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Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 19(1): 11-16, mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566473


La atrofia muscular espinal (AME) de presentación temprana representa la variante más severa, con una expectativa de vida generalmente no mayor a dos años sin soporte ventilatorio, debido a la insuficiencia respiratoria y la dificultad para toser. Tradicionalmente, el manejo respiratorio en muchos países ha incluido la traqueostomía para proporcionar asistencia ventilatoria invasiva de manera continua. No obstante, la introducción de medicamentos de precisión ha modificado la progresión natural de la enfermedad, evidenciando mejoras significativas en los hitos motores y beneficiando también la función respiratoria. A pesar de estas mejoras, en muchos casos sigue siendo necesaria la ventilación intermitente y/o continua, además de la facilitación de la tos. Estas necesidades pueden abordarse de forma no invasiva mediante el soporte ventilatorio no invasivo (SVN), la in-exsuflación mecánica (IEM) y el reclutamiento de volumen pulmonar (RVP), que son considerados pilares del tratamiento respiratorio en enfermedades neuromusculares. Estas estrategias promueven el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la función respiratoria, reduciendo el riesgo de exacerbaciones respiratorias que podrían llevar a intubaciones evitables. Comúnmente, los pacientes con AME experimentan intentos fallidos de extubación siguiendo protocolos tradicionales, siendo catalogados como no extubables y potenciales candidatos a traqueostomía. No obstante, existen protocolos de extubación específicos para AME que emplean SVN e IEM con un alto porcentaje de éxito, evitando traqueostomías innecesarias que pueden complicar la progresión de la enfermedad y afectar la calidad de vida. El enfoque respiratorio no invasivo es una opción de manejo segura tanto en el hospital como en el hogar, ofreciendo una mejor calidad de vida para los pacientes y sus familias.

Early-onset spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the most severe variant, with a life expectancy generally not exceeding two years without ventilatory support due to respiratory insufficiency and difficulty in coughing. Traditionally, respiratory management in many countries has included tracheostomy to provide continuous invasive ventilatory support. However, the introduction of precision medicine has altered the natural progression of the disease, showing significant improvements in motor milestones and also benefiting respiratory function. Despite these improvements, many cases still require intermittent and/or continuous ventilation, as well as cough facilitation. These needs can be addressed non-invasively through non-invasive ventilatory support (NIV), mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MIE), and lung volume recruitment (LVR), which are considered the pillars of respiratory treatment in neuromuscular diseases. These strategies promote the development and maintenance of respiratory function, reducing the risk of respiratory exacerbations that could lead to avoidable intubations. Commonly, SMA patients experience failed extubation attempts following traditional protocols, being labeled as non-extubatable and potential candidates for tracheostomy. Nevertheless, there are specific extubation protocols for SMA that employ NIV and MIE with a high success rate, avoiding unnecessary tracheostomies that can complicate disease progression and impact quality of life. The non-invasive respiratory approach is a safe management option both in the hospital and at home, offering a better quality of life for patients and their families.

Humans , Muscular Atrophy, Spinal/therapy , Insufflation , Airway Extubation , Noninvasive Ventilation , Lung Volume Measurements
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(4): 391-397, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527715


Abstract Objective: The objectives of this study were to evaluate an automated device for ventilatory support based on AMBU manufactured in March 2020. Methods: The ESSI-1 INC was evaluated through pulmonary mechanics and physiology parameters through compensatory spirometer tests (TISSOTs), and an artificial lung Model5600i Dual Adult PNEU VIEW SYSTEM; it was also compared to the anesthetic ventilatory support equipment (AEONMED 7500) in porcine models, measuring ventilatory, hemodynamic and gasometric parameters. Results: This equipment (ESSI-1 INC) was successfully tested by mechanical and biological models, such as pigs in which its performance was evaluated in terms of variability of tidal volume, ventilation frequency, and I/E relationship versus the manual performance of two medical interns. All the results turned out as expected and were satisfactory. Conclusions: It is safe and effective equipment and should be tested and used in diverse clinical conditions to standardize the ventilatory safety and care of patients who require it.

Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar un dispositivo automatizado para la asistencia ventilatoria basado en un AMBU manufacturado en Marzo del 2020. Métodos: El ESSI-1 INC fue evaluado por medio de parámetros fisiológicos y mecánica pulmonar a través de pruebas de espirómetro compensatorios (TISSOT); pulmón artificial (Modelo 5600i Dual Adult PNEU VIEW SYSTEM); así como su desempeño comparado a la máquina de anestesia (AEONMED 7500) en modelos porcinos, midiendo criterios ventilatorios, hemodinámicos y gasométricos. Resultados: Este equipo (ESSI-1 INC) fue exitosamente probado por modelos mecánicos y biológicos, tales como cerdos donde su desempeño fue evaluado en términos de la variabilidad del volumen tidal, frecuencia ventilatoria, y relación I/E versus el desempeño manual de dos médicos. Todos los resultados finalizaron como se esperaba de forma satisfactoria. Conclusiones: Es un equipo seguro y efectivo, el cual debería ser probado y usado en distintas condiciones clínicas para estandarizar la seguridad ventilatoria y cuidado de pacientes que lo requieran.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(2): 46-55, 20230801.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451134


Introducción: En las enfermedades neuromusculares la disminución de la capacidad vital se relaciona con disminución de la capacidad tusígena y luego ventilatoria, la combinación de ambas genera complicaciones graves por falla ventilatoria. En los pacientes que son intubados, limita la extubación, sino se realizan cuidados respiratorios especializados. El conocimiento y aplicación de los profesionales que atienden a estos pacientes en cuidados intensivos resulta esencial. Objetivos: Reportar el conocimiento y aplicación especializada de cuidados respiratorios en enfermedades neuromusculares en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo de corte transversal, no probabilístico, a criterio. La población accesible fueron profesionales de la Salud de las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, y el análisis de las respuestas de una encuesta estructurada, enviada a distintos profesionales a nivel mundial. Resultados: Se incluyeron los cuestionarios de 41 profesionales, el 34% de los profesionales reportaron la utilización regular de Asistente Mecánico de la Tos; 22% refirieron la utilización regular de apilamiento de aire; 31% reportaron la utilización regular de Asistencia Ventilatoria No Invasiva, 56.1% de los profesionales afirmaron conocer la diferencia entre Ventilación No Invasiva y Soporte Ventilatorio No Invasivo, 34% de los profesionales refirieron tener formación especializada en el área. Conclusión: Pese a existir una alta proporción de profesionales con conocimiento especializado, un grupo importante no los aplica rutinariamente. La justificación es principalmente por la dificultad de adquisición y financiación de los equipos necesarios.

