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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927878


Mucins,a family of heavily glycosylated proteins,present mainly in epithelial cells.They function as essential barriers for epithelium and play important roles in cellular physiological processes.Aberrant expression and glycosylation of mucins in gastric epithelium occur at pathological conditions,such as Helicobacter pylori infection,chronic atrophic gastritis,intestinal metastasis,dysplasia,and gastric cancer.This review addresses the major roles played by mucins and associated O-glycan structures in normal gastric epithelium.Further,we expound the alterations of expression patterns and glycan signatures of mucins at those pathological conditions.

Humans , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Glycosylation , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter pylori/metabolism , Mucins/metabolism , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(5): 809-827, oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144282


Resumen: Introducción: Las últimas guías clínicas conjuntas de NASPGHAN y ESPGHAN en relación a la infección por H. pylori publicadas el año 2016, contienen 20 afirmaciones que han sido cuestionadas en la práctica respecto a su aplicabilidad en Latinoamérica (LA); en particular en relación a la preven ción del cáncer gástrico. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis crítico de la literatura, con especial énfasis en datos de LA y se estableció el nivel de evidencia y nivel de recomendación de las afirmaciones mas controversiales de las Guías Conjuntas. Se realizaron 2 rondas de votación de acuerdo a la técnica Delfi de consenso y se utilizó escala de Likert (de 0 a 4) para establecer el "grado de acuerdo" entre un grupo de expertos de SLAGHNP. Resultados: Existen pocos estudios en relación a diagnóstico, efectividad de tratamiento y susceptibilidad a antibióticos de H. pylori en pacientes pediátricos de LA. En base a estos estudios, extrapolaciones de estudios de adultos y la experiencia clínica del panel de expertos participantes, se realizan las siguientes recomendaciones. Recomendamos la toma de biopsias para test rápido de ureasa e histología (y muestras para cultivo o técnicas moleculares, cuando estén disponibles) durante la endoscopia digestiva alta sólo si en caso de confirmar la infección por H. pylori, se indicará tratamiento de erradicación. Recomendamos que centros regionales seleccio nados realicen estudios de sensibilidad/resistencia antimicrobiana para H. pylori y así actúen como centros de referencia para toda LA. En caso de falla de erradicación de H. pylori con tratamiento de primera línea, recomendamos tratamiento empírico con terapia cuádruple con inhibidor de bomba de protones, amoxicilina, metronidazol y bismuto por 14 días. En caso de falla de erradicación con el esquema de segunda línea, se recomienda indicar un tratamiento individualizado considerando la edad del paciente, el esquema indicado previamente y la sensibilidad antibiótica de la cepa, lo que implica realizar una nueva endoscopía con extracción de muestra para cultivo y antibiograma o es tudio molecular de resistencia. En niños sintomáticos referidos a endoscopía que tengan antecedente de familiar de primer o segundo grado con cáncer gástrico, se recomienda considerar la búsqueda de H. pylori mediante técnica directa durante la endoscopia (y erradicarlo cuando es detectado). Con clusiones: La evidencia apoya mayoritariamente los conceptos generales de las Guías NASPGHAN/ ESPGHAN 2016, pero es necesario adaptarlas a la realidad de LA, con énfasis en el desarrollo de centros regionales para el estudio de sensibilidad a antibióticos y mejorar la correcta selección del tratamiento de erradicación. En niños sintomáticos con antecedente familiar de primer o segundo grado de cáncer gástrico, se debe considerar la búsqueda y erradicación de H. pylori.

Abstract: Introduction: The latest joint H. pylori NASPGHAN and ESPGHAN clinical guidelines published in 2016, contain 20 statements that have been questioned in practice regarding their applicability in Latin America (LA); in particular in relation to gastric cancer prevention. Methods: We conduc ted a critical analysis of the literature, with special emphasis on LA data and established the level of evidence and level of recommendation of the most controversial claims in the Joint Guidelines. Two rounds of voting were conducted according to the Delphi consensus technique and a Likert scale (from 0 to 4) was used to establish the "degree of agreement" among a panel of SLAGHNP ex perts. Results: There are few studies regarding diagnosis, treatment effectiveness and susceptibility to antibiotics of H. pylori in pediatric patients of LA. Based on these studies, extrapolations from adult studies, and the clinical experience of the participating expert panel, the following recom mendations are made. We recommend taking biopsies for rapid urease and histology testing (and samples for culture or molecular techniques, when available) during upper endoscopy only if in case of confirmed H. pylori infection, eradication treatment will be indicated. We recommend that selected regional centers conduct antimicrobial sensitivity/resistance studies for H. pylori and thus act as reference centers for all LA. In case of failure to eradicate H. pylori with first-line treatment, we recommend empirical treatment with quadruple therapy with proton pump inhibitor, amoxi cillin, metronidazole, and bismuth for 14 days. In case of eradication failure with the second line scheme, it is recommended to indicate an individualized treatment considering the age of the pa tient, the previously indicated scheme and the antibiotic sensitivity of the strain, which implies performing a new endoscopy with sample extraction for culture and antibiogram or molecular resistance study. In symptomatic children referred to endoscopy who have a history of first or se cond degree family members with gastric cancer, it is recommended to consider the search for H. pylori by direct technique during endoscopy (and eradicate it when detected). Conclusions: The evidence supports most of the general concepts of the NASPGHAN/ESPGHAN 2016 Guidelines, but it is necessary to adapt them to the reality of LA, with emphasis on the development of regional centers for the study of antibiotic sensitivity and to improve the correct selection of the eradication treatment. In symptomatic children with a family history of first or second degree gastric cancer, the search for and eradication of H. pylori should be considered.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Endoscopy, Digestive System/standards , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/diagnosis , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/prevention & control , Helicobacter Infections/drug therapy , Proton Pump Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Pediatrics/methods , Pediatrics/standards , Stomach/pathology , Stomach/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/standards , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Delphi Technique , Treatment Outcome , Drug Therapy, Combination , Latin America
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(3): 363-370, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126173


Resumen: Introducción: La inflamación asociada con la infección por Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) se relaciona con la pro gresión de las lesiones precancerosas gástricas. Las infecciones por helmintos podrían modular la respuesta proinflamatoria a la infección por H. pylori desde un perfil tipo LTCD4+ Th1 hacia una respuesta menos perjudicial tipo LTCD4+ Th2. Objetivo: Caracterizar la polarización de la respuesta inmune tipo LTCD4+ Th1/Th2 de pacientes coinfectados por H. pylori y helmintiasis procedentes de áreas de bajo riego para el desarrollo de cáncer gástrico. Pacientes y Método: Se analizaron 63 pacientes, 40 adultos y 23 niños infectados con H. pylori. La determinación de los perfiles séricos de las interleucinas asociadas con la polarización de la respuesta inmune tipo LTCD4+ Th1 (IL-1Β, INF-γ y TNF-α) y tipo LTCD4+ Th2 (IL-4, IL-10 e IL-13) se realizó con Análisis Multiplex (xMAP). La relación entre el estado de coinfección por helmintos en pacientes infectados con H. pylori y la polarización de la respuesta inmune mediada por LTCD4+ Th1 y LTCD4+ Th2, se estudió con un modelo de regresión logístico de efectos mixtos. Resultados: La frecuencia de helmintos fue similar en adultos (15%) y niños (17%). La polarización de la respuesta inmune fue más prevalente hacia el tipo LTCD4+ Th1. Los valores séricos de las interleucinas asociadas con la polarización de la respuesta inmune tipo LTCD4+ Th1 (IL-1 Β, INF-γ y TNF-α) y tipo LTCD4+ Th2 (IL-4, IL-10 e IL-13) fueron independientes del estado de infestación por helmintos. Conclusión: La prevalencia de infección por parasitismo intestinal fue alta y la polarización de la respuesta inmune fue predominantemente hacia un perfil tipo LTCD4 + Th1.

