meses, em todos os Estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal, no período entre 2000 e 2019. Modelos sazonais autorregressivos integrados e de médias móveis foram estimados para a previsão das taxas mensais de hospitalizações em 2020. Resultados: Verificou-se maior incidência de hospitalizações em crianças do sexo masculino, principalmente naquelas com idade inferior a seis meses. Em relação às regiões brasileiras, entre 2000 e 2019, a Região Sul apresentou a maior incidência de hospitalizações, seguida pelas Regiões Sudeste, Centro-Oeste, Norte e Nordeste, respectivamente. Quanto ao pico sazonal, o período entre março e julho de 2020 compreende as maiores taxas de hospitalizações previstas. Conclusões: Sugere-se o início da administração do Palivizumab entre fevereiro/março e junho/julho para a maioria dos Estados brasileiros, com exceção do Rio Grande do Sul, que, além de apresentar as maiores taxas de hospitalizações por bronquiolite viral aguda a cada 10.000 nascidos vivos, possui o pico sazonal de maior duração entre maio e setembro.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(4): 264-268, Agosto 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1372367


Introducción. Durante el 2020, la circulación de otros virus respiratorios fue inferior a lo acostumbrado. Es probable que, almodificarse las medidas de mitigación para la infección por el coronavirus 2019, dicha prevalencia haya aumentado en 2021. Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de virus respiratorioshabituales en pacientes de 0 a 5 años asistidos en Departamento de Urgencias de un hospital pediátrico de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Métodos. Estudio transversal con 348 pacientes que consultaronpor sospecha de enfermedad por el coronavirus 2019(COVID-19), en quienes se descartó dicha enfermedad y se realizó la pesquisa sistemática de virus respiratorios habitualesResultados. En el 40 % de los pacientes se identificó el virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR), un virus respiratorio habitual. La edad menor de 2 años se mostró como predictor independiente de VSR (razón de momios [OR]: 4,15; intervalos de confianza del 95 % [IC95 %]: 2,46-6,99). Conclusión. En la población estudiada, 40 % de los pacientes con sospecha de COVID-19 en quienes se descartó infección por SARS-CoV-2 presentaban infección por VSR.

Introduction. During 2020, circulation of other respiratory viruses was lower than usual. Most likely, as mitigation measures for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were modified, their prevalence in 2021 may have increased. Objective. To estimate the prevalence of common respiratory viruses among patients aged 0­5 years seen at the Emergency Department of a children's hospital in the City of Buenos Aires. Methods. Cross-sectional study of 348 patients consulting for suspected COVID-19 in whom SARS-CoV-2 infection was ruled out and routine screening for common respiratory viruses was performed. Results. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common respiratory virus, was identified in 40% of patients. Age younger than 2 years was an independent predictor of RSV (odds ratio [OR]: 4.15; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.46­6.99). Conclusion. In the study population, 40% of patients suspected of COVID-19 in whom SARS-CoV-2 infection was ruled out had RSV infection.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Respiratory Tract Infections/diagnosis , Respiratory Tract Infections/epidemiology , Viruses , Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human , COVID-19/diagnosis , COVID-19/epidemiology , Outpatients , Cross-Sectional Studies , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398582


Introducción: El Virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR) responsable de neumonía y causa de hospitalización en áreas críticas pediátricas, puede ocasionar muertes en lactantes. Reporte de caso: Se analizaron cinco casos infrecuentes a nivel estacional en un hospital al norte de Perú durante el periodo de abril a junio del 2019, donde se observaron pacientes con neumonía causados por VSR, confirmado por inmunofluorescencia directa, radiografía de tórax y con presencia de hallazgos clínicos asociados hepatomegalia y atelectasia. De los 05 casos: 4 correspondieron a niños y una niña, en edades comprendidas de 2-7 meses, todos fueron hospitalizados, presentaron sibilancias, crepitantes y politiraje como signos prevalentes al ingreso, todos desarrollaron cuadro de neumonía severa y complicaciones, se registraron dos defunciones en menores de 6 meses, con complicaciones de sepsis, PARDS y ventilación mecánica. Conclusión: los casos presentados reflejan cuadros clínicos característicos de la enfermedad, neumonía y atelectasia en lactantes, complicaciones como SOB, PARDS y hepatomegalia.

Background: The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) responsible for pneumonia and cause of hospitalization in critical pediatric areas, can cause deaths in infants. Report of case: Five infrequent cases were analyzed at a seasonal level in a hospital in northern Peru during the period from April to June 2019, where patients with pneumonia caused by RSV were observed, confirmed by direct immunofluorescence, chest radiography and with the presence of associated clinical findings hepatomegaly and atelectasis. Of the 05 cases: 4 correspond to boys and a girl, aged 2-7 months, all were hospitalized, presented wheezing, crackles and polytirage as prevalent signs at admission, all developed severe pneumonia and complications, were recorded two deaths in children under 6 months of age, with complications of sepsis, PARDS, and mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: the cases reflect characteristic clinical pictures of the disease, pneumonia and atelectasis in infants, complications such as SOB, PARDS and hepatomegaly.

Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 21(2): 531-537, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340655


Abstract Objectives: the aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of co-detection of Flu A and RSV using rapid immunochromatographic tests at the point of care, in pediatric patients under 2 years of age in a general hospital. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze clinical outcomes in hospitalized infants with viral respiratory disease with positive results of rapid immunochromatographic test for RSV and/or Flu-A, from 2013 to 2018. A logistic regression model was adjusted to analyze predictors of orotracheal intubation during hospitalization. Results: we analyzed 220 cases: RSV (192), Flu-A (9), co-detection (19). Lethality rate was 1.8% (2 cases), and 88% (194) were under 1 year of age. Mean time of hospitalizations was higher in patients with co-detection. Variables significantly associated with orotracheal intubation were: younger age in months, comorbidities, RSV and Flu-A co-detection, and bacterial pneumonia during hospitalization. Conclusions: RSV and Flu-Aco-detection was associated with the least favorable clinical prognoses in this study. Rapid test diagnosis may provide important information at the point of care, because molecular panels are not widely accessible in general hospitals. Rapid diagnosis allows timely evaluation and treatment.

Resumo Objetivos: avaliar o impacto da codetecção de Influenza A (FluA) e Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (VSR) por meio de testes imunocromatográficos rápidos em tempo real, em pacientes menores de 2 anos em hospital público e universitário. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectivo foi conduzido para analisar os desfechos clínicos de crianças hospitalizadas com doença respiratória viral com resultados positivos do teste rápido imunocromatográfico para VSR e/ou FluA, de 2013 a 2018. Um modelo de regressão logística foi ajustado para analisar preditores de intubação orotraqueal durante a internação. Resultados: foram analisados 220 casos: RSV (192), FluA (9) eco-detecção (19). A letalidade foi de 1,8% (2 casos) e 88% (194) casos em menores de 1 ano. O tempo médio de internação foi maior nos pacientes com codetecção. As variáveis significativamente associadas à intubação orotraqueal foram: menor idade em meses, comorbidades, codetecção de VSR e Flu-A e pneumonia bacteriana durante a internação. Conclusões: codetecção VSR e FluA foi associada a prognósticos clínicos desfavoráveis. O teste rápido fornece informações importantes a beira-leito, pois os painéis moleculares não são amplamente acessíveis em hospitais públicos. O diagnóstico rápido permite a avaliação e tratamento oportunos.

Humans , Child , Prognosis , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses/isolation & purification , Influenza, Human/diagnosis , Point-of-Care Testing/statistics & numerical data , Cohort Studies , Chromatography, Affinity/methods
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(6): 386-392, dic 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1146049


Introducción. El virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR) es el principal agente causal de la infección respiratoria aguda baja (IRAB) en pediatría. Los niños prematuros tienen mayor riesgo de complicaciones asociadas con esta infección. Los objetivos fueron describir y comparar las características clínicas y epidemiológicas asociadas a IRAB por VSR en niños/as nacidos pretérmino y a término, y establecer predictores de letalidad en los prematuros.Métodos. Estudio prospectivo, transversal, de pacientes ingresados por IRAB, en el período 2000-2018. El diagnóstico virológico se realizó mediante inmunofluorescencia indirecta o reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa inversa de aspirados nasofaríngeos. Se registraron las características clínico-epidemiológicas. Se desarrolló un modelo de regresión logística múltiple para establecer los predictores de letalidad en prematuros.Resultados. Se incluyeron 16 018 casos de IRAB; 13 545 (el 84,6 %) fueron estudiados; 6047 (el 45 %) positivos; VSR predominó en el 81,1 % (4907); mostró un patrón epidémico estacional; el 14 % (686) fueron prematuros.Los prematuros mostraron mayor frecuencia de comorbilidades, antecedentes respiratorios perinatales, cardiopatía congénita, desnutrición, enfermedad respiratoria crónica, displasia broncopulmonar, hospitalización previa por IRAB y enfermedad neurológica crónica (p < 0,001); requirieron más cuidados intensivos, mayor tiempo de internación y mayor tasa de letalidad (p < 0,01). La cardiopatía congénita fue predictor independiente de letalidad por VSR en prematuros [OR 3,67 (1,25-10,8), p = 0,01].Conclusión. VSR mostró un patrón epidémico, afectó a prematuros con ciertas comorbilidades con mayor morbimortalidad que los de término. La letalidad por VSR en prematuros se asoció con la cardiopatía congénita.

