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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 568-576, jul. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538065


This study aimed to determine the repellent and insecticidal activity of four essential oils (EOs) from plants collected in the Chocó rain forest, Colombia, against T. castaneum . Conventional hydrodistillation was used to obtain the EOs. The repellent and insecticidal activities were evaluated by the preference area and gas dispersion methods, espectively. Statistical differences (p<0.05) were determined by applying a student's t-test. EOs of Siparuna guianensis, S. conica, Piper marginatum, and Nectandra acutifolia showed excellent repellent properties as the main findings, highlighting S. conicaEO with 84% repellency (1-hµL/cm2), while P. marginatum showed to be bioactive to the dose of 500 µL/mL (72 h), inducing mortality of 100% of the exposed population. In conclusion, the results evidenced the repellent properties of the EOs evaluated against T. castaneum , which allows us to conclude that these plant species are potential natural sources producing bio-repellents that contribute to the integrated control of T. castaneum.

Se evaluaron cuatro aceites esenciales (AEs) de plantas recolectadas en la selva pluvial del Chocó, Colombia, para determinar su actividad repelente e insecticida contra T. castaneum. Los AEs fueron obtenidos por hidrodestilación convencional. Las actividades repelentes e insecticidas se evaluaron por los métodos de área de preferencia y dispersión de gas, respectivamente. Las diferencias significativas (p<0,05) fueron determinadas aplicando una prueba t de student. Los AEs de Siparuna guianensis, S. conica, Piper marginatum y Nectandra acutifolia mostraron excelentes propiedades repelentes, destacando el AE de S. conicacon un 84% de repelencia (1µL/cm2), mientras que el AE de P. marginatummostró ser bioactivo a la dosis de 500 µL/mL (72 h) al inducir la mortalidad del 100% de la población expuesta. Se concluye que estas especies de plantas son fuentes naturales potencialmente viables para la producción de biorepelentes que contribuyan en el control integrado de T. castaneum.

Tribolium/drug effects , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Insecticides/pharmacology , Colombia , Insect Repellents/pharmacology
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248122, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355851


Abstract Being vector of West Nile Virus and falariasis the control of Culex quinquefasciatus is likely to be essential. Synthetic insecticide treatment is looking most effective for vectors mosquito control. However, these products are toxic to the environment and non-target organisms. Consequently, ecofriendly control of vectors mosquito is needed. In this regard botanical insecticide is looking more fruitful. Therefore, the present research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of methanolic extract and various fractions, including, n-hexane, ethyl-acetate, chloroform, and aqueous fraction, obtained from methanolic extract of Ailanthus altissima, Artemisia scoparia, and Justicia adhatoda using separating funnel against larval, pupal, and adult stages of Culex quinquefasciatus. The larvae and pupae of Culex quinquefasciatus were exposed to various concentrations (31.25-1000 ppm) of methanolic extract and its fractions for 24 hours of exposure period. For knock-down bioassay (filter paper impregnation bioassay) different concentration of the methanolic extract and its various fractions (i.e. 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 1mg/mL) were applied for 1 hour exposure period. The results were statistically analysed using standard deviation, probit analysis, and linear regression. The R2 values of larvae, pupae, and adult range from 0.4 to 0.99. The values of LC50 (concentration causing 50% mortality) for late 3rd instar larvae after 24 hours exposure period range from 93-1856.7 ppm, while LC90 values range from 424 -7635.5ppm. The values of LC50for pupae range form 1326.7-6818.4ppm and and values of LC90 range from 3667.3-17427.9ppm, respectively. The KDT50 range from 0.30 to 2.8% and KDT90 values range from1.2 to 110.8%, respectively. In conclusion, Justicia adhatoda may be effective for controlling populations of vector mosquito.