Abstract: Introduction: Inflammation associated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is linked to the development of a gastric precancerous lesion. Helminth infections could influence the pro-inflam matory response to such infection from LTCD4+ Th1 to a less harmful LTCD4+ Th2 response. Ob jective: To characterize the polarization of the LTCD4+ Th2 immune response in co-infected pa tients with H. pylori and helminths from low-risk areas for developing gastric cancer. Patients and Method: We analyzed 63 patients infected by H. pylori (40 adults and 23 children). Through the Multiplex Analysis technology (xMAP), we determined the serum profiles of the interleukins asso ciated with the polarization of the immune response of LTCD4+ Th1 (IL-1Β, INF-γ, TNF-α) as well as the LTCD4+ Th2 (IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13). The ratio between helminths co-infection status in H. pylori-infected patients and the polarization of the immune response mediated by LTCD4+ Th1 and LTCD4+ Th2 was assessed using a Mixed Effects Logistic Regression Model. Results: The frequency of helminths was similar between adults (15%) and children (17%). The polarization of the immu ne response was more prevalent in LTCD4+ Th1. Serum values of interleukins associated with the immune response polarization of LTCD4+ Th1 (IL-1Β, INF-γ, and TNF-α) and LTCD4+ Th2 (IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13) were independent of helminths infection status. Conclusion: The prevalence of in testinal parasitic infection was high and the immune response polarization was mainly LTCD4 + Th1.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Helicobacter pylori/immunology , Helicobacter Infections/immunology , Th1-Th2 Balance , Coinfection/immunology , Helminthiasis/immunology , Biomarkers/blood , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/metabolism , Logistic Models , Helicobacter Infections/diagnosis , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/blood , Coinfection/diagnosis , Coinfection/pathology , Coinfection/blood , Helminthiasis/diagnosis , Helminthiasis/pathology , Helminthiasis/blood
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(2): 74-79, abr./jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491665


O objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar os achados anatomopatológicos das lesões gástricas subclínicas de ocorrência natural em leitões com a presença, ou não, de Helicobacter spp. por meio da imuno-histoquímica. Foram utilizados 48 leitões de linhagem genética comercial. Os animais foram adquiridos em uma granja comercial, com peso médio de 34 Kg e idade média de 79 dias; após o abate, seus estômagos foram coletados e avaliados. Avaliações histopatológicas e imuno-histoquímicas foram realizadas em amostras das regiões anatômicas aglandular e glandular. Macroscopicamente, 34 (70,83%) leitões apresentaram lesões na região aglandular, enquanto que em 14 animais (29,17%) não foram encontradas alterações nesta região. Dos estômagos com lesão, 14 foram classificados como grau 1, seis como grau 2 e 14 como grau 3. Microscopicamente, 44 amostras (91,66%) apresentaram paraqueratose. Deste total, 22 apresentaram a forma discreta, 20 a moderada e dois a acentuada. Na avaliação macroscópica da porção glandular, 41 (85,4%) animais apresentaram alteração em pelo menos uma das três regiões, e em somente sete (14,6%) não foram encontradas lesões em nenhuma delas. Em 14 deles, houve aumento da atividade mucípara, em dois, houve erosão e, em cinco, hiperemia.  As lesões na região glandular do estômago foram mais extensas no antro e no cárdia, seguidas do fundo. Em relação à análise imuno

The aim of this study was to relate the anatomopathological findings of naturally occurring subclinical gastric lesions in piglets, with or without Helicobacter spp. through immunohistochemistry. Forty-eight piglets of commercial genetic lineage were used. The animals were acquired in a commercial farm, with an average weight of 34 kg and an average age of 79 days, and after slaughter, their stomachs were collected and evaluated. Samples from the glandular and aglandular anatomical regions were evaluated. Macroscopically, 34 (70.83%) samples had lesions on aglandular region, while 14 (29.17%) nothing had. Of the injured stomachs, 14 were classified as grade 1, six as grade 2 and 14 as grade 3. Microscopically, 44 samples (91.66%) showed parakeratosis. Of these, 22 showed a discreet manner, 20 moderate and two severe. In the glandular region, in 41 (85.4%) samples there was a change in at least one of the three regions, and only seven animals (14.6%) showed no change in any of the three. Fourteen samples showed increased muciparous activity, two showed erosion and five hyperemia. The lesions were higher in antral regions and cardic, followed the fundus. In relation to immunohistochemistry, 21(43.8%) samples were negative in all areas, 24 (50%) were positive in at least one, and none were positive in all. The anatomopathological findings showed a statistical relationship with the bacteria, and its immunostaining, not associated with gastric lesions in certain regions, demonstrates its saprophytic and opportunistic character.

Animals , Stomach/microbiology , Helicobacter Infections/immunology , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/veterinary , Swine/anatomy & histology , Swine/immunology , Swine/injuries , Stomach Ulcer/microbiology
Arq. gastroenterol ; 57(1): 74-78, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098051