Introduction. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRTI) in pediatrics. Preterm infants are at a higher risk for complications. We aimed to describe and compare the clinical and epidemiological characteristics associated with ALRTI due to RSV in preterm and term infants and to establish the predictors of fatality among preterm infants.Methods. Prospective, cross-sectional study of patients admitted due to ALRTI in the 2000-2018 period. Viral diagnosis was done by indirect immunofluorescence or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in nasopharyngeal aspirates. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics were recorded. A multiple logistic regression model established the predictors of fatality among preterm infants.Results. A total of 16 018 ALRTI cases were included; 13 545 (84.6 %) were tested; 6047 (45 %) were positive; RSV was prevalent in 81.1 % (4907), with a seasonal epidemic pattern; 14 % (686) were preterm infants.Comorbidities, perinatal respiratory history, congenital heart disease, malnutrition, chronic respiratory disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, prior hospitalization due to ALRTI, and chronic neurological disease (p < 0.001) were more common among preterm infants; they required more intensive care and a longer length of stay, and had a higher fatality rate (p < 0.01). Congenital heart disease was an independent predictor of fatality due to RSV among preterm infants (OR: 3.67 [1.25-10.8], p = 0.01).Conclusion. RSV showed an epidemic pattern and affected more preterm infants with certain comorbidities, with a higher morbidity and mortality, compared to term infants. RSV fatality among preterm infants was associated with congenital heart disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Respiratory Tract Infections , Infant, Premature , Epidemiologic Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 19(2): 195-207, may.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134103


Resumen Objetivo Estimar la eficiencia mediante el análisis costo-efectividad incremental de la terapia con Palivizumab contra la práctica clínica habitual en el período 2010-2017. Materiales y Métodos Se realizó una evaluación económica completa del tipo costo-efectividad y el horizonte temporal fue de un año (sin tasa de descuento). El estudio considero la perspectiva de la Seguridad Social, se incluyeron siete hospitales y las variables de efectividad se seleccionaron a partir de la información disponible en la literatura científica. Los costos se expresaron en dólares americanos para cada año. Se hizo el análisis árbol de decisiones con los datos agrupados y el análisis costo-efectividad medio e incremental de sensibilidad al considerar la edad gestacional como variable clasificadora. Se consideraron los principios éticos pertinentes. Resultados Se encontraron datos de 200 prematuros con Palivizumab y 206 sin la administración del tratamiento. El análisis del árbol de decisiones mostró un costo efectividad incremental de US$1,799.00. El costo-efectividad medio fue más alto en prematuros con Palivizumab y el costo-efectividad incremental en el sub grupo de 32 a 35 semanas resultó el de más costo-efectivo. Al intervalo de confianza del 90 y 95%, el rango del valor promedio del costo total del tratamiento es amplio por lo que el costo es sensible al cambio. Conclusiones El Palivizumab es mayor en costo-efectivo en prematuros de 32 a 35 semanas de edad gestacional.

Abstract Objective To estimate the efficiency by incremental cost effectiveness analysis of palivizumab therapy against the usual clinical practice in 2010-2017 period. Materials and methods A complete economic evaluation of the cost effectiveness type was carried out and the time horizon was one year, without discount rate, the study was carried out from the perspective of Social Security, seven hospitals were included and the effectiveness variables were selected from the available information in the literature scientifically, the costs were expressed in US dollars for each year. The decision tree analysis was carried out with the grouped data and the average and incremental cost effectiveness and sensitivity analysis when considering gestational age as a classification variable. Relevant ethical principles were considered. Results Data of 200 premature infants were found with palivizumab and 206 without the administration of this treatment. The decision tree analysis showed an incremental cost effectiveness of US $ 1,799. The average cost effectiveness was higher in premature infants with palivizumab and the incremental cost effectiveness in the subgroup 32-35 weeks was the most effective cost. At the 90 and 95% confidence interval, the range of the average value of the total treatment cost is wide, so the cost is sensitive to change. Conclusions Palivizumab is more effective cost in premature of 32-35 weeks of gestational age.

Resumo Objetivo Estimar a eficiência através da análise de custo-efetividade incremental da terapia com Palivizumab em relação à prática clínica habitual no período 2010-2017. Materiais e Métodos Foi realizada uma avaliação econômica completa do tipo custo-efetividade e o horizonte temporal foi de um ano (sem taxa de desconto). O estudo considerou a perspectiva da Previdência Social, sete hospitais e as variáveis de efetividade foram incluídas foram selecionados a partir das informações disponíveis na literatura científica. Os custos foram expressos em dólares americanos para cada ano. A análise da árvore de decisão foi feita com os dados agrupados e a análise de custo-efetividade média e incremental da sensibilidade a considere a idade gestacional como uma variável classificatória. Princípios éticos relevantes foram considerados. Resultados Foram encontrados dados de 200 bebês prematuros com Palivizumab e 206 sem administração do tratamento. A análise da árvore de decisão mostrou um custo incremental de $1.799,00. O custo-benefício médio foi maior em prematuros com Palivizumab, e o custo-efetividade incremental no subgrupo de 32 a 35 semanas foi o mais econômico. No intervalo de confiança de 90 e 95%, a faixa do valor médio do custo total do tratamento é ampla, tornando o custo sensível à mudança. Conclusões O palivizumabe é mais econômico em prematuros de 32 a 35 semanas de idade gestacional.

