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Colomb. med ; 49(4): 273-279, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984308


Abstract Introduction: Although the association between diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM) and celiac disease (CD) is well established; there are only a few studies that focus on South American children, haplotypes and their possible associations. Objective: To determine the prevalence of CD markers in a group of children with T1DM and to analyze the associated clinical, immunological and genetic manifestations. Methods: A prevalence study focusing on children with T1DM who were assessed based on variables including sociodemographics, anthropometric information, disease characteristics, laboratory results and family medical history. In partitipants a positive tTG2 (Ig A anti-transglutaminase), a duodenal biopsy and genotype were performed. The proportion of children with T1DM and CD was estimated (CI 95%). Determinations of central tendency, univariate and bivariate analysis, were also performed; p <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Thirteen (8.4%) of the 155 children (53.6% girls, 11.0 ±3.6 years, 2-18 years) with T1DM were tTG2 positive, four had CD (2.6%), seven had potential CD (4.5%) and nine were HLA DQ2/DQ8 positive (5.8%). Children with T1DM and CD had their last ketoacidotic episode (21.5 ±30.4 months versus 69.5 ±38.8 months, p= 0.0260) earlier than children with T1DM and potential CD. There were no differences with anthropometry or with the laboratory results regarding glycemic control. Conclusions: The prevalence of CD in these children with T1DM is higher than that reported in other South American countries. The prevalence of CD was found to be associated with the time of presentation of T1DM and its main allele, the DQ2/DQ8. These findings are different from what has been described in other places around the world.

Resumen Introducción: A pesar que la asociación entre diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DMT1) y enfermedad celíaca (EC) está bien establecida; hay pocos estudios en niños suramericanos sobre haplotipos y sus posibles asociaciones. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de marcadores de EC en un grupo de niños con DMT1, analizando las manifestaciones clínicas, inmunológicas y genéticas. Métodos: Estudio de prevalencia en niños con DMT1 a quienes se les tomaron variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas, de la enfermedad, paraclínicas y familiares metabólicas. A los niños con IgA anti-transglutaminasa (tTG2) positivos, se les realizó biopsia duodenal y genotipo. Se estimó la proporción de niños con DMT1 y EC y su IC 95%; medidas de tendencia central, análisis univariado y bivariado, siendo significativa una p <0.05. Resultados: Trece (8.4%) de los 155 niños (53.6% niñas, de 11.0 ±3.6 años, 2-18 años) con DMT1 fueron tTG2 positivos, cuatro presentaron EC (2.6%), siete EC potencial (4.5%) y nueve HLA DQ2/DQ8 (5.8%). Los niños con DMT1 y EC presentaron más pronto su último episodio cetoacidótico (21.5 ±30.4 meses versus 69.5 ±38.8 meses, p= 0.0260) que los niños con DMT1 y EC potencial. No hubo diferencias con la antropometría ni con los paraclínicos del control glicémico. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de EC en estos niños con DMT1 es superior a la de otros países suramericanos; estando asociada al tiempo de presentación de la DMT1 y su principal alelo el DQ2/DQ8, hallazgos diferentes a lo descrito a nivel mundial.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Celiac Disease/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/complications , Time Factors , Biomarkers/metabolism , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Celiac Disease/genetics , Prevalence , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/genetics , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/epidemiology , Alleles , Genotype
Arq. gastroenterol ; 55(1): 82-85, Apr.-Mar. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888230


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Almost all celiac patients carry immune recognition genes coding for HLA-DQ2.5 and DQ8 heterodimers. Over the last few years, great importance has been given to HLA-DQ2.2 as probable predisposing variant, although controversies still exist regarding its relevance. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine the possible existence of an association between HLA-DQ2.2 and celiac disease in Brazilian children by analyzing the prevalence of the predisposing variants for celiac disease in a representative group of children of a population in which this determination is still missing. METHODS: HLA-DQ typing was performed in samples from a group of celiac (n=100) and non-celiac children (n=110). All samples were tested for the presence of the following variants: DQA1*05-DQB1*02 (DQ2.5), DQA1*03-DQB1*03:02 (DQ8) and DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 (DQ2.2). Fisher`s exact test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: In the group of 100 celiac children, 78 (78%) were positive for DQ2, 13 (13 %) were DQ2/DQ8 and 6 (6%) were DQ8 positives. The HLA-DQ pattern in the 110 non-celiac children was as follows: positive for DQ2 in 33 (29.9%) samples, in 2 (1.8 %) was positive for DQ2/DQ8 and in 15 (13.6%) was positive for DQ8. We found significant differences between the distribution of some but not all of the analyzed alleles when comparing celiac and non-celiac children. CONCLUSION: The genotyping of celiac disease HLA-DQ predisposing alleles showed similarities with HLA-DQ patterns found in both European and non-European populations, which may be a reflection of the miscegenation, which gave origin to the current Brazilian population. No significant association was found between DQ2.2 variant and celiac disease in the studied population.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A doença celíaca é uma enteropatia autoimune, desencadeada pela ingestão do glúten em indivíduos geneticamente predispostos. Quase todos os pacientes celíacos possuem genes que codificam os heterodímeros HLA-DQ2.5 e DQ8. Nos últimos anos, mesmo com algumas controvérsias a respeito, tem se dado grande importância ao HLA-DQ2.2 como outra provável variante predisponente para doença celíaca. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do nosso trabalho foi determinar a provável associação entre HLA-DQ2.2 e a doença celíaca em crianças brasileiras, mediante a análise da prevalência das variantes predisponentes para doença celíaca em um grupo representativo desta população que ainda carece de dita informação. MÉTODOS: A genotipagem das variantes HLA-DQ foi realizada em populações de crianças celíacas (n=100) e não celíacas (n=110). A presença das seguintes variantes foi testada em todas as amostras: DQA1*05-DQB1*02 (DQ2.5), DQA1*03-DQB1*03:02 (DQ8) e DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 (DQ2.2). A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: No grupo de 100 crianças celíacas, 78 (78%) foram positivas para DQ2, 13 (13%) para DQ2/DQ8 e 6 (6%) foram DQ8 positivas. O padrão de variantes predisponentes no grupo de 110 crianças não celíacas foi: 33 (29.9%) amostras positivas para DQ2, 2 (1.8%) DQ2/DQ8 positivas e 15 (13.6%) DQ8 positivas. Quando as prevalências de ambos grupos foram compradas, foram achadas diferenças significativas entre algumas, mas não todas as variantes predisponentes. CONCLUSÃO: A genotipagem das variantes HLA-DQ predisponentes para doença celíaca mostrou um padrão similar ao achado em populações europeias e não-europeias, o qual pode ser resultado da miscigenação que deu origem à população brasileira atual. Nosso trabalho não mostrou associação significativa entre a variante DQ2.2 e a doença celíaca na população estudada.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Celiac Disease/genetics , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Genotype , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Alleles
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 28(3): 183-185, July-Sept. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-762828


