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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(4): 500-507, jul. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556263


To determine the diuretic activity of Sambucus nigra L. ssp. palmensis (Link) R. Bolli (SP). SP was evaluated in adult female Swiss mice. Urinary excretion volume was measured and the concentration of sodium, potassium, chloride, pH and specific conductance of 3 doses of aqueous extract (35.0, 52.2 and 70.0 mg kg-1) were determined. SP (70.0 mg kg-1) produced a higher urinary excretion (6.41 mL) and diuretic index (15%) than hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) (6.27 mL and 12%, respectively). The saluretic index indicates a lower sodium excretion than HCTZ (13%) and inversely proportional to the dose (8% -5%). The same is observed for potassium excretion (0.0172-0.0162 mEq.K+/100 g/6 h), which achieves a lower value than the control group (0.0166 mEq.K+/100 g/6 h), suggesting potassium retention. These results support the use of this plant species as a diuretic in Canarian folk medicine.

Determinar la actividad diurética de Sambucus nigra L. ssp. palmensis (Link) R. Bolli (SP). SP fue evaluada en hembras adultas de ratones Swiss. Se midió el volumen de excreción urinaria y se determinó la concentración de sodio, potasio, cloruro, el pH y la conductividad específica de 3 dosis de extracto acuoso (35,0, 52,2 y 70,0 mg kg-1). SP (70,0 mg kg-1) produjo una excreción urinaria (6,41 mL) e índice diurético (15%) superior a hidroclorotiazida (HCTZ) (6,27 mLy 12%, respectivamente). El índice salurético indica una excreción de sodio inferior a HCTZ (13%) e inversamente proporcional a la dosis (8% -5%). Lo mismo ocurre con la excreción de potasio (0,0172-0,0162 mEq.K+/100 g/6 h) que alcanza un dato inferior al del grupo control (0,0166 mEq.K+/100 g/6 h), lo que sugeriría retención de potasio. Estos resultados apoyan el uso de esta especie vegetal como diurético por la medicina popular canaria.

Animals , Mice , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Sambucus nigra/chemistry , Diuretics/pharmacology , Plants, Medicinal , Potassium Chloride/urine , Sodium/urine , Spain , Diuresis , Hydrochlorothiazide/pharmacology , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Medicine, Traditional
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 57-62, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980381


@#Heart failure (HF) is a major cause of significant morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization worldwide including the Philippines. Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (C-TGA) occurs when the right atrium enters the morphological left ventricle which gives rise to the pulmonary artery and the left atrium communicates with the right ventricle which gives rise to the aorta. Heart failure can occur in C-TGA especially if associated with other heart defects. Ideal management is anatomic correction via surgery to prevent or address heart failure. Peritoneal dialysis has been used as a therapeutic intervention for patients with refractory heart failure and kidney injury with or without kidney failure due to its gentler fluid removal compared to conventional ultrafiltration resulting in less myocardial stunning and neurohormonal activation. We present the case of a patient with heart failure who started on peritoneal dialysis (PD) as an adjunct therapy for fluid management after failing to satisfactorily achieve volume control with diuretics. The patient is a 56-year-old man with C-TGA admitted for decompensated heart failure. He was initially treated with intravenous diuretics on the first admission but was readmitted after 3 months for decompensation this time with borderline low blood pressure making diuresis difficult. The patient was given loop diuretics, tolvaptan, and angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) but still with decreasing trends in urine output and inadequate symptom control. PD was initiated before discharge with subsequent improvement in heart failure symptoms. The patient was on regular follow-up for PD maintenance and titration of heart failure medication. In this case report, we have shown how PD can be an effective adjunct to guideline-directed medical therapy in patients with severely symptomatic heart failure who have an unstable hemodynamic status and for which volume management cannot be satisfactorily achieved with diuretics.

Peritoneal Dialysis , Heart Failure , Heart Defects, Congenital , Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries , Diuresis , Ultrafiltration
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 22(3): 1-9, 30 de diciembre del 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352440