Résumé Objectif Estimer l'efficience, au moyen de l'analyse coût-efficacité incrémental, du traitement par Palivizumab par rapport à la pratique clinique habituelle au cours de la période 2010-2017. Méthodologie Une évaluation économique complète de type coût-efficacité a été réalisée sur un horizon temporel d'un an (sans taux d'actualisation). L'étude a été réalisée dans le contexte de la Sécurité Sociale. Sept hôpitaux ont été inclus et les variables d'efficacité ont été sélectionnées sur la base des informations disponibles dans la littérature scientifique. Les coûts ont été exprimés en dollars américains par an. L'analyse de l'arbre de décisions a été réalisée avec les données groupées, ainsi que l'analyse du rapport coût-efficacité moyen et incrémental de sensibilité en considérant l'âge gestationnel comme variable de classification. Les principes éthiques pertinents ont été appliqués. Résultats Des données concernant 200 nourrissons prématurés traités avec Palivizumab et 206 sans ce traitement ont été réunies. L'analyse de l'arbre de décisions a montré un coût-efficacité incrémental de 1 799 $ US. Le rapport coût-efficacité moyen a été plus élevé chez les nourrissons prématurés avec Palivizumab et le coût-efficacité incrémental dans le sous-groupe de 32 à 35 semaines a été le plus rentable. Avec un intervalle de confiance de 90 et 95%, la fourchette de la valeur moyenne du coût total du traitement est large, de sorte que le coût est sensible au changement. Conclusions Le Palivizumab est plus rentable chez les bébés prématurés de 32 à 35 semaines d'âge gestationnel.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 77(3): 100-111, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32496469


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the agent that causes more hospitalizations and deaths due to lower acute respiratory infection. Its distribution is widespread, and almost every child has been infected by the age of two years. Different risk populations have been identified: preterm newborns (NB), children with congenital heart disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, asthmatics, neuromuscular diseases, among others. However, preterm NBs, children with congenital heart disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia show higher rates of hospitalization and death from RSV. In the late 90s, monoclonal antibodies against RSV were developed, with demonstrated efficacy and safety for the prevention of RSV hospitalizations in these populations. Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this therapy for the prevention of severe infection in the population at higher risk. Economic evaluations have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of immunization, resulting favorable for palivizumab. Immunization in Mexico has resulted cost-effective in NBs under 32 gestation weeks. Mexican authorities should discuss the inclusion of palivizumab in their clinical guidelines.

El virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR) es el agente que ocasiona más hospitalizaciones y muertes por infección aguda de vías respiratorias bajas. La mayoría de los niños ya han sido infectados a los 2 años de edad. Se han identificado diferentes poblaciones de riesgo: recién nacidos pretérmino y niños con cardiopatía congénita, displasia broncopulmonar, síndrome de Down, fibrosis quística, asma y enfermedades neuromusculares, entre otras. Sin embargo, las tasas de hospitalización y de muerte por VSR son más altas en los recién nacidos pretérmino y en los niños con cardiopatía congénita o displasia broncopulmonar. A finales de los años 90 se desarrollaron anticuerpos monoclonales contra el VSR, los cuales demostraron ser eficaces y seguros en la prevención de hospitalizaciones por VSR en estas poblaciones. Actualmente, la American Academy of Pediatrics los recomienda para la prevención de la infección grave en la población de mayor riesgo. Se ha recurrido a evaluaciones económicas para determinar la efectividad de la inmunización, las cuales han sido favorables para el palivizumab. En México se ha demostrado que la inmunización es costo-efectiva en los recién nacidos menores de 32 semanas de gestación. Las autoridades mexicanas deben discutir la inclusión del palivizumab en sus guías de práctica clínica.

Pediatrics , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections , Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized , Antiviral Agents , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Mexico/epidemiology , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/drug therapy , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/epidemiology , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/prevention & control , United States
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 96(2): 233-239, Mar.-Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, Coleciona SUS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1135018


Abstract Objective: Respiratory syncytial virus is a pathogen frequently involved in nosocomial outbreaks. Although several studies have reported nosocomial outbreaks in neonatal intensive care units, molecular epidemiology data are scarce. Here, the authors describe two consecutive respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks caused by genotypes ON-1 and NA-2 in a neonatal intensive care unit in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A prospective search for respiratory syncytial virus was performed after diagnosing the index case and four other symptomatic newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nasopharyngeal aspirate samples of all patients in the neonatal intensive care unit were tested for 17 respiratory viruses using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Genotyping was performed using nucleotide sequencing. Results: From May to August 2013, two different outbreaks were detected in the neonatal intensive care unit. A total of 20 infants were infected with respiratory syncytial virus-A (ten and 14 with ON-1 and NA-2 genotypes, respectively). The mean age of the infants was 10 days, mean birth weight was 1,961 g, and the mean gestational age was 33 weeks. Risk factors (heart disease, lung disease, and prematurity) were present in 80% and 85.7% of infants in the ON-1 and NA-2 groups, respectively. In total, 45.8% of infants were asymptomatic and 20.8% required mechanical ventilation. Coinfections were not detected during the outbreaks. Conclusions: Infants in a neonatal intensive care unit who develop abrupt respiratory symptoms should be tested for respiratory viruses, especially respiratory syncytial virus. Even in the absence of severe symptoms, respiratory syncytial virus detection can prevent nosocomial transmission through infection control measures. A better understanding of respiratory syncytial virus molecular epidemiology is essential for developing new vaccines and antiviral drugs against respiratory syncytial virus.