Background:Celiac disease is an enteropathy characterized by gluten sensitivity and broad clinical aspect. Has a multifactorial cause and depends on genetic, immunological and environmental factors for its development. The genetic influence is given mostly by the human leukocyte antigens HLA DQ2 and DQ8. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of human leukocyte antigens DQ2 and DQ8 in three different groups: patients with celiac disease, first-degree relatives and the general population.Method:Retrospective analysis that evaluated serologic and endoscopic data of 74 patients with celiac disease and 109 non-celiac, which were subdivided into two subgroups: non-celiac who had first-degree relatives with celiac and non-celiac who did not. All patients underwent laboratory examination for screening genetic sensitivity given by HLA DQ2 and HLA DQ8 by.Results:The presence of HLA DQ2 and DQ8 was identified in 98,4% of 74 celiac patients, of which 79,7% had only HLA DQ2; 8,1% had only HLA DQ8 and 10,8% had both antigens histocompatibility. In the group of relatives of celiac patients, were included 29 patients; among them, 89,6% had HLA DQ2 and/or DQ8; 76% only the HLA DQ2, 10,3% only HLA DQ8 and 3,4% presented both human leukocyte antigens (HLA).Conclusion:HLA DQ2/DQ8 was present in 98,4% of celiac patients; 89,6% relatives of celiac family and in 55,4% of people from the general population without family celiac.

Racional:A doença celíaca é síndrome disabsortiva, autoimune, caracterizada pela sensibilidade ao glúten. Apresenta quadro clínico amplo e causa multifatorial, incluindo fatores genéticos, imunológicos e ambientais. O fator genético é dado, em sua maioria, pelo antígeno de histocompatibilidade HLA DQ2 e DQ8.Objetivo:Avaliar a prevalência do HLA DQ2 e DQ8 em três diferentes grupos: portadores de doença celíaca, em seus familiares de primeiro grau e na população geral.Método:Análise retrospectiva a partir de um banco de dados informatizado onde foram avaliados dados sorológicos de 74 pacientes portadores de doença celíaca e 109 não celíacos. Os não celíacos foram subdivididos em dois subgrupos: os que possuíam familiares de primeiro grau com doença celíaca e os que não. Todos foram submetidos à pesquisa de sensibilidade genética dada pelo HLA DQ2 e pelo HLA DQ8.Resultados:A presença do HLA DQ2 e DQ8 foi identificada em 98,4% dos 74 pacientes celíacos; destes, 79,7% apresentavam apenas HLA DQ2; 8,1% apenas HLA DQ8 e 10,8% os dois antígenos de histocompatibilidade. No grupo dos familiares de celíacos, foram avaliados 29 pacientes, dentre os quais 89,6% apresentavam o HLA DQ2 e/ou DQ8; destes, 76% apenas o HLA DQ2, 10,3% apenas o HLA DQ8 e 3,4% apresentou os dois antígenos de histocompatibilidade. Na população geral sem familiares celíacos, foram avaliados 80 pacientes; dentre eles, 53,7% apresentaram o antígeno, sendo 41,2% apenas o HLA DQ2, 11,3% apenas o HLA DQ8 e 1,2% tanto o HLA DQ2 quanto o HLA DQ8.Conclusão:O alelo HLA DQ2/DQ8 se fez presente em 98,4% dos pacientes celíacos; 89,6% dos familiares de celíacos; e em 55,4% das pessoas da população geral sem familiares celíacos.

Humans , Celiac Disease/blood , HLA-DQ Antigens/blood , Celiac Disease/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Retrospective Studies
Arq. gastroenterol ; 52(2): 143-146, Apr-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-748171


Background Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Genetic susceptibility is associated with two sets of alleles, DQA1*05 - DQB1*02 and DQA1*03 - DQB1*03:02, which code for class II MHC DQ2 and DQ8 molecules, respectively. Approximately 90%-95% of celiac patients are HLA-DQ2 positive, and half of the remaining patients are HLA-DQ8 positive. In fact, during a celiac disease diagnostic workup, the absence of these specific DQA and DQB alleles has a near perfect negative predictive value. Objective Improve the detection of celiac disease predisposing alleles by combining the simplicity and sensitivity of real-time PCR (qPCR) and melting curve analysis with the specificity of sequence-specific primers (SSP). Methods Amplifications of sequence-specific primers for DQA1*05 (DQ2), DQB1*02 (DQ2), and DQA1*03 (DQ8) were performed by the real time PCR method to determine the presence of each allele in independent reactions. Primers for Human Growth Hormone were used as an internal control. A parallel PCR-SSP protocol was used as a reference method to validate our results. Results Both techniques yielded equal results. From a total of 329 samples the presence of HLA predisposing alleles was determined in 187 (56.8%). One hundred fourteen samples (61%) were positive for a single allele, 68 (36.3%) for two alleles, and only 5 (2.7%) for three alleles. Conclusion Results obtained by qPCR technique were highly reliable with no discordant results when compared with those obtained using PCR-SSP. .