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The role of Helicobacter pylori infection on eosinophilic infiltration in duodenal mucosa is poorly studied. An increase in the number of eosinophils in duodenum has been associated with functional dyspepsia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of H. pylori infection on duodenal eosinophil count and the role of eosinophilic infiltrate of duodenum in functional dyspepsia. METHODS: Positive and negative H. pylori individuals were included. Both functional dyspeptic patients according to Rome III criteria (cases) and individuals without gastrointestinal symptoms (controls) were enrolled. They were submitted to upper endoscopy and H. pylori infection was verified by gastric histopathology and urease test. Eosinophils in the duodenal mucosa were counted in five high-power fields, randomly selected on slides of endoscopic biopsies. RESULTS: Thirty-nine H. pylori positive (mean age 40.5 and 69.2% women) and 24 negative patients (mean age 37.3 and 75% women) were included. The influence of the infection was observed in the duodenal eosinophil count, which was higher in infected individuals: median 13.2 vs 8.1 in non-infected individuals (P=0.005). When we analyzed patients according to symptoms, cases - mean age 39.6; 71.4% women - and controls - mean age 38.7; 71.4% women - had similar duodenal eosinophil count: median 11.9 and 12.6 respectively (P=0.19). CONCLUSIONS: We did not demonstrate association of duodenal eosinophil count with functional dyspepsia but found association with H. pylori infection.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: O papel de infecção por Helicobacter pylori no infiltrado eosinofílico duodenal ainda é pouco compreendido. Um aumento no número de eosinófilos duodenais tem sido associado a dispepsia funcional. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do H. pylori na contagem de eosinófilos duodenais e o papel do infiltrado eosinofílico duodenal na dispepsia funcional. MÉTODOS: Indivíduos H. pylori positivo e negativo foram incluídos. Ambos os grupos, compreendendo dispépticos funcionais pelos critérios de Roma III (casos) e indivíduos sem sintomas gastrointestinais (controles), foram submetidos à endoscopia digestiva alta para pesquisa de H. pylori, efetuada por histopatologia e teste de urease. Eosinófilos na mucosa duodenal foram contabilizados em cinco campos de maior aumento, selecionados randomicamente nas lâminas de biópsia endoscópicas. RESULTADOS: Trinta e nove indivíduos H. pylori positivo (média de idade 40,5 e 69,2% mulheres) e 24 H. pylori negativos (média de idade 37,3 e 75% mulheres) foram incluídos. A influência da infecção por H. pylori foi observada na contagem de eosinófilos, que foi maior nos positivos: mediana 13,2 vs 8,1 (P=0,005). Quando analisados pacientes de acordo com sintomas, os casos (média de idade 39,6 e 71,4% mulheres) e controles (média de idade 38,7 e 71,4% mulheres), apresentaram semelhante contagem de eosinófilos duodenais: mediana 11,9 e 12,6, respectivamente (P=0,19). CONCLUSÃO: Não demonstramos associação da contagem de eosinófilos duodenais com dispepsia duodenal, mas encontramos associação com infecção por H. pylori.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Duodenum/pathology , Dyspepsia/microbiology , Eosinophilia/pathology , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Biopsy , Case-Control Studies , Gastroscopy , Duodenum/microbiology , Dyspepsia/pathology , Gastric Mucosa/microbiology , Middle Aged
Arq. gastroenterol ; 56(4): 419-424, Oct.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055178


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori infection is the most important risk factor for gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia, both considered gastric cancer precursor lesions. Therefore, the investigation of the occurrence of H. pylori infection, precursor lesions and associated factors guides the adoption of specific strategies for the control this type of cancer. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients undergoing upper digestive endoscopy, as well as the prevalence of intestinal metaplasia, atrophy and chronic inflammation and their association with H. pylori infection. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed based on reports of gastric endoscopic biopsies performed in a private laboratory affiliated to the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS). Patients were evaluated for age, gender and type of health service. The samples were evaluated for the presence of H. pylori, and also of chronic inflammation, intestinal metaplasia and glandular atrophy. RESULTS: Of a total of 4,604 patients (mean age 51±16.6), 63.9% were female and 63.1% coming from private health care service. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 31.7% (n=1,459), and the percentage of infection was significantly higher in patients from public health service (42.0%) in relation to patients from private health service (25.6%). Among H. pylori (+) patients, a higher percentage of intestinal metaplasia (17.7% vs 13.3%) and glandular atrophy (17.6% vs 6.9%) were observed when compared to those H. pylori (-) (P<0.01). From the patients H. pylori (+) with at least one type of precursor lesion (n=418), 161 (38.5%) had metaplasia and chronic inflammation, 160 (38.3%) had atrophy and chronic inflammation and finally 97 (23.2%) presented metaplasia, atrophy and chronic inflammation simultaneously. CONCLUSION: The present study reinforces the association of H. pylori infection with gastric cancer precursor lesions in a Brazilian population, emphasizing the importance of infection prevention measures, as well as the treatment of infected patients, especially in regions with lower socioeconomic levels that show a higher prevalence of infection by H. pylori.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A infecção por Helicobacter pylori é o fator de risco mais importante para atrofia gástrica e metaplasia intestinal, ambas consideradas lesões precursoras do câncer gástrico. Portanto, a investigação da ocorrência de infecção por H. pylori, das lesões precursoras e dos fatores associados orienta a adoção de estratégias específicas para o controle deste tipo de câncer. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de infecção por H. pylori em pacientes submetidos à endoscopia digestiva alta, bem como a prevalência de metaplasia intestinal, atrofia e inflamação crônica e a associação destas com a infecção por H. pylori. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com base em laudos de biópsias endoscópicas gástricas realizadas em laboratório privado afiliado ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto à idade, sexo e tipo de serviço de saúde. As amostras foram avaliadas quanto à presença de H. pylori e também de inflamação crônica, metaplasia intestinal e atrofia glandular. RESULTADOS: Do total de 4.604 pacientes (idade média de 51±16,6), 63,9% eram do sexo feminino e 63,1% provenientes de serviços de saúde privado. A prevalência de infecção por H. pylori foi de 31,7% (n=1.459) e o percentual de infecção foi significativamente maior nos pacientes do serviço público de saúde (42,0%) em relação aos pacientes do serviço privado de saúde (25,6%). Entre os pacientes com H. pylori (+), foi observado maior percentual de metaplasia intestinal (17,7% vs 13,3%) e atrofia glandular (17,6% vs 6,9%) quando comparados aos H. pylori (-) (P<0,01). Dos pacientes H. pylori (+) com pelo menos um tipo de lesão precursora (n=418), 161 (38,5%) apresentaram metaplasia e inflamação crônica, 160 (38,3%) apresentaram atrofia e inflamação crônica e, finalmente, 97 (23,2%) apresentaram metaplasia, atrofia e inflamação crônica simultaneamente. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo reforça a associação da infecção por H. pylori com lesões precursoras de câncer gástrico em uma população brasileira, enfatizando a importância de medidas de prevenção de infecção, bem como o tratamento de pacientes infectados, principalmente em regiões com níveis socioeconômicos mais baixos que apresentam maior prevalência de infecção por H. pylori.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/microbiology , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Precancerous Conditions/microbiology , Atrophy/microbiology , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Biopsy , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Gastroscopy , Metaplasia/microbiology , Middle Aged
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 917-927, Sept. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012376


