ABSTRACT Purpose: Statins are one of the most prescribed classes of drugs worldwide to treat hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia. By lowering the level of cholesterol, the use of statin could cause a reduction in testosterone levels. The objective was to evaluate whether the continued use of statins in patients with hypercholesterolemia causes a deficiency in testosterone and other sex hormones. Materials and Methods: Systematic Review with Meta-analysis, performed in Embase, Medline and Cochrane databases, until May 2023; PROSPERO CRD42021270424protocol. Selection performed by two independent authors with subsequent conference in stages. Methodology based on PRISMA statement. There were selected comparative studies, prospective cohorts (CP), randomized clinical trials (RCT) and cross-sectional studies (CSS) with comparison of testosterone levels before and after statin administration and between groups. Bias analysis were evaluated with Cochrane Tool, The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS), and using the Assess the Quality of Cross-sectional studies (AXIS) tool. Results: There were found on MedLine, Embase and Cochrane, after selected comparative studies, 10CP and 6RCT and 6CSS for the meta-analysis. In the Forrest plot with 6CSS, a correlation between patients with continuous use of statins and a reduction in total testosterone was evidenced with a statistically significant reduction of 55.02ng/dL (95%CI=[39.40,70.64],I²=91%,p<0.00001). In the analysis with 5RCT, a reduction in the mean total testosterone in patients who started continuous statin use was evidenced, with a statistical significance of 13.12ng/dL (95%CI=[1.16,25.08],I²=0%,p=0.03). Furthermore, the analysis of all prospective studies with 15 articles showed a statistically significant reduction in the mean total testosterone of 9.11 ng/dL (95%CI=[0.16,18.06],I²=37%,p=0.04). A reduction in total testosterone has been shown in most studies and in its accumulated analysis after statin use. However, this decrease was not enough to reach levels below normal. Conclusion: Statins use causes a decrease in total testosterone, not enough to cause a drop below the normal range and also determines increase in FSH levels. No differences were found in LH, Estradiol, SHBG and Free Testosterone analysis.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a contraindication for heart transplantation (HT). It has been correlated with increased early and late mortality, mainly associated with right ventricular failure. Ventricular assistance devices (VADs) can promote reduction of intracardiac pressures and consequent reduction of PAH over the medium and long terms, thus enabling future candidature for HT. The diminution of early pulmonary pressure within this scenario remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reduction of PAH and correlate data from right catheterization with the earliness of this reduction. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study in a general hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis on the medical records of patients undergoing VAD implantation in a single hospital. Patients for whom VAD had been indicated as a bridge to candidature for HT due to their condition of constant PAH were selected. RESULTS: Four patients with VADs had constantly severe PAH. Their mean pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) before VAD implantation was 66 mmHg. Over the 30-day period after the procedure, all the patients evolved with a drop in PASP to below 60 mmHg. Their new average was 36 mmHg, which was a drop of close to 50% from baseline values. The one-year survival of this sample was 100%. CONCLUSION: VAD implantation can reduce PAH levels. Early reduction occurred in all patients. Thus, use of VAD is an important bridge tool for enabling candidature for HT among patients with constantly severe PAH.
Humans , Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension/surgery , Hypertension, Pulmonary/surgery , Pulmonary Artery , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumo Fundamento A angiotomografia coronária (ATC) tem sido usada para avaliação de dor torácica principalmente em pacientes de baixo risco, e poucos dados existem com pacientes em risco intermediário. Objetivo Avaliar o desempenho de medidas seriadas de troponinas sensíveis e de ATC em pacientes de risco intermediário. Métodos Um total de 100 pacientes com dor torácica, TIMI score 3 ou 4 e troponina negativa foram prospectivamente incluídos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à ATC, e aqueles com obstruções ≥ 50% foram encaminhados à cineangiocoronariografia. Pacientes com lesões < 50% recebiam alta hospitalar, receberam alta e foram contatados 30 dias depois por telefonema para avaliação dos desfechos clínicos. Os desfechos foram hospitalização, morte, e infarto agudo do miocárdio em 30 dias. A comparação entre os métodos foi realizada pelo teste de concordância kappa. O desempenho das medidas de troponina e da ATC na detecção de lesões coronárias significativas e desfechos clínicos foi calculado. Os resultados foram considerados estatisticamente significativos quando p <0,05. Resultados Estenose coronária ≥ 50% na ATC foi encontrada em 38% dos pacientes e lesões coronárias significativas na angiografia coronária foram encontradas em 31 pacientes. Dois eventos clínicos foram observados. A análise de concordância Kappa mostrou baixa concordância entre as medidas de troponina e ATC na detecção de lesões coronárias significativas (kappa = 0,022, p = 0,78). O desempenho da ATC para detectar lesões coronárias significativas na angiografia coronária ou para prever eventos clínicos em 30 dias foi melhor que as medidas de troponina sensível (acurácia de 91% versus 60%). Conclusão ATC teve melhor desempenho que as medidas seriadas de troponina na detecção de doença coronariana significativa em pacientes com dor torácica e risco intermediário para eventos cardiovasculares.