Resumo Por ser o vetor do vírus do Nilo Ocidental e da falaríase, o controle de Culex quinquefasciatus Say é provavelmente essencial. O tratamento com inseticida sintético parece ser mais eficaz para o controle dos mosquitos vetores. No entanto, esses produtos são tóxicos para o meio ambiente e organismos não visados. Consequentemente, o controle ecológico dos mosquitos vetores é necessário. Nesse sentido, o inseticida botânico parece mais produtivo. Portanto, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a eficácia do extrato metanólico e de várias frações, incluindo n-hexano, acetato de etila, clorofórmio e fração aquosa, obtidos do extrato metanólico de Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. e Justicia adhatoda L. usando funil de separação contra os estágios larval, pupal e adulto de C. quinquefasciatus. As larvas e pupas de C. quinquefasciatus foram expostas a várias concentrações (31,25-1000 ppm) de extrato metanólico, e suas frações por 24 horas de período de exposição. Para o bioensaio knock-down (bioensaio de impregnação de papel de filtro), diferentes concentrações do extrato metanólico e suas várias frações (ou seja, 0,0625, 0,125, 0,25, 0,5 e 1 mg / mL) foram aplicadas por um período de exposição de 1 hora. Os resultados foram analisados ​​estatisticamente usando desvio padrão, análise Probit e regressão linear. Os valores de R2 de larvas, pupas e adultos variaram de 0,4 a 0,99. Os valores de LC50 (concentração que causa 50% de mortalidade) para larvas de terceiro estádio tardio após 24 horas de período de exposição variaram de 93-1856,7 ppm, enquanto os valores de LC90 variaram de 424-7635,5ppm. Os valores de LC50 para pupas variaram de 1326,7-6818,4 ppm e os valores de LC90 variaram de 3667,3-17427,9 ppm, respectivamente. O KDT50 variou de 0,30 a 2,8% e os valores de KDT90 variaram de 1,2 a 110,8%, respectivamente. Por fim, a espécie J. adhatoda pôde ser eficaz para controlar populações de mosquitos vetores.

Animals , Culex , Insecticides/pharmacology , Anopheles , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Mosquito Vectors , Larva
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247676, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345527


Abstract Development of insecticides resistance mainly hinge with managements techniques for the control of Jassid, Amrasca biguttutla biguttutla. Five insecticides were applied against field collected and laboratory rared jassid populations during the years of 2017 to 2019 to profile their resistance level against field population of jassid through leaf dip method. Very low resistance level was found in jassid against confidor whereas high level of resistance was observed by pyriproxyfen against other test insecticides. Gradual resistance was observed against diafenthiuron. It is concluded that for the management of Jassid repetition of same insecticide should be avoided. The use of confidor may be reduced to overcome resistance against Jassid.

Resumo Desenvolvimento da resistência a inseticidas principalmente em dobradiça com técnicas de manejo para o controle de jassid, Amrasca biguttutla biguttutla. Cinco inseticidas foram aplicados contra populações de jassídeos coletados em campo e em laboratório durante os anos de 2017 a 2019 para traçar o perfil de seu nível de resistência contra populações de jassídeos em campo através do método de imersão nas folhas. Nível de resistência muito baixo foi encontrado em jassid contra confidor, enquanto alto nível de resistência foi observado por piriproxifeno contra outros inseticidas de teste. Resistência gradual foi observada contra o diafenthiuron. Conclui-se que, para o manejo do jassid, a repetição do mesmo inseticida deve ser evitada. O uso de confidor pode ser reduzido para superar a resistência contra jassid.

Animals , Hemiptera , Insecticides/pharmacology , Insecticide Resistance , Laboratories
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246230, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339369


Abstract Dengue fever vectored by the mosquito Aedes aegypti is one of the most rapidly spreading insect-borne diseases. Current reliance of dengue vector control is mostly on chemical insecticides. Growing insecticide resistance in the primary mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, limits the effectiveness of vector control through chemical insecticides. These chemical insecticides also have negative environmental impacts on animals, plants and human health. Myco-biocontrol agents are naturally occurring organisms and are found to be less damaging to the environment as compared to chemical insecticides. In the present study, entomopathogenic potential of local strains of fungi isolated from soil was assessed for the control of dengue vector. Local fungal isolates presents better alternative to introducing a foreign biocontrol strain, as they may be better adapted to environmental conditions of the area to survive and may have more entomopathogenic efficacy against target organism. Larvicidal efficacy of Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium proliferatum was evaluated against Aedes aegypti. Local strains of F. equiseti (MK371718) and F. proliferatum (MK371715) were isolated from the soil of Changa Manga Forest, Pakistan by using insect bait method. Larvicidal activity of two Fusarium spp. was tested against forth instar larvae of A. aegypti in the laboratory, using concentrations 105, 106, 107 and 108 conidia /ml. LC50 values for F. equiseti after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure were recorded as 3.8x 108, 2.9x107, 2.0x107, and 7.1x106 conidia /ml respectively while LC50 values for F. proliferatum were recorded as 1.21x108, 9.6x107, 4.2x107, 2.6x107 conidia /ml respectively after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure. The results indicate that among two fungal strains F. equiseti was found to be more effective in terms of its larvicidal activity than F. proliferatum against larvae of A. aegypti.