Contexto Doença celíaca é uma enteropatia autoimmune desencadeada pela ingestão de gluten em indivíduos geneticamente suscetíveis. Essa suscetibilidade genética está associada a dois conjuntos de alelos, DQA1*05 - DQB1*02 e DQA1*03 - DQB1*03:02, que codificam moléculas MHC de classe II DQ2 e DQ8, respectivamente. Aproximadamente 90%-95% dos pacientes celíacos são HLA-DQ2 positivos, e metade dos restantes são HLA-DQ8 positivos. No diagnóstico da doença celíaca, a ausência desses alelos DQA e DQB específicos possui um elevado valor preditivo negativo. Objetivo Nosso objetivo foi melhorar a detecção de alguns alelos predisponentes para doença celíaca, combinando a simplicidade e sensibilidade da técnica de PCR em tempo real (qPCR) e análise da curva de melting com a especificidade dos primers de sequência específica. Métodos Primers de sequência específica para DQA1*05 (DQ2), DQB1*02 (DQ2), e DQA1*03 (DQ8) foram usados para testar a presença de cada alelo em reações independentes. Primers para Hormônio de Crescimento Humano foram usados como controle interno. Em paralelo, foi usado um protocolo de PCR-SSP como um método de referência para validar nossos resultados positivos. Resultados Das 329 amostras testadas, 187 (56.8%) foram positivas para os alelos HLA predisponentes, usando as duas técnicas. Essas 187 amostras positivas foram subdivididas em 114 (61.0%) positivas para apenas um alelo, 68 (36.3%) para dois alelos e apenas 5 (2.7%) para os três alelos. Conclusão Os resultados obtidos pela técnica de qPCR mostraram-se altamente confiáveis, sem resultados discordantes quando comparados àqueles obtidos pelo método PCR-SSP. .

Humans , Alleles , Celiac Disease/genetics , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Genotype , Predictive Value of Tests , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sensitivity and Specificity
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 44(1): 16-21, 2014 Mar.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1157429


BACKGROUND: There is a strong association between celiac disease (CD) and certain genes of the major histocompatibility complex (HLA). The CD specifically related alleles are those coding for HLA-DQ2 heterodimer and to a lesser degree for HLA-DQ8. OBJECTVE. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of HLA-DQB1* and HLA-DRB1* alleles, haplotypes, and genotypes in patients diagnosed with CD and in control population of Chaco, in order to establish its distribution and compare it with that observed in other populations. METHODS: A total of 139 samples from patients diagnosed with CD and 119 healthy controls were typed for HLA-DQ and HLA-DR, using PCR and reverse hybridization (INNO-LiPA or Dynal). RESULTS: Comparing patients with CD vs. controls, the DQBI*0201 (P = 0.0002), DQBJ*0202 (P = 0.0046), DQBI*0302 (P = 0. 0006), DRBl *03 (P = 0.0002), DRBl *04 (P = 0.0199) and DRB1 *07 (P = 0.0062) were significantly increased, while a decrease was observed in HLA-DQB1*0301 (P = 0.0006), HLA-DQBI*0303 (P = 0.0070), DQBI*0501 (P = 0.0023), DQB1*0604 (P = 0.0140) DRB1*01 (P = 0.0023), DRB1*08 (P = 0.0165), DRB1*09 (P = 0.0362) and DRB1*16 (P = 0.0228). Within DQB1* genotypes associated with EC, 65.4

of patients had the DQB1*02 in linkage disequilibrium with DRB1*03 or DRB1*07 (DQ2), and 43.2

presented genotype DQB1*0302 in linkage disequilibrium with DRB1*04 (DQ8). Both genotypes were shared by 15.2

of them. CONCLUSIONS: We point out the high frequency of DQ8 associated with CD. Although the DQ2 is still the most common, this finding could be attributed to the Amerindian influence in our population.

HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DRB1 Chains/genetics , Celiac Disease/genetics , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Argentina , Case-Control Studies , Female , Gene Frequency , Genotype , Haplotypes , Humans , Aged , Male , Middle Aged
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-43985


BACKGROUND: Narcolepsy is a neurologic disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, symptoms of abnormal rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and a strong association with HLA-DRB1*1501, -DQA1*0102, and -DQB1*0602. Here, we investigated the clinico-physical characteristics of Korean patients with narcolepsy, their HLA types, and the clinical utility of high-resolution PCR with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) as a simple typing method for identifying DRB1*15/16, DQA1, and DQB1 alleles. METHODS: The study population consisted of 67 consecutively enrolled patients having unexplained daytime sleepiness and diagnosed narcolepsy based on clinical and neurological findings. Clinical data and the results of the multiple sleep latency test and polysomnography were reviewed, and HLA typing was performed using both high-resolution PCR-SSP and sequence-based typing (SBT). RESULTS: The 44 narcolepsy patients with cataplexy displayed significantly higher frequencies of DRB1*1501 (Pc= 0.003), DQA1*0102 (Pc=0.001), and DQB1*0602 (Pc=0.014) than the patients without cataplexy. Among patients carrying DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 or DQA1*0102, the frequencies of a mean REM sleep latency of less than 20 min in nocturnal polysomnography and clinical findings, including sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucination were significantly higher. SBT and PCR-SSP showed 100% concordance for high-resolution typing of DRB1*15/16 alleles and DQA1 and DQB1 loci. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical characteristics and somnographic findings of narcolepsy patients were associated with specific HLA alleles, including DRB1*1501, DQA1*0102, and DQB1*0602. Application of high-resolution PCR-SSP, a reliable and simple method, for both allele- and locus-specific HLA typing of DRB1*15/16, DQA1, and DQB1 would be useful for characterizing clinical status among subjects with narcolepsy.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Alleles , Cataplexy/genetics , DNA Probes, HLA , Gene Frequency , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Genotype , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DRB1 Chains/genetics , Histocompatibility Testing , Narcolepsy/diagnosis , Phenotype , Polymerase Chain Reaction
Clinics ; 66(2): 227-231, 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-581506


AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequencies of the HLA genotypes DQ2 and DQ8 and the alleles A1*05, A1*0201, B1*0201 and B1*0302 in individuals with celiac disease in Recife, northeastern Brazil. METHODS: HLA DQ2 and DQ8 genotyping was performed for 73 individuals with celiac disease and 126 first-degree relatives with negative transglutaminase serology. The alleles DQA1*05, DQA1*0201, DQB1*02 and DQB1*0302 were identified by sequencing using specific primers and the EU-DQ kit from the Eurospital Laboratory, Trieste, Italy and double-checked by the All Set SPP kit (Dynal). RESULTS: Among the 73 cases, 50 (68.5 percent) had the genotype DQ2, 13 (17.8 percent) had DQ8, 5 (6.8 percent) had DQ2 and DQ8, and 5 did not have any of these genotypes. Among the 5 negative individuals, four had the B1*02 allele and one did not have any of the alleles studied. B1*02 was the most frequent allele in both groups (94 percent in the patients and 89 percent in the control relatives). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, celiac disease was associated with the genotypes DQ2 and DQ8. DQ2 predominated, but the distribution of the frequencies was different from what has been found in European populations and was closer to what has been found in the Americas. The high frequencies of the HLA genotypes DQ2 and DQ8 that were found in first-degree relatives would make it difficult to use these HLA genotypes for routine diagnosis of celiac disease in this group.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Celiac Disease/genetics , Family , Gene Frequency/genetics , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies , Europe/epidemiology , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/epidemiology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 68(5): 712-715, Oct. 2010. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-562795


This study was thought to characterized clinical and laboratory findings of a narcoleptic patients in an out patients unit at São Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: 28 patients underwent polysomnographic recordings (PSG) and Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) were analyzed according to standard criteria. The analysis of HLADQB1*0602 allele was performed by PCR. The Hypocretin-1 in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) was measured using radioimmunoassay. Patients were divided in two groups according Hypocretin-1 level: Normal (N) - Hypocretin-1 higher than 110pg/ml and Lower (L) Hypocretin-1 lower than 110 pg/ml. RESULTS: Only 4 patients of the N group had cataplexy when compared with 14 members of the L group (p=0.0002). DISCUSSION: This results were comparable with other authors, confirming the utility of using specific biomarkers (HLA-DQB1*0602 allele and Hypocretin-1 CSF level) in narcolepsy with cataplexy. However, the HLADQB1*0602 allele and Hypocretin-1 level are insufficient to diagnose of narcolepsy without cataplexy.

Este estudo foi idealizado para avaliar as características clinicas e laboratoriais de uma população de narcolépticos atendidos num centro de referência na cidade de São Paulo (Brasil). MÉTODO: 28 pacientes realizaram polissonografia e teste de múltiplas latências do sono segundo critérios internacionais. O alelo HLADQB1*0602 foi identificado por PCR. A Hipocretina-1 no líquido cefalorradiano (LCR) foi mensurada por radioimunoensaio. Os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos conforme o nível de Hipocretina-1. Normal (N) - Hypocretin-1 >110pg/ml e baixa (B) - Hypocretina-1 <110pg/ml. RESULTADOS: Somente 4 pacientes do grupo N tinham cataplexia quando comparados com 14 pacientes do grupo B (p=0,0002). DISCUSSÃO: Estes resultados foram comparáveis com outros autores, confirmando a utilidade do uso de biomarcadores específicos (HLA-DQB1*0602 e nível da hipocretina-1 no LCR) em narcolepsia com cataplexia. Porém, o alelo HLADQB1*0602 e a dosagem da Hipocretina-1 são insuficientes para o diagnóstico da narcolepsia sem cataplexia.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins/cerebrospinal fluid , Membrane Glycoproteins/genetics , Narcolepsy/diagnosis , Neuropeptides/cerebrospinal fluid , Alleles , Biomarkers , Cataplexy/cerebrospinal fluid , Cataplexy/diagnosis , Cataplexy/genetics , Narcolepsy/cerebrospinal fluid , Narcolepsy/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polysomnography , Radioimmunoassay
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010; 26 (3): 571-576
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-97716


The specific HLA alleles associated with HPV differ among various study groups. It has been suggested that women carrying HLA-DQw3 antigen encoded by DQB 103, are predisposed to develop cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to determine HLA-DQB103 alleles in HPV lesions. In a cross-sectional and analytical study, Hundred women enrolled into the study. Twenty of them had abnormal Pap smear, Fifty patients had condyloma lesions and 30 patients with malignant lesions. HLA-DQB03 and HPV infection was evaluated by PCR. PCR of HPV was positive in 50 women with condyloma lesions and 8 women with malignant lesion [p< 0.001]. HLA-DQB03 was positive in 9 women with abnormal Pap smear, 18 women with condyloma lesions and 7 women with malignant lesion[P= 0.261]. Positive PCR of HPV was significantly higher in women with condyloma lesions than other women [p< 0.001]. Mean age of patients with positive PCR of HPV was significantly lower than patients with negative PCR of HPV [P= 0.001]. Mean age of patients with positive HLA-DQB03 was 42.08 + 11.48 year and mean age of patients with negative HLA-DQB03 Was 43.83 +11.21 year [P= 0.462]. HLA-DQB03 was positive in 34% of patients. In this study, we do not see any significant correlation between HPV infection and HLA-DQB03 in the studied women