Abstract Background Coronary tomography angiography (CTA) has been mainly used for chest pain evaluation in low-risk patients, and few data exist regarding patients at intermediate risk. Objective To evaluate the performance of serial measures of sensitive troponin and CTA in intermediate-risk patients. Methods A total of 100 patients with chest pain, TIMI risk scores of 3 or 4, and negative troponin were prospectively included. All patients underwent CTA and those with coronary stenosis ≥ 50% were referred to invasive coronary angiography. Patients with coronary lesions <50% were discharged and contacted 30 days later by a telephone call to assess clinical outcomes. Outcomes were hospitalization, death, and myocardial infarction at 30 days. The comparison between methods was performed by Kappa agreement test. The performance of troponin measures and CTA for detecting significant coronary lesions and clinical outcomes was calculated. Results were considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. Results Coronary stenosis ≥ 50% on CTA was found in 38% of patients and significant coronary lesions on coronary angiography were found in 31 patients. Two clinical events were observed. Kappa agreement analysis showed low agreement between troponin measures and CTA in the detection of significant coronary lesions (kappa = 0.022, p = 0.78). The performance of CTA for detecting significant coronary lesions on coronary angiography or for predicting clinical events at 30 days was better than sensitive troponin measures (accuracy of 91% versus 60%). Conclusion CTA performed better than sensitive troponin measures in the detection of significant coronary disease in patients with chest pain and intermediate risk for cardiovascular events.
Humans , Shock, Cardiogenic/rehabilitation , Heart-Assist Devices/classification , Heart Transplantation/rehabilitation , Heart Diseases/prevention & control , Heart Diseases/therapy , Echocardiography/methods , Radiography, Thoracic/methods , Cardiovascular Agents/therapeutic use , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation/rehabilitation , Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This observational, cross-sectional study based aimed to test whether heart failure (HF)-disease management program (DMP) components are influencing care and clinical decision-making in Brazil. METHODS: The survey respondents were cardiologists recommended by experts in the field and invited to participate in the survey via printed form or email. The survey consisted of 29 questions addressing site demographics, public versus private infrastructure, HF baseline data of patients, clinical management of HF, performance indicators, and perceptions about HF treatment. RESULTS: Data were obtained from 98 centers (58% public and 42% private practice) distributed across Brazil. Public HF-DMPs compared to private HF-DMP were associated with a higher percentage of HF-DMP-dedicated services (79% vs 24%; OR: 12, 95% CI: 94-34), multidisciplinary HF (MHF)-DMP [84% vs 65%; OR: 3; 95% CI: 1-8), HF educational programs (49% vs 18%; OR: 4; 95% CI: 1-2), written instructions before hospital discharge (83% vs 76%; OR: 1; 95% CI: 0-5), rehabilitation (69% vs 39%; OR: 3; 95% CI: 1-9), monitoring (44% vs 29%; OR: 2; 95% CI: 1-5), guideline-directed medical therapy-HF use (94% vs 85%; OR: 3; 95% CI: 0-15), and less B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) dosage (73% vs 88%; OR: 3; 95% CI: 1-9), and key performance indicators (37% vs 60%; OR: 3; 95% CI: 1-7). In comparison to non- MHF-DMP, MHF-DMP was associated with more educational initiatives (42% vs 6%; OR: 12; 95% CI: 1-97), written instructions (83% vs 68%; OR: 2: 95% CI: 1-7), rehabilitation (69% vs 17%; OR: 11; 95% CI: 3-44), monitoring (47% vs 6%; OR: 14; 95% CI: 2-115), GDMT-HF (92% vs 83%; OR: 3; 95% CI: 0-15). In addition, there were less use of BNP as a biomarker (70% vs 84%; OR: 2; 95% CI: 1-8) and key performance indicators (35% vs 51%; OR: 2; 95% CI: 91,6) in the non-MHF group. Physicians considered changing or introducing new medications mostly when patients were hospitalized or when observing worsening disease and/or symptoms. Adherence to drug treatment and non-drug treatment factors were the greatest medical problems associated with HF treatment. CONCLUSION: HF-DMPs are highly heterogeneous. New strategies for HF care should consider the present study highlights and clinical decision-making processes to improve HF patient care.
Humans , Disease Management , Heart Failure/therapy , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesSubject(s)
Humans , Coronavirus Infections , Heart Failure/epidemiology , Pandemics , BetacoronavirusABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: We designed a cohort study to describe characteristics and outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the largest public hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as Latin America becomes the epicenter of the pandemic. METHODS: This is the protocol for a study being conducted at an academic hospital in Brazil with 300 adult ICU beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients. We will include adult patients admitted to the ICU with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 during the study period. The main outcome is ICU survival at 28 days. Data will be collected prospectively and retrospectively by trained investigators from the hospital's electronic medical records, using an electronic data capture tool. We will collect data on demographics, comorbidities, severity of disease, and laboratorial test results at admission. Information on the need for advanced life support and ventilator parameters will be collected during ICU stay. Patients will be followed up for 28 days in the ICU and 60 days in the hospital. We will plot Kaplan-Meier curves to estimate ICU and hospital survival and perform survival analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model to identify the main risk factors for mortality. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04378582. RESULTS: We expect to include a large sample of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU and to be able to provide data on admission characteristics, use of advanced life support, ICU survival at 28 days, and hospital survival at 60 days. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide epidemiological data about critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Brazil, which could inform health policy and resource allocation in low- and middle-income countries.
Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/diagnosis , Pneumonia, Viral/mortality , Pneumonia, Viral/therapy , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/mortality , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Research Design , Brazil , Cohort Studies , Hospital Mortality , Observational Studies as Topic , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Hospitals, University , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
There is limited evidence in the literature regarding the administration of clopidogrel to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients over 75 years of age. Most studies excluded this age group, making the subject controversial due to the increased risk of bleeding in this population. Objective: This is a retrospective, unicentric, and observational study aimed at assessing whether the administration of clopidogrel loading dose increases bleeding rates in patients over 75 years of age. Methods: Patients were divided into two groups: group I: 75 mg of clopidogrel; group II: 300-to 600-mg loading dose of clopidogrel. A total of 174 patients (129 in group I and 45 in group II) were included between May 2010 and May 2015. Statistical analysis: The primary outcome was bleeding (major and/or minor). The secondary outcome was combined events (cardiogenic shock, reinfarction, death, stroke and bleeding). The comparison between groups was performed through Q-square and T-test. The multivariate analysis was performed by logistic regression, being considered significant p < 0.05. Results: Comparisons between groups I and II showed differences in the prevalence of diabetes (46.5% vs. 24.4%, p = 0.01), arterial hypertension (90.7% vs. 75, p = 0.01), dyslipidemia (62% vs. 42.2%, p = 0.021), ST segment elevation (11.6% vs. 26.6%, p = 0.016) and coronary intervention percutaneous (16.5% vs. 62.2%, p < 0.0001), respectively. In the multivariate analysis, significant differences were observed between groups I and II in relation to the occurrence of bleeding (8.5% vs. 20%, OR = 0.173, 95% CI: 0.049 - 0.614, p = 0.007). Conclusion: A loading dose of 300 mg or more of clopidogrel
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged , Treatment Outcome , Acute Coronary Syndrome/complications , /therapeutic use , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Stents , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Coronary Angiography , Coronary Angiography/methods , Electrocardiography/methods , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/methods , Hemorrhage/complicationsABSTRACT
SUMMARY Cardiac myxoma is a benign neoplasm, which corresponds to the most common primary heart tumour, responsible for about 50% of the cases. In general, 75-80% of myxomas are located in the left atrium, 18% in the right atrium, and more rarely in the ventricles or multicentric. Right atrial myxoma, in particular, can obstruct the tricuspid valve, causing symptoms of right heart failure, peripheral oedema, hepatic congestion, and syncope. Systemic embolization occurs in 30% of cases, by either tumour fragmentation or total tumour detachment. In the present report, we present a case of a symptomatic patient, who showed a large right intra-atrial lesion, with consequent superior vena cava syndrome, and then underwent surgical resection at admission.
RESUMO O mixoma cardíaco é uma neoplasia benigna, que corresponde ao tumor primário mais comum do coração, responsável por cerca de 50% dos casos. De modo geral, 75 a 80% dos mixomas estão localizados no átrio esquerdo, 18% no átrio direito, e mais raramente, nos ventrículos ou multicêntricos. O mixoma atrial direito, em particular, pode obstruir a válvula tricúspide, causando sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca direita, edema periférico, congestão hepática e síncope. A embolização sistêmica ocorre em 30% dos casos, quer pela fragmentação do tumor ou pelo desprendimento total do mesmo. No presente relato, apresentamos um caso de uma paciente sintomática, que evidenciou grande lesão intra-atrial direita, com consequente síndrome da veia cava superior, sendo, então, submetida a ressecção cirúrgica na internação.