Introducción: no existe un criterio único para evaluar el estado hemodinámico de los recién nacidos y prematuros y las diferentes variables en el grupo de recién nacidos, como la edad gestacional, el peso al nacer y los períodos de nacimiento. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, epidemiológico con dos cohortes de pacientes. Los recién nacidos a término y Pretérmino, atendidos en la Unidad de Neonatal del Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez, participan durante los meses comprendidos entre Noviembre de 2019 a enero de 2020. Resultados: la medición ecográfica del flujo de la vena cava inferior (FVCI) es útil para el tratamiento de manejo del paciente neonatal hemodinámicamente inestable. La muestra estuvo conformada por 110 recién nacidos atendidos en el servicio de neonatología del Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez desde noviembre de 2019 a enero de 2020. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. Las variables bajo peso al nacer y prematuridad moderada tienen un valor estadística-mente significativo para el uso de inotrópicos. Las demás variables no presentan valor esta-dísticamente significativo. La frecuencia cardíaca, el gasto urinario, la presión arterial media, el ácido láctico, el llenado capilar, el flujo de la vena cava superior y el flujo de la vena cava inferior tienen valores estadísticamente significativos. Las comparaciones de FVCI y superior (FVCS) con frecuencia cardíaca, gasto urinario, presión arterial media, ácido láctico, llenado capilar tienen un valor estadísticamente significativo, excepto para el llenado capilar >3 segundos en FCVI. Se utilizó el análisis multivariado de Componentes Principales Categóricos (CATPCA) para caracterizar el estado hemodinámico e inotrópico, que resultaron significativos en el análisis bivariado. Dimensión, uno de los gráficos bidimensionales, discrimina el uso o no de inotrópicos y las categorías de parámetros hemodinámicos TAM <35 mmHg, ácido láctico, llenado capilar, FVCI y FVCS. La dimensión dos discrimina entre las categorías de gasto urinario y FC. Conclusión: En recién nacidos a término y prematuros con bajo peso y adecuado peso al nacer con inestabilidad hemodinámica en general, que fueron evaluados con ecografía para medir el flujo de la vena cava, la concordancia entre los criterios clínicos y la valoración ecográfica del flujo fue de 0.4 cm / seg en ambos métodos. Esta situación significa que la medición de los flujos cava venosos por ecografía es útil para evaluar el estado hemodinámico de los pacientes neonatales.

Introduction: There is no single criterion available to assess the hemodynamic state of new-born in-fants and preterm infants and the different variables in the group of newborns, such as gestational age, birth weight, and periods of birth. Methods: This is an epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive observational study with two patient cohorts. Newborn-to-term and preterm neonates assisted at the Neonatal Unit of the Pablo Arturo Suarez Hospital participated during the months between November 2019 to January 2020. Results: Ultrasound measurement of the vena cava (FVC) flow is useful for the management treatment of hemodynamically unstable neonatal patients. The sample was made up of 110 newborns treated in the Pablo Arturo Suarez Hospital's neonatology service from November 2019 to January 2020. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. The variables low birth weight and moder-ate prematurity have a statistically sig-nificant value for inotropic use.The other variables do not present statistically significant values. Heart rate, urinary output, mean blood pressure, lactic acid, capillary filling, upper vena cava flow, and lower vena cava flow had statistically significant values. FVCI and FVCS comparisons with heart rate, urinary output, mean blood pressure, lactic acid, and capillary filling had statistically significant values, except for capil-lary filling >3 sec in FCVI. Multivariate analysis of categorical main components (CATPCA) was used to characterize the hemodynamic state and inotropic state, which were significant in the bivariate analysis. Dimension, one of the two-dimensional graphs, discriminates the use or not of inotropics and the categories of hemodynamic parameters TAM <35 mmHg, lactic acid, capillary filling, FVCI, and FVCS. Dimension IIdiscriminates between the categories of urinary expenditure and HR. Conclusion: In term and preterm infants with low weight and adequate birth weight with hemody-namic instability in general, who were evaluated with ultrasonography to measure the flow of the vena cava, the agreement between the clinical criteria and the ultrasound assessment of the flow was 0.4 cm/sec in both methods. This situation means that the measurement of venous cava flows by echo sonography is useful for assessing neonatal patients' hemodynamic status.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Shock , Venae Cavae , Infant, Newborn , Arterial Pressure , Capillaries , Lactic Acid , Diuresis , Heart Rate
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(1): 106-112, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098343


Abstract Hypernatremia is a common electrolyte problem at the intensive care setting, with a prevalence that can reach up to 25%. It is associated with a longer hospital stay and is an independent risk factor for mortality. We report a case of hypernatremia of multifactorial origin in the intensive care setting, emphasizing the role of osmotic diuresis due to excessive urea generation, an underdiagnosed and a not well-known cause of hypernatremia. This scenario may occur in patients using high doses of corticosteroids, with gastrointestinal bleeding, under diets and hyperprotein supplements, and with hypercatabolism, especially during the recovery phase of renal injury. Through the present teaching case, we discuss a clinical approach to the diagnosis of urea-induced osmotic diuresis and hypernatremia, highlighting the utility of the electrolyte-free water clearance concept in understanding the development of hypernatremia.