Resumo A dengue transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti é uma das doenças transmitidas por insetos de propagação mais rápida. A dependência atual do controle do vetor da dengue é principalmente de inseticidas químicos. O aumento da resistência a inseticidas no principal vetor do mosquito, Aedes aegypti, limita a eficácia do controle do vetor por meio de inseticidas químicos. Esses inseticidas químicos também têm impactos ambientais negativos sobre os animais, plantas e saúde humana. Os agentes de micobiocontrole são organismos que ocorrem naturalmente e são menos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente em comparação com os inseticidas químicos. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o potencial entomopatogênico de cepas locais de fungos isolados do solo para o controle do vetor da dengue. Isolados de fungos locais apresentam melhor alternativa para a introdução de uma cepa de biocontrole estrangeira, pois podem ser mais bem adaptados às condições ambientais da área para sobreviver e podem ter maior eficácia entomopatogênica contra o organismo-alvo. A eficácia larvicida de Fusarium equiseti e Fusarium proliferatum foi avaliada contra Aedes aegypti. Cepas locais de F. equiseti (MK371718) e F. proliferatum (MK371715) foram isoladas do solo de Changa Manga Forest, Paquistão, usando o método de isca para insetos. Atividade larvicida de dois Fusarium spp. foi testado contra larvas de quarto ínstar de A. aegypti em laboratório, nas concentrações 105, 106, 107 e 108 conídios / ml. Os valores de LC50 para F. equiseti após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição foram registrados como 3,8x 108, 2,9x107, 2,0x107 e 7,1x106 conídios / ml, respectivamente, enquanto os valores de LC50 para F. proliferatum foram registrados como 1,21x108, 9,6 x107, 4,2x107, 2,6x107 conídios / ml, respectivamente, após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição. Os resultados indicam que entre duas cepas de fungos F. equiseti se mostrou mais eficaz em termos de atividade larvicida do que F. proliferatum contra larvas de A. aegypti.

Humans , Animals , Aedes , Fusarium , Insecticides/pharmacology , Pakistan , Soil , Plant Extracts , Forests , Mosquito Vectors , Larva
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e240842, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339375


Abstract This research aimed to investigate various mosquitocidal activities of Chenopodium botrys whole- plant n-hexane extract against Culex quinquefasciatus. The extract showed remarkable larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, oviposition deterrent and adult emergence inhibitory activities against Cx. quinquefasciatus. During the larvicidal and pupicidal activities, the 24-hour lethal concentration (LC50) of extract against 2nd instar larvae, 4th instar larvae and pupae were 324.6, 495.6 and 950.8 ppm, respectively. During the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) bottle bioassay for adulticidal activity, the median knockdown times (KDT50) at 1.25% concentration was 123.4 minutes. During the filter paper impregnation bioassay for adulticidal activity, the KDT50 value at 0.138 mg/cm2 concentration was 48.6 minutes. The extract was fractionated into 14 fractions through silica gel column chromatography which were then combined into six fractions on the basis of similar retention factor (Rf) value. These fractions were screened for adulticidal activity by applying CDC bottle bioassay. The fraction obtained through 60:40 to 50:50% n-hexanes-chloroform mobile phase with 0.5 Rf value showed 100% adulticidal activity at 0.2% concentration. During oviposition deterrent activity, the highest concentration (1000 ppm) showed 71.3 ± 4.4% effective repellence and 0.6 ± 0.1 oviposition activity index. During adult emergence inhibition activity, the median emergence inhibition (EI50) value was 312.3 ppm. From the outcome of the present investigation, it is concluded that the n-hexane extract of C. botrys whole- plant possesses strong larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, oviposition deterrent and adult emergence inhibitory activities against Cx. quinquefasciatus.

Resumo Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar várias atividades mosquitocidas do extrato n-hexano de planta inteira de Chenopodium botrys contra Culex quinquefasciatus. O extrato mostrou atividades larvicida, pupicida, adulticida, dissuasora de oviposição e inibidora da emergência de adultos contra a Cx. quinquefasciatus. Durante as atividades larvicida e pupicida, a concentração letal de 24 horas (CL50) do extrato contra larvas de 2º estádio, larvas de 4º estádio e pupa foi de 324,6, 495,6 e 950,8 ppm, respectivamente. Durante o bioensaio com frasco do CDC (Centros para Controle e Prevenção de Doenças) para adulticida, o tempo médio de desativação (KDT50) na concentração de 1,25% foi de 123,4 minutos. Durante o bioensaio de impregnação com papel de filtro para a atividade adulticida do extrato, o valor KDT50 na concentração de 0,138 mg / cm2 foi de 48,6 minutos. O extrato foi fracionado em 14 frações através de cromatografia em coluna de gel de sílica que foram então combinadas em seis frações com base em um valor de fator de retenção (Rf) semelhante. Essas frações foram selecionadas quanto à atividade adulticida por meio da aplicação do bioensaio com garrafa do CDC. A fração obtida através da fase móvel de n-hexanos-clorofórmio 60:40% a 50:50% com valor de 0,5 Rf apresentou atividade adulticida de 100% na concentração de 0,2%. Durante a atividade de dissuasão da oviposição, a maior concentração de extrato (1000 ppm) apresentou repelência efetiva de 71,3 ± 4,4% e índice de atividade de oviposição de 0,6 ± 0,1. Durante a atividade de inibição da emergência de adultos, o valor médio de inibição da emergência (EI50) foi de 312,3 ppm. A partir do resultado da presente investigação, conclui-se que o extrato de n-hexano da planta inteira de C. botrys possui fortes atividades larvicida, pupicida, adulticida, dissuasora da oviposição e inibidora da emergência de adultos contra a Cx. quinquefasciatus.