Humans , Female , Superior Vena Cava Syndrome/etiology , Heart Neoplasms/complications , Myxoma/complications , Superior Vena Cava Syndrome/surgery , Superior Vena Cava Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Heart Neoplasms/surgery , Heart Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Middle Aged , Myxoma/surgery , Myxoma/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Gender-related differences have been reported in patients with acute coronary syndrome. The description of this comparative finding in a Brazilian registry has not yet been documented. Objective: To compare male vs. female patients regarding the baseline characteristics, coronary findings, treatment and in-hospital and long-term prognosis. Methods: This is a retrospective, multicenter and observational study that included 3,745 patients (2,437 males and 1,308 females) between May 2010 and May 2015. The primary in-hospital outcome was all-cause mortality. The secondary outcome consisted of combined events (cardiogenic shock, reinfarction, death, stroke and bleeding). The comparison between groups was performed using the chi-square and the t test, considering p < 0.05 as significant. In the long term, mortality and combined events were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method, with a mean follow-up of 8.79 months. Results: The mean age was 60.3 years for males and 64.6 for females (p < 0.0001). The most prevalent risk factor was systemic arterial hypertension in 72.9% of the women and 67.8% of the men (p = 0.001). Percutaneous coronary intervention was carried out in 44.9% of the males and 35.4% of the females (p < 0.0001), and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) was performed in 17% of the males and 11.8% of females (p < 0.0001), with a higher prevalence of three-vessel coronary artery disease in males (27.3% vs. 16.2%, p < 0.0001). Approximately 79.9% of the female patients received a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation, while in the male patients, this diagnosis was attained in 71.5% (p < 0.0001). No significant differences were observed between the groups in the short and long term, regarding both mortality and the combined events. Conclusion: Several gender-related differences were observed in patients with acute coronary syndrome regarding the demographic characteristics, coronary artery disease pattern and implemented treatment. However, the prognostic evolution was similar between the groups.
Resumo Fundamento: Existem diferenças relatadas entre pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda, de acordo com o sexo. A descrição deste achado comparativo em registro brasileiro ainda não foi documentada. Objetivo: Comparar pacientes do sexo masculino vs. feminino quanto a características basais, achados coronarianos, tratamento e prognóstico intra-hospitalar e em longo prazo. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, multicêntrico e observacional, no qual foram incluídos 3.745 pacientes (2.437 do sexo masculino e 1.308 do sexo feminino) entre maio de 2010 e maio de 2015. O desfecho primário intra-hospitalar foi mortalidade por todas as causas. O desfecho secundário foi eventos combinados (choque cardiogênico, reinfarto, morte, acidente vascular cerebral e sangramento). A comparação entre grupos foi realizada por meio de qui-quadrado e teste t, sendo considerado significativo p < 0,05. Em longo prazo, foram avaliados a mortalidade e os eventos combinados pelo método Kaplan-Meier, com seguimento médio de 8,79 meses. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 60,3 anos no sexo masculino e 64,6 no feminino (p < 0,0001). O fator de risco mais prevalente foi hipertensão arterial sistêmica em 72,9% das mulheres e 67,8% nos homens (p = 0,001). Intervenção coronária percutânea foi realizada em 44,9% no sexo masculino e 35,4% no feminino (p < 0,0001), e revascularização miocárdica cirúrgica em 17% no sexo masculino e 11,8% no feminino (p < 0,0001), com maior prevalência de padrão coronariano triarterial no sexo masculino (27,3% vs. 16,2%; p < 0,0001). Cerca de 79,9% dos pacientes do sexo feminino enquadraram-se no diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, enquanto no sexo masculino este número foi de 71,5% (p < 0,0001). Em curto e longo prazos não se observaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos, tanto em mortalidade quanto em eventos combinados. Conclusão: Observaram-se múltiplas diferenças relacionadas ao sexo em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda no que se refere a características demográficas, padrão coronariano e tratamento adotado. No entanto, a evolução prognóstica foi semelhante entre os grupos.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Shock, Cardiogenic/epidemiology , Registries/statistics & numerical data , Acute Coronary Syndrome/surgery , Acute Coronary Syndrome/epidemiology , Prognosis , Brazil/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Sex Factors , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Age Factors , Hospital Mortality , Sex Distribution , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/mortalityABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Some small studies have related higher levels of thyrotropin (TSH) to potentially worse prognosis in acute coronary syndromes. However, this relationship remains uncertain. Objective: To analyze the outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndromes in relation to the value of TSH at admission. Methods: Observational and retrospective study with 505 patients (446 in group I [TSH ≤ 4 mIU/L] and 59 in group II [TSH > 4 mIU/L]) with acute coronary syndromes between May 2010 and May 2014. We obtained data about comorbidities and the medications used at the hospital. The primary endpoint was in-hospital all-cause death. The secondary endpoint included combined events (death, non-fatal unstable angina or myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, bleeding and stroke). Comparisons between groups were made by one-way ANOVA and chi-square test. Multivariate analysis was determined by logistic regression. Analyses were considered significant when p < 0.05. Results: Significant differences between groups I and II were observed regarding the use of enoxaparin (75.2% vs. 57.63%, p = 0.02) and statins (84.08% vs. 71.19%, p < 0.0001), previous stroke (5.83% vs. 15.25%, p = 0.007), combined events (14.80% vs. 27.12%, OR = 3.05, p = 0.004), cardiogenic shock (4.77% vs. 6.05%, OR = 4.77, p = 0.02) and bleeding (12.09% vs. 15.25%, OR = 3.36, p = 0.012). Conclusions: In patients with acute coronary syndromes and TSH > 4 mIU/L at admission, worse prognosis was observed, with higher incidences of in-hospital combined events, cardiogenic shock and bleeding.