Introduction: In neuromuscular diseases, the decrease in vital capacity relates to decreased coughing and then ventilatory capacity, the combination of both generating serious complications due to ventilatory failure. In intubated patients, the extubation process is difficult unless specialized respiratory care is provided. The knowledge and treatment application of the professionals who care for these patients in intensive care is of outmost importance. Objectives: Report the knowledge and specialized application of respiratory care in neuromuscular diseases in Intensive Care Units. Materials and methods: Qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, non-probabilistic study, at criteria. The accessible population were Health professionals from the Intensive Care Units, and the analysis of the responses of a structured survey, sent to different professionals worldwide. Results: The questionnaires of 41 professionals were included, 34% of the professionals reported the regular use of the Mechanical Cough Assistant; 22% reported the regular use of air stacking; 31% reported the regular use of Non-Invasive Ventilatory Assistance. 56.1% of the professionals stated that they knew the difference between Non-Invasive Ventilation and Non-Invasive Ventilatory Support, 34% of the professionals reported having specialized training in the area. Conclusion: Despite the existence of a high proportion of professionals with specialized knowledge, an important group does not routinely apply them. The justification is mainly due to the difficulty of acquiring and financing the necessary equipment.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447184


Introducción: En las enfermedades neuromusculares la disminución de la capacidad vital se relaciona con dismunición de la capacidad tusígena y luego ventilatoria, la combinación de ambas genera complicaciones graves por falla ventilatoria. En los pacientes que son intubados, limita la extubación, sino se realizan cuidados respiratorios especializados. El conocimiento y aplicación de los profesionales que atienden a estos pacientes en cuidados intensivos resulta esencial. Objetivos: Reportar el conocimiento y aplicación especializada de cuidados respiratorios en enfermedades neuromusculares en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo de corte transversal, no probabilístico, a criterio. La población accesible fueron profesionales de la Salud de las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, y el análisis de las respuestas de una encuesta estructurada, enviada a distintos profesionales a nivel mundial. Resultados: Se incluyeron los cuestionarios de 41 profesionales, el 34% de los profesionales reportaron la utilización regular de Asistente Mecánico de la Tos; 22% refirieron la utilización regular de apilamiento de aire; 31% reportaron la utilización regular de Asistencia Ventilatoria No Invasiva, 56.1% de los profesionales afirmaron conocer la diferencia entre Ventilación No Invasiva y Soporte Ventilatorio No Invasivo, 34% de los profesionales refirieron tener formación especializada en el área. Conclusión: Pese a existir una alta proporción de profesionales con conocimiento especializado, un grupo importante no los aplica rutinariamente. La justificación es principalmente por la dificultad de adquisición y financiación de los equipos necesarios.

Introduction: In neuromuscular diseases, the decrease in vital capacity relates to decreased coughing and then ventilatory capacity, the combination of both generating serious complications due to ventilatory failure. In intubated patients, the extubation process is difficult unless specialized respiratory care is provided. The knowledge and treatment application of the professionals who care for these patients in intensive care is of outmost importance. Objectives: Report the knowledge and specialized application of respiratory care in neuromuscular diseases in Intensive Care Units. Materials and methods: Qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, non-probabilistic study, at criteria. The accessible population were Health professionals from the Intensive Care Units, and the analysis of the responses of a structured survey, sent to different professionals worldwide. Results: The questionnaires of 41 professionals were included, 34% of the professionals reported the regular use of the Mechanical Cough Assistant; 22% reported the regular use of air stacking; 31% reported the regular use of Non-Invasive Ventilatory Assistance. 56.1% of the professionals stated that they knew the difference between Non-Invasive Ventilation and Non-Invasive Ventilatory Support, 34% of the professionals reported having specialized training in the area. Conclusion: Despite the existence of a high proportion of professionals with specialized knowledge, an important group does not routinely apply them. The justification is mainly due to the difficulty of acquiring and financing the necessary equipment.

Med. UIS ; 36(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534829


Introducción: la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es una limitación del flujo de aire por anomalías alveolares. En una exacerbación aguda, la ventilación mecánica no invasiva es la primera línea en el manejo, sin embargo, existen ciertos factores de riesgo que hacen más probable el uso de ventilación mecánica invasiva en estos pacientes, que no están apropiadamente descritos en la literatura científica y que pueden guiar hacia una elección de soporte ventilatorio apropiado. Objetivo: describir los factores que se asociaron con mayor necesidad de ventilación mecánica no invasiva en una cohorte de pacientes hospitalizados con exacerbación aguda de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Métodos: estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico que incluye todos los pacientes que consultaron a urgencias y fueron hospitalizados por exacerbación aguda de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en un hospital de tercer nivel de Santander, Colombia, durante el período 2014-2020. Resultados: fueron incluidos 81 pacientes, 36 requirieron ventilación mecánica no invasiva y 12 ventilación mecánica invasiva; 25 % de los pacientes con ventilación mecánica no invasiva fallaron a la terapia inicial y demandaron el uso de ventilación mecánica invasiva. Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron hipertensión arterial (70,3 %) y cardiopatía (49,38 %); 70 % había tenido exposición al tabaquismo como fumador directo. Conclusiones: el uso de ventilación mecánica invasiva estuvo relacionado de forma estadísticamente significativa en pacientes con perfil de disnea severa, acidosis por parámetros gasométricos, escalamiento antibiótico, uso de corticoides intravenosos, requerimiento de unidad de cuidado intensivo, infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud y estancia hospitalaria prolongada.

Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is airflow limitation due to alveolar abnormalities. In an acute exa- cerbation, non-invasive mechanical ventilation is the first line of management, however, there are certain risk factors that make the use of invasive mechanical ventilation more likely in these patients, which are not adequately described in the scientific literature and that can guide towards a choice of appropriate ventilatory support. Objective: To describe the factors that were associated with an increased need for invasive mechanical ventilation in a cohort of hospitalized patients with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical observational study, with non-probabilistic sampling including all patients who consulted the emergency room and were hospitalized for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tertiary care hospital in Santander-Colombia during the period 2014-2020. Results: 81 patients were included, 36 required non-invasive mechanical ventilation and 12 invasive me- chanical ventilation. 25 % of the patients with non-invasive mechanical ventilation failed the initial therapy and demanded the use of invasive mechanical ventilation. The most frequent comorbidities were arterial hypertension (70.3 %) and heart disease (49.38 %). 70 % had been exposed to smoking as direct smokers. Conclusions: The use of invasive mechanical ven- tilation was associated in a statistically significant way in patients with a profile of: severe dyspnea, acidosis by gasometric parameters, antibiotic escalation, use of intravenous corticosteroids, intensive care unit requirement, infections associa- ted with health care and prolonged hospital stay.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Interactive Ventilatory Support , Recurrence , Research , Respiration, Artificial , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Critical Care , Observational Study
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(2): 89-98, abril 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1363662