Animals , Culex , Chenopodium , Insecticides/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Hexanes , Larva
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247539, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278542


Abstract Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), ɣ-terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.

Resumo Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), ɣ-terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.

Animals , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Citrus , Aedes , Insecticides/pharmacology , Fruit , Larva
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1809-1823, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927819


Bacillus thuringiensis is widely used as an insecticide which is safe and environmentally friendly to humans and animals. One of the important insecticidal mechanisms is the binding of Bt toxins to specific toxin receptors in insect midgut and forming a toxin perforation which eventually leads to insect death. The resistance of target pests to Bt toxins is an important factor hampering the long-term effective cultivation of Bt crops and the continuous use of Bt toxins. This review summarizes the mechanism of insect resistance to Bt toxins from the perspective of important Bt toxin receptors in midgut cells of Lepidopteran insects, which may facilitate the in-depth study of Bt resistance mechanism and pest control.

Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics , Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins , Bacterial Proteins/metabolism , Endotoxins/metabolism , Hemolysin Proteins/metabolism , Insecta/metabolism , Insecticide Resistance/genetics , Insecticides/pharmacology , Pest Control, Biological
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e236498, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153475


Mormodica charantia (Curcubitaceae) is a plant with great medicinal potential, also used as an alternative of mosquitoes control as demonstrated by previous studies. We evaluated the larvicidal activity of crude extracts of ethyl acetate, methanol and hexane from flowers and fruits of M. charantia against Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). Flowers and fruits were macerated in methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane. Bioassays were performed with application of the extracts at final concentrations of 1 - 200 µg/mL in the middle of the third instar larvae of A. aegypti (L3). The results showed high toxicity to ethyl acetate extracts from flowers and fruits at concentrations of 200 µg/mL and 100 µg/mL, with 97% and 87% of larvae mortality (L3), respectively. Hexane extract demonstrated low toxicity, while methanol extract exhibited 78% larval mortality. The data suggested that the ethyl acetate extracts of flowers and fruits of M. charantia can effectively contribute to larvicidal activity. In addition, purification of M. charantia extracts may lead to a promising larvicidal activity to control the A. aegypti population.

Mormodica charantia (Curcubitaceae) é uma planta com grande potencial medicinal, sendo também uma alternativa no controle de mosquitos conforme demonstrado por estudos prévios. Avaliou-se a atividade larvicida dos extratos brutos de acetato de etila, metanólico e hexânico das folhas, flores e frutos de M. charantia no Aedes aegypti (Culicidae). Folhas, flores e frutos foram macerados em metanol, acetato de etila e hexano. Os bioensaios foram realizados com aplicação dos extratos nas concentrações finais de 1-200 µg/mL no meio de criação das larvas de terceiro estádio de A. aegypti (L3). Os resultados obtidos apontaram alta toxicidade para os extratos de acetato de etila das flores e frutos nas concentrações de 200 µg/mL e 100 µg/mL com mortalidade em L3 de 96,7% e 87%, respectivamente. Baixa toxicidade para o extrato hexânico e o extrato metanólico apresentou mortalidade de 78% larval. Os dados sugerem que os extratos de acetato de etila das flores e frutos de M. charantia podem contribuir efetivamente para atividade larvicida no controle da população de A. aegypti.

Animals , Aedes , Momordica charantia , Insecticides/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Larva
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(5): 503-514, sept. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369017