Resumo Fundamento: Estudos pequenos têm relacionado níveis mais elevados de hormônio tireoestimulante (TSH) a pior prognóstico em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA). Tal relação, no entanto, permanece incerta. Objetivo: Analisar os desfechos de pacientes com SCA, relacionando-os aos níveis de TSH medidos no setor de emergência. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo observacional incluindo 505 pacientes com SCA (446 no grupo I: TSH ± 4 mUI/L; 59 no grupo II: TSH > 4 mUI/L) entre maio de 2010 e maio de 2014. Dados sobre comorbidades e medicamentos usados foram obtidos. O desfecho primário foi mortalidade intra-hospitalar por todas as causas. O desfecho secundário incluiu eventos combinados (morte, angina instável não fatal ou infarto do miocárdio, choque cardiogênico, sangramento e acidente vascular encefálico). A comparação entre grupos foi realizada através de ANOVA de uma via e teste do qui-quadrado. A análise multivariada foi realizada por regressão logística, adotando-se o nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre os grupos I e II relacionadas ao uso de enoxaparina (75,2% vs. 57,63%; p = 0,02) e estatinas (84,08% vs. 71,19%; p < 0,0001), acidente vascular encefálico prévio (5,83% vs. 15,25%; p = 0,007), eventos combinados (14,80% vs. 27,12%, OR = 3,05; p = 0,004), choque cardiogênico (4,77% vs. 6,05%, OR = 4,77; p = 0,02) e sangramento (12,09% vs. 15,25%, OR = 3,36; p = 0,012). Conclusão: Em pacientes com SCA e TSH > 4 mUI/L à admissão hospitalar, observou-se pior prognóstico associado à maior incidência de eventos combinados intra-hospitalares, choque cardiogênico e sangramentos.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Thyrotropin/blood , Acute Coronary Syndrome/blood , Prognosis , Brazil/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/mortality , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Hospital Mortality , Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality , Hypothyroidism/complications , Hypothyroidism/bloodABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Despite having higher sensitivity as compared to conventional troponins, sensitive troponins have lower specificity, mainly in patients with renal failure. Objective: Study aimed at assessing the sensitive troponin I levels in patients with chest pain, and relating them to the existence of significant coronary lesions. Methods: Retrospective, single-center, observational. This study included 991 patients divided into two groups: with (N = 681) and without (N = 310) significant coronary lesion. For posterior analysis, the patients were divided into two other groups: with (N = 184) and without (N = 807) chronic renal failure. The commercial ADVIA Centaur® TnI-Ultra assay (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics) was used. The ROC curve analysis was performed to identify the sensitivity and specificity of the best cutoff point of troponin as a discriminator of the probability of significant coronary lesion. The associations were considered significant when p < 0.05. Results: The median age was 63 years, and 52% of the patients were of the male sex. The area under the ROC curve between the troponin levels and significant coronary lesions was 0.685 (95% CI: 0.65 - 0.72). In patients with or without renal failure, the areas under the ROC curve were 0.703 (95% CI: 0.66 - 0.74) and 0.608 (95% CI: 0.52 - 0.70), respectively. The best cutoff points to discriminate the presence of significant coronary lesion were: in the general population, 0.605 ng/dL (sensitivity, 63.4%; specificity, 67%); in patients without renal failure, 0.605 ng/dL (sensitivity, 62.7%; specificity, 71%); and in patients with chronic renal failure, 0.515 ng/dL (sensitivity, 80.6%; specificity, 42%). Conclusion: In patients with chest pain, sensitive troponin I showed a good correlation with significant coronary lesions when its level was greater than 0.605 ng/dL. In patients with chronic renal failure, a significant decrease in specificity was observed in the correlation of troponin levels and severe coronary lesions.