Introducción: los beneficios de la ventilación asistida ajustada neuronalmente (NAVA) en los recién nacidos prematuros son inciertos. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar si la NAVA no invasiva (NIV) era más beneficiosa para los recién nacidos prematuros que la presión positiva continua nasal (NCPAP). Diseño del estudio: metanálisis de tres ensayos clínicos: dos ensayos controlados aleatorizados y un estudio de grupos cruzados. Se comparó la NAVA-NIV con la NCPAP y se informó sobre el fracaso del tratamiento, la mortalidad y los eventos adversos como resultados principales. Resultados: tres estudios con 173 pacientes (89 recibieron NAVA-NIV) cumplieron los criterios de inclusión en este metanálisis. No se observaron diferencias en el fracaso del tratamiento entre la NAVA-NIV y la NCPAP (razón de riesgos [RR] = 1,09; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95 % = 0,65-1,84; diferencia de riesgos = 0,02; IC95% = -0,10-0,14; I2 = 33 %; P = 0,23). De manera similar, no hubo diferencias en la mortalidad (RR = 1,52; IC95% = 0,51-4,52; no aplica heterogeneidad). En comparación con la NCPAP, la NAVA-NIV redujo significativamente el uso de cafeína (RR = 0,85; IC 95% = 0,74-0,98; I2 = 71 %; P = 0,03). Conclusiones: en comparación con la NCPAP, no hay evidencia suficiente para sacar una conclusión sobre los beneficios o daños de la NAVA-NIV en los recién nacidos prematuros. Los hallazgos de esta revisión deben confirmarse en ensayos clínicos con una metodología rigurosa y potencia adecuada

Introduction: The benefits of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) in preterm infants are unclear. This study aimed to explore if noninvasive NAVA is more beneficial for preterm infants than nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP). Study design: Meta-analysis was performed in three clinical trials comprising two randomized controlled trials and one crossover study. We compared NIV-NAVA and NCPAP and reported treatment failure, mortality, and adverse events as the primary outcomes. Results: Three studies including 173 patients (89 of whom underwent NIV-NAVA) were eligible for this meta-analysis. This review found no difference in treatment failure between NIV-NAVA and NCPAP (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.65 to 1.84; RD 0.02, 95% CI -0.10-0.14; I2=33%, P=0.23). Similarly, there was no difference in mortality (RR 1.52, 95% CI 0.51-4.52, heterogeneity not applicable). Compared with NCPAP, NIV-NAVA significantly reduced the use of caffeine (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.74-0.98, I2=71%, P=0.03). Conclusions: Compared with NCPAP, there is insufficient evidence to conclude on the benefits or harm of NIV-NAVA therapy for preterm infants. The findings of this review should be confirmed using methodologically rigorous and adequately powered clinical trials.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Interactive Ventilatory Support/adverse effects , Infant, Premature , Treatment Failure , Cross-Over Studies , Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/adverse effects
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417370


INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia com oxigênio suplementar reduz quadros de hipóxia, diminuindo a mortalidade entre recémnascidos prematuros (RNPT), porém a excessiva exposição ao oxigênio tem o potencial de atingir e danificar múltiplos órgãos do neonato. OBJETIVO: Determinar os fatores associados ao uso de suporte ventilatório/oxigenoterapia nos RNPT. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, longitudinal, prospectivo de caráter quantitativo, realizado no período de julho de 2019 a março de 2020, em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN) de um hospital público universitário. Foram observados RNPT em uso de oxigenoterapia, desde o período de admissão até a alta, sendo coletados dados gestacionais, de nascimento e parâmetros da oxigenoterapia. RESULTADOS: 62 RNPT foram acompanhados com média de idade gestacional (IG) de 30,5 semanas (±3,43) e mediana de peso ao nascimento (PN) de 1.390 gramas (555 g - 3.115 g). O tempo médio de internação de 35 dias (3-176) e de oxigenoterapia foi de 7,5 dias (1-176). Ao relacionar o total de dias em oxigenoterapia com o valor do Apgar no 5º minuto, não houve relação significativa (rho= -0,158; p=0,219), porém, houve relação com a IG ao nascimento (rho= -0,725; p<0,001), uso de corticoide antenal (p=0,006) e surfactante exógeno (<0,001). Houve relação também com displasia broncopulmonar (DBP) e retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP) (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores associados ao tempo e uso de oxigenoterapia foram a IG, PN, uso de corticoide antenal e surfactante exógeno, sendo observado também associação com DBP e ROP.

INTRODUCTION: Supplemental oxygen therapy reduces hypoxia by reducing mortality among preterm newborns (PTNBs), but excessive exposure to oxygen has the potential to affect and damage multiple organs of the newborn. OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors associated with the use of ventilatory support/oxygen therapy in PTNBs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an observational, longitudinal, prospective quantitative study, conducted from July 2019 to March 2020, in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a public university hospital. PTNBs on oxygen therapy were observed from the time of admission to discharge, and gestational data, birth data and oxygen therapy parameters were collected. RESULTS: 62 PTNs were followed with a mean gestational age (GA) of 30.5 weeks (±3.43) and median birth weight (BW) of 1,390 grams (555 g - 3,115 g). The mean hospital stay of 35 days (3-176) and oxygen therapy was 7.5 days (1-176). When relating the total days in oxygen therapy with the value of Apgar at the 5th minute, there was no significant relationship (rho= -0.158; p=0.219), however, there was a relationship with GA at birth (rho= -0.725; p<0.001), use of antenal corticosteroids (p=0.006) and exogenous surfactante (<0.001). There was also a relationship with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The factors associated with time and use of oxygen therapy were GA, BW, use of antenal corticosteroids and exogenous surfactant, and association with BPD and ROP was also observed.

Oxygen Inhalation Therapy , Infant, Premature , Interactive Ventilatory Support
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398445


INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia com oxigênio suplementar reduz quadros de hipóxia, diminuindo a mortalidade entre recémnascidos prematuros (RNPT), porém a excessiva exposição ao oxigênio tem o potencial de atingir e danificar múltiplos órgãos do neonato. OBJETIVO: Determinar os fatores associados ao uso de suporte ventilatório/oxigenoterapia nos RNPT. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, longitudinal, prospectivo de caráter quantitativo, realizado no período de julho de 2019 a março de 2020, em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN) de um hospital público universitário. Foram observados RNPT em uso de oxigenoterapia, desde o período de admissão até a alta, sendo coletados dados gestacionais, de nascimento e parâmetros da oxigenoterapia. RESULTADOS: 62 RNPT foram acompanhados com média de idade gestacional (IG) de 30,5 semanas (±3,43) e mediana de peso ao nascimento (PN) de 1.390 gramas (555 g - 3.115 g). O tempo médio de internação de 35 dias (3-176) e de oxigenoterapia foi de 7,5 dias (1-176). Ao relacionar o total de dias em oxigenoterapia com o valor do Apgar no 5º minuto, não houve relação significativa (rho= -0,158; p=0,219), porém, houve relação com a IG ao nascimento (rho= -0,725; p<0,001), uso de corticoide antenal (p=0,006) e surfactante exógeno (<0,001). Houve relação também com displasia broncopulmonar (DBP) e retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP) (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores associados ao tempo e uso de oxigenoterapia foram a IG, PN, uso de corticoide antenal e surfactante exógeno, sendo observado também associação com DBP e ROP.