Resumo Objetivo O vírus sincicial respiratório é um patógeno frequentemente envolvido em surtos nosocomiais. Embora vários estudos tenham relatado tais surtos em unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal, os dados epidemiológicos moleculares são escassos. Neste artigo, descrevemos dois surtos consecutivos de vírus sincicial respiratório causados pelos genótipos ON-1 e NA-2 em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal em São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos Uma busca prospectiva por vírus sincicial respiratório foi realizada após o diagnóstico do caso índice e outros quatro recém-nascidos sintomáticos na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Amostras de aspirado nasofaríngeo de todos os pacientes da unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal foram testadas para 17 vírus respiratórios com reação em cadeia da polimerase via transcriptase reversa em tempo real. A genotipagem realizada utilizando sequenciamento de nucleotídeos. Resultados De maio a agosto de 2013, foram detectados dois surtos diferentes na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Vinte e quatro crianças foram infectadas com vírus sincicial respiratório-A (10 e 14 com os genótipos ON-1 e NA-2, respectivamente). A média da idade dos lactentes era de 10 dias, o peso médio ao nascer foi de 1961 g e a idade gestacional média de 33 semanas. Fatores de risco (doença cardíaca, doença pulmonar e prematuridade) estavam presentes em 80% e 85,7% dos bebês nos grupos ON-1 e NA-2, respectivamente. No total, 45,8% dos lactentes eram assintomáticos e 20,8% necessitaram de ventilação mecânica. Não foram detectadas coinfecções durante os surtos. Conclusões Bebês em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal que desenvolvem sintomas respiratórios abruptos devem ser testados para vírus respiratórios, especialmente o vírus sincicial respiratório. Mesmo na ausência de sintomas graves, a detecção de vírus sincicial respiratório pode prevenir a transmissão nosocomial através de medidas de controle de infecção. Um melhor entendimento da epidemiologia molecular do vírus sincicial respiratório é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novas vacinas e drogas antivirais contra o vírus sincicial respiratório.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Cross Infection , Brazil , Disease Outbreaks , Prospective Studies , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections , Genotype
J Pediatr (Rio J) ; 96(2): 233-239, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30552864


OBJECTIVE: Respiratory syncytial virus is a pathogen frequently involved in nosocomial outbreaks. Although several studies have reported nosocomial outbreaks in neonatal intensive care units, molecular epidemiology data are scarce. Here, the authors describe two consecutive respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks caused by genotypes ON-1 and NA-2 in a neonatal intensive care unit in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A prospective search for respiratory syncytial virus was performed after diagnosing the index case and four other symptomatic newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nasopharyngeal aspirate samples of all patients in the neonatal intensive care unit were tested for 17 respiratory viruses using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Genotyping was performed using nucleotide sequencing. RESULTS: From May to August 2013, two different outbreaks were detected in the neonatal intensive care unit. A total of 20 infants were infected with respiratory syncytial virus-A (ten and 14 with ON-1 and NA-2 genotypes, respectively). The mean age of the infants was 10 days, mean birth weight was 1,961g, and the mean gestational age was 33 weeks. Risk factors (heart disease, lung disease, and prematurity) were present in 80% and 85.7% of infants in the ON-1 and NA-2 groups, respectively. In total, 45.8% of infants were asymptomatic and 20.8% required mechanical ventilation. Coinfections were not detected during the outbreaks. CONCLUSIONS: Infants in a neonatal intensive care unit who develop abrupt respiratory symptoms should be tested for respiratory viruses, especially respiratory syncytial virus. Even in the absence of severe symptoms, respiratory syncytial virus detection can prevent nosocomial transmission through infection control measures. A better understanding of respiratory syncytial virus molecular epidemiology is essential for developing new vaccines and antiviral drugs against respiratory syncytial virus.