The present study aimed to analyze the chemical composition of the essential oil from Garcinia gardneriana (Planchon & Triana) Zappi leaves and fruits, and to determine its acaricidal activity on Rhipicephalus microplusy larval packet test and larvicidal action on Aedes aegyptiby larval immersion test. The chemical analysis of the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry identified sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes in bacupari leaves and fruits, and α-cedrene, α-chamigrene, α-trans-bergamotene, and ß-curcumene as major compounds. Essential oil from leaves of G. gardneriana presented acaricidal activity on R. microplus (LC50= 4.8 mg/mL; LC99= 10.8 mg/mL) and larvicidal effect on A. aegypti (LC50= 5.4 mg/mL; LC99 = 11.6 mg/mL), where as essential oil from the fruits of G. gardneriana showed LC50= 4.6 mg/mL and LC99= 8.9 mg/mL against R. microplus and LC50= 6.4 mg/mL and LC99= 13.9 mg/mL against A. aegypti. These results thus demonstrate the potential acaricidal and larvicidal activity of essential oil of G. gardneriana, offering new perspectives for the realization of bioassays from this essential oil.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la composición química del aceite esencial de las hojas y frutos de Garcinia gardneriana (Planchon & Triana) Zappi, y determinar su actividad acaricida en Rhipicephalus microplus y larvicida en Aedes aegypti empleando la prueba de inmersión de larvas. El análisis químico del aceite esencial por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas identificó hidrocarburos sesquiterpénicos y sesquiterpenos oxigenados en hojas y frutos de bacupari, y α-cedreno, α-chamigreno, α-trans-bergamoteno y ß-curcumeno como compuestos principales. El aceite esencial obtenido de las hojas de G. gardneriana presentó actividad acaricida en la garrapata del ganado (LC50= 4,8 mg/mL; LC99= 10,8 mg/mL) y actividad larvicida en A. aegypti (LC50= 5,4 mg/mL; LC99= 11,6 mg/mL), así como, el aceite esencial obtenido de los frutos de G. gardneriana mostró LC50= 4,6 mg/mL y LC99= 8,9 mg/mL contra las larvas de garrapatas de ganado y LC50= 6,4 mg/mL y LC99= 13,9 mg/mL en las larvas de A. aegypti. Por lo tanto, estos resultados demuestran la actividad acaricida y larvicida del aceite essencial de G. gardneriana, ofreciendo nuevas perspectivas para la realización de bioensayos a partir de este aceite esencial.

Animals , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Garcinia/chemistry , Insecticides/pharmacology , Sesquiterpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Aedes/drug effects , Rhipicephalus/drug effects , Acaricides , Insecticides/chemistry , Larva , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);54: e07072021, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351608


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Since 2013, major Cimex lectularius infestations have been detected in public shelters in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Due to this, insecticide resistance has been investigated as one of the possible causes for the failure to control bedbugs. METHODS: Cimicids were subjected to bioassays according to the World Health Organization recommendations using deltamethrin and all commercial insecticides available for control of Cimex in Brazil. RESULTS: Cimicids were deltamethrin resistant and presented indicative of resistance to other insecticides, except for propoxur 1%. CONCLUSIONS: The commercial insecticides have a limited effect on bedbug populations, which may justify the unsatisfactory control observed in the shelters studied.

Animals , Bedbugs , Ectoparasitic Infestations , Insecticides/pharmacology , Brazil , Insecticide Resistance
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);54: e08352020, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288107


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Bioprospection of plant products is used to discover new insecticides. METHODS: The larvicidal activity of ethanolic extract and triterpene (tingenone B) from the bark of Maytenus guianensis and their effect on pupation and emergence were evaluated against Aedes aegypti. RESULTS: Crude extract LC50 was 11.3 ppm and caused ejection of the larvae intestine; tingenone B LC50 was 14.8 ppm. Pupation was reduced by 20% and 10%, respectively; however, the emergence was not affected. CONCLUSIONS: The crude bark extract exhibited a higher larvicidal effect against the vector.

Aedes , Celastraceae , Maytenus , Insecticides/pharmacology , Anopheles , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Mosquito Vectors , Larva
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(1): 38-50, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284405


This study evaluated the insecticidal activity of Gallesia integrifolia essential oil from fruits, leaves, and flowers against Aedes aegyptilarvae and pupae. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation and characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sulfur compounds represented 95 to 99% of the essential oil from fruits, leaves, and flowers. Essential oil major compounds were 2,8-dithianonane (52.6%) in fruits, 3,5-dithiahexanol-5,5-dioxide (38.9%) in leaves, and methionine ethyl ester (45.3%) in flowers. The essential oils showed high activity against larvae, and low for pupae withLC99.9of 5.87 and 1476.67µg/mL from fruits; 0.0096 and 348.33 µg/mL from leaves and 0.021and 342.84 µg/mL from flowers, respectively. The main compound with insecticide activity is probably n-ethyl-1,3-dithioisoindole, from isoindole organothiophosphate class, found in greater amount in flower and leaf essential oil. The great insecticide activity of G. integrifolia essential oil suggests that this product is a natural insecticide.