Resumo Fundamento: Apesar de apresentar maior sensibilidade em comparação às troponinas convencionais, as troponinas sensíveis apresentam menor especificidade, principalmente em pacientes com insuficiência renal. Objetivo: Avaliar os valores de troponina I sensível em pacientes com dor torácica, relacionando-os à presença de lesões coronarianas significativas. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, unicêntrico e observacional. Foram incluídos 991 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos: com (N = 681) ou sem lesão coronariana (N = 310). Para análise posterior, os pacientes foram separados em outros dois grupos: com (N = 184) ou sem insuficiência renal (N = 807). A troponina utilizada pertence ao kit comercial ADVIA Centaur® TnI-Ultra (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics). A análise foi feita por curva ROC para identificar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do melhor ponto de corte da troponina como discriminador de probabilidade de lesão coronariana. As associações foram consideradas significativas quando p < 0,05. Resultados: Cerca de 52% dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino e a idade mediana da amostra foi de 63 anos. A área sob a curva ROC entre os valores de troponina e lesões coronarianas significativas foi de 0,685 (IC 95%: 0,65 - 0,72). Em pacientes sem e com insuficiência renal, as áreas sob a curva foram 0,703 (IC 95%: 0,66 - 0,74) e 0,608 (IC 95%: 0,52 - 0,70), respectivamente. Os melhores pontos de corte para discriminar a presença de lesão coronária significativa foram: 0,605 ng/dL (sensibilidade de 63,4%, especificidade de 67%) no grupo geral, 0,605 ng/dL (sensibilidade de 62,7% e especificidade de 71%) em pacientes sem insuficiência renal e 0,515 ng/dL (sensibilidade de 80,6% e especificidade de 42%) no grupo com insuficiência renal crônica. Conclusão: Na população avaliada de pacientes com dor torácica, a troponina I sensível apresentou boa correlação com lesões coronarianas significativas quando acima de 0,605 ng/dL. Em pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica, observamos uma queda importante de especificidade na correlação dos valores com lesões coronarianas graves.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Chest Pain/diagnosis , Troponin I/blood , Coronary Disease/diagnosis , Kidney Failure, Chronic/blood , Chest Pain/blood , Biomarkers/blood , Retrospective Studies , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Coronary Disease/bloodSubject(s)
Humans , Fever/complications , Fever/etiology , Heart Transplantation/classification , Heart Transplantation/rehabilitation , Pneumonia/diagnostic imaging , Chagas Disease/classification , Echocardiography , Infections/etiology , Pneumonia/drug therapy , Time Factors , Toxoplasmosis/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Fundamento: Diversos estudos experimentais têm mostrado redução de marcadores inflamatórios associados às doses mais elevadas de estatinas em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA). No entanto, a implicação clínica da dose de estatina na fase aguda da SCA ainda é incerta. Objetivo: Comparar desfechos em curto e longo prazo entre pacientes com SCA que receberam doses mais elevadas de atorvastatina versus baixas doses de atorvastatina iniciadas nas primeiras 24 horas da admissão hospitalar. Métodos: Para tal, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo I (N = 464): dose de atorvastatina 40 mg/dia. Foram obtidos dados demográficos, exames laboratoriais, medicações utilizadas e tratamento coronário adotado. Análise estatística: O desfecho primário foi mortalidade por todas as causas. A comparação entre grupos foi realizada através de Q-quadrado e teste T. A análise multivariada de desfechos intrahospitalares foi realizada por regressão logística, sendo considerado significativo p < 0,05. Em longo prazo foi avaliada a mortalidade e eventos combinados pelo método Kaplan-Meier com seguimento médio de 8,79 meses. Resultados: Na análise de desfechos intrahospitalares, não se observaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos I e II. Em longo prazo o grupo II apresentou menor mortalidade em relação ao grupo I (3,9% vs. 8,4%, p = 0,013), respectivamente. Conclusão: Diferenças favoráveis e significativas foram observadas em relação à mortalidade em longo prazo em pacientes com SCA que receberam desde a fase aguda doses elevadas de atorvastatina
Background: Recent experimental studies have described reduction in inflammatory markers related to higher doses of statins in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, the clinical implication of the dose of statin in the acute phase of the ACS remains uncertain. Objective: To compare the outcomes in short and long terms among patients with acute coronary syndromes that received higher doses of atorvastatin versus low doses of atorvastatin started in the first 24 hours of hospital admission.Methods: For such, the patients were divided in two groups: group I (N = 464): atorvastatin dose: 40 mg/day. Demographic data, laboratory exams, medications used and coronary treatment adopted were obtained. Statistical analysis: The primary outcome was mortality from all causes. The comparison between groups was made by T-test and Q-square. Multivariative analysis of in-hospital outcomes were determined by logistic regression, considered significant when p < 0.05. In long-term, the mortality and combined events by the Kaplan-Meier method were assessed, with median follow-up of 8.79 months. Results: In the analysis of in-hospital outcomes, no significant differences were observed between groups I and II. In the long-term, group II presented lower mortality in comparison with group 9 (8.4% vs. 3.9%, p = 0.013). Conclusions: Favorable and significant differences were observed in relation to long-term mortality in patients with ACS that received high doses of atorvastatin since the acute phase
Humans , Male , Female , Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality , Atorvastatin/administration & dosage , Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors/administration & dosage , Patients , Cholesterol, LDL/blood , Cohort Studies , Heart Ventricles , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Stents , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
A insuficiência cardíaca refratária e o choque cardiogênico estão relacionados aelevadas taxas de mortalidade e a baixa qualidade de vida. As estratégias de tratamento para esses pacientes foram limitadas, nos últimos anos, às terapias farmacológicas que pouco modificaram a evolução da doença. Entretanto, com o desenvolvimento tecnológico em dispositivos mecânicos de suporte circulatório, diversas modalidades terapêuticas utilizando diferentes tipos de tecnologia proporcionam melhor suporte hemodinâmico, diminuição e reversão de disfunções orgânicas causadas pela insuficiência cardíaca.Esses dispositivos quando indicados corretamente melhoram os desfechos clínicos de pacientes que aguardam transplante cardíaco e dos que não são candidatos a transplante. Atualmente, observam-se indicações cada vez mais precoces de dispositivos de suporte circulatório, tornando-os uma terapia essencial no manejo de pacientes cominsuficiência cardíaca refratária ou choque cardiogênico. Esta revisão abordará os principais tipos de dispositivos disponíveis em nosso país e suas indicações...