Cross Infection , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Brazil , Disease Outbreaks , Genotype , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Prospective Studies , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 95(6): 720-727, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056658


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and risk factors associated with progression to recurrent wheezing in preterm infants. Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out in 2014 and 2015 and analyzed preterm infants born between 2011 and 2012. The search for these children was performed in a university maternity hospital and a Special Immunobiological Reference Center. The evaluation was performed through a questionnaire applied during a telephone interview. Results: The study included 445 children aged 39 (18-54) months. In the univariate analysis, the risk factors with the greatest chance of recurrent wheezing were birth weight <1000 g, gestational age <28 weeks, living with two or more siblings, food allergy, and atopic dermatitis in the child, as well as food allergy and asthma in the parents. In the multivariate analysis, there was a significant association between recurrent wheezing and gestational age at birth <28 weeks, food allergy and atopic dermatitis in the child, and living with two or more children. Of the 445 analyzed subjects, 194 received passive immunization against the respiratory syncytial virus, and 251 preterm infants were not immunized. There was a difference between the gestational age of these subgroups (p < 0.001). The overall prevalence of recurrent wheezing was 27.4% (95% CI: 23.42-31.70), whereas in the children who received passive immunization it was 36.1% (95% CI: 29.55-43.03). Conclusions: Personal history of atopy, lower gestational age, and living with two or more children had a significant association with recurrent wheezing. Children with lower gestational age who received passive immunization against the respiratory syncytial virus had a higher prevalence of recurrent wheezing than the group with higher gestational age.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência e os fatores de risco associados à evolução para sibilância recorrente em prematuros. Métodos: O estudo transversal foi feito em 2014 e 2015 e analisou crianças prematuras nascidas entre 2011 e 2012. A busca dessas crianças foi feita em maternidade de hospital universitário e em um Centro de Referência para Imunobiológicos Especiais. A avaliação foi feita por questionário dirigido em entrevista telefônica. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 445 crianças com 39 (18-54) meses de vida. Na análise univariada, os fatores de risco com maior chance de sibilância recorrente foram peso de nascimento menor do que 1.000 g, idade gestacional menor do que 28 semanas, convivência com dois ou mais irmãos, alergia alimentar e dermatite atópica na criança e alergia alimentar e asma nos pais. Na análise multivariada houve associação significativa entre sibilância recorrente e idade gestacional ao nascer menor do que 28 semanas, alergia alimentar e dermatite atópica na criança e a convivência com duas ou mais crianças. Dos 445 sujeitos analisados, 194 receberam imunização passiva contra vírus sincicial respiratório e 251 eram prematuros não imunizados. Houve diferença entre a idade gestacional desses subgrupos (p < 0,001). A prevalência geral de sibilância recorrente foi 27,4% (IC 95%: 23,42-31,70) e nas crianças que receberam a imunização passiva foi 36,1% (IC 95%: 29,55-43,03). Conclusões: História pessoal de atopia, menor idade gestacional e convivência com duas ou mais crianças apresentaram associação significativa com sibilância recorrente. As crianças com menor idade gestacional, que receberam a imunização passiva contra o vírus sincicial respiratório, apresentaram maior prevalência de sibilância recorrente que o grupo de maior idade gestacional.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Asthma/epidemiology , Infant, Premature , Respiratory Sounds/physiopathology , Asthma/physiopathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Gestational Age , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/prevention & control
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 27(100): 45-51, 20190000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1354078


El rol de los virus respiratorios distintos de influenza en las infecciones respiratorias agudas en los adultos mayores ha sido probablemente subestimado. En los últimos años, los avances en técnicas moleculares de diagnóstico han hecho posible la identificación rápida del virus sincicial respiratorio humano (HRSV). Realizamos un estudio prospectivo observacional para evaluar el rol del HRSV en mayores de 65 años que se hospitalizaron por infecciones respiratorias en nuestra institución, ubicada en la ciudad de La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires. Fueron reclutados 124 pacientes y el HRSV se detectó en 13, influenza B en 9 e influenza A en 8. La presentación clínica más frecuente de los The role of respiratory viruses other than influenza in acute respiratory tract infections among elderly adults has probably been underestimated. Recent advances in molecular diagnosis have made the rapid identification of human respiratory syncitial virus HRSV infection possible. We conducted a prospective observational study to evaluate the role of HRSV in elderly patients (>65 years of age) hospitalized for acute respiratory infections. A total of 124 patients were recruited, HRSV infection was identified in 13 patients, Influenza B in 9 patients and influenza A in 8 patients. The most frequent clinical presentation was bronchospasm and the infection was prevalent in patients with comorbidities. HRSV infections accounted for an important number of hospital admissions and has been associated with high mortality rates (23%). pacientes con HRSV fue el broncoespasmo y afectó principalmente a personas con comorbilidades. HRSV fue responsable de un número importante de internaciones por enfermedad respiratoria aguda en mayores de 65 años en nuestra institución y se asoció a mortalidad elevada (23%).

The role of respiratory viruses other than influenza in acute respiratory tract infections among elderly adults has probably been underestimated. Recent advances in molecular diagnosis have made the rapid identification of human respiratory syncitial virus HRSV infection possible. We conducted a prospective observational study to evaluate the role of HRSV in elderly patients (>65 years of age) hospitalized for acute respiratory infections. A total of 124 patients were recruited, HRSV infection was identified in 13 patients, Influenza B in 9 patients and influenza A in 8 patients. The most frequent clinical presentation was bronchospasm and the infection was prevalent in patients with comorbidities. HRSV infections accounted for an important number of hospital admissions and has been associated with high mortality rates (23%).