Este estudio evaluó la actividad insecticida del aceite esencial de frutos, hojas y flores de Gallesia integrifolia contra larvas y pupas de Aedes aegypti. El aceite esencial se obtuvo por hidrodestilación y se caracterizó por cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas. Los compuestos de azufre representaron del 95 al 99% del aceite esencial de frutas, hojas y flores. Los compuestos principales del aceite esencial fueron 2,8-ditianonano (52,6%) en frutas, 3,5-ditiahexanol-5,5-dióxido (38,9%) en hojas y éster etílico de metionina (45,3%) en flores. Los aceites esenciales mostraron alta actividad contra larvas y baja para pupas con LC99.9de 5.87 y 1476.67µg/mL de frutos; 0,0096 y 348,33 µg/mL de hojas y 0,021 y342,84 µg/mL de flores, respectivamente. El principal compuesto con actividad insecticida es probablemente el n-etil-1,3-ditioisoindol, de la clase de los organotiofosfatos de isoindol, que se encuentra en mayor cantidad en el aceite esencial de flores y hojas. La gran actividad insecticida del aceite esencial de G. integrifolia sugiere que este producto es un insecticida natural.

Animals , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Aedes/drug effects , Phytolaccaceae/chemistry , Insecticides/pharmacology , Terpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Cholinesterase Inhibitors , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Flowers/chemistry , Fruit/chemistry , Insecticides/chemistry , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);54: e00922020, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143892


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Despite their widespread usage, synthetic insecticides and larvicides are harmful for controlling disease-causing mosquitoes owing to the development of resistance. The leaves of Eugenia astringens, Myrrhinium atropurpureum, and Neomitranthes obscura were collected from Marambaia and Grumari restingas. The safety and larvicidal efficacy of their extracts were tested against Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti L. and Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax Kollar. METHODS: The dry leaves were subjected to static maceration extraction using 90% methanol. A. aegypti and S. pertinax larvae were exposed to 7.5, 12.5, and 25.0 µL/mL of the extracts (n= 30). The larvicidal activity after 24 h and 48 h, and the mortality, were determined. The median lethal concentration (CL50) was estimated by a Finney's probit model. RESULTS: M. atropurpureum and E. astringens extracts exhibited the strongest larvicidal effects against A. aegypti. M. atropurpureum extracts (25 µL/mL) caused mortalities of over 50% and 100% after 24 h and 48 h, respectively (CL50 = 11.10 and 9.68 ppm, respectively). E. astringens extracts (25 µL/mL) caused mortalities of 50% and 63.33% after 24 h and 48 h, respectively. High concentrations of N. obscura extracts induced a maximum mortality of 46.66% in A. aegypti larvae after 48 h (CL50= 25 ppm). The larvae of S. pertinax showed 100% mortality following exposure to all the plant extracts at all the tested concentrations after 24 h. CONCLUSIONS: The extracts of M. atropurpuerum exhibited the strongest larvicidal activity against A. aegypti. The larvae of S. pertinax were sensitive to all the extracts at all the tested concentrations.

Animals , Simuliidae , Aedes , Culex , Myrtaceae , Insecticides/pharmacology , Anopheles , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Larva
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);54: e0576-2020, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155533


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue and yellow fever. Recently, the use of plant-sourced larvicides has gained momentum. METHODS: The hydroethanolic extracts and fractions ofOcotea nutansleaves and stems were bioassayed to determine the larvicidal efficacy of these samples. RESULTS: S-HEX (hexane fraction from the crude stem extract) demonstrated high potential for controlling third-stage larvae, with an LC50 of 14.14 µg.mL-1 (concentration required to inhibit 50% of the treated larvae). CONCLUSIONS Extracts from O. nutans were effective against third-stage larvae ofA. aegyptiafter 24 h of exposure.

Animals , Aedes , Mosquito Vectors , Insecticides/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Ocotea , Larva
Salud pública Méx ; 62(4): 439-446, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377336


Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar la resistencia a insecticidas en Ae. aegypti y Ae. albopictus de Tapachula, Chiapas, México. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron ovitrampas para obtener huevos de mosquitos Aedes y se realizaron pruebas de susceptibilidad (CDC) y ensayos enzimáticos con la primera generación. Resultados: Aedes aegypti mostró resistencia a deltametrina, permetrina, malatión, clorpirifos, temefos y a bendiocarb (CARB), mientras que Aedes albopictus a malatión y en menor grado a cloripirifos, temefos, permetrina y deltametrina. Ambas especies mostraron altos niveles de enzimas como citocomo P450 y glutatión S-tranferasa, mientras que los niveles de esterasas variaron por especie y sitio muestreado. Se detectó acetilcolinesterasa insensible a insecticidas en ambas especies. Conclusión: En un hábitat urbano de Tapachula, Chiapas, México donde se aplica control con insecticidas Ae. aegypti y Ae. albopictus sólo son susceptibles al propoxur.