Resumo A hipernatremia é um distúrbio eletrolítico comum no ambiente de terapia intensiva, com uma prevalência que pode chegar a 25%. Está associada a maior tempo de internação hospitalar e é um fator de risco independente para a mortalidade. Este relato ilustra um caso de hipernatremia de origem multifatorial no ambiente de terapia intensiva. Destacaremos o papel da diurese osmótica por geração excessiva de ureia, uma causa de hipernatremia pouco conhecida e subdiagnosticada. Este cenário pode estar presente em pacientes em uso de elevadas doses de corticoides, com sangramento gastrointestinal, em uso de dietas e suplementos hiperproteicos e estado de hipercatabolismo, especialmente durante a fase de recuperação de injúria renal. A seguir, discutiremos uma abordagem clínica para o diagnóstico da hipernatremia secundária à diurese osmótica induzida por ureia, destacando a importância do conceito de clearance de água livre de eletrólitos nesse contexto.

Humans , Female , Aged , Urea/urine , Urea/blood , Critical Care/methods , Diuresis , Hypernatremia/diagnosis , Potassium/urine , Potassium/blood , Sodium/urine , Sodium/blood , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Critical Illness , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Diet, Protein-Restricted/methods , Hypernatremia/drug therapy , Intensive Care Units
Int. braz. j. urol ; 45(3): 588-604, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012327


ABSTRACT Purpose: To analyze pre-transplantation and early postoperative factors affecting post-transplantation urine output and develop a predictive nomogram. Patients and Methods: Retrospective analysis of non-preemptive first transplanted adult patients between 2001-2016. The outcomes were hourly diuresis in mL/Kg in the 1st (UO1) and 8th (UO8) postoperative days (POD). Predictors for both UO1 and UO8 were cold ischemia time (CIT), patient and donor age and sex, HLA I and II compatibility, pre-transplantation duration of renal replacement therapy (RRT), cause of ESRD (ESRD) and immunosuppressive regimen. UO8 predictors also included UO1, 1st/0th POD plasma creatinine concentration ratio (Cr1/0), and occurrence of acute cellular rejection (AR). Multivariable linear regression was employed to produce nomograms for UO1 and UO8. Results: Four hundred and seventy-three patients were included, mostly deceased donor kidneys' recipients (361, 70.4%). CIT inversely correlated with UO1 and UO8 (Spearman's p=-0.43 and −0.37). CR1/0 inversely correlated with UO8 (p=-0.47). On multivariable analysis UO1 was mainly influenced by CIT, with additional influences of donor age and sex, HLA II matching and ESRD. UO1 was the strongest predictor of UO8, with significant influences of AR and ESRD. Conclusions: The predominant influence of CIT on UO1 rapidly wanes and is replaced by indicators of functional recovery (mainly UO1) and allograft's immunologic acceptance (AR absence). Mean absolute errors for nomograms were 0.08 mL/Kg h (UO1) and 0.05 mL/Kg h (UO8).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Kidney Transplantation/methods , Nomograms , Diuresis/physiology , Postoperative Period , Reference Values , Time Factors , Linear Models , Predictive Value of Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Kidney Transplantation/rehabilitation , Statistics, Nonparametric , Creatinine/blood , Delayed Graft Function/physiopathology , Cold Ischemia , Middle Aged
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);65(6): 839-844, June 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012996


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To verify the association between prone position, increased diuresis, and decreased cumulative fluid balance in critically ill pediatric patients who underwent mechanical ventilation (MV) for pulmonary causes and describe adverse events related to the use of the position. METHODS: This is a retrospective observational study. Patients aged between 1 month and 12 years who underwent MV for pulmonary causes, between January 2013 and December 2015, were selected and divided between those who were put on prone position (PG) and those who were not (CG) during the hospitalization at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Data were analyzed longitudinally from D1 to D4. RESULTS: A total of 77 patients (PG = 37 and CG = 40) were analyzed. The general characteristics of both groups were similar. In the comparison between the groups, there was no increase in diuresis or decrease in cumulative fluid balance in the prone group. In the longitudinal analysis of D1 to D4, we saw that the PG presented higher diuresis (p = 0.034) and a lower cumulative fluid balance (p = 0.001) in D2. Regarding the use of diuretics, there was greater use of furosemide (P <0.001) and spironolactone (P = 0.04) in the PG. There was no increase in adverse events during the use of the prone position. CONCLUSION: The prone position was not associated with increased diuresis or decreased cumulative fluid balance in critically ill pediatric patients who underwent to MV for pulmonary causes.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre posição prona, aumento da diurese e diminuição do balanço hídrico em pacientes pediátricos criticamente enfermos e submetidos à ventilação mecânica (VM) por causa pulmonar, além de descrever eventuais intercorrências relacionadas à aplicação dessa posição. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional retrospectivo. Pacientes submetidos à VM por causa pulmonar, com idade entre 1 mês e 12 anos no período entre janeiro de 2013 e dezembro de 2015, foram selecionados e divididos entre os que receberam posição prona (GP) e os que não receberam (GC) durante a internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica (Utip). Os dados foram analisados longitudinalmente de D1 a D4. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados77 pacientes (GP=37 e GC=40). Em termos de características gerais, os grupos foram semelhantes entre si. Na comparação entre os grupos, não houve aumento da diurese ou diminuição do balanço hídrico cumulativo no grupo prona. Na análise longitudinal de D1 a D4, evidenciou-se que o GP apresentou maior diurese (p=0,034) e menor balanço hídrico cumulativo (p = 0,001) no D2. Com relação ao uso de diuréticos, houve maior uso de furosemida (P<0,001) e de espironolactona (P=0,04) no GP. Não houve aumento de eventos adversos durante a utilização da posição prona. CONCLUSÃO: A posição prona não demonstrou associação com aumento da diurese ou diminuição de balanço hídrico cumulativo em pacientes críticos pediátricos submetidos à VM por causa pulmonar.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Respiration, Artificial/adverse effects , Water-Electrolyte Balance/physiology , Prone Position/physiology , Diuresis/physiology , Respiration, Artificial/mortality , Time Factors , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Critical Illness , Length of Stay/statistics & numerical data
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761480