The refractory heart failure and cardiogenic shock are related to high rates of mortality and poor quality of life. Treatment strategies for these patients have been limited in the last yearsto pharmacological therapies that change only slightly the evolution of the disease. However, with technological advances in mechanical devices for circulatory assistance, various therapeutic modalities using different types of technology provide better hemodynamic support, reduction and reversal of organic dysfunction caused by heart failure. When properly indicated,these devices can provide better clinical outcomes of patients on heart transplantation waiting list and those who are not candidates for transplantation. Contemporarily, indications for mechanical support devices are occurring increasingly earlier, making them an essential therapy in the management of patients with refractory heart failure or cardiogenic shock.This review covers the different types of devices available in our country and its indications...
Humans , Male , Female , Heart-Assist Devices/trends , Heart Failure/complications , Heart Failure/diagnosis , Prognosis , Heart Transplantation , Shock, Cardiogenic/complications , Shock, Cardiogenic/therapy , Assisted Circulation/methods , Echocardiography/methods , Risk Factors , Quality of Life , Survival , Heart VentriclesABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico da cardiomiopatia isquêmica é frequentemente difícil. A angiografia coronária (AC) é limitada, por ser invasiva e de avaliação exclusivamente anatômica. A ressonância nuclear magnética cardíaca (RNM) com realce tardio pelo gadolínio (RTG) pode mensurar padrões de fibrose miocárdica ocasionados pela isquemia. Porém, o RTG pode não detectar isquemia que não resultou em fibrose. Assim, uma avaliação clínica meticulosa pelo cardiologista parece ser a maneira mais eficaz para definir o diagnóstico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a AC e o RTG como métodos complementares para o diagnóstico de cardiomiopatia isquêmica em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca sistólica sem etiologia definida. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca sistólica, fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo < 45% e etiologia indefinida após avaliação não invasiva inicial foram submetidos à AC e à RNM com RTG para definição etiológica. A análise dos casos por dois cardiologistas foi o padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico de cardiomiopatia isquêmica. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 24 pacientes. A sensibilidade para detecção de cardiomiopatia isquêmica foi de 0,45 para AC vs. 0,81 do RTG. A especificidade da AC foi de 1,0 vs. 0,84 do RTG. O valor preditivo positivo foi de 1,0 vs. 0,81, e o valor preditivo negativo foi 0,68 vs. 0,84 para AC e do RTG, respectivamente. A acurácia do RTG foi superior a da AC (0,83 vs. 0,75). CONCLUSÕES: O RTG foi mais sensível do que a AC na avaliação etiológica da disfunção ventricular, enquanto a AC foi mais específica. A definição de cardiomiopatia isquêmica utilizando cada um dos métodos em separado apresentou limitações.
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of ischemic cardiomyopathy is frequently difficult. Coronary angiography (CA) is limited because it is invasive and the evaluation is exclusively anatomic. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) measures patterns of myocardial fibrosis caused by ischemia. However, LGE does not detect ischemia that does not result in fibrosis. Thus, a thorough clinical evaluation by a cardiologist seems to be the most effective option for diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate CA and LGE as complementary methods for the diagnosis of ischemic cardiomyopathy in patients with systolic heart failure of unknown etiology. METHODS: Patients with systolic heart failure, left ventricle ejection fraction < 45% and unknown etiology after initial non-invasive evaluation were submitted to CA and MRI with LGE to define the etiology of the disease. Patient evaluation by two cardiologists was the gold standard for the diagnosis of ischemic cardiomyopathy. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients were included. The sensitivity to detect ischemic cardiomyopathy was 0.45 for CA vs. 0.81 for LGE. The specificity was 1.0 for CA vs. 0.84 for LGE. The positive predictive value was 1.0 vs. 0.81 and the negative predictive value was 0.68 vs. 0.84 for CA and LGE, respectively. LGE accuracy was superior to CA accuracy (0.83 vs. 0.75). CONCLUSIONS: LGE was more sensitive than CA to evaluate the etiology of ventricular dysfunction, whereas CA was more specific. The diagnosis of ischemic cardiomyopathy using each one of the methods separately presented limitations.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Coronary Angiography/methods , Gadolinium , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Heart Failure, Systolic/etiology , Myocardial Ischemia/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diagnosis , Risk Factors , Ventricular DysfunctionABSTRACT
FUNDAMENTO: A realização da angiografia coronariana na insuficiência cardíaca sem etiologia definida é frequentemente justificada para avaliação diagnóstica de cardiopatia isquêmica. Porém, o benefício clínico dessa estratégia não é conhecido. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de cardiopatia isquêmica mediante critérios angiográficos em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca e fração de ejeção reduzida sem etiologia, assim como o seu impacto na decisão terapêutica. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes ambulatoriais consecutivos com insuficiência cardíaca e disfunção sistólica, que tiveram a angiografia coronariana indicada para esclarecimento etiológico da cardiopatia, no período de 1º de janeiro de 2009 a 31 de dezembro de 2010. Os pacientes com diagnóstico de doença arterial coronariana, sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas, cardiopatia congênita, valvopatia grave ou pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco foram excluídos da análise. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos conforme a indicação do cateterismo. Grupo-1: Sintomáticos em razão de angina ou insuficiência cardíaca refratária. Grupo-2: Presença de > 2 fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana RESULTADOS: Cento e sete pacientes foram incluídos para análise, sendo 51 (47,7%) pacientes pertencentes ao Grupo-1 e 56 (52,3%), ao Grupo-2. A prevalência de cardiopatia isquêmica foi de 9,3% (10 pacientes), e todos pertenciam ao Grupo-1 (p = 0,0001). Durante o seguimento, apenas 4 (3,7%) tiveram indicação de revascularização miocárdica; 3 (2,8%) pacientes apresentaram complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso trabalho, a realização da angiografia coronariana em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca e disfunção sistólica sem etiologia, apesar de embasada pelas atuais diretrizes, não evidenciou benefício quando indicada apenas pela presença de fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana.