INTRODUCTION: Supplemental oxygen therapy reduces hypoxia by reducing mortality among preterm newborns (PTNBs), but excessive exposure to oxygen has the potential to affect and damage multiple organs of the newborn. OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors associated with the use of ventilatory support/oxygen therapy in PTNBs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an observational, longitudinal, prospective quantitative study, conducted from July 2019 to March 2020, in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a public university hospital. PTNBs on oxygen therapy were observed from the time of admission to discharge, and gestational data, birth data and oxygen therapy parameters were collected. RESULTS: 62 PTNs were followed with a mean gestational age (GA) of 30.5 weeks (±3.43) and median birth weight (BW) of 1,390 grams (555 g - 3,115 g). The mean hospital stay of 35 days (3-176) and oxygen therapy was 7.5 days (1-176). When relating the total days in oxygen therapy with the value of Apgar at the 5th minute, there was no significant relationship (rho= -0.158; p=0.219), however, there was a relationship with GA at birth (rho= -0.725; p<0.001), use of antenal corticosteroids (p=0.006) and exogenous surfactant (<0.001). There was also a relationship with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The factors associated with time and use of oxygen therapy were GA, BW, use of antenal corticosteroids and exogenous surfactant, and association with BPD and ROP was also observed.

Oxygen Inhalation Therapy , Infant, Premature , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 17(4): 139-144, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438469


En algunas ocasiones, los pacientes con enfermedades neuromusculares infantojuveniles, pueden requerir internación en unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos. La principal causa de ingreso hospitalario es la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, desencadenada por atelectasias y neumonías que, en la mayoría de los casos, tienen su inicio en infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior. Independientemente de su forma de presentación, las enfermedades neuromusculares en periodo infantojuvenil, pueden comprometer en grados distintos a los 3 grupos musculares vinculados a la ventilación pulmonar y protección glótica. Es posible dar asistencia a los músculos inspiratorios y espiratorios con soporte ventilatorio no invasivo y asistencia mecánica de la tos respectivamente. Esta estrategia combinada permite el manejo no invasivo de este tipo de pacientes, logrando extubar o decanular a aquellos considerados potencialmente no destetables con las estrategias clásicas utilizadas en unidades de cuidados intensivos en pediatría. El objetivo de esta revisión es sugerir recomendaciones en cuidados respiratorios no invasivos para pacientes con enfermedades neuromusculares ingresados en unidades de paciente crítico pediátrico. Se presentan 2 casos clínicos ilustrativos, en los cuales estas estrategias fueron utilizadas en forma exitosa.

On some occasions, patients with childhood and adolescent neuromuscular diseases may require hospitalization in pediatric intensive care units. The main cause of hospital admission is acute respiratory failure triggered by atelectasis and pneumonia, which, in most cases, start with upper respiratory tract infections. Regardless of their form of presentation, neuromuscular diseases in children and adolescents can damage the 3 muscle groups linked to pulmonary ventilation and glottic protection to different degrees. Inspiratory and expiratory muscles can be assisted with noninvasive ventilatory support and mechanical cough assist, respectively. This combined strategy allows the non-invasive management of this type of patients, managing to extubate or decannulate those considered potentially unweanable with the classic strategies used in pediatric intensive care units. The aim of this review is present noninvasive respiratory care recommendations for patients with neuromuscular diseases admitted to pediatric intensive critical care unit and illustrated with clinical reports of two patients treated with these strategies successfully.

Humans , Infant , Child , Cough/prevention & control , Noninvasive Ventilation/methods , Neuromuscular Diseases/therapy , Respiration, Artificial , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Cough/etiology , Neuromuscular Diseases/complications
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(3): 461-468, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347304


RESUMO A respiração espontânea pode ser prejudicial para pacientes com pulmões previamente lesados, especialmente na vigência de síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo. Mais ainda, a incapacidade de assumir a respiração totalmente espontânea durante a ventilação mecânica e a necessidade de voltar à ventilação mecânica controlada se associam com mortalidade mais alta. Existe uma lacuna no conhecimento em relação aos parâmetros que poderiam ser úteis para predizer o risco de lesão pulmonar autoinflingida pelo paciente e detecção da incapacidade de assumir a respiração espontânea. Relata-se o caso de um paciente com lesão pulmonar autoinflingida e as correspondentes variáveis, básicas e avançadas, de monitoramento da mecânica do sistema respiratório, além dos resultados fisiológicos e clínicos relacionados à respiração espontânea durante ventilação mecânica. O paciente era um homem caucasiano com 33 anos de idade e história clínica de AIDS, que apresentou síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo e necessitou ser submetido à ventilação mecânica invasiva após falha do suporte ventilatório não invasivo. Durante os períodos de ventilação controlada, adotou-se estratégia de ventilação protetora, e o paciente mostrou evidente melhora, tanto do ponto de vista clínico quanto radiográfico. Contudo, durante cada período de respiração espontânea sob ventilação com pressão de suporte, apesar dos parâmetros iniciais adequados, das regulagens rigorosamente estabelecidas e do estrito monitoramento, o paciente desenvolveu hipoxemia progressiva e piora da mecânica do sistema respiratório, com deterioração radiográfica claramente correlacionada (lesão pulmonar autoinflingida pelo paciente). Após falha de três tentativas de respiração espontânea, o paciente faleceu por hipoxemia refratária no 29° dia. Neste caso, as variáveis básicas e avançadas convencionais não foram suficientes para identificar a aptidão para respirar espontaneamente ou predizer o risco de desenvolver lesão pulmonar autoinflingida pelo paciente durante a ventilação de suporte parcial.