The potential mechanism by which sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) is being widely investigated. Improved insulin resistance, along with decreased body fat mass associated with SGLT2 inhibitor treatment is consistent with previously well-established factors contributing to the prevention of CVD. These factors are responsible for reduction of oxidative stress as well as improvement of systemic inflammation. Because heart failure was one of the most dramatically improved cardiovascular events in various clinical trials and because SGLT2 inhibitors promote osmotic diuresis and natriuresis, hemodynamic changes are considered as a critical mechanism responsible for the cardioprotective effect of SGLT2 inhibitors. Restored tubuloglomerular feedback by SGLT2 inhibitors might play a role in renoprotection, which in turn, leads to fewer CVDs. Finally, blood ketone body increments in response to SGLT2 inhibition might act as a “super-fuel” for salvaging the failing diabetic heart.

Adipose Tissue , Cardiovascular Diseases , Diabetes Mellitus , Diuresis , Heart , Heart Failure , Hemodynamics , Inflammation , Insulin Resistance , Ketones , Natriuresis , Oxidative Stress , Sodium-Glucose Transport Proteins
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 30: e3033, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012500


RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi verificar se bebidas enegéticas com diferentes composições nutricionais afetam o balanço hidro-eletrolítico de corredores de resistência. Doze homens participaram desse estudo duplo cego e crossover randomizado, ingerindo de cafeína de bebida energética convencional e sugar free, e um placebo carboidratado e não cafeinado, 40 minutos antes de sessão de exercício em ambiente termoneutro. Em cada situação experimental, os avaliados realizaram exercício de corrida em esteira com duração de 60 minutos e intensidade constante entre 65 e 75% do VO2max, seguidos por um sprint correspondendo a 100% do VO2max até a exaustão. Foram avaliados o peso corporal (PC), desidratação absoluta e relativa, densidade da urina, taxa de sudorese e níveis de Na+, K+ e hematócrito. Durante o exercício os avaliados receberam somente água a cada 15 minutos. Foi verificada alteração nos níveis de densidade da urina antes e depois do exercício para todos os tratamentos (p<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa entre as bebidas nos níveis de Na+, K+ e hematócrito (p>0,05) mantendo-se dentro dos níveis de normalidade. Conclui-se que diferentes tipos de bebidas energéticas não afetam o balanço hidro-eletrolítico de corredores de resistência ao longo do exercício.

ABSTRACT This work compares the effects promoted by energy drinks with diferente nutricional compositions on the hydro-electrolytic balance of resistance runners. Twelve men participated in this double blinded, randomized crossover study, ingesting 3mg*Kg-1 of a conventional energy drink with caffeine or sugar-free, and a placebo 40-minutes before tests on thermoneutral environment. The duration of the session was 60 minutes with constant intensity between 65 and 75% of VO2max, followed by a sprint corresponding to 100% of VO2max until exhaustion. There were evaluated body weight (BW), absolute and relative dehydration, urine density, sweating rate and Na+, K+ and hematocrit levels. During the exercise, the participants drunk only water every 15 minutes. Changes in urine density levels were observed before and after exercise for all procedures (p <0.05). There was no significant difference on the levels of Na+, K+ and hematocrit between the drinks (p> 0.05), remaining within normal levels. It is concluded that different types of energy drinks do not affect the hydro-electrolytic balance of resistance runners during the exercise.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Energy Drinks , Walk Test , Taurine , Caffeine , Diuresis
Acta toxicol. argent ; 25(2): 39-46, set. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-949790