El carcinoma gástrico (CG) de tipo intestinal se origina en un epitelio displásico, que a su vez se desarrolla en medio de una atrofia gástrica (AG) y metaplasia intestinal (MI). La infección por Helicobacter pylori (HP) es la causa más frecuente de AG, causando una pangastritis atrófica multifocal. Entre otras condiciones que producen inflamación crónica de la mucosa gástrica se encuentran también la gastritis autoinmune y la anemia perniciosa. El marco conceptual sobre el cual descansa gran parte de la investigación actual y nuestra comprensión de los cambios que ocurren en la mucosa gástrica se debe a la denominada "cascada de Correa"; quien planteó que la mucosa gástrica crónicamente inflamada, da paso a la AG, que va adquiriendo focos de MI y en dicho epitelio se desarrollará finalmente una displasia (DIS). Se ha acuñado el término lesiones preneoplásicas gástricas (LPG), para referirse a: AG, MI y DIS.Después de la erradicación de HP, se ha demostrado una reducción general de la incidencia de CG; efecto que no es tan claro, cuando la pangastritis por HP ha evolucionado a AG extensa. De tal modo que el efecto de la erradicación de HP medido a través de EC, ha sido poco consistente. La AG grave diagnosticada por histología representa la condición de mayor riesgo. Por otra parte, la MI puede ser de tipo intestinal (delgado-entérica ó incompleta) y la colónica (colónica ó completa) considerándose a esta última, como la variedad de peor pronóstico. El diagnóstico histológico de este tipo de lesiones determina que quien las padece, debe someterse a vigilancia endoscópica. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue resumir la evidencia existente respecto de las LPG, en términos de su caracterización morfológica y sus repercusiones diagnóstico-terapéuticas (significado patológico, graduación del riesgo, vigilancia recomendada; y factores de riesgo).

Gastric carcinoma (GC) of intestinal type, originates from a dysplastic epithelium, which in turn develops in the midst of gastric atrophy (GA) and intestinal metaplasia (IM). Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is the most frequent cause of GA, causing a multifocal atrophic pangastritis. Among other conditions that produce chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa are also autoimmune gastritis and pernicious anemia. The conceptual framework on which much of current research rests and our understanding of the changes that occur in the gastric mucosa is due to the so-called "Correa waterfall"; who stated that gastric mucosa chronically inflamed, gives way to the GA, which is acquiring foci of IM and in said epithelium a dysplasia (DIS) will eventually develop. The term precancerous conditions (PCC) of the gastric mucosa have been coined to refer to: GA, IM and DIS. After HP eradication, a general reduction in the incidence of GC has been demonstrated; effect that is not so clear, when pangastritis by HP has evolved to extensive GA. Thus, the effect of HP eradication measured through clinical trials has been inconsistent. Severe GA diagnosed represents the highest risk condition. On the other hand, IM can be enteric (grade I), enterocolic (grade II) or colonic (grade III); considering IM III as the variety with the worst prognosis. Histological diagnosis of gastric PCC, determines that the one who suffers them, must undergo endoscopic surveillance. The aim of this manuscript was to update morphological aspects and diagnostic-therapeutic scope of gastric PCC.

Humans , Precancerous Conditions/pathology , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Precancerous Conditions/microbiology , Stomach Neoplasms/microbiology , Risk Factors , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/complications , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Risk Assessment , Gastritis, Atrophic/microbiology , Gastritis, Atrophic/pathology , Intestines/microbiology , Intestines/pathology , Metaplasia/microbiology , Metaplasia/pathology
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 39(1): 12-20, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014121


Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de pólipos gástricos detectados mediante endoscopía digestiva alta, en pacientes mayores de 18 años del Hospital Cayetano Heredia, en el periodo 2007-2016. Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal, realizado con datos de biopsias gástricas de pacientes sometidos a endoscopía digestiva alta entre enero de 2007 y julio de 2016. Se evaluó cambios histológicos asociados, datos demográficos y características endoscópicas, las cuales fueron sometidas a análisis estadístico mediante STATA v14.2. Resultados: En una población de 16 552 endoscopías realizadas, se encontró 407 biopsias compatibles con pólipos gástricos, lo cual da una prevalencia de 2,5%. Los pólipos gástricos fueron más frecuentes en mujeres (62,38%). La mediana de edad fue de 61 años (52-71 años). El tipo histológico más frecuente fue el pólipo glandular fúndico (PGF) (44,85%), seguido de pólipo hiperplásico (38,48%) y adenomatoso (15,23%). La localización más frecuente fue en fondo/cuerpo (48,65%, p=0,001) Se detectó la presencia de Helicobacter pylori (Hp) en el 30,6% de las biopsias compatibles con pólipos. Conclusión: La prevalencia de pólipos gástricos es similar con otras regiones del mundo; los PGF e hiperplásicos son los más frecuentes. Los pólipos adenomatosos estuvieron en mayor relación a cambios como metaplasia y displasia.

Objectives: Establish the prevalence of gastric polyps detected by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in patients older than 18 years old during the period from 2007 - 2016 in Cayetano Heredia Hospital. Materials and methods: Retrospective cross- sectional study, performed with data from the gastric biopsies reports of patients that have undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy between January 2007 and July 2016. Demographic data, endoscopic characteristics of the polyps and associated histological changes of the surrounding gastric mucosa were evaluated, which were subjected to statistical analysis using STATA v14.2. Results: In a population of 16 552 endoscopies, 407 gastric polyps biopsies were found. These results give a prevalence of 2.5% .Gastric polyps were detected predominantly in women (62.38%). The median age was 61 years (52-71 years). The most frequent histological type was the fundic gland polyp (FGP) (44.85%), followed by the hyperplastic (38.48%) and adenomatous (15.23%) polyp. The most frequent location was in the fundus / corpus (48.65%, p = 0.001). The presence of Hp was detected in 30.6% of the biopsies with polyps. Conclusion: The prevalence of gastric polyps is similar to other regions of the world; PGF and hyperplastic are the most frequent. Adenomatous polyps showed a greater relationship with and metaplasia and dysplasia.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology , Adenomatous Polyps/epidemiology , Peru/epidemiology , Stomach Neoplasms/classification , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Biopsy , Hospitals, Urban/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , Gastroscopy , Adenomatous Polyps/classification , Adenomatous Polyps/pathology , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Gastritis/pathology , Gastritis/epidemiology , Hospitals, Public/statistics & numerical data , Hyperplasia , Inflammation , Metaplasia
Acta cir. bras ; 34(3): e201900310, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989069


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in chronic gastritis patients to predict Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection, inflammatory activity, and precancerous lesions. Methods: A total of 811 patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms and histopathological diagnosis of chronic gastritis were enrolled in the study. On endoscopy, five gastric biopsies were taken according to Modified Sydney protocol, which were stained with hematoxylin & eosin and Giemsa Results: HP infection was found in 28.6% of patients, being significantly more common in specimens with acute and chronic inflammatory activity. Mucosal atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia were found in 20.2%, 18.8% and 2.7% of biopsy specimens. Mean hs-CRP was 1.9±1.6 mg/dl for males and 2.2±1.9 mg/dl for females. hs-CRP average were significantly higher in patients with severe acute inflammation (p:0.049), in patients with severe chronic inflammation (p:0.015) and in those with HP (p: 0.001) . The severity of HP infection increased significantly with the increased degree of acute inflammation, chronic inflammation and hs-CRP level (p=0.001 for both). Conclusion: Serum hs-CRP level increases in patients with chronic gastritis, it could be an indicator of severity of acute or chronic mucosal inflammation, and presence of HP infection. Therefore, hs-CRP may aid the diagnosis of chronic gastritis, but it is not associated with pre-cancerous lesions.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , C-Reactive Protein/analysis , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/blood , Gastroscopy/methods , Gastritis/pathology , Gastritis/blood , Reference Values , Biopsy , Blood Cell Count , Severity of Illness Index , Acute Disease , Chronic Disease , Regression Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Metaplasia/pathology
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 32(4): e1480, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054596