BACKGROUND: Performing a coronary angiography in patients with heart failure of unknown etiology is often justified by the diagnostic assessment of ischemic heart disease. However, the clinical benefit of this strategy is not known. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of ischemic heart disease by angiographic criteria in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction of unknown etiology, as well as its impact on therapy decisions. METHODS: Consecutive outpatients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction, who had an indication for coronary angiography to clarify the etiology of heart disease were assessed from 1 January 2009 to December 31, 2010. Patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease, positive serology for Chagas disease, congenital heart disease, valve disease or patients undergoing cardiac transplantation were excluded from the analysis. The sample was divided into two groups according to the indication for catheterization. Group-1: Symptomatic due to angina or heart failure. Group-2: Presence of > 2 risk factors for coronary artery disease RESULTS: One hundred and seven patients were included in the analysis, with 51 (47.7%) patients in Group 1 and 56 (52.3%) in Group 2. The prevalence of ischemic heart disease was 9.3% (10 patients), and all belonged to Group 1 (p = 0.0001). During follow-up, only 4 (3.7%) were referred for CABG; 3 (2.8%) patients had procedure-related complications. CONCLUSION: In our study, coronary angiography in patients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction of unknown etiology, although supported by current guidelines, did not show benefits when performed only due to the presence of risk factors for coronary artery disease.
Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Coronary Angiography , Heart Failure , Myocardial Ischemia , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Myocardial Ischemia/epidemiology , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Stroke Volume/physiology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Relato de um caso de cisto ósseo aneurismático na patela cujo objetivo é propor uma opção de tratamento. Os tumores de patela são raros. Em revisões literárias de 1900 a 2000 foram levantadas 384 publicações. Lesões benignas são mais comuns (73%), principalmente o tumor de células gigantes (33%). O cisto ósseo aneurismático corresponde a apenas 4%. Paciente do sexo masculino, 32 anos, atendido na Oncologia Ortopédica da FMABC em Novembro de 2004, com a dor e edema em joelho esquerdo há três meses, claudicação e perda da amplitude de flexo-extensão, sem melhora após punções e uso de antiinflamatório não hormonal. O Raio X apresentava imagem lítica, expansiva, infiltrativa com septações, sem envolvimento da cortical. A Tomografia Computadorizada mostrou lesão infiltrativa central na patela. A biópsia percutânea confirmou o diagnóstico de cisto ósseo aneurismático. O tratamento foi patelectomia total por comprometimento de mais de 90% da patela. Atualmente em acompanhamento ambulatorial, com melhora do quadro clínico, embora com diminuição da força extensora. Trata-se de uma lesão pseudotumoral benigna de etiologia desconhecida que pode afetar qualquer parte do esqueleto, extremamente rara na patela. A incidência é de 1% em relação a todos as neoplasias ósseas primárias, e de 4% em relação aos tumores da patela. As opções de tratamento são curetagem, ressecção parcial ou total e amputação do membro. A radioterapia é alvo de discussão pelo risco de degeneração sarcomatosa. A taxa de recorrência é próxima a 0% na excisão completa, podendo chegar a 59% na curetagem, segundo a literatura.
Cough is a very common symptom and it has been considered the second major cause of visits to the doctor. This emphasizes the importance to identify and to treat appropriately the etiological factors that have a relationshipwith this symptom. Several diseases that attack the upper airway are associated to the chronic cough, beingrare the occurrence of supraglottic cysts as an aetiology of this symptom. This paper report a case of a patientwith chronic cough due to a cyst on the tongue basis. The patient was submitted to a surgery and the cyst was completely extracted. The symptom disappeared completely after the procedure.