ABSTRACT Spontaneous breathing can be deleterious in patients with previously injured lungs, especially in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Moreover, the failure to assume spontaneous breathing during mechanical ventilation and the need to switch back to controlled mechanical ventilation are associated with higher mortality. There is a gap of knowledge regarding which parameters might be useful to predict the risk of patient self-inflicted lung injury and to detect the inability to assume spontaneous breathing. We report a case of patient self-inflicted lung injury, the corresponding basic and advanced monitoring of the respiratory system mechanics and physiological and clinical results related to spontaneous breathing. The patient was a 33-year-old Caucasian man with a medical history of AIDS who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and needed invasive mechanical ventilation after noninvasive ventilatory support failure. During the controlled ventilation periods, a protective ventilation strategy was adopted, and the patient showed clear clinical and radiographic improvement. However, during each spontaneous breathing period under pressure support ventilation, despite adequate initial parameters and a strictly adjusted ventilatory setting and monitoring, the patient developed progressive hypoxemia and worsening of respiratory system mechanics with a clearly correlated radiographic deterioration (patient self-inflicted lung injury). After failing three spontaneous breathing assumption trials, he died on day 29 due to refractory hypoxemia. Conventional basic and advanced monitoring variables in this case were not sufficient to identify the aptitude to breathe spontaneously or to predict the risk and development of patient self-inflicted lung injury during partial support ventilation.

Humans , Male , Adult , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/etiology , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/therapy , Lung Injury , Respiration , Respiration, Artificial , Lung
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 11(4): 791-797, 20210802. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349149


| INTRODUÇÃO: A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um local destinado ao suporte adequado para pacientes que requerem monitorização e cuidado constante. Neste ambiente o fisioterapeuta auxilia na manutenção de funções vitais e colabora para a redução de complicações clínicas e do índice de mortalidade. Além disso, dentro das suas áreas de domínio, o fisioterapeuta compartilha a responsabilidade do manejo de procedimentos ventilatórios que substituem a ventilação espontânea. OBJETIVO: Descrever a autonomia em procedimentos ventilatórios pelos fisioterapeutas que atuam em UTI no estado da Bahia. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com fisioterapeutas que atuam em UTI no estado da Bahia, inscritos no Conselho Regional de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional da 7ª Região (CREFITO-7), utilizando um questionário eletrônico desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e multivariada. O nível de significância adotado foi de p < 0,05. O tratamento estatístico foi realizado utilizando-se o Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 21.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, EUA). RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 265 fisioterapeutas que atuam em terapia intensiva no estado da Bahia, com média de idade de 32,4 ±5,4 anos, sendo 61,9% do sexo feminino. Em relação a autonomia profissional, 94,3% declararam que a tomada de decisão (sobre os procedimentos fisioterapêuticos na UTI em que atuam) é de responsabilidade do fisioterapeuta. O maior nível de autonomia sobre os procedimentos ventilatórios foi observado para a aplicação de Ventilação Mecânica Não Invasiva VNI (97,7%), seguido do desmame (97,4%), indicação (97%) e manutenção (96,2%). CONCLUSÃO: Através do presente estudo foi possível concluir que os fisioterapeutas que atuam em UTI no Estado da Bahia declaram possuir autonomia profissional em relação a procedimentos ventilatórios, sobretudo para os não invasivos.

INTRODUCTION: The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a ward intended to the specialized support to critically ill patients or after undergoing a highly complex procedure, who need constant monitoring and care. In this environment, the physiotherapist works to maintain vital functions and helps reduce clinical complications and mortality rates. Furthermore, within their domains, the physiotherapist shares the responsibility for managing methods that replace spontaneous breaths. OBJECTIVE: To describe the autonomy in ventilatory procedures by physiotherapists working in ICUs in the state of Bahia. METHODOLOGY: This is a cross-sectional study with physiotherapists working in ICUs in the state of Bahia, registered at the Regional Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy of the 7th Region (CREFITO-7). In data, collect was used an electronic questionnaire was developed by the researchers. The data collected was analyzed through descriptive and multivariate statistics. A p-value < 0.05 was set as statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 21.0 version (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, EUA). RESULTS: Were evaluated a total of two hundred and sixty-five (265) physiotherapists who work at an Intensive Care Unit in the state of Bahia, with a mean age of 32.4 ±5.4 years, being 61.9% female. Regarding professional autonomy, 94.3% declared that decision-making about physical therapy procedures in the ICU where they work is the responsibility of the physiotherapists. The highest level of autonomy over ventilatory procedures was observed for the application of non-invasive ventilation (97.7%), followed by weaning from mechanical ventilation (97.4%), indication (97%), and maintenance (96.2%). CONCLUSION: Through this study, it was possible to conclude that physiotherapists working in ICUs in the State of Bahia claim to have professional autonomy in relation to ventilatory procedures, especially for the non-invasive ones.

Cross-Sectional Studies , Physical Therapy Modalities , Noninvasive Ventilation
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 16(3): 126-129, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344717


El soporte ventilatorio no invasivo es una herramienta que ha demostrado mejorar la sobrevida de pacientes con falla muscular de la bomba respiratoria y el manejo de enfermedades pulmonares crónicas, incluso la ventilación no invasiva nocturna ha servido de puente hacia el trasplante pulmonar. Se presenta el caso de una adolescente de 14 años con enfermedad pulmonar crónica hipoxémica severa y falla ventilatoria secundaria, que requirió ventilación prolongada y traqueostomía en espera de trasplante pulmonar. Luego de reevaluar indemnidad de la vía aérea fue decanulada a soporte ventilatorio no invasivo, con uso alternado de mascarilla nasal nocturna y pieza bucal diurna, permitiendo descanso muscular respiratorio eficiente, y mejoría de flujo de tos con técnicas de apilamiento de aire. Este plan permitió una decanulación segura y realizar soporte continuo ventilatorio no invasivo con un programa de rehabilitación cardiorrespiratorio. Generalmente, el soporte ventilatorio no invasivo se utiliza en trastornos primarios de la bomba respiratoria. En este caso, se indicó para enfermedad pulmonar crónica hipoxémica, mostrando claros beneficios con oxigenación adecuada, buen rendimiento cardiovascular con mejor tolerancia al ejercicio y entrenamiento en el escenario de preparación al trasplante pulmonar.

Noninvasive Ventilatory Support has demonstrated to improve survival of patients with ventilatory pump muscle failure and nocturnal noninvasive ventilation is useful in chronic lung disease, even bridging to lung transplant. We present a 14 years old girl with severe hypoxemic chronic lung disease and secondary ventilatory failure, who required continuous long-term ventilation and underwent a tracheostomy waiting for lung transplant. After reevaluated the airway patency the patient was decannulated to Noninvasive Ventilation Support, alternating nocturnal nasal mask with diurnal mouth piece in order to provide efficient respiratory muscle rest, made air stacking and improved cough flow. This plan allows safe decannulation to continuous Noninvasive Ventilatory Support tailoring a rehabilitation cardiorespiratory program. Usually, Noninvasive Ventilation Support is prescribed for primary respiratory pump muscles failure, but in this case, it was applied for a hypoxemic chronic lung disease. Clear benefits were observed leading to appropriate oxygenation, good cardiovascular performance with better tolerance to exercise for training in the preparatory scenario of a lung transplant.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Respiratory Insufficiency/therapy , Lung Transplantation , Device Removal/methods , Noninvasive Ventilation/methods , Respiratory Insufficiency/diagnostic imaging , Preoperative Care/methods , Tracheostomy , Radiography, Thoracic , Ventilator Weaning , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Chronic Disease , Hypoxia
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 16(1): 17-22, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284149


Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is one of the most common neuromuscular diseases. Its evolution with well-defined stages related to motor and functional alterations, allows easily establishing relationships with respiratory function through a simple laboratory assessment including vital capacity (VC) measurements as well as peak cough flows. Without any treatment with respiratory rehabilitation, the main cause of morbidity and mortality is ventilatory failure, secondary to respiratory pump muscles weakness and inefficient cough. The VC plateau is reached during the non-ambulatory stages, generally after 13 years old. Respiratory rehabilitation protocols, including air stacking techniques, manual and mechanical assisted coughing and non-invasive ventilatory support, can effectively addressed the VC decline as well as the decrease in peak cough flows, despite advancing to stages with practically non-existent lung capacity. Non-invasive ventilatory support may be applied after 19 years old, initially at night and then extending it during the day. In this way, survival is prolonged, with good quality of life, avoiding ventilatory failure, endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy. This article proposes staggered interventions for respiratory rehabilitation based on the functional stages expected in the patient with DMD who has lost ambulation.

La distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) es una de las enfermedades neuromusculares más frecuentes. Su curso evolutivo con etapas de declinación en la funcionalidad motora bien definidas, permite fácilmente establecer relaciones con la función respiratoria a través de un laboratorio de evaluación sencilla, básicamente de la capacidad vital (CV) y la capacidad tusígena. Sin intervenciones en rehabilitación respiratoria, la principal causa de morbimortalidad es la insuficiencia ventilatoria secundaria a debilidad de músculos de la bomba respiratoria e ineficiencia de la tos. En las etapas no ambulantes, se alcanza la meseta de la CV, generalmente después de los 13 años, su declinación junto con la disminución de la capacidad tusígena puede ser enfrentada efectivamente con la utilización de protocolos de rehabilitación respiratoria. Estos deben considerar la restitución de la CV con técnicas de insuflación activa o apilamiento de aire, tos asistida manual y mecánica, más soporte ventilatorio no invasivo, inicialmente nocturno después de los 19 años y luego diurno, pese a avanzar a etapas con capacidad pulmonar prácticamente inexistente. De esta manera, se prolonga la sobrevida, con buena calidad de vida, evitando el fallo ventilatorio, eventos de intubación endotraqueal y traqueostomía. Este artículo, hace propuestas escalonadas de intervención en rehabilitación respiratoria basadas en las etapas funcionales esperables en el paciente con DMD que ha perdido la capacidad de marcha.

Humans , Respiratory Therapy/methods , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/rehabilitation , Scoliosis/rehabilitation , Vital Capacity , Noninvasive Ventilation
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 16(1): 23-29, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284182


Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a disease of the anterior horn of the spinal cord, which causes muscle weakness that leads to a progressive decrease in vital capacity and diminished cough flows. Respiratory morbidity and mortality are a function of the degree of respiratory and bulbar-innervated muscle. The former can be quantitated by the sequential evaluation of vital capacity to determine the lifetime maximum (plateau) and its subsequent rate of decline, progressing to ventilatory failure. SMA types 1 and 2 benefit from non-invasive respiratory care in early childhood and school age, improving quality and life expectancy. This document synthesizes these recommendations with special reference to interventions guided by stages that include air stacking, assisted cough protocols, preparation for spinal arthrodesis and non-invasive ventilatory support, even in those patients with loss of respiratory autonomy, minimizing the risk tracheostomy. Failure to consider these recommendations in the regular assessment of patients reduces the offer of timely treatments.

La Atrofia Muscular Espinal (AME) es una enfermedad genética del asta anterior de la medula espinal, que cursa con debilidad muscular progresiva. La intensidad y precocidad de la debilidad muscular presenta diferentes grados de afectación de los grupos musculares respiratorios, determinando la meseta en la capacidad vital y progresión a la insuficiencia ventilatoria, como también el compromiso de los músculos inervados bulbares. Los AME tipo 1 y 2, se benefician con cuidados respiratorios no invasivos en la infancia temprana y edad escolar, mejorando la calidad y esperanza de vida. Este documento sintetiza dichas recomendaciones, con especial referencia a intervenciones guiadas por etapas, que incluyan apilamiento de aire, protocolos de tos asistida, preparación para la artrodesis de columna y soporte ventilatorio no invasivo, incluso en aquellos pacientes con pérdida de la autonomía respiratoria, minimizando el riesgo de traqueostomía. La no consideración de estas recomendaciones en la valoración regular de los pacientes resta la oferta de tratamientos oportunos.

Humans , Respiratory Therapy/methods , Muscular Atrophy, Spinal/therapy , Muscular Atrophy, Spinal/physiopathology , Vital Capacity/physiology , Noninvasive Ventilation
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 80(supl.6): 1-8, dic. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250312


Resumen La utilización de tratamientos de soporte respiratorio no invasivos en la pandemia por COVID-19, es motivo de controversias. El objetivo de este trabajo observacional, fue mostrar la experiencia del primer mes desde la creación de la Unidad de Soporte Ventilatorio no Invasivo (USoVNI) en el Hospital Fernández. Se describe la creación de la unidad, relación profesional de atención-paciente, tipo de habitación, equipo de protección personal modificado, equipamiento de diagnóstico, monitoreo y soporte ventilatorio para tratamiento, criterios de inclusión y algoritmo de tratamiento. Ingresaron 40 pacientes, 25 (63%) derivados de Clínica Médica, 10 (25%) de Emergentología y 5 (13%) de guardia externa. Al ingreso, se calcularon los escores National Early Warning Score, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Disease Classification System II y Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, con medianas de 12, 8, y 2 puntos, respectivamente. El escore Lung Ultrasonography Score se tomó para cuantificar el compromiso pulmonar ecográficamente. Todos los pacientes ingresaron con máscara con reservorio, y fue estimada una fracción inspirada de O de 80% para el cálculo de la razón presión arterial de O / fracción inspirada de O (Pa/FiO ) de ingreso. El tiempo transcurrido desde el inicio de síntomas hasta el ingreso a la unidad tuvo una mediana de 13 días. El desarrollo de la USoVNI permitió que una gran proporción no fueran trasladados a la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva y podría ser beneficioso para preservar su capacidad. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estas unidades resultarían adecuadas para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda grave por COVID-19.