ABSTRAT Background: The presence of intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus (Barrett's esophagus) is an important precursor of adenocarcinoma. Knowledge of the risk factors and the process by which the Barrett develops is very important and Helicobacter pylori (HP) can contribute to this development. Aim: To analyze the impact of HP in the gastric mucosa with intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus in areas of columnar epithelialization smaller than 10 mm in length and epidemiological data on prevalence Method: A retrospective study in which were included 373 consecutive patients diagnosed with columnar epithelium in the distal esophagus was done. In all, HP was investigated by urease and histology, exclusion and inclusion factors were applied and patients were divided into two groups: the first grouping the ones without histological diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus (235-63%) and the second with it (138-37%). Results: There was no significant difference between HP and non-HP patients in relation to the probability of having intestinal metaplasia (p=0.587). When related to the general group, there was an inverse association between the bacterium and the columnar epithelia in the distal esophagus. Age (p=0.031), gender (p=0.013) and HP (p=0.613) when related together to intestinal metaplasia showed no significant relation. In isolation, when related to age and gender, regardless of HP, results confirmed that patients in more advanced age and women present a higher incidence of intestinal metaplasia. Conclusion: There is an inverse relation between HP and the areas of columnar epithelization in the distal esophagus, regardless of the presence or absence of intestinal metaplasia. Age and gender, regardless of HP, showed higher prevalence in women and in older the number of cases with intestinal metaplasia in the distal esophagus.

RESUMO Racional: A presença de metaplasia intestinal no esôfago distal (esôfago de Barrett) é importante doença precursora do adenocarcinoma. O conhecimento sobre os fatores de risco e o processo pelo qual ela se desenvolve é importante e o Helicobacter pylori (HP) pode contribuir para esse desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Analisar o impacto do HP na mucosa gástrica sobre a metaplasia intestinal no esôfago distal em áreas de epitelização colunar menores que 10 mm de extensão e dados epidemiológicos de prevalência. Método: Estudo retrospectivo com inclusão de 373 pacientes consecutivos, com diagnóstico de epitélio colunar no esôfago distal. Em todos foi pesquisado o HP pela urease e histologia, aplicados os fatores de exclusão e inclusão e divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro agregando os pacientes sem diagnóstico histológico de esôfago de Barrett (235-63%) e o segundo com ele (138-37%). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os portadores ou não do HP em relação à probabilidade de ter metaplasia intestinal (p=0,587). Quando relacionado ao grupo geral, houve associação inversa entre a bactéria e a epitelização colunar em esôfago distal. A idade (p=0,031), gênero (p=0,013) e HP (p=0,613) quando relacionados juntos à metaplasia intestinal não mostraram relação significativa. Isoladamente, quando relacionados idade e gênero, independente do HP, surgiram resultados confirmando que pacientes de idade mais avançada e mulheres apresentam maior incidência de metaplasia intestinal. Conclusão: Existe relação inversa entre HP e as áreas de epitelização colunar em esôfago distal, independente da presença ou não de metaplasia intestinal. Já em relação à idade e gênero, independente do HP, notou-se que em mulheres e com maior a idade há aumento no número de casos com metaplasia intestinal no esôfago distal.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Barrett Esophagus/pathology , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Barrett Esophagus/microbiology , Sex Factors , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Epithelium/microbiology , Metaplasia/microbiology , Metaplasia/pathology
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 38(4): 349-355, oct.-dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014108


Introducción: La gastritis nodular (GN) es un tipo de gastritis fuertemente relacionada con Helicobacter pylori y puede ser un factor de riesgo para cáncer gástrico. Es una patología altamente prevalente en niños infectados por H. pylori. En Colombia no hay estudios sobre esta entidad y por eso decidimos realizar la presente investigación. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles. Caso; gastritis nodular endoscópica e histológica, controles, gastritis crónica sin folículos linfoides a la histología. Población: adultos mayores de 18 años, a quienes se les realizó una endoscopia digestiva alta y que firmaron el consentimiento informado. A todos los pacientes se les tomaron biopsias con el sistema OLGA. Resultados: Se incluyeron 344 pacientes, 172 en cada grupo. Los casos tuvieron 10 años menos que los controles (40,9 vs 50,9, p=0,045). En los casos se encontró H. pylori en el 91,9% vs 47,8% (p < 0,001). Los folículos linfoides fueron más frecuentes en el antro que en el cuerpo (60,5 vs 4,7% p < 0,00001). OLGA II en los casos 6,4% versus 1,2% (p=0,01), OLGA III fue similar. No hubo OLGA IV en ningún paciente En los casos se encontró un cáncer gástrico. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con gastritis nodular son más jóvenes que los controles. El 92% de los casos tenía H. pylori. Recomendaciones. Se recomienda que se investigue y se erradique esa infección en los pacientes con ese tipo de gastritis.

Introduction: Nodular gastritis (GN) is a type of gastritis strongly related to Helicobacter pylori and may be a risk factor for gastric cancer. It is a highly prevalent pathology in children infected with H. pylori. In Colombia there are no studies on this entity and for this reason we decided to carry out the present investigation. Materials and methods: Case studies and controls. Case; endoscopic and histological nodular gastritis, controls, chronic gastritis without lymphoid follicles to histology. Population: adults older than 18 years, who underwent a high digestive endoscopy and signed informed consent. All patients were biopsied with the OLGA system. Results: We included 344 patients, 172 in each group. The cases had 10 years less than the controls (40.9 vs 50.9, p = 0.045). In the cases H. pylori was found in 91.9% vs 47.8% (p <0.001). Lymphoid follicles were more frequent in the antrum than in the body (60.5 vs 4.7% p < 0.00001). OLGA II in cases 6.4% versus 1.2% (p = 0.01), OLGA III was similar. There was no OLGA IV in any patient. In the cases a gastric cancer was found. Conclusions: Patients with nodular gastritis are younger than controls. 92% of the cases had H. pylori. Recommendations: It is recommended that this infection be investigated and eradicated in patients with this type of gastritis.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Precancerous Conditions/microbiology , Precancerous Conditions/pathology , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Gastritis/microbiology , Gastritis/pathology , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Case-Control Studies , Prospective Studies
Arq. gastroenterol ; 55(3): 212-215, July-Sept. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973892