Humans , Female , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Alleles , Cross-Sectional Studies , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/virology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/genetics
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 67(3a): 643-651, Sept. 2009. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-523613


We evaluated the frequency, demographic, clinical, disability evolution and genetic association of HLA DRB1*1501, DRB1*1503, DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602 and DPA1*0301 alleles in patients diagnosed as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) among a population of CNS demyelinating diseases. Fifteen patients (8.4 percent) of our series were diagnosed as ADEM. The mean age onset was 35.23 years (range 12 to 77), 53.3 percent were male and follow-up range was 8.5 to 16 years. Two cases (13.3 percent) had a preceding infection before neurological symptoms, one presented a parainfectious demyelinating, and one case had been submitted to hepatitis B vaccination four weeks before the clinical onset. The EDSS range was 3.0 to 9.5. Eight patients (53.3 percent) presented MRI with multiple large lesions. CSF was normal in 73.3 percent. The severe disability observed at EDSS onset improved in 86.66 percent patients. The genetic susceptibility for ADEM was significantly associated with the HLA DQB1*0602, DRB1*1501 and DRB1*1503 alleles (<0.05) in monophasic ADEM.

Avaliamos as frequencia, características demográficas, clínicas e de associação genética dos alelos HLA DRB1*1501, DRB1*1503, DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602 e DPA1*0301 em pacientes com diagnóstico de encefalomielite aguda disseminada (ADEM) em população com doença desmielinizante do SNC. Quinze (8,4 por cento) pacientes de nossa série foram diagnosticados como ADEM. A média de idade foi 35,23 anos (variando entre 12 e 77), 53,3 por cento eram homens e o tempo de acompanhamento variou entre 8,5 e 16 anos. Dois casos (13,3 por cento) apresentaram infecção prévia, um apresentou processo desmielinizante para infeccioso e outro havia se submetido a vacinação para hepatite B quatro semanas antes. O EDSS variou entre 3,0 e 9,5. Oito pacientes (53,3 por cento) apresentaram grandes lesões na RM. O LCR foi normal em 73,3 por cento. A incapacidade grave quantificada pelo EDSS foi seguida de melhora importante em 86,6 por cento dos pacientes. A susceptibilidade genética na ADEM foi significativamente associada com os alelos HLA DQB1*0602, DRB1*1501 e DRB1*1503 (p<0,05) nos pacientes com quadro monofásico.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated/genetics , Gene Frequency/genetics , HLA-DP Antigens/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens/genetics , Case-Control Studies , Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated/pathology , Genotype , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Severity of Illness Index , Young Adult
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-509181


OBJECTIVE: Narcolepsy (with and without cataplexy) and idiopathic hypersomnia, are disorders with common features but with different HLA-DQB1*0602 allele prevalence. The present study describes the prevalence of HLA-DQB1*0602 allele in narcoleptics with and without cataplexy and in patients with idiopathic hypersomnia. METHOD: Subjects comprised 68 patients who were diagnosed for narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia and 23 healthy controls according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders-2. Subjects comprised 43 patients with narcolepsy and cataplexy, 11 patients with narcolepsy but without cataplexy, 14 patients with idiopathic hypersomnia and 23 healthy controls. Genotyping of HLA-DQB1*0602 allele was performed for all subjects. RESULTS: The prevalence of the HLA-DQB1*0602 allele was increased in idiopathic hypersomnia and in narcoleptic patients with and without cataplexy when compared to healthy subjects (p = 0.04; p = 0.03 and p < 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This finding is in accordance with those of previous studies. The gold standard exam of narcolepsy with cataplexy is Hypocretin-1 dosage, but in patients without cataplexy and idiopathic hypersomnia, there are no specific diagnostic lab findings. The presence of the HLA-DQB1* 0602 allele may be important for the differential diagnosis of situations that resemble those sleep disorders such as secondary changes in sleep structure due to drugs' consumption.

OBJETIVO: Narcolepsia (com e sem cataplexia) e hipersonolência idiopática são transtornos com características clínicas comuns, mas com prevalências do alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 diferentes. Este estudo descreve a prevalência do alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 em pacientes narcolépticos com e sem cataplexia e em pacientes com hipersonolência idiopática. MÉTODO: A amostra consistiu de 68 pacientes com diagnóstico de narcolepsia ou hipersonolência idiopática e 23 controles saudáveis segundo o International Classification of Sleep Disorders-2. A amostra foi composta de 43 pacientes com narcolepsia e cataplexia, 11 pacientes com narcolepsia e sem cataplexia, 14 pacientes com hipersonolência idiopática e 23 controles saudáveis. A análise da presença do alelo HLA-DQ*0602 foi realizada em todos os sujeitos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência do alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 foi maior nos grupos de pacientes com hipersonolência idiopática e em pacientes narcolépticos com e sem cataplexia quando comparada com a dos sujeitos saudáveis (p = 0,04; p = 0,03 e p < 0,0001, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados são compatíveis com o de estudos anteriores. O exame padrão-ouro para a confirmação da narcolepsia em pacientes com cataplexia é a dosagem de hipocretina, mas em pacientes sem cataplexia e hipersonolência idiopática não há testes laboratoriais específicos para o diagnóstico. A presença do alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 pode ser importante no diagnóstico diferencial de situações semelhantes a esses distúrbios do sono, como alterações secundárias na estrutura do sono causadas por consumo de drogas.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Alleles , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Idiopathic Hypersomnia/diagnosis , Idiopathic Hypersomnia/genetics , Membrane Glycoproteins/genetics , Narcolepsy/diagnosis , Narcolepsy/genetics , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Diagnosis, Differential , Statistics, Nonparametric , Young Adult
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 41(10): 884-889, Oct. 2008. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-496802