O paraquat e o diquat são herbicidas de contacto do grupo dos bipiridilos, utilizados largamente para controlo de ervas daninhas. A importância deste grupo de herbicidas reside na sua utilização frequente para fins suicidas e pela inexistência de antídoto ou tratamento médico específico. O envenenamento com diquat é muito menos comum que com o paraquat e por isso existem poucos casos descritos na literatura. A dose letal de ambos é sobreponível, contudo o diquat é considerado menos tóxico devido ao menor dano pulmonar. Por outro lado, o diquat tem efeitos tóxicos graves sobre o sistema nervoso central. Por este motivo os sinais de neurotoxicidade pelo diquat são os mais relevantes e incluem sinais de parkinsonismo. O rim é a principal via excretora do diquat e a necrose tubular aguda é a lesão tipicamente identificada. A sobrevida depende de dois fatores: a concentração da substância no plasma e o tempo após a ingestão. O tratamento centra-se em três pontos essenciais: prevenção da absorção, rápida excreção e modificação dos efeitos tecidulares. A hemoperfusão é mais eficaz na clearance do diquat do que a hemodiálise e a sua utilização nas primeiras 12 horas de intoxicação pode reduzir a mortalidade.

Paraquat and diquat are contact herbicides from bipyridyl group, commonly used in weed control. The importance of this herbicide group is due to its frequent use with suicidal purpose and because there is neither an antidote nor a specific treatment. Poisoning with diquat is much less common that with paraquat, so there are few cases published in literature. The lethal dose of both is similar, however diquat is considered less toxic because it causes less lung damage. On the other side, diquat has severe toxic effects on central nervous system and neurotoxic signs are the more relevant, and include Parkinsonism. The kidney is the main excretory pathway of diquat and acute tubular necrosis is typical. Survival depends on two factors: plasma concentration and time of ingestion. Treatment focus in three key points: preventing absorption, rapid excretion and tissue effects. Hemoperfusion is more effective in diquat clearance than haemodialysis and its use in first 12 hours can reduce mortality.

Humans , Diquat/poisoning , Diquat/urine , Diquat/toxicity , Renal Dialysis/statistics & numerical data , Hemoperfusion/statistics & numerical data , Diuresis
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 10(3): 107-110, jul. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998995


Infundibuloneurohypophysitis is a rare condition, which is part of the group of hypophysitis, of relatively recent description (1993). The main clinical manifestation is diabetes insipidus, whose natural evolution is towards chronicity. The differential diagnosis with other thickening of the hypophysial stem is very important, where the clinic, imaging, laboratory and eventually biopsy are a main support for a correct diagnosis. We present a clinical case that shows the usual picture of infundibuloneurohypophysitis, and illustrates the imaging evolution in a female patient, with diabetes insipidus as the main clinical manifestation

Humans , Female , Adult , Pituitary Diseases/complications , Pituitary Diseases/diagnosis , Diabetes Insipidus/etiology , Pituitary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Polyuria/etiology , Polyuria/drug therapy , Deamino Arginine Vasopressin/therapeutic use , Diabetes Insipidus/drug therapy , Diuresis/drug effects , Antidiuretic Agents/therapeutic use , Polydipsia/etiology , Polydipsia/drug therapy
J. vet. sci ; J. vet. sci;: 399-406, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57407


Ureteral jets are the result of a forceful ejection of urine from the vesicoureteral junction into the urinary bladder. By using color Doppler ultrasonography (US), we aimed to identify distinct ureteral jets in dogs, provide insight into ureteral obstruction, and facilitate study of urodynamics and vesicoureteric sphincter function via pulsed Doppler US. Color Doppler US was applied to detect urinary flow from the right ureteral orifices in eight healthy beagles. Under anesthesia, 0.9% saline (2.5 mL/kg/h) and furosemide (0.5 mg/kg) were administered intravenously to assist in detection of distinct ureteral jets and examine their frequency, velocity, duration, and waveform. In all dogs, ureteral jets were visualized under diuresis and anesthesia within 2 to 5 min (mean 3.57 ± 0.90 min) of the furosemide injection. Mean frequency, peak velocity, and duration of right ureteral jets in seven dogs in whom six ureteral jet waveform patterns were identified were 9.86 ± 3.09 jets/min, 34.07 ± 10.02 cm/sec, and 2.82 ± 1.08 sec, respectively. During the 10 min period starting 10 min after the initial jet appeared, only three waveforms were identified. Color Doppler US of ureteral jets may aid in assessing vesicoureteric sphincter function and ureteral abnormalities, such as ureteral obstruction, in dogs.