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Gastritis is a very common disorder that is widely distributed worldwide, representing one of the most prevalent pathological entities in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the correlation between the endoscopic findings and the histological diagnosis of antral gastritis. METHODS: In this study, 92 reports of upper digestive endoscopy were performed between November 2014 and January 2015, including biopsy of the antral gastric mucosa, comparing the endoscopic and histological findings, which were classified according to the Sidney System. The 92 exams included 35 men and 57 women, ranging in age from 15 to 84 years. The most frequent indication was epigastric pain. RESULTS: Of the 92 examinations analyzed, the histological diagnosis of antral gastritis appeared in 75 exams, 59 endoscopic reports contained the diagnosis of antral gastritis, and 33 endoscopic findings were normal. The kappa coefficient was 0.212 (P<0.05), indicating that there was no significant agreement between the endoscopic findings and the histological diagnosis of antral gastritis. CONCLUSION: We conclude that histology represents the gold standard method for the diagnosis of antral gastritis and that in daily clinical practice, biopsies should always be performed, regardless of the endoscopic findings.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Gastrite é uma afecção muito comum, de larga distribuição mundial, representando uma das entidades patológicas mais prevalentes em Gastroenterologia e Endoscopia Digestiva. OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a correlação entre os achados endoscópicos e o diagnóstico histológico de gastrite antral. MÉTODOS: Nesse estudo, foram analisados 92 laudos de endoscopia digestiva alta, realizados entre novembro de 2014 e janeiro de 2015, que continham biópsia de mucosa gástrica antral, comparando-se os achados endoscópicos e histológicos, que foram classificados segundo o Sistema Sidney. Os 92 exames analisados englobaram 35 homens e 57 mulheres, com idade variando entre 15 e 84 anos. A indicação mais frequente foi epigastralgia. RESULTADOS: Dentre os 92 exames analisados, o diagnóstico histológico de gastrite antral apareceu em 75 exames, sendo que 59 laudos endoscópicos continham o diagnóstico de gastrite antral e 33 laudos endoscópicos foram normais. O coeficiente kappa foi 0,212 com P<0,05, mostrando que não há concordância significativa entre os achados endoscópicos e o diagnóstico histológico de gastrite antral. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a histologia representa o método padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico de gastrite antral, e que na prática clínica diária, biópsias devem ser sempre realizadas, independente dos achados endoscópicos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Gastroscopy/methods , Gastritis/pathology , Gastritis/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy , Reproducibility of Results , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/diagnostic imaging , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Middle Aged
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 38(2): 144-150, abr.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014073


Objectivo: Establecer la asociación clínica, patológica y microbiológica de Helicobacter pylori en biopsias gástricas en una población del departamento de Caldas (Colombia). Materiales y método: Se incluyeron 72 pacientes que fueron remitidos para endoscopia digestiva a la clínica San Marcel de la ciudad de Manizales durante el segundo semestre de 2015; a quienes se les tomaron dos biopsias del antro y dos del cuerpo del estómago para estudio histopatológico y cultivo microbiológico. Los datos fueron sometidos a procedimientos estadísticos descriptivos y relacionales. Resultados: se encontró una proporción de H. pylori del 47,2% por análisis histológico y del 26,4% por cultivo microbiológico, con predominio del sexo femenino. Siendo la epigastralgia el principal motivo de consulta asociado a la infección por H. pylori. Conclusión: se encontró asociación entre motivo de consulta, sexo femenino, cultivo microbiológico y presencia histológica de H. pylori. La edad se asoció al diagnóstico endoscópico establecido. El cultivo presentó frente al hallazgo histopatológico una especificidad elevada (84,2%) y una baja sensibilidad (38,2%).

Objective: To establish the clinical, pathological and microbiological association of Helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsies in a population of the department of Caldas (Colombia). Materials and methods: We included 72 patients, who were referred for digestive endoscopy to the San Marcel clinic in the city of Manizales during the second half of 2015; two biopsies of the antrum and two of the body of the stomach were taken for histopathological study and microbiological culture. Data were submitted to descriptive and relational statistical procedures. Results: H. pylori was found in 47.2% by histological analysis and 26.4% by microbiological culture, with predominance in the female sex. Epigastralgia is the main reason for consultation associated with H. pylori infection. Conclusion: we found an association between the reason for consultation, female sex, microbiological culture and histological presence of H. pylori. Age was associated with established endoscopic diagnosis. The culture presented a high specificity (84.2%) and a low sensitivity (38.2%), compared to the histopathological finding.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Stomach/microbiology , Stomach/pathology , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/diagnosis , Biopsy , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , Sensitivity and Specificity , Colombia/epidemiology
Arq. gastroenterol ; 54(3): 263-266, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888210


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND - Gastric polyps are elevated mucosal lesions. Most of them are less than 1 cm and when larger than 2 cm, has a high malignancy probability. The histopathological types are mainly fundic gland polyps, hyperplastic polyps and adenomatous polyps. OBJECTIVE - To evaluate the agreement between three different pathologists in the histopathological diagnosis of 128 biopsied gastric polyps in Digestive Endoscopy Unit from Walter Cantídeo University Hospital, between May 2010 to May 2012. METHODS - To describe the intensity of agreement between observers, we use kappa index that is based on the number of concordant measures between them. RESULTS - There was substantial agreement in the diagnosis of adenoma (kappa=0.799, CI: 0.899-0.698) and fundic glands (kappa=0.655, CI: 0.755-0.555). Regarding to hyperplastic polyps (kappa=0.415, CI: 0.515-0.315) and inflammatory (kappa=0.401, CI: 0.501-0.301), we obtained a moderate agreement. Regarding the presence of Helicobacter pylori in biopsy of the polyp, there was a low agreement (kappa=0.219, CI: 0.319-0.119). CONCLUSION - It is clear that the agreement between pathologists depends on the histological type of the biopsied polyp and this agreement is more substantial in adenoma, or fundic gland polyps.