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Prospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human/immunology , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/etiology , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/epidemiology , Pneumovirinae/immunology , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(4): 216-223, ago. 2019. graf, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1054924


Introducción: La infección respiratoria aguda grave (IRA) es una causa muy frecuente de internación en pediatría; el virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR) es el principal agente etnológico. Definir en forma precisa la carga de enfermedad que compromete la vida (ECV) por este virus y los factores de riesgo es un desafío. Objetivos: Conocer el impacto del VSR en internados por IRA y describir factores de riesgo de ECV. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo en niños < 2 años internados por IRA durante 20122013 en el Hospital de Niños "R. Gutiérrez". Se definió ECV el requerimiento de ventilación no invasiva y/o asistencia respiratoria mecánica. Resultados: 622 niños estudiados, 372 VSR (+) (el 59,8 %). Tasa de hospitalización anual por VSR en < 1 año: 956 (IC 95 %: 858-1062)/10 000 internaciones. El VSR causó 56/78 (el 71,8 %) casos de ECV; 42 (el 75 %) eran previamente sanos; 32 (el 76,2 %) tenían < 6 meses de edad. En el análisis multivariado, el VSR fue un factor de riesgo de ECV (odds ratio ajustado --#91;ORa--#93; 2,04; IC 95 %: 1,15-3,63; p = 0,014). Se identificó un efecto diferencial según género en pacientes VSR (+): el hacinamiento fue un factor de riesgo de ECV en varones (ORa 2,36; IC 95 %: 1,07-5,21; p = 0,033); la lactancia materna protegió significativamente a las niñas (ORa 0,342; IC 95 %: 0,13-0,91; p = 0,032). Conclusiones: El VSR causó más de la mitad de los casos de IRA y afectó, en su mayoría, a pacientes < 1 año previamente sanos. Los varones en condiciones de hacinamiento y las niñas que no recibieron leche materna constituyeron el grupo con mayor riesgo de ECV.

Introduction: Severe acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) is a very common cause of hospitalization in pediatrics; respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the major etiologic agent. Accurately defining the burden of RSV life-threatening disease (LTD) and its risk factors is a challenge. Objectives: To know the impact of RSV in children hospitalized due to ARTI and describe the risk factors for LTD. Materials and methods: Prospective study in children < 2 years old hospitalized due to ARTI during 2012-2013 at Hospital de Niños "R. Gutiérrez." LTD was defined as requiring non-invasive ventilation and/or mechanical ventilation. Results: 622 studied children, 372 were RSV(+) (59.8 %). Annual rate of hospitalization due to RSV in infants < 1 year old: 956 (95 % CI: 858-1062)/10 000hospitalizations. RSV caused 56/78 (71.8 %) cases of LTD; 42 (75 %) were previously healthy subjects; 32 (76.2 %) were < 6 months old. In the multivariate analysis, RSV was a risk factor for LTD (adjusted odds ratio --#91;aOR--#93;: 2.04; 95 % CI: 1.15-3.63; p = 0.014). A differential effect by sex was identified in RSV(+) patients: over-crowding was a risk factor for LTD in males (aOR: 2.36; 95 % CI: 1.07-5.21; p = 0.033); breastfeeding was a significant protective factor in females (aOR: 0.342; 95 % CI: 0.13-0.91; p = 0.032). Conclusions: RSV caused more than half of ARTI cases and mostly affected previously healthy patients < 1 year old. Males living in overcrowding conditions and females who were not breastfed were at the greatest risk for LTD.

Humans , Infant , Bronchiolitis , Epidemiology , Risk Factors , Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human , Global Burden of Disease
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(4): 356-362, ago. 2019. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1054933


Objetivo. Determinar el perfil etiológico de la infección de vías respiratorias bajas (IVRB) en los neonatos durante la temporada de virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR) y definir las características de esta y otras infecciones. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo con neonatos hospitalizados por IVRB durante dos temporadas de VSR, con reacción múltiple en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real. Se revisaron los datos relevantes y se compararon las características de la infección por VSR con las de otros microorganismos. Resultados. Entre 224 pacientes, 160 (71 %) fueron positivos para, al menos, un agente causal potencial. Entre ellos, el 65 % tenía VSR y el 15 %, más de un agente (coinfección). En el grupo con VSR, hubo más dificultad respiratoria (p < 0,01), radiografías de tórax anormales (p < 0,01), requerimiento de atención en terapia intensiva (p < 0,01) y más días de oxigenoterapia (p < 0,01). No obstante, hubo menos casos de fiebre al ingreso y menos días de antibioticoterapia (en ambos, p < 0,01), y la duración de la hospitalización no fue más prolongada. Los pacientes con coinfección requirieron atención en terapia intensiva en mayor medida que los demás (25 % contra 6,5 %, p < 0,01). Conclusión. Este estudio demostró que el VSR fue más frecuente en los neonatos hospitalizados por IVRB durante la temporada y condujo a una evolución más grave que otros microorganismos patógenos detectados. Posiblemente la gravedad de la infección por VSR se viera aumentada por la presencia de una coinfección y radiografía de tórax anormal.