Abstract The use of non-invasive respiratory support in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is controversial. The aim of this observational study was to show the experience of the first month since the creation of a Non-invasive Ventilatory Support Unit (NIVSU) at Hospital Fernández. We describe the creation of the NIVSU, the health professional-patient ratio, the type of room, the modified personal protection equipment; diagnostic, monitoring and ventilatory support equipment for treatment, as well as the inclusion criteria and the treatment algorithm. Twenty five (63%) of patients were referred from the Internal Medicine Ward, 10 (25%)) from Shock Room, and 5 (13%) from Emergency Ward. National Early Warning Score, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Disease Classification System II and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, were calculated on admission, with a median of 12, 8, and 2 points, respectively. The Lung Ultrasonography Score was taken to quantify lung ultrasound findings. All patients were admitted with a reservoir mask, 80% inspired O fraction was estimated for the calculation of arterial O pressure/ inspired O fraction ratio (Pa/FiO ) at admission. The median of time elapsed from the onset of symptoms referred by the patient to UNIT admission was 13 days. The development of NIVSU prevented a large proportion of patients from being transferred to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and it could be beneficial in preserving ICUs capacity. These early results suggest that non-invasive treatment may be beneficial for the treatment of severe acute respiratory failure by COVID-19.

Humans , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome , COVID-19 , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Intensive Care Units
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212633


Background: Organophosphorus (OP) compounds are one of the most common agents used for suicidal poisoning. People in the middle socioeconomic status are mainly affected. The most important determinant of death in OP poisoning is the severity. The ideal treatment of OP poisoning, this study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) along with the standard regimen of atropine and oximes.Methods: 80 patients were taken in this study (40 cases and 40 controls) with history and biochemical pictures suggestive of acute OP poisoning. Normality assumption and equality of variance were satisfied for most of quantitative variables. As a comparison of the baseline data of the study groups did not reveal any significant difference (p>0.05), the result at a given point of time between two groups were also compared with the same methods of assess the comparative changes.Results: Total 80 patients >15 years of age were taken for the study. Out of the total 63.7% are female and 36.3% are males. OP compounds are commonly used as suicidal agent. Salivation is the most common presenting symptoms in both cases and controls. The mean value of serum cholinesterase on day -1 in cases and controls are nearly same but the subsequent mean values as the days progresses are higher in cases than that controls.Conclusions: FFP showed its positive effect in reducing the development of intermediate syndrome/ fatality/ ventilatory support.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 32(2): 284-294, Apr.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138496


RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar la relación de la asincronía paciente-ventilador con el nivel de sedación y evaluar la asociación con los resultados hemogasométricos y clínicos. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo de 122 pacientes admitidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos con > 24 horas de ventilación mecánica invasiva y esfuerzo inspiratorio. En los primeros 7 días de ventilación, diariamente se evaluó la asincronía paciente-ventilador durante 30 minutos. La asincronía paciente-ventilador severa se definió con un índice de asincronía > 10%. Resultados: Se evaluaron 339.652 ciclos respiratorios en 504 observaciones. La media del índice de asincronía fue 37,8% (desviación estándar 14,1% - 61,5%). La prevalencia de asincronía paciente-ventilador severa fue 46,6%. Las asincronías paciente-ventilador más frecuentes fueron: trigger ineficaz (13,3%), auto-trigger (15,3%), flujo insuficiente (13,5%) y ciclado demorado (13,7%). La asincronía paciente-ventilador severa se relacionó con el nivel de sedación (trigger ineficaz: p = 0,020; flujo insuficiente: p = 0,016; ciclado precoz: p = 0,023) y el uso de midazolam (p = 0,020). La asincronía paciente-ventilador severa se asoció con las alteraciones hemogasométricas. La persistencia de la asincronía paciente-ventilador severa fue un factor de riesgo independiente para fracaso en la prueba de ventilación espontánea, tiempo de ventilación, neumonía asociada al ventilador, disfunción de órganos, mortalidad en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y estadía en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Conclusión: La asincronía paciente-ventilador es un trastorno frecuente en los pacientes críticos con esfuerzo inspiratorio. La interacción del paciente con el ventilador debe optimizarse para mejorar los parámetros hemogasométricos y los resultados clínicos. Se requieren otros estudios que confirmen estos resultados.

Abstract Objective: To identify the relationship of patient-ventilator asynchrony with the level of sedation and hemogasometric and clinical results. Methods: This was a prospective study of 122 patients admitted to the intensive care unit who underwent > 24 hours of invasive mechanical ventilation with inspiratory effort. In the first 7 days of ventilation, patient-ventilator asynchrony was evaluated daily for 30 minutes. Severe patient-ventilator asynchrony was defined as an asynchrony index > 10%. Results: A total of 339,652 respiratory cycles were evaluated in 504 observations. The mean asynchrony index was 37.8% (standard deviation 14.1 - 61.5%). The prevalence of severe patient-ventilator asynchrony was 46.6%. The most frequent patient-ventilator asynchronies were ineffective trigger (13.3%), autotrigger (15.3%), insufficient flow (13.5%), and delayed cycling (13.7%). Severe patient-ventilator asynchrony was related to the level of sedation (ineffective trigger: p = 0.020; insufficient flow: p = 0.016; premature cycling: p = 0.023) and the use of midazolam (p = 0.020). Severe patient-ventilator asynchrony was also associated with hemogasometric changes. The persistence of severe patient-ventilator asynchrony was an independent risk factor for failure of the spontaneous breathing test, ventilation time, ventilator-associated pneumonia, organ dysfunction, mortality in the intensive care unit, and length of stay in the intensive care unit. Conclusion: Patient-ventilator asynchrony is a frequent disorder in critically ill patients with inspiratory effort. The patient's interaction with the ventilator should be optimized to improve hemogasometric parameters and clinical results. Further studies are required to confirm these results.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Respiration, Artificial/methods , Interactive Ventilatory Support/methods , Intensive Care Units , Time Factors , Inhalation/physiology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Critical Illness , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/epidemiology , Length of Stay
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 32(1): 81-91, jan.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138475


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar las prácticas habituales de uso y titulación del modo presión soporte (PC-CSV - pressure control continuous spontaneous ventilation) en pacientes bajo ventilación mecánica y analizar las formas de reconocimiento de sobreasistencia y subasistencia. Secundariamente, comparar las respuestas según profesión en relación al diagnóstico de sobreasistencia y subasistencia. Métodos: Se realizó una encuesta online utilizando la herramienta Survey Monkey. Se incluyeron a médicos, enfermeros y kinesiólogos de Argentina que tuvieran acceso al uso de PC-CSV en su práctica habitual. Resultados: Se recolectaron 509 encuestas desde octubre a diciembre 2018. El 74,1% de ellas correspondió a kinesiólogos. Un 77,6% refirió utilizar PC-CSV para iniciar la fase de soporte parcial. Un 43,8% selecciona el valor de presión de soporte inspiratorio basándose en volumen corriente. El principal objetivo de la selección de PEEP fue disminuir el trabajo respiratorio. El volumen corriente alto fue la variable primordial de detección de sobreasistencia, mientras que el uso de músculos accesorios fue la más elegida para subasistencia. Se observaron diferencias entre médicos y kinesiólogos en relación a las formas de detección de sobreasistencia. Conclusión: El modo más utilizado para la fase de soporte parcial es PC-CSV. La variable más elegida para titular la presión de soporte inspiratorio es volumen corriente y el principal objetivo de la PEEP es disminuir el trabajo respiratorio. La sobreasistencia es detectada prioritariamente por un volumen corriente elevado, mientras que la subasistencia mediante el uso de músculos accesorios. Se halló diferencias entre profesiones en relación a los criterios de detección de sobreasistencia.