RESUMO CONTEXTO - Os pólipos gástricos são lesões elevadas da mucosa. A maioria são menores que 1 cm (60%-82%) e quando maiores do que 2 cm, tem alta probabilidade de malignidade. Os tipos histopatológicos são principalmente pólipos de glândulas fúndicas, pólipos hiperplásicos e pólipos adenomatosos. OBJETIVO - Avaliar a concordância entre três diferentes patologistas no diagnóstico histopatológico de 128 pólipos gástricos biopsiados na Unidade de Endoscopia Digestiva do Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídeo no período de maio de 2010 a maio de 2012. MÉTODOS - Para descrevermos a intensidade de concordância entre os avaliadores, utilizamos o índice kappa que é baseado no número de medidas concordantes entre eles. RESULTADOS - Houve uma substancial concordância no diagnóstico de adenoma (kappa=0,799, IC: 0,899-0,698) e glândulas fúndicas (kappa=0,655, IC: 0,755-0,555). Em relação aos pólipos hiperplásicos (kappa=0,415, IC: 0,515-0,315) e inflamatórios (kappa=0,401, IC: 0,501-0,301), obtivemos uma concordância moderada. Em relação à presença do Helicobacter pylori na biópsia do pólipo, houve uma baixa concordância (kappa=0,219, IC: 0,319-0,119). CONCLUSÃO - Em vista do que foi observado, torna-se claro que a concordância entre observadores depende do tipo histológico do pólipo biopsiado, sendo essa mais alcançada no diagnóstico de adenoma e pólipos de glândulas fúndicas.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Observer Variation , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Adenomatous Polyps/pathology , Biopsy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Braz. j. microbiol ; 48(2): 218-224, April.-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839380


Abstract The severity of Helicobacter pylori-related disease is correlated with the presence and integrity of a cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI). cagPAI genotype may have a modifying effect on the pathogenic potential of the infecting strain. After analyzing the sequences of cagPAI genes, some strains with the East Asian-type cagPAI genes were selected for further analysis to examine the association between the diversity of the cagPAI genes and the virulence of H. pylori. The results showed that gastric mucosal inflammatory cell infiltration was significantly higher in patients with East Asian-type cagPAI genes H. pylori strain compared with mosaicism cagPAI genes H. pylori strain (p < 0.05). H. pylori strains with the East Asian-type cagPAI genes were closely associated with IL-8 secretion in vitro and in vivo compared with H. pylori strains with the mosaicism cagPAI genes (p < 0.01). H. pylori strains with East Asian-type cagPAI genes are able to strongly translocate CagA to host cells. These results suggest that H. pylori strains with East Asian-type cagPAI genes are more virulent than the strains of cagPAI gene/genes that are Western type.

Humans , Helicobacter pylori/classification , Helicobacter pylori/genetics , Helicobacter Infections/microbiology , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Genomic Islands , Genotype , Phylogeny , Virulence , Cluster Analysis , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Virulence Factors/genetics , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Histocytochemistry , Microscopy
Rev. méd. Maule ; 33(1): 8-13, jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283791


BACKGROUND: The clinical outcome of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection has been related to the presence of CagA protein. This protein is highly polymorphic and its oncogenic ability depends on the number and type of tyrosine phosphorylation sites in the EPIYAs repeat sequences (A, B, C and D). AIM: To determine the EPIYA patterns of the CagA gene in H. pylori strains and its relationship with gastrointestinal pathology in infected patients of the Regional Hospital of Talca. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The strains were isolated from gastric biopsies and characterized by bacteriological and molecular methods. Gastrointestinal pathology was characterized by histopathological analysis. For the determination of the presence of the cagA gene and the EPIYAs standards, the conventional PCR technique was used. RESULTS: 138 DNA samples from H. pylori strains were analyzed. 92.0% (127/138) of the isolates carried the cagA gene, of which 66 (52.0%) corresponded to the EPIYA-ABC pattern, 43 (33.8%) to the EPIYA-ABCC pattern and 21 16.5%) to the EPIYA-ABCCC phosphorylation pattern. 50.4% (64/127) of cagA positive strains isolated from dyspeptic patients in the Maule region have more than two C sites of phosphorylation. The number of EPIYAs C motifs was associated with the presence of more severe histopathological damage in the gastric mucosa.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Stomach Neoplasms/microbiology , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Helicobacter pylori/genetics , Helicobacter Infections/microbiology , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Amino Acid Motifs , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology , Bacterial Proteins/genetics , Biopsy , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , DNA, Bacterial/chemistry , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , Ethics Committees , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Antigens, Bacterial/genetics
Clinics ; 72(3): 150-153, Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840051


OBJECTIVE: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common esophageal diseases in the developing world, but the relationship between esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and Helicobacter pylori infection remains a neglected topic. The primary objective of this study was to determine the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. A second purpose was to determine the incidence and factors associated with Helicobacter pylori infection following esophagectomy. METHOD: The microorganism was identified by testing the gastric biopsy materials from 95 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients (66 females; 39 were esophagectomized) for urease activity in a medium containing urea and a power of hydrogen detection reagent and comparing the results with those from a healthy population. Differences in patient characteristics were assessed with chi-square tests and t-tests for categorical and continuous factors, respectively. RESULTS: The patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma had a significantly lower prevalence of Helicobacter pylori compared with the healthy population (p<0.001). The naive and esophagectomized patients, in contrast, showed no significant differences in Helicobacter pylori infection (p>0.005). Patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma showed a significant association between leukocytosis and hypoglobulinemia and the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection (p=0.023 and p=0.045, respectively). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that Helicobacter pylori is not an etiological factor in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. We found a statistically significant negative correlation between esophageal squamous cell cancer and Helicobacter pylori infection. These findings may guide new strategies for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma therapy.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/microbiology , Esophageal Neoplasms/microbiology , Helicobacter Infections/complications , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Biopsy , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Case-Control Studies , Esophageal Neoplasms/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter pylori/pathogenicity , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric
Arq. gastroenterol ; 54(1): 75-78, Jan.-Mar. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-838827


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Morbid obesity is a multifactorial disease that is increasingly treated by surgery. OBJECTIVE To evaluate gastric histopathological changes in obese, and to compare with patients who underwent gastrojejunal bypass and the jejunal mucosa after the surgery. METHODS This is an observational study performed at a tertiary public hospital, evaluating endoscopic biopsies from 36 preoperative patients and 35 postoperative. RESULTS In the preoperative group, 80.6% had chronic gastritis, which was active in 38.9% (77.1% and 20.1%, respectively, in the postoperative). The postoperative group had a significant reduction in Helicobacter pylori infection (P=0.0001). A longer length of the gastric stump and a time since surgery of more than two years were associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. The jejunal mucosa was normal in 91.4% and showed slight nonspecific chronic inflammation in 8.6%. CONCLUSION There was a reduction in the incidence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the postoperative group. A longer length of the gastric stump and longer time elapsed since surgery were associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. The jejunal mucosa was considered normal in an absolute majority of patients.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A obesidade mórbida é doença multifatorial cujo tratamento cirúrgico é cada vez mais indicado. OBJETIVO Avaliar alterações histopatológicas gástricas em obesos e comparar com os submetidos à bypass gastrojejunal e a mucosa jejunal após a operação. MÉTODOS Estudo observacional realizado em hospital público terciário avaliando biópsias endoscópicas de 36 pacientes no pré-operatório e 35 no pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: No pré-operatório 80,6% apresentaram gastrite crônica, 38,9% em atividade (77,1% e 20,1%, respectivamente, no pós-operatório). O grupo pós-operatório apresentou diminuição significativa na infecção por Helicobacter pylory (P=0,0001). Maior comprimento do coto gástrico e tempo de operação superior a dois anos associaram-se a infecção por Helicobacter pylori. A mucosa jejunal foi normal em 91,4% e apresentava leve inflamação crônica inespecífica em 8,6%. CONCLUSÃO Houve diminuição da infecção por Helicobacter pylori após a operação. Maior comprimento do coto gástrico e do tempo de operação associaram-se à infecção por Helicobacter pylori. A mucosa jejunal foi considerada normal na maioria absoluta dos pacientes do grupo pós-operatório.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Obesity, Morbid/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Bariatric Surgery , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Gastritis/pathology , Intestinal Mucosa/pathology , Time Factors , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Chronic Disease , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal , Helicobacter Infections/etiology , Gastric Stump , Middle Aged
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 37(1): 53-57, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991224