Animals , Dogs , Anesthesia , Diuresis , Furosemide , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Ureter , Ureteral Obstruction , Urinary Bladder , Urodynamics
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-149588


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients rarely present with either syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion or generalized edema. Tolvaptan is a selective vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist that produces effective aquaresis, and its use in ALS patients has not been previously reported. A 50-year-old male ALS patient was admitted because of both generalized edema and dilutional hyponatremia. These manifestations were refractory to conventional diuretics and fluid therapy, but a very brisk diuresis was induced by tolvaptan administration. Edema and hyponatremia were also improved, and the patient was able to be discharged without tolvaptan. In this case report, we postulate how edema and dilutional hyponatremia developed in the patient, and discuss the mechanism of tolvaptan in treating hypervolemic hyponatremia. Further experience is necessary to evaluate the usefulness of tolvaptan in patients with neurological disorders.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Diuresis , Diuretics , Edema , Fluid Therapy , Hyponatremia , Nervous System Diseases , Receptors, Vasopressin
Asian Oncology Nursing ; : 143-150, 2017.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-107200


PURPOSE: This is a descriptive study conducted in order to survey sleep patterns and factors responsible for sleep disturbance among adolescent cancer patients after hospital admission. METHODS: The study group included 46 adolescent cancer patients aged 10 to 19 who received admission care in multi-bed hospital rooms from March to June 2016. Data on patterns and quality of sleep, and factors causing sleep disturbance were recorded using the Verran and Snyder-Halpern (VSH) Sleep Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and a sleep disturbance questionnaire. RESULTS: There was no difference in patterns and quality of sleep prior to and after hospital admission in the study group. However, patients experienced sleep disturbance, as defined by PSQI > 5, both before (5.43) and after (6.30) admission. The most important physical, emotional and environmental factors causing sleep disturbance after admission were nocturnal diuresis, monotony of admission care, and crying of younger patients respectively. CONCLUSION: This study focused on sleep patterns and factors causing sleep disturbance after hospital admission for adolescent cancer patients. Future studies should aim to develop nursing interventions resulting in an environment that improves sleep quality. Additional studies should focus on developing daytime programs to determine the impact of admission care on other quality of life parameters.

Adolescent , Humans , Crying , Diuresis , Nursing , Quality of Life , Sleep Wake Disorders
Korean Journal of Medicine ; : 542-544, 2016.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-77225


Rhabdomyolysis results from acute damage to skeletal muscles caused by various conditions, of which hypokalemia is a recognized but rare example. Although primary aldosteronism may cause severe hypokalemia leading to rhabdomyolysis, the potassium level of such patients can be within the normal range. Hypokalemia is most frequently triggered when these patients are exposed to an additional insult, such as diuretic stress. Similarly, overzealous consumption of ionic beverages with osmotic diuretic effects can cause hypokalemia. Here, we describe a patient with an aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma, who presented with acute rhabdomyolysis secondary to severe hypokalemia triggered by consumption of a large volume of ionic beverage for 3 weeks.

Humans , Adenoma , Adrenocortical Adenoma , Beverages , Diuresis , Diuretics , Hyperaldosteronism , Hypokalemia , Muscle, Skeletal , Potassium , Reference Values , Rhabdomyolysis
Journal of Korean Diabetes ; : 225-232, 2016.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-726768


Since 2008, the Food and Drug Administration has required cardiovascular (CV) safety trials for all anti-diabetic medications available in the USA. Thus, new agents like dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have been tested in CV safety trials. The results of the Empagliflozin Cardiovascular Outcome Event Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients (EMPA-REG OUTCOME) were released last year. Of the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors tested, empagliflozin demonstrated a CV benefit in this trial. Another study of the renal protective effects of empagliflozin was released this year. The mechanisms supporting the cardio- and reno-protective effects of empagliflozin remain controversial. Hemodynamic changes related to SGLT2 inhibitors via natriuresis and osmotic diuresis are one potential mechanism. The Canadian Diabetes Association and European Society of Cardiology recently suggested SGLT2 inhibitors as an optimal anti-diabetic medication for patients with type 2 diabetes with overt CV disease. Further studies elucidating the potential mechanisms of cardio- and reno-protective effects of SGLT2 are needed.