Abstract: Objective: To determine the insecticide resistance status of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus from Tapachula, México. Materials and methods: Mosquito eggs were collected with the use of ovitraps and CDC susceptibility bioassays and biochemical assays were conducted to determine resistance levels and resistance mechanisms, respectively. Results: Ae. aegypti showed resistance to deltamethrin and permethrin (PYRs), malathion, chlorpyrifos and temephos (OP), and to bendiocarb (CARB), while Ae. albopictus showed resistance to malathion and to a lesser intensity to chlorypirifos, temephos, permethrin and deltamethrin. Both species showed high levels of P450 and GSTs, while levels of esterases varied by species and collection site. Altered acethilcholinesterase was detected in both species. Conclusion: In an urban habitat from Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico where vector control using insecticides takes place, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus are only susceptible to propoxur.

Animals , Insecticide Resistance , Aedes/drug effects , Mosquito Vectors/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Propoxur , Acetylcholinesterase/analysis , Species Specificity , Aedes/enzymology , Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System/analysis , Mosquito Vectors/enzymology , Glutathione Transferase/analysis , Mexico
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;52(1): 43-49, mar. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155684


Abstract Dark septate endophytes (DSE) are a heterogeneous group of fungi, mostly belonging to the Phylum Ascomycota, that are involved in a mutualistic symbiosis with plant roots. The aim of this study is to evaluate the behavior of two strains of DSE isolated from wheat roots of two cropping areas in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, against some agrochemicals. Of all the isolates obtained, two strains were identified as Alternaria alternata and Cochliobolus sp. These DSE were found to be tolerant to glyphosate, carbendazim and cypermethrin when evaluated at the recommended agronomic dose (AD), 2 AD and, in some cases, 10 AD. This work contributes to the study of the biology of this group of fungi and their tolerance in the presence of xenobiotics widely used in agriculture.© 2019 Asociaci´on Argentina de Microbiolog´ıa. Published by Elsevier Espa˜na, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Resumen Los endófitos septados oscuros (DSE) son un grupo heterogéneo de hongos que participan de una simbiosis mutualista con raíces de plantas, perteneciendo principalmente al Phylum Ascomycota. El objetivo de este estudio fue aislar DSE de raíces de trigo proveniente de dos áreas de cultivo de la provincia de Buenos Aires y evaluar el comportamiento de dos cepas de DSE aisladas de raíces de trigo frente a algunos agroquímicos en dos áreas de cultivo de la provincia de Buenos Aires. De todos los aislamientos obtenidos se seleccionaron dos cepas que se identificaron como Alternaria alternata y Cochliobolus sp. Se encontró que estos DSE son tolerantes al glifosato, el carbendazim y la cipermetrina, evaluados a las dosis agronómicas recomendadas (AD), a 2x AD y, en algunos casos, a 10x AD. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la biología de este grupo de hongos y su tolerancia a xenobióticos ampliamente utilizados en la agricultura.

Ascomycota/drug effects , Agrochemicals/pharmacology , Alternaria/drug effects , Endophytes/drug effects , Argentina , Pyrethrins/pharmacology , Triticum , Benzimidazoles/pharmacology , Carbamates/pharmacology , Plant Roots/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Fungal , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Glycine/analogs & derivatives , Glycine/pharmacology , Insecticides/pharmacology , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 19(1): 142-148, ene. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103091


The research of new substances capable of controlling the Aedes aegypti mosquito is urgent due to the increase in the transmission of the diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus by the vector. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of crude extract of Piper corcovadensis roots, a native plant from Brazil, and of the isolated compound piperovatine against larvae of A. aegypti by the larval immersion test. The lethal concentration that killed 50% (LC50) and 99% (LC99) of larvae was determined by Probit analysis. The results indicated high larvicidal activity on A. aegypti larvae for crude extract of Piper corcovadensis roots with LC50 of 4.86 µg/mL and LC99 of 15.50 µg/mL and piperovatine with LC50 of 17.78 µg/mL and LC99 of 48.55 µg/mL. This work opens new perspectives to the development of future products with crude extract of Piper corcovadensis roots and piperovatine that can be applied to mosquito control.

La investigación de nuevas sustancias capaces de controlar el mosquito Aedes aegypti es urgente debido al aumento en la transmisión de enfermedades como el dengue, el chikungunya y el virus Zika por el vector. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la actividad larvicida del extracto crudo de las raíces de Piper corcovadensis, una planta nativa de Brasil, y del compuesto aislado piperovatine contra larvas de A. aegypti mediante la prueba de inmersión larvaria. La concentración letal que mató al 50% (LC50) y al 99% (LC99) de larvas se determinó mediante análisis Probit. Los resultados indicaron una alta actividad larvicida en larvas de A. aegypti para extracto crudo de las raíces de Piper corcovadensis con LC50 de 4.86 µg/mL y LC99 de 15.50 µg/mL y piperovatine con LC50 de 17.78 µg/mL y LC99 de 48.55 µg/mL. Este trabajo abre nuevas perspectivas para el desarrollo de futuros productos con extracto crudo de las raíces de Piper corcovadensis y piperovatine que pueden aplicarse al control de mosquitos.