Aim: To determine the etiological profiles of lower respiratory tract infection (LRI) in neonates during respiratory syncytial virus(RSV) season, and to define the clinical features of RSV-related infection and others. Methods: The retrospective study included newborn infants who were hospitalized for LRI during the two consecutive RSV seasons, and then tested for possible etiological agent by multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction. All relevant data were reviewed, and the clinical characteristics of RSV-related infection were compared to those of others. Results: Of 224 patients, 160 (71 %) were positive for at least one potentially causative agent. Of them, 65 % had RSV, and 15 % had more than on ecausative agent (co-infection). The RSV group had more the findings of respiratory distress (p< 0.01), abnormal chest radiography (p< 0.01), need for intensive care (p< 0.01), and duration of oxygen requirement (p< 0.01) but less fever on admission and duration of antibiotic use (for both, p< 0.01), and no longer hospital stay. Need of intensive care nursery was more common in patients with co-infection than others (25 % vs. 6.5 %, p< 0.01). Conclusion: This study highlighted that RSV was the most frequent agent in neonates hospitalized for LRI during the season, with a more severe clinical course than other detected pathogens. The disease severity of RSV infection may have seemed to be increased by the presence of coinfection and abnormal chest radiography.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Respiratory Tract Infections , Infant, Newborn
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 90(2): 166-174, abr. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003734


INTRODUCCIÓN: Santiago de Chile con 7 millones de habitantes alcanza elevados niveles de contaminación atmosférica en invierno, el material particulado habitualmente excede los estándares de la OMS. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la influencia de la contaminación atmosférica por material particulado en las hospitalizaciones por enfermedades respiratorias en niños, entre 2001 y 2005 en la Región Metropolitana de Chile, independientemente de la presencia ambiental de virus sincicial respiratorio (VRS). MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: 72.479 hospitalizaciones públicas y privadas por enfermedades respiratorias de niños menores de 15 años residentes en la región del estudio se analizaron con un diseño de caso control alternante, con estratificación temporal. Se evaluó principalmente: hospitalizaciones por enfermedades respiratorias (J00-J99), neumonía (J12-J18); asma (J21.0 - J21.9) y bronquiolitis (J45 - J46). Recopilándose diariamente temperatura, MP10, MP2,5, ozono, virus respiratorios (VRS) y humedad ambientales. RESULTADOS: Los promedios de MP10 y MP2,5 fueron 81,5 y 41,2 pg/m3 respectivamente. El promedio de temperatura fue 12,8 °C y de la humedad del aire 72,6 %. Un aumento de 10 pg/m3 de MP25 con 1 y 2 días de rezago se asoció con un incremento de las hospitalizaciones por enfermedades respiratorias cercano a 2%, este porcentaje aumentó a 5% cuando la exposición fue con 8 días de rezago, reflejando sinergismo entre material particulado y virus respiratorio (VRS). CONCLUSIÓN: La exposición breve a contaminación atmosférica puede provocar hospitalizaciones por enfermedades respiratorias en niños.

INTRODUCTION: With seven million inhabitants, Santiago de Chile reaches high levels of air pollution in winter, the particulate matter usually exceeds WHO standards. OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of air pollution caused by particulate matter on children's hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases between 2001 and 2005 in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, independently from the environmental presence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). MATERIAL AND METHOD: 72,479 public and private hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases of children under 15 years of age residing in the study region were analyzed using a time-stratified alternating case-control design. The main evaluations were: hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases (J00-J99), pneumonia (J12-J18); asthma (J21.0 - J21.9), and bronchiolitis (J45 - J46). Daily compilation of temperature data, PM10, PM2,5, ozone, respiratory virus (RSV), and environmental humidity. RESULTS: Mean values of PM10 and PM2.5 were 81.5 and 41.2 pg/m3 respec tively. The average temperature was 12.8 °C and air humidity 72.6%. An increase of 10 pg/m3 of PM25 with one and two days of lag was associated with an hospitalizations increase due to respiratory diseases close to 2%, this percentage increased to 5% when the exposure was with eight days of lag, reflecting synergism between particulate matter and respiratory viruses (RSV). CONCLUSION: Short air pollution exposure can lead to children's hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Respiratory Tract Diseases/etiology , Air Pollutants/toxicity , Air Pollution/adverse effects , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Particulate Matter/toxicity , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Respiratory Tract Diseases/diagnosis , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Logistic Models , Chile/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Cross-Over Studies , Air Pollutants/analysis , Air Pollution/analysis , Air Pollution/statistics & numerical data , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Environmental Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Particulate Matter/analysis