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global medical problem. The current standard of treatment consists of the combination of peginterferon plus ribavirin. This regimen eradicates HCV in 55 percent of cases. The immune response to HCV is an important determinant of disease evolution and can be influenced by various host factors. HLA class II may play an important role in immune response against HCV. The objective of the present study was to determine the distribution of HLA class II (DRB1 and DQB1) alleles, their association with chronic HCV infection and their response to interferon therapy. One hundred and two unrelated white Brazilian patients with chronic HCV infection, 52 responders (45 males and 7 females) and 50 non-responders (43 males and 7 females) to antiviral treatment, were included in the study. Healthy Brazilian bone marrow donors of Caucasian origin from the same geographic area constituted the control group (HLA-DRB1, N = 99 and HLA-DQB1, N = 222 individuals). HLA class II genotyping was performed using a low-resolution DRB1, DQB1 sequence-specific primer amplification. There were higher frequencies of HLA-DRB1*13 (26.5 vs 14.1 percent) and HLA-DQB1*02 (52.9 vs 38.7 percent) in patients compared with controls; however, these were not significantly different after P correction (Pc = 0.39 and Pc = 0.082, respectively). There was no significant difference between the phenotypic frequencies of HLA-DRB1 (17.3 vs 14.0 percent) and HLA-DQB1 alleles in responder and non-responder HCV patients. The HLA-DRB1*07 allele was significantly more common in HCV patients (33.3 vs 12.1 percent) than in controls (Pc = 0.0039), suggesting that the HLA-DRB1*07 allele is associated with chronic HCV infection.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens/genetics , Hepatitis C, Chronic/genetics , Interferon-alpha/therapeutic use , Case-Control Studies , Gene Frequency , Genotype , Hepatitis C, Chronic/drug therapy , Hepatitis C, Chronic/immunology , Phenotype , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Young Adult
Indian Pediatr ; 2008 Jun; 45(6): 493-6
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-10091


In order to investigate HLA-DRB1 and HLADQB1 gene polymorphisms in Northern Greek pediatric population with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), we analyzed the distribution of these alleles in 17 patients and in 181 healthy subjects using polymerase chain reaction. No significant association was detected between HT and alleles analyzed. However, HLA-DQB1*05 was significantly increased in patients with age of diagnosis > 10 years (87.5%) compared to those with age of diagnosis <or= 10 years (33.3%) (P=0.05). These results question the role of sexual maturity in combination with HLA-DQB1*05 as predisposing factor for the onset of HT in Northern Greek children and adolescents.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Gene Frequency , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Greece , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens , Hashimoto Disease/genetics , Humans , Male , Polymorphism, Genetic , Puberty
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2008 Mar; 26(1): 18-21
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-115129


BACKGROUND: Early childhood caries (ECC) is one of the most common diseases of childhood. The etiology of ECC is multifactorial and both genetic and environmental factors play important roles in the pathogenesis of the disease. Genetic variations in the hosts may contribute to changes in the risk for dental caries. Genetic factors such as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) have recently been suggested as a predisposing factor. AIM: The aim of this study was to look for an association between HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 with ECC for developing new strategies for the diagnosis as well as the prevention of the disease. DESIGN: In this study, we extracted the genomic DNAs from whole blood samples of 44 patients with ECC and 35 caries-free children by the salting-out method. We amplified the genomic DNA by PCR-SSP and then HLA-typing was performed for all alleles. RESULTS: The results revealed a significant increase in the frequency of HLA-DRB1*04 in the patient group (P=0.019). The odds ratio for this allele was detected to be 10. The frequency of HLA-DQB1 alleles was not significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The above results suggest that HLA-DRB1*04 is associated with the susceptibility to ECC. Thus HLA-DRB1*04 detection as a molecular marker for early diagnosis of ECC may be recommended.

Biomarkers/analysis , Child , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , DNA/genetics , Dental Caries/genetics , Dental Caries Susceptibility/genetics , Gene Frequency/genetics , Genome, Human/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens/analysis , Humans , Infant , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Risk Factors
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 52(2): 146-155, mar. 2008. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-480988


We can now predict the development of Type 1A (Immune Mediated) diabetes primarily through the determination of four biochemically characterized islet autoantibodies [insulin, GAD65, IA-2 (ICA512) and (Znt8)]. Prediction is possible because beta-cell destruction is chronically progressive and very slow in most, but not all individuals. We can also prevent type 1A diabetes in animal models and a major goal is the prevention of type 1A diabetes in man with multiple clinical trials underway.

Atualmente o desenvolvimento do diabetes melito tipo 1 A( imune mediado) pode ser predito através da determinação de quatro auto-anticorpos antiilhotas [antiinsulina, anti-GAD65, anti-IA2 (ICA512) e (anti-Znt8)] caracterizados bioquimicamente. A predição dessa doença é possível devido a destruição das células-beta, não em todos os indivíduos mas na sua maioria, ser crônica e lentamente progressiva. Também é possível prevenir o DM1 A em modelos animais e o objetivo maior é a prevenção dessa doença em humanos, para os quais vários protocolos clínicos estão em andamento.