Humans , Cardiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV Inhibitors , Diuresis , Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor , Hemodynamics , Natriuresis , Prescriptions , United States Food and Drug Administration
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-154207


Familial renal glycosuria (FRG) is an inherited disorder characterized by persistent glycosuria in the absence of hyperglycemia. It is caused by mutations in the sodium-glucose co-transporter, leading to increase in the renal excretion of glucose and sodium. However, there have been no studies on the role of fasting and postprandial changes in the urinary sodium excretion in patients with FRG. We report a case of renal glycosuria, which was confirmed by a SLC5A2 mutation via gene sequencing, and compared the postprandial urinary glucose and sodium excretion. A 26-year-old man sometimes experienced glycosuria on routine screening; however, other laboratory findings were normal. His fasting and postprandial urinary glucose excretion levels were 295mg/dL and 2,170mg/dL, respectively. The fasting and postprandial urinary sodium excretion levels were 200mEq/L and 89mEq/L, respectively. In patients with FRG, excessive diuresis might be prevented by a compensatory mechanism that reduces postprandial sodium excretion.

Adult , Humans , Diuresis , Fasting , Glucose , Glycosuria , Glycosuria, Renal , Hyperglycemia , Mass Screening , Renal Elimination , Sodium , Sodium-Glucose Transport Proteins
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-238425


The safety and effectiveness of a novel Chinese one-shot dilation technique based on stimulated diuresis for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) were investigated. After the feasibility of the Chinese one-shot dilation based on stimulated diuresis was verified by an animal study, this technique was applied in the clinical practice. A total of 67 patients in our department underwent the modified PCNL from July 2014 to June 2015. After the renal infundibulum was distended by stimulated diuresis, the kidney was punctured under the ultrasonographic guidance via the fornix of the target calyx. The working channel was dilated using a special designed pencil-shaped fascial dilator. The successful access rate, nephrostomy tract creation time, pre- and postoperative hemoglobin values and serum creatinine concentrations, stone-free rate and complications were recorded and analyzed. The renal infundibulum was successfully distended in all of the patients by the diuresis treatment. Under the ultrasonographic guidance, the successful access rate was 100% and the mean tract creation time was 2.0 min (range: 1.5-5.0 min). The stone-free rate right after surgery was 91.0%. Although the postoperative hemoglobin was significantly reduced (P<0.01), transfusion was not clinically necessary. There was no significant difference in serum creatinine concentrations before and after operation (P>0.05). No severe complication occurred during or after the PCNL. It was suggested that this Chinese one-shot dilation technique based on stimulated diuresis is an efficient and safe innovation for PCNL, and is even helpful for those patients with non-dilated pelvicaliceal systems.

Adult , Aged , Animals , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Creatinine , Blood , Diuresis , Hemoglobins , Metabolism , Kidney , General Surgery , Nephrostomy, Percutaneous , Methods , Postoperative Complications , Surgery, Computer-Assisted , Methods , Swine , Ultrasonography
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);91(5): 428-434, Sept.-Oct. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-766170