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify common practices related to the use and titration of pressure-support ventilation (PC-CSV - pressure control-continuous spontaneous ventilation) in patients under mechanical ventilation and to analyze diagnostic criteria for over-assistance and under-assistance. The secondary objective was to compare the responses provided by physician, physiotherapists and nurses related to diagnostic criteria for over-assistance and under-assistance. Methods: An online survey was conducted using the Survey Monkey tool. Physicians, nurses and physiotherapists from Argentina with access to PC-CSV in their usual clinical practice were included. Results: A total of 509 surveys were collected from October to December 2018. Of these, 74.1% were completed by physiotherapists. A total of 77.6% reported using PC-CSV to initiate the partial ventilatory support phase, and 43.8% of respondents select inspiratory pressure support level based on tidal volume. The main objective for selecting positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level was to decrease the work of breathing. High tidal volume was the primary variable for detecting over-assistance, while the use of accessory respiratory muscles was the most commonly chosen for under-assistance. Discrepancies were observed between physicians and physiotherapists in relation to the diagnostic criteria for over-assistance. Conclusion: The most commonly used mode to initiate the partial ventilatory support phase was PC-CSV. The most frequently selected variable to guide the titration of inspiratory pressure support level was tidal volume, and the main objective of PEEP was to decrease the work of breathing. Over-assistance was detected primarily by high tidal volume, while under-assistance by accessory respiratory muscles activation. Discrepancies were observed among professions in relation to the diagnostic criteria for over-assistance, but not for under-assistance.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Respiration, Artificial/methods , Argentina , Tidal Volume , Cross-Sectional Studies , Positive-Pressure Respiration , Health Care Surveys , Internet
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 15(1): 270-277, Mar. 2020. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088099


Noninvasive ventilatory support (NIVS) combined with mechanical cough assist (MI-E) is an effective tool to treat patients with acute ventilatory failure due to neuromuscular disorders (NMD). Airway respiratory infection could be lethal or with risk of endotraqueal intubation, especially when vital capacity (VC) is less than 15 ml/k. We report 2 obese adolescents, aged 11 and 14 years old, with myasthenic crisis (MC) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The last one with a severe cifoescoliosis treated with nocturnal noninvasive ventilation at home. MC girl has been treated with pyridostigmine, prednisolone and mycophenolate. They were admitted for thymectomy and spinal surgery arthrodesis respectively. After admission they developed airway respiratory infection triggering by Methaneumovirus and were treated with oxygen therapy, non-invasive ventilation with low-pressure support and EV immunoglobulin for the MC girl. After 48 h both patients developed severe respiratory failure, Sa/FiO2 < 200, atelectasis of lower lobes and difficulty to swallow, a peak cough flow (PFT)

El soporte ventilatorio no invasivo (SVNI) y la rehabilitación respiratoria con apilamiento de aire más tos asistida manual o mecánica, son efectivas para tratar la insuficiencia ventilatoria aguda en pacientes con enfermedades neuromusculares (ENM) y deterioro progresivo de la bomba respiratoria. Las agudizaciones gatilladas por infecciones respiratorias causan insuficiencia ventilatoria aguda potencialmente mortal y con alto riesgo de intubación, en especial cuando la capacidad vital (CV) es < de 15ml/k. Se reportan 2 adolescentes obesos con ENM de 11 y 14 años con miastenia gravis y distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) con asistencia ventilatoria no invasiva nocturna con baja presión de soporte (AVNI), ingresados para timectomía y artrodesis de columna respectivamente. Una vez ingresados evolucionan con insuficiencia ventilatoria aguda secundaria a una infección respiratoria por Metaneumovirus. Inicialmente fueron manejados con oxigenoterapia, AVNI y gamaglobulina endovenosa en el caso de la paciente con crisis miasténica (CM). A las 48h presentan dificultad respiratoria severa, Sa/FiO2 < 200, atelectasias bibasales y disfagia, CV de 800ml (11ml/k) en el paciente con CM y de 200 ml (2,5ml/k) en el paciente con DMD y un pico flujo tosido (PFT) < 100 l/m. Se cambia a SVNI con equipo Trilogy® y BipapA40®, en modalidad S/T (espontáneo/tiempo) y AVAPS (volumen promedio asegurado en presión de soporte) con altos parámetros ventilatorios; suspendiendo rápidamente la oxigenoterapia, al combinar tos mecánicamente asistida con in-exsufflator (MI-E) en forma intensiva. Ambos pacientes presentan mejoría clínica sostenida, de la CV, PFT y pico flujo exuflado máximo con MI-E (PFE-MI-E). El SVNI más la aplicación sistemática del MI-E hasta lograr SaO2 de al menos 95% con oxígeno ambiental evita la intubación endotraqueal en ENM, a diferencia del agravamiento producido por AVNI y oxigenoterapia con criterios clásicos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Respiratory Insufficiency/complications , Respiratory Insufficiency/therapy , Noninvasive Ventilation/methods , Clinical Evolution , Neuromuscular Diseases/complications , Obesity/complications
Clinics ; 75: e1894, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101090


This review aims to verify the main epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory-related, and therapeutic aspects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in critically ill pediatric patients. An extensive review of the medical literature on COVID-19 was performed, mainly focusing on the critical care of pediatric patients, considering expert opinions and recent reports related to this new disease. Experts from a large Brazilian public university analyzed all recently published material to produce a report aiming to standardize the care of critically ill children and adolescents. The report emphasizes on the clinical presentations of the disease and ventilatory support in pediatric patients with COVID-19. It establishes a flowchart to guide health practitioners on triaging critical cases. COVID-19 is essentially an unknown clinical condition for the majority of pediatric intensive care professionals. Guidelines developed by experts can help all practitioners standardize their attitudes and improve the treatment of COVID-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Pneumonia, Viral/diagnosis , Pneumonia, Viral/therapy , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Betacoronavirus , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Positive-Pressure Respiration/methods , Critical Illness , Coronavirus Infections/metabolism , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/diagnosis , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/therapy , Diagnosis, Differential , Pandemics , COVID-19 Testing , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19