Animals , Female , Humans , Male , Mice , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/immunology , Autoimmunity/immunology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/genetics , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/metabolism , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , Haplotypes , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens/genetics , Insulin Antibodies/immunology , Insulin Antibodies/metabolism , Insulin/immunology , Insulin/metabolism , Mice, Inbred NOD
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 52(2): 166-180, mar. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-480989


O diabetes melito tipo 1 auto-imune (DM1A) resulta da destruição auto-imune seletiva das células-beta pancreáticas produtoras de insulina. O principal determinante genético de suscetibilidade para o DM1A está em genes do complexo principal de histocompatibilidade, no cromossomo 6p211.3 (locus IDDM1), responsável por 40 por cento ou mais da agregação familiar dessa doença. O maior risco é conferido pelo genótipo do antígeno leucocitário humano HLA-DR3-DQA1* 0501-DQB1*0201/DR4-DQA1*0301-QB1*0302, e o haplótipo HLA-DR15-DQA1* 0102-DQB1*0602 é associado à proteção. Três outros loci relacionados à predisposição a DM1A são o número variável de freqüências repetidas (VNTR) do gene da insulina (IDDM2), que confere 10 por cento da suscetibilidade genética, o antígeno-4 associado ao linfócito T citotóxico (CTLA-4) e o protein tyrosine phosphatasis nonreceptor-type 22 (PTPN22). Muitos outros genes suspeitos de predispor à auto-imunidade estão sendo investigados. O DM1A é freqüentemente associado com doença auto-imune tiroidiana, doença celíaca, doença de Addison e várias outras doenças auto-imunes, caracterizadas por auto-anticorpos órgãos-específicos, relacionados aos mesmos determinantes genéticos. Esses anticorpos são úteis na detecção de auto-imunidade órgão-específica antes do aparecimento da doença clínica, prevenindo comorbidades.

Type 1 A diabetes mellitus (T1AD) results from the autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing pancreatic beta-cells. The largest contribution to genetic susceptibility comes from several genes located in the major histocompatibility complex on chromosome 6p21.3 (IDDM1 locus), accounting for at least 40 percent of the family aggregation of this disease. The highest-risk human leukocyte antigen HLA genotype for T1AD is DR3-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201/DR4-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302, whereas -DR15-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602 haplotype is associated with dominant protection. Three other T1D loci associated with predisposition are the Variable Number for Tandem Repeats (VNTR) near the insulin gene (IDDM2), which accounts to 10 percent of genetic susceptibility, the Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte-associated Antigen (CTLA-4)(IDDM 12) and the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatasis Nonreceptor-type 22 (PTPN22). Many other gene suspected to predispose to autoimmunity have been investigated. T1AD is frequently associated with autoimmune thyroid disease, celiac disase, Addison´s disease and many other autoimmune diseases, characterized by organ-specific autoantibodies and related to the same genetic background. Using these autoantibodies, organ specific autoimmunity may be detected before the development of clinical disease preventing significant morbidity.

Female , Humans , Male , Autoimmunity/genetics , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/genetics , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/immunology , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , Age of Onset , Autoimmunity/immunology , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/immunology , HLA-DR Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens/immunology , Hypoglycemic Agents/immunology , Insulin/genetics , Insulin/immunology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-37033


It has been speculated that human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles are associated with the outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection although the data obtained from various populations have shown some inconsistencies. A total of 464 HBVinfected Korean individuals (80 spontaneously recovered [SR] and 384 chronically infected [CI]) were selected to investigate the association of HLA class II alleles with the viral clearance and persistence. Our results showed that: 1) multiple HLA class II alleles and haplotypes were associated with viral clearance (DRB1*1302, DRB1*1502, DQB1*0302, DQB1*0609, and related-haplotypes) and persistence (DRB1*0701, DQB1*0301, and related-haplotypes); 2) DRB1*1302 and DQB1* 0609 were more strongly associated with viral clearance. And the association of DQB1*0609 (pc=0.0084; OR, 7.24) with vial clearance was much stronger than previously recognized, DRB1*1302 (pc=0.0038; OR, 4.34); and 3) linkage to a specific DPB1 allele in a haplotype strengthened the association with viral clearance, although DPB1 itself was not associated with the outcome. These results indicate the existence of multiple factors controlling viral clearance in the HLA class II gene region. Further extended investigation on the genetic factors related to the outcome of HBV infection will provide valuable insights into the understanding of the mechanisms involved.

Humans , Alleles , Genes, MHC Class II , HLA Antigens/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DR Antigens/genetics , Haplotypes , Hepatitis B/immunology , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , Immunophenotyping , Korea , Models, Genetic , Remission Induction , Treatment Outcome
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 65(4b): 1123-1125, dez. 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-477755


BACKGROUND: Studies have shown a high prevalence of migraine among narcoleptic patients. HLA-DQB1*0602 and HLA DRB1 alleles are closely associated with narcolepsy. An increase in the HLA-DRB1 allele frequency in patients with visual aura has raised greater awareness of the genetic background in migraine. PURPOSE: Since the regions DR and DQ of the HLA are in tightly linkage desiquilibrium we hypothesize that HLA-DQB1*0602 might be associated to the pathophysiology of migraine. METHOD: We analyzed the presence of HLA DQB1*0602 allele in 50 healthy subjects with no history of migraine, 53 patients with migraine without aura and 52 patients with migraine with aura. RESULTS: There was no difference in the frequency of HLA DQB1*0602 allele when control subjects and all patients were compared. We failed to note any difference in frequencies when comparing migraine patients with and without aura. CONCLUSION: Further studies with different patient populations, with other hypothalamic markers (melatonin, hypocretin) in migraine patients may shed light on to its pathophysiology.

CONTEXTO: Estudos têm demonstrado o aumento da prevalência de enxaqueca em pacientes com narcolepsia, um distúrbio de sono associado a um gene do sistema HLA, o alelo HLA-DQB1*0602. As regiões DQ e DR do HLA estão em alto desequilíbrio de ligação e já foi descrito um aumento da freqüência do alelo HLA DRB1 em pacientes com enxaqueca com aura visual, o que fortalece uma hipótese de herança genética para a enxaqueca. OBJETIVO: Nossa hipótese é que o alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 pode estar relacionado com a fisiopatologia da enxaqueca destes pacientes. MÉTODO: Nós analisamos a presença do alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 em 50 voluntários sadios sem história de enxaqueca, 53 pacientes com enxaqueca sem aura e 52 pacientes com aura. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os controles sadios e os pacientes com enxaqueca. Não houve diferença entre os pacientes com enxaqueca com e sem aura. CONCLUSÃO: Futuros estudos com diferentes populações, com outros marcadores (melatonina e hipocretina) em pacientes com enxaqueca devem ser realizados para melhor esclarecimento de fisiopatologia.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Alleles , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Membrane Glycoproteins/genetics , Migraine with Aura/genetics , Migraine without Aura/genetics , Case-Control Studies , Genetic Markers , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 65(2b): 423-427, jun. 2007.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-456845


Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive daytime sleep and cataplexy. Little is known about the possible difference in pathophysiology between patients with or without cataplexy. OBJECTIVE: To quantify T CD4, T CD8 and B lymphocytes in subgroups of patients with narcolepsy and the presence or absence of the HLA-DQB1*0602 allele between groups. METHOD: Our study was prospective and controlled (transversal) with 22 narcoleptic patients and 23 health control subjects. Patients underwent an all-night polysomnographic recording (PSG) and a multiple sleep latency Test (MSLT). The histocompatibility antigen allele (HLA-DQB1*0602), T CD4, CD8 and B lymphocytes were quantified in control subjects and in narcoleptics. RESULTS: The HLA-DQB1*0602 allele was identified in 10 (62.5 percent) of our 16 cataplexic subjects and in 2 (33.3 percent) of the 6 patients without cataplexy (p=0.24). In control subjects, HLA-DQB1*0602 allele was identified in 5 (20 percent). A significant decrease in T CD4 and B lymphocytes was found in narcoleptic patients with recurrent cataplexy when compared with our patients without cataplexy. CONCLUSION: Autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis were associated with a decrease in sub-group of T CD4 and B lymphocytes. A drop in B lymphocytes count in reumathoid arthritis might, it is posited, be correlated to the presence of HLA-DRB1 allele along with an overall worsened outcome of the affliction. The theory of an increase in consumption of B lymphocytes over the maturation phase has likewise been put forward. Our study reinforces the view that narcolepsy should be considered from an immunological perspective.

A narcolepsia é caracterizada por sonolência excessiva diurna e cataplexia. Pouco se sabe sobre as diferenças fisiopatológicas entre pacientes com e sem cataplexia. OBJETIVO: Quantificar os linfócitos T CD4, T CD8 e B e a presença do alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 nos subgrupos de pacientes com narcolepsia. MÉTODO: O estudo foi prospectivo e controlado (transversal) com 22 pacientes portadores de narcolepsia e 23 sujeitos controle. Os pacientes realizaram polissonografia (PSG) de noite inteira e teste de múltiplas latências do sono (TMLS). O alelo do antígeno de histocompatibilidade (HLA-DQB1*0602) e os linfócitos T CD4, T CD8 e B foram quantificados nos pacientes e sujeitos controle. RESULTADOS: O alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 foi encontrado em 10 (62,5 por cento) dos 16 pacientes com cataplexia e em 2 (33,3 por cento) dos 6 pacientes sem cataplexia (p=0,24). Nos sujeitos controle, o alelo HLA-DQB1*0602 foi encontrado em 5 sujeitos (20 por cento). Um aumento significativo de linfócitos T CD4 e uma diminuição de linfócitos B foi observado no grupo de pacientes com cataplexia freqüente quando comparado ao grupo de pacientes sem cataplexia. CONCLUSÃO: Doenças auto-imunes como lupus eritematoso sistêmico e artrite reumatóide têm sido associadas com diminuição de linfócitos T CD4 e B. Na artrite reumatóide, diminuição de linfócitos B e presença do alelo HLA-DRB1 tem sido associada a pior evolução. Para essa doença, a teoria de um maior consumo de linfócitos B em suas fases de maturação tem sido aventada. Os achados do nosso estudo reforçam a teoria imunológica da narcolepsia.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , B-Lymphocytes/immunology , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , Narcolepsy/immunology , Alleles , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Genetic Markers , HLA-DQ Antigens/immunology , Narcolepsy/genetics , Prospective Studies , Sleep Stages/physiology , Time Factors , Wakefulness/physiology
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 40(2): 188-191, mar.-abr. 2007. tab


Neste estudo, propomos comparar o teste cutâneo de Mitsuda e os alelos HLA-DR2/HLA-DR3 e HLA-DQ1 relacionados com as formas clínicas da hanseníase em 176 pacientes (50 TT, 50 LL e 76 B). Os resultados obtidos não revelaram associação entre reação de Mitsuda e os alelos HLA nas formas clínicas isoladas; no entanto, quando analisados de acordo com a resposta ao teste de Mitsuda, associação significativa foi encontrada entre os pacientes Mitsuda negativos e HLA-DQ1 (p=0,002). Não foi observada associação entre reação de Mitsuda positiva e alelos HLA-DR2/DR3. Concluímos que existe importante participação do alelo HLA-DQ1 na ausência de resposta ao teste de Mitsuda. Sugerimos estudos mais específicos para este alelo.

In this study, we aimed to compare the Mitsuda skin test with the alleles HLA-DR2/HLA-DR3 and HLA-DQ1, in relation to the clinical forms of leprosy in 176 patients (50 TT, 50 LL and 76 B). The results obtained did not reveal any association between the Mitsuda reaction and the HLA alleles in the clinical forms isolated. However, when analyzed according to Mitsuda test response, a significant association was found between patients with negative Mitsuda reaction and HLA-DQ1 (p=0.002). No association was observed between positive Mitsuda reaction and the HLA-DR2/DR3 alleles. We concluded that the allele HLA-DQ1 has an important participation when there is no response to the Mitsuda test. We suggest that more specific studies should be developed on this allele.

Humans , HLA-D Antigens/immunology , Leprosy/immunology , Skin Tests/methods , Alleles , HLA-D Antigens/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/genetics , HLA-DQ Antigens/immunology , /genetics , /immunology , /genetics , /immunology , Phenotype , Polymerase Chain Reaction