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To compare two electrolyte maintenance solutions in the postoperative period in children undergoing appendectomy, in relation to the occurrence of hyponatremia and water retention. METHODS: A randomized clinical study involving 50 pediatric patients undergoing appendectomy, who were randomized to receive 2,000 mL/m2/day of isotonic (Na 150 mEq/L or 0.9% NaCl) or hypotonic (Na 30 mEq/L NaCl or 0.18%) solution. Electrolytes, glucose, urea, and creatinine were measured at baseline, 24 h, and 48 h after surgery. Volume infused, diuresis, weight, and water balance were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients had initial hyponatremia; in this group, 13 received hypotonic solution. Seventeen patients remained hyponatremic 48 h after surgery, of whom ten had received hypotonic solution. In both groups, sodium levels increased at 24 h (137.4 ± 2.2 and 137.0 ± 2.7 mmol/L), with no significant difference between them (p = 0.593). Sodium levels 48 h after surgery were 136.6 ± 2.7 and 136.2 ± 2.3 mmol/L in isotonic and hypotonic groups, respectively, with no significant difference. The infused volume and urine output did not differ between groups during the study. The water balance was higher in the period before surgery in patients who received hypotonic solution (p = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS: In the post-appendectomy period, the use of hypotonic solution (30 mEq/L, 0.18%) did not increase the risk of hyponatremia when compared to isotonic saline. The use of isotonic solution (150 mEq/L, 0.9%) did not favor hypernatremia in these patients. Children who received hypotonic solution showed higher cumulative fluid balance in the preoperative period.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: Comparar duas soluções de manutenção hidroeletrolítica no período pós-operatório (PO) de crianças submetidas à apendicectomia quanto à ocorrência de hiponatremia e retenção hídrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico randomizado que envolveu 50 pacientes pediátricos submetidos à apendicectomia, randomizados para receber 2.000 ml/m2/dia de solução isotônica (Na 150 mEq/L ou NaCl 0,9%) ou hipotônica (Na 30mEq/L ou NaCl 0,18%). Eletrólitos, glicose, ureia e creatinina foram mensurados no início do estudo, 24 e 48 horas após a cirurgia. Foram analisados volume infundido, diurese, peso e balanço hídrico. RESULTADOS: Apresentaram hiponatremia inicial 24 pacientes. Desses, 13 receberam solução hipotônica. Dezessete pacientes permaneceram hiponatrêmicas 48 horas após a cirurgia, 10 haviam recebido solução hipotônica. Nos dois grupos os níveis de sódio aumentaram na 24ª hora PO (137,4 ± 2,2 e 137,0 ± 2,7) e não houve diferença entre eles (p = 0,593). Níveis de sódio 48 h após a cirurgia foram 136,6 ± 2,7 e 136,2 ± 2,3 no grupo isotônico e hipotônico respectivamente sem diferença significativa. Os volumes infundidos e a diurese não diferiram entre os grupos durante o estudo. O balanço hídrico foi maior no período anterior à cirurgia no grupo de pacientes que receberam solução hipotônica (p = 0,021). CONCLUSÕES: No período pós-apendicectomia, o uso da solução hipotônica não aumentou o risco de hiponatremia quando comparado com uma solução salina isotônica. O uso da solução isotônica não favoreceu a hipernatremia nesses pacientes. Crianças que receberam solução hipotônica apresentaram maior balanço hídrico cumulativo no período pré-operatório.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Appendectomy , Fluid Therapy/methods , Hyponatremia/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Appendectomy/adverse effects , Double-Blind Method , Diuresis/drug effects , Glucose/administration & dosage , Hyponatremia/blood , Hypotonic Solutions/administration & dosage , Infusions, Intravenous , Isotonic Solutions/administration & dosage , Postoperative Period , Preoperative Period , Prospective Studies , Potassium Chloride/administration & dosage , Sodium Chloride/administration & dosage , Sodium/blood
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);133(1): 60-63, Jan-Fev/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-733010


CONTEXT: Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is a rare cause of hypernatremia during the neonatal period. The diagnosis is particularly difficult in very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns. CASE REPORT: We report on a preterm newborn who presented CDI soon after birth. On the third day of life, signs of dehydration were present despite normal fluid supply. The diuresis rate was 4.4 ml/kg/h. Although the fluid supply was then increased, the dehydration continued, with hypernatremia, normal glycemia, diuresis of 7.4 ml/kg/h and urine density of 1005 mOsmol/l. Thus, a diagnostic hypothesis of diabetes insipidus was raised. A test with a nasal vasopressin analogue (dDAVP) was performed and CDI was confirmed. Reduction of the fluid supply became possible through appropriate treatment. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of CDI is rarely made during the neonatal period, especially in VLBW newborns, because of the difficulty in detecting elevated diuresis. Persistent hypernatremia, usually accompanied by hyperthermia despite abundant fluid supply, weight loss and low urine osmolality are important signs of alert. .

CONTEXTO: Diabete insípido central (DIC) é uma rara causa de hipernatremia durante o período neonatal. O diagnóstico é difícil, particularmente em recém-nascidos (RN) de muito baixo peso (RNMBP). RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos um RN que apresentou DIC logo após o nascimento. No terceiro dia de vida, apresentava sinais de desidratação, embora estivesse recebendo aporte adequado de líquidos. A diurese aferida era de 4,4 ml/kg/h. Apesar do aumento do aporte hídrico, manteve-se desidratado, com hipernatremia, valores normais de glicemia e diurese de 7,4 ml/kg/h com densidade urinária de 1005 mOsmol/l. Desta forma, a hipótese diagnóstica de diabete insípido foi considerada. O teste com análogo da vasopressina (dDAVP) foi realizado e DIC foi confirmado. A redução do aporte de líquidos foi possível com o tratamento adequado. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico de DIC raramente é realizado durante o período neonatal, particularmente em RNMBP, devido à dificuldade em detectar diurese aumentada. Hipernatremia persistente, geralmente acompanhada de hipertermia, apesar do abundante aporte de água, perda de peso e osmolaridade urinaria baixa, são importantes sinais de alerta. .

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Dehydration/etiology , Diabetes Insipidus, Neurogenic/complications , Administration, Intranasal , Deamino Arginine Vasopressin , Dehydration/drug therapy , Diabetes Insipidus, Neurogenic/diagnosis , Diabetes Insipidus, Neurogenic/drug therapy , Diuresis , Early Diagnosis , Hemostatics/therapeutic use , Hypernatremia/blood , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Osmolar Concentration , Premature Birth , Treatment Outcome