Objetivos: Validar un test rápido de la ureasa (TRU) en el Hospital Cayetano Heredia (HCH) de Lima, Perú Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo. Se incluyó 181 pacientes mayores de 18 años de edad con síntomas dispépticos, que fueron sometidos a endoscopía digestiva alta en el Servicio de Gastroenterología del HCH y que no hubiesen recibido durante las últimas cuatro semanas inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBPs), bismuto o antibióticos. Se tomó dos biopsias de antro una para hacer el TRU (Sensibacter pylori test®) y otra para anatomía patológica con el fin de determinar la presencia de la infección por H. pylori por ambos métodos. Finalmente se comparó el resultado de la anatomía patológica (patrón de oro) con el de TRU. Resultados: Se evaluó 181 pacientes, la edad promedio fue 52,8±13,5 años. La sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo negativo (VPN), valor predictivo positivo (VPP) a los 20 minutos fueron de 86,8%, 98,5%, 81,5% y 99% y a las 24 horas 97,3%, 99,5%, 95,7% y 99,1% respectivamente. Conclusión: El TRU es un test confiable, accesible y de fácil aplicación para hacer el diagnóstico de la infección por H. pylori.

Objective: To validate a rapid urease test (RUT) in Cayetano Heredia Hospital (HCH) in Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: This is a prospective observational study that included 181 patients over 18 years old with dyspeptic symptoms. All of them underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at the Department of Gastroenterology at HCH. They had not received, during the last four weeks, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), bismuth or antibiotics. Two biopsies of antrum were taken, one to perform the TRU (Sensibacter pylori test®) and the other one for pathology, in order to determine by both methods the presence of H. pylori infection. TRU’s results were compared with pathology´s (gold standard). Results: 181 patients, average age 52.8±13.5 years, were evaluated. The sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV) at 20 minutes were 86.8%, 98.5%, 81.5% and 99% and at 24 hours 97.3%, 99.5%, 95.7% y 99.1% respectively. Conclusion: The rapid urease test is a reliable, accessible and easy to apply test for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Urease/metabolism , Helicobacter pylori/enzymology , Helicobacter Infections/diagnosis , Gastric Mucosa/metabolism , Peru , Biopsy , Biomarkers/metabolism , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Sensitivity and Specificity , Gastric Mucosa/microbiology , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Hospitals
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 29(3): 135-137, July-Sept. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-796942


ABSTRACT Background: The Helicobacter pylori infection (HP) is related to the development of gastric lesions and lymphoma; however, it is not known if there is a relation with gastroesophageal reflux disease and reflux esophagitis. Aim: To evaluate HP's relationship with esophagitis in patients undergoing upper endoscopy. Methods: Observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study, being evaluated 9576 patients undergoing outpatient endoscopic examination during the period between January and December 2015. Were included patients with any esophageal alteration at the examination; greater than 18; of both genders; independent of the complaint or the reason for the examination, illness or drug use. Were excluded those with active bleeding during the examination and in use of anticoagulants. The variables gender, age, esophagitis and result of the urease test, were studied. For statistical analysis was used the Epi Info software Results: Most of the samples consisted of women and the overall average age was 46.54±16.32 years. The presence of infection was balanced for gender: 1204 (12.56%) women and 952 (13.92%) men. Relating degree of esophagitis HP- and HP+ was observed that the type A was the most common (58.79%, n=1460); 604 (24.32%) had grade B; 334 (13.45%) grade C, and 85 (3.42%) grade D. In the relation between the grade of esophagitis with gender, esophagitis A was predominant in women and present in 929 (63.33%), followed by type B, 282 (46.68%), 136 C (40.71%) and D 30 (35.29%). In men 531 (36.36%) showed type A, 322 (53.31%) B, 198 (59.28%) C, and 55 (64.70%) D. Among the groups 40-50 and over 60 years there was a significant difference in whether have or not have HP+. Conclusion: There is no significant difference between HP infection and the different grades of esophagitis.

RESUMO Racional: A infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori (HP) é relacionada com o desenvolvimento de lesões e linfoma gástricos; porém, ainda não se sabe ao certo se há relação dele com a doença do refluxo gastroesofágico e esofagite de refluxo. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação do HP com as esofagites em pacientes submetidos à endoscopia digestiva alta. Métodos: Estudo observacional, retrospectivo e transversal, sendo avaliados 9576 pacientes submetidos ao exame endoscópico ambulatorial durante o período compreendido entre janeiro e dezembro de 2015. Foram incluídos pacientes que apresentaram alguma alteração esofágica ao exame; maiores que 18 anos; de ambos os gêneros; independente da queixa ou da razão para a realização do exame, doença ou uso de medicamentos. Excluíram-se os com sangramento ativo durante o exame e em uso de anticoagulantes. Foram avaliadas as variáveis gênero, idade, esofagite e resultado do teste da urease. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se o software Epi Info Resultados: A maioria das amostras foi composta por mulheres e a idade média geral foi de 46,54±16,32 anos. A presença da infecção foi equilibrada para a variável gênero: 1204 (12,56%) mulheres e 952 (13,92%) homens. Relacionando os graus da esofagite com HP+ e HP- observou-se que o tipo A foi o mais comum (58,79% da amostra, n=1460), que 604 (24,32%) possuíam o grau B; 334 (13,45%) o grau C e 85 (3,42%) o grau D. Já na relação entre os graus de esofagite com o gênero, a esofagite A foi predominante nas mulheres e presente em 929 (63,33%), seguido pelo tipo B, com 282 (46,68%), C com 136 (40,71%) e D com 30 (35,29%) mulheres. Nos homens 531 (36,36%) apresentam o tipo A, 322 (53,31%) o B, 198 (59,28%) o C e 55 (64,70%) o D. Entre os grupos de 40 a 50 anos e acima de 60 anos houve diferença significativa em ter ou não HP+. Conclusão: Não há diferença significativa entre infecção por HP nos diferentes graus de esofagite.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Helicobacter pylori , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Esophagitis/microbiology , Severity of Illness Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Esophagoscopy , Esophagitis/pathology