Animals , Sorbic Acid/analogs & derivatives , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Aedes/drug effects , Piper/chemistry , Insecticides/pharmacology , Sorbic Acid/isolation & purification , Sorbic Acid/pharmacology , Yellow Fever/prevention & control , Brazil , Plant Roots , Dengue/prevention & control , Larvicides , Zika Virus Infection/prevention & control , Larva/drug effects , Methylene Chloride
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20190082, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132155


Abstract Ocotea porosa (Nees & Mart.) Barroso, commonly known as "imbuia", "canela-imbuia" or "imbuia-amarela" in Brazil, is a tree of the Southern Atlantic Forest. The present study investigates the anatomy of leaf and stem, volatile oil chemistry, as well as cytotoxicity and insecticidal activities of the essential oil of O. porosa. Species identification was achieved by anatomy features, mainly due to paracytic and anomocytic stomata; non-glandular trichomes; biconvex midrib and petiole with a collateral open arc vascular bundle; presence of a sclerenchymatous layer, starch grains and crystal sand in the stem; and the presence of phenolic compounds in the epidermis, phloem and xylem of the midrib, petiole and stem. The main volatile components of the essential oil were α-pinene (19.71%), β-pinene (13.86%) and bicyclogermacrene (24.62%). Cytotoxicity against human cancer cell (MCF-7), mouse cancer cell (B16F10) and mouse non-tumoral cell (McCoy) was observed as well as insecticidal activity of the essential oil against susceptible 'Ft. Dix' bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) by topical application.

Bedbugs , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Ocotea/anatomy & histology , Ocotea/chemistry , Insecticides/pharmacology , Toxicity Tests , Plant Stems/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Histocytochemistry
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);53: e20190489, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057274


Abstract INTRODUCTION: In Brasilia, pyriproxyfen (PPF; 0.01 mg/L) has been used for the larval control of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes since 2016. Information on the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti to PPF, and the development of resistance in populations from the Federal District of Brazil (FD) is limited. It is essential to monitor the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti to insecticides in order to improve vector control strategies. This study aimed to evaluate the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti populations from five areas of Brasilia to PPF. METHODS: We performed dose-response tests to estimate the emergence inhibition and resistance ratio of each field population, including the Rockefeller reference population. We also analyzed egg positivity, and the density and mortality of larvae and pupae. RESULTS: Populations from Vila Planalto (RR50=1.7), Regiment Guards Cavalry (RR50=2.5), and Sub-secretary of Justice Complex (RR50=3.7) presented high susceptibility to PPF, while the RR values of populations from Lago Norte (RR50=7.7) and Varjão (RR50=5.9) were moderately high, suggesting the emergence of insipient resistance to PPF in Brasilia. At 30 ng/mL, the highest larvae mortality rate was 2.7% for the population from Lago Norte, while that of pupae was 92.1% for Varjão and Vila Planalto. CONCLUSIONS: The five populations of Ae. aegypti from the FD are susceptible to PPF and there is a need to monitor the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti in new areas of the FD.

Animals , Pyridines/pharmacology , Insecticide Resistance , Aedes/drug effects , Mosquito Vectors/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Brazil , Larva/drug effects
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);53: e20190211, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057287


Abstract INTRODUCTION Anopheles stephensi is the main malaria vector in Southeast Asia. Recently, plant-sourced larvicides are attracting great interests. METHODS: The essential oil was extracted from the leaf of Cinnamomum camphora (L.), and a bioassay was conducted to determine the larvicidal efficacy. The chemical composition of the essential oil was determined by GC-MS analysis. RESULTS: The oil showed strong, dose-dependent larvicidal activities. The onset of larvicidal efficiency was rapid. The LC50 and LC95 were determined as 0.146% and 1.057% at 1 h, 0.031% and 0.237% at 12 h, 0.026% and 0.128% at 24 h, respectively. The oil contains 32 compounds. CONCLUSIONS The essential oil of C. camphora leaf has an excellent larvicidal potential for the control of A. stephensi.

Animals , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Cinnamomum camphora/chemistry , Mosquito Vectors/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Larva/drug effects , Anopheles/drug effects , Biological Assay , Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification , Mosquito Vectors/classification , Insecticides/isolation & purification , Lethal Dose 50 , Anopheles/classification